def deltaC(size,center=None,magnitude=False):
    returns an array where every value is the distance from
    the center point.

    :param center: center point, if not specified, assume size/2
    :param magnitude: return a single magnitude value instead of [dx,dy]
    if center is None:
    if magnitude:
        if False:
            # old way, non-vector
            for x in range(size[0]):
                for y in range(size[1]):
        for x in range(size[0]):
            for y in range(size[1]):
    return img
예제 #2
파일: 프로젝트: Ektorus/bohrium
def monte_carlo_pi(samples, iterations):

    s = np.zeros(1)
    for i in xrange(0, iterations):                     # sample
        x = np.random.random((samples), dtype=np.float64, bohrium=True)
        y = np.random.random((samples), dtype=np.float64, bohrium=True)

        m = np.sqrt(x*x + y*y)                          # model
        c = np.add.reduce((m<1.0).astype('float'))      # count

        s += c*4.0 / samples                            # approximate

    return s / (iterations)
예제 #3
def move(m, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, dt, temporaries):
    """ Move the bodies.

    first find forces and change velocity and then move positions.

    start = time.time()

    dx = x - x[:, None]
    dy = numpy.subtract(y, y[:, None])
    dz = numpy.subtract(z, z[:, None])
    pm = numpy.multiply(m, m[:, None])

    end = time.time()
    print("Step 0:", end - start)

    start = end

    r = np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2)
    tmp = G * pm / r**2
    Fx = tmp * (dx / r)
    Fy = tmp * (dy / r)
    Fz = tmp * (dz / r)

    end = time.time()
    print("Step 1:", end - start)
    start = end

    fill_diagonal(Fx, 0.0)
    fill_diagonal(Fy, 0.0)
    fill_diagonal(Fz, 0.0)
    end = time.time()
    print("Step 2:", end - start)
    start = end

    mdt = m / dt

    # Update state.
    vx += np.add.reduce(Fx, axis=1) / mdt
    vy += np.add.reduce(Fy, axis=1) / mdt
    vz += np.add.reduce(Fz, axis=1) / mdt
    x += vx * dt
    y += vy * dt
    z += vz * dt

    end = time.time()
    print("Step 3:", end - start)
    start = end
    return Fx, Fy, Fz
예제 #4
파일: 프로젝트: sjolund/bohrium
def norm(x, ord=None, axis=None):
    This version of norm is not fully compliant with the NumPy version,
    it only supports computing 2-norm of a vector.

    if ord != None:
        raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported value param ord=%s" % ord)
    if axis != None:
        raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported value of param ord=%s" % axis)

    r = np.sum(x*x)
    if issubclass(np.dtype(r.dtype).type, np.integer):
        r_f32 = np.empty(r.shape, dtype=np.float32)
        r_f32[:] = r
        r = r_f32
    return np.sqrt(r)
예제 #5
파일: 프로젝트: surechen/bohrium
def norm(x, ord=None, axis=None):
    This version of norm is not fully compliant with the NumPy version,
    it only supports computing 2-norm of a vector.

    if ord != None:
        raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported value param ord=%s" % ord)
    if axis != None:
        raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported value of param ord=%s" % axis)

    r = np.sum(x * x)
    if issubclass(np.dtype(r.dtype).type, np.integer):
        r_f32 = np.empty(r.shape, dtype=np.float32)
        r_f32[:] = r
        r = r_f32
    return np.sqrt(r)
def logpolar2cartesian(polar_data):

    from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import map_coordinates

    x=np.arange(-100000, 100000, 1000)

    # "x" and "y" are numpy arrays with the desired cartesian coordinates
    # we make a meshgrid with them
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)

    # Now that we have the X and Y coordinates of each point in the output plane
    # we can calculate their corresponding theta and range
    Tc = np.degrees(np.arctan2(Y, X)).ravel()
    Rc = np.ln(np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2)).ravel()

    # Negative angles are corrected
    Tc[Tc < 0] = 360 + Tc[Tc < 0]

    # Using the known theta and range steps, the coordinates are mapped to
    # those of the data grid
    Tc = Tc / theta_step
    Rc = Rc / range_step

    # An array of polar coordinates is created stacking the previous arrays
    #coords = np.vstack((Ac, Sc))
    coords = np.vstack((Tc, Rc))

    # To avoid holes in the 360º - 0º boundary, the last column of the data
    # copied in the begining
    polar_data = np.vstack((polar_data, polar_data[-1,:]))

    # The data is mapped to the new coordinates
    # Values outside range are substituted with nans
    cart_data = map_coordinates(polar_data, coords, order=order, mode='constant', cval=np.nan)

    # The data is reshaped and returned
    return cart_data.reshape(len(Y), len(X)).T
예제 #7
 def get(self, type='smooth', mode='reflect'):
     """ type can be 'smooth' or 'fine'
         mode can be 'reflect','constant','nearest','mirror', 'wrap' for handling borders """
     gradfn = {'smooth': self.prewittgrad, 'fine': self.basicgrad}[type]
     gradx, grady = gradfn()
     # x, y and z below are now the gradient matrices,
     # each entry from x,y,z is a gradient vector at an image point
     x = filters.convolve(self.img, gradx, mode=mode)
     y = filters.convolve(self.img, grady, mode=mode)
     # norm is the magnitude of the x,y,z vectors,
     # each entry is the magnitude of the gradient at an image point and z*z = 1
     norm = np.sqrt(x * x + y * y + 1)
     # divide by the magnitude to normalise
     # as well scale to an image: negative 0-127, positive 127-255
     x, y = [a / norm * 127.0 + 128.0 for a in (x, y)]
     z = np.ones(
         self.shape) / norm  # generate z, matrix of ones, then normalise
     z = z * 255.0  # all positive
     # x, -y gives blender form
     # convert to int, transpose to rgb and return the normal map
     return np.array([x, -y, z]).transpose(1, 2, 0).astype(np.uint8)
    def weighted_line(r0, c0, r1, c1, w, rmin=0, rmax=np.inf):
        # The algorithm below works fine if c1 >= c0 and c1-c0 >= abs(r1-r0).
        # If either of these cases are violated, do some switches.
        if abs(c1-c0) < abs(r1-r0):
            # Switch x and y, and switch again when returning.
            xx, yy, val = weighted_line(c0, r0, c1, r1, w, rmin=rmin, rmax=rmax)
            return (yy, xx, val)

        # At this point we know that the distance in columns (x) is greater
        # than that in rows (y). Possibly one more switch if c0 > c1.
        if c0 > c1:
            return weighted_line(r1, c1, r0, c0, w, rmin=rmin, rmax=rmax)

        # The following is now always < 1 in abs
        slope = np.divide(num,denom,out=np.zeros_like(denom), where=denom!=0)

        # Adjust weight by the slope
        w *= np.sqrt(1+np.abs(slope)) / 2

        # We write y as a function of x, because the slope is always <= 1
        # (in absolute value)
        x = np.arange(c0, c1+1, dtype=float)
        y = x * slope + (c1*r0-c0*r1) / (c1-c0)

        # Now instead of 2 values for y, we have 2*np.ceil(w/2).
        # All values are 1 except the upmost and bottommost.
        thickness = np.ceil(w/2)
        yy = (np.floor(y).reshape(-1,1) + np.arange(-thickness-1,thickness+2).reshape(1,-1))
        xx = np.repeat(x, yy.shape[1])
        vals = trapez(yy, y.reshape(-1,1), w).flatten()

        yy = yy.flatten()

        # Exclude useless parts and those outside of the interval
        # to avoid parts outside of the picture
        mask = np.logical_and.reduce((yy >= rmin, yy < rmax, vals > 0))

        return (yy[mask].astype(int), xx[mask].astype(int), vals[mask])
예제 #9
def move(galaxy, dt):
    """Move the bodies
    first find forces and change velocity and then move positions
    n = len(galaxy['x'])
    # Calculate all dictances component wise (with sign)
    dx = galaxy['x'][np.newaxis, :].T - galaxy['x']
    dy = galaxy['y'][np.newaxis, :].T - galaxy['y']
    dz = galaxy['z'][np.newaxis, :].T - galaxy['z']

    # Euclidian distances (all bodys)
    r = np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2)
    diagonal(r)[:] = 1.0

    # prevent collition
    mask = r < 1.0
    r = r * ~mask + 1.0 * mask

    m = galaxy['m'][np.newaxis, :].T

    # Calculate the acceleration component wise
    Fx = G * m * dx / r**3
    Fy = G * m * dy / r**3
    Fz = G * m * dz / r**3
    # Set the force (acceleration) a body exerts on it self to zero
    diagonal(Fx)[:] = 0.0
    diagonal(Fy)[:] = 0.0
    diagonal(Fz)[:] = 0.0

    galaxy['vx'] += dt * np.sum(Fx, axis=0)
    galaxy['vy'] += dt * np.sum(Fy, axis=0)
    galaxy['vz'] += dt * np.sum(Fz, axis=0)

    galaxy['x'] += dt * galaxy['vx']
    galaxy['y'] += dt * galaxy['vy']
    galaxy['z'] += dt * galaxy['vz']
예제 #10

k = 5  # number of plane waves
stripes = 37  # number of stripes per wave
N = 512  # image size in pixels
ite = 30  # iterations
phases = np.arange(0, 2 * pi, 2 * pi / ite)

image = np.empty((N, N))

d = np.arange(-N / 2, N / 2, dtype=np.float64)

xv, yv = np.meshgrid(d, d)
theta = np.arctan2(yv, xv)
r = np.log(np.sqrt(xv * xv + yv * yv))
r[np.isinf(r) == True] = 0

tcos = theta * np.cos(np.arange(0, pi, pi / k))[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
rsin = r * np.sin(np.arange(0, pi, pi / k))[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
inner = (tcos - rsin) * stripes

cinner = np.cos(inner)
sinner = np.sin(inner)

i = 0
for phase in phases:
    image[:] = np.sum(cinner * np.cos(phase) - sinner * np.sin(phase),
                      axis=0) + k
    plt.imshow(image.copy2numpy(), cmap="RdGy")
예제 #11
def integrate_tke(u, v, w, maskU, maskV, maskW, dxt, dxu, dyt, dyu, dzt, dzw, cost, cosu, kbot, kappaM, mxl, forc, forc_tke_surface, tke, dtke):
    tau = 0
    taup1 = 1
    taum1 = 2

    dt_tracer = 1
    dt_mom = 1
    AB_eps = 0.1
    alpha_tke = 1.
    c_eps = 0.7
    K_h_tke = 2000.

    flux_east = bh.zeros_like(maskU)
    flux_north = bh.zeros_like(maskU)
    flux_top = bh.zeros_like(maskU)

    sqrttke = bh.sqrt(bh.maximum(0., tke[:, :, :, tau]))

    integrate Tke equation on W grid with surface flux boundary condition
    dt_tke = dt_mom  # use momentum time step to prevent spurious oscillations

    vertical mixing and dissipation of TKE
    ks = kbot[2:-2, 2:-2] - 1

    a_tri = bh.zeros_like(maskU[2:-2, 2:-2])
    b_tri = bh.zeros_like(maskU[2:-2, 2:-2])
    c_tri = bh.zeros_like(maskU[2:-2, 2:-2])
    d_tri = bh.zeros_like(maskU[2:-2, 2:-2])
    delta = bh.zeros_like(maskU[2:-2, 2:-2])

    delta[:, :, :-1] = dt_tke / dzt[bh.newaxis, bh.newaxis, 1:] * alpha_tke * 0.5 \
        * (kappaM[2:-2, 2:-2, :-1] + kappaM[2:-2, 2:-2, 1:])

    a_tri[:, :, 1:-1] = -delta[:, :, :-2] / \
        dzw[bh.newaxis, bh.newaxis, 1:-1]
    a_tri[:, :, -1] = -delta[:, :, -2] / (0.5 * dzw[-1])

    b_tri[:, :, 1:-1] = 1 + (delta[:, :, 1:-1] + delta[:, :, :-2]) / dzw[bh.newaxis, bh.newaxis, 1:-1] \
        + dt_tke * c_eps \
        * sqrttke[2:-2, 2:-2, 1:-1] / mxl[2:-2, 2:-2, 1:-1]
    b_tri[:, :, -1] = 1 + delta[:, :, -2] / (0.5 * dzw[-1]) \
        + dt_tke * c_eps / mxl[2:-2, 2:-
                                     2, -1] * sqrttke[2:-2, 2:-2, -1]
    b_tri_edge = 1 + delta / dzw[bh.newaxis, bh.newaxis, :] \
        + dt_tke * c_eps / mxl[2:-2, 2:-2, :] * sqrttke[2:-2, 2:-2, :]

    c_tri[:, :, :-1] = -delta[:, :, :-1] / dzw[bh.newaxis, bh.newaxis, :-1]

    d_tri[...] = tke[2:-2, 2:-2, :, tau] + dt_tke * forc[2:-2, 2:-2, :]
    d_tri[:, :, -1] += dt_tke * forc_tke_surface[2:-2, 2:-2] / (0.5 * dzw[-1])

    sol, water_mask = solve_implicit(ks, a_tri, b_tri, c_tri, d_tri, b_edge=b_tri_edge)
    tke[2:-2, 2:-2, :, taup1] = where(water_mask, sol, tke[2:-2, 2:-2, :, taup1])

    Add TKE if surface density flux drains TKE in uppermost box
    tke_surf_corr = bh.zeros(maskU.shape[:2])
    mask = tke[2:-2, 2:-2, -1, taup1] < 0.0
    tke_surf_corr[2:-2, 2:-2] = where(
        -tke[2:-2, 2:-2, -1, taup1] * 0.5 * dzw[-1] / dt_tke,
    tke[2:-2, 2:-2, -1, taup1] = bh.maximum(0., tke[2:-2, 2:-2, -1, taup1])

    add tendency due to lateral diffusion
    flux_east[:-1, :, :] = K_h_tke * (tke[1:, :, :, tau] - tke[:-1, :, :, tau]) \
        / (cost[bh.newaxis, :, bh.newaxis] * dxu[:-1, bh.newaxis, bh.newaxis]) * maskU[:-1, :, :]
    flux_east[-1, :, :] = 0.
    flux_north[:, :-1, :] = K_h_tke * (tke[:, 1:, :, tau] - tke[:, :-1, :, tau]) \
        / dyu[bh.newaxis, :-1, bh.newaxis] * maskV[:, :-1, :] * cosu[bh.newaxis, :-1, bh.newaxis]
    flux_north[:, -1, :] = 0.
    tke[2:-2, 2:-2, :, taup1] += dt_tke * maskW[2:-2, 2:-2, :] * \
        ((flux_east[2:-2, 2:-2, :] - flux_east[1:-3, 2:-2, :])
            / (cost[bh.newaxis, 2:-2, bh.newaxis] * dxt[2:-2, bh.newaxis, bh.newaxis])
            + (flux_north[2:-2, 2:-2, :] - flux_north[2:-2, 1:-3, :])
            / (cost[bh.newaxis, 2:-2, bh.newaxis] * dyt[bh.newaxis, 2:-2, bh.newaxis]))

    add tendency due to advection
        flux_east, flux_north, flux_top, tke[:, :, :, tau],
        u[..., tau], v[..., tau], w[..., tau], maskW, dxt, dyt, dzw,
        cost, cosu, dt_tracer

    dtke[2:-2, 2:-2, :, tau] = maskW[2:-2, 2:-2, :] * (-(flux_east[2:-2, 2:-2, :] - flux_east[1:-3, 2:-2, :])
        / (cost[bh.newaxis, 2:-2, bh.newaxis] * dxt[2:-2, bh.newaxis, bh.newaxis])
        - (flux_north[2:-2, 2:-2, :] - flux_north[2:-2, 1:-3, :])
        / (cost[bh.newaxis, 2:-2, bh.newaxis] * dyt[bh.newaxis, 2:-2, bh.newaxis]))
    dtke[:, :, 0, tau] += -flux_top[:, :, 0] / dzw[0]
    dtke[:, :, 1:-1, tau] += - \
        (flux_top[:, :, 1:-1] - flux_top[:, :, :-2]) / dzw[1:-1]
    dtke[:, :, -1, tau] += - \
        (flux_top[:, :, -1] - flux_top[:, :, -2]) / \
        (0.5 * dzw[-1])

    Adam Bashforth time stepping
    tke[:, :, :, taup1] += dt_tracer * ((1.5 + AB_eps) * dtke[:, :, :, tau] - (0.5 + AB_eps) * dtke[:, :, :, taum1])

    return tke, dtke, tke_surf_corr
예제 #12
def gsw_dHdT(sa, ct, p):
    d/dT of dynamic enthalpy, analytical derivative

    sa     : Absolute Salinity                               [g/kg]
    ct     : Conservative Temperature                        [deg C]
    p      : sea pressure                                    [dbar]
    t1 = v45 * ct
    t2 = 0.2e1 * t1
    t3 = v46 * sa
    t4 = 0.5 * v12
    t5 = v14 * ct
    t7 = ct * (v13 + t5)
    t8 = 0.5 * t7
    t11 = sa * (v15 + v16 * ct)
    t12 = 0.5 * t11
    t13 = t4 + t8 + t12
    t15 = v19 * ct
    t19 = v17 + ct * (v18 + t15) + v20 * sa
    t20 = 1.0 / t19
    t24 = v47 + v48 * ct
    t25 = 0.5 * v13
    t26 = 1.0 * t5
    t27 = sa * v16
    t28 = 0.5 * t27
    t29 = t25 + t26 + t28
    t33 = t24 * t13
    t34 = t19**2
    t35 = 1.0 / t34
    t37 = v18 + 2.0 * t15
    t38 = t35 * t37
    t48 = ct * (v44 + t1 + t3)
    t57 = v40 * ct
    t59 = ct * (v39 + t57)
    t64 = t13**2
    t68 = t20 * t29
    t71 = t24 * t64
    t74 = v04 * ct
    t76 = ct * (v03 + t74)
    t79 = v07 * ct
    t82 = bh.sqrt(sa)
    t83 = v11 * ct
    t85 = ct * (v10 + t83)
    t92 = v01 + ct * (v02 + t76) + sa * (v05 + ct * (v06 + t79) + t82 *
                                         (v08 + ct * (v09 + t85)))
    t93 = v48 * t92
    t105 = v02 + t76 + ct * (v03 + 2.0 * t74) + sa * (v06 + 2.0 * t79 + t82 *
                                                      (v09 + t85 + ct *
                                                       (v10 + 2.0 * t83)))
    t106 = t24 * t105
    t107 = v44 + t2 + t3
    t110 = v43 + t48
    t117 = t24 * t92
    t120 = 4.0 * t71 * t20 - t117 - 2.0 * t110 * t13
    t123 = v38 + t59 + ct * (v39 + 2.0 * t57) + sa * v42 + (
        4.0 * v48 * t64 * t20 + 8.0 * t33 * t68 - 4.0 * t71 * t38 - t93 -
        t106 - 2.0 * t107 * t13 - 2.0 * t110 * t29) * t20 - t120 * t35 * t37
    t128 = t19 * p
    t130 = p * (1.0 * v12 + 1.0 * t7 + 1.0 * t11 + t128)
    t131 = 1.0 / t92
    t133 = 1.0 + t130 * t131
    t134 = bh.log(t133)
    t143 = v37 + ct * (v38 + t59) + sa * (v41 + v42 * ct) + t120 * t20
    t152 = t37 * p
    t156 = t92**2
    t165 = v25 * ct
    t167 = ct * (v24 + t165)
    t169 = ct * (v23 + t167)
    t175 = v30 * ct
    t177 = ct * (v29 + t175)
    t179 = ct * (v28 + t177)
    t185 = v35 * ct
    t187 = ct * (v34 + t185)
    t189 = ct * (v33 + t187)
    t199 = t13 * t20
    t217 = 2.0 * t117 * t199 - t110 * t92
    t234 = v21 + ct * (v22 + t169) + sa * (v26 + ct *
                                           (v27 + t179) + v36 * sa + t82 *
                                           (v31 + ct *
                                            (v32 + t189))) + t217 * t20
    t241 = t64 - t92 * t19
    t242 = bh.sqrt(t241)
    t243 = 1.0 / t242
    t244 = t4 + t8 + t12 - t242
    t245 = 1.0 / t244
    t247 = t4 + t8 + t12 + t242 + t128
    t248 = 1.0 / t247
    t249 = t242 * t245 * t248
    t252 = 1.0 + 2.0 * t128 * t249
    t253 = bh.log(t252)
    t254 = t243 * t253
    t259 = t234 * t19 - t143 * t13
    t264 = t259 * t20
    t272 = 2.0 * t13 * t29 - t105 * t19 - t92 * t37
    t282 = t128 * t242
    t283 = t244**2
    t287 = t243 * t272 / 2.0
    t292 = t247**2
    t305 = 0.1e5 * p * (v44 + t2 + t3 - 2.0 * v48 * t13 * t20
                        - 2.0 * t24 * t29 * t20 + 2.0 * t33 * t38 + 0.5 * v48 * p) * t20  \
        - 0.1e5 * p * (v43 + t48 - 2.0 * t33 * t20 + 0.5 * t24 * p) * t38 \
        + 0.5e4 * t123 * t20 * t134 - 0.5e4 * t143 * t35 * t134 * t37 \
        + 0.5e4 * t143 * t20 * (p * (1.0 * v13 + 2.0 * t5 + 1.0 * t27 + t152) * t131
                                - t130 / t156 * t105) / t133 \
        + 0.5e4 * ((v22 + t169 + ct * (v23 + t167 + ct * (v24 + 2.0 * t165))
                    + sa * (v27 + t179 + ct * (v28 + t177 + ct * (v29 + 2.0 * t175)) + t82 * (v32 + t189
                                                                                              + ct * (v33 + t187 + ct * (v34 + 2.0 * t185)))) + (2.0 * t93 * t199 + 2.0 * t106 *
                                                                                                                                                 t199 + 2.0 * t117 * t68 - 2.0 * t117 * t13 * t35 * t37 - t107
                                                                                                                                                 * t92 - t110 * t105) * t20 - t217 * t35 * t37) * t19 + t234 * t37
                   - t123 * t13 - t143 * t29) * t20 * t254 - 0.5e4 * t259 * \
        t35 * t254 * t37 - 0.25e4 * t264 / t242 / t241 * t253 * t272 \
        + 0.5e4 * t264 * t243 * (2.0 * t152 * t249 + t128 *
                                 t243 * t245 * t248 * t272 - 2.0 * t282 /
                                 t283 * t248 * (t25 + t26 + t28 - t287)
                                 - 2.0 * t282 * t245 / t292 * (t25 + t26 + t28 + t287 + t152)) / t252

    return t305