예제 #1
def test_mult():
    s = "1024x768"
    rule = wg.context["mult"]
    out, i = rule.accept(s, 4, wg.context)
    assert out == compat.unichr(215)

    s = "Up to 3x faster"
    rule = wg.context["mult"]
    out, i = rule.accept(s, 7, wg.context)
    assert out == compat.unichr(215)

    s = "Up to 3x faster"
    rule = wg.context["para"]
    out, i = rule.accept(s, 0, wg.context)
    assert out == {"type": "para", "indent": 0, "text": [u"Up to 3", u"\u00d7", u" faster"]}

    from bookish.grammars.wiki import mult, para
    from bookish.parser import condition_string
    from bookish.parser.bootstrap import bootstrap_context

    s = condition_string(s)
    ctx = bootstrap_context()

    out, i = mult(s, 7, ctx)
    assert out is not p.Miss
    assert out == compat.unichr(215)

    out, i = para(s, 0, ctx)
    assert out == {"type": "para", "indent": 0, "text": [u"Up to 3", u"\u00d7", u" faster"]}
예제 #2
파일: builder.py 프로젝트: mchaput/bookish
 def build_string(self, content):
     content = condition_string(content)
     ctx = bootstrap.bootstrap_context()
     ctx["add_import"] = self.add_import
     g = parse_string(content, ctx)
예제 #3
def _boot_parse(inp, **extra):
    c = bs.bootstrap_context().push(extra)
    out, i = bs.rule.accept(inp, 0, c)
    if out is p.Miss:
    assert out is not p.Miss
    return out.snap(c)
예제 #4
def test_parse_lookbehind():
    rulestring = p.Document("""
lookbehind = '^' expr1:e -> LookBehind(e)
    c = bs.bootstrap_context()
    rule, i = bs.rule.accept(rulestring, 0, c)

    assert rule.test("^'a'", context=c) == p.LookBehind(p.String("a"))
예제 #5
파일: avenue.py 프로젝트: mchaput/bookish
def parse(avestring):
    from bookish.grammars.avenue import grammar

    ctx = bootstrap_context()
    out, i = grammar(avestring, 0, ctx)
    if out is Miss:
        raise AvenueParserError(i)
    return out
예제 #6
def parse_string(src):
    from bookish.grammars.wiki import grammar

    src = condition_string(src)
    ctx = bootstrap_context()
    out, i = grammar(src, 0, ctx)
    assert out is not Miss
    jsondata = {"type": "root", "body": out, "attrs": {}}
    return jsondata
예제 #7
def test_parse_mixed_rule():
    rulestring = p.Document("""
mixed = ws "@(" expr1:until (ws ',' expr1:e -> e
                             | -> None
                             ):aim ')' -> Mixed(until, aim)
    c = bs.bootstrap_context()
    rule, i = bs.rule.accept(rulestring, 0, c)
    assert i == len(rulestring)
예제 #8
파일: parser.py 프로젝트: mchaput/bookish
def parser_context():
    from bookish.parser import bootstrap

    ctx = bootstrap.bootstrap_context()

    def _make_grammar(rulelist, rulename=None):
        ruledict = make_ruledict(rulelist)
        g = Grammar(ruledict, context=ctx, rulename=rulename)
        return g
    ctx["make_grammar"] = _make_grammar

    return ctx
예제 #9
def test_parse_regex_rule():
    # Use the bootstrap rules to parse the rule
    rulestring = """
regex = ws "/" (~"/" (("\\\\/" -> "/") | r.Any))*:pattern "/"
        -> ''.join(pattern)
    c = bs.bootstrap_context()
    rrule, i = bs.rule.accept(rulestring, 0, c)
    # rrule.dump()

    # Use the new rule to parse an example
    estr = "/(.*?)\\/\\w+/"
    assert rrule.test(estr, context=c) == "(.*?)/\\w+"
예제 #10
def test_parse_string_rule():
    rulestring = p.Document(r"""
string = ws "\"" (escchar | ~"\"" r.Any)+:c "\""
         -> String(''.join(c))

    c = bs.bootstrap_context()
    rule, i = c["rule"].accept(rulestring, 0, c)
    assert i == len(rulestring)

    assert rule.test('"a"', context=c) == p.String("a")
    assert rule.test('"a"', context=c) == p.String("a")
    assert rule.test('"ab"', context=c) == p.String("ab")
    assert rule.test('"ab"', context=c) == p.String("ab")
예제 #11
def test_parse_entity_rule():
    # Use the bootstrap rules to parse the rule
    rulestring = p.Document("""
charhex = 'x' [0123456789abcdefABCDEF]+:h -> int(''.join(h), 16)
chardec = [0123456789]+:d -> int(''.join(d))
charnum = (charhex | chardec)
entity = "&#" charnum:num ';' -> compat.unichr(num)
    c = bs.bootstrap_context()
    rulelist, i = rules.Star(bs.rule).accept(rulestring, 0, c)
    ruledict = dict((rule.rulename, rule) for rule in rulelist)

    xc = c.push(ruledict)
    # Use the new rule to parse an example
    assert ruledict["entity"].test("Ѐ", context=xc) == u"\u0400"
    assert ruledict["entity"].test("ဤ", context=xc) == u"\u1024"
예제 #12
def _test_rule(rule, inp):
    return rule.test(inp, context=bs.bootstrap_context())
예제 #13
def _ctx():
    return bs.bootstrap_context()