예제 #1
class BrainController():
    Brain Controller
    def __init__(self, config):
        self._config = config
        self._api = BrainAPI(

    def create(self, name, ink_file=None, ink_str=None):
        Creates a BRAIN. A path to an inkling file or a raw inkling string
        can be passed in as arguments to the function. If neither are present,
        a blank BRAIN is created. The inkling file is prioritized over the 

        param name: string
            name of brain
        param inkling_file: string
            path to inkling file
        param inkling_str: string
            raw inkling string
        response = self._api.create_brain(name, ink_file, ink_str)
        return response

    def delete(self, name):
        Deletes a BRAIN.

        param name: string
            name of brain
        response = self._api.delete_brain(name)
        return response

    def push_inkling(self, name, ink_file=None, ink_str=None):
        Pushes inkling to server. A path to an inkling file or a raw inkling
        string can be passed in as arguments to the function. If neither are 
        present an error is raised to the caller.

        param name: string
            name of brain
        param inkling_file: string
            path to inkling file
        param inkling_str: string
            raw inkling string
        response = self._api.push_inkling(name, ink_file, ink_str)
        return response

    def train_start(self, name):
        Starts training for a BRAIN

        param name: string
            name of brain
        response = self._api.start_training(name)
        return response

    def train_stop(self, name):
        Stops training for a BRAIN

        param name: string
            name of brain
        response = self._api.stop_training(name)
        return response

    def train_resume(self, name, version='latest'):
        Starts training for a BRAIN

        param name: string
            name of brain
        param version: string
            Version of BRAIN. Defaults to 'latest'
        response = self._api.resume_training(name, version)
        return response

    def status(self, name):
        Retrieves status for a BRAIN

        param name: string
            name of brain
        response = self._api.get_brain_status(name)
        return response

    def info(self, name):
        Retrieves BRAIN information.

        param name: string
            name of brain
        response = self._api.get_brain_info(name)
        return response

    def sample_rate(self, name):
        Retrieves sample rate for a given BRAIN.

        param name: string
            name of brain
            response = self._api.get_brain_status(name)
            rate = sum(sims['sample_rate'] for sims in response['simulators'])
            return rate
        except(TypeError, KeyError) as err:
            log.error('Unable to determine sample rate from response')
            return 0

    def simulator_info(self, name):
        Retrieves simulator information for a given BRAIN.

        param name: string
            name of brain
        response = self._api.get_simulator_info(name)
        return response

    def training_episode_metrics(self, name, version='latest'):
        Retrieves training episode metrics for a given BRAIN.

        param name: string
            name of brain
        param version: string
            verion of BRAIN. defaults to 'latest'
        response = self._api.training_episode_metrics(name, version)
        return response

    def test_episode_metrics(self, name, version='latest'):
        Retrieves test episode metrics for a given BRAIN.

        param name: string
            name of brain
        param version: string
            verion of BRAIN. defaults to 'latest'
        response = self._api.test_episode_metrics(name, version)
        return response

    def iteration_metrics(self, name, version='latest'):
        Retrieves iteration metrics for a given BRAIN.

        param name: string
            name of brain
        param version: string
            verion of BRAIN. defaults to 'latest'
        response = self._api.iteration_metrics(name, version)
        return response
예제 #2
class Brain(object):
    Manages communication with the BRAIN on the server.

    This class can be used to introspect information about a BRAIN on the
    server and is used to query status and other properties.

        config:         The configuration object used to connect to this BRAIN.
        description:    A user generated description of this BRAIN.
        exists:         Whether this BRAIN exists on the server.
        name:           The name of this BRAIN.
        ready:          Whether this BRAIN is ready for training.
        state:          Current state of this BRAIN on the server.
        version:        The currently selected version of the BRAIN.
        latest_version: The latest version of the BRAIN.

        import sys, bonsai_ai
        config = bonsai_ai.Config(sys.argv)
        brain = bonsai_ai.Brain(config)

    def __init__(self, config, name=None):
        Construct Brain object by passing in a Config object with an
        optional name argument.

            config: A configuration used to connect to the BRAIN.
            name:   The name of the BRAIN to connect to.
        self._config = config
        self._api = BrainAPI(config.accesskey, config.username, config.url,
        self._timeout = self.config.network_timeout
        self.description = None
        self.name = name if name else self.config.brain
        self._status = None
        self._info = None
        self._state = None
        self._sims = None
        self.latest_version = None
        self._user_info = get_user_info()


    def __repr__(self):
        return '{{'\
            'name: {self.name!r}, ' \
            'description: {self.description!r}, ' \
            'latest_version: {self.latest_version!r}, ' \
            'config: {self.config!r}' \

    def config(self):
        return self._config

    def config(self, config):
        self._config = config
        self._api = BrainAPI(config.accesskey, config.username, config.url,

    def _brain_url(self):
        """ Utility function to obtain brain url from config.
            Example: http://localhost:5000/v1/nav/brain3 """
        url_base = self.config.url
        url_path = '/v1/{user}/{brain}'.format(user=self.config.username,
        return urljoin(url_base, url_path)

    def _websocket_url(self):
        # Grab api url and split it
        api_url = self._brain_url()
        api_url = urlparse(api_url)

        # Replace the scheme with ws or wss depending on protocol
        if api_url.scheme == 'http':
            split_ws_url = api_url._replace(scheme='ws')
        elif api_url.scheme == 'https':
            split_ws_url = api_url._replace(scheme='wss')
            split_ws_url = api_url
        ws_url = urlunparse(split_ws_url)
        return ws_url

    def _prediction_url(self):
        """ Utility function to obtain prediction url from config """
        return '{ws_url}/{version}/predictions/ws'.format(
            ws_url=self._websocket_url(), version=self.version)

    def _simulation_url(self):
        """ Returns simulation url """
        return '{}/sims/ws'.format(self._websocket_url())

    def _request_header(self):
        """ Utility function to obtain header that is sent with requests """
        return {
            'Authorization': self.config.accesskey,
            'User-Agent': self._user_info

    def _proxy_header(self):
        """ Utility function to obtain proxy that is sent with requests """
        if self.config.proxy:
            url_components = urlparse(self.config.proxy)
            proxy_dict = {url_components.scheme: self.config.proxy}
            return proxy_dict
            return None

    def update(self):
        Refreshes description, status, and other information with the
        current state of the BRAIN on the server. Called by default when
        constructing a new Brain object.
            log.brain('Getting {} info...'.format(self.name))
            self._info = self._api.get_brain_info(self.name)
            if self._info['versions']:
                self.latest_version = self._info['versions'][0]['version']
                self.latest_version = 0

            log.brain('Getting {} info...'.format(self.name))
            self._status = self._api.get_brain_status(self.name)

            log.brain('Getting {} sims...'.format(self.name))
            self._sims = self._api.get_simulator_info(self.name)
            self._state = self._status['state']

        except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e:
            log.error('Request timeout in bonsai_ai.Brain: ' + repr(e))
        except Exception as e:
            print('WARNING: ignoring failed update in Brain init.')

    def ready(self):
        """ Returns True when the BRAIN is ready for training. """
        if self.config.predict:
            return self._state == STOPPED or self._state == COMPLETED
        return self._state == IN_PROGRESS

    def exists(self):
        """ Returns True when the BRAIN exists (i.e. update succeeded) """
        if self.config.predict:
            return self._state is not None and self._version_exists()

        return self._state is not None

    def sim_exists(self, sim_name):
        if not self._sims:
            return False
        return sim_name in self._sims

    def _version_exists(self):
        for v in self._info['versions']:
            if v['version'] == self.version:
                return True

        return False

    def state(self):
        """ Returns the current state of the target BRAIN """
        return self._state

    def status(self):
        """ Returns the current status of the target BRAIN """
        return self._status

    def sample_rate(self):
        """ Returns the sample rate in iterations/second for
            all simulators connected to the brain """
            rate = sum(sims['sample_rate']
                       for sims in self._status['simulators'])
            return rate
        except (TypeError, KeyError):
            log.info('Unable to retrieve sample rate from BRAIN ')
            return 0

    def version(self):
        """ Returns the current BRAIN version number. """
        if self.config.brain_version == 0:
            return self.latest_version
            return self.config.brain_version

    def training_episode_metrics(self, version=None):
            Returns data about each training episode for a given version of a
            BRAIN. Defaults to configured version if none is given.
            :param version: Version of your brain.
                Defaults to configured version.
        if version is None:
            version = self.version
        return self._api.training_episode_metrics(self.name, version)

    def iteration_metrics(self, version=None):
            Returns iteration data for a given version of a BRAIN.
            Defaults to configured version if none is given. Iterations
            contain data for the number of iterations that have
            occured in a simulation and at what timestamp. This data
            gets logged about once every 100 iterations. This can be useful
            for long episodes when other metrics may not be getting data.
            :param version: Version of your brain.
                Defaults to configured version.
        if version is None:
            version = self.version
        return self._api.iteration_metrics(self.name, version)

    def test_episode_metrics(self, version=None):
            Returns test pass data for a given version of a BRAIN.
            Defaults to configured version if none is given. Test pass
            episodes occur once every 20 training episodes during training
            for a given version of a BRAIN. The value is representative of
            the AI's performance at a regular interval of training
            :param version: Version of your brain.
                Defaults to configured version.
        if version is None:
            version = self.version
        return self._api.test_episode_metrics(self.name, version)