def runBirthForEveryCompInModel(hmodel=None, Data=None, bkwargs=dict(), nInitSteps=4, outputdir='/tmp/', args=None, **kwargs): ''' Attempt birth for every possible comp, and save HTML debug output. ''' nDocTotal = Data.nDoc # Use default kwargs for local step LPkwargs = dict(**DefaultLPkwargs) # Define output directory outputdir = os.path.join( outputdir, '%s_nDoc=%d_K=%d' % (args.dataName, nDocTotal, args.Kinit)) print '' print '==============' print "OUTPUT: ", outputdir for i in range(nInitSteps): LP = hmodel.calc_local_params(Data, **LPkwargs) SS = hmodel.get_global_suff_stats(Data, LP, doPrecompEntropy=1, doTrackTruncationGrowth=1) if i < nInitSteps: # Shuffle and remove really small comps # except on last step, since we need LP and SS to match up bigtosmall = np.argsort(-1 * SS.getCountVec()) SS.reorderComps(bigtosmall) for k in range(SS.K - 1, 0, -1): Nk = SS.getCountVec()[k] if Nk < 10: SS.removeComp(k) hmodel.update_global_params(SS) # Obtain LP and SS exactly for the current hmodel. # Do NOT do any more global steps on hmodel. # We rely on this LP to be "fresh" in the proposal ELBO calculations. LP = hmodel.calc_local_params(Data, **LPkwargs) SS = hmodel.get_global_suff_stats(Data, LP, doPrecompEntropy=1, doTrackTruncationGrowth=1) for pos, targetUID in [(0, 0)]: #enumerate(SS.uids): jobdir = outdirPattern % (targetUID, bkwargs['b_initHardCluster'], bkwargs['b_includeRemainderTopic'], args.Kfresh) b_debugOutputDir = os.path.join(outputdir, jobdir) mkpath(b_debugOutputDir) startuid = 1000 + 100 * targetUID + 1 newUIDs = np.arange(startuid, startuid + args.Kfresh) print jobdir print 'newUIDs: ', newUIDs try: xSS, Info = createSplitStats(Data, hmodel, LP, curSSwhole=SS, targetUID=targetUID, batchPos=0, newUIDs=newUIDs, LPkwargs=LPkwargs, returnPropSS=0, b_debugOutputDir=b_debugOutputDir, **bkwargs) except BirthProposalError as e: print ' SKIPPED!', str(e) continue # Construct proposed stats propSS = SS.copy() propSS.transferMassFromExistingToExpansion(uid=targetUID, xSS=xSS) assert np.allclose(propSS.getCountVec().sum(), SS.getCountVec().sum()) assert np.allclose(SS.getCountVec().sum(), Data.word_count.sum()) # Create model via global step from proposed stats propModel = hmodel.copy() propModel.update_global_params(propSS) propLscore = propModel.calc_evidence(SS=propSS) # Compare ELBO scores curLscore = hmodel.calc_evidence(SS=SS) # Decision time: accept or reject if propLscore > curLscore: print ' ACCEPT!' else: print ' REJECT!' print ' curLscore %.5f' % (curLscore) print ' propLscore %.5f' % (propLscore)
def main(**kwargs): DefaultKwargs.update(kwargs) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() for key, val in DefaultKwargs.items(): try: assert np.allclose(int(val), float(val)) _type = int except Exception as e: try: float(val) _type = int except: _type = str parser.add_argument('--' + key, default=val, type=_type) args = parser.parse_args() # Dump contents of args into locals nDocPerBatch = args.nDocPerBatch nDocTotal = args.nDocTotal nWordsPerDoc = args.nWordsPerDoc nFixedInitLaps = args.nFixedInitLaps Kinit = args.Kinit creationProposalName = args.creationProposalName targetUID = args.targetUID doInteractiveViz = args.doInteractiveViz Kfresh = args.Kfresh dataName = args.dataName outputdir = args.outputdir print "OUTPUT: ", outputdir nBatch = int(nDocTotal // nDocPerBatch) LPkwargs = DefaultLPkwargs bkwargs = dict() for key in args.__dict__: if key.startswith('b_'): bkwargs[key] = getattr(args, key) print 'BIRTH kwargs:' for key in bkwargs: print key, bkwargs[key] if dataName.count('BarsK10V900'): import BarsK10V900 Data = BarsK10V900.get_data( nDocTotal=nDocTotal, nWordsPerDoc=nWordsPerDoc) Data.alwaysTrackTruth = 1 else: os.environ['BNPYDATADIR'] = os.path.join( os.environ['HOME'], 'git/x-topics/datasets/' + dataName + '/') sys.path.append(os.environ['BNPYDATADIR']) dataMod = __import__(dataName, fromlist=[]) Data = dataMod.get_data() vocabList = Data.vocabList Data = Data.select_subset_by_mask(range(nDocTotal)) = dataName Data.vocabList = vocabList DataIterator = Data.to_iterator(nBatch=nBatch, nLap=10) # Use first few docs to initialize! initPRNG = np.random.RandomState(5678) initDocIDs = DataIterator.IDsPerBatch[0][:4] InitData = Data.select_subset_by_mask(initDocIDs) hmodel = bnpy.HModel.CreateEntireModel( 'moVB', 'HDPTopicModel', 'Mult', dict(alpha=0.5, gamma=10), dict(lam=0.1), Data) hmodel.init_global_params( InitData, K=Kinit, initname='kmeansplusplus', seed=5678) Dbatch = DataIterator.getBatch(0) rejectedComps = dict() didAccept = True nRep = 0 SS = None while didAccept: nRep += 1 print '' print '' print 'rep %d' % (nRep) didAccept = False LPbatch = hmodel.calc_local_params(Dbatch, **LPkwargs) SSbatch = hmodel.get_global_suff_stats( Dbatch, LPbatch, doPrecompEntropy=1, doTrackTruncationGrowth=1) if SS is None: SS = SSbatch else: uids = SS.uids SS = SSbatch SS.setUIDs(uids) hmodel.update_global_params(SS) for pos, targetUID in enumerate(SS.uids): if targetUID in rejectedComps: continue propdir = 'rep=%d_targetUID=%d' % (nRep, targetUID) b_debugOutputDir = os.path.join(outputdir, propdir) mkpath(b_debugOutputDir) startuid = 1000 * nRep + Kfresh * pos newUIDs=np.arange(startuid, startuid+Kfresh) try: xSS, Info = createSplitStats( Dbatch, hmodel, LPbatch, curSSwhole=SS, creationProposalName=creationProposalName, targetUID=targetUID, batchPos=0, newUIDs=newUIDs, LPkwargs=LPkwargs, returnPropSS=0, b_debugOutputDir=b_debugOutputDir, **bkwargs) except BirthProposalError as e: print 'SKIPPED!' print str(e) rejectedComps[targetUID] = 1 continue # Construct proposed stats propSS = SS.copy() propSS.transferMassFromExistingToExpansion( uid=targetUID, xSS=xSS) assert np.allclose( propSS.getCountVec().sum(), SS.getCountVec().sum()) assert np.allclose( SS.getCountVec().sum(), Dbatch.word_count.sum()) # Create model via global step from proposed stats propModel = hmodel.copy() propModel.update_global_params(propSS) # Compare ELBO scores curLscore = hmodel.calc_evidence(SS=SS) propLscore = propModel.calc_evidence(SS=propSS) curLdict = hmodel.calc_evidence(SS=SS, todict=1) propLdict = propModel.calc_evidence(SS=propSS, todict=1) if doInteractiveViz: xlabels = uidsAndCounts2strlist(propSS) if'Bars'): bnpy.viz.BarsViz.showTopicsAsSquareImages( Info['xSSfake'].WordCounts, vmax=10, xlabels=[ '%.0f' % (x) for x in Info['xSSfake'].getCountVec()]) bnpy.viz.PlotComps.plotCompsFromHModel( propModel, compsToHighlight=[pos], xlabels=xlabels) else: print 'TOPIC TO SPLIT' ktarget = SS.uid2k(targetUID) printTopWordsFromWordCounts( SS.WordCounts[ktarget][np.newaxis,:], Data.vocabList) print 'NEW TOPICS' printTopWordsFromWordCounts( propSS.WordCounts, Data.vocabList) plotCompsFromWordCounts( propSS.WordCounts, Data.vocabList, xlabels=xlabels, ) # Decision time: accept or reject if propLscore > curLscore: print 'ACCEPT!' hmodel = propModel SS = propSS didAccept = True else: print 'REJECT!' rejectedComps[targetUID] = 1 print ' curLscore %.5f' % (curLscore) print 'propLscore %.5f' % (propLscore) for key in ['Ldata', 'Lentropy', 'Lalloc', 'LcDtheta']: print ' %s : %.5f' % (key, propLdict[key] - curLdict[key]) if doInteractiveViz: keypress = raw_input("Press any key >>>") if keypress == 'embed': from IPython import embed; embed() pylab.close('all') # Shuffle and remove really small comps bigtosmall = np.argsort(-1 * SS.getCountVec()) SS.reorderComps(bigtosmall) for k in range(SS.K-1, 0, -1): Nk = SS.getCountVec()[k] if Nk < 10: SS.removeComp(k) hmodel.update_global_params(SS) # Final phase: merges from bnpy.mergemove import MergePlanner, MergeMove print SS.uids print ' '.join(['%.0f' % (x) for x in SS.getCountVec()]) mPairIDs = None for step in range(10): uids = SS.uids if step > 0: mPairIDs, PairScoreMat = MergePlanner.preselect_candidate_pairs( hmodel, SS, randstate=np.random.RandomState(nRep), returnScoreMatrix=1, M=None, mergePairSelection='corr', mergeNumExtraCandidates=0) LPbatch = hmodel.calc_local_params(Dbatch, **LPkwargs) SS = hmodel.get_global_suff_stats( Dbatch, LPbatch, doPrecompEntropy=1, doTrackTruncationGrowth=1, doPrecompMerge=0, mPairIDs=mPairIDs, mergePairSelection='corr') SS.setUIDs(uids) hmodel.update_global_params(SS) if mPairIDs is not None and len(mPairIDs) > 0: curLscore = hmodel.calc_evidence(SS=SS) newModel, newSS, newLscore, Info = MergeMove.run_many_merge_moves( hmodel, SS, curLscore, mPairIDs=mPairIDs) if Info['ELBOGain'] > 0: print 'ACCEPTED MERGE!' from IPython import embed; embed() hmodel = newModel SS = newSS else: break bnpy.viz.PlotComps.plotCompsFromHModel( hmodel, xlabels=[ '%.0f' % (x) for x in SS.getCountVec()])
def main(**kwargs): DefaultKwargs.update(kwargs) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() for key, val in list(DefaultKwargs.items()): try: assert np.allclose(int(val), float(val)) _type = int except Exception as e: try: float(val) _type = int except: _type = str parser.add_argument('--' + key, default=val, type=_type) args = parser.parse_args() # Dump contents of args into locals nDocPerBatch = args.nDocPerBatch nDocTotal = args.nDocTotal nWordsPerDoc = args.nWordsPerDoc nFixedInitLaps = args.nFixedInitLaps Kinit = args.Kinit creationProposalName = args.creationProposalName targetUID = args.targetUID doInteractiveViz = args.doInteractiveViz Kfresh = args.Kfresh outputdir = args.outputdir print("OUTPUT: ", outputdir) nBatch = int(nDocTotal // nDocPerBatch) LPkwargs = DefaultLPkwargs import BarsK10V900 Data = BarsK10V900.get_data(nDocTotal=nDocTotal, nWordsPerDoc=nWordsPerDoc) Data.alwaysTrackTruth = 1 DataIterator = Data.to_iterator(nBatch=nBatch, nLap=10) # Use first few docs to initialize! initPRNG = np.random.RandomState(5678) #initDocIDs = initPRNG.choice(Data.nDoc, 25, replace=False) initDocIDs = DataIterator.IDsPerBatch[0][:4] InitData = Data.select_subset_by_mask(initDocIDs) hmodel = bnpy.HModel.CreateEntireModel('moVB', 'HDPTopicModel', 'Mult', dict(alpha=0.5, gamma=10), dict(lam=0.1), Data) hmodel.init_global_params(InitData, K=Kinit, initname='kmeansplusplus', seed=5678) # Do some fixed-truncation local/global steps SS = None SSmemory = dict() nDocsSeenBefore = 0 for lap in range(nFixedInitLaps): for batchID in range(nBatch): Dbatch = DataIterator.getBatch(batchID) LPbatch = hmodel.calc_local_params(Dbatch, **LPkwargs) SSbatch = hmodel.get_global_suff_stats(Dbatch, LPbatch, doPrecompEntropy=1, doTrackTruncationGrowth=1) if batchID in SSmemory: SS -= SSmemory[batchID] SSmemory[batchID] = SSbatch if SS is None: SS = SSbatch.copy() else: SS += SSbatch hmodel.update_global_params(SS) nDocsSeenBefore += SSbatch.nDoc Lines = dict() Lines['xs'] = list() for batchID in range(nBatch): print('batch %d/%d' % (batchID + 1, nBatch)) Dbatch = DataIterator.getBatch(batchID) LPbatch = hmodel.calc_local_params(Dbatch, **LPkwargs) SSbatch = hmodel.get_global_suff_stats(Dbatch, LPbatch, doPrecompEntropy=1, doTrackTruncationGrowth=1) nDocsSeenBefore += SSbatch.nDoc if batchID in SSmemory: SS -= SSmemory[batchID] SSmemory[batchID] = SSbatch if SS is None: SS = SSbatch.copy() else: SS += SSbatch if batchID == 0: xSSbatch, propSSbatch = createSplitStats( Dbatch, hmodel, LPbatch, curSSwhole=SS, creationProposalName=creationProposalName, targetUID=targetUID, batchPos=batchID, newUIDs=np.arange(100, 100 + Kfresh), LPkwargs=LPkwargs, returnPropSS=1) xSSbatch_first = xSSbatch LPbatch_first = LPbatch xSS = xSSbatch.copy() propSS_agg = propSSbatch.copy() else: xSSbatch, propSSbatch = assignSplitStats(Dbatch, hmodel, LPbatch, SS, xSS, targetUID=targetUID, LPkwargs=LPkwargs, returnPropSS=1) xSS += xSSbatch propSS_agg += propSSbatch propSS_whole = propSS_agg.copy() for rembatchID in range(batchID + 1, nBatch): if rembatchID in SSmemory: remSSbatch = SSmemory[rembatchID].copy() Kextra = propSS_whole.K - SSbatch.K if Kextra > 0: remSSbatch.insertEmptyComps(Kextra) propSS_whole += remSSbatch hmodel.update_global_params(SS) if batchID < 32 or (batchID + 1) % 4 == 0: curLscore = hmodel.calc_evidence(SS=SS) curLbyterm = hmodel.calc_evidence(SS=SS, todict=1) propSS = SS.copy() propSS.transferMassFromExistingToExpansion(uid=targetUID, xSS=xSS) for field in ['sumLogPi', 'sumLogPiRemVec']: arr = getattr(propSS, field) arr_direct = getattr(propSS_whole, field) if not np.allclose(arr, arr_direct): print(' Error detected in field: %s' % (field)) from IPython import embed embed() print(' SS field %s verified' % (field)) for field in [ 'gammalnTheta', 'slackTheta', 'slackThetaRem', 'gammalnSumTheta', 'gammalnThetaRem' ]: arr = getattr(propSS._ELBOTerms, field) arr_direct = getattr(propSS_whole._ELBOTerms, field) if not np.allclose(arr, arr_direct): print(' Error detected in field: %s' % (field)) from IPython import embed embed() print(' ELBO field %s verified' % (field)) propModel = hmodel.copy() propModel.update_global_params(propSS) propLscore = propModel.calc_evidence(SS=propSS) propLbyterm = propModel.calc_evidence(SS=propSS, todict=1) assert np.allclose(SS.getCountVec().sum(), propSS.getCountVec().sum()) print(' curLscore %.3f' % (curLscore)) print('propLscore %.3f' % (propLscore)) highlightComps = np.hstack([targetUID, np.arange(Kinit, propSS.K)]) if propLscore > curLscore: print('ACCEPTED!') else: print('REJECTED <<<<<<<<<< :(') if doInteractiveViz: bnpy.viz.PlotComps.plotCompsFromHModel( propModel, compsToHighlight=highlightComps) keypress = input("Press key to continue >>>") if keypress.count('embed'): from IPython import embed embed() Lines['xs'].append(nDocsSeenBefore) for key in ['Ldata', 'Lentropy', 'Lalloc', 'LcDtheta']: for versionName in ['cur', 'prop']: versionKey = versionName + "-" + key if versionName.count('cur'): val = curLbyterm[key] else: val = propLbyterm[key] try: Lines[versionKey].append(val) except KeyError: Lines[versionKey] = [val] pylab.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) pylab.hold('on') pylab.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, bottom=0.15, right=0.95, top=0.95) legendKeys = ['Ldata', 'Lentropy', 'Lalloc', 'LcDtheta', 'Ltotal'] Lines['cur-Ltotal'] = np.zeros_like(Lines['cur-Ldata']) Lines['prop-Ltotal'] = np.zeros_like(Lines['cur-Ldata']) Lines['xs'] = np.asarray(Lines['xs']) for basekey in legendKeys: if basekey.count('total'): linewidth = 4 alpha = 1 else: linewidth = 3 alpha = 0.5 for modelkey in ['prop', 'cur']: key = modelkey + '-' + basekey Lines[key] = np.asarray(Lines[key]) if key.count('cur'): label = basekey style = '-' if key.count('total') == 0: Lines['cur-Ltotal'] += Lines[key] else: label = None style = '--' if key.count('total') == 0: Lines['prop-Ltotal'] += Lines[key] diffval = Lines['prop-' + basekey] - Lines['cur-' + basekey] pylab.plot(Lines['xs'], diffval, style, color=getColor(key), linewidth=linewidth, alpha=alpha, label=label) pylab.gca().set_xscale('log') M = int(np.ceil(np.log(nDocTotal) / np.log(2))) xticks = np.asarray([2**x for x in range(0, M + 1)]) if xticks.size > 5: xticks = xticks[::2] # keep every second if xticks[-1] < M: xticks = np.append(xticks, M) xlims = [1.0 / 8.0, xticks[-1] * 2] pylab.xlim(xlims) pylab.xticks(xticks) pylab.gca().set_xticklabels(xticks) pylab.ylim([args.ymin, args.ymax]) pylab.plot(xlims, np.zeros_like(xlims), 'k--') pylab.xlabel('number of docs processed') pylab.ylabel('L gain (proposal - current)') good_xs = np.flatnonzero(diffval > 0) if good_xs.size > 0: xstart = Lines['xs'][good_xs[0]] xstop = Lines['xs'][good_xs[-1]] + nDocPerBatch // 2 pylab.axvspan(xstart, xstop, color='green', alpha=0.2) if xstart > nDocPerBatch: pylab.axvspan(xticks[0], xstart, color='red', alpha=0.2) if xstop < nDocTotal: pylab.axvspan(xstop, xticks[-1], color='red', alpha=0.2) else: pylab.axvspan(xlims[0], xlims[-1], color='red', alpha=0.2) pylab.draw() lhandles, labels = pylab.gca().get_legend_handles_labels() order = [0, 1, 4, 2, 3] lhandles = [lhandles[o] for o in order] labels = [labels[o] for o in order] pylab.legend(lhandles, labels, loc='lower left', ncol=1) keys = [ 'nWordsPerDoc', 'nDocPerBatch', 'nDocTotal', 'Kinit', 'targetUID', 'nFixedInitLaps' ] filesuffix = '' for key in keys: filesuffix += '-%s=%d' % (key, getattr(args, key)) filename = os.path.join(outputdir, 'ELBOgain') pylab.savefig(filename + filesuffix + '.png', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) bnpy.viz.PlotComps.plotCompsFromHModel(hmodel, compsToHighlight=[targetUID]) filename = os.path.join(outputdir, 'BeforeComps') pylab.savefig(filename + filesuffix + '.png', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) seedModel = hmodel.copy() seedModel.update_global_params(xSSbatch_first) bnpy.viz.PlotComps.plotCompsFromHModel(seedModel) filename = os.path.join(outputdir, 'FirstFreshComps') pylab.savefig(filename + filesuffix + '.png', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) bnpy.viz.PlotComps.plotCompsFromHModel(propModel, compsToHighlight=highlightComps) filename = os.path.join(outputdir, 'AfterComps') pylab.savefig(filename + filesuffix + '.png', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) print(filename + filesuffix + '.png', '<<<<<<') # Show document subset! Dfirst = DataIterator.getBatch(0) DocTypeMat = Dfirst.getDocTypeCountMatrix() PRNG = np.random.RandomState(0) if Dfirst.nDoc > 25: relDocs = PRNG.choice(nDocPerBatch, 25, replace=False) DocTypeMat = DocTypeMat[relDocs] else: relDocs = np.arange(Dfirst.nDoc) bnpy.viz.BarsViz.showTopicsAsSquareImages(DocTypeMat, vmax=5, cmap='bone_r') filename = os.path.join(outputdir, 'FirstDocs') pylab.savefig(filename + filesuffix + '.png', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) # Show reassigned subset of document subset! relResp = LPbatch_first['resp'][:, targetUID] for relID, d in enumerate(relDocs): start = Dfirst.doc_range[d] stop = Dfirst.doc_range[d + 1] DocTypeMat[relID, Dfirst.word_id[start:stop]] *= relResp[start:stop] bnpy.viz.BarsViz.showTopicsAsSquareImages(DocTypeMat, vmax=5, cmap='bone_r') filename = os.path.join(outputdir, 'FirstRelevantDocs') pylab.savefig(filename + filesuffix + '.png', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) if args.doShowAfter: keypress = input("Press key to continue >>>") if keypress.count('embed'): from IPython import embed embed()
def main(nBatch=100, nSetupLaps=1, targetUID=0, **kwargs): import AsteriskK8 Data = AsteriskK8.get_data(nObsTotal=10000) Data.alwaysTrackTruth = 1 DataIterator = Data.to_iterator(nBatch=nBatch, nLap=10) hmodel = bnpy.HModel.CreateEntireModel('moVB', 'DPMixtureModel', 'Gauss', dict(), dict(ECovMat='eye'), Data) hmodel.init_global_params(Data, K=1, initname='kmeans') # Do some fixed-truncation local/global steps SS = None SSmemory = dict() for lap in range(nSetupLaps): for batchID in xrange(nBatch): Dbatch = DataIterator.getBatch(batchID) LPbatch = hmodel.calc_local_params(Dbatch) SSbatch = hmodel.get_global_suff_stats(Dbatch, LPbatch, doPrecompEntropy=1) if batchID in SSmemory: SS -= SSmemory[batchID] SSmemory[batchID] = SSbatch if SS is None: SS = SSbatch.copy() else: SS += SSbatch for batchID in xrange(nBatch): print 'batch %d/%d' % (batchID + 1, nBatch) Dbatch = DataIterator.getBatch(batchID) LPbatch = hmodel.calc_local_params(Dbatch) SSbatch = hmodel.get_global_suff_stats(Dbatch, LPbatch, doPrecompEntropy=1) if batchID in SSmemory: SS -= SSmemory[batchID] SSmemory[batchID] = SSbatch if SS is None: SS = SSbatch.copy() else: SS += SSbatch if batchID == 0: xSSbatch = createSplitStats(Dbatch, hmodel, LPbatch, curSSwhole=SS, creationProposalName='kmeans', targetUID=targetUID, newUIDs=np.arange(100, 100 + 15)) xSS = xSSbatch.copy() else: xSSbatch = assignSplitStats(Dbatch, hmodel, LPbatch, SS, xSS, targetUID=targetUID) xSS += xSSbatch hmodel.update_global_params(SS) if batchID < 10 or (batchID + 1) % 10 == 0: curLscore = hmodel.calc_evidence(SS=SS) propSS = SS.copy() propSS.transferMassFromExistingToExpansion(uid=targetUID, xSS=xSS) propModel = hmodel.copy() propModel.update_global_params(propSS) propLscore = propModel.calc_evidence(SS=propSS) print propSS.N print ' cursize %.1f propsize %.1f' % (SS.N.sum(), propSS.N.sum()) print ' curLscore %.3f' % (curLscore) print 'propLscore %.3f' % (propLscore) if propLscore > curLscore: print 'ACCEPTED!' else: print 'REJECTED <<<<<<<<<< :('