예제 #1
class BinnedStat(Stat):
    """ Base class for shared functionality accross bins and aggregates
    dimensions for plotting.

    bin_stat = Instance(BinStats,
        A mapping between each dimension and associated binning calculations.

    bins = List(Instance(Bin),
        A list of the `Bin` instances that were produced as result of the inputs.
        Iterating over `Bins` will iterate over this list. Each `Bin` can be inspected
        for metadata about the bin and the values associated with it.

    stat = Instance(Stat,
        The statistical operation to be used on the values in each bin.

    bin_column = String()
    centers_column = String()

    aggregate = Bool(default=True)

    bin_values = Bool(default=False)

    bin_width = Float()

    def __init__(self,

        if isinstance(stat, str):
            stat = stats[stat]()

        properties['column'] = column or 'vals'
        properties['stat'] = stat
        properties['values'] = values
        properties['source'] = source
        self._bins = bins
        super(BinnedStat, self).__init__(**properties)

    def _get_stat(self):
        stat_kwargs = {}

        if self.source is not None:
            stat_kwargs['source'] = self.source
            stat_kwargs['column'] = self.column

        elif self.values is not None:
            stat_kwargs['values'] = self.values

        stat_kwargs['bins'] = self._bins

        return BinStats(**stat_kwargs)

    def update(self):
        self.bin_stat = self._get_stat()
 class Base(HasProps):
     num = Int(12)
     container = List(String)
     child = Instance(HasProps)
 class Sub(Base, Mixin):
     sub_num = Int(12)
     sub_container = List(String)
     sub_child = Instance(HasProps)
예제 #4
 def test_List(self) -> None:
     p = List(Float)
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
     assert matches(str(e.value), r"expected an element of List\(Float\), got 'junk'")
예제 #5
class AttrSpec(HasProps):
    """A container for assigning attributes to values and retrieving them as needed.

    A special function this provides is automatically handling cases where the provided
    iterator is too short compared to the distinct values provided.

    Once created as attr_spec, you can do attr_spec[data_label], where data_label must
    be a one dimensional tuple of values, representing the unique group in the data.

    See the :meth:`AttrSpec.setup` method for the primary way to provide an existing
    AttrSpec with data and column values and update all derived property values.

    data = Instance(ColumnDataSource)

    iterable = List(Any, default=None)

    attrname = String(help='Name of the attribute the spec provides.')

    columns = Either(ColumnLabel,
        The label or list of column labels that correspond to the columns that will be
        used to find all distinct values (single column) or combination of values (
        multiple columns) to then assign a unique attribute to. If not enough unique
        attribute values are found, then the attribute values will be cycled.

    default = Any(default=None,
        The default value for the attribute, which is used if no column is assigned to
        the attribute for plotting. If the default value is not provided, the first
        value in the `iterable` property is used.

    attr_map = Dict(Any,
        Created by the attribute specification when `iterable` and `data` are
        available. The `attr_map` will include a mapping between the distinct value(s)
        found in `columns` and the attribute value that has been assigned.

    items = Any(default=None,
        The attribute specification calculates this list of distinct values that are
        found in `columns` of `data`.

    sort = Bool(default=True,
        A boolean flag to tell the attribute specification to sort `items`, when it is
        calculated. This affects which value of `iterable` is assigned to each distinct
        value in `items`.

    ascending = Bool(default=True,
        A boolean flag to tell the attribute specification how to sort `items` if the
        `sort` property is set to `True`. The default setting for `ascending` is `True`.

    bins = Instance(Bins,
        If an attribute spec is binning data, so that we can map one value in the
        `iterable` to one value in `items`, then this attribute will contain an instance
        of the Bins stat. This is used to create unique labels for each bin, which is
        then used for `items` instead of the actual unique values in `columns`.

    def __init__(self,
        """Create a lazy evaluated attribute specification.

            columns: a list of column labels
            df(:class:`~pandas.DataFrame`): the data source for the attribute spec.
            iterable: an iterable of distinct attribute values
            default: a value to use as the default attribute when no columns are passed
            items: the distinct values in columns. If items is provided as input,
                then the values provided are used instead of being calculated. This can
                be used to force a specific order for assignment.
            **properties: other properties to pass to parent :class:`HasProps`
        properties['columns'] = self._ensure_list(columns)

        if df is not None:
            properties['data'] = ColumnDataSource(df)

        if default is None and iterable is not None:
            default_iter = copy(iterable)
            properties['default'] = next(iter(default_iter))
        elif default is not None:
            properties['default'] = default

        if iterable is not None:
            properties['iterable'] = iterable

        if items is not None:
            properties['items'] = items

        super(AttrSpec, self).__init__(**properties)

        if self.default is None and self.iterable is not None:
            self.default = next(iter(copy(self.iterable)))

        if self.data is not None and self.columns is not None:
            if df is None:
                df = self.data.to_df()

            self._generate_items(df, columns=self.columns)

        if self.items is not None and self.iterable is not None:
            self.attr_map = self._create_attr_map()

    def _ensure_list(attr):
        """Always returns a list with the provided value. Returns the value if a list."""
        if isinstance(attr, str):
            return [attr]
        elif isinstance(attr, tuple):
            return list(attr)
            return attr

    def _ensure_tuple(attr):
        """Return tuple with the provided value. Returns the value if a tuple."""
        if not isinstance(attr, tuple):
            return (attr, )
            return attr

    def _setup_default(self):
        """Stores the first value of iterable into `default` property."""
        self.default = next(self._setup_iterable())

    def _setup_iterable(self):
        """Default behavior is to copy and cycle the provided iterable."""
        return cycle(copy(self.iterable))

    def _generate_items(self, df, columns):
        """Produce list of unique tuples that identify each item."""
        if self.sort:
            # TODO (fpliger):   this handles pandas API change so users do not experience
            #                   the related annoying deprecation warning. This is probably worth
            #                   removing when pandas deprecated version (0.16) is "old" enough
                df = df.sort_values(by=columns, ascending=self.ascending)
            except AttributeError:
                df = df.sort(columns=columns, ascending=self.ascending)

        items = df[columns].drop_duplicates()
        self.items = [tuple(x) for x in items.to_records(index=False)]

    def _create_attr_map(self, df=None, columns=None):
        """Creates map between unique values and available attributes."""

        if df is not None and columns is not None:
            self._generate_items(df, columns)

        iterable = self._setup_iterable()

        return {item: next(iterable) for item in self._item_tuples()}

    def _item_tuples(self):
        return [self._ensure_tuple(item) for item in self.items]

    def set_columns(self, columns):
        """Set columns property and update derived properties as needed."""
        columns = self._ensure_list(columns)

        if all([col in self.data.column_names for col in columns]):
            self.columns = columns
            # we have input values other than columns
            # assume this is now the iterable at this point
            self.iterable = columns

    def setup(self, data=None, columns=None):
        """Set the data and update derived properties as needed."""
        if data is not None:
            self.data = data

        if columns is not None and self.data is not None:

        if self.columns is not None and self.data is not None:
            self.attr_map = self._create_attr_map(self.data.to_df(),

    def update_data(self, data):
        self.setup(data=data, columns=self.columns)

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        """Lookup the attribute to use for the given unique group label."""

        if not self.attr_map:
            return self.default
        elif self._ensure_tuple(item) not in self.attr_map.keys():

            # make sure we have attr map

        return self.attr_map[self._ensure_tuple(item)]

    def series(self):
        if not self.attr_map:
            return pd.Series()
            index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self._item_tuples(),
            return pd.Series(list(self.attr_map.values()), index=index)
예제 #6
class HorizonGlyph(AreaGlyph):
    num_folds = Int(default=3,
                    help="""The count of times the data is overlapped.""")

    series = Int(default=0,
                 help="""The id of the series as the order it will appear,
    starting from 0.""")

    series_count = Int()

    fold_height = Float(help="""The height of one fold.""")

    bins = List(Float,
                help="""The binedges calculated from the number of folds,
    and the maximum value of the entire source data.""")

    graph_ratio = Float(
        help="""Scales heights of each series based on number of folds
    and the number of total series being plotted.

    pos_color = Color("#006400",
                      help="""The color used for positive values.""")
    neg_color = Color("#6495ed",
                      help="""The color used for negative values.""")

    flip_neg = Bool(default=True,
                    help="""When True, the negative values will be
    plotted as their absolute value, then their individual axes is flipped. If False,
    then the negative values will still be taken as their absolute value, but the base
    of their shape will start from the same origin as the positive values.

    def __init__(self, bins=None, **kwargs):

        # fill alpha depends on how many folds will be layered
        kwargs['fill_alpha'] = 1.0 / kwargs['num_folds']

        if bins is not None:
            kwargs['bins'] = bins

            # each series is shifted up to a synthetic y-axis
            kwargs['base'] = kwargs['series'] * max(
                bins) / kwargs['series_count']
            kwargs['graph_ratio'] = float(kwargs['num_folds']) / float(

        super(HorizonGlyph, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def build_source(self):
        data = {}

        # Build columns for the positive values
        pos_y = self.y.copy()
        pos_y[pos_y < 0] = 0
        xs, ys = self._build_dims(self.x, pos_y)

        # list of positive colors and alphas
        colors = [self.pos_color] * len(ys)
        alphas = [(bin_idx * self.fill_alpha)
                  for bin_idx in range(0, len(self.bins))]

        # If we have negative values at all, add the values for those as well
        if self.y.min() < 0:
            neg_y = self.y.copy()
            neg_y[neg_y > 0] = 0
            neg_y = abs(neg_y)
            neg_xs, neg_ys = self._build_dims(self.x, neg_y, self.flip_neg)

            xs += neg_xs
            ys += neg_ys
            colors += ([self.neg_color] * len(neg_ys))
            alphas += alphas

        # create clipped representation of each band
        data['x_values'] = xs
        data['y_values'] = ys
        data['fill_color'] = colors
        data['fill_alpha'] = colors
        data['line_color'] = colors

        return data

    def _build_dims(self, x, y, flip=False):
        """ Creates values needed to plot each fold of the horizon glyph.

        Bins the data based on the binning passed into the glyph, then copies and clips
        the values for each bin.

            x (`pandas.Series`): array of x values
            y (`pandas.Series`): array of y values
            flip (bool): whether to flip values, used when handling negative values

            tuple(list(`numpy.ndarray`), list(`numpy.ndarray`)): returns a list of
                arrays for the x values and list of arrays for the y values. The data
                has been folded and transformed so the patches glyph presents the data
                in a way that looks like an area chart.

        # assign bins to each y value
        bin_idx = pd.cut(y, bins=self.bins, labels=False, include_lowest=True)

        xs, ys = [], []
        for idx, bin in enumerate(self.bins[0:-1]):

            # subtract off values associated with lower bins, to get into this bin
            temp_vals = y.copy() - (idx * self.fold_height)

            # clip the values between the fold range and zero
            temp_vals[bin_idx > idx] = self.fold_height * self.graph_ratio
            temp_vals[bin_idx < idx] = 0
            temp_vals[bin_idx ==
                      idx] = self.graph_ratio * temp_vals[bin_idx == idx]

            # if flipping, we must start the values from the top of each fold's range
            if flip:
                temp_vals = (self.fold_height * self.graph_ratio) - temp_vals
                base = self.base + (self.fold_height * self.graph_ratio)
                base = self.base

            # shift values up based on index of series
            temp_vals += self.base
            val_idx = temp_vals > 0
            if pd.Series.any(val_idx):

        # transform clipped data so it always starts and ends at its base value
        if len(ys) > 0:
            xs, ys = map(
                    generate_patch_base(x, y, base=base)
                    for x, y in zip(xs, ys)

        return xs, ys

    def build_renderers(self):
        # parse all series. We exclude the first attr as it's the x values
        # added for the index
        glyph = Patches(xs='x_values',
        renderer = GlyphRenderer(data_source=self.source, glyph=glyph)
        yield renderer
예제 #7
파일: custom.py 프로젝트: zz412000428/bokeh
class MyPlot(Plot):

    __implementation__ = TypeScript("""
import {Plot, PlotView} from "models/plots/plot"
import * as p from "core/properties"
import "./custom.less"

export class MyPlotView extends PlotView {
  model: MyPlot

  render(): void {

    const angle = `${this.model.gradient_angle}deg`

    let offset = 0
    const colors = []
    const step = this.model.gradient_step

    for (const color of this.model.gradient_colors) {
      colors.push(`${color} ${offset}px`)
      offset += step
      colors.push(`${color} ${offset}px`)

    this.el.style.backgroundImage = `repeating-linear-gradient(${angle}, ${colors.join(', ')})`

export namespace MyPlot {
  export type Attrs = p.AttrsOf<Props>

  export type Props = Plot.Props & {
    gradient_angle: p.Property<number>
    gradient_step: p.Property<number>
    gradient_colors: p.Property<string[]>

export interface MyPlot extends MyPlot.Attrs {
  width: number | null
  height: number | null

export class MyPlot extends Plot {
  properties: MyPlot.Props

  static init_MyPlot(): void {
    this.prototype.default_view = MyPlotView

      gradient_angle:  [ p.Number, 0                      ],
      gradient_step:   [ p.Number, 20                     ],
      gradient_colors: [ p.Array,  ["white", "lightgray"] ],

      background_fill_alpha: 0.0,
      border_fill_alpha: 0.0,

    gradient_angle = Float(default=0)
    gradient_step = Float(default=20)
    gradient_colors = List(Color, default=["white", "gray"])

    background_fill_alpha = Override(default=0.0)
    border_fill_alpha = Override(default=0.0)
예제 #8
 def test_List(self, detail):
     p = List(Float)
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
         p.validate("junk", detail)
     assert str(e).endswith("ValueError") == (not detail)
예제 #9
class EitherSimpleDefault(hp.HasProps):
    foo = Either(List(Int), Int, default=10)
예제 #10
파일: glyphs.py 프로젝트: PhilWa/bokeh-1
class HistogramGlyph(AggregateGlyph):
    """Depicts the distribution of values using rectangles created by binning.

    The histogram represents a distribution, so will likely include other
    options for displaying it, such as KDE and cumulative density.

    # derived models
    bins = Instance(BinnedStat,
                    help="""A stat used to calculate the bins. The bins stat
        includes attributes about each composite bin.""")
    bars = List(Instance(BarGlyph),
                help="""The histogram is comprised of many
        BarGlyphs that are derived from the values.""")
    density = Bool(False,
        Whether to normalize the histogram.

        If True, the result is the value of the probability *density* function
        at the bin, normalized such that the *integral* over the range is 1. If
        False, the result will contain the number of samples in each bin.

        For more info check :class:`~bokeh.charts.stats.Histogram` documentation.

        (default: False)

    def __init__(self, values, label=None, color=None, bins=None, **kwargs):
        if label is not None:
            kwargs['label'] = label
        kwargs['values'] = values

        if color is not None:
            kwargs['color'] = color

        # remove width, since this is handled automatically
        kwargs.pop('width', None)

        # keep original bins setting private since it just needs to be
        # delegated to the Histogram stat
        self._bins = bins

        super(HistogramGlyph, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def _set_sources(self):
        # No need to set sources, since composite glyphs handle this

    def build_source(self):
        # No need to build source, since composite glyphs handle this
        return None

    def build_renderers(self):
        """Yield a bar glyph for each bin."""
        # TODO(fpliger): We should expose the bin stat class so we could let
        #               users specify other bins other the Histogram Stat
        self.bins = Histogram(values=self.values,

        bars = []
        for bin in self.bins.bins:

        # provide access to bars as children for bounds properties
        self.bars = self.children = bars

        for comp_glyph in self.bars:
            for renderer in comp_glyph.renderers:
                yield renderer

    def y_min(self):
        return 0.0
예제 #11
 def test_List(self):
     p = List(Float)
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
     assert not str(e).endswith("ValueError")
예제 #12
class SomeModel(Model):
    a = Int(12)
    b = String("hello")
    c = List(Int, [1, 2, 3])
예제 #13
class Builder(HasProps):
    """ A prototype class to inherit each new chart Builder type.

    It provides useful methods to be used by the inherited builder classes,
    in order to automate most of the charts creation tasks and leave the
    core customization to specialized builder classes. In that pattern
    inherited builders just need to provide the following methods:


    * :meth:`~bokeh.charts.builder.Builder.yield_renderers`: yields the glyphs to be
      rendered into the plot. Here you should call the
      :meth:`~bokeh.charts.builder.Builder.add_glyph` method so that the builder can
      setup the legend for you.
    * :meth:`~bokeh.charts.builder.Builder.set_ranges`: setup the ranges for the
      glyphs. This is called after glyph creation, so you are able to inspect the
      comp_glyphs for their minimum and maximum values. See the
      :meth:`~bokeh.charts.builder.Builder.create` method for more information on
      when this is called and how the builder provides the ranges to the containing
      :class:`Chart` using the :meth:`Chart.add_ranges` method.


    * :meth:`~bokeh.charts.builder.Builder.setup`: provides an area
      where subclasses of builder can introspect properties, setup attributes, or change
      property values. This is called before
    * :meth:`~bokeh.charts.builder.Builder.process_data`: provides an area
      where subclasses of builder can manipulate the source data before renderers are


    # Optional Inputs
    x_range = Instance(Range)
    y_range = Instance(Range)

    xlabel = String()
    ylabel = String()

    xscale = String()
    yscale = String()

    palette = List(Color,
                   help="""Optional input to override the default palette used
        by any color attribute.

    # Dimension Configuration
    The dimension labels that drive the position of the
    glyphs. Subclasses should implement this so that the Builder
    base class knows which dimensions it needs to operate on.
    An example for a builder working with cartesian x and y
    coordinates would be dimensions = ['x', 'y']. You should
    then instantiate the x and y dimensions as attributes of the
    subclass of builder using the :class:`Dimension
    <bokeh.charts.properties.Dimension>` class. One for x, as x
    = Dimension(...), and one as y = Dimension(...).
    dimensions = None  # None because it MUST be overridden
    The dimension labels that must exist to produce the
    glyphs. This specifies what are the valid configurations for
    the chart, with the option of specifying the type of the
    columns. The
    :class:`~bokeh.charts.data_source.ChartDataSource` will
    inspect this property of your subclass of Builder and use
    this to fill in any required dimensions if no keyword
    arguments are used.
    req_dimensions = []

    # Attribute Configuration
    attributes = Dict(String,
        The attribute specs used to group data. This is a mapping between the role of
        the attribute spec (e.g. 'color') and the
        :class:`~bokeh.charts.attributes.AttrSpec` class (e.g.,
        :class:`~bokeh.charts.attributes.ColorAttr`). The Builder will use this
        attributes property during runtime, which will consist of any attribute specs
        that are passed into the chart creation function (e.g.,
        :class:`~bokeh.charts.Bar`), ones that are created for the user from simple
        input types (e.g. `Bar(..., color='red')` or `Bar(..., color=<column_name>)`),
        or lastly, the attribute spec found in the default_attributes configured for
        the subclass of :class:`~bokeh.charts.builder.Builder`.
    The default attribute specs used to group data. This is
    where the subclass of Builder should specify what the
    default attributes are that will yield attribute values to
    each group of data, and any specific configuration. For
    example, the :class:`ColorAttr` utilizes a default palette
    for assigning color based on groups of data. If the user
    doesn't assign a column of the data to the associated
    attribute spec, then the default attrspec is used, which
    will yield a constant color value for each group of
    data. This is by default the first color in the default
    palette, but can be customized by setting the default color
    in the ColorAttr.
    default_attributes = None  # None because it MUST be overridden

    # Derived properties (created by Builder at runtime)
    attribute_columns = List(ColumnLabel,
        All columns used for specifying attributes for the Chart. The Builder will set
        this value on creation so that the subclasses can know the distinct set of columns
        that are being used to assign attributes.

    comp_glyphs = List(Instance(CompositeGlyph),
        A list of composite glyphs, where each represents a unique subset of data. The
        composite glyph is a helper class that encapsulates all low level
        :class:`~bokeh.models.glyphs.Glyph`, that represent a higher level group of
        data. For example, the :class:`BoxGlyph` is a single class that yields
        each :class:`GlyphRenderer` needed to produce a Box on a :class:`BoxPlot`. The
        single Box represents a full array of values that are aggregated, and is made
        up of multiple :class:`~bokeh.models.glyphs.Rect` and
        :class:`~bokeh.models.glyphs.Segment` glyphs.

    labels = List(
        help="""Represents the unique labels to be used for legends.""")
    """List of attributes to use for legends."""
    label_attributes = []
    Used to assign columns to dimensions when no selections have been provided. The
    default behavior is provided by the :class:`OrderedAssigner`, which assigns
    a single column to each dimension available in the `Builder`'s `dims` property.
    column_selector = OrderedAssigner

    comp_glyph_types = List(Instance(CompositeGlyph))

    sort_dim = Dict(String, Bool, default={})

    sort_legend = List(Tuple(String, Bool),
        List of tuples to use for sorting the legend, in order that they should be
        used for sorting. This sorting can be different than the sorting used for the
        rest of the chart. For example, you might want to sort only on the column
        assigned to the color attribute, or sort it descending. The order of each tuple
        is (Column, Ascending).

    legend_sort_field = String(help="""
        Attribute that should be used to sort the legend, for example: color,
        dash, maker, etc. Valid values for this property depend on the type
        of chart.

    legend_sort_direction = Enum(SortDirection,
    Sort direction to apply to :attr:`~bokeh.charts.builder.Builder.sort_legend`.
    Valid values are: `ascending` or `descending`.

    source = Instance(ColumnDataSource)

    tooltips = Either(List(Tuple(String, String)),
        Tells the builder to add tooltips to the chart by either using the columns
        specified to the chart attributes (True), or by generating tooltips for each
        column specified (list(str)), or by explicit specification of the tooltips
        using the valid input for the `HoverTool` tooltips kwarg.

    __deprecated_attributes__ = ('sort_legend', )

    def __init__(self, *args, **kws):
        """Common arguments to be used by all the inherited classes.

            data (:ref:`userguide_charts_data_types`): source data for the chart
            legend (str, bool): the legend of your plot. The legend content is
                inferred from incoming input.It can be ``top_left``,
                ``top_right``, ``bottom_left``, ``bottom_right``.
                It is ``top_right`` is you set it as True.

            source (obj): datasource object for your plot,
                initialized as a dummy None.
            x_range (obj): x-associated datarange object for you plot,
                initialized as a dummy None.
            y_range (obj): y-associated datarange object for you plot,
                initialized as a dummy None.
            groups (list): to be filled with the incoming groups of data.
                Useful for legend construction.
            data (dict): to be filled with the incoming data and be passed
                to the ChartDataSource for each Builder class.
            attr (list(AttrSpec)): to be filled with the new attributes created after
                loading the data dict.
        data = None
        if len(args) != 0 or len(kws) != 0:

            # chart dimensions can be literal dimensions or attributes
            attrs = list(self.default_attributes.keys())
            dims = self.dimensions + attrs

            # pop the dimension inputs from kwargs
            data_args = {}
            for dim in dims:
                if dim in kws.keys():
                    data_args[dim] = kws[dim]

            # build chart data source from inputs, given the dimension configuration
            data_args['dims'] = tuple(dims)
            data_args['required_dims'] = tuple(self.req_dimensions)
            data_args['attrs'] = attrs
            data_args['column_assigner'] = self.column_selector
            data = ChartDataSource.from_data(*args, **data_args)

            # make sure that the builder dimensions have access to the chart data source
            for dim in self.dimensions:
                getattr(getattr(self, dim), 'set_data')(data)

            # handle input attrs and ensure attrs have access to data
            attributes = self._setup_attrs(data, kws)

            # remove inputs handled by dimensions and chart attributes
            for dim in dims:
                kws.pop(dim, None)
            attributes = dict()

        kws['attributes'] = attributes
        super(Builder, self).__init__(**kws)

        # collect unique columns used for attributes
        self.attribute_columns = collect_attribute_columns(**self.attributes)

        for k in self.__deprecated_attributes__:
            if k in kws:
                setattr(self, k, kws[k])

        self._data = data
        self._legends = []

    def _setup_attrs(self, data, kws):
        """Handle overridden attributes and initialize them with data.

        Makes sure that all attributes have access to the data
        source, which is used for mapping attributes to groups
        of data.


        source = ColumnDataSource(data.df)
        attr_names = self.default_attributes.keys()
        custom_palette = kws.get('palette')

        attributes = dict()

        for attr_name in attr_names:

            attr = kws.pop(attr_name, None)

            # if given an attribute use it
            if isinstance(attr, AttrSpec):
                attributes[attr_name] = attr

            # if we are given columns, use those
            elif isinstance(attr, (str, list)):
                attributes[attr_name] = self.default_attributes[

                # override palette if available
                if isinstance(attributes[attr_name], ColorAttr):
                    if custom_palette is not None:
                        attributes[attr_name].iterable = custom_palette

                attributes[attr_name].setup(data=source, columns=attr)

                # override palette if available
                if (isinstance(self.default_attributes[attr_name], ColorAttr)
                        and custom_palette is not None):
                    attributes[attr_name] = self.default_attributes[
                    attributes[attr_name].iterable = custom_palette
                    attributes[attr_name] = self.default_attributes[

        # make sure all have access to data source
        for attr_name in attr_names:

        return attributes

    def setup(self):
        """Perform any initial pre-processing, attribute config.



    def process_data(self):
        """Make any global data manipulations before grouping.

        It has to be implemented by any of the inherited class
        representing each different chart type. It is the place
        where we make specific calculations for each chart.



    def yield_renderers(self):
        """ Generator that yields the glyphs to be draw on the plot

        It has to be implemented by any of the inherited class
        representing each different chart type.

        raise NotImplementedError(
            'Subclasses of %s must implement _yield_renderers.' %

    def set_ranges(self):
        """Calculate and set the x and y ranges.

        It has to be implemented by any of the subclasses of builder
        representing each different chart type, and is called after


        raise NotImplementedError(
            'Subclasses of %s must implement _set_ranges.' %

    def get_dim_extents(self):
        """Helper method to retrieve maximum extents of all the renderers.

            a dict mapping between dimension and value for x_max, y_max, x_min, y_min

        return {
            'x_max': max([renderer.x_max for renderer in self.comp_glyphs]),
            'y_max': max([renderer.y_max for renderer in self.comp_glyphs]),
            'x_min': min([renderer.x_min for renderer in self.comp_glyphs]),
            'y_min': min([renderer.y_min for renderer in self.comp_glyphs])

    def add_glyph(self, group, glyph):
        """Add a composite glyph.

        Manages the legend, since the builder might not want all attribute types
        used for the legend.

            group (:class:`DataGroup`): the data the `glyph` is associated with
            glyph (:class:`CompositeGlyph`): the glyph associated with the `group`

        if isinstance(glyph, list):
            for sub_glyph in glyph:

        # handle cases where builders have specified which attributes to use for labels
        label = None
        if len(self.label_attributes) > 0:
            for attr in self.label_attributes:
                # this will get the last attribute group label for now
                if self.attributes[attr].columns is not None:
                    label = self._get_group_label(group, attr=attr)

        # if no special case for labeling, just use the group label
        if label is None:
            label = self._get_group_label(group, attr='label')

        # add to legend if new and unique label
        if str(label) not in self.labels and label is not None:
            self._legends.append((label, glyph.renderers))

    def _get_group_label(self, group, attr='label'):
        """Get the label of the group by the attribute name.

            group (:attr:`DataGroup`: the group of data
            attr (str, optional): the attribute name containing the label, defaults to

            str: the label for the group
        if attr is 'label':
            label = group.label
            label = group[attr]
            if isinstance(label, dict):
                label = tuple(label.values())

        return self._get_label(label)

    def _get_label(raw_label):
        """Converts a label by string or tuple to a string representation.

            raw_label (str or tuple(any, any)): a unique identifier for the data group

            str: a label that is usable in charts
        # don't convert None type to string so we can test for it later
        if raw_label is None:
            return None

        if (isinstance(raw_label, tuple) or isinstance(raw_label, list)) and \
                       len(raw_label) == 1:
            raw_label = raw_label[0]
        elif isinstance(raw_label, dict):
            raw_label = label_from_index_dict(raw_label)

        return str(raw_label)

    def collect_attr_kwargs(self):
        if hasattr(super(self.__class__, self), 'default_attributes'):
            attrs = set(self.default_attributes.keys()) - set(
                (super(self.__class__, self).default_attributes or {}).keys())
            attrs = set()
        return attrs

    def get_group_kwargs(self, group, attrs):
        return {attr: group[attr] for attr in attrs}

    def create(self, chart=None):
        """Builds the renderers, adding them and other components to the chart.

            chart (:class:`Chart`, optional): the chart that will contain the glyph
                renderers that the `Builder` produces.

        # call methods that allow customized setup by subclasses

        # create and add renderers to chart
        renderers = self.yield_renderers()
        if chart is None:
            chart = Chart()
        chart.add_renderers(self, renderers)

        # handle ranges after renders, since ranges depend on aggregations
        # ToDo: should reconsider where this occurs
        chart.add_ranges('x', self.x_range)
        chart.add_ranges('y', self.y_range)

        # sort the legend if we are told to
        self._legends = self._sort_legend(self.legend_sort_field,
                                          self._legends, self.attributes)

        # always contribute legends, let Chart sort it out

        chart.add_labels('x', self.xlabel)
        chart.add_labels('y', self.ylabel)

        chart.add_scales('x', self.xscale)
        chart.add_scales('y', self.yscale)

        if self.tooltips is not None:
            tooltips = build_hover_tooltips(hover_spec=self.tooltips,

        return chart

    def generate_help(cls):
        help_str = ''
        for comp_glyph in cls.comp_glyph_types:
            help_str += str(comp_glyph.glyph_properties())

        return help_str

    def _sort_legend(legend_sort_field, legend_sort_direction, legends,
        """Sort legends sorted by looping though sort_legend items (
        see :attr:`Builder.sort_legend` for more details)
        if legend_sort_field:
            if len(attributes[legend_sort_field].columns) > 0:

                # TODO(fpliger): attributes should be consistent and not
                #               need any type checking but for
                #               the moment it is not, specially when going
                #               though a process like binning or when data
                #               is built for HeatMap, Scatter, etc...
                item_order = [
                    x[0] if isinstance(x, tuple) else x
                    for x in attributes[legend_sort_field].items

                item_order = [
                    str(x) if not isinstance(x, string_types) else x
                    for x in item_order

                def foo(leg):
                    return item_order.index(leg[0])

                reverse = legend_sort_direction == 'descending'
                return list(sorted(legends, key=foo, reverse=reverse))

        return legends

    def sort_legend(self):
        deprecated((0, 12, 0), 'Chart.sort_legend', 'Chart.legend_sort_field')
        return [(self.legend_sort_field, self.legend_sort_direction)]

    def sort_legend(self, value):
        deprecated((0, 12, 0), 'Chart.sort_legend', 'Chart.legend_sort_field')
        self.legend_sort_field, direction = value[0]
        if direction:
            self.legend_sort_direction = "ascending"
            self.legend_sort_direction = "descending"
예제 #14
class AutocompleteInputCustom(TextInput):
    __implementation__ = TypeScript("""
      import {TextInput, TextInputView} from "models/widgets/text_input"
      import {empty, display, undisplay, div, Keys} from "core/dom"
      import * as p from "core/properties"
      import {clamp} from "core/util/math"
      export class AutocompleteInputViewCustom extends TextInputView {
        model: AutocompleteInputCustom
        protected _open: boolean = false
        protected _last_value: string = ""
        protected _hover_index: number = 0
        protected menu: HTMLElement
        render(): void {
          this.input_el.addEventListener("keydown", (event) => this._keydown(event))
          this.input_el.addEventListener("keyup", (event) => this._keyup(event))
          this.menu = div({class: ["bk-menu", "bk-below"]})
          this.menu.addEventListener("click", (event) => this._menu_click(event))
          this.menu.addEventListener("mouseover", (event) => this._menu_hover(event))
        change_input(): void {
          if (this._open && this.menu.children.length > 0) {
            this.model.value = this.menu.children[this._hover_index].textContent!
          } else {
            this.model.value = this.input_el.value
        protected _update_completions(completions: string[]): void {
          for (const text of completions) {
            const item = div({}, text)
          if (completions.length > 0)
        protected _show_menu(): void {
          if (!this._open) {
            this._open = true
            this._hover_index = 0
            this._last_value = this.model.value
            const listener = (event: MouseEvent) => {
              const {target} = event
              if (target instanceof HTMLElement && !this.el.contains(target)) {
                document.removeEventListener("click", listener)
            document.addEventListener("click", listener)
        protected _hide_menu(): void {
          if (this._open) {
            this._open = false
        protected _menu_click(event: MouseEvent): void {
          if (event.target != event.currentTarget && event.target instanceof Element) {
            this.model.value = event.target.textContent!
        protected _menu_hover(event: MouseEvent): void {
          if (event.target != event.currentTarget && event.target instanceof Element) {
            let i = 0
            for (i = 0; i<this.menu.children.length; i++) {
              if (this.menu.children[i].textContent! == event.target.textContent!)
        protected _bump_hover(new_index: number): void {
          const n_children = this.menu.children.length
          if (this._open && n_children > 0) {
            this._hover_index = clamp(new_index, 0, n_children-1)
        _keydown(_event: KeyboardEvent): void {}
        _keyup(event: KeyboardEvent): void {
          switch (event.keyCode) {
            case Keys.Enter: {
            case Keys.Esc: {
            case Keys.Up: {
            case Keys.Down: {
            default: {
              const value = this.input_el.value
              if (value.length <= 1) {
              const completions: string[] = []
              for (const text of this.model.completions) {
                if (text.indexOf(value) != -1)
              if (completions.length == 0)
      export namespace AutocompleteInputCustom {
        export type Attrs = p.AttrsOf<Props>
        export type Props = TextInput.Props & {
          completions: p.Property<string[]>
      export interface AutocompleteInputCustom extends AutocompleteInputCustom.Attrs {}
      export class AutocompleteInputCustom extends TextInput {
        properties: AutocompleteInputCustom.Props
        constructor(attrs?: Partial<AutocompleteInputCustom.Attrs>) {
        static initClass(): void {
          this.prototype.type = "AutocompleteInputCustom"
          this.prototype.default_view = AutocompleteInputViewCustom
            completions: [ p.Array, [] ],

    completions = List(String, help="")
예제 #15
 def test_str(self) -> None:
     prop = bcpn.Nullable(List(Int))
     assert str(prop) == "Nullable(List(Int))"
예제 #16
class EitherContainerDefault(hp.HasProps):
    foo = Either(List(Int), Int, default=[10])
예제 #17
    def test_valid(self) -> None:
        prop = bcpn.NonNullable(List(Int))

        assert prop.is_valid([])
        assert prop.is_valid([1, 2, 3])
예제 #18
class Parent(hp.HasProps):
    int1 = Int(default=10)
    ds1 = NumberSpec()
    lst1 = List(String)
예제 #19
class HistogramGlyph(AggregateGlyph):
    """Depicts the distribution of values using rectangles created by binning.

    The histogram represents a distribution, so will likely include other
    options for displaying it, such as KDE and cumulative density.

    # input properties
    bin_width = Float()
    bin_count = Float(
        help="""Provide a manually specified number of bins to use.""")

    # derived models
    bins = Instance(Bins,
                    help="""A stat used to calculate the bins. The bins stat
        includes attributes about each composite bin.""")
    bars = List(Instance(BarGlyph),
                help="""The histogram is comprised of many
        BarGlyphs that are derived from the values.""")

    def __init__(self,
        if label is not None:
            kwargs['label'] = label
        kwargs['values'] = values
        kwargs['bin_count'] = bin_count
        if color is not None:
            kwargs['color'] = color

        # remove width, since this is handled automatically
        kwargs.pop('width', None)

        super(HistogramGlyph, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def _set_sources(self):
        # No need to set sources, since composite glyphs handle this

    def build_source(self):
        # No need to build source, since composite glyphs handle this
        return None

    def build_renderers(self):
        """Yield a bar glyph for each bin."""
        self.bins = Bins(values=self.values, bin_count=self.bin_count)
        centers = [bin.center for bin in self.bins.bins]
        self.bin_width = centers[1] - centers[0]

        bars = []
        for bin in self.bins.bins:

        # provide access to bars as children for bounds properties
        self.bars = bars
        self.children = self.bars

        for comp_glyph in self.bars:
            for renderer in comp_glyph.renderers:
                yield renderer

    def y_min(self):
        return 0.0
예제 #20
class LuminoDock(HTMLBox):
    children = List(Either(Tuple(String, Instance(LayoutDOM)),
                           Tuple(String, Instance(LayoutDOM), InsertMode),
                           Tuple(String, Instance(LayoutDOM), InsertMode,
예제 #21
 class Foo(HasProps):
     x = Int(12)
     y = String("hello")
     z = List(Int, [1, 2, 3])
     zz = Dict(String, Int)
     s = String(None)
예제 #22
class CheckboxWithLegendGroup(CheckboxGroup):
    colors = List(String, help="List of legend colors")
    __implementation__ = """
예제 #23
 def test_List(self, detail) -> None:
     p = List(Float)
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
         p.validate("junk", detail)
     assert (str(e.value) == "") == (not detail)
예제 #24
class EmbedTestUtilModel(Model):
    a = Int(12)
    b = String("hello")
    c = List(Int, [1, 2, 3])
예제 #25
class Bar(Model):
    """ This is a Bar model. """
    thing = List(Int, help="doc for thing")
예제 #26
class HookListModel(Model):
    hooks = List(String)
 class Mixin(HasProps):
     mixin_num = Int(12)
     mixin_container = List(String)
     mixin_child = Instance(HasProps)
예제 #28
파일: markup.py 프로젝트: syamajala/panel
class HTML(Markup):
    A bokeh model to render HTML markup including embedded script tags.

    events = Dict(String, List(String))
 class FooUnrelated(HasProps):
     x = Int(12)
     y = String("hello")
     z = List(Int, [1, 2, 3])
예제 #30
class Bin(Stat):
    """Represents a single bin of data values and attributes of the bin."""
    label = Either(String, List(String))
    start = Either(Float, List(Float))
    stop = Either(Float, List(Float))

    start_label = String()
    stop_label = String()

    center = Either(Float, List(Float))

    stat = Instance(Stat, default=Count())
    width = Float()

    def __init__(self, bin_label, values=None, source=None, **properties):
        if isinstance(bin_label, tuple):
            bin_label = list(bin_label)
            bin_label = [bin_label]
        properties['label'] = bin_label

        bounds = self.process_bounds(bin_label)

        starts, stops = zip(*bounds)
        centers = [(start + stop) / 2.0 for start, stop in zip(starts, stops)]
        if len(starts) == 1:
            starts = starts[0]
            stops = stops[0]
            centers = centers[0]
            starts = list(starts)
            stops = list(stops)
            centers = list(centers)

        properties['start'] = starts
        properties['stop'] = stops
        properties['center'] = centers
        properties['values'] = values
        super(Bin, self).__init__(**properties)

    def binstr_to_list(bins):
        """Produce a consistent display of a bin of data."""
        value_chunks = bins.split(',')
        value_chunks = [
            val.replace('[', '').replace(']', '').replace('(',
                                                          '').replace(')', '')
            for val in value_chunks
        bin_values = [float(value) for value in value_chunks]

        return bin_values[0], bin_values[1]

    def process_bounds(self, bin_label):
        if isinstance(bin_label, list):
            return [self.binstr_to_list(dim) for dim in bin_label]
            return [self.binstr_to_list(bin_label)]

    def update(self):

    def calculate(self):
        self.value = self.stat.value