timeout=1) instance = dht11.DHT11(pin=17) ser.reset_input_buffer() buzzer = 23 relay = 27 #device connected to normally closed terminal count = 0 count1 = 0 flag = 0 GPIO.setup(buzzer, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(relay, GPIO.OUT) lcd.clear() GPIO.output(buzzer, GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(relay, GPIO.LOW) authtoken = '2c6909a5c93d433aa1baf7c0ce06c444' powerswitchpin = Blynk(authtoken, pin="V6") startpin = Blynk(authtoken, pin="V7") stoppin = Blynk(authtoken, pin="V8") timercontrol = Blynk(authtoken, pin="V9") blynk = BlynkLib.Blynk(authtoken) #Timer settings for device off duration def timecomp(start, stop): currentDT = datetime.datetime.now() currenthour = currentDT.hour if (start < stop): if (start <= currenthour and currenthour < stop): return True else:
from blynkapi import Blynk import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import os import glob os.system('modprobe w1-gpio') os.system('modprobe w1-therm') base_dir = '/sys/bus/w1/devices/' device_folder = glob.glob(base_dir + '28*')[0] device_file = device_folder + '/w1_slave' GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) auth_token = "YOUR TOKEN" temp = Blynk(auth_token, pin = "V3") def read_temp_raw(): f = open(device_file, 'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() return lines def read_temp(): temp = read_temp_raw() while lines[0].strip()[-3:] != 'YES': temp = read_temp_raw() equals_pos = lines[1].find('t=') if equals_pos != -1: temp_string = lines[1][equals_pos+2:] temp_c = float(temp_string) / 1000.0 return temp_c
GPIO.setup(17, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(27, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(23, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(24, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(18, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(19, GPIO.OUT) p = GPIO.PWM(19, 50) p1 = GPIO.PWM(18, 50) p.start(0) p1.start(0) auth = "f1f169ef17fa45b0824b085f42c1e4ec" Blynk(auth, ) print(Blynk(auth).app_status()) print(Blynk(auth).hw_status()) def SetAngle1(angle): print("Angle: ") print(angle) duty_cycle = (angle / 18) + 2 GPIO.output(19, True) p.ChangeDutyCycle(duty_cycle) GPIO.output(19, False) def SetAngle2(angle):
'''----------------------------------------- This is the original script to test the ability to get data from the Blynk controller in real time. Please install Blynk API first. https://github.com/xandr2/blynkapi Will get values from the "virtual pins" made on the Blynk controller -----------------------------------------''' from blynkapi import Blynk from time import sleep auth_token = "340c28ef62d94a998855b7c8d4b89651" # create the blynk object blynk = Blynk(auth_token) # print the status to ensure it is connected to Blynk server print blynk.app_status() # create virtual pin objects height = Blynk(auth_token, pin="V0") x_pos = Blynk(auth_token, pin="V1") y_pos = Blynk(auth_token, pin="V2") # get current status of each pin while (1): curr_height = height.get_val() curr_x_pos = x_pos.get_val() curr_y_pos = y_pos.get_val() print curr_height, curr_x_pos, curr_y_pos
def checkResetCounterButton(): ResetButtonState = Blynk(BLYNK_AUTH, pin="V0") result = ResetButtonState.get_val() if result[0] == "1": return True
import time from gpiozero import MCP3008, LED from blynkapi import Blynk from time import sleep from rpi_lcd import LCD auth_token = "1letPRLrzfboQtbakpFaOk2dX_vc-xCg" led = LED(21) adc = MCP3008(channel=0) lcd = LCD() while True: try: button = Blynk(auth_token, pin="V0") button_val = str(button.get_val()[0]) print("Button value is %s" % (button_val)) if button_val == "1": led.on() lcd.text('Classroom is open', 1) else: led.off() lcd.text('', 1) light = Blynk(auth_token, pin="V1") light_sensor_value = adc.value * 1024 s_light_sensor_value = str(light_sensor_value) fs_light_sensor_value = "[\"" + s_light_sensor_value + "\"]" print("Light sensor value is %s" % (fs_light_sensor_value)) light.set_val_old(fs_light_sensor_value)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # if you install it from pip, else use `from Blynk import *` from blynkapi import Blynk import time # vars auth_token = "dc1c083949324ca28fbf393231f8cf09" # create objects v0 = Blynk(auth_token, pin = "V0" ) v10 = Blynk(auth_token, pin = "V10") # get current status res = v0.get_val() print(res) # set pin value to 1 print("V10 on") v10.set_val(255) # set pin value to 0 time.sleep(10) print("V10 off") v10.off()
import time from blynkapi import Blynk from gpiozero import LED from time import sleep import sys auth_tokens = sys.argv[1] led = LED(4) def airconOn(): led.on() def airconOff(): led.off() for auth_token in auth_tokens: try: button = Blynk(auth_token, pin = "V0") button_val = str(button.get_val()[0]) if button_val=="1": airconOn() else: airconOff() except Exception: sys.exit(1)
from pyA20.gpio import gpio from pyA20.gpio import port from time import sleep from blynkapi import Blynk #from Blynk import * import time gpio.init() led_1 = port.PA12 auth_token = "6550d659b4bb4d189509a09e6f7f61ff" room_light = Blynk(auth_token, pin="V0") gpio.setcfg(led_1, gpio.OUTPUT) while True: res = room_light.get_val() print res if res[0] == u'0': gpio.output(led_1, 1) print res print "xxxx" if res[0] == u'1': gpio.output(led_1, 0) print res print("YYYYY") # set pin value (one) #amp_power.set_val(["120"]) # set pin value to 1 #room_light.on() # set pin value to 0
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # if you install it from pip, else use `from Blynk import *` from blynkapi import Blynk import time # vars auth_token = "dc1c083949324ca28fbf393231f8cf09" # create objects v0 = Blynk(auth_token, pin="V0") v10 = Blynk(auth_token, pin="V10") # get current status res = v0.get_val() print(res) # set pin value to 1 print("V10 on") v10.set_val(255) # set pin value to 0 time.sleep(10) print("V10 off") v10.off()
from blynkapi import Blynk import time import unicodedata import thread files = '/home/pi/hinh/{0}.jpeg' f = open('/home/pi/config/auth.txt', 'r') auth = f.read(32) f.close() e = open('/home/pi/config/email.txt', 'r') em = e.read().strip() e.close() #auth="5308db499c81455cac655562ba5967f0" notification = 'The door is open, Image Link send to email' notify = Blynk(auth) sendmail = Blynk(auth) led = Blynk(auth, pin='V5') device1 = Blynk(auth, pin='V3') std1 = Blynk(auth, pin='V2') ########################################################### # create IO io.setmode(io.BCM) io.setup(4, io.IN, pull_up_down=io.PUD_DOWN) # Sensor input io.setup(16, io.OUT) # configarution dropbox dbx = dropbox.Dropbox( '58tDXm_qTmAAAAAAAAAAEmntpAVf_FVI3S2DtJvR8zKBLy_eNuz9rB2TmCOREfiX') link = 'https://www.dropbox.com/sh/yzlaq6k5oicazzu/AAA83ia5wBg4UzqATkR3EPbTa?dl=0'
import telegram from telegram.ext import Updater, CommandHandler, MessageHandler, Filters, InlineQueryHandler, CallbackQueryHandler from blynkapi import Blynk import logging # Vars # your telegram bot token id tokenid = '251sdbrmvorfiojoeirjgoejfwcwlclrlGxAqQUpnc' # Blynk projects id my_project = "fe4ab7fe7aawfd3qffervw45t2sdferrf34e" my_project2 = "sbvhcaci34hwch8qghdhp8csdnci0jvhd39s" # create a blynk objects with you want to work k_amp_power = Blynk(my_project, pin = "V3") k_light = Blynk(my_project, pin = "V4") k_amp_src = Blynk(my_project2, pin = "V2") # begin of program logging.basicConfig( format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=logging.INFO) def start(bot, update): """Base menu with all available commands""" bot.sendMessage(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=""" I'm a bot, please talk to me! You can: /amplifier turn On/Off amp on kitchen
def turn_on(pin): machine = Blynk(token=BLYNK_TOKEN, server=blynk_server, protocol=blynk_protocol, port=blynk_port, pin=pin) machine.off() time.sleep(1) machine.on()
from blynkapi import Blynk import time #Sensor number 4 with DHT22 token = 'e6532120260e4cc68318831d146b2c51' #Pin 1 is LED,5 is humidity,6 is temperature sensor_reading = Blynk(token, pin="V5", server="blynk.bitville.com", port="8080") while True: result = sensor_reading.get_val() print result time.sleep(1)