def random_galaxy( B, x_max, y_max, z_max, n, dtype ): """Generate a galaxy of random bodies""" return { # We let all bodies stand still initially 'm': np.random.random(n, dtype=dtype, bohrium=B.bohrium) * (10**6 / (4 * np.pi ** 2)), 'x': np.random.random(n, dtype=dtype, bohrium=B.bohrium) * (2*x_max-x_max), 'y': np.random.random(n, dtype=dtype, bohrium=B.bohrium) * (2*y_max-y_max), 'z': np.random.random(n, dtype=dtype, bohrium=B.bohrium) * (2*z_max-z_max), 'vx': np.ones(n, dtype=dtype, bohrium=B.bohrium), 'vy': np.ones(n, dtype=dtype, bohrium=B.bohrium), 'vz': np.ones(n, dtype=dtype, bohrium=B.bohrium), }
def simulate(m, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, timesteps): temporaries = (np.ones( (size, size), dtype="float64"), np.ones((size, size), dtype="float64"), np.ones((size, size), dtype="float64"), np.ones((size, size), dtype="float64")) start = time.time() for i in range(timesteps): ret = move(m, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, dt, temporaries) np.flush() print(x, y, z) end = time.time() print("Simulation time:", end - start)
def directionalBlur(img, size=15): """ blur in a given direction! """ oSize = img.shape kernel = np.zeros((size, size)) kernel[int((size - 1) / 2), :] = np.ones(size) kernel = kernel / size img = scipy.signal.convolve(img, kernel) d = (img.shape[0] - oSize[0]) / 2, (img.shape[1] - oSize[1]) / 2 img = img[d[0]:-d[0], d[1]:-d[1]] return img
def get(self, type='smooth', mode='reflect'): """ type can be 'smooth' or 'fine' mode can be 'reflect','constant','nearest','mirror', 'wrap' for handling borders """ gradfn = {'smooth': self.prewittgrad, 'fine': self.basicgrad}[type] gradx, grady = gradfn() # x, y and z below are now the gradient matrices, # each entry from x,y,z is a gradient vector at an image point x = filters.convolve(self.img, gradx, mode=mode) y = filters.convolve(self.img, grady, mode=mode) # norm is the magnitude of the x,y,z vectors, # each entry is the magnitude of the gradient at an image point and z*z = 1 norm = np.sqrt(x * x + y * y + 1) # divide by the magnitude to normalise # as well scale to an image: negative 0-127, positive 127-255 x, y = [a / norm * 127.0 + 128.0 for a in (x, y)] z = np.ones( self.shape) / norm # generate z, matrix of ones, then normalise z = z * 255.0 # all positive # x, -y gives blender form # convert to int, transpose to rgb and return the normal map return np.array([x, -y, z]).transpose(1, 2, 0).astype(np.uint8)
#!/usr/bin/env python import bohrium as np for i in xrange(0,10): a = np.ones((3,3)) b = np.ones((3)) a = b np.bridge.flush() print "[[[[[ %d ]]]]]" % i print a
def getChannel(img, channel): """ get a channel as a new image. :param img: the image to extract a color channel from :param channel: name of the channel to extract - supports R,G,B,A,H,S,V Returns a grayscale image, or None """ img = numpyArray(img) if channel == 'R': if len(img.shape) == 2: img = img[:, :] else: img = img[:, :, 0] elif channel == 'G': if len(img.shape) == 2: img = img[:, :] else: img = img[:, :, 1] elif channel == 'B': if len(img.shape) == 2: img = img[:, :] else: img = img[:, :, 2] elif channel == 'A': if len(img.shape) == 2 or len(img[0, 0]) < 4: img = np.ones(img.shape) else: img = img[:, :, 3] elif channel == 'H': if len(img.shape) == 2: img = np.zeros(img.shape) else: img = rgb2hsvArray(img)[:, :, 0] elif channel == 'S': if len(img.shape) == 2: img = np.zeros(img.shape) else: img = rgb2hsvArray(img)[:, :, 1] elif channel == 'V': if len(img.shape) == 2: pass else: img = rgb2hsvArray(img)[:, :, 2] elif channel == 'C': if len(img.shape) == 2: img = np.zeros(img.shape) else: img = rgb2cmykArray(img)[:, :, 0] elif channel == 'M': if len(img.shape) == 2: img = np.zeros(img.shape) else: img = rgb2cmykArray(img)[:, :, 1] elif channel == 'Y': if len(img.shape) == 2: img = np.zeros(img.shape) else: img = rgb2cmykArray(img)[:, :, 2] elif channel == 'K': if len(img.shape) == 2: pass else: img = rgb2cmykArray(img)[:, :, 3] else: raise Exception('Unknown channel: ' + channel) return img
def line(img, xxx_todo_changeme, xxx_todo_changeme1,thick=1,color=1): """ comes from this neat implementation: """ (x,y) = xxx_todo_changeme (x2,y2) = xxx_todo_changeme1 def trapez(y,y0,w): return np.clip(np.minimum(y+1+w/2-y0, -y+1+w/2+y0),0,1) def weighted_line(r0, c0, r1, c1, w, rmin=0, rmax=np.inf): # The algorithm below works fine if c1 >= c0 and c1-c0 >= abs(r1-r0). # If either of these cases are violated, do some switches. if abs(c1-c0) < abs(r1-r0): # Switch x and y, and switch again when returning. xx, yy, val = weighted_line(c0, r0, c1, r1, w, rmin=rmin, rmax=rmax) return (yy, xx, val) # At this point we know that the distance in columns (x) is greater # than that in rows (y). Possibly one more switch if c0 > c1. if c0 > c1: return weighted_line(r1, c1, r0, c0, w, rmin=rmin, rmax=rmax) # The following is now always < 1 in abs num=r1-r0 denom=c1-c0 slope = np.divide(num,denom,out=np.zeros_like(denom), where=denom!=0) # Adjust weight by the slope w *= np.sqrt(1+np.abs(slope)) / 2 # We write y as a function of x, because the slope is always <= 1 # (in absolute value) x = np.arange(c0, c1+1, dtype=float) y = x * slope + (c1*r0-c0*r1) / (c1-c0) # Now instead of 2 values for y, we have 2*np.ceil(w/2). # All values are 1 except the upmost and bottommost. thickness = np.ceil(w/2) yy = (np.floor(y).reshape(-1,1) + np.arange(-thickness-1,thickness+2).reshape(1,-1)) xx = np.repeat(x, yy.shape[1]) vals = trapez(yy, y.reshape(-1,1), w).flatten() yy = yy.flatten() # Exclude useless parts and those outside of the interval # to avoid parts outside of the picture mask = np.logical_and.reduce((yy >= rmin, yy < rmax, vals > 0)) return (yy[mask].astype(int), xx[mask].astype(int), vals[mask]) def naive_line(r0, c0, r1, c1): # The algorithm below works fine if c1 >= c0 and c1-c0 >= abs(r1-r0). # If either of these cases are violated, do some switches. if abs(c1-c0) < abs(r1-r0): # Switch x and y, and switch again when returning. xx, yy, val = naive_line(c0, r0, c1, r1) return (yy, xx, val) # At this point we know that the distance in columns (x) is greater # than that in rows (y). Possibly one more switch if c0 > c1. if c0 > c1: return naive_line(r1, c1, r0, c0) # We write y as a function of x, because the slope is always <= 1 # (in absolute value) x = np.arange(c0, c1+1, dtype=float) y = x * (r1-r0) / (c1-c0) + (c1*r0-c0*r1) / (c1-c0) valbot = np.floor(y)-y+1 valtop = y-np.floor(y) return (np.concatenate((np.floor(y), np.floor(y)+1)).astype(int), np.concatenate((x,x)).astype(int),np.concatenate((valbot, valtop))) if thick==1: rows, cols, weights=naive_line(x,y,x2,y2) else: rows, cols, weights=weighted_line(x,y,x2,y2,thick,rmin=0,rmax=max(img.shape[0],img.shape[1])) w = weights.reshape([-1, 1]) # reshape anti-alias weights if len(img.shape)>2: img[rows, cols, 0:3] = ( np.multiply((1 - w) * np.ones([1, 3]),img[rows, cols, 0:3]) + w * np.array([color]) ) else: img[rows, cols] = ( np.multiply( (1 - w) * np.ones([1, ]), img[rows, cols]) + w * color )[0] return img
#!/usr/bin/env python import bohrium as np from bohrium import visualization a = np.ones((100,100)) visualization.plot_surface(a)
np.bridge.flush() print "\n\n>>>> first row\n" a[0:9:, 0] = 1.0 np.bridge.flush() print "\n\n>>>> last row\n" a[0:9:,-1] = 1.0 np.bridge.flush() print "\n\n>>>> inbetween row\n" a[0:9:, 4] = 1.0 np.bridge.flush() """ print "Assign to slice2 single-element (MATRIX)" a = np.ones((9,9)) np.bridge.flush() print "\n\n>>>> first row\n" a[0, 0] = 3.0 np.bridge.flush() print "\n\n>>>> inbetween row\n" a[4, 4] = 3.0 np.bridge.flush() print "\n\n>>>> last row\n" a[-1,-1] = 3.0 np.bridge.flush()
""" Execute this with:: BHPY_BACKEND="chapel" python """ from __future__ import print_function import bohrium as np a = np.ones(10) print(a)
def test_reduce(np, bohrium, shape): return np.sum(np.ones(shape)) if __name__ == "__main__": """ print("NUMPY") import numpy as np print test_reduce(np, False, (10, 10, 10)) print test_reduce(np, False, (10, 10, 10)) """ print("BOHRIUM") import bohrium as np shape = (10,10,10) a = np.sum(np.ones(shape)) b = np.sum(np.ones(shape)) c = np.add.reduce(np.add.reduce(np.add.reduce(np.ones(shape)))) d = np.sum(np.ones(shape)) print a,b,c,d #print np.add.reduce(np.add.reduce(np.add.reduce(np.ones(shape)))) #t1 = np.add.reduce(np.ones(shape)) #t2 = np.add.reduce(t1) #t3 = np.add.reduce(t2) #del t1, t2 #print t3
def main(): B = util.Benchmark() nx = B.size[0] ny = B.size[1] nz = B.size[2] ITER = B.size[3] NO_OBST = 1 omega = 1.0 density = 1.0 deltaU = 1e-7 t1 = 1/3.0 t2 = 1/18.0 t3 = 1/36.0 B.start() F = np.ones((19, nx, ny, nz), dtype=np.float64) F[:] = density/19.0 FEQ = np.ones((19, nx, ny, nz), dtype=np.float64) FEQ[:] = density/19.0 T = np.zeros((19, nx, ny, nz), dtype=np.float64) #Create the scenery. BOUND = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz), dtype=np.float64) BOUNDi = np.ones((nx, ny, nz), dtype=np.float64) """ if not NO_OBST: for i in xrange(nx): for j in xrange(ny): for k in xrange(nz): if ((i-4)**2+(j-5)**2+(k-6)**2) < 6: BOUND[i,j,k] += 1.0 BOUNDi[i,j,k] += 0.0 BOUND[:,0,:] += 1.0 BOUNDi[:,0,:] *= 0.0 """ if util.Benchmark().bohrium: np.flush() for ts in xrange(0, ITER): ##Propagate / Streaming step T[:] = F #nearest-neighbours F[1,:,:,0] = T[1,:,:,-1] F[1,:,:,1:] = T[1,:,:,:-1] F[2,:,:,:-1] = T[2,:,:,1:] F[2,:,:,-1] = T[2,:,:,0] F[3,:,0,:] = T[3,:,-1,:] F[3,:,1:,:] = T[3,:,:-1,:] F[4,:,:-1,:] = T[4,:,1:,:] F[4,:,-1,:] = T[4,:,0,:] F[5,0,:,:] = T[5,-1,:,:] F[5,1:,:,:] = T[5,:-1,:,:] F[6,:-1,:,:] = T[6,1:,:,:] F[6,-1,:,:] = T[6,0,:,:] #next-nearest neighbours F[7,0 ,0 ,:] = T[7,-1 , -1,:] F[7,0 ,1:,:] = T[7,-1 ,:-1,:] F[7,1:,0 ,:] = T[7,:-1, -1,:] F[7,1:,1:,:] = T[7,:-1,:-1,:] F[8,0 ,:-1,:] = T[8,-1 ,1:,:] F[8,0 , -1,:] = T[8,-1 ,0 ,:] F[8,1:,:-1,:] = T[8,:-1,1:,:] F[8,1:, -1,:] = T[8,:-1,0 ,:] F[9,:-1,0 ,:] = T[9,1:, -1,:] F[9,:-1,1:,:] = T[9,1:,:-1,:] F[9,-1 ,0 ,:] = T[9,0 , 0,:] F[9,-1 ,1:,:] = T[9,0 ,:-1,:] F[10,:-1,:-1,:] = T[10,1:,1:,:] F[10,:-1, -1,:] = T[10,1:,0 ,:] F[10,-1 ,:-1,:] = T[10,0 ,1:,:] F[10,-1 , -1,:] = T[10,0 ,0 ,:] F[11,0 ,:,0 ] = T[11,0 ,:, -1] F[11,0 ,:,1:] = T[11,0 ,:,:-1] F[11,1:,:,0 ] = T[11,:-1,:, -1] F[11,1:,:,1:] = T[11,:-1,:,:-1] F[12,0 ,:,:-1] = T[12, -1,:,1:] F[12,0 ,:, -1] = T[12, -1,:,0 ] F[12,1:,:,:-1] = T[12,:-1,:,1:] F[12,1:,:, -1] = T[12,:-1,:,0 ] F[13,:-1,:,0 ] = T[13,1:,:, -1] F[13,:-1,:,1:] = T[13,1:,:,:-1] F[13, -1,:,0 ] = T[13,0 ,:, -1] F[13, -1,:,1:] = T[13,0 ,:,:-1] F[14,:-1,:,:-1] = T[14,1:,:,1:] F[14,:-1,:, -1] = T[14,1:,:,0 ] F[14,-1 ,:,:-1] = T[14,0 ,:,1:] F[14,-1 ,:, -1] = T[14,0 ,:,0 ] F[15,:,0 ,0 ] = T[15,:, -1, -1] F[15,:,0 ,1:] = T[15,:, -1,:-1] F[15,:,1:,0 ] = T[15,:,:-1, -1] F[15,:,1:,1:] = T[15,:,:-1,:-1] F[16,:,0 ,:-1] = T[16,:, -1,1:] F[16,:,0 , -1] = T[16,:, -1,0 ] F[16,:,1:,:-1] = T[16,:,:-1,1:] F[16,:,1:, -1] = T[16,:,:-1,0 ] F[17,:,:-1,0 ] = T[17,:,1:, -1] F[17,:,:-1,1:] = T[17,:,1:,:-1] F[17,:, -1,0 ] = T[17,:,0 , -1] F[17,:, -1,1:] = T[17,:,0 ,:-1] F[18,:,:-1,:-1] = T[18,:,1:,1:] F[18,:,:-1, -1] = T[18,:,1:,0 ] F[18,:,-1 ,:-1] = T[18,:,0 ,1:] F[18,:,-1 , -1] = T[18,:,0 ,0 ] #Densities bouncing back at next timestep BB = np.empty(F.shape) T[:] = F T[1:,:,:,:] *= BOUND[np.newaxis,:,:,:] BB[2 ,:,:,:] += T[1 ,:,:,:] BB[1 ,:,:,:] += T[2 ,:,:,:] BB[4 ,:,:,:] += T[3 ,:,:,:] BB[3 ,:,:,:] += T[4 ,:,:,:] BB[6 ,:,:,:] += T[5 ,:,:,:] BB[5 ,:,:,:] += T[6 ,:,:,:] BB[10,:,:,:] += T[7 ,:,:,:] BB[9 ,:,:,:] += T[8 ,:,:,:] BB[8 ,:,:,:] += T[9 ,:,:,:] BB[7 ,:,:,:] += T[10,:,:,:] BB[14,:,:,:] += T[11,:,:,:] BB[13,:,:,:] += T[12,:,:,:] BB[12,:,:,:] += T[13,:,:,:] BB[11,:,:,:] += T[14,:,:,:] BB[18,:,:,:] += T[15,:,:,:] BB[17,:,:,:] += T[16,:,:,:] BB[16,:,:,:] += T[17,:,:,:] BB[15,:,:,:] += T[18,:,:,:] # Relax calculate equilibrium state (FEQ) with equivalent speed and density to F DENSITY = np.add.reduce(F) #UX = F[5,:,:,:].copy() UX = np.ones(F[5,:,:,:].shape, dtype=np.float64) UX[:,:,:] = F[5,:,:,:] UX += F[7,:,:,:] UX += F[8,:,:,:] UX += F[11,:,:,:] UX += F[12,:,:,:] UX -= F[6,:,:,:] UX -= F[9,:,:,:] UX -= F[10,:,:,:] UX -= F[13,:,:,:] UX -= F[14,:,:,:] UX /=DENSITY #UY = F[3,:,:,:].copy() UY = np.ones(F[3,:,:,:].shape, dtype=np.float64) UY[:,:,:] = F[3,:,:,:] UY += F[7,:,:,:] UY += F[9,:,:,:] UY += F[15,:,:,:] UY += F[16,:,:,:] UY -= F[4,:,:,:] UY -= F[8,:,:,:] UY -= F[10,:,:,:] UY -= F[17,:,:,:] UY -= F[18,:,:,:] UY /=DENSITY #UZ = F[1,:,:,:].copy() UZ = np.ones(F[1,:,:,:].shape, dtype=np.float64) UZ[:,:,:] = F[1,:,:,:] UZ += F[11,:,:,:] UZ += F[13,:,:,:] UZ += F[15,:,:,:] UZ += F[17,:,:,:] UZ -= F[2,:,:,:] UZ -= F[12,:,:,:] UZ -= F[14,:,:,:] UZ -= F[16,:,:,:] UZ -= F[18,:,:,:] UZ /=DENSITY UX[0,:,:] += deltaU #Increase inlet pressure #Set bourderies to zero. UX[:,:,:] *= BOUNDi UY[:,:,:] *= BOUNDi UZ[:,:,:] *= BOUNDi DENSITY[:,:,:] *= BOUNDi U_SQU = UX**2 + UY**2 + UZ**2 # Calculate equilibrium distribution: stationary FEQ[0,:,:,:] = (t1*DENSITY)*(1.0-3.0*U_SQU/2.0) # nearest-neighbours T1 = 3.0/2.0*U_SQU tDENSITY = t2*DENSITY FEQ[1,:,:,:]=tDENSITY*(1.0 + 3.0*UZ + 9.0/2.0*UZ**2 - T1) FEQ[2,:,:,:]=tDENSITY*(1.0 - 3.0*UZ + 9.0/2.0*UZ**2 - T1) FEQ[3,:,:,:]=tDENSITY*(1.0 + 3.0*UY + 9.0/2.0*UY**2 - T1) FEQ[4,:,:,:]=tDENSITY*(1.0 - 3.0*UY + 9.0/2.0*UY**2 - T1) FEQ[5,:,:,:]=tDENSITY*(1.0 + 3.0*UX + 9.0/2.0*UX**2 - T1) FEQ[6,:,:,:]=tDENSITY*(1.0 - 3.0*UX + 9.0/2.0*UX**2 - T1) # next-nearest neighbours T1 = 3.0*U_SQU/2.0 tDENSITY = t3*DENSITY U8 = UX+UY FEQ[7,:,:,:] =tDENSITY*(1.0 + 3.0*U8 + 9.0/2.0*(U8)**2 - T1) U9 = UX-UY FEQ[8,:,:,:] =tDENSITY*(1.0 + 3.0*U9 + 9.0/2.0*(U9)**2 - T1) U10 = -UX+UY FEQ[9,:,:,:] =tDENSITY*(1.0 + 3.0*U10 + 9.0/2.0*(U10)**2 - T1) U8 *= -1.0 FEQ[10,:,:,:]=tDENSITY*(1.0 + 3.0*U8 + 9.0/2.0*(U8)**2 - T1) U12 = UX+UZ FEQ[11,:,:,:]=tDENSITY*(1.0 + 3.0*U12 + 9.0/2.0*(U12)**2 - T1) U12 *= 1.0 FEQ[14,:,:,:]=tDENSITY*(1.0 + 3.0*U12 + 9.0/2.0*(U12)**2 - T1) U13 = UX-UZ FEQ[12,:,:,:]=tDENSITY*(1.0 + 3.0*U13 + 9.0/2.0*(U13)**2 - T1) U13 *= -1.0 FEQ[13,:,:,:]=tDENSITY*(1.0 + 3.0*U13 + 9.0/2.0*(U13)**2 - T1) U16 = UY+UZ FEQ[15,:,:,:]=tDENSITY*(1.0 + 3.0*U16 + 9.0/2.0*(U16)**2 - T1) U17 = UY-UZ FEQ[16,:,:,:]=tDENSITY*(1.0 + 3.0*U17 + 9.0/2.0*(U17)**2 - T1) U17 *= -1.0 FEQ[17,:,:,:]=tDENSITY*(1.0 + 3.0*U17 + 9.0/2.0*(U17)**2 - T1) U16 *= -1.0 FEQ[18,:,:,:]=tDENSITY*(1.0 + 3.0*U16 + 9.0/2.0*(U16)**2 - T1) F *= (1.0-omega) F += omega * FEQ #Densities bouncing back at next timestep F[1:,:,:,:] *= BOUNDi[np.newaxis,:,:,:] F[1:,:,:,:] += BB[1:,:,:,:] del BB del T1 del UX, UY, UZ del U_SQU del DENSITY, tDENSITY del U8, U9, U10, U12, U13, U16, U17 if util.Benchmark().bohrium: np.flush() B.stop() B.pprint() if B.outputfn: B.tofile(B.outputfn, {'res': UX}) """