예제 #1
    def load_input_objects(self):
        Loads input objects to an array
        for file in self.args.files:
            io = common.FileInputObject(fname=file, fmode='rb')

        if len(self.input_objects) == 0 or self.args.stdin:
예제 #2
    def work(self, bin_data=None):
        Main entry point - data processing
        config = self.config_data

        if self.args.config_file:
            with open(self.args.config_file) as fh:
                config = json.load(fh)

        NRES_TO_DUMP = 128
        cpu_pcnt_load_before = misc.try_get_cpu_percent()
        cpu_load_before = misc.try_get_cpu_load()

        hw_cfg = config['hwanalysis']
        test_run = config['config']
        data_file = common.defvalkeys(config, 'spec.data_file')
        skip_finished = common.defvalkey(config, 'skip_finished', False)
        self.do_halving = common.defvalkey(config, 'halving', False)
        self.halving_top = common.defvalkey(config, 'halving_top',
        res_file = common.defvalkey(config, 'res_file')
        backup_dir = common.defvalkey(config, 'backup_dir')
        all_zscores = common.defvalkey(config, 'all_zscores')

        if res_file and self.check_res_file(res_file):
            if skip_finished:
                logger.info('Already computed in %s' % res_file)
            elif backup_dir:
                misc.file_backup(res_file, backup_dir=backup_dir)

        self.hw_cfg = hw_cfg
        self.hwanalysis = HWAnalysis()

        self.blocklen = self.hwanalysis.blocklen
        self.deg = self.hwanalysis.deg
        self.top_comb = self.hwanalysis.top_comb
        self.top_k = self.hwanalysis.top_k
        self.all_deg = self.hwanalysis.all_deg_compute
        self.zscore_thresh = self.hwanalysis.zscore_thresh
        self.json_nice = True
        self.json_top = min(NRES_TO_DUMP, self.halving_top)

        if all_zscores:
            self.hwanalysis.all_zscore_comp = True

        self.rounds = common.defvalkey(test_run['spec'], 'data_rounds')
        tvsize = common.defvalkey(test_run['spec'], 'data_size')

        # Load input polynomials
        # self.load_input_poly()

        logger.info('Basic settings, deg: %s, blocklen: %s, TV size: %s' %
                    (self.hwanalysis.deg, self.hwanalysis.blocklen, tvsize))
        total_terms = int(
            common.comb(self.hwanalysis.blocklen, self.hwanalysis.deg, True))

        logger.info('Initializing test')
        time_test_start = time.time()

        # Process input object
        iobj = None
        if data_file:
            iobj = common.FileInputObject(data_file)
        elif bin_data:
            iobj = common.BinaryInputObject(bin_data)
            iobj = common.StdinInputObject('stdin')

        size = iobj.size()
        logger.info('Testing input object: %s, size: %d kB' %
                    (iobj, size / 1024.0))

        # size smaller than TV? Adapt tv then
        tvsize = self.adjust_tvsize(tvsize, size)

            'BlockLength: %d, deg: %d, terms: %d' %
            (self.hwanalysis.blocklen, self.hwanalysis.deg, total_terms))

        jscres = []
        with iobj:
            self.analyze_iobj(iobj, 0, tvsize, jscres)

        data_hash = iobj.sha1.hexdigest()
        logger.info('Finished processing %s ' % iobj)
        logger.info('Data read %s ' % iobj.data_read)
        logger.info('Read data hash %s ' % data_hash)

        # All zscore list for statistical processing / theory check
        if all_zscores and res_file:
            self.all_zscore_process(res_file, self.hwanalysis)

        # RESULT process...
        total_results = len(
            self.hwanalysis.last_res) if self.hwanalysis.last_res else 0
        best_dists = self.hwanalysis.last_res[0:min(
            NRES_TO_DUMP, total_results)] if self.hwanalysis.last_res else None
        halving_pvals_ok = False
        best_dist_hlv_zscore = None

        if self.do_halving and len(jscres) > 1 and 'halvings' in jscres[
                1] and jscres[1]['halvings']:
            halving_pvals_ok = True

            # Re-sort best distinguishers by the halving ordering
            sorder = self.build_poly_sort_index(
                [common.jsunwrap(x['poly']) for x in jscres[1]['halvings']])
            best_dists.sort(key=lambda x: sorder[common.immutable_poly(

            # Dists from halving
                dists1s = sorted(jscres[1]['dists'],
                                 key=lambda x: sorder[common.immutable_poly(
                best_dist_hlv_zscore = dists1s[0]['zscore']
            except Exception as e:
                logger.warning('Exception best_dist_hlv_zscore: %s' % (e, ),

            # Add pvalue from the halving to the best distingushers
            mrange = min(len(jscres[1]['halvings']), len(best_dists))
            best_dists = [
                (list(best_dists[ix]) + [jscres[1]['halvings'][ix]['pval']])
                for ix in range(mrange)

        best_dists_json = [NoIndent(x) for x in best_dists
                           ] if best_dists is not None else None

        jsres = collections.OrderedDict()
        if best_dists:
            jsres['best_zscore'] = best_dists[0][4]  # .zscore
            jsres['best_poly'] = NoIndent(best_dists[0][0])  # .poly
            if halving_pvals_ok:
                jsres['best_pval'] = jscres[1]['halvings'][0]['pval']
                jsres['best_zscore_hlv'] = best_dist_hlv_zscore

        for ix, rr in enumerate(jscres):
            if 'dists' in rr:
                rr['dists'] = [
                    NoIndent(common.jsunwrap(x)) for x in rr['dists']
            if 'halvings' in rr:
                rr['halvings'] = [
                    NoIndent(common.jsunwrap(x)) for x in rr['halvings']

        jsres['blocklen'] = self.hwanalysis.blocklen
        jsres['degree'] = self.hwanalysis.deg
        jsres['comb_degree'] = self.hwanalysis.top_comb
        jsres['top_k'] = self.top_k
        jsres['all_deg'] = self.all_deg
        jsres['time_elapsed'] = time.time() - time_test_start
        jsres['time_data_read'] = self.timer_data_read.total()
        jsres['time_data_bins'] = self.timer_data_bins.total()
        jsres['time_process'] = self.timer_process.total()

        jsres['data_hash'] = data_hash
        jsres['data_read'] = iobj.data_read
        jsres['generator'] = self.config_js
        jsres['best_dists'] = best_dists_json
        jsres['config'] = config
        jsres['booltest_res'] = jscres

        if self.dump_cpu_info:
            jsres['hostname'] = misc.try_get_hostname()
            jsres['cpu_pcnt_load_before'] = cpu_pcnt_load_before
            jsres['cpu_load_before'] = cpu_load_before
            jsres['cpu_pcnt_load_after'] = misc.try_get_cpu_percent()
            jsres['cpu_load_after'] = misc.try_get_cpu_load()
            jsres['cpu'] = misc.try_get_cpu_info()

        if res_file:
            with open(res_file, 'w+') as fh:
                fh.write(common.json_dumps(jsres, indent=2))

        return common.jsunwrap(jsres)
예제 #3
    def work(self):
        Main entry point - data processing
        config = None
        with open(self.args.config_file) as fh:
            config = json.load(fh)

        hw_cfg = config['hwanalysis']
        test_run = config['config']
        data_file = test_run['spec']['data_file']
        skip_finished = common.defvalkey(config, 'skip_finished', False)
        res_file = common.defvalkey(config, 'res_file')

        if skip_finished and res_file and self.check_res_file(res_file):
            logger.info('Already computed in %s' % res_file)

        hwanalysis = HWAnalysis()

        rounds = None
        size_mb = test_run['spec']['data_size'] / 1024 / 1024
        tvsize = test_run['spec']['data_size']

        # Load input polynomials
        # self.load_input_poly()

        logger.info('Basic settings, deg: %s, blocklen: %s, TV size: %s' %
                    (hwanalysis.deg, hwanalysis.blocklen, tvsize))
        total_terms = int(
            scipy.misc.comb(hwanalysis.blocklen, hwanalysis.deg, True))

        logger.info('Initializing test')
        time_test_start = time.time()

        # Process input object
        iobj = common.FileInputObject(
            data_file) if data_file else common.StdinInputObject('stdin')
        size = iobj.size()
        logger.info('Testing input object: %s, size: %d kB' %
                    (iobj, size / 1024.0))

        # size smaller than TV? Adapt tv then
        if size >= 0 and size < tvsize:
            logger.info('File size is smaller than TV, updating TV to %d' %
            tvsize = size

        if tvsize * 8 % hwanalysis.blocklen != 0:
            rem = tvsize * 8 % hwanalysis.blocklen
            logger.warning('Input data size not aligned to the block size. '
                           'Input bytes: %d, block bits: %d, rem: %d' %
                           (tvsize, hwanalysis.blocklen, rem))
            tvsize -= rem // 8
            logger.info('Updating TV to %d' % tvsize)

        logger.info('BlockLength: %d, deg: %d, terms: %d' %
                    (hwanalysis.blocklen, hwanalysis.deg, total_terms))
        with iobj:
            data_read = 0
            cur_round = 0

            while size < 0 or data_read < size:
                if rounds is not None and cur_round > rounds:

                data = iobj.read(tvsize)
                if (len(data) * 8 % hwanalysis.blocklen) != 0:
                        'Not aligned block read, terminating. Data: %s bits remainder: %s'
                        % (len(data) * 8, hwanalysis.blocklen))

                bits = common.to_bitarray(data)
                if len(bits) == 0:
                    logger.info('File read completely')

                    'Pre-computing with TV, deg: %d, blocklen: %04d, tvsize: %08d = %8.2f kB = %8.2f MB, '
                    'round: %d, avail: %d' %
                    (hwanalysis.deg, hwanalysis.blocklen, tvsize, tvsize /
                     1024.0, tvsize / 1024.0 / 1024.0, cur_round, len(bits)))

                hwanalysis.proces_chunk(bits, None)
                cur_round += 1

        # RESULT process...
        total_results = len(hwanalysis.last_res) if hwanalysis.last_res else 0
        best_dists = hwanalysis.last_res[
            0:min(128, total_results)] if hwanalysis.last_res else None
        data_hash = iobj.sha1.hexdigest()

        jsres = collections.OrderedDict()
        if best_dists:
            jsres['best_zscore'] = best_dists[0].zscore
            jsres['best_poly'] = best_dists[0].poly

        jsres['blocklen'] = hwanalysis.blocklen
        jsres['degree'] = hwanalysis.deg
        jsres['comb_degree'] = hwanalysis.top_comb
        jsres['top_k'] = self.top_k
        jsres['all_deg'] = self.all_deg
        jsres['time_elapsed'] = time.time() - time_test_start

        jsres['data_hash'] = data_hash
        jsres['data_read'] = iobj.data_read
        jsres['generator'] = self.config_js
        jsres['best_dists'] = best_dists
        jsres['config'] = config

        res_file_path = config['res_file']
        with open(res_file_path, 'w+') as fh:
            fh.write(common.json_dumps(jsres, indent=2))

        logger.info('Finished processing %s ' % iobj)
        logger.info('Data read %s ' % iobj.data_read)
        logger.info('Read data hash %s ' % data_hash)
        return jsres