예제 #1
파일: hsearch.py 프로젝트: mchaput/bookish
    def _process_doc(self, pages, path, root, block, doc):
        # Add Houdini-specific fields to each document
        path = paths.basepath(path)
        attrs = block.get("attrs", {})

        doctype = attrs.get("type", "").strip()
        context = attrs.get("context", "").strip().replace(",", "") or None

        if doctype == "node":
            if context in ("pop", "part") or context.endswith("_state"):
            internal = attrs.get("internal")
            if internal:
                doc["grams"] += " %s" % internal

        if doc.get("category") == "_":
            if path.startswith("/shelf/"):
                doc["category"] = "tool"
            elif path.startswith("/ref/util/"):
                doc["category"] = "utility"
            elif path.startswith("/gallery/shop/"):
                doc["category"] = "gallery/shop"
            elif doctype == "node":
                doc["category"] = "%s/%s" % (doctype, context)
                doc["grams"] += " %s" % context
            elif doctype in ("hscript", "expression", "example", "homclass",
                             "hommodule", "vex"):
                doc["category"] = doctype

        replaces = attrs.get("replaces")
        rsection = functions.subblock_by_id(block, "replaces")
        if rsection:
            rlist = " ".join(link.get("fullpath", "") for link
                             in functions.find_links(rsection))
            if replaces:
                replaces = replaces + " " + rlist
                replaces = rlist

            "context": context,
            "bestbet": attrs.get("bestbet"),
            "helpid": attrs.get("helpid"),
            "superclass": attrs.get("superclass"),
            "version": attrs.get("version"),
            "replaces": replaces or None,
            "examplefor": root.get("examplefor"),
            "examplefile": root.get("examplefile"),
            "group": attrs.get("group"),

        # Add example file info
        if root is block and "examplefile" in root:
            otlpath = root["examplefile"]
            # Usages file should be in the same location with .usages ext
            usagespath = paths.basepath(otlpath) + ".usages"
            if pages.exists(usagespath):
                usagescontent = pages.content(usagespath)
                usages = ws_exp.split(usagescontent)
                doc["uses"] = " ".join(usages)
예제 #2
    def _render_json(self, path, stylesname, templatename, jsondata, extras,
        # Render the page template
        kwargs = {
            "path": path,
            "basepath": paths.basepath(path),
            "is_index_page": self.is_index_page(path),
            "rel": util.make_rel_fn(path, self.index_page_name),
            "searcher": searcher,
        if extras:

        # Create a function to render JSON to HTML
        stylesname = stylesname or self.page_style
        styleobj = self.style(stylesname)
        stylectx, render = styleobj.context_and_function(path, jsondata, kwargs)

        # Create a function to apply the stylesheet to a given object
        def render_styles(obj):
            return render(stylectx, obj)

        # Get the page template
        template = self._template_for_page(templatename, jsondata)

        html = template.render(docroot=jsondata, render_styles=render_styles,
        return html
예제 #3
파일: flaskapp.py 프로젝트: mchaput/bookish
def directory_page(pages, dirpath):
    Renders a simple template to show the files in a directory.

    store = pages.store
    names = store.list_dir(dirpath)
    files = []

    for name in names:
        path = paths.join(dirpath, name)
        link = path
        if pages.is_wiki(link):
            link = paths.basepath(link)
        isdir = store.is_dir(path)
        if isdir:
            size = -1
            mod = -1
            size = store.size(path)
            mod =  store.last_modified(path)

            "path": path,
            "link": link,
            "name": name,
            "ext": paths.extension(name),
            "isdir": isdir,
            "size": size,
            "modified": mod,

    return flask.render_template("/templates/dir.jinja2", path=dirpath,
예제 #4
파일: search.py 프로젝트: mchaput/bookish
    def _make_doc(self, pages, path, root, block, text):
        attrs = block.get("attrs", {})
        blocktype = block.get("type")
        body = block.get("body")
        is_root = blocktype == "root"

        # If a title was not passed in: if this is the root, look for a title
        # block, otherwise use the block text
        title = self._get_title(block) or paths.basename(path)

        container = False
        path = paths.basepath(path)
        if is_root:
            # Store a boolean if this page has subtopics
            subtopics = functions.subblock_by_id(block, "subtopics")
            container = subtopics and bool(subtopics.get("body"))
            blockid = functions.block_id(block)
            path = "%s#%s" % (path, blockid)

        # Look for a summary block
        summary = self._get_block_text(body, "summary")

        # Look for tags in the page attributes
        tags = attrs.get("tags", "").strip().replace(",", "")

        # Find outgoing links
        outgoing = []
        for link in functions.find_links(block):
            val = link.get("value")
            if val:
                outgoing.append(pages.full_path(path, val))
        outgoing = " ".join(outgoing)

        doctype = attrs.get("type")

        d = {
            "path": path,
            "status": attrs.get("status"),
            "category": "_",
            "content": functions.string(text),
            "title": title,
            "sortkey": attrs.get("sortkey") or title.lower(),
            "summary": summary,
            "grams": title,
            "type": doctype,
            "tags": tags,
            "icon": attrs.get("icon"),
            "links": outgoing,
            "container": container,
            "parent": self._get_path_attr(block, path, attrs, "parent"),
            "bestbet": attrs.get("bestbet"),
        return d
예제 #5
파일: pipeline.py 프로젝트: mchaput/bookish
    def apply(self, block, context, basepath=None):
        if block.get("type") == "root":
            self._apply_to_subtopics(block, context)

        basepath = basepath or paths.basepath(context.get("path"))
        if "text" in block:
            self.text(context, block["text"], basepath)

        # Recurse
        for subblock in block.get("body", ()):
            self.apply(subblock, context, basepath)
예제 #6
파일: flaskapp.py 프로젝트: mchaput/bookish
def debug_wiki_structure(path):
    pages = get_wikipages()
    indexer = get_indexer()
    searcher = indexer.searcher()

    path = paths.normalize("/" + path)
    path = pages.source_path(path)

    jsondata = pages.json(paths.basepath(path), conditional=False,
                          extra_context=flask.request.args, searcher=searcher)
    return flask.render_template("/templates/debug_wiki.jinja2",
                                 path=path, root=jsondata, searcher=searcher)
예제 #7
파일: search.py 프로젝트: mchaput/bookish
    def _find_files(self, pages, prefix, reader, clean):
        store = pages.store
        existing = set(paths.basepath(p) for p in store.list_all()
                       if pages.is_wiki(p))

#        if prefix:
#            print("prefix=", prefix)
#            raise Exception
#            changed = set()
#            new = set()
#            for p in existing:
#                if not p.startswith(prefix):
#                    continue
#                if ("path", p.encode("utf8")) in reader:
#                    print("!!!!!!!!!!!!")
#                    changed.add(p)
#                else:
#                    new.add(p)
#            return new, changed, ()

        if clean:
            new = existing
            changed = set()
            deleted = set()
            # Read all the stored field dicts from the index and build a
            # dictionary mapping paths to their last indexed mod time
            modtimes = {}
            for fs in reader.all_stored_fields():
                p = fs["path"]
                if "#" in p:

                modtime = fs["modified"]
                modtimes[p] = modtime

            indexedpaths = set(modtimes)

            new = existing - indexedpaths
            deleted = indexedpaths - existing
            both = existing - new - deleted

            changed = set()
            for path in both:
                ix_mod = modtimes[path]
                store_mod = store.last_modified(pages.source_path(path))
                if store_mod > ix_mod:
                    self.logger.debug("%s changed: %s > %s", path, store_mod,

        return new, changed, deleted
예제 #8
파일: cli.py 프로젝트: mchaput/bookish
def generate(dirpath, prefix="/", vars=None, longest=10, cache=True,
    pages = flaskapp.get_wikipages(manager.app)
    logger = manager.app.logger
    dirpath = _exp(dirpath)
    indexer = flaskapp.get_indexer(manager.app)
    searcher = indexer.searcher()

    if nocache:

    count = 0
    largest = []

    if vars:
        vars = _parse_vars(vars)
        manager.app.config.setdefault("VARS", {}).update(vars)

    t = util.perf_counter()
    for path in get_prefixed_paths(pages, prefix):
        if not pages.is_wiki_source(path):

        logger.debug("Generating %s", path)
        count += 1

        tt = util.perf_counter()
        html = pages.html(path, save_to_cache=cache, searcher=searcher)
        tt = util.perf_counter() - tt

        htmlpath = paths.basepath(path) + ".html"
        filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, htmlpath[1:])

        # Make sure the destination directory exists, then create the file.
        parentdirpath = os.path.dirname(filepath)
        if not os.path.exists(parentdirpath):
        with open(filepath, "w") as f:

        # Keep track of slowest pages
        if len(largest) < longest or tt > largest[0][0]:
            if len(largest) >= longest:
            bisect.insort(largest, (tt, path))
    totaltime = util.perf_counter() - t

    logger.info("Generated %s files in %s secs", count, totaltime)
    logger.info("Average %s sec per page", totaltime / count)
    logger.info("Top %s longest times:")
    for gentime, path in largest:
        logger.info("%s | %03.04f secs ", path, gentime)
예제 #9
파일: hpages.py 프로젝트: mchaput/bookish
    def _process_example_page(self, block, context, is_node_eg, is_panel_eg):
        path = context["path"]
        attrs = block.get("attrs", {})

        # Example authors are very lax about giving the example documents
        # titles; if the document doesn't have a title, make one up from the
        # file name
        title = functions.first_subblock_of_type(block, "title")
        if not title:
            name = text_type(paths.barename(path))
            body = block.setdefault("body", [])
            body.insert(0, {
                "type": "title", "indent": 0, "text": [name]

        # Check for an explicit exampleFor property, otherwise guess it
        # from the example's directory tree
        if is_node_eg:
            block.setdefault("attrs", {})["type"] = "example"

            if "exampleFor" in attrs:
                egfor = attrs["exampleFor"]
            elif "examplefor" in attrs:
                egfor = attrs["examplefor"]
                egfor = self._node_path_from_example_path(path)
            # Attach the list of nodes to the root
            block["examplefor"] = egfor

        egpath = None
        # Check for an explicit exampleFile property, otherwise guess it
        # by looking for the example name with an extension
        if "exampleFile" in attrs:
            egpath = attrs["exampleFile"]
        elif "examplefile" in attrs:
            egpath = attrs["examplefile"]
        elif is_node_eg:
            base = paths.basepath(path)
            for ext in (".hda", ".otl"):
                egpath = base + ext
                if context.pages.exists(egpath):
        elif is_panel_eg:
            egpath = self._file_path_from_panel_path(path)

        if egpath:
            egpath = paths.join(path, egpath)
            if context.pages.exists(egpath):
                block["examplefile"] = egpath
예제 #10
파일: pipeline.py 프로젝트: mchaput/bookish
    def _get_include_content(self, path, root, context, icache, ref):
        incpath, name, value, unwrap = self._parse_include_path(ref)

        if incpath and incpath != paths.basepath(path):
            # The include is in another page
            incpath = paths.join(path, incpath)
            _, ext = paths.split_extension(incpath)
            if not ext:
                incpath = context.pages.source_path(incpath)

            incpath = paths.join(path, incpath)
            return self._load_include(incpath, root, context, icache, name, value, unwrap)
        elif name and value:
            # If no path was given, or it was this page's path, grab the target
            # from this page
            return self._target(root, name, value, unwrap)
예제 #11
파일: pipeline.py 프로젝트: mchaput/bookish
    def apply(self, block, context):
        basepath = paths.basepath(context.get("path"))

        # Find the subtopics section
        subtopics = functions.subblock_by_id(block, "subtopics")
        if not subtopics:

        attrs = subtopics.get("attrs", {})
        maxdepth = int(attrs.get("maxdepth", "0"))
        if not maxdepth:

        topics = functions.find_items(subtopics, "subtopics_item")
        for item in topics:
            self._apply(context, item, basepath, 1, maxdepth)
예제 #12
파일: cli.py 프로젝트: mchaput/bookish
def _index_usages(pages, logger, prefix="/examples/nodes/"):
    from houdinihelp.hsearch import usages_for_otl

    # Find all .otl files under the given prefix
    changed = False
    store = pages.store

    for path in store.list_all(prefix):
        if not pages.is_wiki_source(path):

        # Look for an hda or otl file with the same name as this wiki file
        bp = paths.basepath(path)
        exts = (".hda", ".otl")
        for ext in exts:
            p = bp + ext
            if store.exists(p):
                otlpath = p

        # Check if there's a usages file already and if it's newer than the otl
        usagespath = bp + ".usages"
        if store.exists(usagespath):
            otlmod = store.last_modified(otlpath)
            usagesmod = store.last_modified(usagespath)
            if otlmod <= usagesmod:

        # Get the real file path corresponding to the OTL's virtual path
        filepath = pages.file_path(otlpath)
        if filepath:
            print("Generating usages for %s" % filepath)
            # Find all node usages in the OTL
            usages = usages_for_otl(filepath)

            # Write the usages to a file alongside the otl file
            basename = paths.basename(usagespath)
            parentdir = os.path.dirname(filepath)
            usagesfile = os.path.join(parentdir, basename)
            with open(usagesfile, "wb") as outfile:
                output = "\n".join(usages) + "\n"
            changed = True

    return changed
예제 #13
파일: pipeline.py 프로젝트: mchaput/bookish
    def _parent_info(json, path):
        # Find the subtopics section
        subtopics = functions.subblock_by_id(json, "subtopics")
        if subtopics:
            stbody = subtopics.get("body")
            if stbody:
                # Remove
                body = functions.collapse(stbody, ("col_group", "col"))
                subtopics["body"] = body

        return {
            "path": path,
            "basepath": paths.basepath(path),
            "title": json.get("title", ()),
            "summary": json.get("summary", ()),
            "attrs": json.get("attrs", {}),
            "subtopics": subtopics,
예제 #14
파일: pipeline.py 프로젝트: mchaput/bookish
    def apply(self, block, context, root=None):
        searcher = context.searcher
        if not searcher:
        basepath = paths.basepath(context.get("path"))
        root = root or block

        for parent in block.get("parents", ()):
            psubs = parent.get("subtopics")
            if psubs:
                self.apply(psubs, context, root)

        if block.get("type") in self.itemtypes:
            icache = {}
            self._run_search(context, basepath, block, icache)
            for subblock in block.get("body", ()):
                self.apply(subblock, context, root)
예제 #15
파일: hpages.py 프로젝트: mchaput/bookish
    def apply(self, block, context, root=None, in_replaces=False):
        attrs = block.get("attrs", {})
        if root is None:
            root = block

            # Find any documents that replace this one
            searcher = context.searcher
            if searcher:
                path = paths.basepath(context["path"])
                # Only run the search for pages the start with one of the
                # prefixes listed in the class's prefixes attribute
                for prefix in self.prefixes:
                    if path.startswith(prefix):
                        repls = []
                        for doc in searcher.documents(replaces=path):
                            d = {}
                            for f in self.fields:
                                if f in doc:
                                    d[f] = doc[f]
                        if repls:
                            block["replacedby"] = repls

        # Look for "replaces" property on block
        if "replaces" in attrs:

        # Look for a "replaces" section
        if block.get("role") == "section" and block.get("id") == "replaces":
            in_replaces = True
        elif in_replaces:
            for span in block.get("text", ()):
                if isinstance(span, dict) and span.get("type") == "link":
                    rpath = span.get("fullpath")
                    if rpath:
                        rpath = parse_shortcut(rpath)
                        if "replaces" in root:
                            root["replaces"] += " " + rpath
                            root["replaces"] = rpath

        for subblock in block.get("body", ()):
            self.apply(subblock, context, root, in_replaces)
예제 #16
파일: hpages.py 프로젝트: mchaput/bookish
    def apply(self, block, context):
        path = paths.basepath(context["path"])
        if not path.startswith("/nodes/"):

        # Assume if it doesn't have a parameters section it's not a node
        body = block.get("body", ())
        parms = functions.first_subblock_of_type(body, "parameters_section")
        if not parms:

        from houdinihelp import path_to_components
        from houdinihelp import path_to_nodetype
        from houdinihelp import table_to_dir

        nodeinfo = path_to_components(path)
        if nodeinfo is None:

        # Fill in missing properties from information in path
        attrs = block.setdefault("attrs", {})
        if "type" not in attrs:
            attrs["type"] = "node"
        if "context" not in attrs:
            attrs["context"] = table_to_dir[nodeinfo.table]
        if "internal" not in attrs:
            attrs["internal"] = nodeinfo.corename
        if "version" not in attrs:
            attrs["version"] = nodeinfo.version
        if "namespace" not in attrs:
            attrs["namespace"] = nodeinfo.namespace

        body = block.get("body", ())
        title = functions.first_subblock_of_type(body, "title")
        if title is None:
            # Get the node label from HOM
            nodetype = path_to_nodetype(path)
            if nodetype:
                title = nodetype.description()
                if title:
                    # Create a fake title block and add it to the beginning of
                    # the document body
                    tblock = {"type": "title", "text": [title]}
                    body.insert(0, tblock)
예제 #17
파일: hpages.py 프로젝트: mchaput/bookish
    def _process_node_page(self, block, context):
        path = context["path"]
        pages = context.pages
        searcher = context.searcher
        if not searcher:

        # Look for an examples section on this page
        body = block.setdefault("body", [])
        egblock = functions.first_subblock_of_type(body, "examples_section")
        if egblock:
            found = True
            # This page doesn't have an examples section, we have to
            # make one
            found = False
            egblock = {
                "type": "examples_section", "role": "section",
                "id": "examples", "level": 1,
                "text": "Examples",
        has_egs = False

        # Find direct examples
        vpath = paths.basepath(path)
        egdocs = searcher.documents(examplefor=vpath)
        if egdocs:
            # Put them in an attribute on the examples section
            egblock["examples"] = self._example_items(pages, egdocs, context,
            has_egs = True

        # Find usages
        usagedocs = searcher.documents(uses=vpath)
        if usagedocs:
            # Put them in an attribute on the examples section
            egblock["usages"] = self._example_items(pages, usagedocs, context)
            has_egs = True

        # If we have examples and the page didn't have its own examples
        # section, append the one we made to the body
        if has_egs and not found:
예제 #18
파일: hpages.py 프로젝트: mchaput/bookish
    def apply(self, block, context):
        # Only operate on HOM class documents
        attrs = block.get("attrs", {})
        if attrs.get("type") != "homclass":

        path = paths.basepath(context["path"])
        pages = context.pages
        searcher = context.searcher

        # Find the subclasses using the full-text index
        if searcher:
            self._annotate_subclasses(searcher, path, block)

        # Get a list of methods on this class, so we can check if one of
        # the super methods is overridden
        methodnames = self._get_method_names(block)

        # Recursively load the docs for superclasses
        supers = list(self._superclasses(pages, methodnames, context, block))
        block["superclasses"] = supers
예제 #19
파일: hpages.py 프로젝트: mchaput/bookish
 def _file_path_from_panel_path(path):
     return paths.basepath(path) + ".pypanel"
예제 #20
    def json(self, path, wcontext=None, ext=".json", conditional=True,
             postprocess=True, save_to_cache=True, extra_context=None,
             searcher=None, allow_redirect=False):
        store = self.store
        path = self._check_source(path)
        jsonpath = paths.basepath(path) + ext

        if wcontext is None:
            wcontext = self.wiki_context(
                path, conditional=conditional, save_to_cache=save_to_cache,
            if extra_context:
            old_context = wcontext
            wcontext = wcontext.push({"path": path})
            wcontext.searcher = searcher or old_context.searcher
            wcontext.pages = self

        # Set up holders for cached and parse times in the context; these may
        # be useful for debugging
        if "parse_time" not in wcontext:
            wcontext["parse_time"] = {}
        if "cached" not in wcontext:
            wcontext["cached"] = set()
        times = wcontext["parse_time"]
        cached = wcontext["cached"]
        jsondata = None

        # Try to get the JSON data from the cache
        if wcontext.get("conditional") and self.caching:
            jsondata = self.get_cached_json(path, jsonpath)
            if jsondata is not None:
                # print("From cache", path)
                # Add the file to the context's debug list of cached files

        if jsondata is None:
            # It wasn't in the cache, so we'll have to load and parse it
            t = compat.perf_counter()
            # Load the content of the file
            source = store.content(path, "utf8")
            # Parse the wiki markup
            jsondata = parse_string(source)
            # Run preprocessers
            self.pre_pipe().apply(jsondata, wcontext)
            # Store the parsing time in the context for debugging
            times[path] = compat.perf_counter() - t

            # If we're caching, save the parsed JSON to a file in the cache.
            # Note that we don't add the json data to the mem cache here; we
            # only do that when a cached json file is loaded. This has the
            # effect of only caching a document in memory if it's been accessed
            # at least *twice*.
            if self.caching and save_to_cache:
                jsonified = json.dumps(jsondata)
                self.put_cache_file(jsonpath, jsonified.encode("utf8"))

        if postprocess:
            # Run postprocessors
            self.post_pipe().apply(jsondata, wcontext)

        attrs = jsondata.get("attrs")
        if allow_redirect and attrs and "redirect" in attrs:
            fullpath = self.full_path(path, attrs["redirect"])
            raise Redirect(fullpath)

        return jsondata
예제 #21
파일: search.py 프로젝트: mchaput/bookish
    def update(self, pages, prefix="", clean=False):
        if clean:
            schema = self.searchables.schema()
            self.index = index.create_in(self.indexdir, schema=schema)
        idx = self.index

        # self.logger.info("Indexing %s files to %s",
        #                  ("all" if clean else "changed"), self.indexdir)
        doccount = 0
        pagecount = 0

        t = compat.perf_counter()
            w = idx.writer()
        except index.LockError:
            raise LockError
        new, changed, deleted = self._find_files(pages, prefix, w.reader(),
        didsomething = False
        if new or changed or deleted:
            if deleted:
                didsomething = True
                for delpath in sorted(changed | deleted):
                    delpath = paths.basepath(delpath)
                    self.logger.info("Deleting %s from index", delpath)
                    # w.delete_unique("path", delpath)
                    w.delete_by_query(query.Term("path", delpath))
                                                   delpath + "#"))

            for addpath in sorted(new | changed):
                addpath = paths.basepath(addpath)
                added = False

                if addpath in changed:
                    self.logger.info("Removing %s from index", addpath)
                    w.delete_by_query(query.Term("path", addpath))
                    w.delete_by_query(query.Prefix("path", addpath + "#"))
                    didsomething = True

                for doc in self.documents(pages, addpath):

                    self.logger.debug("Indexing %s", doc["path"])
                        if clean or "#" in doc["path"]:
                    except ValueError:
                        self.logger.error("Error indexing %r", doc)

                    added = True
                    doccount += 1

                if added:
                    pagecount += 1
                    didsomething = True

        if didsomething:
            self.logger.info("Committing index changes")
            self.logger.info("Indexed %d docs from %d pages in %.06f seconds",
                             doccount, pagecount, compat.perf_counter() - t)
            # self.logger.info("No changes to commit")

        return didsomething