def verify_image_not_in_bmc_uploads_dir(image_version, timeout=3):
    Check that an image with the given version is not unpacked inside of the
    BMCs image uploads directory. If no image is found, retry every 30 seconds
    until the given timeout is hit, in case the BMC takes time
    unpacking the image.

    Description of argument(s):
    image_version                   The version of the image to look for on
                                    the BMC.
    timeout                         How long, in minutes, to try to find an
                                    image on the BMC. Default is 3 minutes.

    for i in range(timeout * 2):
        stdout, stderr, rc = \
            bsu.bmc_execute_command('ls ' + var.IMAGE_UPLOAD_DIR_PATH
                                    + '*/MANIFEST 2>/dev/null '
                                    + '| xargs grep -rl "version='
                                    + image_version + '"')
        image_dir = os.path.dirname(stdout.split('\n')[0])
        if '' != image_dir:
            bsu.bmc_execute_command('rm -rf ' + image_dir)
            BuiltIn().fail('Found invalid BMC Image: ' + image_dir)
def verify_image_not_in_bmc_uploads_dir(image_version, timeout=3):
    Check that an image with the given version is not unpacked inside of the
    BMCs image uploads directory. If no image is found, retry every 30 seconds
    until the given timeout is hit, in case the BMC takes time
    unpacking the image.

    Description of argument(s):
    image_version                   The version of the image to look for on
                                    the BMC.
    timeout                         How long, in minutes, to try to find an
                                    image on the BMC. Default is 3 minutes.

    for i in range(timeout * 2):
        stdout, stderr, rc = \
            bsu.bmc_execute_command('ls ' + var.IMAGE_UPLOAD_DIR_PATH
                                    + '*/MANIFEST 2>/dev/null '
                                    + '| xargs grep -rl "version='
                                    + image_version + '"')
        image_dir = os.path.dirname(stdout.split('\n')[0])
        if '' != image_dir:
            bsu.bmc_execute_command('rm -rf ' + image_dir)
            BuiltIn().fail('Found invalid BMC Image: ' + image_dir)
예제 #3
def get_bmc_df(df_parm_string=""):
    Get df report from BMC and return as a report "object".

    A df report object is a list where each entry is a dictionary whose keys
    are the field names from the first entry in report_list.

    Example df report object:

        [filesystem]:    dev
        [1k-blocks]:     247120
        [used]:          0
        [available]:     247120
        [use%]:          0%
        [mounted]:       /dev
        [filesystem]:    dev
        [1k-blocks]:     247120
        [used]:          0
        [available]:     247120
        [use%]:          0%
        [mounted]:       /dev

.   Description of argument(s):
    df_parm_string  A string containing valid df command parms (e.g.
                    "-h /var").

    out_buf, stderr, rc = bsu.bmc_execute_command("df " + df_parm_string)
    return vf.outbuf_to_report(out_buf)
예제 #4
def get_device_id_config():
    Get the device id config data and return as a dictionary.


    dev_id_config =  get_device_id_config()

        [manuf_id]:            7244
        [addn_dev_support]:     141
        [prod_id]:            16976
        [aux]:                    0
        [id]:                    32
        [revision]:             129
        [device_revision]:        1
    stdout, stderr, rc = bsu.bmc_execute_command("cat /usr/share/ipmi-providers/dev_id.json")

    result = json.loads(stdout)

    # Create device revision field for the user.
    # Reference IPMI specification v2.0 "Get Device ID Command"
    # [7]   1 = device provides Device SDRs
    #       0 = device does not provide Device SDRs
    # [6:4] reserved. Return as 0.
    # [3:0] Device Revision, binary encoded.

    result['device_revision'] = result['revision'] & 0x0F

    return result
예제 #5
def pldmtool(option_string, **bsu_options):
    Run pldmtool on the BMC with the caller's option string and return the result.


    ${pldm_results}=  Pldmtool  base GetPLDMTypes
    Rprint Vars  pldm_results

      pldmtool base GetPLDMVersion -t 0
          "Response": "1.0.0"

     pldmtool base GetTID
         "Response": 1

    Description of argument(s):
    option_string                   A string of options which are to be processed by the pldmtool command.
    parse_results                   Parse the pldmtool results and return a dictionary rather than the raw
                                    pldmtool output.
    bsu_options                     Options to be passed directly to bmc_execute_command.  See its prolog for

    # This allows callers to specify arguments in python style (e.g. print_out=1 vs. print_out=${1}).
    bsu_options = fa.args_to_objects(bsu_options)

    stdout, stderr, rc = bsu.bmc_execute_command('pldmtool ' + option_string,
    return json.loads(stdout)
예제 #6
def peltool(option_string, **bsu_options):
    Run peltool on the BMC with the caller's option string and return the result.


    ${pel_results}=  Peltool  -l
    Rprint Vars  pel_results

        [CompID]:                       0x1000
        [PLID]:                         0x50000031
        [Subsystem]:                    BMC Firmware
        [Message]:                      An application had an internal failure
        [SRC]:                          BD8D1002
        [Commit Time]:                  02/25/2020  04:51:31
        [Sev]:                          Unrecoverable Error
        [CreatorID]:                    BMC

    Description of argument(s):
    option_string           A string of options which are to be processed by the peltool command.
    bsu_options             Options to be passed directly to bmc_execute_command. See its prolog for

    bsu_options = fa.args_to_objects(bsu_options)
    out_buf, stderr, rc = bsu.bmc_execute_command('peltool ' + option_string,
    out_buf = json.loads(out_buf)
    return out_buf
def get_channel_access_config(file_name):
    Get the channel access config data and return as a dictionary.

    Description of argument:
    file_name     File name for channel access settings (e.g. '/run/ipmi/channel_access_volatile.json',


    channel_access_config =  get_channel_access_config()

            [priv_limit]:                                 priv-admin
            [per_msg_auth_disabled]:                      False
            [access_mode]:                                always_available
            [alerting_disabled]:                          False
            [user_auth_disabled]:                         False
            [priv_limit]:                                 priv-admin
            [per_msg_auth_disabled]:                      False
            [access_mode]:                                always_available
            [alerting_disabled]:                          False
            [user_auth_disabled]:                         False
    stdout, stderr, rc = bsu.bmc_execute_command("cat " + file_name)

    return json.loads(stdout)
def get_dump_dict(quiet=None):
    Get dump information and return as an ordered dictionary where the keys
    are the dump IDs and the values are the full path names of the dumps.

    Example robot program call:

    ${dump_dict}=  Get Dump Dict
    Rpvars                          1  dump_dict

    Example output:


    Description of argument(s):
    quiet                           If quiet is set to 1, this function will
                                    NOT write status messages to stdout.

    quiet = int(gp.get_var_value(quiet, 1))
    cmd_buf = "dump_dir_path=" + var.DUMP_DIR_PATH + " ; " \
              + "for dump_id in $(ls ${dump_dir_path} | sort -n) ; " \
              + "do echo -n $dump_id: ; ls ${dump_dir_path}${dump_id}/* ; done"
    output, stderr, rc = bsu.bmc_execute_command(cmd_buf, quiet=quiet)

    return vf.key_value_outbuf_to_dict(output)
예제 #9
def get_dump_dict(quiet=None):
    Get dump information and return as an ordered dictionary where the keys
    are the dump IDs and the values are the full path names of the dumps.

    Example robot program call:

    ${dump_dict}=  Get Dump Dict
    Rprint Vars  dump_dict

    Example output:


    Description of argument(s):
    quiet                           If quiet is set to 1, this function will
                                    NOT write status messages to stdout.

    quiet = int(gp.get_var_value(quiet, 1))
    cmd_buf = "dump_dir_path=" + var.DUMP_DIR_PATH + " ; " \
              + "for dump_id in $(ls ${dump_dir_path} | sort -n) ; do " \
              + "file_path=$(ls ${dump_dir_path}${dump_id}/* 2>/dev/null)" \
              + " || continue ; echo ${dump_id}:${file_path} ; done"
    output, stderr, rc = bsu.bmc_execute_command(cmd_buf, quiet=quiet)

    return vf.key_value_outbuf_to_dict(output)
예제 #10
def get_bmc_df(df_parm_string=""):
    Get df report from BMC and return as a report "object".

    A df report object is a list where each entry is a dictionary whose keys
    are the field names from the first entry in report_list.

    Example df report object:

        [filesystem]:    dev
        [1k-blocks]:     247120
        [used]:          0
        [available]:     247120
        [use%]:          0%
        [mounted]:       /dev
        [filesystem]:    dev
        [1k-blocks]:     247120
        [used]:          0
        [available]:     247120
        [use%]:          0%
        [mounted]:       /dev

.   Description of argument(s):
    df_parm_string  A string containing valid df command parms (e.g.
                    "-h /var").

    out_buf, stderr, rc = bsu.bmc_execute_command("df " + df_parm_string)
    return vf.outbuf_to_report(out_buf)
예제 #11
def get_sbe():
    Return CFAM value which contains such things as SBE side bit.

    cmd_buf = "pdbg -d p9w -p0 getcfam 0x2808 | sed -re 's/.* = //g'"
    out_buf, stderr, rc = bsu.bmc_execute_command(cmd_buf)

    return int(out_buf, 16)
예제 #12
def get_sbe():
    Return CFAM value which contains such things as SBE side bit.

    cmd_buf = "pdbg -d p9w -p0 getcfam 0x2808 | sed -re 's/.* = //g'"
    out_buf, stderr, rc = bsu.bmc_execute_command(cmd_buf)

    return int(out_buf, 16)
def get_image_version(file_path):
    Read the file for a version object.

    Description of argument(s):
    file_path                       The path to a file that holds the image

    stdout, stderr, rc = \
        bsu.bmc_execute_command("cat " + file_path
                                + " | grep \"version=\"", ignore_err=1)
    return (stdout.split("\n")[0]).split("=")[-1]
def get_image_purpose(file_path):
    Read the file for a purpose object.

    Description of argument(s):
    file_path                       The path to a file that holds the image

    stdout, stderr, rc = \
        bsu.bmc_execute_command("cat " + file_path
                                + " | grep \"purpose=\"", ignore_err=1)
    return stdout.split("=")[-1]
def get_image_purpose(file_path):
    Read the file for a purpose object.

    Description of argument(s):
    file_path                       The path to a file that holds the image

    stdout, stderr, rc = \
        bsu.bmc_execute_command("cat " + file_path
                                + " | grep \"purpose=\"", ignore_err=1)
    return stdout.split("=")[-1]
def get_image_version(file_path):
    Read the file for a version object.

    Description of argument(s):
    file_path                       The path to a file that holds the image

    stdout, stderr, rc = \
        bsu.bmc_execute_command("cat " + file_path
                                + " | grep \"version=\"", ignore_err=1)
    return (stdout.split("\n")[0]).split("=")[-1]
def get_latest_file(dir_path):
    Get the path to the latest uploaded file.

    Description of argument(s):
    dir_path                        Path to the dir from which the name of the
                                    last updated file or folder will be
                                    returned to the calling function.

    stdout, stderr, rc = \
        bsu.bmc_execute_command("cd " + dir_path
                                + "; stat -c '%Y %n' * |"
                                + " sort -k1,1nr | head -n 1")
    return stdout.split(" ")[-1]
def get_latest_file(dir_path):
    Get the path to the latest uploaded file.

    Description of argument(s):
    dir_path                        Path to the dir from which the name of the
                                    last updated file or folder will be
                                    returned to the calling function.

    stdout, stderr, rc = \
        bsu.bmc_execute_command("cd " + dir_path
                                + "; stat -c '%Y %n' * |"
                                + " sort -k1,1nr | head -n 1")
    return stdout.split(" ")[-1]
예제 #19
def get_bmc_date_time():
    Get date/time info from BMC and return as a dictionary.

    Example of dictionary data returned by this keyword.
      [local_time]:               Fri 2017-11-03 152756 UTC
      [local_time_seconds]:       1509740876
      [universal_time]:           Fri 2017-11-03 152756 UTC
      [universal_time_seconds]:   1509740876
      [rtc_time]:                 Fri 2016-05-20 163403
      [rtc_time_seconds]:         1463780043
      [time_zone]:                n/a (UTC, +0000)
      [network_time_on]:          yes
      [ntp_synchronized]:         no
      [rtc_in_local_tz]:          no

    out_buf, stderr, rc = bsu.bmc_execute_command('timedatectl')
    # Example of output returned by call to timedatectl:
    #       Local time: Fri 2017-11-03 15:27:56 UTC
    #   Universal time: Fri 2017-11-03 15:27:56 UTC
    #         RTC time: Fri 2016-05-20 16:34:03
    #        Time zone: n/a (UTC, +0000)
    #  Network time on: yes
    # NTP synchronized: no
    #  RTC in local TZ: no

    # Convert the out_buf to a dictionary.
    initial_time_dict = vf.key_value_outbuf_to_dict(out_buf)

    # For each "_time" entry in the dictionary, we will create a corresponding
    # "_time_seconds" entry.  We create a new dictionary so that the entries
    # are kept in a nice order for printing.
        result_time_dict = collections.OrderedDict()
    except AttributeError:
        result_time_dict = DotDict()

    for key, value in initial_time_dict.items():
        result_time_dict[key] = value
        if not key.endswith("_time"):
        result_time_dict[key + '_seconds'] = \
            int(DateTime.convert_date(value, result_format='epoch'))

    return result_time_dict
예제 #20
def get_bmc_date_time():
    Get date/time info from BMC and return as a dictionary.

    Example of dictionary data returned by this keyword.
      [local_time]:               Fri 2017-11-03 152756 UTC
      [local_time_seconds]:       1509740876
      [universal_time]:           Fri 2017-11-03 152756 UTC
      [universal_time_seconds]:   1509740876
      [rtc_time]:                 Fri 2016-05-20 163403
      [rtc_time_seconds]:         1463780043
      [time_zone]:                n/a (UTC, +0000)
      [network_time_on]:          yes
      [ntp_synchronized]:         no
      [rtc_in_local_tz]:          no

    out_buf, stderr, rc = bsu.bmc_execute_command('timedatectl')
    # Example of output returned by call to timedatectl:
    #       Local time: Fri 2017-11-03 15:27:56 UTC
    #   Universal time: Fri 2017-11-03 15:27:56 UTC
    #         RTC time: Fri 2016-05-20 16:34:03
    #        Time zone: n/a (UTC, +0000)
    #  Network time on: yes
    # NTP synchronized: no
    #  RTC in local TZ: no

    # Convert the out_buf to a dictionary.
    initial_time_dict = vf.key_value_outbuf_to_dict(out_buf)

    # For each "_time" entry in the dictionary, we will create a corresponding
    # "_time_seconds" entry.  We create a new dictionary so that the entries
    # are kept in a nice order for printing.
        result_time_dict = collections.OrderedDict()
    except AttributeError:
        result_time_dict = DotDict()

    for key, value in initial_time_dict.items():
        result_time_dict[key] = value
        if not key.endswith("_time"):
        result_time_dict[key + '_seconds'] = \
            int(DateTime.convert_date(value, result_format='epoch'))

    return result_time_dict
예제 #21
def pdbg(option_string, **bsu_options):
    Run pdbg on the BMC with the caller's option string and return the output.

    Description of argument(s):
    option_string                   A string of options which are to be processed by the pdbg command.
    bsu_options                     Options to be passed directly to bmc_execute_command.  See its prolog for

    # Default print_out to 1.
    if 'print_out' not in bsu_options:
        bsu_options['print_out'] = 1

    stdout, stderr, rc = bsu.bmc_execute_command('pdbg ' + option_string,
    return stdout
예제 #22
def ecmd(option_string, **bsu_options):
    Run ecmd command on the BMC with the caller's option string and return the output.

    Description of argument(s):
    option_string                   A string of options which are to be executed on BMC.
                                    (e.g. getscom pu 20010a40 -all,
                                          putscom pu 20010a40 4000000000000000 -p0).
    bsu_options                     Options to be passed directly to bmc_execute_command.  See its prolog for

    # Default print_out to 1.
    if 'print_out' not in bsu_options:
        bsu_options['print_out'] = 1

    stdout, stderr, rc = bsu.bmc_execute_command(option_string, **bsu_options)
    return stdout
예제 #23
def vpdtool(option_string, **bsu_options):
    Run vpdtool on the BMC with the caller's option string and return the result.


    ${vpd_results}=  vpd-tool -i
    Rprint Vars  vpd_results

        [PN]:                                         PN12345
        [SN]:                                         YL2E2D010000
        [LocationCode]:                               U78DA.ND1.       -P0
        [CC]:                                         2E2D
        [DR]:                                         SYSTEM BACKPLANE
        [FN]:                                         F191014
        [type]:                                       xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item.Board.Motherboard
        [PN]:                                         PN12345
        [SN]:                                         YL6B58010000
        [LocationCode]:                               U78DA.ND1.       -P0-C5
        [CC]:                                         6B58
        [DR]:                                         EBMC
        [FN]:                                         F191014
        [type]:                                       xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item.Bmc

    Description of argument(s):
    option_string                   A string of options which are to be processed by the vpd-tool command.
    bsu_options                     Options to be passed directly to bmc_execute_command. See its prolog for

    bsu_options = fa.args_to_objects(bsu_options)
    out_buf, stderr, rc = bsu.bmc_execute_command('vpd-tool ' + option_string,

    # Only return output if its not a VPD write command.
    if '-w' not in option_string:
        out_buf = json.loads(out_buf)
        if '-r' in option_string:
            return out_buf
            return out_buf[0]
def get_channel_config():
    Get the channel config data and return as a dictionary.

    channel_config = get_channel_config()

        [name]:                  IPMB
        [is_valid]:              True
        [active_sessions]:       0
          [medium_type]:         ipmb
          [protocol_type]:       ipmb-1.0
          [session_supported]:   session-less
          [is_ipmi]:             True
        [name]:                  eth0
        [is_valid]:              True
        [active_sessions]:       0
          [medium_type]:         other-lan
          [protocol_type]:       ipmb-1.0
          [session_supported]:   multi-session
          [is_ipmi]:             True
        [name]:                  eth1
        [is_valid]:              True
        [active_sessions]:       0
          [medium_type]:         lan-802.3
          [protocol_type]:       ipmb-1.0
          [session_supported]:   multi-session
          [is_ipmi]:             True

    stdout, stderr, rc = bsu.bmc_execute_command(
        "cat /usr/share/ipmi-providers/channel_config.json")
    return json.loads(stdout)
예제 #25
    def get_secure_boot_info(self, quiet=None):
        Get secure-boot information and return it as a tuple consisting of
        num_procs, secure_boot, jumper.

        num_procs is the number of processors containing the information.

        secure_boot will be set to True if each and every register value
        in question has its secureboot bit set (Bit 4).

        jumper will be set to True if each and every register value
        in question has its jumper bit set (Bit 5).

        Description of argument(s):
        quiet                           See shell_cmd for details.

        cmd_buf = "pdbg -d p9w -a getcfam 0x2801"
        out_buf, stderr, rc = bsu.bmc_execute_command(cmd_buf, quiet=quiet)

        # Convert result to a dictionary with one key for each processor:
        # result:
        #   [p0:0x2801]:               0x80c00002
        #   [p1:0x2801]:               0x90c00002
        result = vf.key_value_outbuf_to_dict(out_buf, delim="=")

        num_procs = len(result)
        # Initialize values to True.
        secure_boot = True
        jumper = True

        for key, value in result.items():
            # Convert hex string to int.
            reg_value = int(value, 16)
            if not reg_value & secure_boot_mask():
                secure_boot = False
            if not reg_value & jumper_mask():
                jumper = False

        return num_procs, secure_boot, jumper
예제 #26
def get_bmc_release_info():
    Get release info from the BMC and return as a dictionary.


    ${release_info}=  Get BMC Release Info
    Rprint Vars  release_info


      [id]:                                           openbmc-phosphor
      [name]:                                         Phosphor OpenBMC (Phosphor OpenBMC Project Reference...
      [version]:                                      2.8.0-dev
      [version_id]:                                   2.8.0-dev-1083-g8954c3505
      [pretty_name]:                                  Phosphor OpenBMC (Phosphor OpenBMC Project Reference...
      [build_id]:                                     2.8.0-dev
      [openbmc_target_machine]:                       witherspoon

    out_buf, stderr, rc = bsu.bmc_execute_command('cat /etc/os-release')
    return vf.key_value_outbuf_to_dict(out_buf, delim="=", strip='"')
def get_image_path(image_version):
    Query the upload image dir for the presence of image matching
    the version that was read from the MANIFEST before uploading
    the image. Based on the purpose verify the activation object
    exists and is either READY or INVALID.

    Description of argument(s):
    image_version                   The version of the image that should match
                                    one of the images in the upload dir.

    stdout, stderr, rc = \
        bsu.bmc_execute_command("ls -d " + var.IMAGE_UPLOAD_DIR_PATH + "*/")

    image_list = stdout.split("\n")
    retry = 0
    while (retry < 10):
        for i in range(0, len(image_list)):
            version = get_image_version(image_list[i] + "MANIFEST")
            if (version == image_version):
                return image_list[i]
        retry += 1
def get_image_path(image_version):
    Query the upload image dir for the presence of image matching
    the version that was read from the MANIFEST before uploading
    the image. Based on the purpose verify the activation object
    exists and is either READY or INVALID.

    Description of argument(s):
    image_version                   The version of the image that should match
                                    one of the images in the upload dir.

    stdout, stderr, rc = \
        bsu.bmc_execute_command("ls -d " + var.IMAGE_UPLOAD_DIR_PATH + "*/")

    image_list = stdout.split("\n")
    retry = 0
    while (retry < 10):
        for i in range(0, len(image_list)):
            version = get_image_version(image_list[i] + "MANIFEST")
            if (version == image_version):
                return image_list[i]
        retry += 1
def pldmtool(option_string, parse_results=1, **bsu_options):
    Run pldmtool on the BMC with the caller's option string and return the result.


    ${pldm_results}=  Pldmtool  base GetPLDMTypes
    Rprint Vars  pldm_results

      [request_message]:                              08 01 80 00 04
      [success_in_creating_the_socket]:               RC = 3
      [success_in_connecting_to_socket]:              RC = 0
      [success_in_sending_message_type_as_pldm_to_mctp]:RC = 0
      [write_to_socket_successful]:                   RC = 5
      [total_length]:                                 14
      [loopback_response_message]:                    08 01 80 00 04
      [on_first_recv(),response_==_request]:          RC = 0
      [shutdown_socket_successful]:                   RC = 0
      [response_message]:                             08 01 00 00 04 00 0d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
          [0]:                                        0
          [1]:                                        2
          [2]:                                        3
          [0]:                                        base
          [1]:                                        platform
          [2]:                                        bios

    Description of argument(s):
    option_string                   A string of options which are to be processed by the pldmtool command.
    parse_results                   Parse the pldmtool results and return a dictionary rather than the raw
                                    pldmtool output.
    bsu_options                     Options to be passed directly to bmc_execute_command.  See its prolog for

    # This allows callers to specify arguments in python style (e.g. print_out=1 vs. print_out=${1}).
    bsu_options = fa.args_to_objects(bsu_options)

    stdout, stderr, rc = bsu.bmc_execute_command('pldmtool ' + option_string, **bsu_options)
    if parse_results:
        # Remove linefeeds following colons.
        stdout = re.sub(":\n", ":", stdout)
        # Remove first line (e.g. "Encode request successfully").
        stdout = re.sub("^.*\\n", "", stdout)
        result = vf.key_value_outbuf_to_dict(stdout)
        if 'supported_types' in result:
            # 'supported types' begins like this:
            # 0(base) 2(platform) 3(bios)
            # Parsing it to look like it does in the example above.
            supported_types = {'raw': [], 'text': []}
            for entry in result['supported_types'].split(" "):
                record = entry.split("(")
            result['supported_types'] = supported_types

        if 'date_&_time' in result:
            return result['yyyy-mm-dd_hh'].split(' - ')[1]

        return result

    return stdout
예제 #30
def pldmtool(option_string, parse_results=1, **bsu_options):
    Run pldmtool on the BMC with the caller's option string and return the result.


    ${pldm_results}=  Pldmtool  base GetPLDMTypes
    Rprint Vars  pldm_results

          [0]:                                        0
          [1]:                                        2
          [2]:                                        3
          [0]:                                        base
          [1]:                                        platform
          [2]:                                        bios

    Description of argument(s):
    option_string                   A string of options which are to be processed by the pldmtool command.
    parse_results                   Parse the pldmtool results and return a dictionary rather than the raw
                                    pldmtool output.
    bsu_options                     Options to be passed directly to bmc_execute_command.  See its prolog for

    # This allows callers to specify arguments in python style (e.g. print_out=1 vs. print_out=${1}).
    bsu_options = fa.args_to_objects(bsu_options)

    stdout, stderr, rc = bsu.bmc_execute_command('pldmtool ' + option_string,

    if parse_results:
        result = vf.key_value_outbuf_to_dict(stdout)
        if 'supported_types' in result:
            # 'supported types' begins like this:
            # 0(base) 2(platform) 3(bios)
            # Parsing it to look like it does in the example above.
            supported_types = {'raw': [], 'text': []}
            for entry in result['supported_types'].split(" "):
                record = entry.split("(")
            result['supported_types'] = supported_types

        elif 'supported_commands' in result:
            commands = result['supported_commands'].split(":")[0].split(" ")
            return commands

        elif 'yyyy-mm-dd_hh' in result:
            # Date & Time :
            # YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS - 2020-02-24 06:44:16
            return result['yyyy-mm-dd_hh'].split(' - ')[1]

        # Simplfying dict output for GetPDR with type PDREntityAssociation.
        # Example :

        # pldmtool platform GetPDR -d 10
        # Entity Association
        # nextRecordHandle: 0
        # responseCount: 56
        # recordHandle: 10
        # PDRHeaderVersion: 1
        # PDRType: 15
        # recordChangeNumber: 0
        # dataLength: 46
        # containerID: 1
        # associationType: Physical
        # containerEntityType: System Board
        # containerEntityInstanceNumber: 1
        # containerEntityContainerID: 0
        # containedEntityCount: 6
        # containedEntityType[1]: Chassis front panel board (control panel)
        # containedEntityInstanceNumber[1]: 1
        # containedEntityContainerID[1]: 1
        # containedEntityType[2]: Chassis front panel board (control panel)
        # containedEntityInstanceNumber[2]: 2
        # containedEntityContainerID[2]: 1
        elif 'containerentitycontainerid' in result:
            dict_data1, dict_data2 = vf.split_dict_on_key(
                'containerentitycontainerid', result)
            return dict_data1

        elif 'entitytype' in result:
            # Example :
            # entityType: 24576(OEM)
            # Note: OEM type number is dynamic
            if 'OEM' in result['entitytype']:
                result['entitytype'] = 'OEM'

        # Collect bios strings from bios string table in to list.
        # Example output for pldmtool GetBIOSTable --type stringTable
        # PLDM StringTable:
        # BIOSStringHandle : BIOSString
        # 0 : Allowed
        # 1 : Disabled
        # 2 : Enabled
        elif 'pldm_stringtable' in result:
            bios_string_list = []
            for data in result:
            # Example for bios_string_list:
            # bios_string_list = ['Allowed', 'Disabled', 'Enabled']
            return bios_string_list

        # Check if parameter pldm_attributetable/pldm_attributevaluetable present for
        # pldmtool GetBIOSTable --type AttributeTable/AttributeValueTable.
        # Note: Output for AttributeTable/AttributeValueTable is huge and verification of
        #       table content is not available.
        elif 'pldm_attributetable' in result:
            result['pldm_attributetable'] = True
            return result
        elif 'pldm_attributevaluetable' in result:
            result['pldm_attributevaluetable'] = True
            return result

        return result

    return stdout