예제 #1
 def setUp(self):
     self.main_node = Node('Main Test Node')
     self.other_node = Node('Other Test Node')
     self.main_link = Link(self.other_node, 1)
     self.other_link = Link(self.main_node, 1)
예제 #2
 def test_add_link_with_multiple_targets(self):
     additional_node_1 = Node('Additional Node 1')
     additional_node_2 = Node('Additional Node 2')
     LINK_WEIGHT = 10
     self.main_node.add_link([additional_node_1, additional_node_2],
     # Check that the links were added and have the correct weight
     new_link_1 = self.main_node.link_list[-2]
     self.assertEqual(new_link_1.target, additional_node_1)
     self.assertEqual(new_link_1.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)
     new_link_2 = self.main_node.link_list[-1]
     self.assertEqual(new_link_2.target, additional_node_2)
     self.assertEqual(new_link_2.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)
예제 #3
 def test_add_link_to_self_with_multiple_sources(self):
     LINK_WEIGHT = 1
     additional_node_1 = Node('Additional Node 1')
     additional_node_2 = Node('Additional Node 2')
     self.main_node.add_link_to_self([additional_node_1, additional_node_2],
     # Check that the link was added and has the correct weight
     new_link_1 = additional_node_1.link_list[-1]
     self.assertEqual(new_link_1.target, self.main_node)
     self.assertEqual(new_link_1.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)
     new_link_2 = additional_node_2.link_list[-1]
     self.assertEqual(new_link_2.target, self.main_node)
     self.assertEqual(new_link_2.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)
예제 #4
파일: test_graph.py 프로젝트: ajyoon/blur
 def setUp(self):
     self.test_graph = Graph()
     self.node_1 = Node('Node 1')
     self.node_2 = Node('Node 2')
     self.node_3 = Node('Node 3')
     self.node_1.link_list.append(Link(self.node_2, 234))
     self.node_1.link_list.append(Link(self.node_3, 375))
     self.node_2.link_list.append(Link(self.node_1, 124))
     self.node_2.link_list.append(Link(self.node_3, 247))
     self.node_3.link_list.append(Link(self.node_1, 123))
     self.node_3.link_list.append(Link(self.node_2, 234))
예제 #5
 def test_find_link(self):
     found_link = self.main_node.find_link(self.other_node)
     self.assertEqual(found_link, self.main_link)
     # Test target value not found should return None
     unlinked_to_node = Node("Node that isn't linked to")
     bad_found_link = self.main_node.find_link(unlinked_to_node)
예제 #6
파일: test_node.py 프로젝트: ajyoon/blur
 def setUp(self):
     self.main_node = Node('Main Test Node')
     self.other_node = Node('Other Test Node')
     self.main_link = Link(self.other_node, 1)
     self.other_link = Link(self.main_node, 1)
예제 #7
 def test_add_link_to_self_with_one_source(self):
     LINK_WEIGHT = 1
     additional_node = Node('Additional Node')
     self.main_node.add_link_to_self(additional_node, LINK_WEIGHT)
     # Check that the link was added and has the correct weight
     new_link = additional_node.link_list[-1]
     self.assertEqual(new_link.target, self.main_node)
     self.assertEqual(new_link.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)
예제 #8
 def test_add_link_with_one_target(self):
     additional_node = Node('Additional Node')
     LINK_WEIGHT = 10
     self.main_node.add_link(additional_node, weight=LINK_WEIGHT)
     # Check that the link was added and has the correct weight
     new_link = self.main_node.link_list[-1]
     self.assertEqual(new_link.target, additional_node)
     self.assertEqual(new_link.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)
예제 #9
 def test_add_reciprocal_link_with_one_target(self):
     LINK_WEIGHT = 1
     additional_node = Node('Additional Node')
     self.main_node.add_reciprocal_link(additional_node, LINK_WEIGHT)
     # Test that both links were added
     new_link_1 = self.main_node.link_list[-1]
     self.assertEqual(new_link_1.target, additional_node)
     self.assertEqual(new_link_1.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)
     new_link_2 = additional_node.link_list[-1]
     self.assertEqual(new_link_2.target, self.main_node)
     self.assertEqual(new_link_2.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)
예제 #10
 def test_add_reciprocal_link_with_multiple_targets(self):
     LINK_WEIGHT = 1
     additional_node_1 = Node('Additional Node 1')
     additional_node_2 = Node('Additional Node 2')
         [additional_node_1, additional_node_2], LINK_WEIGHT)
     # Test that all links were added as expected
     # Test links in self.main_node
     new_link_1 = self.main_node.link_list[-2]
     self.assertEqual(new_link_1.target, additional_node_1)
     self.assertEqual(new_link_1.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)
     new_link_2 = self.main_node.link_list[-1]
     self.assertEqual(new_link_2.target, additional_node_2)
     self.assertEqual(new_link_2.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)
     # Test links in additional_node_1
     new_link_3 = additional_node_1.link_list[-1]
     self.assertEqual(new_link_3.target, self.main_node)
     self.assertEqual(new_link_3.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)
     # Test links in additional_node_2
     new_link_4 = additional_node_2.link_list[-1]
     self.assertEqual(new_link_4.target, self.main_node)
     self.assertEqual(new_link_4.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)
예제 #11
    def test_merge_links_from_with_merge_same_value_targets(self):
        new_node_with_existing_value = Node('Other Test Node')
        extra_test_link = Link(new_node_with_existing_value, 5)

        # Test that only one link was added to self.main_node
        self.assertEqual(len(self.main_node.link_list), 2)
        # Test that the weight of extra_test_link was added to self.main_link
        self.assertEqual(self.main_node.link_list[0], self.main_link)
        self.assertEqual(self.main_link.weight, 6)
        # Test that the added link is a new link, not the old link
        self.assertNotEqual(self.main_node.link_list[1], self.other_link)
        self.assertEqual(self.main_node.link_list[1].target, self.main_node)
        self.assertEqual(self.main_node.link_list[1].weight, 1)
예제 #12
 def test_str(self):
     node = Node('Test Node')
     link = Link(node, 1)
     expected = ('node.Link instance pointing to node '
                 'with value "Test Node" with weight 1')
     self.assertEqual(expected, link.__str__())
예제 #13
파일: test_graph.py 프로젝트: ajyoon/blur
 def test_add_nodes_with_multiple_nodes(self):
     self.test_graph.add_nodes([Node('Node 4'),
                                Node('Node 5')])
     self.assertEqual(len(self.test_graph.node_list), 5)
예제 #14
파일: test_graph.py 프로젝트: ajyoon/blur
 def test_add_nodes_with_one_node(self):
     self.test_graph.add_nodes(Node('Node 4'))
     self.assertEqual(len(self.test_graph.node_list), 4)
예제 #15
파일: test_graph.py 프로젝트: ajyoon/blur
 def test_remove_node_with_node_not_in_graph_does_nothing(self):
     node_not_in_graph = Node('Node not in the graph')
                      [self.node_1, self.node_2, self.node_3])
예제 #16
파일: test_node.py 프로젝트: ajyoon/blur
class TestNode(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.main_node = Node('Main Test Node')
        self.other_node = Node('Other Test Node')
        self.main_link = Link(self.other_node, 1)
        self.other_link = Link(self.main_node, 1)

    def test_init(self):
        # since setUp() already calls init, just verify that it worked
        self.assertEqual(self.main_node.value, 'Main Test Node')
        self.assertEqual(self.main_node.link_list, [self.main_link])

    def test_str(self):
        expected = """node.Node instance with value Main Test Node with 1 links:
    0: 1 --> Other Test Node"""
        self.assertMultiLineEqual(expected, self.main_node.__str__())

    def test_merge_links_from(self):
        extra_test_link = Link(self.other_node, 5)

        # Test that only one link was added to self.main_node
        self.assertEqual(len(self.main_node.link_list), 2)
        # Test that the weight of extra_test_link was added to self.main_link
        self.assertEqual(self.main_node.link_list[0], self.main_link)
        self.assertEqual(self.main_link.weight, 6)
        # Test that the added link is a new link, not the old link
        self.assertNotEqual(self.main_node.link_list[1], self.other_link)
        self.assertEqual(self.main_node.link_list[1].target, self.main_node)
        self.assertEqual(self.main_node.link_list[1].weight, 1)

    def test_merge_links_from_with_merge_same_value_targets(self):
        new_node_with_existing_value = Node('Other Test Node')
        extra_test_link = Link(new_node_with_existing_value, 5)

        # Test that only one link was added to self.main_node
        self.assertEqual(len(self.main_node.link_list), 2)
        # Test that the weight of extra_test_link was added to self.main_link
        self.assertEqual(self.main_node.link_list[0], self.main_link)
        self.assertEqual(self.main_link.weight, 6)
        # Test that the added link is a new link, not the old link
        self.assertNotEqual(self.main_node.link_list[1], self.other_link)
        self.assertEqual(self.main_node.link_list[1].target, self.main_node)
        self.assertEqual(self.main_node.link_list[1].weight, 1)

    def test_find_link(self):
        found_link = self.main_node.find_link(self.other_node)
        self.assertEqual(found_link, self.main_link)
        # Test target value not found should return None
        unlinked_to_node = Node("Node that isn't linked to")
        bad_found_link = self.main_node.find_link(unlinked_to_node)

    def test_add_link_with_one_target(self):
        additional_node = Node('Additional Node')
        LINK_WEIGHT = 10
        self.main_node.add_link(additional_node, weight=LINK_WEIGHT)
        # Check that the link was added and has the correct weight
        new_link = self.main_node.link_list[-1]
        self.assertEqual(new_link.target, additional_node)
        self.assertEqual(new_link.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)

    def test_add_link_with_multiple_targets(self):
        additional_node_1 = Node('Additional Node 1')
        additional_node_2 = Node('Additional Node 2')
        LINK_WEIGHT = 10
        self.main_node.add_link([additional_node_1, additional_node_2],
        # Check that the links were added and have the correct weight
        new_link_1 = self.main_node.link_list[-2]
        self.assertEqual(new_link_1.target, additional_node_1)
        self.assertEqual(new_link_1.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)
        new_link_2 = self.main_node.link_list[-1]
        self.assertEqual(new_link_2.target, additional_node_2)
        self.assertEqual(new_link_2.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)

    def test_add_link_to_existing_node(self):
        ADDED_LINK_WEIGHT = 10
        original_link_weight = self.main_link.weight
        original_link_list_length = len(self.main_node.link_list)
        self.main_node.add_link(self.other_node, weight=ADDED_LINK_WEIGHT)
        # Check that main_node.link_list did not gain a link
        # Check that ADDED_LINK_WEIGHT was added to self.main_link.weight
                         original_link_weight + ADDED_LINK_WEIGHT)

    def test_add_link_to_self_with_one_source(self):
        LINK_WEIGHT = 1
        additional_node = Node('Additional Node')
        self.main_node.add_link_to_self(additional_node, LINK_WEIGHT)
        # Check that the link was added and has the correct weight
        new_link = additional_node.link_list[-1]
        self.assertEqual(new_link.target, self.main_node)
        self.assertEqual(new_link.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)

    def test_add_link_to_self_with_multiple_sources(self):
        LINK_WEIGHT = 1
        additional_node_1 = Node('Additional Node 1')
        additional_node_2 = Node('Additional Node 2')
        self.main_node.add_link_to_self([additional_node_1, additional_node_2],
        # Check that the link was added and has the correct weight
        new_link_1 = additional_node_1.link_list[-1]
        self.assertEqual(new_link_1.target, self.main_node)
        self.assertEqual(new_link_1.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)
        new_link_2 = additional_node_2.link_list[-1]
        self.assertEqual(new_link_2.target, self.main_node)
        self.assertEqual(new_link_2.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)

    def test_add_reciprocal_link_with_one_target(self):
        LINK_WEIGHT = 1
        additional_node = Node('Additional Node')
        self.main_node.add_reciprocal_link(additional_node, LINK_WEIGHT)
        # Test that both links were added
        new_link_1 = self.main_node.link_list[-1]
        self.assertEqual(new_link_1.target, additional_node)
        self.assertEqual(new_link_1.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)
        new_link_2 = additional_node.link_list[-1]
        self.assertEqual(new_link_2.target, self.main_node)
        self.assertEqual(new_link_2.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)

    def test_add_reciprocal_link_with_multiple_targets(self):
        LINK_WEIGHT = 1
        additional_node_1 = Node('Additional Node 1')
        additional_node_2 = Node('Additional Node 2')
            [additional_node_1, additional_node_2],
        # Test that all links were added as expected
        # Test links in self.main_node
        new_link_1 = self.main_node.link_list[-2]
        self.assertEqual(new_link_1.target, additional_node_1)
        self.assertEqual(new_link_1.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)
        new_link_2 = self.main_node.link_list[-1]
        self.assertEqual(new_link_2.target, additional_node_2)
        self.assertEqual(new_link_2.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)
        # Test links in additional_node_1
        new_link_3 = additional_node_1.link_list[-1]
        self.assertEqual(new_link_3.target, self.main_node)
        self.assertEqual(new_link_3.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)
        # Test links in additional_node_2
        new_link_4 = additional_node_2.link_list[-1]
        self.assertEqual(new_link_4.target, self.main_node)
        self.assertEqual(new_link_4.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)

    def test_remove_links_to_self(self):
        # Manually add a link pointing from self.main_node to itself
        new_link = Link(self.main_node, 1)
        self.assertFalse(self.main_node in
                         [l.target for l in self.main_node.link_list])

    def test_get_value(self):
        value = self.main_node.get_value()
        self.assertEqual(value, self.main_node.value)
예제 #17
    def from_string(cls,
        Read a string and derive of ``Graph`` from it.

        Words and punctuation marks are made into nodes.

        Punctuation marks are split into separate nodes unless they fall
        between other non-punctuation marks. ``'hello, world'`` is split
        into ``'hello'``, ``','``, and ``'world'``, while ``'who's there?'``
        is split into ``"who's"``, ``'there'``, and ``'?'``.

        To group arbitrary characters together into a single node
        (e.g. to make ``'hello, world!'``), surround the
        text in question with ``group_marker_opening`` and
        ``group_marker_closing``. With the default value, this
        would look like ``'<<hello, world!>>'``. It is recommended that
        the group markers not appear anywhere in the source text where they
        aren't meant to act as such to prevent unexpected behavior.

        The exact regex for extracting nodes is defined by: ::

            expression = r'{0}(.+){1}|([^\w\s]+)\B|([\S]+\b)'.format(
                ''.join('\\' + c for c in group_marker_opening),
                ''.join('\\' + c for c in group_marker_closing)

            source (str): the string to derive the graph from
            distance_weights (dict): dict of relative indices corresponding
                with word weights. For example, if a dict entry is ``1: 1000``
                this means that every word is linked to the word which follows
                it with a weight of 1000. ``-4: 350`` would mean that every
                word is linked to the 4th word behind it with a weight of 350.
                A key of ``0`` refers to the weight words get
                pointing to themselves. Keys pointing beyond the edge of the
                word list will wrap around the list.

                The default value for ``distance_weights`` is ``{1: 1}``.
                This means that each word gets equal weight to whatever
                word follows it. Consequently, if this default value is
                used and ``merge_same_words`` is ``False``, the resulting
                graph behavior will simply move linearly through the
                source, wrapping at the end to the beginning.

            merge_same_words (bool): if nodes which have the same value should
                be merged or not.
            group_marker_opening (str): The string used to mark the beginning
                of word groups.
            group_marker_closing (str): The string used to mark the end
                of word groups. It is strongly recommended that this be
                different than ``group_marker_opening`` to prevent unexpected
                behavior with the regex pattern.

        Returns: Graph

            >>> graph = Graph.from_string('i have nothing to say and '
            ...                           'i am saying it and that is poetry.')
            >>> ' '.join(graph.pick().value for i in range(8)) # doctest: +SKIP
            'using chance algorithmic in algorithmic art easier blur'
        if distance_weights is None:
            distance_weights = {1: 1}
        # Convert distance_weights to a sorted list of tuples
        # To make output node list order more predictable
        sorted_weights_list = sorted(distance_weights.items(),
                                     key=lambda i: i[0])
        # regex that matches:
        #   * Anything surrounded by
        #       group_marker_opening and group_marker_closing,
        #   * Groups of punctuation marks followed by whitespace
        #   * Any continuous group of non-whitespace characters
        #       followed by whitespace
        expression = r'{0}(.+){1}|([^\w\s]+)\B|([\S]+\b)'.format(
            ''.join('\\' + c for c in group_marker_opening),
            ''.join('\\' + c for c in group_marker_closing))
        matches = re.findall(expression, source)
        # Un-tuple matches since we are only using groups to strip brackets
        # Is there a better way to do this?
        words = [next(t for t in match if t) for match in matches]

        if merge_same_words:
            # Ensure a 1:1 correspondence between words and nodes,
            # and that all links point to these nodes as well

            # Create nodes for every unique word
            temp_node_list = []
            for word in words:
                if word not in (n.value for n in temp_node_list):
            # Loop through words, attaching links to nodes which correspond
            # to the current word. Ensure links also point to valid
            # corresponding nodes in the node list.
            for i, word in enumerate(words):
                matching_node = next(
                    (n for n in temp_node_list if n.value == word))
                for key, weight in sorted_weights_list:
                    # Wrap the index of edge items
                    wrapped_index = (key + i) % len(words)
                    target_word = words[wrapped_index]
                    matching_target_node = next(
                        (n for n in temp_node_list if n.value == target_word))
                    matching_node.add_link(matching_target_node, weight)
            # Create one node for every (not necessarily unique) word.
            temp_node_list = [Node(word) for word in words]
            for i, node in enumerate(temp_node_list):
                for key, weight in sorted_weights_list:
                    # Wrap the index of edge items
                    wrapped_index = (key + i) % len(temp_node_list)
                    node.add_link(temp_node_list[wrapped_index], weight)

        graph = cls()
        return graph
예제 #18
 def test_init(self):
     node = Node('Test Node')
     link = Link(node, 1)
     self.assertEqual(link.target, node)
     self.assertEqual(link.weight, 1)
예제 #19
class TestNode(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.main_node = Node('Main Test Node')
        self.other_node = Node('Other Test Node')
        self.main_link = Link(self.other_node, 1)
        self.other_link = Link(self.main_node, 1)

    def test_init(self):
        # since setUp() already calls init, just verify that it worked
        self.assertEqual(self.main_node.value, 'Main Test Node')
        self.assertEqual(self.main_node.link_list, [self.main_link])

    def test_str(self):
        expected = """node.Node instance with value Main Test Node with 1 links:
    0: 1 --> Other Test Node"""
        self.assertMultiLineEqual(expected, self.main_node.__str__())

    def test_merge_links_from(self):
        extra_test_link = Link(self.other_node, 5)

        # Test that only one link was added to self.main_node
        self.assertEqual(len(self.main_node.link_list), 2)
        # Test that the weight of extra_test_link was added to self.main_link
        self.assertEqual(self.main_node.link_list[0], self.main_link)
        self.assertEqual(self.main_link.weight, 6)
        # Test that the added link is a new link, not the old link
        self.assertNotEqual(self.main_node.link_list[1], self.other_link)
        self.assertEqual(self.main_node.link_list[1].target, self.main_node)
        self.assertEqual(self.main_node.link_list[1].weight, 1)

    def test_merge_links_from_with_merge_same_value_targets(self):
        new_node_with_existing_value = Node('Other Test Node')
        extra_test_link = Link(new_node_with_existing_value, 5)

        # Test that only one link was added to self.main_node
        self.assertEqual(len(self.main_node.link_list), 2)
        # Test that the weight of extra_test_link was added to self.main_link
        self.assertEqual(self.main_node.link_list[0], self.main_link)
        self.assertEqual(self.main_link.weight, 6)
        # Test that the added link is a new link, not the old link
        self.assertNotEqual(self.main_node.link_list[1], self.other_link)
        self.assertEqual(self.main_node.link_list[1].target, self.main_node)
        self.assertEqual(self.main_node.link_list[1].weight, 1)

    def test_find_link(self):
        found_link = self.main_node.find_link(self.other_node)
        self.assertEqual(found_link, self.main_link)
        # Test target value not found should return None
        unlinked_to_node = Node("Node that isn't linked to")
        bad_found_link = self.main_node.find_link(unlinked_to_node)

    def test_add_link_with_one_target(self):
        additional_node = Node('Additional Node')
        LINK_WEIGHT = 10
        self.main_node.add_link(additional_node, weight=LINK_WEIGHT)
        # Check that the link was added and has the correct weight
        new_link = self.main_node.link_list[-1]
        self.assertEqual(new_link.target, additional_node)
        self.assertEqual(new_link.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)

    def test_add_link_with_multiple_targets(self):
        additional_node_1 = Node('Additional Node 1')
        additional_node_2 = Node('Additional Node 2')
        LINK_WEIGHT = 10
        self.main_node.add_link([additional_node_1, additional_node_2],
        # Check that the links were added and have the correct weight
        new_link_1 = self.main_node.link_list[-2]
        self.assertEqual(new_link_1.target, additional_node_1)
        self.assertEqual(new_link_1.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)
        new_link_2 = self.main_node.link_list[-1]
        self.assertEqual(new_link_2.target, additional_node_2)
        self.assertEqual(new_link_2.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)

    def test_add_link_to_existing_node(self):
        ADDED_LINK_WEIGHT = 10
        original_link_weight = self.main_link.weight
        original_link_list_length = len(self.main_node.link_list)
        self.main_node.add_link(self.other_node, weight=ADDED_LINK_WEIGHT)
        # Check that main_node.link_list did not gain a link
        # Check that ADDED_LINK_WEIGHT was added to self.main_link.weight
                         original_link_weight + ADDED_LINK_WEIGHT)

    def test_add_link_to_self_with_one_source(self):
        LINK_WEIGHT = 1
        additional_node = Node('Additional Node')
        self.main_node.add_link_to_self(additional_node, LINK_WEIGHT)
        # Check that the link was added and has the correct weight
        new_link = additional_node.link_list[-1]
        self.assertEqual(new_link.target, self.main_node)
        self.assertEqual(new_link.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)

    def test_add_link_to_self_with_multiple_sources(self):
        LINK_WEIGHT = 1
        additional_node_1 = Node('Additional Node 1')
        additional_node_2 = Node('Additional Node 2')
        self.main_node.add_link_to_self([additional_node_1, additional_node_2],
        # Check that the link was added and has the correct weight
        new_link_1 = additional_node_1.link_list[-1]
        self.assertEqual(new_link_1.target, self.main_node)
        self.assertEqual(new_link_1.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)
        new_link_2 = additional_node_2.link_list[-1]
        self.assertEqual(new_link_2.target, self.main_node)
        self.assertEqual(new_link_2.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)

    def test_add_reciprocal_link_with_one_target(self):
        LINK_WEIGHT = 1
        additional_node = Node('Additional Node')
        self.main_node.add_reciprocal_link(additional_node, LINK_WEIGHT)
        # Test that both links were added
        new_link_1 = self.main_node.link_list[-1]
        self.assertEqual(new_link_1.target, additional_node)
        self.assertEqual(new_link_1.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)
        new_link_2 = additional_node.link_list[-1]
        self.assertEqual(new_link_2.target, self.main_node)
        self.assertEqual(new_link_2.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)

    def test_add_reciprocal_link_with_multiple_targets(self):
        LINK_WEIGHT = 1
        additional_node_1 = Node('Additional Node 1')
        additional_node_2 = Node('Additional Node 2')
            [additional_node_1, additional_node_2], LINK_WEIGHT)
        # Test that all links were added as expected
        # Test links in self.main_node
        new_link_1 = self.main_node.link_list[-2]
        self.assertEqual(new_link_1.target, additional_node_1)
        self.assertEqual(new_link_1.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)
        new_link_2 = self.main_node.link_list[-1]
        self.assertEqual(new_link_2.target, additional_node_2)
        self.assertEqual(new_link_2.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)
        # Test links in additional_node_1
        new_link_3 = additional_node_1.link_list[-1]
        self.assertEqual(new_link_3.target, self.main_node)
        self.assertEqual(new_link_3.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)
        # Test links in additional_node_2
        new_link_4 = additional_node_2.link_list[-1]
        self.assertEqual(new_link_4.target, self.main_node)
        self.assertEqual(new_link_4.weight, LINK_WEIGHT)

    def test_remove_links_to_self(self):
        # Manually add a link pointing from self.main_node to itself
        new_link = Link(self.main_node, 1)
            self.main_node in [l.target for l in self.main_node.link_list])

    def test_get_value(self):
        value = self.main_node.get_value()
        self.assertEqual(value, self.main_node.value)
예제 #20
 def test_short_str(self):
     node = Node('Test Node')
     link = Link(node, 1)
     expected = ('1 --> Test Node')
     self.assertEqual(expected, link._short_str())