def displayMetricEvolution( data, metric, outputDir='../results/dae/neuralNetwork/resultsAnalysis/', configuration='concatParams'): reset_output() p = figure(tools=TOOLS, plot_width=350, plot_height=350) p.yaxis.axis_label = metric p.xaxis.axis_label = 'models' p.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = "12pt" p.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = "12pt" source = ColumnDataSource({ metric: data[metric], 'index': data.index.values, 'conf': data[configuration] }) p.line('index', metric, source=source) p.select_one(HoverTool).tooltips = [('conf', '@conf')] output_notebook() show(p) output_file(outputDir + metric + 'Evolution.html') save(p) return True
def plot_empty(geo='state', formatting=None, output=False): """Generate map outline (no fill). :param (str) geo: 'state' or 'county' :param (dict) formatting: if custom dict is passed, update DEFAULTFORMAT with those key-values :param (str) output: if specified, filepath to save html file. see save_plot(). :return: if output is 'bokeh', returns Bokeh object; else None """ ## get default plot formatting and update if necessary temp_format = DEFAULTFORMAT.copy() if formatting: temp_format.update(formatting) ## process data shape_df = prc.shape_geojson(geo, temp_format['simplify'], epsg=temp_format['epsg']) geo_src = models.GeoJSONDataSource(geojson=shape_df.to_json()) ## plot and save choropleth bkplot = initialize_plot(temp_format) bkplot.patches('xs', 'ys', fill_color=None, line_color=temp_format['line_color'], line_width=temp_format['line_width'], source=geo_src) if temp_format['svg']: bkplot.output_backend = 'svg' save_plot(bkplot, output) ## return to original state io.reset_output() return bkplot
def show_html_image(field_2d, output_file_name='test.html'): """ Plot a 2D field as image using Bokeh, output to html file only. """ # Needs resetting, otherwise it appends new result to old one reset_output() # Define ranges xR, yR = field_2d.shape x = np.linspace(0, xR - 1, xR) y = np.linspace(0, yR - 1, yR) # Generate figure canvas with tooltips p = figure(x_range=(0, 1), y_range=(0, 1), \ tooltips=[("x", "$x"), ("y", "$y"), ("value", "@image")], \ match_aspect=True) # Generate image p.image(image=[field_2d], x=0, y=0, dw=1, dh=1, \ palette="Spectral11") # Output to html file output_file(output_file_name, title="visualization") # Display in browser show(p) return None
def bok_sp(plot_dict, **kwargs): if kwargs: figsize = kwargs['figsize'] else: figsize = (800, 400) plot_list = [] plot_width, plot_height = figsize i = 0 for unit, values in plot_dict.items(): p = figure(plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height) p.xaxis.formatter = DatetimeTickFormatter() glyph_list = [] column_list = [] for data in values: column_name, x, y = data g = p.line(x=x, y=y, line_width=2, color=colors[i]) i += 1 column_list.append(column_name) glyph_list.append(g) items = [(column, [glyph]) for column, glyph in zip(column_list, glyph_list)] legend = Legend(items=items, location=(40, 0)) p.add_layout(legend, 'below') plot_list.append(p) grid = [[p] for p in plot_list] p = gridplot(grid) reset_output() return p
def imshow(im, im2=None, p1=None, p2=None): # Bokeh Plotting io.reset_output() io.output_file('bokeh plots.html', title='imshow') colorImage = (len(im.shape) == 3) if colorImage: h, w, _ = im.shape else: h, w = im.shape # Setup tools hoverImage = models.HoverTool(tooltips=[('index', '$index'), ('(x, y)', '($x{(1.11)}, $y{(1.11)})')], point_policy='follow_mouse') p = plotting.figure(x_range=(0, w), y_range=(h, 0), plot_width=round(800 * w / h), plot_height=800, x_axis_label='pixel (1 - ' + str(w) + ')', y_axis_label='pixel (1 - ' + str(h) + ')', title='image', tools='box_zoom,pan,save,reset,wheel_zoom,crosshair', active_scroll='wheel_zoom', active_inspect=None) # Plot image if colorImage: # RGB imc = np.ones((im.shape[0], im.shape[1], 4), dtype=np.uint32) * 255 imc[:, :, 0:3] = im img = np.empty((h, w), dtype=np.uint32) view = img.view(dtype=np.uint8).reshape((h, w, 4)) view[:, :, :] = np.flipud(np.asarray(imc)) p.image_rgba(image=[img], x=0, y=h, dw=w, dh=h) else: p.image(image=[np.flip(im, 0)], x=0, y=h, dw=w, dh=h, palette=palettes.Greys256) p.quad(top=[h], bottom=[0], left=[0], right=[w], alpha=0) # clear rectange hack for tooltip image x,y p.add_tools(hoverImage) # Show plot colors = bokeh_colors(3) if im2 is None: if p1 is not None:[:, 0], p1[:, 1], color=colors[0], line_width=2) if p2 is not None:[:, 0], p2[:, 1], color=colors[1], line_width=2) p.multi_line(np.concatenate((p1[:, 0, None], p2[:, 0, None]), 1).tolist(), np.concatenate((p1[:, 1, None], p2[:, 1, None]), 1).tolist(), color='white', alpha=.3, line_width=1) # open a browser else: h, w = im2.shape q = plotting.figure(x_range=(0, w), y_range=(h, 0), plot_width=round(600 * w / h), plot_height=600, x_axis_label='pixel (1 - ' + str(w) + ')', y_axis_label='pixel (1 - ' + str(h) + ')', title='image', tools='box_zoom,pan,save,reset,wheel_zoom,crosshair', active_scroll='wheel_zoom', active_inspect=None) q.add_tools(hoverImage) # Plot image q.image(image=[np.flip(im2, 0)], x=0, y=h, dw=w, dh=h, palette=palettes.Greys256) q.quad(top=[h], bottom=[0], left=[0], right=[w], alpha=0) # clear rectange hack for tooltip image x,y # Show plots, q)) # open a browser
def clear_bokeh_memory(): """Run garbage collection after bokeh plots in an attempt to reduce memory usage """ curdoc().clear() state.State().reset() reset_output() gc.collect()
def plot(file_or_df, geoid_var, geoid_type, y_var, y_type, geolvl='county', geolabel='name', formatting=None, output=False, dropna=True): """Short summary. :param (str/pd.DataFrame) file_or_df: csv filepath or pandas/geopandas DataFrame with geoid_var :param (str) geoid_var: name of column containing the geo ID to match on :param (str) geoid_type: 'fips' (recommended), 'cbsa', 'name', or 'abbrev' (state only) :param (str) y_var: column name of variable to plot :param (str) y_type: 'sequential', 'sequential_single' (hue), 'divergent', or 'categorical' :param (str) geolvl: 'county' or 'state' :param (str) geolabel: column name to use. default is county/state name from shapefile :param (dict) formatting: if custom dict is passed, update DEFAULTFORMAT with those key-values :param (str) output: if specified, filepath to save html file. see save_plot(). :param (bool) dropna: default True, if false, keeps rows where y_var is nan. :return: if output is 'bokeh', returns Bokeh object; else None """ ## get default plot formatting and update if necessary temp_format = DEFAULTFORMAT.copy() if formatting: temp_format.update(formatting) ## process data shape_df = prc.shape_geojson(geolvl, temp_format['simplify'], epsg=temp_format['epsg']) geo_df = prc.merge_to_geodf(shape_df, file_or_df, geoid_var, geoid_type, geolvl=geolvl) if dropna: geo_df = geo_df[geo_df[y_var].notnull()] ## make sure column name does not have spaces -- important for hover tooltip geo_df.rename(columns={y_var: y_var.replace(' ', '_')}, inplace=True) y_var = y_var.replace(' ', '_') ## plot and save choropleth bkplot = initialize_plot(temp_format) draw_choropleth_layers(bkplot, geo_df, y_var, y_type, geolabel, temp_format) if temp_format['svg']: bkplot.output_backend = 'svg' save_plot(bkplot, output) ## return to original state io.reset_output() return bkplot
def xyComparison(xdata, ydata, xlabel='Smoothness', ylabel='Loss', what='lossSmoothness', outputDir='../results/dae/neuralNetwork/resultsAnalysis/'): N = len(xdata.values) counts = np.zeros((N, N)) for value in xdata.values: i = ydata.values.tolist().index(value) # i for line j = xdata.values.tolist().index(value) # j for column counts[i, j] = 1 xname = [] yname = [] color = [] alpha = [] for i, valY in enumerate(ydata): for j, valX in enumerate(xdata): xname.append(valX) yname.append(valY) if counts[i, j] == 1: color.append('red') else: color.append('white') alpha.append(1) source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(xname=xname, yname=yname, colors=color, alphas=alpha, count=counts.flatten())) p = figure(x_axis_location="above", x_range=list(xdata), y_range=list(reversed(ydata.tolist())), tools=TOOLS) p.grid.grid_line_color = None p.axis.axis_line_color = None p.axis.visible = None p.rect('xname', 'yname', 0.9, 0.9, source=source, color='colors', line_color=None) p.select_one(HoverTool).tooltips = [('conf', '@xname')] reset_output() output_notebook() show(p) output_file(outputDir + what + 'MatrixComparison.html') save(p) return True
def update_notebook(): print('Repo: \'{}\': {}\nTotal commits: {}\n{} commits: {}'.format(, cloned_repo.remotes.origin.url, len(list(cloned_repo.iter_commits('master'))), html_path, len(list(cloned_repo.iter_commits('master', paths=html_path))))) display(df_totals) display(df_2016_totals) display(mfig) reset_output() output_notebook() p = vote2020_bokeh(df_totals, df_2016_totals) show(p)
def setOutput(interactive, outputFileAddress): reset_output() if interactive: print('outputting interactive to notebook.') output_notebook() else: if outputFileAddress is None: # bokio.output_file('TempBokeh.png') print('outputting static to notebook.') else: output_file(outputFileAddress) print('outputting to file.')
def intfileplot(): filesA = os.listdir(inputpath) filesB = [] for y in filesA: if y[-8:] == "hits.csv" and y[-10:] != "nohits.csv" and y[ -11:] != "isohits.csv": filesB.append(y) for y in filesB: data, hetclassintdf = FTPM.mycsvreader(inputpath + y) isodata = FTPM.isocsvreader(inputpath + y[:-8] + "isohits.csv") nodata = FTPM.nohitsreader(inputpath + y[:-8] + "nohits.csv") intplotter(data, isodata, nodata, y, hetclassintdf) reset_output() #cleans up the cache which reduces file size
def hist(data, attribute, group, name='figure'): output = join(os.getcwd(), 'figures', name) output_file(output + '.html') x = np.linspace(0, data[attribute].max(), data[attribute].max()) pdf = gaussian_kde(data[attribute]) plot = figure(title=name, x_axis_label=attribute) hist, edges = np.histogram(data[attribute], density=True, bins=12) plot.quad(top=hist, bottom=0, left=edges[:-1], right=edges[1:], alpha=0.4) plot.line(x, pdf(x)) save(plot) reset_output()
def intfileplot(): filesA = os.listdir(inputdata) for y in filesA: if y[-4:] == "xlsx": df = pd.read_excel(inputdata + y) df = df.rename(columns={ y[:-5]: 'RA', 'Error_ppm': 'Error', 'Mass': 'mz' }) df['VKsize'] = np.sqrt((df["RA"] * 1E-5) / np.pi) nodata = df[df['Class'] == "None"] data = df[(df['C13'] == 0) & (df['Class'] != "None")] isodata = df[(df['C13'] == 1) & (df['Class'] != "None")] intplotter(data, isodata, nodata, y) #,hetclassintdf) reset_output() #cleans up the cache which reduces file size """
def bokeh_plot(site, obs, obs_label, data_dict, outfile, title, resample_frequency, add_statistics=True): ''' Plots a bokeh (interactive) daily or weekly series. Inputs: site: a string ID which is input to the obs and data_dict objects obs: a pandas dataframe with columns labeled with the site IDs data_dict: an ordered dictionary with keys each of the series you want to plot with structure: {'series_name': {'data': pandas_dataframe, 'color': 'the color you want the timeseries to plot as'}} outfile: path where you want to save the bokeh plot title: title string for your plot resample_frequency: either 'w' for weekly or 'd' for daily (this is used to decide the frequency of the plotting) add_statistics: if True (default) will include the statistics of KGE and bias in the plot's legend ''' reset_output() resample_dict = {'W': 'Weekly', 'D': 'Daily'} output_file(outfile, title=title) p1 = figure(width=1000, height=400, x_axis_type = "datetime", title=title) obs_resampled =obs.resample(resample_frequency, how='mean') p1.line(obs_resampled.index.values,obs_resampled.values/100000, color='#000000', legend=obs_label, line_width=2) for scenario in data_dict.keys(): sim = data_dict[scenario]['data'][site] daily_kge = str(np.round(kge(sim, obs, 'D'), 2)) weekly_kge = str(np.round(kge(sim, obs, 'W'), 2)) scenario_bias = str(np.round(bias(sim, obs),2)) if add_statistics: legend_label = scenario+', Daily KGE='+daily_kge+',\nWeekly KGE='+weekly_kge+' Bias='+scenario_bias+'%' else: legend_label = scenario sim_resampled = data_dict[scenario]['data'][site].resample(resample_frequency, how='mean') p1.line(sim_resampled.index.values, sim_resampled.values/100000, color=data_dict[scenario]['color'], line_width=2, legend=legend_label) p1.grid.grid_line_alpha=0.3 p1.xaxis.axis_label = 'Date' p1.yaxis.axis_label = 'Streamflow [CFS*100,000]' p1.legend.label_text_font_size = '8' window_size = 30 window = np.ones(window_size)/float(window_size) g = vplot(p1) save(g)
def plotCombinedPortfoliosPerf( stratValues, conf, kind='gains', # Or returns outputDir='../results/dae/portfolios/resultsAnalysis/', benchmark=None): # Portfolios of portfolios actually reset_output() output_notebook() numlines = stratValues.shape[1] colors_list = list(reversed(RdBu10[0:numlines])) p = figure(x_axis_type="datetime") p.yaxis.axis_label = kind source = ColumnDataSource(stratValues) legs = stratValues.columns.values.tolist() for (colr, leg) in zip(colors_list, legs): p.line(x=stratValues.index.values, y=leg, source=source, color=colr, legend=leg) hline = Span(location=0, dimension='width', line_color='black', line_width=2) p.renderers.extend([hline]) p.legend.orientation = "top_left" if benchmark != None: p.line(benchmark.gains.index.values, benchmark.gains['cumulReturn'], color='darkgreen', legend='benchmark') show(p) output_file(outputDir + conf + '_' + kind + '.html') save(p) return True
def test_io_push_to_server(self): from import output_server, push, curdoc, reset_output application = Application() with ManagedServerLoop(application) as server: reset_output() doc = curdoc() doc.clear() client_root = SomeModelInTestClientServer(foo=42) session_id = 'test_io_push_to_server' output_server(session_id=session_id, url=("http://localhost:%d/" % server.port)) doc.add_root(client_root) push(io_loop=server.io_loop) server_session = server.get_session('/', session_id) print(repr(server_session.document.roots)) assert len(server_session.document.roots) == 1 server_root = next(iter(server_session.document.roots)) assert == 42 assert == 42 # Now modify the client document and push = 57 push(io_loop=server.io_loop) server_root = next(iter(server_session.document.roots)) assert == 57 # Remove a root and push doc.remove_root(client_root) push(io_loop=server.io_loop) assert len(server_session.document.roots) == 0 # Clean up global IO state reset_output()
def hbar(data, attribute, index, category, name=None): output = join(os.getcwd(), 'figures', name) output_file(output + '.html') source = data.sort_values(by=attribute, ascending=True) cmap = factor_cmap(category, palette=Accent5, factors=sorted(source[category].unique())) plot = figure(y_range=source[index], title=name, x_axis_label=attribute, tooltips=[(attribute.replace('_', ' '), f'@{attribute}')]) plot.hbar(y=index, right=attribute, height=0.8, source=source, fill_color=cmap, line_color=cmap) save(plot) reset_output()
def plot_in_bokeh(x, y): reset_output() output_file("pathname") fig = figure(height=300, width=900, responsive=True, x_axis_type="datetime") fig.scatter(x, y, legend="Test") fig.y_range = Range1d(10, 40) fig.yaxis.axis_label = "BrPM" ''' # Setting the second y axis range name and range fig.extra_y_ranges = {"act_level": Range1d(start=0, end=2)} # Adding the second axis to the plot. fig.add_layout(LinearAxis(y_range_name="act_level",axis_label="Activity level"), 'right') fig.line(act_level_x, act_level_y, y_range_name="act_level", color="lightgrey", legend="activity level") ''' show(fig)
def displayParameterEvolution( groupedData, metrics, parameter, configuration='concatParams', outputDir='../results/dae/neuralNetwork/resultsAnalysis/'): reset_output() output_notebook() grid = [] subGrid = [] for metric in metrics: p = figure(tools=TOOLS) p.xaxis.axis_label = parameter p.yaxis.axis_label = metric for name, group in groupedData: tmp = group.sort(columns=parameter) source = ColumnDataSource({ parameter: tmp[parameter], metric: tmp[metric], 'conf': tmp[configuration] }) p.line(parameter, metric, source=source) p.select_one(HoverTool).tooltips = [('conf', '@conf')] subGrid.append(p) grid.append(subGrid) p = gridplot(grid) show(p) output_file(outputDir + parameter + '.html') save(p) return True
def save_to_disk(p, filename, title, show_inline=True): if show_inline: reset_output() output_notebook(resources=INLINE) show(p) reset_output() output_file(filename, title=title) save(p) reset_output() output_notebook(resources=INLINE)
def test(self): io.reset_output() self.assertTrue(io._state.reset.called)
def plotresults(cam, im, P, S, B, bbox): # Bokeh Plotting io.reset_output() io.output_file('bokeh plots.html', title='bokeh plots') h, w = im.shape n = P.shape[2] # number of images xn = list(range(0, n, 1)) # colors = bokeh_colors(n) colorbyframe = True colors = [] for i in np.linspace(0, 255, n, dtype=int): colors.append(palettes.Viridis256[i]) # Setup tools hoverImage = models.HoverTool(tooltips=[('(x, y)', '$x{1.11}, $y{1.11}')], point_policy='follow_mouse') # Plot image a = plotting.figure(x_range=(0, w), y_range=(h, 0), plot_width=round(600 * w / h), plot_height=600, x_axis_label='pixel (1 - ' + str(w) + ')', y_axis_label='pixel (1 - ' + str(h) + ')', title=cam['filename'], tools='box_zoom,pan,save,reset,wheel_zoom', active_scroll='wheel_zoom', active_inspect=None) a.add_tools(hoverImage) a.image(image=[np.flip(im, 0)], x=0, y=h, dw=w, dh=h, palette=palettes.Greys256) a.quad(top=[h], bottom=[0], left=[0], right=[w], alpha=0) # clear rectange hack for tooltip image x,y # Plog bounding box a.quad(top=bbox[3], bottom=bbox[2], left=bbox[0], right=bbox[1], color=colors[1], line_width=2, alpha=.3) # Plot license plate outline a.patch(P[0, 0:4, 0], P[1, 0:4, 0], alpha=0.3, line_width=4) # Plot points if colorbyframe: # i = ~np.isnan(P[0].ravel()) # c = P[4].ravel()[i].astype(int) # fc = [colors[i] for i in c] # a.scatter(P[0].ravel()[i], P[1].ravel()[i], size=4, fill_color=fc, line_color=None) # a.scatter(P[2].ravel()[i], P[3].ravel()[i], size=9, fill_color=fc, fill_alpha=0.3, line_color=None) for i in range(n - 1): # list((0, n - 1)): # plot first and last # for i in range(n): # plot all[0, :, i], P[1, :, i], color=colors[i], legend='image ' + str(i), line_width=1)[2, :, i], P[3, :, i], color=colors[i], size=10, alpha=.6) else:[0].ravel(), P[1].ravel(), color=colors[0], legend='Points', line_width=2)[2].ravel(), P[3].ravel(), color=colors[1], legend='Reprojections', size=10, alpha=.6) # Plot 2 - 3d x, y, z = np.split(B[:, :3], 3, axis=1) b = plotting.figure(plot_width=350, plot_height=300, x_axis_label='Y (m)', y_axis_label='X (m)', title='Position', tools='save,reset,hover', active_inspect='hover') # Plot 3 - distance c = plotting.figure(x_range=(0, n), y_range=(0, round(S[1:, 7].max())), plot_width=350, plot_height=300, x_axis_label='image', y_axis_label='distance (m)', title='Distance = %.2fm in %.3fs' % (S[-1, 7], S[-1, 5] - S[0, 5]), tools='save,reset,hover', active_inspect='hover') # Plot 4 - speed d = plotting.figure(x_range=(0, n), y_range=(0, S[1:, 8].max() + 1), plot_width=350, plot_height=300, x_axis_label='image', y_axis_label='speed (km/h)', title='Speed = %.2f +/- %.2f km/h' % (S[1:, 8].mean(), S[1:, 8].std()), tools='save,reset,hover', active_inspect='hover') # Circles plots 2-4, 0, color=colors[-1], line_width=15) if colorbyframe: b.scatter(x.ravel(), z.ravel(), fill_color=colors, line_color=colors, size=10) c.scatter(xn[1:], S[1:, 7], fill_color=colors[1:], line_color=colors[1:], size=10) d.scatter(xn[1:], S[1:, 8], fill_color=colors[1:], line_color=colors[1:], size=10) else:, z.ravel(), color=colors[0], line_width=2)[1:], S[1:, 7], color=colors[0], line_width=2)[1:], S[1:, 8], color=colors[0], line_width=2) # Plot lines a.multi_line(P[0].tolist(), P[1].tolist(), color='white', alpha=.7, line_width=1) # Show plot, row(b, c, d))) # open a browser
def assembly_chart(df, complements): """function to assembly the chart""" print('starting the plot...') # specify the output file name output_file("movigrama_chart.html") # force to show only one plot when multiples executions of the code occur # otherwise the plots will append each time one new calling is done reset_output() # create ColumnDataSource objects directly from Pandas data frames source = ColumnDataSource(df) # use the column DT as index df.set_index('DT', inplace=True) ########################################################################### # # Movigrama Plot # ########################################################################### # build figure of the plot p = figure(x_axis_type='datetime', x_axis_label='days of moviment', y_axis_label='unities movimented', plot_width=1230, plot_height=500, active_scroll='wheel_zoom') # TODO Specify X range (not all plots have 365 days of moviment) # build the Stock Level bar r1 = p.vbar(x='DT', bottom=0, top='STOCK', width=pd.Timedelta(days=1), fill_alpha=0.4, color='paleturquoise', source=source) # build the OUT bar p.vbar(x='DT', bottom=0, top='SOMA_SAI', width=pd.Timedelta(days=1), fill_alpha=0.8, color='crimson', source=source) # build the IN bar p.vbar(x='DT', bottom=0, top='SOMA_ENTRA', width=pd.Timedelta(days=1), fill_alpha=0.8, color='seagreen', source=source) # edit title # adds warehouse title p.add_layout( Title(text=complements['warehouse'], text_font='helvetica', text_font_size='10pt', text_color='orangered', text_alpha=0.5, align='center', text_font_style="italic"), 'above') # adds product title p.add_layout( Title(text=complements['product'], text_font='helvetica', text_font_size='10pt', text_color='orangered', text_alpha=0.5, align='center', text_font_style="italic"), 'above') # adds main title p.add_layout( Title(text='Movigrama Endicon', text_font='helvetica', text_font_size='16pt', text_color='orangered', text_alpha=0.9, align='center', text_font_style="bold"), 'above') # adds horizontal line hline = Span(location=0, line_alpha=0.4, dimension='width', line_color='gray', line_width=3) p.renderers.extend([hline]) # adapt the range to the plot p.x_range.range_padding = 0.1 p.y_range.range_padding = 0.1 # format the plot's outline p.outline_line_width = 4 p.outline_line_alpha = 0.1 p.outline_line_color = 'orangered' # format major labels p.axis.major_label_text_color = 'gray' p.axis.major_label_text_font_style = 'bold' # format labels p.axis.axis_label_text_color = 'gray' p.axis.axis_label_text_font_style = 'bold' # p.xgrid.grid_line_color = None # disable vertical bars # p.ygrid.grid_line_color = None # disable horizontal bars # change placement of minor and major ticks in the plot p.axis.major_tick_out = 10 p.axis.minor_tick_in = -3 p.axis.minor_tick_out = 6 p.axis.minor_tick_line_color = 'gray' # format properly the X datetime axis p.xaxis.formatter = DatetimeTickFormatter(days=['%d/%m'], months=['%m/%Y'], years=['%Y']) # iniciate hover object hover = HoverTool() hover.mode = "vline" # activate hover by vertical line hover.tooltips = [("SUM-IN", "@SOMA_ENTRA"), ("SUM-OUT", "@SOMA_SAI"), ("COUNT-IN", "@TRANSACT_ENTRA"), ("COUNT-OUT", "@TRANSACT_SAI"), ("STOCK", "@STOCK"), ("DT", "@DT{%d/%m/%Y}")] # use 'datetime' formatter for 'DT' field hover.formatters = {"DT": 'datetime'} hover.renderers = [r1] # display tolltip only to one render p.add_tools(hover) ########################################################################### # # Demand analysis # ########################################################################### # change to positive values df['out_invert'] = df['SOMA_SAI'] * -1 # moving average with n=30 days df['MA30'] = df['out_invert'].rolling(30).mean().round(0) # moving standard deviation with n=30 days df['MA30_std'] = df['out_invert'].rolling(30).std().round(0) # lower control limit for 1 sigma deviation df['lcl_1sigma'] = (df['MA30'] - df['MA30_std']) # upper control limit for 1 sigma deviation df['ucl_1sigma'] = (df['MA30'] + df['MA30_std']) source = ColumnDataSource(df) p1 = figure(plot_width=1230, plot_height=500, x_range=p.x_range, x_axis_type="datetime", active_scroll='wheel_zoom') # build the Sum_out bar r1 = p1.vbar(x='DT', top='out_invert', width=pd.Timedelta(days=1), color='darkred', line_color='salmon', fill_alpha=0.4, source=source) # build the moving average line p1.line(x='DT', y='MA30', source=source) # build the confidence interval band = Band(base='DT', lower='lcl_1sigma', upper='ucl_1sigma', source=source, level='underlay', fill_alpha=1.0, line_width=1, line_color='black') p1.renderers.extend([band]) # adds title p1.add_layout( Title(text='Demand Variability', text_font='helvetica', text_font_size='16pt', text_color='orangered', text_alpha=0.5, align='center', text_font_style="bold"), 'above') # adds horizontal line hline = Span(location=0, line_alpha=0.4, dimension='width', line_color='gray', line_width=3) p1.renderers.extend([hline]) # format the plot's outline p1.outline_line_width = 4 p1.outline_line_alpha = 0.1 p1.outline_line_color = 'orangered' # format major labels p1.axis.major_label_text_color = 'gray' p1.axis.major_label_text_font_style = 'bold' # format labels p1.axis.axis_label_text_color = 'gray' p1.axis.axis_label_text_font_style = 'bold' # change placement of minor and major ticks in the plot p1.axis.major_tick_out = 10 p1.axis.minor_tick_in = -3 p1.axis.minor_tick_out = 6 p1.axis.minor_tick_line_color = 'gray' # format properly the X datetime axis p1.xaxis.formatter = DatetimeTickFormatter(days=['%d/%m'], months=['%m/%Y'], years=['%Y']) # iniciate hover object hover = HoverTool() hover.mode = "vline" # activate hover by vertical line hover.tooltips = [("DEMAND", '@out_invert'), ("UCL 1σ", "@ucl_1sigma"), ("LCL 1σ", "@lcl_1sigma"), ("M AVG 30d", "@MA30"), ("DT", "@DT{%d/%m/%Y}")] # use 'datetime' formatter for 'DT' field hover.formatters = {"DT": 'datetime'} hover.renderers = [r1] # display tolltip only to one render p1.add_tools(hover) ########################################################################### # # Demand groupped by month # ########################################################################### resample_M = df.iloc[:, 0:6].resample('M').sum() # resample to month # create column date as string resample_M['date'] = resample_M.index.strftime('%b/%y').values # moving average with n=3 months resample_M['MA3'] = resample_M['out_invert'].rolling(3).mean() resample_M['MA3'] = np.ceil(resample_M.MA3) # round up the column MA3 # resample to month with mean resample_M['mean'] = np.ceil(resample_M['out_invert'].mean()) # resample to month with standard deviation resample_M['std'] = np.ceil(resample_M['out_invert'].std()) # moving standard deviation with n=30 days resample_M['MA3_std'] = np.ceil(resample_M['out_invert'].rolling(3).std()) # lower control limit for 1 sigma deviation resample_M['lcl_1sigma'] = resample_M['MA3'] - resample_M['MA3_std'] # upper control limit for 1 sigma deviation resample_M['ucl_1sigma'] = resample_M['MA3'] + resample_M['MA3_std'] source = ColumnDataSource(resample_M) p2 = figure(plot_width=1230, plot_height=500, x_range=FactorRange(factors=list(, title='demand groupped by month') colors = factor_cmap('date', palette=Category20_20, factors=list( p2.vbar(x='date', top='out_invert', width=0.8, fill_color=colors, fill_alpha=0.8, source=source, legend=value('OUT')) p2.line(x='date', y='MA3', color='red', line_width=3, line_dash='dotted', source=source, legend=value('MA3')) p2.line(x='date', y='mean', color='blue', line_width=3, line_dash='dotted', source=source, legend=value('mean')) band = Band(base='date', lower='lcl_1sigma', upper='ucl_1sigma', source=source, level='underlay', fill_alpha=1.0, line_width=1, line_color='black') labels1 = LabelSet(x='date', y='MA3', text='MA3', level='glyph', y_offset=5, source=source, render_mode='canvas', text_font_size="8pt", text_color='darkred') labels2 = LabelSet(x='date', y='out_invert', text='out_invert', level='glyph', y_offset=5, source=source, render_mode='canvas', text_font_size="8pt", text_color='gray') low_box = BoxAnnotation( top=resample_M['mean'].iloc[0] - resample_M['std'].iloc[0], # analysis:ignore fill_alpha=0.1, fill_color='red') mid_box = BoxAnnotation( bottom=resample_M['mean'].iloc[0] - resample_M['std'].iloc[0], # analysis:ignore top=resample_M['mean'].iloc[0] + resample_M['std'].iloc[0], # analysis:ignore fill_alpha=0.1, fill_color='green') high_box = BoxAnnotation( bottom=resample_M['mean'].iloc[0] + resample_M['std'].iloc[0], # analysis:ignore fill_alpha=0.1, fill_color='red') p2.renderers.extend([band, labels1, labels2, low_box, mid_box, high_box]) p2.legend.click_policy = "hide" p2.legend.background_fill_alpha = 0.4 p2.add_layout( Title(text='Demand Grouped by Month', text_font='helvetica', text_font_size='16pt', text_color='orangered', text_alpha=0.5, align='center', text_font_style="bold"), 'above') # adds horizontal line hline = Span(location=0, line_alpha=0.4, dimension='width', line_color='gray', line_width=3) p2.renderers.extend([hline]) # format the plot's outline p2.outline_line_width = 4 p2.outline_line_alpha = 0.1 p2.outline_line_color = 'orangered' # format major labels p2.axis.major_label_text_color = 'gray' p2.axis.major_label_text_font_style = 'bold' # format labels p2.axis.axis_label_text_color = 'gray' p2.axis.axis_label_text_font_style = 'bold' # change placement of minor and major ticks in the plot p2.axis.major_tick_out = 10 p2.axis.minor_tick_in = -3 p2.axis.minor_tick_out = 6 p2.axis.minor_tick_line_color = 'gray' # iniciate hover object # TODO develop hoverTool # hover = HoverTool() # hover.mode = "vline" # activate hover by vertical line # hover.tooltips = [("SUM-IN", "@SOMA_ENTRA"), # ("SUM-OUT", "@SOMA_SAI"), # ("COUNT-IN", "@TRANSACT_ENTRA"), # ("COUNT-OUT", "@TRANSACT_SAI"), # ("STOCK", "@STOCK")] # hover.renderers = [r1] # display tolltip only to one render # p2.add_tools(hover) ########################################################################### # # Plot figures # ########################################################################### # put the results in a column and show show(column(p, p1, p2)) # show(p) # plot action print('plot finished')
def connect_to_server(self): try: output_server("dreaml") except ConnectionError: reset_output() print "Failed to connect to bokeh server"
def plot(self, front: List[S], reference: List[S] = None, output: str = '', show: bool = True) -> None: # This is important to purge front (if any) between calls reset_output() # Set up figure self.figure_xy = Figure(output_backend='webgl', sizing_mode='scale_width', title=self.plot_title, tools=self.plot_tools) self.figure_xy.scatter(x='x', y='y', legend='solution', fill_alpha=0.7, source=self.source) self.figure_xy.xaxis.axis_label = self.xaxis_label self.figure_xy.yaxis.axis_label = self.yaxis_label x_values, y_values, z_values = self.get_objectives(front) if self.number_of_objectives == 2: # Plot reference solution list (if any) if reference: ref_x_values, ref_y_values, _ = self.get_objectives(reference) self.figure_xy.line(x=ref_x_values, y=ref_y_values, legend='reference', color='green') # Push front to server{ 'x': x_values, 'y': y_values, 'str': [s.__str__() for s in front] }) self.doc.add_root(column(self.figure_xy)) else: # Add new figures for each axis self.figure_xz = Figure(title='xz', output_backend='webgl', sizing_mode='scale_width', tools=self.plot_tools) self.figure_xz.scatter(x='x', y='z', legend='solution', fill_alpha=0.7, source=self.source) self.figure_xz.xaxis.axis_label = self.xaxis_label self.figure_xz.yaxis.axis_label = self.zaxis_label self.figure_yz = Figure(title='yz', output_backend='webgl', sizing_mode='scale_width', tools=self.plot_tools) self.figure_yz.scatter(x='y', y='z', legend='solution', fill_alpha=0.7, source=self.source) self.figure_yz.xaxis.axis_label = self.yaxis_label self.figure_yz.yaxis.axis_label = self.zaxis_label # Plot reference solution list (if any) if reference: ref_x_values, ref_y_values, ref_z_values = self.get_objectives( reference) self.figure_xy.line(x=ref_x_values, y=ref_y_values, legend='reference', color='green') self.figure_xz.line(x=ref_x_values, y=ref_z_values, legend='reference', color='green') self.figure_yz.line(x=ref_y_values, y=ref_z_values, legend='reference', color='green') # Push front to server{ 'x': x_values, 'y': y_values, 'z': z_values, 'str': [s.__str__() for s in front] }) self.doc.add_root( row(self.figure_xy, self.figure_xz, self.figure_yz)) self.client.push(self.doc) if output: self.__save(output) if show:
def plot_process_tree( data: pd.DataFrame, schema: ProcSchema = None, output_var: str = None, legend_col: str = None, show_table: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[figure, LayoutDOM]: """ Plot a Process Tree Visualization. Parameters ---------- data : pd.DataFrame DataFrame containing one or more Process Trees schema : ProcSchema, optional The data schema to use for the data set, by default None (if None the schema is inferred) output_var : str, optional Output variable for selected items in the tree, by default None legend_col : str, optional The column used to color the tree items, by default None show_table: bool Set to True to show a data table, by default False. Other Parameters ---------------- height : int, optional The height of the plot figure (the default is 700) width : int, optional The width of the plot figure (the default is 900) title : str, optional Title to display (the default is None) Returns ------- Tuple[figure, LayoutDOM]: figure - The main bokeh.plotting.figure Layout - Bokeh layout structure. Raises ------ ProcessTreeSchemaException If the data set schema is not valid for the plot. Notes ----- The `output_var` variable will be overwritten with any selected values. """ check_kwargs(kwargs, _DEFAULT_KWARGS) reset_output() output_notebook() data, schema, levels, n_rows = _pre_process_tree(data, schema) if schema is None: raise ProcessTreeSchemaException( "Could not infer schema from data set.") source = ColumnDataSource(data=data) # Get legend/color bar map fill_map, color_bar = _create_fill_map(source, legend_col) max_level = max(levels) + 3 min_level = min(levels) plot_height: int = kwargs.pop("height", 700) plot_width: int = kwargs.pop("width", 900) title: str = kwargs.pop("title", "ProcessTree") if color_bar: title += " (color bar = {legend_col})" visible_range = int(plot_height / 35) y_start_range = (n_rows - visible_range, n_rows + 1) b_plot = figure( title=title, plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, x_range=(min_level, max_level), y_range=y_start_range, tools=["ypan", "reset", "save", "tap"], toolbar_location="above", ) hover = HoverTool(tooltips=_get_tool_tips(schema), formatters={"TimeGenerated": "datetime"}) b_plot.add_tools(hover) # dodge to align rectangle with grid rect_x = dodge("Level", 1.75, range=b_plot.x_range) rect_plot_params = dict(width=3.5, height=0.95, source=source, fill_alpha=0.4, fill_color=fill_map) if color_bar: b_plot.add_layout(color_bar, "right") elif legend_col: rect_plot_params["legend_field"] = legend_col rect_plot = b_plot.rect(x=rect_x, y="Row", **rect_plot_params) if legend_col and not color_bar: b_plot.legend.title = legend_col text_props = { "source": source, "text_align": "left", "text_baseline": "middle" } def x_dodge(x_offset): return dodge("Level", x_offset, range=b_plot.x_range) def y_dodge(y_offset): return dodge("Row", y_offset, range=b_plot.y_range) b_plot.text(x=x_dodge(0.1), y=y_dodge(-0.2), text="cmd", text_font_size="7pt", **text_props) b_plot.text(x=x_dodge(0.1), y=y_dodge(0.25), text="Exe", text_font_size="8pt", **text_props) b_plot.text(x=x_dodge(1.8), y=y_dodge(0.25), text="PID", text_font_size="8pt", **text_props) # Plot options _set_plot_option_defaults(b_plot) b_plot.xaxis.ticker = sorted(levels) b_plot.xgrid.ticker = sorted(levels) b_plot.hover.renderers = [rect_plot] # only hover element boxes # Selection callback if output_var is not None: get_selected = _create_js_callback(source, output_var) b_plot.js_on_event("tap", get_selected) box_select = BoxSelectTool(callback=get_selected) b_plot.add_tools(box_select) range_tool = _create_vert_range_tool( data=source, min_y=0, max_y=n_rows, plot_range=b_plot.y_range, width=90, height=plot_height, x_col="Level", y_col="Row", fill_map=fill_map, ) plot_elems = row(b_plot, range_tool) if show_table: data_table = _create_data_table(source, schema, legend_col) plot_elems = column(plot_elems, data_table) show(plot_elems) return b_plot, plot_elems
def _return_html_comps(plots): script, divs = components(plots) reset_output() return script, divs, get_bokeh_version()
def tradingRepartitionDay(portfolio, absGain, conf): reset_output() output_file( '../results/dae/portfolios/resultsAnalysis/tradingRepartitionDay_' + conf + '.html') count, sell, buyy, days = getMetricsDay(portfolio, absGain) colorRange = OrRd9[0:5] + list(reversed(YlGn9[0:5])) colors = [] for day in absGain.index.values: if absGain[day] < -5000: colors.append(0) elif absGain[day] >= -5000 and absGain[day] <= -2500: colors.append(1) elif absGain[day] > -2500 and absGain[day] <= -1000: colors.append(2) elif absGain[day] > -1000 and absGain[day] <= -500: colors.append(3) elif absGain[day] > -500 and absGain[day] < 0: colors.append(4) elif absGain[day] == 0: colors.append(-1) elif absGain[day] > 0 and absGain[day] <= 500: colors.append(5) elif absGain[day] > 500 and absGain[day] <= 1000: colors.append(6) elif absGain[day] > 1000 and absGain[day] <= 2500: colors.append(7) elif absGain[day] > 2500 and absGain[day] <= 5000: colors.append(8) elif absGain[day] > 5000: colors.append(9) xRange = [] yRange = [] for line in range(int(np.floor(absGain.shape[0] / 20) + 1)): for column in range(20): xRange.append(str(column)) yRange.append(str(line)) type_color = [] for i, color in enumerate(colors): if color != -1: type_color.append(colorRange[colors[i]]) else: type_color.append('grey') source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(xGroup=xRange, yGroup=yRange, absGain=absGain, days=days, count=count, sell=sell, buyy=buyy, type_color=type_color)) p = figure( title="Trading repartition by day", tools=TOOLS, x_range=[str(x) for x in range(20)], y_range=list( reversed([ str(x) for x in range(int(np.floor(portfolio.shape[0] / 20) + 1)) ]))) p.outline_line_color = None p.plot_width = 1800 p.plot_height = 1800 p.rect('xGroup', 'yGroup', 0.9, 0.9, source=source, fill_alpha=0.6, color="type_color") text_props = { "source": source, "angle": 0, "color": "black", "text_align": "center", "text_baseline": "middle" } p.text(x='xGroup', y='yGroup', text='days', text_font_size="9pt", **text_props) p.axis.visible = None p.grid.grid_line_color = None p.select_one(HoverTool).tooltips = [("day", "@days"), ("% actions involved", "@count"), ("sold", "@sell"), ("bought", "@buyy"), ("absGain", "@absGain")] save(p) show(p) return True
def tradingRepartitionAction(portfolio, conf): reset_output() output_notebook() count, minn, maxx, sellPerc, buyyPerc, name = getMetricsAction(portfolio) colorRange = list(reversed(PuBu9)) colors = [] for stock in portfolio.columns.values: if count[stock] < 0.01: colors.append(0) elif count[stock] >= 0.01 and count[stock] <= 0.4: colors.append(1) elif count[stock] > 0.4 and count[stock] <= 0.5: colors.append(2) elif count[stock] > 0.5 and count[stock] <= 0.6: colors.append(3) elif count[stock] > 0.6 and count[stock] <= 0.7: colors.append(4) elif count[stock] > 0.7 and count[stock] <= 0.8: colors.append(5) elif count[stock] > 0.8 and count[stock] <= 0.9: colors.append(6) elif count[stock] > 0.9 and count[stock] <= 0.95: colors.append(7) elif count[stock] > 0.95: colors.append(8) xRange = [] yRange = [] for line in range(int(np.floor(portfolio.shape[1] / 10) + 1)): for column in range(10): xRange.append(str(column)) yRange.append(str(line)) source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( xGroup=xRange, yGroup=yRange, name=name, count=count, minn=minn, maxx=maxx, sellPerc=sellPerc, buyyPerc=buyyPerc, type_color=[colorRange[colors[i]] for i in range(portfolio.shape[1])])) p = figure( title="Trading repartition by action", tools=TOOLS, x_range=[str(x) for x in range(10)], y_range=list( reversed([ str(x) for x in range(int(np.floor(portfolio.shape[1] / 10) + 1)) ]))) p.outline_line_color = None p.plot_width = 1200 p.rect('xGroup', 'yGroup', 0.9, 0.9, source=source, fill_alpha=0.6, color="type_color") text_props = { "source": source, "angle": 0, "color": "black", "text_align": "center", "text_baseline": "middle" } p.text(x='xGroup', y='yGroup', text='name', text_font_size="9pt", **text_props) p.axis.visible = None p.grid.grid_line_color = None p.select_one(HoverTool).tooltips = [("name", "@name"), ("participation", "@count"), ("min weight", "@minn"), ("max weight", "@maxx"), ("sellPerc", "@sellPerc"), ("buyyPerc", "@buyyPerc")] show(p) output_file( '../results/dae/portfolios/resultsAnalysis/tradingRepartitionAction_' + conf + '.html') save(p) return True
def make_interactive_scatter_plot(df, x_col='coord_x', y_col='coord_y', color_col=None, size_col=None, hover_cols=[], palette_type='categorical', color_bar=False, plot_width=1200, plot_height=800, max_lvls=20, plot_title='Title', plot_name='test.html'): """ Makes and saves interactive scatter plot to a file. df: data frame for plotting color_col: what column of df as the color label x_col: what column of df to plot along x axis y_col: what column of df to plot along y axis hover_cols: what columns of df to come up when hovering over point palette_type: either 'categorical' or 'sequential' plot_width: how wide is the output plot plot_height: how high is the output plot max_lvls: maximum number of categorical levels to plot. Chooses different palettes depending on the levels. Must be between 2 and 40 plot_title: Title of the output plot plot_name: What name/path to save the output plot """ from import output_file, show, reset_output from bokeh.plotting import figure, show from bokeh.models import HoverTool, ColumnDataSource, CategoricalColorMapper, BasicTicker from bokeh.transform import transform reset_output() source = ColumnDataSource(data=df) if palette_type == 'categorical': if color_bar: raise ValueError( "Must set palette_type='sequential' if specifying a color bar") n_levels = len(df[color_col].unique()) factors = sorted(list(df[color_col].unique())) colors = get_palette(min(n_levels, max_lvls), palette_type=palette_type) color_mapper = CategoricalColorMapper(factors=factors, palette=colors) elif palette_type == 'sequential': colors = get_palette(9, palette_type=palette_type) color_mapper = LinearColorMapper(low=df[color_col].min(), high=df[color_col].max(), palette=colors) hover_tooltips = [(o, "@" + o) for o in hover_cols] hover = HoverTool(tooltips=hover_tooltips) p = figure(plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, tools=[hover, 'pan', 'box_zoom', 'wheel_zoom', 'reset'], title=plot_title) if size_col is None:, y_col, size=10, source=source, fill_color=transform(color_col, color_mapper)) else:, y_col, size=size_col, source=source, fill_color=transform(color_col, color_mapper)) if color_bar: color_bar = ColorBar(color_mapper=color_mapper, ticker=BasicTicker(), location=(0, 0)) p.add_layout(color_bar, 'right') output_file(plot_name) show(p)
def graph(gui, daysList, nightsList, masterBlock, plotVertices = True, showDragWarn = False): bulkvertices = [] vertX = [] vertY = [] masterX = [] masterY = [] airX = [] airY = [] monResList = [] #Clears previous graphs from memory reset_output() if plotVertices: #Add daytime period delimiting lines if appropriate if gui.restrictSearchBV.get() is True: for day in daysList: if len(day.vertices) > 0: #Add vertex at 0 to mark begining of day bulkvertices.append(coreC.vert(day.vertices[0].index, np.nan, day.vertices[0].vertType)) #Get all vertices from bouts bulkvertices += day.vertices #Add vertex at 0 to mark end of day bulkvertices.append(coreC.vert(day.vertices[-1].index, np.nan, day.vertices[-1].vertType)) #Else compile vertices for entire input file else: bulkvertices = masterBlock.vertices #Compile index number and temperature of all vertices for vertex in bulkvertices: vertX.append(gui.masterList[vertex.index][gui.dataPointCol]) vertY.append(vertex.temp) #Output to HTML file output_file(gui.graphName) else: output_file(os.path.join(gui.coreDir, "misc_files", "tempGraph.html")) #Create column data source for vertex data so it can be manipulated in the interactive plot boutsSourceData = ColumnDataSource(data = dict(x = vertX, y = vertY)) #Compile index number and temperature for every line in input file for line in gui.masterList: masterX.append(int(line[gui.dataPointCol])) masterY.append(float(line[gui.tempsCol])) #Compile air temperature if a valid column is present if gui.airValid is True: airX.append(int(line[gui.dataPointCol])) airY.append(float(line[gui.airTempCol])) #Set plot dimensions if gui.plotDimVar.get() is 1: #Get monitor resolution if "auto" selected for monitor in get_monitors(): monResList.append(str(monitor)) #Extract monitor width and height resRE ="(\d+)x(\d+)", monResList[0]) monX = int( monY = int( plotX = (monX - 200) plotY = (monY - 200) #Get user dimension values if "manual" selected else: plotX = int(gui.plotDimXE.get()) plotY = int(gui.plotDimYE.get()) #Initialize hover tool (provides information about individual datapoints) hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[("Data Point", "$x{int}"), ("Temperature", "$y")]) #(flag) may not be neccessary # for y in masterY: # float(y) #Get name of plot if plotVertices: plotName = gui.graphName[:-5] else: #Get input file root name tempRE =".*\."), os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(gui.inputFileAdvE.get()))) #Assign default plot name if tempRE: plotName =[:-1] else: plotName = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(gui.inputFileAdvE.get())) #Detect best y axis range if gui.airValid is True: yMin = (float(min(min(masterY), min(airY))) - 2) yMax = (float(max(max(masterY), max(airY))) + 2) else: yMin = (float(min(masterY)) - 2) yMax = (float(max(masterY)) + 2) #Create core plot plot = figure(tools = [hover, "box_zoom, wheel_zoom, pan, reset, save"], x_range = [int(masterX[0]), int(masterX[len(masterX) - 1])], y_range = [yMin, yMax], # y_range = [float(min((float(min(airY)), float(min(masterY)))) - 2), (max(max(airY), max(masterY)) + 2)], title = plotName, x_axis_label= "Data Point", y_axis_label = "Temperature (C)", plot_width = plotX, plot_height = plotY) #Add vertical lines delimiting days if gui.showDayDelimsBV.get() is True: for day in daysList: vline = Span(location = int(gui.masterList[day.start][gui.dataPointCol]), dimension = "height", line_color = gui.dayMarkerColorVar.get(), line_width = float(gui.dayMarkerSize_E.get()), line_alpha = 0.6) plot.renderers.extend([vline]) #Get size settings from GUI plot.title.text_font_size = (gui.titleFontSizeE.get() + "pt") plot.axis.axis_label_text_font_size = (gui.axisTitleFontSizeE.get() + "pt") plot.axis.major_label_text_font_size = (gui.axisLabelFontSizeE.get() + "pt") plot.axis.major_tick_line_width = int(gui.axisTickSizeE.get()) plot.axis.minor_tick_line_width = int(gui.axisTickSizeE.get()) plot.axis.major_tick_out = int(gui.axisTickSizeE.get()) plot.axis.minor_tick_out = int(gui.axisTickSizeE.get()) #Append vertex x and y values to data dictionary data = {"x": [], "y": []} for x in vertX: data["x"].append(x) for y in vertY: data["y"].append(y) #Generate table with vertex information src = ColumnDataSource(data) columns = [ TableColumn(field = "x", title = "Data Point"), TableColumn(field = "y", title = "Temperature") ] data_table = DataTable(source = src, columns = columns, width = 500, height = 20000) if gui.editModeBV.get(): #Show drag warning if applicable if showDragWarn: dragWarn(gui) #Plot air temperatures if gui.showAirTempBV.get() is True and gui.airValid: #, airY, size = 5, color = "black", alpha = 1, legend = "Air Temeprature") plot.line(airX, airY, line_width = float(gui.airTempSize_E.get()), color = gui.airTempColorVar.get(), line_alpha = 1, legend = "Air Temeprature") #Plot egg temperatures, masterY, size = float(gui.eggTempPointSize_E.get()), color = gui.eggTempPointColorVar.get(), legend = "Egg Temperature") plot.line(masterX, masterY, line_width = float(gui.eggTempLineSize_E.get()), color = gui.eggTempLineColorVar.get()) #Plot verticies as large circles if edit mode selected renderer = ( "x", "y", size = (float(gui.boutSize_E.get()) * 3), color = "black", fill_color = gui.boutColorVar.get(), fill_alpha = 0.8, legend = "Prediced Incubation Shift", source = src ) draw_tool = PointDrawTool(renderers = [renderer], empty_value = 1) plot.add_tools(draw_tool) plot.toolbar.active_drag = draw_tool #Else plot verticies as lines else: #Plot air temperatures if gui.showAirTempBV.get() is True and gui.airValid: #, airY, size = 5, color = "black", alpha = 1, legend = "Air Temeprature") plot.line(airX, airY, line_width = float(gui.airTempSize_E.get()), color = gui.airTempColorVar.get(), line_alpha = 1, legend = "Air Temeprature") #Plot egg temperatures, masterY, size = float(gui.eggTempPointSize_E.get()), color = gui.eggTempPointColorVar.get(), legend = "Egg Temperature") plot.line(masterX, masterY, line_width = float(gui.eggTempLineSize_E.get()), color = gui.eggTempLineColorVar.get()) #Add vertices plot.line("x", "y", line_width = float(gui.boutSize_E.get()), legend = "Detected Bout", line_color = gui.boutColorVar.get(), source = boutsSourceData) if gui.showGridBV.get() is False: plot.grid.visible = False plot.legend.label_text_font_size = (gui.legendFontSizeE.get() + "pt") plot.background_fill_color = None plot.border_fill_color = None # plot.outline_color = None #Generate plot show(column(plot, widgetbox(data_table)))
return df #path = r'D:/Documents/DataScience/Portfolio/criticalrole_webscraper_knowledgegraph/' result_df = pd.read_csv('critrole_w2v_model_output.csv') result_df = DataFrame_StringOfInts2ListOfInts(result_df, ['word_most_similar_indices']) #result_df['word_most_similar_indices'] = result_df['word_most_similar_indices'].apply(ast.literal_eval) result_df['coords'] = list(zip(result_df['dim0'], result_df['dim1'])) result_pos = result_df['coords'].to_dict() result_links = result_df['word_most_similar_indices'].to_dict() result_cds = ColumnDataSource(result_df) G = nx.from_dict_of_lists(result_links) reset_output() #output_notebook() #output_file('critrole_w2v_visualizer.html') # We could use figure here but don't want all the axes and titles plot = Plot(x_range=Range1d(-2, 2), y_range=Range1d(-2, 2)) # Create a Bokeh graph from the NetworkX input using nx.spring_layout #nx.set_node_attributes(G, result_pos, 'coord') graph = from_networkx(G, layout_function=result_pos) graph.node_renderer.glyph = Circle(size=4, fill_color='#2b83ba', line_width=0) graph.edge_renderer.glyph = MultiLine(line_color="#cccccc", line_alpha=0.8, line_width=0)
def modify_doc(doc): reset_output(state=None) print("Entering modify_doc ...") global ecg_idx, ecg_filtered, crr_idx df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join( app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], app.config['CUR_FILE'])) ecg_clean = df['P02S ECG'] ecg_idx = [i for i in range(len(ecg_clean))] ecg_filtered = bandpass(ecg_clean, lf, hf, 250, 2, False) ecg_filtered = np.interp( ecg_filtered, (ecg_filtered.min(), ecg_filtered.max()), (-1, +1)) # ecg_filtered = scale(ecg_filtered, axis=0, with_mean=True, # with_std=True, copy=True) min_g = min(ecg_filtered) max_g = max(ecg_filtered) file_name_div = Div(text='Processing on file: ' + app.config['CUR_FILE'].split('/')[-1]) div = Div(text="Quality") radio_group = RadioGroup( labels=["Good", "Boderline", "Poor"], active=2) button_nxt_unit = Button(label="Next Unit", button_type="success") skip_unit = RadioGroup( labels=["Save This Unit", "Skip This Unit"], active=0) marker_line_st = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[0, 0], y=[min_g, max_g])) marker_line_en = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[0, 0], y=[min_g, max_g])) s2 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[], y=[])) sx = figure(width=1300, height=300, title="ecg_filtered "+str(lf) + "-"+str(hf)+"Hz", x_axis_label='time', y_axis_label='acc') sx.line(ecg_idx, ecg_filtered, legend="ecg_filtered "+str(lf) + "-"+str(hf)+"Hz", line_color="red", line_width=1) sx.line('x', 'y', source=marker_line_st, legend="current unit ", line_color="blue", line_width=1) sx.line('x', 'y', source=marker_line_en, legend="current unit ", line_color="blue", line_width=1) sx1 = figure(width=800, height=300, title="ecg_filtered "+str(lf) + "-"+str(hf)+"Hz", x_axis_label='time', y_axis_label='acc') sx1.line('x', 'y', source=s2, legend="ecg_filtered unit "+str(lf) + "-"+str(hf)+"Hz", line_color="red", line_width=1) peaks, _ = find_peaks(ecg_filtered, distance=150) crr_idx = 0 marked_file = open(os.path.join( app.config['MARKED_FOLDER'], app.config['CUR_FILE'][:-4] + '_' + str("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S")) + '.txt'), 'w') marked_file.write(app.config['CUR_FILE'] + '\n') marked_file.write('P02S ECG' + '\n') marked_file.write(str(len(peaks) - 1) + '\n') res_df = {} def my_nxt_unit_handler(): global crr_idx, ecg_filtered if (crr_idx < len(peaks) - 1): #save unit data if( == 0 and crr_idx > 0): out_fn = os.path.join( app.config['MARKED_FOLDER'], radio_group.labels[], app.config['CUR_FILE'][:-4]+'_P2SECG_'+str(crr_idx)+'.json') print(out_fn) with open(out_fn, "w") as write_file: json.dump(res_df, write_file) st = int(max(0, peaks[crr_idx] - (peaks[crr_idx + 1] - peaks[crr_idx]) / 2)) en = int( min(peaks[crr_idx] + (peaks[crr_idx + 1] - peaks[crr_idx]) / 2, ecg_idx[-1])) unit_idx = ecg_idx[st:en] unit_data = ecg_filtered[st:en]['x'] = unit_idx['y'] = unit_data['x'] = [st, st]['x'] = [en, en] print("crr marked quality: ", radio_group.labels[]) marked_file.write(str(st) + '\t' + str(en) + '\t' + str(en - st) + '\t' + str(radio_group.labels[]) + '\n') res_df['file_name'] = app.config['CUR_FILE'] res_df['unit_number'] = crr_idx res_df['size'] = en - st +1 res_df['data'] = list(unit_data) res_df['signal_name'] = 'P02S ECG' res_df['quality'] = radio_group.labels[] crr_idx += 1 if crr_idx == len(peaks)-1: marked_file.close() button_nxt_unit.on_click(my_nxt_unit_handler) graphs = column( list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([[sx, sx1, widgetbox(div)]]))) doc.add_root(widgetbox(file_name_div)) doc.add_root(graphs) doc.add_root(row(widgetbox(radio_group), widgetbox( button_nxt_unit), widgetbox(skip_unit))) doc.theme = Theme(filename=os.path.join(THIS_FILE_PATH, "theme.yaml"))