def runTest(self): #for d in [wan, lan]: #d.sendline('apt-get update && apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew" -y install socat pv') #d.expect(prompt) maxtime = 5 board.get_nf_conntrack_conn_count() for i in range(10000): sz, rate, ip, port = self.startSingleFlow(maxtime=maxtime) print("started UDP to %s:%s sz = %s, rate = %sk" % (ip, port, sz, rate)) time = sz / (rate * 1024) print("time should be ~%s" % time) self.check_and_clean_ips() lan.sendline('fg') lan.expect(prompt, timeout=5) board.get_pp_dev().sendline( 'cat /proc/net/nf_conntrack | grep dst=%s.*dport=%s' % (ip, port)) board.get_pp_dev().expect(prompt) board.get_nf_conntrack_conn_count() self.recover()
def runTest(self): random.seed(99) for d in [wan, lan]: d.sendline( 'apt-get update && apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew" -y install socat pv' ) d.expect(prompt) max_time = 0 single_max = 45 board.collect_stats(stats=['mpstat']) # TODO: query interfaces but this is OK for now for i in range(self.conns): board.get_nf_conntrack_conn_count() board.touch() print("Starting connection %s" % i) sz, rate, ip, port = self.startSingleFlow(maxtime=single_max) print("started flow to %s:%s sz = %s, rate = %sk" % (ip, port, sz, rate)) max_time = max(max_time, sz / (rate * 1024)) self.check_and_clean_ips() print("waiting max time of %ss" % max_time) start = time.time() while time.time() - start < max_time + 5: lan.sendline('wait') lan.expect_exact('wait') lan.expect([pexpect.TIMEOUT] + prompt, timeout=5) lan.sendcontrol('c') lan.expect(prompt) self.check_and_clean_ips() board.get_nf_conntrack_conn_count() board.touch() self.recover()
def runTest(self): self.dir = 'jmeter_%s' % self.shortname install_jmeter(lan) lan.sendline('rm -rf $HOME/%s' % self.dir) lan.expect(prompt) lan.sendline('mkdir -p $HOME/%s/wd' % self.dir) lan.expect(prompt) lan.sendline('mkdir -p $HOME/%s/results' % self.dir) lan.expect(prompt) if self.jmx.startswith('http'): lan.sendline('curl %s > $HOME/%s/test.jmx' % (self.jmx, self.dir)) lan.expect(prompt) else: print("Copying %s to lan device" % self.jmx) lan.sendline('echo $HOME') lan.expect_exact('echo $HOME') lan.expect(prompt) lan.copy_file_to_server(self.jmx, dst=lan.before.strip() + '/%s/test.jmx' % self.dir) board.collect_stats(stats=['mpstat']) lan.sendline('cd $HOME/%s/wd' % self.dir) lan.expect(prompt) lan.sendline( 'JVM_ARGS="-Xms4096m -Xmx8192m" jmeter -n -t ../test.jmx -l foo.log -e -o $HOME/%s/results' % self.dir) lan.expect_exact('$HOME/%s/results' % self.dir) for i in range(self.default_time): if 0 != lan.expect([pexpect.TIMEOUT] + prompt, timeout=5): break conns = board.get_nf_conntrack_conn_count() board.get_proc_vmstat() board.touch() if i > 100 and conns < 20: raise Exception("jmeter is dead/stuck/broke, aborting the run") if i == 599: raise Exception("jmeter did not have enough time to complete") lan.sendline('cd -') lan.expect(prompt) lan.sendline('rm test.jmx') lan.expect(prompt) self.recover()
def runTest(self): install_hping3(lan) wan_ip = wan.get_interface_ipaddr(wan.iface_dut) wan.sendline('nc -lvu %s 565' % wan_ip) wan.expect_exact('nc -lvu %s 565' % wan_ip) board.collect_stats(stats=['mpstat']) # dest ip and port are fixed, random src port, fixed src ip, 100 us between lan.sendline('hping3 -2 -c %s -d 120 -S -w 64 -p 445 -i %s %s' % (self.conns, self.conn_rate, wan_ip)) lan.expect('HPING') self.max_conns = 0 for not_used in range(10): self.max_conns = max(self.max_conns, board.get_nf_conntrack_conn_count()) board.get_proc_vmstat() lan.expect(pexpect.TIMEOUT, timeout=3) board.expect(pexpect.TIMEOUT, timeout=3) board.touch() self.recover()
def runTest(self): from boardfarm.devices import lan, debian, linux if lan.model == "debian": # check that lan is derived from LinuxDevice assert (issubclass(debian.DebianBox, linux.LinuxDevice)) #get the mac address of the interface lan_mac = lan.get_interface_macaddr(lan.iface_dut) assert lan_mac != None, "Failed getting lan mac address" print("lan mac address: %s" % lan_mac) #check the system uptime uptime = lan.get_seconds_uptime() assert uptime != None, "Failed getting system uptime" print("system uptime is: %s" % uptime) #ping ip using function ping from ping_check ="") print("ping status is %s" % ping_check) #disable ipv6 lan.disable_ipv6(lan.iface_dut) #enable ipv6 lan.enable_ipv6(lan.iface_dut) board.set_printk() print("Test passed") #remove neighbour table entries lan.ip_neigh_flush() #set the link state up lan.set_link_state(lan.iface_dut, "up") #Checking the interface status link = lan.is_link_up(lan.iface_dut) assert link != None, "Failed to check the link is up" #add sudo when the username is root lan.sudo_sendline("ping -c5 ''") lan.expect(lan.prompt, timeout=50) #add new user name in linux lan.add_new_user("test", "test") lan.sendline("userdel test") lan.expect(lan.prompt) text_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w') letters = string.ascii_letters fcontent = ''.join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(50)) text_file.write(fcontent) text_file.flush() fmd5 = hashlib.md5(open(, 'rb').read()).hexdigest() print("File orginal md5sum: %s" % fmd5) print('copying file to lan at /tmp/dst.txt') lan.copy_file_to_server(, "/tmp/dst.txt") print('Copy Done. Verify the integrity of the file') lan.sendline('md5sum /tmp/dst.txt') lan.expect(fmd5) lan.expect(lan.prompt) '''FUnctions moved from openwrt to linux ''' #Wait until network interfaces have IP Addresses board.wait_for_network() print("Waited until network interfaces has ip address") #Check the available memory of the device memory_avail = board.get_memfree() print('Available memory of the device:{}'.format(memory_avail)) #Getting the vmstat vmstat_out = board.get_proc_vmstat() assert vmstat_out is not None, 'virtual machine status is None' print("Got the vmstat{}".format(vmstat_out)) #Get the total number of connections in the network nw_count = board.get_nf_conntrack_conn_count() assert nw_count is not None, 'connections are empty' print('Get the total number of connections in the network{}'.format( nw_count)) #Getting the DNS server upstream ip_addr = board.get_dns_server_upstream() assert ip_addr is not None, 'Getting nameserver ip is None' print("Got the DNS server upstream{}".format(ip_addr)) print('Test Passed')