예제 #1
def tokens() -> Iterator:
    Get all tokens minted by the contract

    :return: an iterator that contains all of the tokens minted by the contract.
    debug(['tokens: ', find(TOKEN_PREFIX)])
    return find(TOKEN_PREFIX)
예제 #2
파일: ruler.py 프로젝트: Hecate2/neo-ruler
def getPairAttributes(_pair: int) -> Iterator:
    Get all the attributes of a pair
    :param _pair: index of a pair (find this through `getPairsMap`)
    :return: b'pair_'{index.to_bytes()}{SEPARATOR}{attribute.to_bytes()}: attribute_value
    return find(bytearray(b'pair_') + bytearray(_pair.to_bytes()) + SEPARATOR)
예제 #3
def cancel_pool(pool_id: UInt256):
    creator_on_storage = get(POOL_OWNER_KEY + pool_id)

    if len(creator_on_storage) == 0:
        raise Exception("Pool doesn't exist.")

    creator = UInt160(creator_on_storage)
    if not check_witness(creator):
        raise Exception('No authorization.')
    if len(get(POOL_RESULT_KEY + pool_id)) > 0:
        raise Exception('Pool is finished already')

    executing_contract = executing_script_hash

    # refund players
    bets_key_prefix = POOL_BET_KEY + pool_id
    bet = find(bets_key_prefix)
    while bet.next():
        result_pair: List[bytes] = bet.value
        storage_key = result_pair[0]

        account = UInt160(storage_key[len(bets_key_prefix):])
        transfer_gas(executing_contract, account, PRICE_IN_GAS)

    # set result
    put(POOL_RESULT_KEY + pool_id, serialize('Cancelled by owner'))
예제 #4
파일: ruler.py 프로젝트: Hecate2/neo-ruler
def getPairsMap(_col: UInt160) -> Iterator:
    Get the allowed paired token of a collateral (find a collateral with `getCollaterals`)
    :param _col: the collateral token address as the key to the paired token addresses
    :return: b'pairs'{collateral_address}{SEPARATOR}{paired_address}{SEPARATOR}{expiry.to_bytes()}{SEPARATOR}{_mintRatio.to_bytes()}: pair_index.to_bytes()
    return find(bytearray(b'pairs') + _col, current_storage_context)
예제 #5
def get_pool(pool_id: UInt256) -> list:
    creator = get(POOL_OWNER_KEY + pool_id)

    if len(creator) == 0:
        raise Exception("Pool doesn't exist.")

    description = get(POOL_DESCRIPTION_KEY + pool_id).to_str()
    options: List[str] = deserialize(get(POOL_OPTIONS_KEY + pool_id))

    result = None
    serialized_result = get(POOL_RESULT_KEY + pool_id)
    if len(serialized_result) > 0:
        result = deserialize(serialized_result)

    pool_bets: Dict[bytes, str] = {}
    bet_prefix = POOL_BET_KEY + pool_id
    bets = find(bet_prefix)
    while bets.next():
        result_pair = bets.value
        storage_key = cast(bytes, result_pair[0])
        player_bet = cast(str, result_pair[1])
        player_id = storage_key[len(bet_prefix):].to_str().to_bytes()

        pool_bets[player_id] = player_bet

    return [pool_id, creator, description, options, result, pool_bets]
예제 #6
def search_storage(prefix: str) -> dict:
    data_list = {}
    data = storage.find(prefix)

    while data.next():
        data_list[data.value[0]] = StdLib.deserialize(
            cast(bytes, data.value[1]))
    return data_list
예제 #7
def search_storage(prefix: str) -> dict:
    data_list = {}
    data = storage.find(prefix)

    while data.next():
        iterator_value = data.value
        key: str = iterator_value[0]
        serialized_value: bytes = iterator_value[1]
        value = StdLib.deserialize(serialized_value)
        data_list[key] = value
    return data_list
def test_end_while_jump() -> bool:
    iterator = find(b'feesMap')
    fee_receiver = get(FEE_RECEIVER_KEY)
    while iterator.next():
        token_bytes = cast(bytes, iterator.value[0])
        token_bytes = token_bytes[
            7:]  # cut 'feesMap' at the beginning of the bytes
        token = cast(UInt160, token_bytes)
        fee_amount = cast(int, iterator.value[1])
        if fee_amount > 0:
            notify([token, executing_script_hash, fee_receiver, fee_amount])
    return True
예제 #9
def tokens_of(owner: UInt160) -> Iterator:
    Get a iterator with all token ids owned by an address. The values inside the Iterator SHOULD be a ByteString with a
    length of no more than 64 bytes.

    The parameter owner must be a 20-byte address represented by a UInt160.

    :param owner: the account address to retrieve the balance for
    :type owner: UInt160
    assert len(owner) == 20

    return storage.find(account_prefix_key(owner))
예제 #10
def tokensOf(owner: UInt160) -> Iterator:
    Get all of the token ids owned by the specified address

    The parameter owner must be a 20-byte address represented by a UInt160.

    :param owner: the owner address to retrieve the tokens for
    :type owner: UInt160
    :return: an iterator that contains all of the token ids owned by the specified address.
    :raise AssertionError: raised if `owner` length is not 20.
    assert len(owner) == 20, "Incorrect `owner` length"
    return find(mk_account_key(owner))
예제 #11
파일: ruler.py 프로젝트: Hecate2/neo-ruler
def getFeesMap() -> Iterator:
    How many fees of each kind of token can be collected
    :return: collateral_token: amount_of_fees.to_bytes()
    administrator = get(ADMINISTRATOR_KEY)
    if not (check_witness(administrator)
            or calling_script_hash == administrator):
        fee_receiver = get(
        )  # if not admin, get fee_receiver. This saves GAS for executing this API
        assert check_witness(
            fee_receiver) or calling_script_hash == fee_receiver
    return find(b'feesMap')
예제 #12
def list_on_going_pools() -> list:
    pools = []

    created_pools = find(POOL_OWNER_KEY)
    while created_pools.next():
        result_pair = created_pools.value
        storage_key = cast(bytes, result_pair[0])
        pool_id = storage_key[len(POOL_OWNER_KEY):]
        pool_hash: UInt256 = pool_id

        if len(get(POOL_RESULT_KEY + pool_id)) == 0:
            # open is still open
            pool = get_pool(pool_hash)

    return pools
예제 #13
def finish_pool(pool_id: UInt256, winner_options: List[str]):
    creator = get(POOL_OWNER_KEY + pool_id)

    if len(creator) == 0:
        raise Exception("Pool doesn't exist.")
    if not check_witness(creator):
        raise Exception('No authorization.')
    if len(get(POOL_RESULT_KEY + pool_id)) > 0:
        raise Exception('Pool is finished already')
    if len(winner_options) == 0:
        raise Exception('At least one winner is required')

    # validate all winner options are valid options
    winner_options: List[str] = remove_duplicates(winner_options)
    pool_options: List[str] = deserialize(get(POOL_OPTIONS_KEY + pool_id))
    for option in winner_options:
        if option not in pool_options:
            raise Exception('Invalid option for this pool')

    winners: List[UInt160] = []

    # get winner players
    bets_key_prefix = POOL_BET_KEY + pool_id
    bet = find(bets_key_prefix)
    while bet.next():
        result_pair = bet.value
        storage_key = cast(bytes, result_pair[0])
        account_bet = cast(str, result_pair[1])

        if account_bet in winner_options:
            address = storage_key[len(bets_key_prefix):]
            account = UInt160(address)

    # distribute the prizes
    if len(winners) > 0:
        total_stake = get(POOL_TOTAL_STAKE_KEY + pool_id).to_int()
        prize_per_winner = total_stake // len(winners)
        executing_contract = executing_script_hash

        for winner in winners:
            transfer_gas(executing_contract, winner, prize_per_winner)

    # set result
    put(POOL_RESULT_KEY + pool_id, serialize(winner_options))
예제 #14
def getSenderStreams(sender: UInt160) -> str:
    Get all streams where address is sender

        sender (UInt160): address as UInt160

        str: JSON array of stream IDs
    sender64 = base64_encode(sender)
    streams = find('bysender/' + sender64)
    ret = ''
    while streams.next():
        ret = ret + itoa(cast(bytes, streams.value[1]).to_int()) + ','
    if len(ret) > 0:
        ret = '[' + ret[:-1]
        return ret + ']'
    return '[]'
예제 #15
def getRecipientStreams(recipient: UInt160) -> str:
    Get all streams where address is recipient

        recipient (UInt160): address as UInt160

        str: JSON array of stream IDs
    recipient64 = base64_encode(recipient)
    streams = find('byrecipient/' + recipient64)
    ret = ''
    while streams.next():
        ret = ret + itoa(cast(bytes, streams.value[1]).to_int()) + ','
    if len(ret) > 0:
        ret = '[' + ret[:-1]
        return ret + ']'
    return '[]'
예제 #16
파일: ruler.py 프로젝트: Hecate2/neo-ruler
def collectFees() -> bool:
    Collect all the fees
    No need to check witness? Because the fee is always given to the fee receiver.
    :return: True
    iterator = find(b'feesMap')
    fee_receiver = get(FEE_RECEIVER_KEY)
    while iterator.next():
        token_bytes = cast(bytes, iterator.value[0])
        token_bytes = token_bytes[
            7:]  # cut 'feesMap' at the beginning of the bytes
        token = cast(UInt160, token_bytes)
        fee_amount = cast(bytes, iterator.value[1]).to_int()
        if fee_amount > 0:
            feesMap.put(token, 0)
            assert call_contract(token, 'transfer', [
                executing_script_hash, fee_receiver, fee_amount, 'Collect Fees'
    return True
def dict_iterator(prefix: str) -> str:
    it = find(prefix)
    return it.value  # 'find' Iterator value is Union[str, bytes]
예제 #18
def find_by_prefix(prefix: Union[str, bytes]) -> Iterator:
    context = get_context()
    return find(prefix, context)
예제 #19
def test_iterator(prefix: str) -> Union[tuple, None]:
    it = find(prefix)
    if it.next():
        return it.value
    return None
예제 #20
파일: ruler.py 프로젝트: Hecate2/neo-ruler
def getCollaterals() -> Iterator:
    :return: {collateral_address}: 1.to_bytes()
    return find(b'collaterals', current_storage_context)
예제 #21
def storage_find_is_context() -> bool:
    storage_find_iterator = find('unit_test')
    return is_iterator(storage_find_iterator)
def find_by_prefix(prefix: bytes) -> Iterator:
    return find(prefix)
예제 #23
def find_by_prefix(prefix: str) -> Iterator:
    return storage.find(prefix)
예제 #24
def return_iterator() -> iterator.Iterator:
    return find('random_prefix')
예제 #25
def has_next(prefix: str) -> bool:
    return find(prefix).next()
예제 #26
def find_by_prefix(prefix: int) -> Iterator:
    return find(prefix)
예제 #27
def find_by_prefix(prefix: ByteString) -> Iterator:
    context = get_context()
    return find(prefix, context)