예제 #1
파일: consumers.py 프로젝트: afcarl/bokeh
    async def _async_open(self, session_id: str) -> None:
            await self.application_context.create_session_if_needed(
                session_id, self.request)
            session = self.application_context.get_session(session_id)

            protocol = Protocol()
            self.receiver = Receiver(protocol)
            log.debug("Receiver created for %r", protocol)

            self.handler = ProtocolHandler()
            log.debug("ProtocolHandler created for %r", protocol)

            self.connection = self._new_connection(protocol, self,
            log.info("ServerConnection created")

        except Exception as e:
            log.error("Could not create new server session, reason: %s", e)
            raise e

        msg = self.connection.protocol.create('ACK')
        await self._send_bokeh_message(msg)
예제 #2
    async def open(self, path, *args, **kwargs):
        _, context = _APPS[path]

        token = self._token
        if self.selected_subprotocol != 'bokeh':
            raise ProtocolError("Subprotocol header is not 'bokeh'")
        elif token is None:
            raise ProtocolError("No token received in subprotocol header")

        session_id = get_session_id(token)

        await context.create_session_if_needed(session_id, self.request, token)
        session = context.get_session(session_id)

            protocol = Protocol()
            self.receiver = Receiver(protocol)
            self.handler = ProtocolHandler()
            self.connection = self.new_connection(protocol, context, session)
        except ProtocolError as e:
            raise e

        msg = self.connection.protocol.create('ACK')
        await self.send_message(msg)
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, session, websocket_url, io_loop=None):
        ''' Opens a websocket connection to the server.

        self._url = websocket_url
        self._session = session
        self._protocol = Protocol("1.0")
        self._receiver = Receiver(self._protocol)
        self._socket = None
        self._state = NOT_YET_CONNECTED()
        if io_loop is None:
            # We can't use IOLoop.current because then we break
            # when running inside a notebook since ipython also uses it
            io_loop = IOLoop()
        self._loop = io_loop
        self._until_predicate = None
        self._protocol = Protocol("1.0")
        self._server_info = None
예제 #4
 def __init__(self, session, websocket_url, io_loop=None):
       Opens a websocket connection to the server.
     self._url = websocket_url
     self._session = session
     self._protocol = Protocol("1.0")
     self._receiver = Receiver(self._protocol)
     self._socket = None
     self._state = self.NOT_YET_CONNECTED()
     if io_loop is None:
         # We can't use IOLoop.current because then we break
         # when running inside a notebook since ipython also uses it
         io_loop = IOLoop()
     self._loop = io_loop
     self._until_predicate = None
     self._protocol = Protocol("1.0")
     self._server_info = None
예제 #5
class ClientConnection(object):
    ''' A Bokeh low-level class used to implement ClientSession; use ClientSession to connect to the server.

    def __init__(self, session, websocket_url, io_loop=None):
        ''' Opens a websocket connection to the server.

        self._url = websocket_url
        self._session = session
        self._protocol = Protocol("1.0")
        self._receiver = Receiver(self._protocol)
        self._socket = None
        self._state = NOT_YET_CONNECTED()
        if io_loop is None:
            # We can't use IOLoop.current because then we break
            # when running inside a notebook since ipython also uses it
            io_loop = IOLoop()
        self._loop = io_loop
        self._until_predicate = None
        self._protocol = Protocol("1.0")
        self._server_info = None

    def url(self):
        ''' The URL of the websocket this Connection is to. '''
        return self._url

    def io_loop(self):
        ''' The Tornado ``IOLoop`` this connection is using. '''
        return self._loop

    def connected(self):
        ''' Whether we've connected the Websocket and have exchanged initial
        handshake messages.

        return isinstance(self._state, CONNECTED_AFTER_ACK)

    def connect(self):
        def connected_or_closed():
            # we should be looking at the same state here as the 'connected' property above, so connected
            # means both connected and that we did our initial message exchange
            return isinstance(self._state, CONNECTED_AFTER_ACK) or isinstance(
                self._state, DISCONNECTED)


    def close(self, why="closed"):
        ''' Close the Websocket connection.

        if self._socket is not None:
            self._socket.close(1000, why)

    def loop_until_closed(self):
        ''' Execute a blocking loop that runs and exectutes event callbacks
        until the connection is closed (e.g. by hitting Ctrl-C).

        While this method can be used to run Bokeh application code "outside"
        the Bokeh server, this practice is HIGHLY DISCOURAGED for any real
        use case.

        if isinstance(self._state, NOT_YET_CONNECTED):
            # we don't use self._transition_to_disconnected here
            # because _transition is a coroutine
            self._state = DISCONNECTED()

            def closed():
                return isinstance(self._state, DISCONNECTED)


    def send_message(self, message):
        if self._socket is None:
            log.info("We're disconnected, so not sending message %r", message)
                sent = yield message.send(self._socket)
                log.debug("Sent %r [%d bytes]", message, sent)
            except WebSocketError as e:
                # A thing that happens is that we detect the
                # socket closing by getting a None from
                # read_message, but the network socket can be down
                # with many messages still in the read buffer, so
                # we'll process all those incoming messages and
                # get write errors trying to send change
                # notifications during that processing.

                # this is just debug level because it's completely normal
                # for it to happen when the socket shuts down.
                log.debug("Error sending message to server: %r", e)

                # error is almost certainly because
                # socket is already closed, but be sure,
                # because once we fail to send a message
                # we can't recover
                self.close(why="received error while sending")

                # don't re-throw the error - there's nothing to
                # do about it.

        raise gen.Return(None)

    def _send_patch_document(self, session_id, event):
        # XXX This will cause the client to always send all columns when a CDS
        # is mutated in place. Additionally we set use_buffers=False below as
        # well, to suppress using the binary array transport. Real Bokeh server
        # apps running inside a server can handle these updates much more
        # efficiently
        from bokeh.document.events import ColumnDataChangedEvent
        if hasattr(event, 'hint') and isinstance(event.hint,
            event.hint.cols = None
        msg = self._protocol.create('PATCH-DOC', [event], use_buffers=False)

    def _send_message_wait_for_reply(self, message):
        waiter = WAITING_FOR_REPLY(message.header['msgid'])
        self._state = waiter

        send_result = []

        def message_sent(future):

        self._loop.add_future(self.send_message(message), message_sent)

        def have_send_result_or_disconnected():
            return len(send_result) > 0 or self._state != waiter


        def have_reply_or_disconnected():
            return self._state != waiter or waiter.reply is not None


        return waiter.reply

    def push_doc(self, document):
        ''' Push a document to the server, overwriting any existing server-side doc.

            document : (Document)
                A Document to push to the server

            The server reply

        msg = self._protocol.create('PUSH-DOC', document)
        reply = self._send_message_wait_for_reply(msg)
        if reply is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Connection to server was lost")
        elif reply.header['msgtype'] == 'ERROR':
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to push document: " +
            return reply

    def pull_doc(self, document):
        ''' Pull a document from the server, overwriting the passed-in document

            document : (Document)
              The document to overwrite with server content.


        msg = self._protocol.create('PULL-DOC-REQ')
        reply = self._send_message_wait_for_reply(msg)
        if reply is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Connection to server was lost")
        elif reply.header['msgtype'] == 'ERROR':
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to pull document: " +

    def _send_request_server_info(self):
        msg = self._protocol.create('SERVER-INFO-REQ')
        reply = self._send_message_wait_for_reply(msg)
        if reply is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Did not get a reply to server info request before disconnect")
        return reply.content

    def request_server_info(self):
        ''' Ask for information about the server.

            A dictionary of server attributes.

        if self._server_info is None:
            self._server_info = self._send_request_server_info()
        return self._server_info

    def force_roundtrip(self):
        ''' Force a round-trip request/reply to the server, sometimes needed to
        avoid race conditions. Mostly useful for testing.

        Outside of test suites, this method hurts performance and should not be



    def _loop_until(self, predicate):
        self._until_predicate = predicate
            # this runs self._next ONE time, but
            # self._next re-runs itself until
            # the predicate says to quit.
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            self.close("user interruption")

    def _next(self):
        if self._until_predicate is not None and self._until_predicate():
            log.debug("Stopping client loop in state %s due to True from %s",
            self._until_predicate = None
            raise gen.Return(None)
            log.debug("Running state " + self._state.__class__.__name__)
            yield self._state.run(self)

    def _transition(self, new_state):
        log.debug("transitioning to state " + new_state.__class__.__name__)
        self._state = new_state
        yield self._next()

    def _transition_to_disconnected(self):
        yield self._transition(DISCONNECTED())

    def _connect_async(self):
        versioned_url = "%s?bokeh-protocol-version=1.0&bokeh-session-id=%s" % (
            self._url, self._session.id)
        request = HTTPRequest(versioned_url)
            socket = yield websocket_connect(request)
            self._socket = WebSocketClientConnectionWrapper(socket)
        except Exception as e:
            log.info("Failed to connect to server: %r", e)

        if self._socket is None:
            yield self._transition_to_disconnected()
            yield self._transition(CONNECTED_BEFORE_ACK())

    def _wait_for_ack(self):
        message = yield self._pop_message()
        if message and message.msgtype == 'ACK':
            log.debug("Received %r", message)
            yield self._transition(CONNECTED_AFTER_ACK())
        elif message is None:
            yield self._transition_to_disconnected()
            raise ProtocolError("Received %r instead of ACK" % message)

    def _handle_messages(self):
        message = yield self._pop_message()
        if message is None:
            yield self._transition_to_disconnected()
            if message.msgtype == 'PATCH-DOC':
                log.debug("Got PATCH-DOC, applying to session")
                log.debug("Ignoring %r", message)
            # we don't know about whatever message we got, ignore it.
            yield self._next()

    def _pop_message(self):
        while True:
            if self._socket is None:
                raise gen.Return(None)

            # log.debug("Waiting for fragment...")
            fragment = None
                fragment = yield self._socket.read_message()
            except Exception as e:
                # this happens on close, so debug level since it's "normal"
                log.debug("Error reading from socket %r", e)
            # log.debug("... got fragment %r", fragment)
            if fragment is None:
                # XXX Tornado doesn't give us the code and reason
                log.info("Connection closed by server")
                raise gen.Return(None)
                message = yield self._receiver.consume(fragment)
                if message is not None:
                    log.debug("Received message %r" % message)
                    raise gen.Return(message)
            except (MessageError, ProtocolError, ValidationError) as e:
                log.error("%r", e, exc_info=True)
                self.close(why="error parsing message from server")

    def _tell_session_about_disconnect(self):
        if self._session:
예제 #6
class ClientConnection(object):
    """ A Bokeh-private class used to implement ClientSession; use ClientSession to connect to the server."""

    class NOT_YET_CONNECTED(object):
        def run(self, connection):
            yield connection._connect_async()

    class CONNECTED_BEFORE_ACK(object):
        def run(self, connection):
            yield connection._wait_for_ack()

    class CONNECTED_AFTER_ACK(object):
        def run(self, connection):
            yield connection._handle_messages()

    class DISCONNECTED(object):
        def run(self, connection):
            raise gen.Return(None)

    class WAITING_FOR_REPLY(object):
        def __init__(self, reqid):
            self._reqid = reqid
            self._reply = None

        def reply(self):
            return self._reply

        def run(self, connection):
            message = yield connection._pop_message()
            if message is None:
                yield connection._transition_to_disconnected()
            elif 'reqid' in message.header and message.header['reqid'] == self._reqid:
                self._reply = message
                yield connection._transition(connection.CONNECTED_AFTER_ACK())
                yield connection._next()

    def __init__(self, session, websocket_url, io_loop=None):
          Opens a websocket connection to the server.
        self._url = websocket_url
        self._session = session
        self._protocol = Protocol("1.0")
        self._receiver = Receiver(self._protocol)
        self._socket = None
        self._state = self.NOT_YET_CONNECTED()
        if io_loop is None:
            # We can't use IOLoop.current because then we break
            # when running inside a notebook since ipython also uses it
            io_loop = IOLoop()
        self._loop = io_loop
        self._until_predicate = None
        self._protocol = Protocol("1.0")
        self._server_info = None

    def url(self):
        return self._url

    def io_loop(self):
        return self._loop

    def connected(self):
        """True if we've connected the websocket and exchanged initial handshake messages."""
        return isinstance(self._state, self.CONNECTED_AFTER_ACK)

    def connect(self):
        def connected_or_closed():
            # we should be looking at the same state here as the 'connected' property above, so connected
            # means both connected and that we did our initial message exchange
            return isinstance(self._state, self.CONNECTED_AFTER_ACK) or isinstance(self._state, self.DISCONNECTED)

    def close(self, why="closed"):
        if self._socket is not None:
            self._socket.close(1000, why)

    def loop_until_closed(self):
        if isinstance(self._state, self.NOT_YET_CONNECTED):
            # we don't use self._transition_to_disconnected here
            # because _transition is a coroutine
            self._state = self.DISCONNECTED()
            def closed():
                return isinstance(self._state, self.DISCONNECTED)

    def send_message(self, message):
        if self._socket is None:
            log.info("We're disconnected, so not sending message %r", message)
                sent = yield message.send(self._socket)
                log.debug("Sent %r [%d bytes]", message, sent)
            except WebSocketError as e:
                # A thing that happens is that we detect the
                # socket closing by getting a None from
                # read_message, but the network socket can be down
                # with many messages still in the read buffer, so
                # we'll process all those incoming messages and
                # get write errors trying to send change
                # notifications during that processing.

                # this is just debug level because it's completely normal
                # for it to happen when the socket shuts down.
                log.debug("Error sending message to server: %r", e)

                # error is almost certainly because
                # socket is already closed, but be sure,
                # because once we fail to send a message
                # we can't recover
                self.close(why="received error while sending")

                # don't re-throw the error - there's nothing to
                # do about it.

        raise gen.Return(None)

    def _send_patch_document(self, session_id, event):
        msg = self._protocol.create('PATCH-DOC', [event])

    def _send_message_wait_for_reply(self, message):
        waiter = self.WAITING_FOR_REPLY(message.header['msgid'])
        self._state = waiter

        send_result = []
        def message_sent(future):
        self._loop.add_future(self.send_message(message), message_sent)

        def have_send_result_or_disconnected():
            return len(send_result) > 0 or self._state != waiter

        def have_reply_or_disconnected():
            return self._state != waiter or waiter.reply is not None

        return waiter.reply

    def push_doc(self, document):
        ''' Push a document to the server, overwriting any existing server-side doc.

            document : bokeh.document.Document
              the Document to push to the server
             The server reply
        msg = self._protocol.create('PUSH-DOC', document)
        reply = self._send_message_wait_for_reply(msg)
        if reply is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Connection to server was lost")
        elif reply.header['msgtype'] == 'ERROR':
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to push document: " + reply.content['text'])
            return reply

    def pull_doc(self, document):
        ''' Pull a document from the server, overwriting the passed-in document
            document : bokeh.document.Document
              The document to overwrite with server content.
        msg = self._protocol.create('PULL-DOC-REQ')
        reply = self._send_message_wait_for_reply(msg)
        if reply is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Connection to server was lost")
        elif reply.header['msgtype'] == 'ERROR':
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to pull document: " + reply.content['text'])

    def _send_request_server_info(self):
        msg = self._protocol.create('SERVER-INFO-REQ')
        reply = self._send_message_wait_for_reply(msg)
        if reply is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Did not get a reply to server info request before disconnect")
        return reply.content

    def request_server_info(self):
        Ask for information about the server.

            A dictionary of server attributes.
        if self._server_info is None:
            self._server_info = self._send_request_server_info()
        return self._server_info

    def force_roundtrip(self):
        Force a round-trip request/reply to the server, sometimes needed to avoid race conditions.

        Outside of test suites, this method probably hurts performance and shouldn't be needed.


    def _loop_until(self, predicate):
        self._until_predicate = predicate
            # this runs self._next ONE time, but
            # self._next re-runs itself until
            # the predicate says to quit.
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            self.close("user interruption")

    def _next(self):
        if self._until_predicate is not None and self._until_predicate():
            log.debug("Stopping client loop in state %s due to True from %s",
                      self._state.__class__.__name__, self._until_predicate.__name__)
            self._until_predicate = None
            raise gen.Return(None)
            log.debug("Running state " + self._state.__class__.__name__)
            yield self._state.run(self)

    def _transition(self, new_state):
        log.debug("transitioning to state " + new_state.__class__.__name__)
        self._state = new_state
        yield self._next()

    def _transition_to_disconnected(self):
        yield self._transition(self.DISCONNECTED())

    def _connect_async(self):
        versioned_url = "%s?bokeh-protocol-version=1.0&bokeh-session-id=%s" % (self._url, self._session.id)
        request = HTTPRequest(versioned_url)
            socket = yield websocket_connect(request)
            self._socket = _WebSocketClientConnectionWrapper(socket)
        except Exception as e:
            log.info("Failed to connect to server: %r", e)

        if self._socket is None:
            yield self._transition_to_disconnected()
            yield self._transition(self.CONNECTED_BEFORE_ACK())

    def _wait_for_ack(self):
        message = yield self._pop_message()
        if message and message.msgtype == 'ACK':
            log.debug("Received %r", message)
            yield self._transition(self.CONNECTED_AFTER_ACK())
        elif message is None:
            yield self._transition_to_disconnected()
            raise ProtocolError("Received %r instead of ACK" % message)

    def _handle_messages(self):
        message = yield self._pop_message()
        if message is None:
            yield self._transition_to_disconnected()
            if message.msgtype == 'PATCH-DOC':
                log.debug("Got PATCH-DOC, applying to session")
                log.debug("Ignoring %r", message)
            # we don't know about whatever message we got, ignore it.
            yield self._next()

    def _pop_message(self):
        while True:
            if self._socket is None:
                raise gen.Return(None)

            # log.debug("Waiting for fragment...")
            fragment = None
                fragment = yield self._socket.read_message()
            except Exception as e:
                # this happens on close, so debug level since it's "normal"
                log.debug("Error reading from socket %r", e)
            # log.debug("... got fragment %r", fragment)
            if fragment is None:
                # XXX Tornado doesn't give us the code and reason
                log.info("Connection closed by server")
                raise gen.Return(None)
                message = yield self._receiver.consume(fragment)
                if message is not None:
                    log.debug("Received message %r" % message)
                    raise gen.Return(message)
            except (MessageError, ProtocolError, ValidationError) as e:
                log.error("%r", e, exc_info=True)
                self.close(why="error parsing message from server")

    def _tell_session_about_disconnect(self):
        if self._session: