예제 #1
    def test_any_sequence_assignments(self):
        ok = String('ok').to_bytes()
        some_string = String('some_string').to_bytes()

        expected_output = (
            Opcode.INITSLOT + b'\x05' + b'\x00' +
            Opcode.PUSHDATA1  # any_list = [True, 1, 'ok']
            + Integer(len(ok)).to_byte_array() + ok + Opcode.PUSH1 +
            Opcode.PUSH1 + Opcode.CONVERT + StackItemType.Boolean +
            Opcode.PUSH3 + Opcode.PACK + Opcode.STLOC0 +
            Opcode.PUSH3  # int_list = [1, 2, 3]
            + Opcode.PUSH2 + Opcode.PUSH1 + Opcode.PUSH3 + Opcode.PACK +
            Opcode.STLOC1 + Opcode.PUSHDATA1  # any_tuple = (True, 1, 'ok')
            + Integer(len(ok)).to_byte_array() + ok + Opcode.PUSH1 +
            Opcode.PUSH1 + Opcode.CONVERT + StackItemType.Boolean +
            Opcode.PUSH3 + Opcode.PACK + Opcode.STLOC2 +
            Opcode.PUSH0  # bool_tuple = True, False
            + Opcode.CONVERT + StackItemType.Boolean + Opcode.PUSH1 +
            Opcode.CONVERT + StackItemType.Boolean + Opcode.PUSH2 +
            Opcode.PACK + Opcode.STLOC3 + Opcode.LDLOC0  # a = any_list
            + Opcode.STLOC4 + Opcode.LDLOC2  # a = any_tuple
            + Opcode.STLOC4 + Opcode.PUSHDATA1  # a = 'some_string'
            + Integer(len(some_string)).to_byte_array() + some_string +
            Opcode.STLOC4 + Opcode.LDLOC1  # a = int_list
            + Opcode.STLOC4 + Opcode.LDLOC3  # a = bool_tuple
            + Opcode.STLOC4 + Opcode.RET)

        path = self.get_contract_path('AnySequenceAssignments.py')
        output = Boa3.compile(path)
        self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)
예제 #2
    def test_boa2_op_call_test(self):
        path = self.get_contract_path('OpCallBoa2Test.py')
        engine = TestEngine()

        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'main', 'omin', 4, 4)
        self.assertEqual(4, result)

        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'main', 'omin', -4, 4)
        self.assertEqual(-4, result)

        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'main', 'omin', 16, 0)
        self.assertEqual(0, result)

        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'main', 'omax', 4, 4)
        self.assertEqual(4, result)

        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'main', 'omax', -4, 4)
        self.assertEqual(4, result)

        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'main', 'omax', 16, 0)
        self.assertEqual(16, result)

        from boa3.neo.cryptography import sha256, hash160
        from boa3.neo.vm.type.String import String
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'main', 'sha256', 'abc', 4)
        self.assertEqual(sha256(String('abc').to_bytes()), result)

        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'main', 'hash160', 'abc', 4)
        self.assertEqual(hash160(String('abc').to_bytes()), result)
예제 #3
    def test_multiple_list_expressions(self):
        one = String('1').to_bytes()
        four = String('4').to_bytes()

        expected_output = (
            Opcode.INITSLOT  # function signature
            + b'\x03' + b'\x01' +
            Opcode.PUSHDATA1  # items2 = [False, '1', 2, 3, '4']
            + Integer(len(four)).to_byte_array() + four + Opcode.PUSH3 +
            Opcode.PUSH2 + Opcode.PUSHDATA1 +
            Integer(len(one)).to_byte_array() + one + Opcode.PUSH0 +
            Opcode.PUSH5 + Opcode.PACK + Opcode.STLOC0  # items2 = array
            + Opcode.LDARG0  # value = items1[0]
            + Opcode.PUSH0 + Opcode.DUP + Opcode.SIGN + Opcode.PUSHM1 +
            Opcode.JMPNE +
            Integer(5).to_byte_array(min_length=1, signed=True) + Opcode.OVER +
            Opcode.SIZE + Opcode.ADD + Opcode.PICKITEM + Opcode.STLOC1 +
            Opcode.LDLOC1  # count = value + len(items2)
            + Opcode.LDLOC0 + Opcode.SIZE + Opcode.ADD + Opcode.STLOC2 +
            Opcode.LDLOC2  # return count
            + Opcode.RET)

        path = '%s/boa3_test/test_sc/list_test/MultipleExpressionsInLine.py' % self.dirname
        output = Boa3.compile(path)
        self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)

        engine = TestEngine(self.dirname)
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'Main', [2, 1])
        self.assertEqual(7, result)
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'Main', [-7, 5])
        self.assertEqual(-2, result)
예제 #4
    def test_notify_str(self):
        event_name = String('notify').to_bytes()
        message = 'str'
        string = String(message).to_bytes()
        expected_output = (
            + Integer(len(string)).to_byte_array(min_length=1)
            + string
            + Opcode.PUSH1
            + Opcode.PACK
            + Opcode.PUSHDATA1
            + Integer(len(event_name)).to_byte_array(min_length=1)
            + event_name
            + Opcode.SYSCALL
            + Interop.Notify.interop_method_hash
            + Opcode.PUSHNULL
            + Opcode.RET

        path = '%s/boa3_test/test_sc/interop_test/NotifyStr.py' % self.dirname
        output = Boa3.compile(path)
        self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)

        engine = TestEngine(self.dirname)
        self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'Main')
        self.assertGreater(len(engine.notifications), 0)

        event_notifications = engine.get_events(event_name=Interop.Notify.name)
        self.assertEqual(1, len(event_notifications))
        self.assertEqual((message,), event_notifications[0].arguments)
예제 #5
    def test_check_multisig_with_ecdsa_secp256k1_byte(self):
        byte_input0 = String('123').to_bytes()
        byte_input1 = String('456').to_bytes()
        byte_input2 = String('098').to_bytes()
        byte_input3 = String('765').to_bytes()
        byte_input4 = b'\x00\x01\x02'

        expected_output = (
            Opcode.INITSLOT + b'\x02' + b'\x00' + Opcode.PUSHDATA1 +
            Integer(len(byte_input1)).to_byte_array(min_length=1) +
            byte_input1 + Opcode.PUSHDATA1 +
            Integer(len(byte_input0)).to_byte_array(min_length=1) +
            byte_input0 + Opcode.PUSH2 + Opcode.PACK + Opcode.STLOC0 +
            Opcode.PUSHDATA1 +
            Integer(len(byte_input3)).to_byte_array(min_length=1) +
            byte_input3 + Opcode.PUSHDATA1 +
            Integer(len(byte_input2)).to_byte_array(min_length=1) +
            byte_input2 + Opcode.PUSH2 + Opcode.PACK + Opcode.STLOC1 +
            Opcode.LDLOC1 + Opcode.LDLOC0 + Opcode.PUSHDATA1 +
            Integer(len(byte_input4)).to_byte_array(min_length=1) +
            byte_input4 + Opcode.SYSCALL +
            Interop.CheckMultisigWithECDsaSecp256k1.interop_method_hash +
            Opcode.DROP + Opcode.RET)

        path = self.get_contract_path('CheckMultisigWithECDsaSecp256k1Byte.py')
        output = Boa3.compile(path)
        self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)
예제 #6
    def test_base64_decode(self):
        import base64
        path = self.get_contract_path('Base64Decode.py')
        engine = TestEngine()
        arg = String.from_bytes(base64.b64encode(b'unit test'))
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'Main', arg,
        self.assertEqual(b'unit test', result)

        arg = String.from_bytes(base64.b64encode(b''))
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'Main', arg,
        self.assertEqual(b'', result)

        long_string = ('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam accumsan magna eu massa '
                       'vulputate bibendum. Aliquam commodo euismod tristique. Sed purus erat, pretium ut interdum '
                       'et, aliquet sed mauris. Curabitur vitae turpis euismod, hendrerit mi a, rhoncus justo. Mauris '
                       'sollicitudin, nisl sit amet feugiat pharetra, odio ligula congue tellus, vel pellentesque '
                       'libero leo id dui. Morbi vel risus vehicula, consectetur mauris eget, gravida ligula. '
                       'Maecenas aliquam velit sit amet nisi ultricies, ac sollicitudin nisi mollis. Lorem ipsum '
                       'dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut tincidunt, nisi in ullamcorper ornare, '
                       'est enim dictum massa, id aliquet justo magna in purus.')
        arg = String.from_bytes(base64.b64encode(String(long_string).to_bytes()))
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'Main', arg,
        self.assertEqual(String(long_string).to_bytes(), result)
예제 #7
    def test_tuple_string_values(self):
        byte_input0 = String('1').to_bytes()
        byte_input1 = String('2').to_bytes()
        byte_input2 = String('3').to_bytes()

        expected_output = (
            Opcode.INITSLOT     # function signature
            + b'\x01'
            + b'\x00'
            + Opcode.PUSHDATA1  # a = ('1', '2', '3')
            + Integer(len(byte_input2)).to_byte_array()
            + byte_input2
            + Opcode.PUSHDATA1
            + Integer(len(byte_input1)).to_byte_array()
            + byte_input1
            + Opcode.PUSHDATA1
            + Integer(len(byte_input0)).to_byte_array()
            + byte_input0
            + Opcode.PUSH3      # tuple length
            + Opcode.PACK
            + Opcode.STLOC0
            + Opcode.PUSHNULL
            + Opcode.RET        # return

        path = '%s/boa3_test/test_sc/tuple_test/StrTuple.py' % self.dirname
        output = Boa3.compile(path)
        self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)
예제 #8
    def test_multiple_tuple_expressions(self):
        a = String('a').to_bytes()
        b = String('b').to_bytes()
        c = String('c').to_bytes()
        d = String('d').to_bytes()

        expected_output = (
            Opcode.INITSLOT  # function signature
            + b'\x03' + b'\x01' +
            Opcode.PUSHDATA1  # items2 = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')
            + Integer(len(d)).to_byte_array() + d + Opcode.PUSHDATA1 +
            Integer(len(c)).to_byte_array() + c + Opcode.PUSHDATA1 +
            Integer(len(b)).to_byte_array() + b + Opcode.PUSHDATA1 +
            Integer(len(a)).to_byte_array() + a + Opcode.PUSH4 + Opcode.PACK +
            Opcode.STLOC0  # items2 = array
            + Opcode.LDARG0  # value = items1[0]
            + Opcode.PUSH0 + Opcode.DUP + Opcode.SIGN + Opcode.PUSHM1 +
            Opcode.JMPNE +
            Integer(5).to_byte_array(min_length=1, signed=True) + Opcode.OVER +
            Opcode.SIZE + Opcode.ADD + Opcode.PICKITEM + Opcode.STLOC1 +
            Opcode.LDLOC1  # count = value + len(items2)
            + Opcode.LDLOC0 + Opcode.SIZE + Opcode.ADD + Opcode.STLOC2 +
            Opcode.LDLOC2  # return count
            + Opcode.RET)

        path = '%s/boa3_test/test_sc/tuple_test/MultipleExpressionsInLine.py' % self.dirname
        output = Boa3.compile(path)
        self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)

        engine = TestEngine(self.dirname)
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'Main', [1, 2])
        self.assertEqual(5, result)
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'Main', [-5, -7])
        self.assertEqual(-1, result)
예제 #9
    def test_concat_with_bytestring(self):
        path = self.get_contract_path('bytestring', 'ConcatWithByteString.py')
        engine = TestEngine()

        prefix = '12345'
        arg = 'a'
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'concat', prefix, arg)
        self.assertEqual(prefix + arg, result)

        arg = b'a'
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'concat', prefix, arg)
        self.assertEqual(prefix + String.from_bytes(arg), result)

        prefix = b'12345'
        arg = b'6789'
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine,
        self.assertEqual(prefix + arg, result)

        arg = '6789'
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine,
        self.assertEqual(prefix + String(arg).to_bytes(), result)
예제 #10
    def test_dict_values(self):
        one = String('one').to_bytes()
        two = String('two').to_bytes()
        three = String('three').to_bytes()

        expected_output = (
            Opcode.INITSLOT + b'\x02' + b'\x00' +
            Opcode.NEWMAP  # a = {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3}
            + Opcode.DUP + Opcode.PUSHDATA1  # map['one'] = 1
            + Integer(len(one)).to_byte_array(min_length=1) + one +
            Opcode.PUSH1 + Opcode.SETITEM + Opcode.DUP +
            Opcode.PUSHDATA1  # map['two'] = 2
            + Integer(len(two)).to_byte_array(min_length=1) + two +
            Opcode.PUSH2 + Opcode.SETITEM + Opcode.DUP +
            Opcode.PUSHDATA1  # map['three'] = 3
            + Integer(len(three)).to_byte_array(min_length=1) + three +
            Opcode.PUSH3 + Opcode.SETITEM + Opcode.STLOC0 +
            Opcode.LDLOC0  # b = a.values()
            + Opcode.VALUES + Opcode.STLOC1 + Opcode.LDLOC1  # return b
            + Opcode.RET)

        path = '%s/boa3_test/test_sc/dict_test/ValuesDict.py' % self.dirname
        output = Boa3.compile(path)
        self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)

        engine = TestEngine(self.dirname)
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'Main')
        self.assertEqual([1, 2, 3], result)
예제 #11
    def test_boa2_storage_test(self):
        path = self.get_contract_path('StorageBoa2Test.py')
        engine = TestEngine()

        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'main', 'sget',
                                         'something', 'blah')
        if isinstance(result, str):
            result = String(result).to_bytes()
        self.assertEqual(b'', result)

        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'main', 'sput',
                                         'something', 'blah')
        self.assertEqual(True, result)

        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'main', 'sget',
                                         'something', 'blah')
        if isinstance(result, str):
            result = String(result).to_bytes()
        self.assertEqual(b'blah', result)

        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'main', 'sdel',
                                         'something', 'blah')
        self.assertEqual(True, result)

        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'main', 'sget',
                                         'something', 'blah')
        if isinstance(result, str):
            result = String(result).to_bytes()
        self.assertEqual(b'', result)
예제 #12
    def test_boa2_storage_test2(self):
        path = self.get_contract_path('StorageBoa2Test.py')
        engine = TestEngine()

        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'main', 'sget', 100,
        if isinstance(result, str):
            result = String(result).to_bytes()
        self.assertEqual(b'', result)

        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'main', 'sput', 100,
        self.assertEqual(True, result)

        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'main', 'sget', 100,
        if isinstance(result, bytes):
            result = Integer.from_bytes(result)
        self.assertEqual(10000000000, result)

        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'main', 'sdel', 100,
        self.assertEqual(True, result)

        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'main', 'sget', 100,
        if isinstance(result, str):
            result = String(result).to_bytes()
        self.assertEqual(b'', result)
예제 #13
    def test_function_any_param(self):
        ok = String('ok').to_bytes()
        some_string = String('some_string').to_bytes()

        expected_output = (
            Opcode.INITSLOT  # Main
            + b'\x01' + b'\x00' + Opcode.PUSH0  # bool_tuple = True, False
            + Opcode.PUSH1 + Opcode.PUSH2 + Opcode.PACK + Opcode.STLOC0 +
            Opcode.LDLOC0  # SequenceFunction(bool_tuple)
            + Opcode.CALL +
            Integer(51).to_byte_array(min_length=1, signed=True) +
            Opcode.DROP + Opcode.PUSHDATA1  # SequenceFunction([True, 1, 'ok'])
            + Integer(len(ok)).to_byte_array() + ok + Opcode.PUSH1 +
            Opcode.PUSH1 + Opcode.PUSH3 + Opcode.PACK + Opcode.CALL +
            Integer(40).to_byte_array(min_length=1, signed=True) +
            Opcode.DROP + Opcode.PUSHDATA1  # SequenceFunction('some_string')
            + Integer(len(some_string)).to_byte_array() + some_string +
            Opcode.CALL +
            Integer(24).to_byte_array(min_length=1, signed=True) +
            Opcode.DROP + Opcode.PUSHDATA1  # SequenceFunction((True, 1, 'ok'))
            + Integer(len(ok)).to_byte_array() + ok + Opcode.PUSH1 +
            Opcode.PUSH1 + Opcode.PUSH3 + Opcode.PACK + Opcode.CALL +
            Integer(13).to_byte_array(min_length=1, signed=True) +
            Opcode.DROP + Opcode.PUSH3  # SequenceFunction([1, 2, 3])
            + Opcode.PUSH2 + Opcode.PUSH1 + Opcode.PUSH3 + Opcode.PACK +
            Opcode.CALL + Integer(5).to_byte_array(min_length=1, signed=True) +
            Opcode.DROP + Opcode.PUSHNULL + Opcode.RET  # return
            + Opcode.INITSLOT  # SequenceFunction
            + b'\x01' + b'\x01' + Opcode.LDARG0  # a = sequence
            + Opcode.STLOC0 + Opcode.PUSHNULL + Opcode.RET)

        path = '%s/boa3_test/test_sc/any_test/FunctionAnyParam.py' % self.dirname
        output = Boa3.compile(path)
        self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)
예제 #14
    def test_any_sequence_assignments(self):
        ok = String('ok').to_bytes()
        some_string = String('some_string').to_bytes()

        expected_output = (
            Opcode.INITSLOT + b'\x05' + b'\x00' +
            Opcode.PUSHDATA1  # any_list = [True, 1, 'ok']
            + Integer(len(ok)).to_byte_array() + ok + Opcode.PUSH1 +
            Opcode.PUSH1 + Opcode.PUSH3 + Opcode.PACK + Opcode.STLOC0 +
            Opcode.PUSH3  # int_list = [1, 2, 3]
            + Opcode.PUSH2 + Opcode.PUSH1 + Opcode.PUSH3 + Opcode.PACK +
            Opcode.STLOC1 + Opcode.PUSHDATA1  # any_tuple = (True, 1, 'ok')
            + Integer(len(ok)).to_byte_array() + ok + Opcode.PUSH1 +
            Opcode.PUSH1 + Opcode.PUSH3 + Opcode.PACK + Opcode.STLOC2 +
            Opcode.PUSH0  # bool_tuple = True, False
            + Opcode.PUSH1 + Opcode.PUSH2 + Opcode.PACK + Opcode.STLOC3 +
            Opcode.LDLOC0  # a = any_list
            + Opcode.STLOC4 + Opcode.LDLOC2  # a = any_tuple
            + Opcode.STLOC4 + Opcode.PUSHDATA1  # a = 'some_string'
            + Integer(len(some_string)).to_byte_array() + some_string +
            Opcode.STLOC4 + Opcode.LDLOC1  # a = int_list
            + Opcode.STLOC4 + Opcode.LDLOC3  # a = bool_tuple
            + Opcode.STLOC4 + Opcode.PUSHNULL + Opcode.RET)

        path = '%s/boa3_test/test_sc/any_test/AnySequenceAssignments.py' % self.dirname
        output = Boa3.compile(path)
        self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)
예제 #15
    def test_update_contract(self):
        call_flag = Integer(CallFlags.ALL).to_byte_array(signed=True,
        expected_output = (
            Opcode.INITSLOT + b'\00' + b'\02' + Opcode.LDARG1 + Opcode.LDARG0 +
            Opcode.PUSH2 + Opcode.PACK + Opcode.PUSHDATA1 +
                min_length=1) +
            String(Interop.UpdateContract.method_name).to_bytes() +
            Opcode.PUSHDATA1 + Integer(len(
                constants.MANAGEMENT_SCRIPT)).to_byte_array(min_length=1) +
            constants.MANAGEMENT_SCRIPT + Opcode.PUSHDATA1 +
            Integer(len(call_flag)).to_byte_array(min_length=1) + call_flag +
            Opcode.ROT + Opcode.ROT + Opcode.SYSCALL +
            Interop.CallContract.interop_method_hash + Opcode.DROP +

        path = self.get_contract_path('UpdateContract.py')
        output, manifest = self.compile_and_save(path)
        self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)

        new_path = self.get_contract_path('test_sc/interop_test',
        new_nef, new_manifest = self.get_bytes_output(new_path)
        arg_manifest = String(json.dumps(new_manifest,
                                         separators=(',', ':'))).to_bytes()

        engine = TestEngine()
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'update', new_nef,
예제 #16
    def test_create_contract(self):
        call_flag = Integer(CallFlags.ALL).to_byte_array(signed=True,
        expected_output = (
            Opcode.INITSLOT + b'\x00' + b'\x02' + Opcode.LDARG1 +
            Opcode.LDARG0 + Opcode.PUSH2 + Opcode.PACK + Opcode.DUP +
            Opcode.PUSHNULL + Opcode.APPEND + Opcode.PUSHDATA1 +
                min_length=1) +
            String(Interop.CreateContract.method_name).to_bytes() +
            Opcode.PUSHDATA1 + Integer(len(
                constants.MANAGEMENT_SCRIPT)).to_byte_array(min_length=1) +
            constants.MANAGEMENT_SCRIPT + Opcode.PUSHDATA1 +
            Integer(len(call_flag)).to_byte_array(min_length=1) + call_flag +
            Opcode.ROT + Opcode.ROT + Opcode.SYSCALL +
            Interop.CallContract.interop_method_hash + Opcode.RET)

        path = self.get_contract_path('CreateContract.py')
        output = Boa3.compile(path)
        self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)

        call_contract_path = self.get_contract_path('test_sc/arithmetic_test',

        nef_file, manifest = self.get_bytes_output(call_contract_path)
        arg_manifest = String(json.dumps(manifest,
                                         separators=(',', ':'))).to_bytes()

        engine = TestEngine()
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'Main', nef_file,

        self.assertEqual(5, len(result))
        self.assertEqual(nef_file, result[3])
예제 #17
    def test_get_transaction_from_block_uint256(self):
        call_flags = Integer(CallFlags.ALL).to_byte_array(signed=True, min_length=1)
        method = String('getTransactionFromBlock').to_bytes()

        expected_output = (
            + b'\x00\x02'
            + Opcode.LDARG1
            + Opcode.LDARG0
            + Opcode.PUSH2
            + Opcode.PACK
            + Opcode.PUSHDATA1
            + Integer(len(call_flags)).to_byte_array()
            + call_flags
            + Opcode.PUSHDATA1
            + Integer(len(method)).to_byte_array()
            + method
            + Opcode.PUSHDATA1
            + Integer(len(constants.LEDGER_SCRIPT)).to_byte_array()
            + constants.LEDGER_SCRIPT
            + Opcode.SYSCALL
            + Interop.CallContract.interop_method_hash
            + Opcode.RET
        path = self.get_contract_path('GetTransactionFromBlockUInt256.py')
        output = Boa3.compile(path)
        self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)

        path_burn_gas = self.get_contract_path('../runtime', 'BurnGas.py')
        engine = TestEngine()

        sender = bytes(range(20))
        self.run_smart_contract(engine, path_burn_gas, 'main', 100, signer_accounts=[sender])

        block_10 = engine.current_block
        block_hash = block_10.hash
        txs = block_10.get_transactions()
        tx_hash = txs[0].hash
        tx_script = txs[0]._script


        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'main', block_hash, 0)
        self.assertEqual(8, len(result))
        if isinstance(result[0], str):
            result[0] = String(result[0]).to_bytes()
        self.assertEqual(UInt256(tx_hash), UInt256(result[0]))  # hash
        self.assertIsInstance(result[1], int)  # version
        self.assertIsInstance(result[2], int)  # nonce
        if isinstance(result[3], str):
            result[3] = String(result[3]).to_bytes()
        self.assertEqual(UInt160(sender), UInt160(result[3]))  # sender
        self.assertIsInstance(result[4], int)  # system_fee
        self.assertIsInstance(result[5], int)  # network_fee
        self.assertIsInstance(result[6], int)  # valid_until_block
        if isinstance(result[7], str):
            result[7] = String(result[7]).to_bytes()
        self.assertEqual(tx_script, result[7])  # script
예제 #18
    def test_dict_values_mismatched_type(self):
        one = String('one').to_bytes()
        two = String('two').to_bytes()
        three = String('three').to_bytes()

        expected_output = (
            Opcode.INITSLOT + b'\x02' + b'\x00' +
            Opcode.NEWMAP  # a = {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3}
            + Opcode.DUP + Opcode.PUSHDATA1  # map['one'] = 1
            + Integer(len(one)).to_byte_array(min_length=1) + one +
            Opcode.PUSH1 + Opcode.SETITEM + Opcode.DUP +
            Opcode.PUSHDATA1  # map['two'] = 2
            + Integer(len(two)).to_byte_array(min_length=1) + two +
            Opcode.PUSH2 + Opcode.SETITEM + Opcode.DUP +
            Opcode.PUSHDATA1  # map['three'] = 3
            + Integer(len(three)).to_byte_array(min_length=1) + three +
            Opcode.PUSH3 + Opcode.SETITEM + Opcode.STLOC0 +
            Opcode.LDLOC0  # b = a.values()
            + Opcode.VALUES + Opcode.STLOC1 + Opcode.LDLOC1  # return b
            + Opcode.RET)

        path = self.get_contract_path('MismatchedTypeValuesDict.py')
        output = self.assertCompilerLogs(CompilerWarning.TypeCasting, path)
        self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)

        engine = TestEngine()
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'Main')
        self.assertEqual([1, 2, 3], result)
예제 #19
    def test_dict_keys(self):
        one = String('one').to_bytes()
        two = String('two').to_bytes()
        three = String('three').to_bytes()

        expected_output = (
            Opcode.INITSLOT + b'\x02' + b'\x00' +
            Opcode.NEWMAP  # a = {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3}
            + Opcode.DUP + Opcode.PUSHDATA1  # map['one'] = 1
            + Integer(len(one)).to_byte_array(min_length=1) + one +
            Opcode.PUSH1 + Opcode.SETITEM + Opcode.DUP +
            Opcode.PUSHDATA1  # map['two'] = 2
            + Integer(len(two)).to_byte_array(min_length=1) + two +
            Opcode.PUSH2 + Opcode.SETITEM + Opcode.DUP +
            Opcode.PUSHDATA1  # map['three'] = 3
            + Integer(len(three)).to_byte_array(min_length=1) + three +
            Opcode.PUSH3 + Opcode.SETITEM + Opcode.STLOC0 +
            Opcode.LDLOC0  # b = a.keys()
            + Opcode.KEYS + Opcode.STLOC1 + Opcode.LDLOC1  # return b
            + Opcode.RET)

        path = self.get_contract_path('KeysDict.py')
        output = Boa3.compile(path)
        self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)

        engine = TestEngine()
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'Main')
        self.assertEqual(['one', 'two', 'three'], result)
예제 #20
    def test_deserialize(self):
        path = self.get_contract_path('Deserialize.py')
        engine = TestEngine()

        expected_result = 42
        value = serialize(expected_result)
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine,
        self.assertEqual(expected_result, result)

        expected_result = True
        value = serialize(expected_result)
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'deserialize_arg',
        self.assertEqual(expected_result, result)

        value = StackItemType.Boolean + value[1:]
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'deserialize_arg',
        self.assertEqual(expected_result, result)

        expected_result = '42'
        value = serialize(expected_result)
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'deserialize_arg',
        self.assertEqual(expected_result, result)

        expected_result = b'42'
        value = serialize(expected_result)
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine,
        self.assertEqual(expected_result, result)

        expected_result = [1, '2', b'3']
        value = serialize(expected_result)
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'deserialize_arg',
        expected_result[2] = String.from_bytes(expected_result[2])
        self.assertEqual(expected_result, result)

        expected_result = {'int': 1, 'str': '2', 'bytes': b'3'}
        value = serialize(expected_result)
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'deserialize_arg',
        expected_result['bytes'] = String.from_bytes(expected_result['bytes'])
        self.assertEqual(expected_result, result)
예제 #21
    def test_storage_put_str_key_str_value(self):
        value = String('123').to_bytes()
        expected_output = (
            + b'\x01'
            + b'\x01'
            + Opcode.PUSHDATA1
            + Integer(len(value)).to_byte_array(min_length=1, signed=True)
            + value
            + Opcode.STLOC0
            + Opcode.PUSHDATA1
            + Integer(len(value)).to_byte_array(min_length=1, signed=True)
            + value
            + Opcode.LDARG0
            + Opcode.SYSCALL
            + Interop.StorageGetContext.interop_method_hash
            + Opcode.SYSCALL
            + Interop.StoragePut.interop_method_hash
            + Opcode.RET

        path = self.get_contract_path('StoragePutStrKeyStrValue.py')
        output = Boa3.compile(path)
        self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)

        engine = TestEngine()
        stored_value = String('123').to_bytes()
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'Main', 'test1')
        storage_value = engine.storage_get(b'test1', path)
        self.assertEqual(stored_value, storage_value)

        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'Main', 'test2')
        storage_value = engine.storage_get(b'test1', path)
        self.assertEqual(stored_value, storage_value)
        storage_value = engine.storage_get(b'test2', path)
        self.assertEqual(stored_value, storage_value)

        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'Main', 'test2', fake_storage={})
        storage_value = engine.storage_get(b'test1', path)
        storage_value = engine.storage_get(b'test2', path)
        self.assertEqual(stored_value, storage_value)
예제 #22
    def test_deserialize(self):
        path = self.get_contract_path('Deserialize.py')

        engine = TestEngine()

        expected_result = 42
        value = serialize(expected_result)
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'deserialize_arg', value,
        self.assertEqual(expected_result, result)

        expected_result = True
        value = serialize(expected_result)
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'deserialize_arg', value)

        # it shouldn't be equal to the convertion, because it converts as an int instead of a boolean
        self.assertEqual(expected_result, result)
        self.assertNotEqual(type(expected_result), type(result))

        value = StackItemType.Boolean + value[1:]
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'deserialize_arg', value,
        self.assertEqual(expected_result, result)
        self.assertEqual(type(expected_result), type(result))

        expected_result = '42'
        value = serialize(expected_result)
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'deserialize_arg', value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_result, result)

        expected_result = b'42'
        value = serialize(expected_result)
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'deserialize_arg', value,
        self.assertEqual(expected_result, result)

        expected_result = [1, '2', b'3']
        value = serialize(expected_result)
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'deserialize_arg', value)
        expected_result[2] = String.from_bytes(expected_result[2])
        self.assertEqual(expected_result, result)

        expected_result = {'int': 1, 'str': '2', 'bytes': b'3'}
        value = serialize(expected_result)
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'deserialize_arg', value)
        expected_result['bytes'] = String.from_bytes(expected_result['bytes'])
        self.assertEqual(expected_result, result)
예제 #23
    def test_notify_int(self):
        event_name = String('notify').to_bytes()
        expected_output = (
            + Opcode.PUSH1
            + Opcode.PACK
            + Opcode.PUSHDATA1
            + Integer(len(event_name)).to_byte_array(min_length=1)
            + event_name
            + Opcode.SYSCALL
            + Interop.Notify.interop_method_hash
            + Opcode.RET

        path = self.get_contract_path('NotifyInt.py')
        output = Boa3.compile(path)
        self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)

        engine = TestEngine()
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'Main')
        self.assertGreater(len(engine.notifications), 0)

        event_notifications = engine.get_events(event_name=Interop.Notify.name)
        self.assertEqual(1, len(event_notifications))
        self.assertEqual((15,), event_notifications[0].arguments)
예제 #24
    def test_len_of_str(self):
        input = 'just a test'
        byte_input = String(input).to_bytes()
        expected_output = (
            + b'\x01'
            + b'\x00'
            + Opcode.PUSHDATA1            # push the bytes
            + Integer(len(byte_input)).to_byte_array()
            + byte_input
            + Opcode.STLOC0
            + Opcode.PUSHDATA1            # push the bytes
            + Integer(len(byte_input)).to_byte_array()
            + byte_input
            + Opcode.SIZE
            + Opcode.RET
        path = self.get_contract_path('LenString.py')

        output = Boa3.compile(path)
        self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)

        engine = TestEngine()
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'Main')
        self.assertEqual(11, result)
예제 #25
 def opcode(self) -> List[Tuple[Opcode, bytes]]:
     from boa3.neo.vm.type.Integer import Integer
     from boa3.neo.vm.type.String import String
     range_error_msg = String('range() arg 3 must not be zero').to_bytes()
     return [(Opcode.PUSH2, b''), (Opcode.PICK, b''), (Opcode.SIGN, b''),
              Integer(5 + len(range_error_msg)).to_byte_array(signed=True)),
              Integer(len(range_error_msg)).to_byte_array(signed=True) +
              range_error_msg), (Opcode.THROW, b''),
             (Opcode.NEWARRAY0, b''), (Opcode.REVERSE4, b''),
             (Opcode.SWAP, b''),
             (Opcode.JMP, Integer(8).to_byte_array(signed=True,
             (Opcode.PUSH3, b''), (Opcode.PICK, b''), (Opcode.OVER, b''),
             (Opcode.APPEND, b''), (Opcode.OVER, b''), (Opcode.ADD, b''),
             (Opcode.DUP, b''), (Opcode.PUSH3, b''), (Opcode.PICK, b''),
             (Opcode.PUSH3, b''), (Opcode.PICK, b''), (Opcode.SIGN, b''),
             (Opcode.PUSH0, b''),
             (Opcode.JMPGT, Integer(5).to_byte_array(signed=True,
             (Opcode.GT, b''),
             (Opcode.JMP, Integer(3).to_byte_array(signed=True,
             (Opcode.LT, b''),
             (Opcode.JMPIF, Integer(-19).to_byte_array(signed=True,
             (Opcode.DROP, b''), (Opcode.DROP, b''), (Opcode.DROP, b'')]
예제 #26
    def test_verify_with_ecdsa_secp256k1_int(self):
        byte_input1 = b'publickey'
        byte_input2 = b'signature'
        function_id = String(Interop.VerifyWithECDsaSecp256k1._sys_call).to_bytes()
        call_flag = Integer(CallFlags.ALL).to_byte_array(signed=True, min_length=1)

        expected_output = (
            + Integer(len(byte_input2)).to_byte_array(min_length=1)
            + byte_input2
            + Opcode.PUSHDATA1
            + Integer(len(byte_input1)).to_byte_array(min_length=1)
            + byte_input1
            + Opcode.PUSH10
            + Opcode.PUSH3
            + Opcode.PACK
            + Opcode.DUP
            + Opcode.PUSHINT8
            + Integer(NamedCurve.SECP256K1).to_byte_array(min_length=1)
            + Opcode.APPEND
            + Opcode.PUSHDATA1
            + Integer(len(call_flag)).to_byte_array() + call_flag
            + Opcode.PUSHDATA1
            + Integer(len(function_id)).to_byte_array() + function_id
            + Opcode.PUSHDATA1
            + Integer(len(CRYPTO_SCRIPT)).to_byte_array() + CRYPTO_SCRIPT
            + Opcode.SYSCALL
            + Interop.CallContract.interop_method_hash
            + Opcode.DROP
            + Opcode.RET

        path = self.get_contract_path('VerifyWithECDsaSecp256k1Int.py')
        output = Boa3.compile(path)
        self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)
예제 #27
    def test_script_hash_variable_with_builtin(self):
        from boa3.neo3.contracts import CallFlags
        call_flag = Integer(CallFlags.ALL).to_byte_array(signed=True,
        twenty = Integer(20).to_byte_array()
        base58_identifier = String(Interop.Base58Decode.method_name).to_bytes()

        expected_output = (
            Opcode.INITSLOT + b'\x00\x01' + Opcode.LDARG0 + Opcode.DUP +
            Opcode.SIZE + Opcode.JMPIFNOT +
            Integer(47).to_byte_array(min_length=1) + Opcode.DUP +
            Opcode.ISTYPE + Type.str.stack_item + Opcode.JMPIF +
            Integer(4).to_byte_array(min_length=1) + Opcode.CONVERT +
            Type.str.stack_item + Opcode.PUSH1 + Opcode.PACK +
            Opcode.PUSHDATA1 +
            Integer(len(base58_identifier)).to_byte_array(min_length=1) +
            base58_identifier + Opcode.PUSHDATA1 +
            Integer(len(STD_LIB_SCRIPT)).to_byte_array(min_length=1) +
            STD_LIB_SCRIPT + Opcode.PUSHDATA1 +
            Integer(len(call_flag)).to_byte_array(min_length=1) + call_flag +
            Opcode.ROT + Opcode.ROT + Opcode.SYSCALL +
            Interop.CallContract.interop_method_hash + Opcode.DUP +
            Opcode.SIZE + Opcode.PUSHDATA1 +
            Integer(len(twenty)).to_byte_array(min_length=1) + twenty +
            Opcode.CONVERT + Type.int.stack_item + Opcode.JMPGT +
            Integer(8).to_byte_array(min_length=1) + Opcode.DUP + Opcode.SIZE +
            Opcode.DEC + Opcode.RIGHT + Opcode.JMP +
            Integer(9).to_byte_array(min_length=1) + Opcode.PUSH1 +
            Opcode.PUSHDATA1 +
            Integer(len(twenty)).to_byte_array(min_length=1) + twenty +
            Opcode.CONVERT + Type.int.stack_item + Opcode.SUBSTR +
            Opcode.CONVERT + Type.bytes.stack_item + Opcode.RET)

        path = self.get_contract_path('ScriptHashVariableBuiltinCall.py')
        output = Boa3.compile(path)
        self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)

        from boa3.neo import to_script_hash
        from base58 import b58encode
        engine = TestEngine()

        script_hash = to_script_hash('123')
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine,
        self.assertEqual(script_hash, result)

        value = b58encode('123')
        if isinstance(value, int):
            value = Integer(value).to_byte_array()

        script_hash = to_script_hash(value)
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine,
        self.assertEqual(script_hash, result)
예제 #28
    def test_contract_interface_code_optimization(self):
        from boa3.model.builtin.interop.interop import Interop
        from boa3.neo.vm.opcode.Opcode import Opcode
        from boa3.neo.vm.type.Integer import Integer
        from boa3.neo.vm.type.String import String
        from boa3.neo3.core.types import UInt160

        external_contract_name = 'symbol'
        function_name_bytes = String(external_contract_name).to_bytes()
        contract_script_bytes = UInt160.from_string(

        expected_output = (
            Opcode.NEWARRAY0  # arguments list
            + Opcode.PUSH15  # CallFlag
            + Opcode.PUSHDATA1  # function name
            + Integer(len(function_name_bytes)).to_byte_array() +
            function_name_bytes + Opcode.PUSHDATA1  # contract script
            + Integer(len(contract_script_bytes)).to_byte_array() +
            contract_script_bytes + Opcode.SYSCALL +
            Interop.CallContract.interop_method_hash + Opcode.RET)

        path = self.get_contract_path('ContractInterfaceCodeOptimization.py')
        output, manifest = self.compile_and_save(path)
        self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)

        nep17_path = self.get_contract_path('examples', 'nep17.py')
        engine = TestEngine()

        nep17_result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, nep17_path, 'symbol')
        result = self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'nep17_symbol')
        self.assertEqual(nep17_result, result)
예제 #29
파일: nef.py 프로젝트: CityOfZion/neo3-boa
 def serialize(self, writer: serialization.BinaryWriter) -> None:
     version_str = "{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}".format(self.major, self.minor,
                                            self.build, self.revision)
     from boa3.neo.vm.type.String import String
     version_bytes = String(version_str).to_bytes() + bytes(
         s.uint64 * 4 - len(version_str))
예제 #30
    def test_raise_exception_with_message(self):
        exception_message = String('raised an exception').to_bytes()
        expected_output = (
            Opcode.INITSLOT     # function signature
            + b'\x00'
            + b'\x01'
            + Opcode.LDARG0     # if arg0 < 0
            + Opcode.PUSH0
            + Opcode.LT
            + Opcode.JMPIFNOT
            + Integer(24).to_byte_array(signed=True, min_length=1)
            + Opcode.PUSHDATA1      # raise Exception('raised an exception')
            + Integer(len(exception_message)).to_byte_array(signed=True, min_length=1)
            + exception_message
            + Opcode.THROW
            + Opcode.PUSHNULL
            + Opcode.RET

        path = '%s/boa3_test/test_sc/exception_test/RaiseExceptionWithMessage.py' % self.dirname
        output = Boa3.compile(path)
        self.assertEqual(expected_output, output)

        engine = TestEngine(self.dirname)
        self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'test_raise', 10)

        with self.assertRaises(TestExecutionException, msg=self.EXCEPTION_EMPTY_MESSAGE):
            self.run_smart_contract(engine, path, 'test_raise', -10)