예제 #1
def test_hasT():
    assert isT(T)
    assert isT(T1)

    matrix = BTAtom.ensure('matrix2')
    inout = BTAtom.ensure('inout')
    out = BTAtom.ensure('out')
    assert matrix[inout, T1].hasT

    ccy = BType('ccy')
    fx = BType('fx')
    GBP = ccy['GBP']
    USD = ccy['USD']
    assert fx[S(domestic=GBP, foreign=T1)].hasT

    N = BType('N')
    assert (T**N).hasT
    assert ((T * num) ^ num).hasT
    assert ((num * num) ^ T).hasT

    assert S(name=T, age=num).hasT
    assert (T**num).hasT
    assert (num**T).hasT
    assert (num**T).hasT

    with assertRaises(TypeError):
        1 | T
예제 #2
def testTemplates():
    fred = BTAtom.ensure('fred')
    num * fred >> fitsWithin >> T * fred >> check >> equal >> True
    pyint * fred >> fitsWithin >> T1 * T2 >> check >> equal >> True

    (fred**N) >> fitsWithin >> (T**N) >> check >> equal >> True

    # simple wildcards
    (N**fred)[pylist] >> fitsWithin >> (N**T1)[T2] >> check >> equal >> True
    (N**fred)[pylist] >> fitsWithin >> (N**
                                        T)[pydict] >> check >> equal >> False
     fred)[pylist] >> fitsWithin >> (N**T1)[pylist] >> check >> equal >> False
     pystr)[pylist] >> fitsWithin >> (T1**T2)[pylist] >> check >> equal >> True
    (fred**pystr)[pylist] >> fitsWithin >> (T1**
                                            T2)[T3] >> check >> equal >> True
    (fred**pystr)[pylist] >> fitsWithin >> (
        T1**T2)[pydict] >> check >> equal >> False
    (fred**pystr)[pylist] >> fitsWithin >> (
        T1**T1)[pylist] >> check >> equal >> False
예제 #3

from coppertop.core import PP, Missing
from coppertop.pipe import *
from bones.core.types import N, num, aliased, anon, pytuple, pylist, tv, named
from bones.core.metatypes import BTAtom, cacheAndUpdate, fitsWithin as _fitsWithin
from coppertop.std import tvarray, check, equal

matrix = N**N**num

colvec = matrix['colvec']
rowvec = matrix['rowvec']

square = BTAtom.ensure('square')

colmaj = BTAtom.ensure('colmaj').setImplicit
rowmaj = BTAtom.ensure('rowmaj').setOrthogonal

lol = BTAtom.ensure('lol').setConstructor(tv)

_matrix = matrix & tvarray
_colvec = _matrix & colvec
_rowvec = _matrix & rowvec

_llmatrix = (matrix & lol).setConstructor(tv)        # lol is a tvseq of tvseq, i.e. ragged array that we are making regular
_llcolvec = _llmatrix & colvec
_llrowvec = _llmatrix & rowvec
예제 #4
def testStructCreation():
    label = BTAtom.ensure('label').setConstructor(tvstruct)
    title = label(text='My cool Tufte-compliant scatter graph')
    title._names() == ['text']
예제 #5
#    Copyright (c) 2019-2021 David Briant. All rights reserved.
# *******************************************************************************

import sys
# sys._TRACE_IMPORTS = True
if hasattr(sys, '_TRACE_IMPORTS') and sys._TRACE_IMPORTS: print(__name__)

from coppertop.core import Missing, ProgrammerError
from coppertop.testing import assertRaises
from coppertop.std import check, equal, each, to, joinAll, _, sortUsing, box, tvstruct

from bones.core.metatypes import BTAtom, BType, BTArray, BTMap, BTFn, S, isT
from bones.core.types import Holder, index, count, offset, num, pystr, N, null, T, T1, T2, T3

tFred = BTAtom.ensure('fred')
tJoe = BTAtom.ensure('joe')
tSally = BTAtom.ensure('sally')

def testNominalAndAtoms():
    assert repr(tFred) == 'fred'
    assert tFred == BType('fred')
    assert tFred is BType('fred')

    x = 'hello' >> box | tFred
    assert isinstance(x, tFred)
    assert x._v == 'hello'

    i1 = 1 | index
    assert i1._t == index
예제 #6
# *******************************************************************************

import sys
if hasattr(sys, '_TRACE_IMPORTS') and sys._TRACE_IMPORTS: print(__name__)

from coppertop.pipe import *
from bones.core.metatypes import BTAtom
from coppertop.std import check, equal, fitsWithin
from coppertop.std import tvarray
from coppertop.tests.take1 import _take
from coppertop.tests.take2 import _take
from bones.core.types import pyint, pylist

mat = BTAtom.ensure("mat2")
vec = BTAtom.ensure("vec2")

def mmul(A:mat, B:vec) -> vec:
    answer = A @ B | vec
    return answer

def test_mmul():
    a = tvarray(mat, [[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    b = tvarray(vec, [1, 2])
    res = a >> mmul >> b
    res >> check >> typeOf >> vec
예제 #7
# *******************************************************************************
#    Copyright (c) 2022 David Briant. All rights reserved.
# *******************************************************************************

from bones.core.metatypes import BTAtom, S
from coppertop.std import tvstruct
from coppertop.core import Missing
from bones.core.types import pydict, count, pystr

card = BTAtom.ensure('card')
handId = BTAtom.ensure('handId')
ndmap = BTAtom.ensure('ndmap')
pad_element = S(has=pystr, suggestions=count, like=count)
cluedo_pad = (
    (card * handId)**pad_element)[ndmap] & BTAtom.ensure('cluedo_pad')
cluedo_pad = pydict  #& BTAtom.ensure('cluedo_pad') once we have tvmao we can do this
cluedo_bag = (tvstruct & BTAtom.ensure('_cluedo_bag')).nameAs('cluedo_bag')

YES = 'X'
NO = '-'
MAYBE = '?'
TBI = 'TBI'  # the hand with the people, weapon and room - To Be Inferred

class HasOne(object):
    def __init__(self, handId=Missing):
        self.handId = handId

    def __rsub__(self, handId):  # handId / has
예제 #8
# *******************************************************************************

from coppertop.core import PP as _PP, Void as _Void
from coppertop.pipe import *
from coppertop.pipe import NO_TYPE
from bones.core.metatypes import BTAtom
from bones.core.types import pystr, N, pyint, pylist, pyset, pydict_keys, pydict_values, T1, T2, pytuple, tv
from coppertop.std import count, equal, tvseq, each, max, pad
from dm.utils import formatStruct
from dm.pmf import PMF, L

from coppertop.std.types import void

display_table = (N**pystr)[tvseq][BTAtom.ensure('table')].setCoercer(tvseq)

Void = tv(void, _Void)  # move to std and the singleton should have type void

def PP(t:display_table) -> display_table:
    for string in t:
        string >> PP
    return t

def hjoin(a:display_table, b:display_table, options={}) -> display_table:
    assert (a >> count) == (b >> count)
    answer = tvseq(display_table, [])
    for i in range(len(a)):
        answer.append(a[i] + options.get('sep', '') + b[i])
예제 #9
from coppertop.std import sort, both, zip, nvs, values, names, override, select, to
from coppertop.std.structs import tvstruct, tvarray
from coppertop.std.linalg import matrix
from coppertop.std.types import adhoc
from bones.core.metatypes import S, BTAtom
from bones.core.types import num, pystr, T, T1, T2, T3, pylist, pydict, pyint, pytuple, pyfloat

from .misc import sequence

# numsEtAl models the storage mechanism for a pmf or likelihood and the multiplication thereof pre
# normalise, i.e. the numbers may not add up to one. Additionally for compactness we wish to be able
# to add tags, e.g to label a pmf as `d6`, etc, or to a likelihood with the data such as `PDoorBIf`

# noinspection PyUnreachableCode
if False:
    numsEtAl = BTAtom.ensure('numsEtAl')  # nominal for the moment
    # notionally a union of mappings for str**str, num**str and num**num

    def at(
        x: numsEtAl[T], k: pystr
    ) -> pystr + num:  # remember str is weakened to pystr and float to num
        return x[k]

    def at(x: numsEtAl[T], k: num) -> num:
        return x[k]

# str**str and num**str above imply a dynamic type - i.e. return type depends on key value - however
# the reality is that the programmer always knows which one is needed
예제 #10
# *******************************************************************************

import random
from coppertop.pipe import *
from coppertop.core import PP
from coppertop.testing import assertRaises
from coppertop.std import check, equal, _v, to, drop, fitsWithin, doesNotFitWithin
from coppertop.std.structs import tvarray, tvseq

from bones.core.types import index, count, num, pystr, N, T, \
    T1, T2, T3, pyint, pyfloat, tv, anon, named, aliased, pylist
from bones.core.metatypes import BTAtom, S, _partition, BType, weaken
from coppertop.std.types import ccy, fx
from coppertop.std.linalg import square, right

tFred = BTAtom.ensure('fred')
tJoe = BTAtom.ensure('joe')
tSally = BTAtom.ensure('sally')
pystr2 = BTAtom.ensure('pystr2')
weaken(pystr, (pystr2, ))

# we have these metatypes - atom, union, intersection, product (tuples and structs), exponential (arrays, maps
# and functions) & distinguished.
# when we do a A >> fitsWithin >> B we partition the two sets into three parts
# B intersect A' - stuff in B but not in A - anything here then it's not a fit
# B intersect A - common stuff, if we only have common stuff then it's an exact fit
# B' intersect A - stuff in A but not in B - we term this the residual