def create_panel(dynamic, static, title, size=60): """ return a Panel object with title """ # create a column layout of widgets for setting the dynamic parameters dlist = [] for d in dynamic: value = r0[title][d] slider = widgetbox(Slider(title=d, value=value, start=0, end=10 * value), width=400, height=size) slider.children[0].on_change('value', update_figs) text = widgetbox(PreText(text='range:'), width=60, height=size) minus = widgetbox(Button(label='-'), width=size, height=size) plus = widgetbox(Button(label='+'), width=size, height=size) minus.children[0].on_click(update_sliders) plus.children[0].on_click(update_sliders) dlist.append(column(slider, row(minus, text, plus))) dcol = column(dlist) # create a column layout of TextInput widgets for setting the static parameters slist = [] for s in static: value = str(r0[title][s]) text = widgetbox(TextInput(value=value, title=s), height=size) text.children[0].on_change('value', update_figs) slist.append(text) scol = column(slist) return Panel(child=row(dcol, scol), title=title)
def compose_layout(self): """Compose the layout ot the app, the main elements are the widgets to select the dataset, the metric, a div for the title, a plot and a table """ # Load metrics and datasets self.metrics = get_metrics(default='AM1') self.datasets = get_datasets(default='cfht') # Get args from the app URL or use defaults args = get_url_args(doc=curdoc, defaults={'metric': self.metrics['default']}) self.selected_dataset = args['ci_dataset'] self.selected_metric = args['metric'] # get specifications for the selected metric self.specs = get_specs(self.selected_metric) self.selected_window = args['window'] # dataset select widget dataset_select = Select(title="Data Set:", value=self.selected_dataset, options=self.datasets['datasets'], width=100) dataset_select.on_change("value", self.on_dataset_change) # thresholds are used to make plot annotations self.configure_thresholds() # metric select widget metric_select = Select(title="Metric:", value=self.selected_metric, options=self.metrics['metrics'], width=100) metric_select.on_change("value", self.on_metric_change) = \ get_meas_by_dataset_and_metric(self.selected_dataset, self.selected_metric, self.selected_window) self.update_data_source() self.make_plot() self.make_table() if len(['values']) < 1: self.loading.text = "No data to display" else: self.loading.text = "" self.layout = column(row(widgetbox(metric_select, width=150), widgetbox(dataset_select, width=150)), widgetbox(self.title, width=1000), self.plot, widgetbox(self.table_title, width=1000), self.table)
def create_panel(title, params, size=225): """ return a Panel object containing a column layout of TextInput widgets for setting parameters """ wlist = [widgetbox(Div(text='<center><strong>---' + title + '---</strong></center>'), width=size)] for param in params.keys(): value = str(r0[title][param]) text = TextInput(value=value, title=param) text.on_change('value', update_figs) wlist.append(widgetbox(text, width=size)) return column(wlist)
def create_dl1_widgets(self): self.w_dl1_dict = dict( cleaner=Select(title="Cleaner:", value='', width=5, options=WaveformCleanerFactory.subclass_names), extractor=Select(title="Extractor:", value='', width=5, options=ChargeExtractorFactory.subclass_names), extractor_t0=TextInput(title="T0:", value=''), extractor_window_width=TextInput(title="Window Width:", value=''), extractor_window_shift=TextInput(title="Window Shift:", value=''), extractor_sig_amp_cut_HG=TextInput(title="Significant Amplitude " "Cut (HG):", value=''), extractor_sig_amp_cut_LG=TextInput(title="Significant Amplitude " "Cut (LG):", value=''), extractor_lwt=TextInput(title="Local Pixel Weight:", value='')) for val in self.w_dl1_dict.values(): val.on_change('value', self.on_dl1_widget_change) self.wb_extractor = widgetbox( PreText(text="Charge Extractor Configuration"), self.w_dl1_dict['cleaner'], self.w_dl1_dict['extractor'], self.w_dl1_dict['extractor_t0'], self.w_dl1_dict['extractor_window_width'], self.w_dl1_dict['extractor_window_shift'], self.w_dl1_dict['extractor_sig_amp_cut_HG'], self.w_dl1_dict['extractor_sig_amp_cut_LG'], self.w_dl1_dict['extractor_lwt'])
def interactive_figure(self): """Add interactivity, ie. the option to show/hide lines to the figure.""" lines = self.plot_figure() # Generates a list of lines labels = [line for line in lines.keys()] # Prepare a list of labels for the tickboxes lineNames = ['l'+str(x) for x in range(len(lines))] # Prepare a list of names for the lines lines = {k: v for k, v in zip(lineNames, lines.values())} # Create a dictionary {name: line} activeL = list(range(len(lines))) # List of all line index to mark them as active in CheckboxGroup JScode = [self._visible_line_JS(k) for k in lines] # Generate JavaScript for each line JScode = '\n'.join(JScode) # From a list to a single string with open(osjoin(getcwd(), 'mLearning', 'JScodeAllLines.js'), 'r') as fileJS: buttonJS = # Read JavaScript code from a file to toggle the visibility of all lines # with open(osjoin(getcwd(), 'mLearning', 'JScode.js'), 'w+') as codeFile: # codeFile.write(JScode) # Write whole CustomJS to a file for debugging purposes callback = CustomJS(code=JScode, args={}) # Args will be added once checkbox and button are added to lines checkbox = CheckboxGroup(labels=labels, active=activeL, # Labels to be ticked from the beginning callback=callback, name='checkbox') # JavaScript var name buttonCallback = CustomJS(code=buttonJS, args={}) # Same as for callback button = Button(label="Select/Unselect All", # Button HTML text button_type="default", callback=buttonCallback, name='button') # JavaScript var name lines['checkbox'], lines['button'] = checkbox, button # Adding widget to lines callback.args, buttonCallback.args = lines, lines # And then lines to callback layout = row(self.fig, widgetbox(children=[button, checkbox], width=200)) # One row, two columns logging.debug('Interaction implemented') return layout
def general_plot(request): # List of tools to enable tools = "pan,reset,save,wheel_zoom,box_zoom" title = 'Generic Plotting' x = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] y = [100, 200, 300, 400, 500] source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( x=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], y=[10, 20, 30, 40, 50], desc=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'] )) hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[ ("index", "$index"), ("(x,y)", "($x,$y)"), ("desc", "@desc"), ]) title = title jscode = """ console.log("In callable"); var data =; x = data['x']; console.log(x) y = data['y'] * 0; source.change.emit(); """ jscode2 = """ var urlstring = ",year=1990" var data = zincData window.location = urlstring; """ callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source), code=jscode) callback2 = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source), code=jscode2) # Creating some of the wid gets select_xaxis = Select(title="X-Axis:", value="foo", options=["foo", "bar", "baz", "quux"]) select_yaxis = Select(title="Y-Axis:", value="foo", options=["foo", "bar", "baz", "quux"]) button_plot = Button(label="Plot", callback=callback2) # button_plot.on_click(CustomJS(args=dict(source=source), code=jscode)) widgets = widgetbox(select_xaxis, select_yaxis, button_plot, width=300) x_axis_label = select_xaxis.value y_axis_label = select_yaxis.value plot = figure(x_axis_label=x_axis_label, y_axis_label=y_axis_label, title=title, plot_width=400, plot_height=400, tools=tools) plot.line('x', 'y', line_width=2, source=source, legend='Test') plot.add_tools(hover) graph_layout = layout([[plot], [widgets]]) script, div = components(graph_layout) variables = {'script': script, 'div': div} return render(request=request, template_name='general_plot.html', context=variables)
def __init__(self, target): = target[::-1] self.source1 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(image=[])) self.alpha = Slider(title="alpha", value=30, start=10, end=50, step=1) self.sigma = Slider(title="sigma", value=3, start=1, end=20, step=1) self.fig1 = self.define_figure('image') self.regist_image(self.fig1,self.source1) blurred = ndi.gaussian_filter(, sigma=self.sigma.value) self.source2 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(image=[blurred])) self.fig2 = self.define_figure('blurred') self.regist_image(self.fig2,self.source2) filtered = ndi.gaussian_filter(blurred, sigma=1) sharped = blurred+self.alpha.value*(blurred-filtered) sharped = sharped.astype(np.uint8) self.source3 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(image=[sharped])) self.fig3 = self.define_figure('sharped') self.regist_image(self.fig3,self.source3) widget_list = [self.alpha, self.sigma] for widget in widget_list: widget.on_change('value', self.update_data) inputs = widgetbox(*[widget_list]) self.plot = row(inputs, gridplot( [[self.fig1, self.fig2, self.fig3]]), width=600)
def __init__(self, xs, ys): self.xs=xs self.ys=ys self.source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(xs=xs, ys=ys)) self.fig = figure(title='sin function', x_range=[min(xs), max(ys)], y_range=[min(ys), max(ys)]) self.fig.line('xs', 'ys', source=self.source) self.text = TextInput(title='Title', value='sin function') self.offset = Slider(title="offset", value=0.0, start=-5.0, end=5.0, step=0.1) self.amplitude = Slider(title="amplitude", value=1.0, start=-5.0, end=5.0, step=0.1) self.phase = Slider(title="phase", value=0.0, start=0.0, end=2*np.pi, step=0.1) self.freq = Slider(title="frequency", value=1.0, start=0.1, end=5.1, step=0.1) widget_list = [self.text, self.offset, self.amplitude, self.phase, self.freq] for widget in widget_list: if widget!=self.text: widget.on_change('value', self.update_data) else: widget.on_change('value', self.update_title) inputs=widgetbox(*[widget_list]) self.plot=row(inputs,self.fig,width=800)
def __init__(self): N = 11 self.N = N xs = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, N) ys = xs Xs, Ys = np.meshgrid(xs, ys) self.Xs, self.Ys = Xs.flatten(), Ys.flatten() a, b = 1, 0 c, d = 0, 1 mat = matrix(a, b, c, d) transXs, transYs = mat @ np.array([self.Xs, self.Ys]) TOOLS = "pan,save,reset" self.dic_xs = {"Xs{}".format(step): self.Xs[N*step:N*(step+1)] for step in range(N)} self.dic_ys = {"Ys{}".format(step): self.Ys[N*step:N*(step+1)] for step in range(N)} dic_trasn_xs = {"transXs{}".format( step): transXs[N*step:N*(step+1)] for step in range(N)} dic_trans_ys = {"transYs{}".format( step): transYs[N*step:N*(step+1)] for step in range(N)} data = {**self.dic_xs, **self.dic_ys, **dic_trasn_xs, **dic_trans_ys} colors = Category20[11] self.source = ColumnDataSource(data=data) self.fig = figure(tools=TOOLS, title="target", x_range=(-np.pi*np.sqrt(2)-1, np.pi*np.sqrt(2)+1), y_range=(-np.pi*np.sqrt(2)-1, np.pi*np.sqrt(2)+1)) for s in range(N): eval("""self.fig.scatter('Xs{0}', 'Ys{0}', source=self.source, color=colors[{0}])""".format(s)) self.transfig = figure(tools=TOOLS, title="transformed", x_range=self.fig.x_range, y_range=self.fig.y_range) for s in range(N): eval("""self.transfig.scatter('transXs{0}', 'transYs{0}', source=self.source, color=colors[{0}])""".format(s)) self.a_slider = Slider(title="a", value=a, start=-10, end=10, step=0.1) self.b_slider = Slider(title="b", value=b, start=-10, end=10, step=0.1) self.c_slider = Slider(title="c", value=c, start=-10, end=10, step=0.1) self.d_slider = Slider(title="d", value=d, start=-10, end=10, step=0.1) for widget in [self.a_slider, self.b_slider, self.c_slider, self.d_slider]: widget.on_change('value', self.update_data) box = widgetbox([self.a_slider, self.b_slider, self.c_slider, self.d_slider]) self.plot = column(gridplot([[self.a_slider, self.b_slider], [self.c_slider, self.d_slider]]), gridplot([[self.fig, self.transfig]]))
def button_print_page(): """Button to print currently displayed webpage to paper or pdf. Notes ----- * Available styles: 'default', 'primary', 'success', 'warning', 'danger' """ button = Button(label="Print this page", button_type="success") button.callback = CustomJS(code="""print()""") return widgetbox(button)
def main(self): controls = [self.game_thresh, self.select_team] for control in controls: control.on_change('value', lambda attr, old, new: self.update()) sizing_mode = 'fixed' # 'scale_width' also looks nice with this example inputs = widgetbox(*controls, sizing_mode=sizing_mode) l1 = layout([[self.sample_text],[inputs],[self.p2]], sizing_mode=sizing_mode) self.update() # initial load of the data return l1
def __init__(self, worker, **kwargs): with log_errors(): self.worker = worker names = ['nbytes', 'duration', 'bandwidth', 'count', 'type', 'inout-color', 'type-color', 'key', 'key-color', 'start', 'stop'] quantities = ['nbytes', 'duration', 'bandwidth', 'count', 'start', 'stop'] colors = ['inout-color', 'type-color', 'key-color'] # self.source = ColumnDataSource({name: [] for name in names}) self.source = ColumnDataSource({ 'nbytes': [1, 2], 'duration': [0.01, 0.02], 'bandwidth': [0.01, 0.02], 'count': [1, 2], 'type': ['int', 'str'], 'inout-color': ['blue', 'red'], 'type-color': ['blue', 'red'], 'key': ['add', 'inc'], 'start': [1, 2], 'stop': [1, 2] }) self.x = Select(title='X-Axis', value='nbytes', options=quantities) self.x.on_change('value', self.update_figure) self.y = Select(title='Y-Axis', value='bandwidth', options=quantities) self.y.on_change('value', self.update_figure) self.size = Select(title='Size', value='None', options=['None'] + quantities) self.size.on_change('value', self.update_figure) self.color = Select(title='Color', value='inout-color', options=['black'] + colors) self.color.on_change('value', self.update_figure) if 'sizing_mode' in kwargs: kw = {'sizing_mode': kwargs['sizing_mode']} else: kw = {} self.control = widgetbox([self.x, self.y, self.size, self.color], width=200, **kw) self.last_outgoing = 0 self.last_incoming = 0 self.kwargs = kwargs self.layout = row(self.control, self.create_figure(**self.kwargs), **kw) self.root = self.layout
def data_retrieval(): conn = lite.connect('/Users/shanekenny/PycharmProjects/WiFinder/app/website/WiFinderDBv02.db') with conn: datetime = "2015-11-12" df = pd.read_sql_query("SELECT W.Log_Count, W.Time, W.Hour, W.Datetime, R.RoomID, R.Capacity, C.ClassID, C.Module, C.Reg_Students, O.Occupancy, O.OccID FROM WIFI_LOGS W JOIN CLASS C ON W.ClassID = C.ClassID JOIN ROOM R ON C.Room = R.RoomID JOIN OCCUPANCY O ON C.ClassID = O.ClassID WHERE R.RoomID = 'B002' AND W.Datetime =\'{}\' GROUP BY W.LogID;".format(datetime), conn) # p = figure(width=800, height=250, x_axis_type="datetime") # p.line = Line(df, title="WIfi Logs", ylabel='Count', xlabel='Time',index='W.Datetime', legend=True) df['Time'] = df['Time'].apply(pd.to_datetime) p = figure(width=800, height=250, x_axis_type="datetime", ) p.extra_y_ranges = {"foo": Range1d(start=0, end=1)} p.line(df['Time'], df['Log_Count'], color='red',legend='Log Count') p.line(df['Time'], df['Reg_Students'], color='green',legend='Registered Students') p.line(df['Time'], df['Capacity'], color='blue', legend='Capacity') p.line(df['Time'], df['Occupancy']*100, color='orange', legend='Occupancy') p.add_layout(LinearAxis(y_range_name="foo"), 'left') # picker_start = "2015-11-03" # picker_end = '2015-11-13' # slider = DatePicker(title="Date:", min_date=picker_start, max_date=picker_end, value=picker_start) slider = Slider(start=0, end=10, value=1, step=.1, title="Stuff") controls = [slider] sizing_mode = 'fixed' inputs = widgetbox(*controls, sizing_mode=sizing_mode) layoutss = widgetbox(slider) r = layout([[p, layoutss]], sizing_mode='stretch_both') script, div = components(r) return flask.render_template('explore.html', script=script, div=div, )
def init_layout(self): widgets = [widget for d in self.widgets.values() for widget in d if widget] wbox = widgetbox(widgets, width=self.width) if self.position in ['right', 'below']: plots = [self.plot.state, wbox] else: plots = [wbox, self.plot.state] layout_fn = row if self.position in ['left', 'right'] else column layout = layout_fn(plots, sizing_mode=self.sizing_mode) return layout
def create_panel(title, params, size=40): """ return a Panel object containing a column layout of TextInput widgets for setting parameters """ wlist = [] for param in params.keys(): value = str(r0[title][param]) text = TextInput(value=value, title=param) text.on_change('value', update_figs) wlist.append(widgetbox(text, height=size)) return Panel(child=column(wlist), title=title)
def __init__(self): xs = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 11) ys = xs Xs, Ys = np.meshgrid(xs, ys) self.Xs, self.Ys = Xs.flatten(), Ys.flatten() a, b = 1, 0 c, d = 0, 1 mat = matrix(a, b, c, d) transXs, transYs = mat @ np.array([self.Xs, self.Ys]) TOOLS = "pan,lasso_select,save,reset" self.source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(Xs=self.Xs, Ys=self.Ys, transXs=transXs, transYs=transYs)) self.evectors = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(ev0x=[0, 0], ev0y=[0, 1], ev1x=[0, 1], ev1y=[0, 0], transev0x=[0, 0], transev0y=[0, 1], transev1x=[0, 1], transev1y=[0, 0])) self.fig = figure(tools=TOOLS, title="target", x_range=(-np.pi*np.sqrt(2)-1, np.pi*np.sqrt(2)+1), y_range=(-np.pi*np.sqrt(2)-1, np.pi*np.sqrt(2)+1)) self.fig.scatter('Xs', 'Ys', source=self.source) self.fig.line('ev0x', 'ev0y', source=self.evectors, line_width=5, line_alpha=0.5, color='red') self.fig.line('ev1x', 'ev1y', source=self.evectors, line_width=5, line_alpha=0.5, color='blue') self.transfig = figure(tools=TOOLS, title="transformed", x_range=self.fig.x_range, y_range=self.fig.y_range)'transXs', 'transYs', source=self.source) self.transfig.line('transev0x', 'transev0y', source=self.evectors, line_width=5, line_alpha=0.5, color='red') self.transfig.line('transev1x', 'transev1y', source=self.evectors, line_width=5, line_alpha=0.5, color='blue') self.a_slider = Slider(title="a", value=a, start=-10, end=10, step=0.1) self.b_slider = Slider(title="b", value=b, start=-10, end=10, step=0.1) self.c_slider = Slider(title="c", value=c, start=-10, end=10, step=0.1) self.d_slider = Slider(title="d", value=d, start=-10, end=10, step=0.1) self.eigen0 = Div(text="eigen0") self.eigen1 = Div(text="eigen1") for widget in [self.a_slider, self.b_slider, self.c_slider, self.d_slider]: widget.on_change('value', self.update_data) box = widgetbox([self.a_slider, self.b_slider, self.c_slider, self.d_slider]) self.plot = column(gridplot([[self.a_slider, self.b_slider, self.eigen0], [self.c_slider, self.d_slider, self.eigen1]]), gridplot([[self.fig, self.transfig]]))
def button_save_table(table): """Button to save selected data table as csv. Notes ----- * Does not work for column values containing tuples (like 'neighbors') * Currently columns being saved are hard coded in the javascript callback * Available styles: 'default', 'primary', 'success', 'warning', 'danger' """ button = Button(label="Download selected data", button_type="success") button.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=table.source), code=open(join(dirname(__file__), "js/download_data.js")).read()) return widgetbox(button)
def serve(datasource): columns = list(datasource.keys()) positive_vars = [k for k in columns if np.all(datasource[k] > 0)] x = Select(title='X-Axis', value='in_degree', options=columns) y = Select(title='Y-Axis', value='pagerank', options=columns) size = Select(title='Size', value='None', options=['None'] + positive_vars) color = Select(title='Color', value='None', options=['None'] + columns) controls = layouts.widgetbox([x, y, color, size], width=200) plot = bokeh_plot(datasource) document = layouts.row(controls, plot)
def run(doc): fig = figure(title='random data', width=400, height=200, tools='pan,box_zoom,reset,save') source = ColumnDataSource(data={'x': [], 'y': []}) fig.line('x', 'y', source=source) def click(n=100): = {'x': range(n), 'y': random(n)} button = Button(label='update', button_type='success') button.on_click(click) layout = column(widgetbox(button), fig) doc.add_root(layout) click()
def modify_doc(doc): x = np.linspace(0, 10, 1000) y = np.log(x) * np.sin(x) source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x, y=y)) plot = figure(title="Simple plot with slider") plot.line('x', 'y', source=source) slider = Slider(start=1, end=10, value=1, step=0.1) def callback(attr, old, new): y = np.log(x) * np.sin(x*new) = dict(x=x, y=y) slider.on_change('value', callback) doc.add_root(row(widgetbox(slider), plot))
def create_dl1_widgets(self): self.w_dl1_dict = dict( extractor=Select(title="Extractor:", value='', width=5, options=BokehFileViewer.extractor_product.values), extractor_window_start=TextInput(title="Window Start:", value=''), extractor_window_width=TextInput(title="Window Width:", value=''), extractor_window_shift=TextInput(title="Window Shift:", value=''), extractor_lwt=TextInput(title="Local Pixel Weight:", value='')) for val in self.w_dl1_dict.values(): val.on_change('value', self.on_dl1_widget_change) self.wb_extractor = widgetbox( PreText(text="Charge Extractor Configuration"), self.w_dl1_dict['extractor'], self.w_dl1_dict['extractor_window_start'], self.w_dl1_dict['extractor_window_width'], self.w_dl1_dict['extractor_window_shift'], self.w_dl1_dict['extractor_lwt'])
def __init__(self, node_id, dtype, sensor_names, dates): """ :param node_id: str :param dtype: str :param sensor_names: [str] :param dates: str DataSet class. This class contains all the data for node and sensor type. node_id is the nodes unique id, dtype is the string data type for the node (e.g. 'Temperature', sensor names is the list of sensors with that data type, and date is the date of the data in YYYY-MM-DD format. """ = node_id self.dtype = dtype self.sensor_names = sensor_names self.dates = dates self.sources = {} self.used_sources = {} self.null_sources = {} self.cbg = CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=self.sensor_names, active=[i for i in range(len(self.sensor_names))]) self.wb = widgetbox(self.cbg, width=600) self.plot = figure(title=self.dtype + ' data from node ' +, x_axis_type="datetime", tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,save,box_select")
def main(self, org="H"): controls = [self.min_percentile, self.max_percentile, self.select_team, self.game_equivalent] for control in controls: control.on_change('value', lambda attr, old, new: self.update()) sizing_mode = 'fixed' # 'scale_width' also looks nice with this example inputs = widgetbox(*controls, sizing_mode=sizing_mode) if org== "H": l1 = layout([ [inputs], [self.textbox], [self.p1, self.p2], ], sizing_mode=sizing_mode) else: l1 = layout([ [inputs], [self.textbox], [self.p1], [self.p2], ], sizing_mode=sizing_mode) self.update() # initial load of the data return l1
def intro_tab(self): """Intro tab - explains the application""" html = ("<h1>UT330 UI</h1>" "<p>" "This UI controls a UT330 device from any operating " "system. It displays the temperature and humidity from " "pre-existing data files downloaded from a UT330 and it " "enables new data files to be read from a UT330 device " "connected to the computer. For full details of how the " "software works (and for licensing), read the " "<a href=''>" "Github page</a>." "</p>" "<p>" "Mike Woodward, 2017" "</p>") intro_text = Div(text=html, width=self.page_width, height=self.page_height) return Panel(child=widgetbox(intro_text), title="UT330 UI")
groupby_select.on_change('active', lambda attr, old, new: update_plot()) animal_trials = ColumnDataSource() animal_trials_plot = figure(title='number of trials', tools="", width=1000, height=150) animal_trials_plot.xaxis.axis_label = 'Session' animal_trials_plot.yaxis.axis_label = 'Number of trials' animal_trials_plot.line('session', 'trials', source=animal_trials) animal_fa = ColumnDataSource() animal_fa_plot = figure(title='False alarm rate', tools="", width=1000, height=150, y_range=(0, 1)) animal_fa_plot.xaxis.axis_label = 'Session' animal_fa_plot.yaxis.axis_label = 'FA rate' animal_fa_plot.line('session', 'fa', source=animal_fa) page_layout = layout( animal_select, animal_trials_plot, animal_fa_plot, [widgetbox(date_select, groupby_select), create_plot()], ) # Run the updaters to initialize everything animal_changed() update_plot() curdoc().add_root(page_layout)
xmenu = [] for param in r0.keys(): for item in r0[param]: xmenu.append((item, item)) xmenu.append(None) xdrop = Dropdown(menu=xmenu[:-1], button_type='primary') xdrop.on_change('value', update_xdrop) # create the Panel and Tabs objects for setting up the investment parameters panels = [] for param in r0.keys(): panels.append(create_panel(param, r0[param])) tabs = Tabs(tabs=panels, width=1000) # create the app layout top = row(fig, widgetbox(xdrop, width=300)) layout = column(top, tabs) # update the document and initialize the app by setting the Dropdown value curdoc().add_root(layout) param0 = list(r0.keys())[0] xdrop.value = list(r0[param0].keys())[0]
hover_line_color='red') plot.legend.location = 'top_right' year_slider = Slider(start=2000, end=2018, value=2000, step=1, title="Year") def callback(attr, old, new): new_yr = new new1 = { 'x': tr_plot[tr_plot['Year'] == new_yr].Age, 'y': tr_plot[tr_plot['Year'] == new_yr].Transfer_fee, 'position': tr_plot[tr_plot['Year'] == new_yr].Position, 'league_from': tr_plot[tr_plot['Year'] == new_yr].League_from, 'league_to': tr_plot[tr_plot['Year'] == new_yr].League_to, 'name': tr_plot[tr_plot['Year'] == new_yr].Name, 'team_to': tr_plot[tr_plot['Year'] == new_yr].Team_to, 'team_from': tr_plot[tr_plot['Year'] == new_yr].Team_from, 'transfer_fee_M': tr_plot[tr_plot['Year'] == new_yr].transfer_fee_M } = new1 year_slider.on_change('value', callback) layout = column(widgetbox(year_slider), plot) curdoc().add_root(layout) #output_file('Transfer.html') show(layout)'ra', 'pmdec', source=hy_dr2_res, color='red') p_zvra = figure(plot_height=300, plot_width=300) p_zvra.xaxis.axis_label = 'z' p_zvra.yaxis.axis_label = 'vra''z', 'vra', source=source)'z', 'dvra', source=hy_dr2_res, color='red') p_zvdec = figure(plot_height=300, plot_width=300) p_zvdec.xaxis.axis_label = 'z' p_zvdec.yaxis.axis_label = 'vdec''z', 'vdec', source=source)'z', 'dvdec', source=hy_dr2_res, color='red') p_xvra = figure(plot_height=300, plot_width=300) p_xvra.xaxis.axis_label = 'x' p_xvra.yaxis.axis_label = 'vra''x', 'vra', source=source)'x', 'dvra', source=hy_dr2_res, color='red') p_xvdec = figure(plot_height=300, plot_width=300) p_xvdec.xaxis.axis_label = 'x' p_xvdec.yaxis.axis_label = 'vdec''x', 'vdec', source=source)'x', 'dvdec', source=hy_dr2_res, color='red') inputs = widgetbox(vx, vy, vz, sigmav, omegax, omegay, omegaz, w1, w2, w3, w4, w5) curdoc().add_root( row(inputs, gridplot([[p, p_pm], [p_zvra, p_zvdec], [p_xvra, p_xvdec]])))
data = data['data'] df = pd.DataFrame(data) df.columns = [ 'Ticker', 'Date', 'Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume', 'Dividend', 'Split_Ratio', 'Adj_Open', 'Adj_High', 'Adj_Low', 'Adj_Close', 'Adj_Volume' ] dates = pd.DataFrame(data).iloc[:, 1] dates = pd.to_datetime(dates) temp = pd.DataFrame(data, index=dates) temp = temp.iloc[:, [1, 5]] temp.columns = ['Date', 'Close'] new_idx = pd.date_range(prev_date, curr_date, freq='D') temp2 = temp.reindex(new_idx) = dict(x1=pd.to_datetime(temp['Date']), y1=temp['Close'][:]) = dict(x2=pd.to_datetime(new_idx), y2=temp2['Close'][:]) for w in [ticker_text, date_text]: w.on_change('value', update_data) temporal_button.on_change('active', update_data) # Set up layouts and add to document inputs = widgetbox(ticker_text, date_text, temporal_button) curdoc().add_root(row(inputs, p, width=800)) curdoc().title = "Closing Prices"
def colorbar_slider(fig): ''' Adds interactive sliders and text input boxes for the colorbar. Returns a layout object to be put into a gridplot ''' cb = get_colorbar_renderer(fig) data = get_image_data(fig) data = reject_outliers_quick(data) datamin = nanmin(data) datamax = nanmax(data) im = get_glyph_renderer(fig) # Get image renderer from bokeh.models import CustomJS, Slider, TextInput from bokeh.models.widgets import Button from bokeh.layouts import widgetbox model = Slider() # trick it into letting datamin and datamax into CustomJS model.tags.append(datamin) # Hide these in here model.tags.append(datamax) callback_u = CustomJS(args=dict(cb=cb, im=im, model=model), code=""" var cm = cb.color_mapper; var upp = upper_slider.get('value'); upper_input.value = upp.toString() lower_slider.end = upp cm.high = upp; im.glyph.color_mapper.high = upp; if (cm.low >= cm.high){ cm.low = upp/1.1 // to prevent limits being the same im.glyph.color_mapper.low = low/1.1; } if (upp > model.tags[1]){ upper_slider.end = upp } """) callback_l = CustomJS(args=dict(cb=cb, im=im, model=model), code=""" var cm = cb.color_mapper; var low = lower_slider.get('value'); lower_input.value = low.toString() upper_slider.start = low cm.low = low; im.glyph.color_mapper.low = low; if (cm.high <= cm.low){ cm.high = low*1.1 // to prevent limits being the same im.glyph.color_mapper.high = low*1.1; } if (low < model.tags[0]){ lower_slider.start = low }""") callback_ut = CustomJS(args=dict(cb=cb, im=im, model=model), code=""" var cm = cb.color_mapper; var upp = parseFloat(upper_input.get('value')); upper_slider.value = upp cm.high = upp; im.glyph.color_mapper.high = upp; if (cm.low >= cm.high){ cm.low = upp/1.1 // to prevent limits being the same im.glyph.color_mapper.low = upp/1.1; } if (upp > model.tags[1]){ upper_slider.end = upp } """) callback_lt = CustomJS(args=dict(cb=cb, im=im, model=model), code=""" var cm = cb.color_mapper; var low = parseFloat(lower_input.get('value')); lower_slider.value = low cm.low = low; im.glyph.color_mapper.low = low; if (cm.high <= cm.low){ cm.high = low*1.1 // to prevent limits being the same im.glyph.color_mapper.high = low*1.1; } if (low < model.tags[0]){ lower_slider.start = low } """) callback_reset_js = CustomJS(args=dict(cb=cb, im=im, model=model), code=""" var cm = cb.color_mapper; var low = model.tags[0]; var high = model.tags[1]; low = parseFloat(low.toPrecision(3)) // 3 sig figs high = parseFloat(high.toPrecision(3)) // 3 sig figs lower_slider.value = low; lower_slider.set('step', (high-low)/50); cm.low = low; upper_slider.value = high; upper_slider.set('step', (high-low)/50); cm.high = high; im.glyph.color_mapper.low = low; im.glyph.color_mapper.high = high; lower_input.value = low.toString(); upper_input.value = high.toString(); lower_slider.start = low; lower_slider.end = high; upper_slider.start = low; upper_slider.end = high; model.trigger('change') cb_obj.trigger('change)') """) reset_button = Button(label='Reset', callback=callback_reset_js) def callback_reset(*args, **kwargs): from IPython.display import Javascript, display # display(callback_reset_js) # = None # = 'test' # display('Plot updated, press reset to rescale!') # cb.color_mapper.low = datamin # cb.color_mapper.high = datamax # im.glyph.color_mapper.low = datamin # im.glyph.color_mapper.high = datamax # lower_slider.start = datamin # lower_slider.end = datamax # lower_slider.value = datamin # upper_slider.start = datamin # upper_slider.end = datamax # lower_slider.value = datamax # lower_input.value = str(datamin) # upper_input.value = str(datamax) # update() # fig.text(x=0,y=0,text='Plot updated, press reset to rescale!') # reset_button.label='Reset: Data changed! Press me!' # reset_button.trigger('clicks',0,1) reset_button.on_click(callback_reset) # def callback_die(attr, old, new): # from IPython.display import display # display('yoooo') # display(old) # display(new) # raise Exception() # exception_button = Button(label='KILL ME') # exception_button.on_click(callback_die) lower_slider = Slider( start=datamin, end=datamax, value=datamin, step=(datamax - datamin) / 50, # smallest step is 1e-5 title="Lower lim", callback=callback_l) lower_slider.width = 100 upper_slider = Slider(start=datamin, end=datamax, value=datamax, step=(datamax - datamin) / 50, title="Upper lim", callback=callback_u) upper_slider.width = 100 lower_input = TextInput(callback=callback_lt, value=str(datamin), width=50) upper_input = TextInput(callback=callback_ut, value=str(datamax), width=50) # add all of these widgets as arguments to the callback functions for callback in ['l', 'u', 'lt', 'ut', 'reset_js']: for widget in [ 'lower_slider', 'upper_slider', 'lower_input', 'upper_input', 'reset_button' ]: exec('callback_%s.args["%s"] = %s' % (callback, widget, widget)) wb = widgetbox( [upper_slider, upper_input, lower_slider, lower_input, reset_button], width=100, sizing_mode='stretch_both') return wb
value=1, step=.1, title="Frequency", callback=callback) callback.args["freq"] = freq_slider phase_slider = Slider(start=0, end=6.4, value=0, step=.1, title="Phase", callback=callback) callback.args["phase"] = phase_slider offset_slider = Slider(start=-5, end=5, value=0, step=.1, title="Offset", callback=callback) callback.args["offset"] = offset_slider layout = row( plot, widgetbox(amp_slider, freq_slider, phase_slider, offset_slider), ) output_file("python_callback.html", title=" example") show(layout)
y_range=(0, max(f)), active_drag=None, plot_width=800, plot_height=200) p.image(image=[Sxx], x=0, y=0, dw=max(t), dh=max(f), palette='Spectral11') plots.append(p) return column(p) print files data_select = Select(title='File:', value=files[0], options=data_list(files[0], files)) data_select.on_change('value', update_file) p = make_total_spectrogram(files[0]) col = mic_spectrogram(files[0]) layout = column(row(widgetbox(data_select), p), col) show(layout)
def load_qa(self): cam = self.selected_arm + str(self.selected_spectrograph) mergedqa = QLFModels().get_output(self.selected_process_id, cam) gen_info = mergedqa['GENERAL_INFO'] flavor = mergedqa['FLAVOR'] if flavor == "science": ra = gen_info['RA'] dec = gen_info['DEC'] check_ccds = mergedqa['TASKS']['CHECK_CCDs'] xwsigma = check_ccds['METRICS']['XWSIGMA'] xw_amp = check_ccds['METRICS']['XWSIGMA_AMP'] xw_fib = check_ccds['METRICS']['XWSIGMA_FIB'] nrg = check_ccds['PARAMS']['XWSIGMA_NORMAL_RANGE'] wrg = check_ccds['PARAMS']['XWSIGMA_WARN_RANGE'] obj_type = sort_obj(gen_info) # [""]*500 if mergedqa['FLAVOR'].upper() == 'SCIENCE': program = mergedqa['GENERAL_INFO']['PROGRAM'].upper() program_prefix = '_' + program else: program_prefix = '' xw_ref = check_ccds['PARAMS']['XWSIGMA' + program_prefix + '_REF'] xsigma = xw_fib[0] wsigma = xw_fib[1] delta_rg = wrg[1] - wrg[0] hist_rg = (wrg[0] - 0.1 * delta_rg, wrg[1] + 0.1 * delta_rg) my_palette = get_palette("RdYlBu_r") xfiber = np.arange(len(xsigma)) wfiber = np.arange(len(wsigma)) if mergedqa['FLAVOR'].upper() != 'SCIENCE': ra = np.full(500, np.nan) dec = np.full(500, np.nan) source = ColumnDataSource( data={ 'x1': ra, 'y1': dec, 'xsigma': xsigma, 'wsigma': wsigma, 'delta_xsigma': np.array(xsigma) - xw_ref[0], 'delta_wsigma': np.array(wsigma) - xw_ref[1], 'xref': [xw_ref[0]] * len(xsigma), 'wref': [xw_ref[1]] * len(xsigma), 'xfiber': xfiber, 'wfiber': wfiber, 'OBJ_TYPE': obj_type, 'left': np.arange(0, 500) - 0.4, 'right': np.arange(0, 500) + 0.4, 'bottom': [0] * 500 }) xsigma_tooltip = """ <div> <div> <span style="font-size: 1vw; font-weight: bold; color: #303030;">XSigma: </span> <span style="font-size: 1vw; color: #515151">@xsigma</span> </div> <div> <span style="font-size: 1vw; font-weight: bold; color: #303030;">Reference: </span> <span style="font-size: 1vw; color: #515151">@xref</span> </div> <div> <span style="font-size: 1vw; font-weight: bold; color: #303030;">Obj Type: </span> <span style="font-size: 1vw; color: #515151;">@OBJ_TYPE</span> </div> <div> <span style="font-size: 1vw; font-weight: bold; color: #303030;">RA: </span> <span style="font-size: 1vw; color: #515151;">@x1</span> </div> <div> <span style="font-size: 1vw; font-weight: bold; color: #303030;">DEC: </span> <span style="font-size: 1vw; color: #515151;">@y1</span> </div> <div> <span style="font-size: 1vw; font-weight: bold; color: #303030;">FIBER ID: </span> <span style="font-size: 1vw; color: #515151;">@xfiber</span> </div> </div> """ wsigma_tooltip = """ <div> <div> <span style="font-size: 1vw; font-weight: bold; color: #303030;">WSigma: </span> <span style="font-size: 1vw; color: #515151">@wsigma</span> </div> <div> <span style="font-size: 1vw; font-weight: bold; color: #303030;">Reference: </span> <span style="font-size: 1vw; color: #515151">@wref</span> </div> <div> <span style="font-size: 1vw; font-weight: bold; color: #303030;">Obj Type: </span> <span style="font-size: 1vw; color: #515151;">@OBJ_TYPE</span> </div> <div> <span style="font-size: 1vw; font-weight: bold; color: #303030;">RA: </span> <span style="font-size: 1vw; color: #515151;">@x1</span> </div> <div> <span style="font-size: 1vw; font-weight: bold; color: #303030;">DEC: </span> <span style="font-size: 1vw; color: #515151;">@y1</span> </div> <div> <span style="font-size: 1vw; font-weight: bold; color: #303030;">FIBER ID: </span> <span style="font-size: 1vw; color: #515151;">@wfiber</span> </div> </div> """ url = "" # determining the position of selected cam fibers: obj_type = sort_obj(gen_info) # --------------------------------- if flavor == "science": # axes limit xmin, xmax = [min(ra[:]), max(ra[:])] ymin, ymax = [min(dec[:]), max(dec[:])] xfac, yfac = [(xmax - xmin) * 0.06, (ymax - ymin) * 0.06] left, right = xmin - xfac, xmax + xfac bottom, top = ymin - yfac, ymax + yfac low, high = wrg xmapper = LinearColorMapper(palette=my_palette, low=low, high=high, nan_color="darkgrey") wmapper = LinearColorMapper(palette=my_palette, low=low, high=high, nan_color="darkgrey") # ============ # XSIGMA WEDGE radius = 0.0165 radius_hover = 0.02 # centralize wedges in plots: ra_center = 0.5 * (max(ra) + min(ra)) dec_center = 0.5 * (max(dec) + min(dec)) xrange_wedge = Range1d(start=ra_center + .95, end=ra_center - .95) yrange_wedge = Range1d(start=dec_center + .82, end=dec_center - .82) wedge_plot_x = Plot2d(x_range=xrange_wedge, y_range=yrange_wedge, x_label="RA", y_label="DEC", tooltip=xsigma_tooltip, title="XSIGMA", width=500, height=380, yscale="auto").wedge( source, x='x1', y='y1', field='delta_xsigma', mapper=xmapper, colorbar_title='xsigma').plot taptool = taptool.callback = OpenURL(url=url) # ============ # WSIGMA WEDGE wedge_plot_w = Plot2d(x_range=xrange_wedge, y_range=yrange_wedge, x_label="RA", y_label="DEC", tooltip=wsigma_tooltip, title="WSIGMA", width=500, height=380, yscale="auto").wedge( source, x='x1', y='y1', field='delta_wsigma', mapper=wmapper, colorbar_title='wsigma').plot taptool = taptool.callback = OpenURL(url=url) # ================================ # Stat histogram # x_fiber_hist d_yplt = (max(xsigma) - min(xsigma)) * 0.1 yrange = [0, max(xsigma) + d_yplt] xhist = Plot2d( yrange, x_label="Fiber number", y_label="X std dev (number of pixels)", tooltip=xsigma_tooltip, title="", width=600, height=300, yscale="auto", hover_mode="vline", ).quad( source, top='xsigma', ) # w_fiber_hist d_yplt = (max(wsigma) - min(wsigma)) * 0.1 yrange = [0, max(wsigma) + d_yplt] whist = Plot2d( yrange, x_label="Fiber number", y_label="W std dev (number of pixels)", tooltip=xsigma_tooltip, title="", width=600, height=300, yscale="auto", hover_mode="vline", ).quad( source, top='wsigma', ) # ================================ # Stat histogram def histpar(yscale, hist): if yscale == 'log': ylabel = "Frequency + 1" yrange = (1, 11**(int(np.log10(max(hist))) + 1)) bottomval = 'bottomplusone' histval = 'histplusone' else: ylabel = "Frequency" yrange = (0.0 * max(hist), 1.1 * max(hist)) bottomval = 'bottom' histval = 'hist' return [ylabel, yrange, bottomval, histval] xhistlabel = "XSIGMA" yscale = "auto" hist_tooltip_x = """ <div> <div> <span style="font-size: 1vw; font-weight: bold; color: #303030;">Frequency: </span> <span style="font-size: 1vw; color: #515151">@hist</span> </div> <div> <span style="font-size: 1vw; font-weight: bold; color: #303030;">XSIGMA: </span> <span style="font-size: 1vw; color: #515151;">[@left, @right]</span> </div> </div> """ hist, edges = np.histogram(xsigma, 'sqrt') source_hist = ColumnDataSource( data={ 'hist': hist, 'histplusone': hist + 1, 'bottom': [0] * len(hist), 'bottomplusone': [1] * len(hist), 'left': edges[:-1], 'right': edges[1:] }) ylabel, yrange, bottomval, histval = histpar(yscale, hist) p_hist_x = Plot2d( x_label=xhistlabel, y_label=ylabel, tooltip=hist_tooltip_x, title="", width=600, height=300, yscale="auto", y_range=yrange, x_range=(hist_rg[0] + xw_ref[0], hist_rg[1] + xw_ref[0]), hover_mode="vline", ).quad( source_hist, top=histval, bottom=bottomval, line_width=0.4, ) # Histogram 2 xhistlabel = "WSIGMA" hist_tooltip_w = """ <div> <div> <span style="font-size: 1vw; font-weight: bold; color: #303030;">Frequency: </span> <span style="font-size: 1vw; color: #515151">@hist</span> </div> <div> <span style="font-size: 1vw; font-weight: bold; color: #303030;">WSIGMA: </span> <span style="font-size: 1vw; color: #515151;">[@left, @right]</span> </div> </div> """ hist, edges = np.histogram(wsigma, 'sqrt') source_hist = ColumnDataSource( data={ 'hist': hist, 'histplusone': hist + 1, 'bottom': [0] * len(hist), 'bottomplusone': [1] * len(hist), 'left': edges[:-1], 'right': edges[1:] }) ylabel, yrange, bottomval, histval = histpar(yscale, hist) yrangew = yrange p_hist_w = Plot2d( x_label=xhistlabel, y_label=ylabel, tooltip=hist_tooltip_w, title="", width=600, height=300, yscale="auto", y_range=yrange, x_range=(hist_rg[0] + xw_ref[1], hist_rg[1] + xw_ref[1]), hover_mode="vline", ).quad( source_hist, top=histval, bottom=bottomval, line_width=0.8, ) # -------------------------------------------------------------- # vlines ranges: bname = 'XWSIGMA' for ialert in nrg: # par[bname+'_NORMAL_RANGE']: spans = Span(location=ialert + xw_ref[0], dimension='height', line_color='green', line_dash='dashed', line_width=2) p_hist_x.add_layout(spans) my_label = Label(x=ialert + xw_ref[0], y=yrange[-1] / 2.2, y_units='data', text='Normal', text_color='green', angle=np.pi / 2.) p_hist_x.add_layout(my_label) for ialert in wrg: # par[bname+'_WARN_RANGE']: spans = Span(location=ialert + xw_ref[0], dimension='height', line_color='tomato', line_dash='dotdash', line_width=2) p_hist_x.add_layout(spans) my_label = Label(x=ialert + xw_ref[0], y=yrange[-1] / 2.2, y_units='data', text='Warning', text_color='tomato', angle=np.pi / 2.) p_hist_x.add_layout(my_label) for ialert in nrg: # par[bname+'_NORMAL_RANGE']: spans = Span(location=ialert + xw_ref[1], dimension='height', line_color='green', line_dash='dashed', line_width=2) p_hist_w.add_layout(spans) my_label = Label(x=ialert + xw_ref[1], y=yrangew[-1] / 2.2, y_units='data', text='Normal', text_color='green', angle=np.pi / 2.) p_hist_w.add_layout(my_label) for ialert in wrg: # par[bname+'_WARN_RANGE']: spans = Span(location=ialert + xw_ref[1], dimension='height', line_color='tomato', line_dash='dotdash', line_width=2) p_hist_w.add_layout(spans) my_label = Label(x=ialert + xw_ref[1], y=yrangew[-1] / 2.2, y_units='data', text='Warning', text_color='tomato', angle=np.pi / 2.) p_hist_w.add_layout(my_label) # amp 1 xamp = Patch().plot_amp( dz=xw_amp[0], refexp=[xw_ref[0]] * 4, name="XSIGMA AMP", description="X standard deviation (number of pixels)", wrg=wrg) xamp_status = Patch().plot_amp( dz=xw_amp[0], refexp=[xw_ref[0]] * 4, name="XSIGMA AMP (STATUS)", description="X standard deviation (number of pixels)", wrg=wrg, nrg=nrg, status_plot=True, ) # amp 2 wamp = Patch().plot_amp( dz=xw_amp[1], refexp=[xw_ref[1]] * 4, name="WSIGMA AMP", description="W standard deviation (number of pixels)", wrg=wrg) wamp_status = Patch().plot_amp( dz=xw_amp[1], refexp=[xw_ref[1]] * 4, name="WSIGMA AMP (STATUS)", description="W standard deviation (number of pixels)", wrg=wrg, nrg=nrg, status_plot=True, ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- info_col = Title().write_description('xwsigma') current_exposures = check_ccds['METRICS']['XWSIGMA'] if flavor == 'science': program = gen_info['PROGRAM'].upper() reference_exposures = check_ccds['PARAMS']['XWSIGMA_' + program + '_REF'] keynames = ["XSIGMA"] table_x = Table().single_table(keynames, [current_exposures[0]], [reference_exposures[0]], nrg, wrg) keynames = ["WSIGMA"] table_w = Table().single_table(keynames, [current_exposures[1]], [reference_exposures[1]], nrg, wrg) layout = column( info_col, widgetbox(Div(), css_classes=["tableranges"]), widgetbox( Div(text= '<h2 align=center style="text-align:center;"> XSIGMA </h2>' )), widgetbox( Div(text= '<h2 align=center style="text-align:center;"> WSIGMA </h2>' )), table_x, table_w, column(wedge_plot_x, sizing_mode='scale_both'), column(wedge_plot_w, sizing_mode='scale_both'), column(xhist, sizing_mode='scale_both'), column(whist, sizing_mode='scale_both'), column(p_hist_x, sizing_mode='scale_both'), column(p_hist_w, sizing_mode='scale_both'), column(xamp, sizing_mode='scale_both'), column(wamp, sizing_mode='scale_both'), column(xamp_status, sizing_mode='scale_both'), column(wamp_status, sizing_mode='scale_both'), css_classes=["display-grid"], sizing_mode='scale_width') else: reference_exposures = check_ccds['PARAMS']['XWSIGMA_REF'] keynames = ["XSIGMA"] table_x = Table().single_table(keynames, current_exposures, reference_exposures, nrg, wrg) keynames = ["WSIGMA"] table_w = Table().single_table(keynames, current_exposures, reference_exposures, nrg, wrg) layout = column( info_col, widgetbox(Div(), css_classes=["tableranges"]), widgetbox( Div(text= '<h2 align=center style="text-align:center;"> XSIGMA </h2>' )), widgetbox( Div(text= '<h2 align=center style="text-align:center;"> WSIGMA </h2>' )), table_x, table_w, column(xhist, sizing_mode='scale_both'), column(whist, sizing_mode='scale_both'), column(p_hist_x, sizing_mode='scale_both'), column(p_hist_w, sizing_mode='scale_both'), column(xamp, sizing_mode='scale_both'), column(wamp, sizing_mode='scale_both'), column(xamp_status, sizing_mode='scale_both'), column(wamp_status, sizing_mode='scale_both'), css_classes=["display-grid"], sizing_mode='scale_width') return file_html(layout, CDN, "XWSIGMA")
salt_img = salt.image_rgba(image=[salt_data], x=0, y=0, dw=side_width, dh=side_height) salt_slider = Slider(start=0, end=0.5, value=0.1, step=0.1, width=side_width - 40, title='Salt and Pepper Filter - Adjust the Density') salt_slider.on_change('value', updateSaltPepper) salt_slide = widgetbox(children=[salt_slider], sizing_mode='scale_both') figures.append(salt) # ============================================================================= # Image 7 - Gaussian Smoothing Filter # ============================================================================= def gaussian_filter(input_img, sigma): """ Computes the gaussian filter on each color channel of the input image Input: orginal image sigma value for the gaussian filter
upload.append(data[i].upload) ping.append(data[i].ping) d = {'date': date, 'download': download, 'upload': upload, 'ping': ping} df = pd.DataFrame(data=d) df['download'] = pd.to_numeric(df['download']) df['upload'] = pd.to_numeric(df['upload']) df['ping'] = pd.to_numeric(df['ping']) download_summary = df['download'].describe() upload_summary = df['upload'].describe() ping_summary = df['ping'].describe() summary = { 'stat': download_summary.index, 'download': download_summary.values, 'upload': upload_summary.values, 'ping': ping_summary.values } summary_df = pd.DataFrame(summary) summary_div = Div(text=summary_df.to_html(index=False)) output_file("results.html") p = figure(x_axis_type='datetime', plot_width=1700) p.line(date, download, line_width=1) p.line(date, upload, line_width=1, line_color='red') save(widgetbox(p, summary_div, sizing_mode='scale_both'))
# Import the necessary modules from bokeh.layouts import widgetbox, row from bokeh.models import Slider # Define the callback function: update_plot def update_plot(attr, old, new): # Set the yr name to slider.value and new_data to yr = slider.value new_data = { 'x': data.loc[yr].fertility, 'y': data.loc[yr].life, 'country': data.loc[yr].Country, 'pop': (data.loc[yr].population / 20000000) + 2, 'region': data.loc[yr].region, } = new_data # Make a slider object: slider slider = Slider(start=1970, end=2010, step=1, value=1970, title='Year') # Attach the callback to the 'value' property of slider slider.on_change('value', update_plot) # Make a row layout of widgetbox(slider) and plot and add it to the current document layout = row(widgetbox(slider), plot) curdoc().add_root(layout)
color={'field': 'state', 'transform': color_mapper}, alpha=0.8, line_color='#240606', line_width=1, line_alpha=0.3) r2 = p.multi_line('xs', 'ys', line_width='line_width', alpha='alphas', color={'field': 'weight', 'transform': mapper}, source=edge_df) node_hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[('Name', '@Name'), ('State', '@state'), ('No. of Connections', '@Degree'), ('Total Frequency', '@WDegree')], renderers=[r1]) node_hover.attachment = 'right' edge_hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[('Airports', '@city1'), ('', '@city2'), ('Frequency', '@weight')], renderers=[r2]) edge_hover.line_policy = 'interp' edge_hover.attachment = 'left' p.add_tools(node_hover) p.add_tools(edge_hover) return p def update(attr, old, new): layout.children[1] = create_figure() ndf = Slider(start=0, end=10, value=0, step=.1, title="Min. Node") ndf.on_change('value', update) edf = Slider(start=0, end=0.6, value=0, step=.05, title="Min. Edge Frequency") edf.on_change('value', update) controls = widgetbox([ndf, edf], width=300) layout = row(controls, create_figure()) curdoc().add_root(layout)
def music_tab(Music): def make_dataset(Music): #con = sql.connect('/Users/aaronwestmoreland/Documents/Data.Projects/Music/Metacritic.db') #Music = psql.read_sql('SELECT * FROM Music;', con) Mus_split = Music["Day"].str.split(' ', expand=True) Music["Month"] = Mus_split[0] Music["Date"] = Mus_split[1] c_map = bp.magma(len(np.unique(Music["Score"]))) c_dict = zip(np.unique(Music["Score"]), c_map) Col_MAP = dict(c_dict) Music["color"] = Music["Score"].apply(lambda x: Col_MAP[x]) #Music["Month"] Music["DateTime"] = pd.to_datetime(Music["Release"], format="%b %d, %Y") Music['alpha'] = np.where(Music["Score"].astype(float) >= 90, 0.9, 0.25) mu_dict = dict( x=Music["Release"], y=Music["Score"].astype(float), album=Music["Album"], release=Music["Release"], artist=Music["Artist"], alpha=Music["alpha"], color=Music['color'], ) return ColumnDataSource(mu_dict) def make_plot(src): axis_map = { "Year": "DateTime", "MetaCritic Score": "Score", } x_axis = Select(title="X Axis", options=sorted(axis_map.keys()), value="Year") y_axis = Select(title="Y Axis", options=sorted(axis_map.keys()), value="MetaCritic Score") TOOLTIPS = [("Album", "@album"), ("Artist", "@artist"), ("Score", "@y"), ("Release", "@release")] p = figure(plot_height=600, plot_width=700, title="", toolbar_location="below", x_axis_type="datetime")"x", y="y", source=src, size=7, color="color", line_color=None, fill_alpha="alpha") p.add_tools( HoverTool(show_arrow=False, line_policy='next', tooltips=TOOLTIPS)) p.xaxis.formatter = DatetimeTickFormatter( hours=["%d %B %Y"], days=["%d %B %Y"], months=["%d %B %Y"], years=["%d %B %Y"], ) p.xaxis.major_label_orientation = np.pi / 4 return p, axis_map, y_axis, x_axis def select_Music(): Month_val = Month.value selected = Music if (Month_val != "All"): selected = selected[selected.Month.str.contains(Month_val) == True] return selected def update(): df = select_Music() x_name = axis_map[x_axis.value] y_name = axis_map[y_axis.value] p.xaxis.axis_label = x_axis.value p.yaxis.axis_label = y_axis.value p.title.text = "%d Albums selected" % len(df) = dict( x=df[x_name], y=df[y_name].astype(float), album=df["Album"], release=df["Release"], artist=df["Artist"], alpha=df["alpha"], color=df["color"], ) src = make_dataset(Music) months = list(np.unique(Music["Month"])) months.append("All") Month = Select(title="Release Month", value="All", options=months) p, axis_map, y_axis, x_axis = make_plot(src) controls = [Month] for control in controls: control.on_change('value', lambda attr, old, new: update()) sizing_mode = 'fixed' inputs = widgetbox(*controls, sizing_mode=sizing_mode) l = layout([[inputs, p]], sizing_mode=sizing_mode) update() tab = Panel(child=l, title="Music") return tab
def get_changed_parameters(initial_parameters, plot_width): """ get a bokeh widgetbox object with a table of the changed parameters :param initial_parameters: ulog.initial_parameters """ param_names = [] param_values = [] param_defaults = [] param_mins = [] param_maxs = [] param_descriptions = [] default_params = get_default_parameters() for param_name in sorted(initial_parameters): param_value = initial_parameters[param_name] if param_name.startswith('RC') or param_name.startswith('CAL_'): continue try: if param_name in default_params: default_param = default_params[param_name] if default_param['type'] == 'FLOAT': is_default = abs(float(default_param['default']) - float(param_value)) < 0.00001 if 'decimal' in default_param: param_value = round(param_value, int(default_param['decimal'])) else: is_default = int(default_param['default']) == int(param_value) if not is_default: param_names.append(param_name) param_values.append(param_value) param_defaults.append(default_param['default']) param_mins.append(default_param.get('min', '')) param_maxs.append(default_param.get('max', '')) param_descriptions.append(default_param.get('short_desc', '')) else: # not found: add it as if it were changed param_names.append(param_name) param_values.append(param_value) param_defaults.append('') param_mins.append('') param_maxs.append('') param_descriptions.append('(unknown)') except Exception as error: print(type(error), error) param_data = dict( names=param_names, values=param_values, defaults=param_defaults, mins=param_mins, maxs=param_maxs, descriptions=param_descriptions) source = ColumnDataSource(param_data) columns = [ TableColumn(field="names", title="Name", width=int(plot_width*0.2), sortable=False), TableColumn(field="values", title="Value", width=int(plot_width*0.15), sortable=False), TableColumn(field="defaults", title="Default", width=int(plot_width*0.1), sortable=False), TableColumn(field="mins", title="Min", width=int(plot_width*0.075), sortable=False), TableColumn(field="maxs", title="Max", width=int(plot_width*0.075), sortable=False), TableColumn(field="descriptions", title="Description", width=int(plot_width*0.40), sortable=False), ] data_table = DataTable(source=source, columns=columns, width=plot_width, height=300, sortable=False, selectable=False) div = Div(text="""<b>Non-default Parameters</b> (except RC and sensor calibration)""", width=int(plot_width/2)) return widgetbox(div, data_table, width=plot_width)
predictions=clf.predict(x_test_original) print("Accuracy =", accuracy_score(y_test_original,predictions)) y_score = clf.predict_proba(x_test_original)[:,1] precision, recall, _ = precision_recall_curve(y_test_original, y_score) p1.line(precision, recall, line_width=2,line_alpha=0.6,name ="line2") average_precision = average_precision_score(y_test_original, predictions) p1.title.text = "Average Precision Score %f" % average_precision #print(np.unique(predictions)) tn, fp, fn, tp = confusion_matrix(y_test_original,predictions,labels=[0,1]).ravel() =dict(fruits=fruits, counts=[tp, fp, tn, fn]) p.title.text = "Model Accuracy %f" % accuracy_score(y_test_original,predictions) controls = [features, fit_intercept, solver, warm_start, dual] for control in controls: control.on_change('value', lambda attr, old, new: update()) sizing_mode = 'fixed' # 'scale_width' also looks nice with this example inputs = widgetbox(*controls, sizing_mode=sizing_mode) l = layout([ [desc], [row(target,stats)], [inputs,tabs] ],sizing_mode= sizing_mode) #update() # initial load of the data curdoc().add_root(l) curdoc().title = "Churn"
### bokeh server # Perform necessary imports from import curdoc from bokeh.layouts import widgetbox from bokeh.models import Slider # Create first slider: slider1 slider1 = Slider(title='slider1', start=0, end=10, step=0.1, value=2) # Create second slider: slider2 slider2 = Slider(title='slider2', start=10, end=100, step=1, value=20) # Add slider1 and slider2 to a widgetbox layout = widgetbox(slider1, slider2) # Add the layout to the current document curdoc().add_root(layout) ## slider # Create ColumnDataSource: source source = ColumnDataSource(data={ 'x': pri_fin_mat.index, 'y': pri_fin_mat.Stocks }) # Add a line to the plot plot = figure() plot.line('x', 'y', source=source)
count = dfyc.genre.value_counts() colors = [genre_color[x] for x in count.index.sort_values()] pyc = Donut(count, label='index', color=colors, height=400, width=400, hover_text='#songs') pyc.title.text = "#Songs w/o missing year and location = {}".format( len(dfyc)) return p, py, pyc controls = widgetbox([checkbox_year, year_slider], width=200) a, b, c = create_figure() layout = row(controls, a, b, c) curdoc().add_root(layout) curdoc().title = "Hottness_familiarity" plots = {'1': a, '2': b, '3': c} script, div = components(plots) print(script) print(div)
yB=magblackbody_B, yr=magblackbody_r, yi=magblackbody_i, yV=magblackbody_V, yU=magblackbody_U) button.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source, vej=v_slider, name_v=text, mej=M_slider, myk=k_slider, myt0=T_slider, myb=bfield_slider, myp=pspin_slider, tmin=np.min(arrayoftimes)), code=javaScript) #for w in [M_slider,f_slider,v_slider, k_slider, T_slider]: # w.on_change('value', update_data) # Set up layouts and add to document inputs = widgetbox(text, M_slider, v_slider, k_slider, T_slider, bfield_slider, pspin_slider) layout = row(plot, inputs, button) output_file("MagnetarThing.html") save(plot) show(layout)
def update(): current = df[(df['salary'] >= slider.value[0]) & (df['salary'] <= slider.value[1])].dropna() = { 'name' :, 'salary' : current.salary, 'years_experience' : current.years_experience, } slider = RangeSlider(title="Max Salary", start=10000, end=110000, value=(10000, 50000), step=1000, format="0,0") slider.on_change('value', lambda attr, old, new: update()) button = Button(label="Download", button_type="success") button.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source), code=open(join(dirname(__file__), "download.js")).read()) columns = [ TableColumn(field="name", title="Employee Name"), TableColumn(field="salary", title="Income", formatter=NumberFormatter(format="$0,0.00")), TableColumn(field="years_experience", title="Experience (years)") ] data_table = DataTable(source=source, columns=columns, width=800) controls = widgetbox(slider, button) table = widgetbox(data_table) curdoc().add_root(row(controls, table)) curdoc().title = "Export CSV" update()
tab_1 = Panel(child = p1, title = 'Setosa') tab_2 = Panel(child = p2, title = 'Virginica') from bokeh.models.widgets import Tabs layout = Tabs(tabs = [tab1, tab2]) show(layout) ############# bokeh app from import curdoc from bokeh.layouts import widgetbox from bokeh.models import Slider # slider slider = Slider(title ='my slider', start = 0, end = 10, step = 0.1, value = 2) layout = column(p, widgetbox(slider)) curdoc().add_root(layout) bokeh serve # callback from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, Select source = ColumnDataSource(data = {'x': iris['Sepal_Length'], 'y': iris['Sepal_Width']}) p = figure()'x', 'y', source = source) def update_plot(attr, old, new): if new == 'Petal_Length': = {'x': 'Sepal_Length', 'y': 'Petal_Length'}
kdims = [x.value, y.value] opts, style = {}, {} opts['color_index'] = color.value if color.value != 'None' else None if size.value != 'None': opts['size_index'] = size.value opts['scaling_factor'] = (1./df[size.value].max())*200 points = hv.Points(df, kdims=kdims, label=label).opts(plot=opts, style=style) return renderer.get_plot(points).state def update(attr, old, new): layout.children[1] = create_figure() x = Select(title='X-Axis', value='mpg', options=quantileable) x.on_change('value', update) y = Select(title='Y-Axis', value='hp', options=quantileable) y.on_change('value', update) size = Select(title='Size', value='None', options=['None'] + quantileable) size.on_change('value', update) color = Select(title='Color', value='None', options=['None'] + quantileable) color.on_change('value', update) controls = widgetbox([x, y, color, size], width=200) layout = row(controls, create_figure()) curdoc().add_root(layout) curdoc().title = "Crossfilter"
color_bar = ColorBar(color_mapper=mapper, major_label_text_align='left', major_label_text_font_size='10pt', label_standoff=2, location=(0, 0), formatter=formatter, title="(ADU)", title_text_baseline="alphabetic") p.add_layout(color_bar, 'right') p.xaxis.major_label_text_font_size = '0pt' # turn off x-axis tick labels p.yaxis.major_label_text_font_size = '0pt' # turn off y-axis tick labels p.xaxis.major_tick_line_color = None # turn off x-axis major ticks p.xaxis.minor_tick_line_color = None # turn off x-axis minor ticks p.yaxis.major_tick_line_color = None # turn off y-axis major ticks p.yaxis.minor_tick_line_color = None # turn off y-axis minor ticks #infos info, nlines = write_info('getbias', tests['getbias']) txt = PreText(text=info, height=nlines * 20, width=p.plot_width) info_col = Div(text=write_description('getbias'), width=p.plot_width) ptxt = column(widgetbox(info_col), p) #output_notebook() # End of Bokeh Block curdoc().add_root(ptxt) curdoc().title = "GETBIAS"
function1_input.on_change('value', input_change) # text input for the second function to be convolved function2_input = TextInput(value=convolution_settings.function1_input_init, title="my second function:") function2_input.on_change('value', input_change) # initialize plot toolset = "crosshair,pan,reset,resize,save,wheel_zoom" # Generate a figure container plot = Figure(plot_height=400, plot_width=400, tools=toolset, title="Convolution of two functions", x_range=[convolution_settings.x_min_view, convolution_settings.x_max_view], y_range=[convolution_settings.y_min_view, convolution_settings.y_max_view]) # Plot the line by the x,y values in the source property plot.line('x', 'y', source=source_function1, line_width=3, line_alpha=0.6, color='red', legend='function 1') plot.line('x', 'y', source=source_function2, color='green', line_width=3, line_alpha=0.6, legend='function 2') plot.line('x', 'y', source=source_result, color='blue', line_width=3, line_alpha=0.6, legend='convolution') plot.scatter('x', 'y', source=source_xmarker, color='black') plot.line('x', 'y', source=source_xmarker, color='black', line_width=3) plot.patch('x', 'y_pos', source=source_overlay, fill_color='blue', fill_alpha=.2) plot.patch('x', 'y_neg', source=source_overlay, fill_color='red', fill_alpha=.2) # calculate data update_data() # lists all the controls in our app controls = widgetbox(x_value_input, function_type, function1_input, function2_input, width=400) # make layout curdoc().add_root(row(plot, controls, width=800))
def refresh_doc(doc): def create_dataset(flat_type_info,default_year_1,default_year_2): #Subset to the datafrane price_df = sub_df1.loc[flat_type_info] #Reset index of price df price_df = price_df.reset_index() #Sort df according to min to max values price_df.sort_values(by=default_year_1,ascending=True,inplace= True,na_position='first') #Create a new df base on the sorted price df test_df=pd.DataFrame({'town':price_df['town'],'year_1':price_df[default_year_1],'year_2':price_df[default_year_2]}) test_df['percent_change']=(price_df[default_year_2]-price_df[default_year_1])/price_df[default_year_1]*100 test_df['name_year1']=default_year_1 test_df['name_year2']=default_year_2 return ColumnDataSource(test_df) def Hbarchart(src): source = src #Plot figure p = figure(['town'], x_range=(0, getmaxprice+50000), plot_height=800, plot_width=800, title="Barchart of Average Median Resale Price for Selected Year 1 vs Selected Year 2", toolbar_location=None, tools="") p.hbar(y=dodge('town', -0.15, range=p.y_range), right=src.column_names[2] , height=0.2, source=source, color="#00008b", legend='name_year1') p.hbar(y=dodge('town', 0.15, range=p.y_range), right=src.column_names[3] , height=0.2, source=source, color="#87cefa", legend='name_year2') # Hover tool with hline mode hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[('Town', '@town'), ('Median1', '@year_1'), ('Median2', '@year_2'), ('% Change', '@percent_change')], mode='hline') # display a tooltip whenever the cursor is horizontally in line with a glyph p.add_tools(hover) p.y_range.range_padding = 0.1 p.ygrid.grid_line_color = None p.yaxis.axis_label = 'Towns' p.xaxis.axis_label = 'Average Median Prices' p.legend.location = "top_right" p.legend.orientation = "vertical" return (p) def update(attr,old,new): # Get the room data for the graph flat_type_to_plot = room_selection.labels[] year_1_to_plot = year_1_selection.labels[] year_2_to_plot = year_2_selection.labels[] # Make a new dataset based on the selected # of rooms and years to plot new_src = create_dataset(flat_type_to_plot,year_1_to_plot,year_2_to_plot) # Update the source used to plot #Create radio buttons for room type / flat type selection room_selection = RadioGroup(labels=df1_idx_level_0, active=3) room_selection.on_change('active', update) default_room_type = room_selection.labels[] room_control = widgetbox(room_selection) #Create radio buttons for first year selection year_1_selection = RadioGroup(labels=df1_col_level_1, active=6) year_1_selection.on_change('active', update) default_year_1 = year_1_selection.labels[] year_1_control = widgetbox(year_1_selection) #Create radio buttons for second year selection year_2_selection = RadioGroup(labels=df1_col_level_1, active=10) year_2_selection.on_change('active', update) default_year_2 = year_2_selection.labels[] year_2_control = widgetbox(year_2_selection) src = create_dataset(default_room_type,default_year_1,default_year_2) plot = Hbarchart(src) l= layout([ [room_control,year_1_control,year_2_control], [plot]]) doc.add_root(l)
def bokehGUI(ScoreBoard, MakerDictionary, offlineboard='None', curMeme="sustainability", curInfluencer='zbattiz', ApiRequest=False): MD = MakerDictionary SB = ScoreBoard if offlineboard: SB.import_board(offlineboard) BI = BokehControler(SB, MD) names = [k for k, v in SB.get_names().items()] category_codes = MD.categories.values() print(category_codes) # make this more generic: if not curInfluencer: curInfluencer = 'zbattiz' if not curMeme: curMeme = 'sustainability' BI.populateInfluencers(names, category_codes) BI.populateBoards(category_codes) BI.setActiveBoard(curMeme, BI.setActiveInfluencer(curInfluencer, boards = BI.Boards board = BI.ActiveBoard influencers = BI.Influencers influencer = BI.ActiveInfluencer boardatr = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(legend=[curMeme])) influenceratr = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(legend=[curInfluencer])) #for k in print(k,[k]) # Drawing::::::::::::: ## Commom Tools:: TOOLS = "tap,pan,wheel_zoom,reset,save" ## The Influencer Canvas:: title = "Influencer" fig_influencer = figure(plot_width=700, plot_height=500, title=title, tools=TOOLS, toolbar_location="above", toolbar_sticky=True, active_drag="pan", active_tap='tap', active_scroll='wheel_zoom', responsive=True) fig_influencer.axis.visible = False fig_influencer.border_fill_color = "whitesmoke" fig_influencer.border_fill_alpha = 0.3 fig_influencer.min_border_top = 30 fig_influencer.outline_line_width = 4 fig_influencer.outline_line_alpha = 0.2 fig_influencer.outline_line_color = "navy" fig_influencer.xgrid.visible = False fig_influencer.ygrid.visible = False ### Legend:::, 0, alpha=0.8, color='olive', legend='legend', source=influenceratr) fig_influencer.legend.location = "top_left" fig_influencer.legend.label_text_font_size = "8pt" fig_influencer.legend.label_text_color = "red" ### Data::: fig_influencer.multi_line('xsegments', 'ysegments', color="colors", alpha=0.5, line_width=2, line_dash="dashed", source=influencer)'x', 'y', color='colors', size='sizes', alpha=1, source=influencer) labels = LabelSet(x='x', y='y', text='memes', text_font_size='9pt', level='glyph', x_offset="offsets", y_offset=0, source=influencer, render_mode='canvas') fig_influencer.add_layout(labels) ### Hover Tool::: infhover = HoverTool( tooltips=[("Score", "@scores{0,0.000}"), ("Type", "per_tweet"), ("Ntweets", "@tweets")]) fig_influencer.add_tools(infhover) ## The Board Canvas::: #for k in print(k,[k]) title_board = "Community Spirometer" fig_board = figure(plot_width=900, plot_height=550, title=title_board, tools=TOOLS, toolbar_location="above", toolbar_sticky=True, active_drag="pan", active_tap='tap', active_scroll='wheel_zoom', responsive=True) fig_board.axis.visible = False fig_board.border_fill_color = "whitesmoke" fig_board.border_fill_alpha = 0.2 fig_board.min_border_top = 30 fig_board.outline_line_width = 6 fig_board.outline_line_alpha = 0.2 fig_board.outline_line_color = "navy" ### Legend:::, 0, alpha=0.8, color='turquoise', legend='legend', source=boardatr) fig_board.legend.location = "top_left" fig_board.legend.label_text_font_size = "9pt" fig_board.legend.label_text_color = "red" ### Data::: fig_board.line('x', 'y', alpha=0.4, line_width=1, line_dash="dashed", source=board)'x', 'y', color='black', size='levels', alpha=1, source=board)'x', 'y', color='colors', size='sizes', alpha=0.8, source=board) labels = LabelSet(x='x', y='y', text='names', text_font_size='7pt', level='glyph', x_offset='offsets', y_offset=0, source=board, render_mode='canvas') fig_board.add_layout(labels) ### Hover Tool::: boardhover = HoverTool(tooltips=[("Name", "@names"), ( "Phase", "@clusters"), ("Score", "@scores{0,0.000}"), ( "Scoring type", "per_tweet"), ("Number of tweets probed", "@tweets")]) fig_board.add_tools(boardhover) # JavaScript Callbacks::: board.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=influencers, display=influencer, atr=influenceratr), code=""" var inds = cb_obj.selected['1d'].indices; var d1 =; var d2 =; var d3 =; var d4 =; var ind = inds[0]; console.log(ind); if (ind != null){ d3['x'] = []; d3['y'] = []; d3['sizes'] = []; d3['scores'] = []; d3['names'] = []; d3['memes'] = []; d3['colors'] = []; d3['offsets'] = []; d3['xsegments'] = []; d3['ysegments'] = []; d3['tweets'] = []; d3_tags = []; var name = d1['names'][ind]; console.log(name); d4['legend'] = []; d4['legend'].push(name); var start = d2['names'].indexOf(name); var end = d2['names'].lastIndexOf(name); console.log(start); console.log(end); for (var i = start; i <= end; i++) { d3['x'].push(d2['x'][i]); d3['y'].push(d2['y'][i]); d3['sizes'].push(d2['sizes'][i]); d3['scores'].push(d2['scores'][i]); d3['names'].push(d2['names'][i]); d3['memes'].push(d2['memes'][i]); d3['offsets'].push(d2['offsets'][i]); d3['colors'].push(d2['colors'][i]); d3['tweets'].push(d2['tweets'][i]); d3['xsegments'].push(d2['xsegments'][i]); d3['ysegments'].push(d2['ysegments'][i]); } } display.change.emit(); atr.change.emit(); """) influencer.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=boards, display=board, atr=boardatr), code=""" var inds = cb_obj.selected['1d'].indices; var d1 =; var d2 =; var d3 =; var d4 =; var ind = inds[0]; console.log(ind) if (ind != null){ d3['x'] = []; d3['y'] = []; d3['sizes'] = []; d3['scores'] = []; d3['levels'] = []; d3['clusters'] = []; d3['names'] = []; d3['memes'] = []; d3['offsets'] = []; d3['colors'] = []; d3['tweets'] = []; var meme = d1['memes'][ind]; d4['legend'] = []; d4['legend'].push(meme) console.log(meme) var name = d1['names'][ind]; var color = d1['colors'][ind] var start = d2['memes'].indexOf(meme); var end = d2['memes'].lastIndexOf(meme); console.log(start); console.log(end); for (var i = start; i <= end; i++) { d3['x'].push(d2['x'][i]); d3['y'].push(d2['y'][i]); d3['sizes'].push(d2['sizes'][i]); d3['scores'].push(d2['scores'][i]); d3['levels'].push(d2['levels'][i]); d3['clusters'].push(d2['clusters'][i]); d3['names'].push(d2['names'][i]); d3['memes'].push(d2['memes'][i]); d3['offsets'].push(d2['offsets'][i]); d3['tweets'].push(d2['tweets'][i]); if (d2['names'][i] == name){ d3['colors'].push(color); } else { d3['colors'].push(d2['colors'][i]); } } } display.change.emit(); atr.change.emit(); """) # Adding additional Widgets and their events::::: ## Info Box:: div_title = Div(text=""" <h2> Sustainable Finance Spirometer</h2> <p><b>This Sprirometer infographics is one of the ways to observe opionion leaders and influencers, those who promote or debate on issues relevant to sustainable finance. </b> <p>Influential actors are placed rather outer branches of the spiral. See the lower interactive panel. An infleuncer's spiral profile, as of his/her contribution to the related debates, can be seen via the upper interactive panel.</p> <p>The data is collected from the tweets that are in the public domain. The latest tweets in English of an infleuncer is used for the analysis and visualizations. The nodes on the spirometer (the lower panel) are resized according to the number of tweets by the corresponding influencer.</p> <p>Influencers are clustered according to their sphere of influence. There are 4 or more distinct clusters/phases on each spiral. Number of clusters and cluster membership is algorithmically generated from the data. The sequence of nodes with/without an inner circle denotes membership to the same cluster. <br/> <br/> </p> """, width=850, height=220) title_box = widgetbox(div_title, sizing_mode='scale_both', responsive=True) ## Tips Box:: div_tips = Div(text=""" <p>Hover over the nodes in order to see the details. <b>Ntweets</b> denotes the number of tweeters collected for the profiling, <b>per_tweet</b> denotes that scores are computed per tweet.</p> <p>A new influencer can be added. Address bar can be used to query an influencer whose profile is not analyzed yet. Note that a twitter user name is the part after @ sign. For instance, the Twitter user <i>@bulentozel</i> can be added by appending <b>bulentozel</b> to the URL: <i>BASE_URL/gui/bulentozel</i> </p> <p>To query the users whose profiling has already been included, the search bar below can be used. </p> """, width=200, height=350) tips_box = widgetbox(div_tips, sizing_mode='scale_both', responsive=True) ## Query Box:: callback_search = CustomJS(args=dict(boardWin=board, infList=influencers, infWin=influencer, atr=influenceratr), code=""" var bWin =; var iWin =; var iL =; var query = cb_obj.value; var d4 =; console.log(query); var ind = iL['names'].indexOf(query); if (ind >= 0){ var start = ind; var end = iL['names'].lastIndexOf(query); iWin['x'] = []; iWin['y'] = []; iWin['sizes'] = []; iWin['scores'] = []; iWin['names'] = []; iWin['memes'] = []; iWin['colors'] = []; iWin['offsets'] = []; iWin['xsegments'] = []; iWin['ysegments'] = []; iWin['tweets'] = []; for (var i = start; i <= end; i++) { iWin['x'].push(iL['x'][i]); iWin['y'].push(iL['y'][i]); iWin['sizes'].push(iL['sizes'][i]); iWin['scores'].push(iL['scores'][i]); iWin['names'].push(iL['names'][i]); iWin['memes'].push(iL['memes'][i]); iWin['offsets'].push(iL['offsets'][i]); iWin['colors'].push(iL['colors'][i]); iWin['tweets'].push(iL['tweets'][i]); iWin['xsegments'].push(iL['xsegments'][i]); iWin['ysegments'].push(iL['ysegments'][i]); } ind = bWin['names'].indexOf(query); if (ind > 0){ var blength = bWin['colors'].length; bWin['colors'] = [] for (i = 0; i < blength; i++) { bWin['colors'].push('turquoise'); } bWin['colors'][ind] = 'olive' } d4['legend'] = []; d4['legend'].push(query); } boardWin.change.emit(); infWin.change.emit(); atr.change.emit(); """) text_input = AutocompleteInput(completions=names, title="Search an influencer:") text_input.js_on_change('value', callback_search) query_box = widgetbox(text_input, sizing_mode='stretch_both', responsive=True) # Tabular Data ## Info Box:: div_scorebord_info = Div(text=""" <h3>Spirometer Details</h3> <p>Tap to column names in order to sort accordingly. </p> """, width=750, height=50) title_table = widgetbox(div_scorebord_info, sizing_mode='scale_both', responsive=True) Nformatter = NumberFormatter() Nformatter.format = "0,0.000" columns = [ TableColumn(field="names", title="Name"), TableColumn(field="memes", title="Category"), TableColumn(field="scores", title="Score", formatter=Nformatter), TableColumn(field="tweets", title="Number of Tweets") ] data_table = DataTable(source=boards, columns=columns, width=820, height=500) table_box = widgetbox(data_table, sizing_mode='stretch_both', responsive=True) # Figures only layout:::: if ApiRequest: layoutAPI = column(fig_influencer, fig_board) return (layoutAPI) # Overall Layout:::: layout = column(title_box, row(fig_influencer, column(tips_box, query_box)), fig_board, title_table, table_box) return (layout)
from bokeh.models.widgets import Button, RadioButtonGroup, Select, Slider, DataTable, TableColumn, DateFormatter from bokeh.plotting import figure from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, HoverTool, CDSView, GroupFilter from bokeh.models import Span, LabelSet from functions import * #from import output_file, show, vform app = Flask(__name__) # create some widgets #rating = Slider(start=0, end=10, value=1, step=.1, title="Slider") button_group = RadioButtonGroup(labels=["Average", "O/5", "5/5"], active=0) #base_line = Select(title="minimal target :", value="Target", options=["IBM", "bar", "baz", "quux"]) w = widgetbox(button_group, width=300) # Create the main plot # x = list(range(11)) y0 = x hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[ ("Name", "@index"), ]) #TOOLS = "box_select,lasso_select,hover,help" TOOLS = "crosshair,help,pan,box_zoom,reset,box_select,wheel_zoom,lasso_select" target = 'Target'
#Create a dictionary with the values from the summary dataframe data = dict( dates=summary_df.index, high=summary_df.high, low=summary_df.low, precip=summary_df.low, ) #Convert the dictionary to column data source format to be read into the table data = ColumnDataSource(data) #Set the column titles columns = [ TableColumn(field="dates", title="Month"), TableColumn(field="high", title="Average High Temperature"), TableColumn(field="low", title="Average Low Temperature"), TableColumn(field="precip", title="Total Precipitation"), ] #Create the data table data_table = DataTable(source=data, columns=columns, width=1400, height=500) #Set the layout of the graphs and table l = layout([ [p, p1], [widgetbox(data_table)], ], ) #Show the html file created from Bokeh show(l)
def xy_compare(series, width=200, size = 9, color = "#31AADE"): # Dict when lazy because of json encoding of arg if isinstance(series, dict): df = pd.DataFrame(series) else: df = pd.DataFrame(series.to_dict()) columns = list(df.columns) initial_x_key = columns[0] initial_y_key = columns[1] df['x'] = df[initial_x_key] df['y'] = df[initial_y_key] source = ColumnDataSource(df) def create_figure(): p = figure(plot_height=600, plot_width=800, tools='pan,box_zoom,hover,reset')'x', y='y', color=color, size=size, line_color="white", alpha=0.6, hover_color='white', hover_alpha=0.5, source=source) return p callback_x = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source), code=""" var data =; var f = cb_obj.value; var x = data['x'] var x_src = data[f] for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i] = x_src[i] } source.change.emit(); """) x = Select(title='X-Axis', value=initial_x_key, options=columns) x.js_on_change('value', callback_x) callback_y = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source), code=""" var data =; var f = cb_obj.value; var y = data['y'] var y_src = data[f] for (var i = 0; i < y.length; i++) { y[i] = y_src[i] } source.change.emit(); """) y = Select(title='Y-Axis', value=initial_y_key, options=columns) y.js_on_change('value', callback_y) controls = widgetbox([x, y], width=width) layout = row(controls, create_figure()) script, div = components(layout) html = ''.join([script, div]).replace('\n', '') x = 'console.log("Bokeh: ERROR: Unable to run BokehJS code because BokehJS library is missing")' html = html.replace(x, x+';') return html
'''Certain elements, like data, input_field (slection object) have to be defined outside of the make_plot function otherwise the update_plot function does not work.''' with open(fileDir + '\\Data\\merged_visuals_data.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: json_data = json.load(f) # geosource = GeoJSONDataSource(geojson=json_data) input_field = 'Median_price' # Call the plotting function p = make_plot(input_field) # Make a selection object from which users can choose: select select = Select(title='Select Criteria:', value='Price', options=['Price', 'Median Price', 'Price per Square Metre']) select.on_change('value', update_plot) # Make a column layout of widgetbox(slider) and plot, and add it to the current document layout = column(p, widgetbox(select)) curdoc().add_root(layout) # Display the current document output_notebook() show(p) #bokeh serve --show Downloader.ipynb -in anaconda prompt shows interactive map in local server # In[ ]:
N = 10 x = np.linspace(0, 4 * np.pi, N) y = np.sin(x) options = dict(tools="", toolbar_location=None, plot_height=300, plot_width=300) p1 = figure(title="Line (300 x 100)", **options) p1.plot_height = 100 p1.line(x, y) p2 = figure(title="Annular wedge (100 x 300)", title_location='right', **options) p2.plot_width = 100 p2.annular_wedge(x, y, 10, 20, 0.6, 4.1, inner_radius_units="screen", outer_radius_units="screen") p3 = figure(title="Bezier (300 x 300)", **options) p3.bezier(x, y, x + 0.4, y, x + 0.1, y + 0.2, x - 0.1, y - 0.2) p4 = figure(title="Quad (300 x 300)", **options) p4.quad(x, x - 0.2, y, y - 0.2) spacer_1 = Spacer(width=100, height=100) spacer_2 = Spacer(width=300, height=100) paragraph = Paragraph(text="We build up a grid plot manually. Try changing the mode yourself.") MODE = 'fixed' widgets = widgetbox([paragraph], sizing_mode=MODE) row_1 = row([spacer_1, p1, spacer_2], sizing_mode=MODE) row_2 = row([p2, p3, p4], sizing_mode=MODE) layout = column([widgets, row_1, row_2], sizing_mode=MODE) show(layout)
'date':, 'dep': df.dep, 'lat':, 'long': df.long, 'mag': df.mag, 'reg1': df.reg1, 'reg2': df.reg2, 'reg3': df.reg3 } columns = [ TableColumn(field="id", title="id", width=55), TableColumn(field="date", title="date"), TableColumn(field="dep", title="depth", width=35), TableColumn(field="lat", title="lat", width=55), TableColumn(field="long", title="long", width=55), TableColumn(field="mag", title="magnitude", width=55), TableColumn(field="reg1", title="reg1"), TableColumn(field="reg2", title="reg2"), TableColumn(field="reg3", title="reg3") ] data_table = DataTable(source=source, columns=columns, width=1280) table = widgetbox(data_table) curdoc().add_root(column(plot, table)) curdoc().title = "Earth Shaking ..." update()
"July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ], active=0) def monthSel(active): if active == 0: p2.x_range.start = MonthTimestamps[0] p2.x_range.end = MonthTimestamps[12] else: p2.x_range.start = MonthTimestamps[active - 1] p2.x_range.end = MonthTimestamps[active] radio_group.on_click(monthSel) dPickWidget = widgetbox(button) blank = widgetbox(radio_group, width=400) p1Widget = widgetbox(checkbox1) p2Widget = widgetbox(checkbox2) l = layout([[ column(slider, row(datePickStart, datePickEnd, height=210), dPickWidget, width=400), p1, p1Widget ], [blank, p2, p2Widget]]) legend1 = Legend(legends=[("Mon", [l_mon]), ("Tue", [l_tue]), ("Wed", [l_wed]), ("Thu", [l_thu]), ("Fri", [l_fri]), ("Sat", [l_sat]), ("Sun", [l_sun]), ("Deviation", [l_std])], location=(0, -5))
def generate_plots(ulog, px4_ulog, flight_mode_changes, db_data): """ create a list of bokeh plots (and widgets) to show """ plots = [] data = ulog.data_list # Heading sys_name = '' if 'sys_name' in ulog.msg_info_dict: sys_name = cgi.escape(ulog.msg_info_dict['sys_name']) + ' ' div = Div(text="<h1>" + sys_name + px4_ulog.get_mav_type() + "</h1>", width=int(plot_width * 0.9)) header_divs = [div] if db_data.description != '': div_descr = Div(text="<h4>" + db_data.description + "</h4>", width=int(plot_width * 0.9)) header_divs.append(div_descr) # airframe table_text = [] if 'SYS_AUTOSTART' in ulog.initial_parameters: sys_autostart = ulog.initial_parameters['SYS_AUTOSTART'] airframe_data = get_airframe_data(sys_autostart) if airframe_data is None: table_text.append(('Airframe', str(sys_autostart))) else: airframe_type = '' if 'type' in airframe_data: airframe_type = ', ' + airframe_data['type'] table_text.append( ('Airframe', airframe_data.get('name') + airframe_type + ' <small>(' + str(sys_autostart) + ')</small>')) # HW & SW if 'ver_hw' in ulog.msg_info_dict: sys_hw = cgi.escape(ulog.msg_info_dict['ver_hw']) table_text.append(('Hardware', sys_hw)) release_str = ulog.get_version_info_str() if release_str is None: release_str = '' release_str_suffix = '' else: release_str += ' <small>(' release_str_suffix = ')</small>' if 'ver_sw' in ulog.msg_info_dict: ver_sw = cgi.escape(ulog.msg_info_dict['ver_sw']) ver_sw_link = '' + ver_sw table_text.append( ('Software Version', release_str + '<a href="' + ver_sw_link + '" target="_blank">' + ver_sw[:8] + '</a>' + release_str_suffix)) if 'sys_os_name' in ulog.msg_info_dict and 'sys_os_ver_release' in ulog.msg_info_dict: os_name = cgi.escape(ulog.msg_info_dict['sys_os_name']) os_ver = ulog.get_version_info_str('sys_os_ver_release') if os_ver is not None: table_text.append(('OS Version', os_name + ', ' + os_ver)) table_text.append(('Estimator', px4_ulog.get_estimator())) # dropouts dropout_durations = [dropout.duration for dropout in ulog.dropouts] if len(dropout_durations) > 0: total_duration = sum(dropout_durations) / 1000 if total_duration > 5: total_duration_str = '{:.0f}'.format(total_duration) else: total_duration_str = '{:.2f}'.format(total_duration) table_text.append( ('Dropouts', '{:} ({:} s)'.format(len(dropout_durations), total_duration_str))) # logging duration m, s = divmod(int((ulog.last_timestamp - ulog.start_timestamp) / 1e6), 60) h, m = divmod(m, 60) table_text.append( ('Logging duration', '{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(h, m, s))) # Wind speed, rating, feedback if db_data.wind_speed >= 0: table_text.append(('Wind Speed', db_data.wind_speed_str())) if len(db_data.rating) > 0: table_text.append(('Flight Rating', db_data.rating_str())) if len( > 0: table_text.append(('Feedback','\n', '<br/>'))) if len(db_data.video_url) > 0: table_text.append(('Video', '<a href="' + db_data.video_url + '" target="_blank">' + db_data.video_url + '</a>')) # generate the table divs_text = '<table>' + ''.join([ '<tr><td class="left">' + a + ':</td><td>' + b + '</td></tr>' for a, b in table_text ]) + '</table>' header_divs.append(Div(text=divs_text, width=int(plot_width * 0.9))) plots.append(widgetbox(header_divs, width=int(plot_width * 0.9))) # FIXME: for now, we use Google maps directly without bokeh, because it's not working reliably # GPS map # gps_plots = [] # gps_titles = [] # plot = plot_map(ulog, plot_config, map_type='google', api_key = # get_google_maps_api_key(), setpoints=False) # plot = None # if plot is not None: # gps_plots.append(plot) # gps_titles.append('GPS Map: Satellite') # # plot = plot_map(ulog, plot_config, map_type='plain', setpoints=True) # if plot is not None: # gps_plots.append(plot) # gps_titles.append('GPS Map: Plain') # # data_plot = DataPlot2D(data, plot_config, 'vehicle_local_position', # x_axis_label = '[m]', y_axis_label='[m]', plot_height='gps_map') # data_plot.add_graph('y', 'x', colors2[0], 'Estimated') # data_plot.change_dataset('vehicle_local_position_setpoint') # data_plot.add_graph('y', 'x', colors2[1], 'Setpoint') # if data_plot.finalize() is not None: # gps_plots.append(data_plot.bokeh_plot) # gps_titles.append('Local Position') # # # if len(gps_plots) >= 2: # tabs = [] # for i in range(len(gps_plots)): # tabs.append(Panel(child=gps_plots[i], title=gps_titles[i])) # gps_plot_height=plot_config['plot_height']['gps_map'] + 30 # plots.append(Tabs(tabs=tabs, width=plot_width, height=gps_plot_height)) # elif len(gps_plots) == 1: # plots.extend(gps_plots) # Position plot data_plot = DataPlot2D(data, plot_config, 'vehicle_local_position', x_axis_label='[m]', y_axis_label='[m]', plot_height='gps_map') data_plot.add_graph('y', 'x', colors2[0], 'Estimated', check_if_all_zero=True) data_plot.change_dataset('vehicle_local_position_setpoint') data_plot.add_graph('y', 'x', colors2[1], 'Setpoint') # groundtruth (SITL only) data_plot.change_dataset('vehicle_local_position_groundtruth') data_plot.add_graph('y', 'x', color_gray, 'Groundtruth') # GPS + position setpoints plot_map(ulog, plot_config, map_type='plain', setpoints=True, bokeh_plot=data_plot.bokeh_plot) if data_plot.finalize() is not None: plots.append(data_plot.bokeh_plot) curdoc().template_variables['has_position_data'] = True # initialize parameter changes changed_params = None if not 'replay' in ulog.msg_info_dict: # replay can have many param changes if len(ulog.changed_parameters) > 0: changed_params = ulog.changed_parameters plots.append(None) # save space for the param change button ### Add all data plots ### # Altitude estimate data_plot = DataPlot(data, plot_config, 'vehicle_gps_position', y_axis_label='[m]', title='Altitude Estimate', changed_params=changed_params) data_plot.add_graph([lambda data: ('alt', data['alt'] * 0.001)], colors8[0:1], ['GPS Altitude']) data_plot.change_dataset('sensor_combined') data_plot.add_graph(['baro_alt_meter'], colors8[1:2], ['Barometer Altitude']) data_plot.change_dataset('vehicle_global_position') data_plot.add_graph(['alt'], colors8[2:3], ['Fused Altitude Estimation']) data_plot.change_dataset('position_setpoint_triplet') data_plot.add_circle(['current.alt'], [plot_config['mission_setpoint_color']], ['Altitude Setpoint']) data_plot.change_dataset('actuator_controls_0') data_plot.add_graph([lambda data: ('thrust', data['control[3]'] * 100)], colors8[6:7], ['Thrust * 100']) plot_flight_modes_background(data_plot.bokeh_plot, flight_mode_changes) #plot_dropouts(data_plot.bokeh_plot, ulog.dropouts) # TODO: call range update callback on startup when plot loaded... if data_plot.finalize() is not None: plots.append(data_plot) # Roll/Pitch/Yaw angle & angular rate for axis in ['roll', 'pitch', 'yaw']: # angle axis_name = axis.capitalize() data_plot = DataPlot(data, plot_config, 'vehicle_attitude', y_axis_label='[deg]', title=axis_name + ' Angle', plot_height='small', changed_params=changed_params) data_plot.add_graph([lambda data: (axis, np.rad2deg(data[axis]))], colors2[0:1], [axis_name + ' Estimated']) data_plot.change_dataset('vehicle_attitude_setpoint') data_plot.add_graph( [lambda data: (axis + '_d', np.rad2deg(data[axis + '_d']))], colors2[1:2], [axis_name + ' Setpoint']) data_plot.change_dataset('vehicle_attitude_groundtruth') data_plot.add_graph([lambda data: (axis, np.rad2deg(data[axis]))], [color_gray], [axis_name + ' Groundtruth']) plot_flight_modes_background(data_plot.bokeh_plot, flight_mode_changes) if data_plot.finalize() is not None: plots.append(data_plot) # rate data_plot = DataPlot(data, plot_config, 'vehicle_attitude', y_axis_label='[deg/s]', title=axis_name + ' Angular Rate', plot_height='small', changed_params=changed_params) data_plot.add_graph( [lambda data: (axis + 'speed', np.rad2deg(data[axis + 'speed']))], colors2[0:1], [axis_name + ' Rate Estimated']) data_plot.change_dataset('vehicle_rates_setpoint') data_plot.add_graph([lambda data: (axis, np.rad2deg(data[axis]))], colors2[1:2], [axis_name + ' Rate Setpoint']) data_plot.change_dataset('vehicle_attitude_groundtruth') data_plot.add_graph( [lambda data: (axis + 'speed', np.rad2deg(data[axis + 'speed']))], [color_gray], [axis_name + ' Rate Groundtruth']) plot_flight_modes_background(data_plot.bokeh_plot, flight_mode_changes) if data_plot.finalize() is not None: plots.append(data_plot) # Local position for axis in ['x', 'y', 'z']: data_plot = DataPlot(data, plot_config, 'vehicle_local_position', y_axis_label='[m]', title='Local Position ' + axis.upper(), plot_height='small', changed_params=changed_params) data_plot.add_graph([axis], colors2[0:1], [axis.upper() + ' Estimated']) data_plot.change_dataset('vehicle_local_position_setpoint') data_plot.add_graph([axis], colors2[1:2], [axis.upper() + ' Setpoint']) plot_flight_modes_background(data_plot.bokeh_plot, flight_mode_changes) if data_plot.finalize() is not None: plots.append(data_plot) # Velocity data_plot = DataPlot(data, plot_config, 'vehicle_local_position', y_axis_label='[m/s]', title='Velocity', plot_height='small', changed_params=changed_params) data_plot.add_graph(['vx', 'vy', 'vz'], colors3, ['x', 'y', 'z']) plot_flight_modes_background(data_plot.bokeh_plot, flight_mode_changes) if data_plot.finalize() is not None: plots.append(data_plot) # raw radio control inputs data_plot = DataPlot(data, plot_config, 'rc_channels', title='Raw Radio Control Inputs', plot_height='small', y_range=Range1d(-1.1, 1.1), changed_params=changed_params) num_rc_channels = 8 if data_plot.dataset: max_channels = np.amax(['channel_count']) if max_channels < num_rc_channels: num_rc_channels = max_channels legends = [] for i in range(num_rc_channels): channel_names = px4_ulog.get_configured_rc_input_names(i) if channel_names is None: legends.append('Channel ' + str(i)) else: legends.append('Channel ' + str(i) + ' (' + ', '.join(channel_names) + ')') data_plot.add_graph( ['channels[' + str(i) + ']' for i in range(num_rc_channels)], colors8[0:num_rc_channels], legends) plot_flight_modes_background(data_plot.bokeh_plot, flight_mode_changes) if data_plot.finalize() is not None: plots.append(data_plot) # actuator controls 0 data_plot = DataPlot(data, plot_config, 'actuator_controls_0', y_start=0, title='Actuator Controls 0', plot_height='small', changed_params=changed_params) data_plot.add_graph( ['control[0]', 'control[1]', 'control[2]', 'control[3]'], colors8[0:4], ['Roll', 'Pitch', 'Yaw', 'Thrust']) plot_flight_modes_background(data_plot.bokeh_plot, flight_mode_changes) if data_plot.finalize() is not None: plots.append(data_plot) # actuator outputs data_plot = DataPlot(data, plot_config, 'actuator_outputs', y_start=0, title='Actuator Outputs', plot_height='small', changed_params=changed_params) num_actuator_outputs = 8 if data_plot.dataset: max_outputs = np.amax(['noutputs']) if max_outputs < num_actuator_outputs: num_actuator_outputs = max_outputs data_plot.add_graph( ['output[' + str(i) + ']' for i in range(num_actuator_outputs)], colors8[0:num_actuator_outputs], ['Output ' + str(i) for i in range(num_actuator_outputs)]) plot_flight_modes_background(data_plot.bokeh_plot, flight_mode_changes) if data_plot.finalize() is not None: plots.append(data_plot) # raw acceleration data_plot = DataPlot(data, plot_config, 'sensor_combined', y_axis_label='[m/s^2]', title='Raw Acceleration', plot_height='small', changed_params=changed_params) data_plot.add_graph([ 'accelerometer_m_s2[0]', 'accelerometer_m_s2[1]', 'accelerometer_m_s2[2]' ], colors3, ['x', 'y', 'z']) if data_plot.finalize() is not None: plots.append(data_plot) # raw angular speed data_plot = DataPlot(data, plot_config, 'sensor_combined', y_axis_label='[deg/s]', title='Raw Angular Speed (Gyroscope)', plot_height='small', changed_params=changed_params) data_plot.add_graph([ lambda data: ('gyro_rad[0]', np.rad2deg(data['gyro_rad[0]'])), lambda data: ('gyro_rad[1]', np.rad2deg(data['gyro_rad[1]'])), lambda data: ('gyro_rad[2]', np.rad2deg(data['gyro_rad[2]'])) ], colors3, ['x', 'y', 'z']) if data_plot.finalize() is not None: plots.append(data_plot) # magnetic field strength data_plot = DataPlot(data, plot_config, 'sensor_combined', y_axis_label='[gauss]', title='Raw Magnetic Field Strength', plot_height='small', changed_params=changed_params) data_plot.add_graph( ['magnetometer_ga[0]', 'magnetometer_ga[1]', 'magnetometer_ga[2]'], colors3, ['x', 'y', 'z']) if data_plot.finalize() is not None: plots.append(data_plot) # distance sensor data_plot = DataPlot(data, plot_config, 'distance_sensor', y_start=0, y_axis_label='[m]', title='Distance Sensor', plot_height='small', changed_params=changed_params) data_plot.add_graph(['current_distance', 'covariance'], colors3[0:2], ['Distance', 'Covariance']) if data_plot.finalize() is not None: plots.append(data_plot) # gps uncertainty # the accuracy values can be really large if there is no fix, so we limit the # y axis range to some sane values data_plot = DataPlot(data, plot_config, 'vehicle_gps_position', title='GPS Uncertainty', y_range=Range1d(0, 40), plot_height='small', changed_params=changed_params) data_plot.add_graph( ['eph', 'epv', 'satellites_used', 'fix_type'], colors8[::2], [ 'Horizontal position accuracy [m]', 'Vertical position accuracy [m]', 'Num Satellites used', 'GPS Fix' ]) if data_plot.finalize() is not None: plots.append(data_plot) # gps noise & jamming data_plot = DataPlot(data, plot_config, 'vehicle_gps_position', y_start=0, title='GPS Noise & Jamming', plot_height='small', changed_params=changed_params) data_plot.add_graph(['noise_per_ms', 'jamming_indicator'], colors3[0:2], ['Noise per ms', 'Jamming Indicator']) if data_plot.finalize() is not None: plots.append(data_plot) # thrust and magnetic field data_plot = DataPlot(data, plot_config, 'sensor_combined', y_start=0, title='Thrust and Magnetic Field', plot_height='small', changed_params=changed_params) data_plot.add_graph([ lambda data: ('len_mag', np.sqrt(data['magnetometer_ga[0]']**2 + data['magnetometer_ga[1]']**2 + data['magnetometer_ga[2]']**2)) ], colors2[0:1], ['Norm of Magnetic Field']) data_plot.change_dataset('actuator_controls_0') data_plot.add_graph([lambda data: ('thrust', data['control[3]'])], colors2[1:2], ['Thrust']) if data_plot.finalize() is not None: plots.append(data_plot) # power # TODO: dischared in Ah? data_plot = DataPlot(data, plot_config, 'battery_status', y_start=0, title='Power', plot_height='small', changed_params=changed_params) data_plot.add_graph([ 'voltage_v', 'voltage_filtered_v', 'current_a', lambda data: ('discharged_mah', data['discharged_mah'] / 100) ], colors8[::2], [ 'Voltage [V]', 'Voltage filtered [V]', 'Current [A]', 'Discharged Amount [mAh / 100]' ]) if data_plot.finalize() is not None: plots.append(data_plot) # estimator watchdog data_plot = DataPlot(data, plot_config, 'estimator_status', y_start=0, title='Estimator Watchdog', plot_height='small', changed_params=changed_params) data_plot.add_graph(['nan_flags', 'health_flags', 'timeout_flags'], colors3, [ 'NaN Flags', 'Health Flags (vel, pos, hgt)', 'Timeout Flags (vel, pos, hgt)' ]) if data_plot.finalize() is not None: plots.append(data_plot) # RC Quality data_plot = DataPlot(data, plot_config, 'input_rc', title='RC Quality', plot_height='small', y_range=Range1d(0, 1), changed_params=changed_params) data_plot.add_graph(['rc_lost', lambda data: ('rssi', data['rssi'] / 100)], colors3[0:2], ['RC Lost', 'RSSI [0, 1]']) if data_plot.finalize() is not None: plots.append(data_plot) # cpu load data_plot = DataPlot(data, plot_config, 'cpuload', title='CPU & RAM', plot_height='small', y_range=Range1d(0, 1), changed_params=changed_params) data_plot.add_graph(['ram_usage', 'load'], [colors3[1], colors3[2]], ['RAM Usage', 'CPU Load']) data_plot.add_span('load', line_color=colors3[2]) data_plot.add_span('ram_usage', line_color=colors3[1]) plot_flight_modes_background(data_plot.bokeh_plot, flight_mode_changes) if data_plot.finalize() is not None: plots.append(data_plot) # sampling: time difference try: data_plot = DataPlot(data, plot_config, 'sensor_combined', y_start=0, y_axis_label='[us]', title='Sampling Regularity of Sensor Data', plot_height='small', changed_params=changed_params) sensor_combined = ulog.get_dataset('sensor_combined').data sampling_diff = np.diff(sensor_combined['timestamp']) min_sampling_diff = np.amin(sampling_diff) plot_dropouts(data_plot.bokeh_plot, ulog.dropouts, min_sampling_diff) data_plot.add_graph( [lambda data: ('timediff', np.append(sampling_diff, 0))], [colors3[2]], ['delta t (between 2 samples)']) if data_plot.finalize() is not None: plots.append(data_plot) except: pass # exchange all DataPlot's with the bokeh_plot and handle parameter changes param_changes_button = Button(label="Hide Parameter Changes", width=170) param_change_labels = [] # FIXME: this should be a CustomJS callback, not on the server. However this # did not work for me. def param_changes_button_clicked(): """ callback to show/hide parameter changes """ for label in param_change_labels: if label.visible: param_changes_button.label = 'Show Parameter Changes' label.visible = False label.text_alpha = 0 # label.visible does not work, so we use this instead else: param_changes_button.label = 'Hide Parameter Changes' label.visible = True label.text_alpha = 1 param_changes_button.on_click(param_changes_button_clicked) jinja_plot_data = [] for i in range(len(plots)): if plots[i] is None: plots[i] = widgetbox(param_changes_button, width=int(plot_width * 0.99)) if isinstance(plots[i], DataPlot): if plots[i].param_change_label is not None: param_change_labels.append(plots[i].param_change_label) plots[i] = plots[i].bokeh_plot plot_title = plots[i].title.text fragment = 'Nav-'+plot_title.replace(' ', '-') \ .replace('&', '_').replace('(', '').replace(')', '') jinja_plot_data.append({ 'model_id': plots[i].ref['id'], 'fragment': fragment, 'title': plot_title }) # log messages log_times = [] log_levels = [] log_messages = [] for m in ulog.logged_messages: m1, s1 = divmod(int(m.timestamp / 1e6), 60) h1, m1 = divmod(m1, 60) log_times.append("{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d}".format(h1, m1, s1)) log_levels.append(m.log_level_str()) log_messages.append(m.message) log_data = dict(times=log_times, levels=log_levels, messages=log_messages) source = ColumnDataSource(log_data) columns = [ TableColumn(field="times", title="Time", width=int(plot_width * 0.15), sortable=False), TableColumn(field="levels", title="Level", width=int(plot_width * 0.1), sortable=False), TableColumn(field="messages", title="Message", width=int(plot_width * 0.75), sortable=False), ] data_table = DataTable(source=source, columns=columns, width=plot_width, height=300, sortable=False, selectable=False) div = Div(text="""<b>Logged Messages</b>""", width=int(plot_width / 2)) plots.append(widgetbox(div, data_table, width=plot_width)) curdoc().template_variables['plots'] = jinja_plot_data return plots
p.xaxis.axis_label = x_axis.value p.yaxis.axis_label = y_axis.value p.title.text = "%d movies selected" % len(df) = dict( x=df[x_name], y=df[y_name], color=df["color"], title=df["Title"], year=df["Year"], revenue=df["revenue"], alpha=df["alpha"], ) controls = [reviews, boxoffice, genre, min_year, max_year, oscars, director, cast, x_axis, y_axis] for control in controls: control.on_change('value', lambda attr, old, new: update()) sizing_mode = 'fixed' # 'scale_width' also looks nice with this example inputs = widgetbox(*controls, sizing_mode=sizing_mode) l = layout([ [desc], [inputs, p], ], sizing_mode=sizing_mode) update() # initial load of the data curdoc().add_root(l) curdoc().title = "Movies"
def tool_handler(self, doc): from bokeh.layouts import row, column, widgetbox from bokeh.models.mappers import LinearColorMapper from bokeh.models import widgets from bokeh.plotting import figure if len(self.arr.shape) != 2: raise AnalysisError( 'Cannot use the band tool on non image-like spectra') arr = self.arr x_coords, y_coords = arr.coords[arr.dims[0]], arr.coords[arr.dims[1]] default_palette = self.default_palette self.app_context.update({ 'bands': {}, 'center_float': None, 'data': arr, 'data_range': { 'x': (np.min(x_coords.values), np.max(x_coords.values)), 'y': (np.min(y_coords.values), np.max(y_coords.values)), }, 'direction_normal': True, 'fit_mode': 'mdc', }) figures, plots, app_widgets = self.app_context['figures'], self.app_context['plots'], \ self.app_context['widgets'] self.cursor = [ np.mean(self.data_range['x']), np.mean(self.data_range['y']) ] self.color_maps['main'] = LinearColorMapper(default_palette, low=np.min(arr.values), high=np.max(arr.values), nan_color='black') main_tools = ["wheel_zoom", "tap", "reset"] main_title = 'Band Tool: WARNING Unidentified' try: main_title = 'Band Tool: {}'.format(arr.S.label[:60]) except: pass figures['main'] = figure(tools=main_tools, plot_width=self.app_main_size, plot_height=self.app_main_size, min_border=10, min_border_left=50, toolbar_location='left', x_axis_location='below', y_axis_location='right', title=main_title, x_range=self.data_range['x'], y_range=self.data_range['y']) figures['main'].xaxis.axis_label = arr.dims[0] figures['main'].yaxis.axis_label = arr.dims[1] figures['main'].toolbar.logo = None figures['main'].background_fill_color = "#fafafa" plots['main'] = figures['main'].image( [arr.values.T], x=self.app_context['data_range']['x'][0], y=self.app_context['data_range']['y'][0], dw=self.app_context['data_range']['x'][1] - self.app_context['data_range']['x'][0], dh=self.app_context['data_range']['y'][1] - self.app_context['data_range']['y'][0], color_mapper=self.app_context['color_maps']['main']) # add lines self.add_cursor_lines(figures['main']) band_lines = figures['main'].multi_line(xs=[], ys=[], line_color='white', line_width=1) def append_point_to_band(): cursor = self.cursor if self.active_band in self.app_context['bands']: self.app_context['bands'][self.active_band]['points'].append( list(cursor)) update_band_display() def click_main_image(event): self.cursor = [event.x, event.y] if self.pointer_mode == 'band': append_point_to_band() update_main_colormap = self.update_colormap_for('main') POINTER_MODES = [ ( 'Cursor', 'cursor', ), ( 'Band', 'band', ), ] FIT_MODES = [ ( 'EDC', 'edc', ), ( 'MDC', 'mdc', ), ] DIRECTIONS = [ ( 'From Bottom/Left', 'forward', ), ('From Top/Right', 'reverse'), ] BAND_TYPES = [( 'Lorentzian', 'Lorentzian', ), ( 'Voigt', 'Voigt', ), ( 'Gaussian', 'Gaussian', )] band_classes = { 'Lorentzian': band.Band, 'Gaussian': band.BackgroundBand, 'Voigt': band.VoigtBand, } self.app_context['band_options'] = [] def pack_bands(): packed_bands = {} for band_name, band_description in self.app_context['bands'].items( ): if not band_description['points']: raise AnalysisError('Band {} is empty.'.format(band_name)) stray = None try: stray = float(band_description['center_float']) except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError): try: stray = float(self.app_context['center_float']) except Exception: pass packed_bands[band_name] = { 'name': band_name, 'band': band_classes.get(band_description['type'], band.Band), 'dims': self.arr.dims, 'params': { 'amplitude': { 'min': 0 }, }, 'points': band_description['points'], } if stray is not None: packed_bands[band_name]['params']['stray'] = stray return packed_bands def fit(override_data=None): packed_bands = pack_bands() dims = list(self.arr.dims) if 'eV' in dims: dims.remove('eV') angular_direction = dims[0] if isinstance(override_data, xr.Dataset): override_data = normalize_to_spectrum(override_data) return fit_patterned_bands( override_data if override_data is not None else self.arr, packed_bands, fit_direction='eV' if self.app_context['fit_mode'] == 'edc' else angular_direction, direction_normal=self.app_context['direction_normal']) self.app_context['pack_bands'] = pack_bands self.app_context['fit'] = fit self.pointer_dropdown = widgets.Dropdown(label='Pointer Mode', button_type='primary', menu=POINTER_MODES) self.direction_dropdown = widgets.Dropdown(label='Fit Direction', button_type='primary', menu=DIRECTIONS) self.band_dropdown = widgets.Dropdown( label='Active Band', button_type='primary', menu=self.app_context['band_options']) self.fit_mode_dropdown = widgets.Dropdown(label='Mode', button_type='primary', menu=FIT_MODES) self.band_type_dropdown = widgets.Dropdown(label='Band Type', button_type='primary', menu=BAND_TYPES) self.band_name_input = widgets.TextInput(placeholder='Band name...') self.center_float_widget = widgets.TextInput( placeholder='Center Constraint') self.center_float_copy = widgets.Button(label='Copy to all...') self.add_band_button = widgets.Button(label='Add Band') self.clear_band_button = widgets.Button(label='Clear Band') self.remove_band_button = widgets.Button(label='Remove Band') self.main_color_range_slider = widgets.RangeSlider(start=0, end=100, value=( 0, 100, ), title='Color Range') def add_band(band_name): if band_name not in self.app_context['bands']: self.app_context['band_options'].append(( band_name, band_name, )) = self.app_context['band_options'] self.app_context['bands'][band_name] = { 'type': 'Lorentzian', 'points': [], 'name': band_name, 'center_float': None, } if self.active_band is None: self.active_band = band_name self.save_app() def on_copy_center_float(): for band_name in self.app_context['bands'].keys(): self.app_context['bands'][band_name][ 'center_float'] = self.app_context['center_float'] self.save_app() def on_change_active_band(attr, old_band_id, band_id): self.app_context['active_band'] = band_id self.active_band = band_id def on_change_pointer_mode(attr, old_pointer_mode, pointer_mode): self.app_context['pointer_mode'] = pointer_mode self.pointer_mode = pointer_mode def set_center_float_value(attr, old_value, new_value): self.app_context['center_float'] = new_value if self.active_band in self.app_context['bands']: self.app_context['bands'][ self.active_band]['center_float'] = new_value self.save_app() def set_fit_direction(attr, old_direction, new_direction): self.app_context['direction_normal'] = new_direction == 'forward' self.save_app() def set_fit_mode(attr, old_mode, new_mode): self.app_context['fit_mode'] = new_mode self.save_app() def set_band_type(attr, old_type, new_type): if self.active_band in self.app_context['bands']: self.app_context['bands'][self.active_band]['type'] = new_type self.save_app() def update_band_display(): band_names = self.app_context['bands'].keys() = { 'xs': [[p[0] for p in self.app_context['bands'][b]['points']] for b in band_names], 'ys': [[p[1] for p in self.app_context['bands'][b]['points']] for b in band_names], } self.save_app() self.update_band_display = update_band_display def on_clear_band(): if self.active_band in self.app_context['bands']: self.app_context['bands'][self.active_band]['points'] = [] update_band_display() def on_remove_band(): if self.active_band in self.app_context['bands']: del self.app_context['bands'][self.active_band] new_band_options = [ b for b in self.app_context['band_options'] if b[0] != self.active_band ] = new_band_options self.app_context['band_options'] = new_band_options self.active_band = None update_band_display() # Attach callbacks self.main_color_range_slider.on_change('value', update_main_colormap) figures['main'].on_event(events.Tap, click_main_image) self.band_dropdown.on_change('value', on_change_active_band) self.pointer_dropdown.on_change('value', on_change_pointer_mode) self.add_band_button.on_click( lambda: add_band(self.band_name_input.value)) self.clear_band_button.on_click(on_clear_band) self.remove_band_button.on_click(on_remove_band) self.center_float_copy.on_click(on_copy_center_float) self.center_float_widget.on_change('value', set_center_float_value) self.direction_dropdown.on_change('value', set_fit_direction) self.fit_mode_dropdown.on_change('value', set_fit_mode) self.band_type_dropdown.on_change('value', set_band_type) layout = row( column(figures['main']), column( widgetbox( self.pointer_dropdown, self.band_dropdown, self.fit_mode_dropdown, self.band_type_dropdown, self.direction_dropdown, ), row( self.band_name_input, self.add_band_button, ), row( self.clear_band_button, self.remove_band_button, ), row(self.center_float_widget, self.center_float_copy), widgetbox( self._cursor_info, self.main_color_range_slider, ))) doc.add_root(layout) doc.title = 'Band Tool' self.load_app() self.save_app()