def main(_): tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO) if FLAGS.scene_ids is not None and FLAGS.targets_filename is not None: raise ValueError( 'Only up to one of scene_ids and targets_filename can be specified.') # Load dataset parameters. dp_split = dataset_params.get_split_params( config.BOP_PATH, FLAGS.dataset, FLAGS.split, FLAGS.split_type) output_suffix = None if FLAGS.targets_filename: output_suffix = 'targets' test_targets = inout.load_json( os.path.join(config.BOP_PATH, FLAGS.dataset, FLAGS.targets_filename)) example_list = [] for trg in test_targets: example = {'scene_id': trg['scene_id'], 'im_id': trg['im_id']} if example not in example_list: example_list.append(example) else: if FLAGS.scene_ids is None: FLAGS.scene_ids = dataset_params.get_present_scene_ids(dp_split) else: FLAGS.scene_ids = list(map(int, FLAGS.scene_ids)) output_suffix = 'scenes-' + '-'.join( map(lambda x: '{:01d}'.format(x), FLAGS.scene_ids))'Collecting examples...') example_list = [] for scene_id in FLAGS.scene_ids: scene_gt_fpath = dp_split['scene_gt_tpath'].format(scene_id=scene_id) im_ids = inout.load_scene_gt(scene_gt_fpath).keys() for im_id in sorted(im_ids): example_list.append({'scene_id': scene_id, 'im_id': im_id})'Collected {} examples.'.format(len(example_list))) assert(len(example_list) > 0) split_name = FLAGS.split if FLAGS.split_type is not None: split_name += '-' + FLAGS.split_type if output_suffix is not None: output_suffix = '_' + output_suffix else: output_suffix = '' output_fname = '{}_{}{}_examples.txt'.format( FLAGS.dataset, split_name, output_suffix) output_fpath = os.path.join(FLAGS.output_dir, output_fname)'Saving the list to: {}'.format(output_fpath)) if not os.path.exists(FLAGS.output_dir): os.makedirs(FLAGS.output_dir) tfrecord.save_example_list(output_fpath, example_list)
def get_target_list(target_path): targets = inout.load_json(target_path) prev_imid=-1 prev_sid=-1 target_list=[] for i in range(len(targets)): tgt = targets[i] im_id = tgt['im_id'] inst_count = tgt['inst_count'] obj_id = tgt['obj_id'] scene_id = tgt['scene_id'] if(prev_imid!=im_id or prev_sid!=scene_id): if(prev_imid!=-1): target_list.append([prev_sid,prev_imid,obj_ids,inst_counts]) obj_ids= [obj_id] inst_counts= [inst_count] else: obj_ids.append(obj_id) inst_counts.append(inst_count) prev_imid=im_id prev_sid=scene_id target_list.append([prev_sid,prev_imid,obj_ids,inst_counts]) #append the list image return target_list
def __init__(self, cfg): self.cfg = cfg self.rgb_topic = cfg['rgb_topic'] self.depth_topic = cfg['depth_topic'] self.camK = np.array(cfg['cam_K']).reshape(3, 3) self.im_width = int(cfg['im_width']) self.im_height = int(cfg['im_height']) self.inlier_th = float(cfg['inlier_th']) self.ransac_th = float(cfg['ransac_th']) self.pub_before_icp = False self.graph = tf_backend.Graph() if (int(cfg['icp']) == 1): self.icp = True else: self.icp = False self.model_params = inout.load_json(cfg['norm_factor_fn']) self.detection_labels = cfg[ 'obj_labels'] #labels of corresponding detections n_objs = int(cfg['n_objs']) self.target_objs = cfg['target_obj_name'] self.colors = np.random.randint(0, 255, (n_objs, 3)) with self.graph.as_default(): if (detect_type == "rcnn"): #Load mask r_cnn ''' standard estimation parameter for Mask R-CNN (identical for all dataset) ''' self.config = BopInferenceConfig(dataset="ros", num_classes=n_objs + 1, im_width=self.im_width, im_height=self.im_height) self.config.DETECTION_MIN_CONFIDENCE = 0.3 self.config.DETECTION_MAX_INSTANCES = 30 self.config.DETECTION_NMS_THRESHOLD = 0.5 self.detection_model = modellib.MaskRCNN(mode="inference", config=self.config, model_dir="/") self.detection_model.load_weights( cfg['path_to_detection_weights'], by_name=True) self.obj_models = [] self.obj_bboxes = [] self.obj_pix2pose = [] pix2pose_dir = cfg['path_to_pix2pose_weights'] th_outlier = cfg['outlier_th'] self.model_scale = cfg['model_scale'] for t_id, target_obj in enumerate(self.target_objs): weight_fn = os.path.join( pix2pose_dir, "{:02d}/inference.hdf5".format(target_obj)) print("Load pix2pose weights from ", weight_fn) model_param = self.model_params['{}'.format(target_obj)] obj_param = bop_io.get_model_params(model_param) recog_temp = recog.pix2pose(weight_fn, camK=self.camK, res_x=self.im_width, res_y=self.im_height, obj_param=obj_param, th_ransac=self.ransac_th, th_outlier=th_outlier, th_inlier=self.inlier_th) self.obj_pix2pose.append(recog_temp) ply_fn = os.path.join(self.cfg['model_dir'], self.cfg['ply_files'][t_id]) if (self.icp): #for pyrender rendering obj_model = trimesh.load_mesh(ply_fn) obj_model.vertices = obj_model.vertices * self.model_scale mesh = pyrender.Mesh.from_trimesh(obj_model) self.obj_models.append(mesh) self.obj_bboxes.append( self.get_3d_box_points(obj_model.vertices)) else: obj_model = inout.load_ply(ply_fn) self.obj_bboxes.append( self.get_3d_box_points(obj_model['pts'])) rospy.init_node('pix2pose', anonymous=True) self.detect_pub = rospy.Publisher("/pix2pose/detected_object", ros_image) #self.pose_pub = rospy.Publisher("/pix2pose/object_pose", Pose) self.pose_pub = rospy.Publisher("/pix2pose/object_pose", ros_image) self.have_depth = False if (self.icp): self.sub_depth = rospy.Subscriber(self.depth_topic, ros_image, self.callback_depth, queue_size=1) if (self.pub_before_icp): self.pose_pub_noicp = rospy.Publisher( "/pix2pose/object_pose_noicp", ros_image) self.depth_img = np.zeros((self.im_height, self.im_width)) self.sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.rgb_topic, ros_image, self.callback, queue_size=1)
import cv2 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt #selection of detection pipelines import keras import tensorflow as tf_backend ROOT_DIR = os.path.abspath(".") sys.path.append(ROOT_DIR) # To find local version of the library sys.path.append("./bop_toolkit") from bop_toolkit_lib import inout from tools import bop_io cfg_path_detection = "ros_kinetic/ros_config.json" cfg = inout.load_json(cfg_path_detection) detect_type = cfg['detection_pipeline'] if detect_type == 'rcnn': detection_dir = cfg['path_to_detection_pipeline'] sys.path.append(detection_dir) from mrcnn.config import Config from mrcnn import utils import mrcnn.model as modellib from tools.mask_rcnn_util import BopInferenceConfig #"/hsrb/head_rgbd_sensor/rgb/image_rect_color", icp = False if (int(cfg['icp']) == 1): icp = True
import bop_toolkit_lib.inout as inout import bop_toolkit_lib.misc as misc from bop_toolkit_lib.renderer_py import RendererPython import bop_toolkit_lib.pose_error as error sys.path.append(".") sys.path.append("./src") import src.sampling as sampling import src.plausibility as plausibility YCBV_PATH = "/PATH_TO/BOP19/ycbv" assert YCBV_PATH != "/PATH_TO/BOP19/ycbv" # set to your model directory # load model meta data DATA_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()), "data") models_info = inout.load_json(os.path.join(YCBV_PATH, f"models_eval/models_info.json"), keys_to_int=True) models_meta = inout.load_json(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, f"models_meta.json"), keys_to_int=True) obj_roff = np.array([models_meta[obj_id]['R_to_canonical'] for obj_id in range(1, 22)]).reshape(21, 3, 3) obj_toff = np.array([models_meta[obj_id]['t_to_canonical'] for obj_id in range(1, 22)]).reshape(21, 3) def init(target): """ Initialize scene for given [target] object to evaluate pose-error functions. Prepare rendering and evaluation. """ renderer = RendererPython(640, 480, bg_color=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), shading='flat') # base scene (static support) ground_volume = resource.get(f"{DATA_PATH}/cube.ply").convert('VolumeGrid') renderer.add_object(0, f"{DATA_PATH}/cube.ply")
gpu_id = sys.argv[1] if(gpu_id=='-1'): gpu_id='' os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = gpu_id import tensorflow as tf from bop_toolkit_lib import inout from tools import bop_io from pix2pose_util import data_io as dataio from pix2pose_model import ae_model as ae from pix2pose_model import recognition as recog from pix2pose_util.common_util import get_bbox_from_mask cfg_fn =sys.argv[2] cfg = inout.load_json(cfg_fn) detect_type = cfg['detection_pipeline'] if detect_type=='rcnn': detection_dir=cfg['path_to_detection_pipeline'] sys.path.append(detection_dir) from mrcnn.config import Config from mrcnn import utils import mrcnn.model as modellib from tools.mask_rcnn_util import BopInferenceConfig def get_rcnn_detection(image_t,model): image_t_resized, window, scale, padding, crop = utils.resize_image( np.copy(image_t), min_dim=config.IMAGE_MIN_DIM, min_scale=config.IMAGE_MIN_SCALE, max_dim=config.IMAGE_MAX_DIM, mode=config.IMAGE_RESIZE_MODE)
dists = [] azimuths = [] elevs = [] visib_fracts = [] ims_count = 0 for scene_id in scene_ids: misc.log('Processing - dataset: {} ({}, {}), scene: {}'.format( p['dataset'], p['dataset_split'], p['dataset_split_type'], scene_id)) # Load GT poses. scene_gt = inout.load_scene_gt( dp_split['scene_gt_tpath'].format(scene_id=scene_id)) # Load info about the GT poses. scene_gt_info = inout.load_json( dp_split['scene_gt_info_tpath'].format(scene_id=scene_id), keys_to_int=True) ims_count += len(scene_gt) for im_id in scene_gt.keys(): for gt_id, im_gt in enumerate(scene_gt[im_id]): # Object distance. dist = np.linalg.norm(im_gt['cam_t_m2c']) dists.append(dist) # Camera origin in the model coordinate system. cam_orig_m = -np.linalg.inv(im_gt['cam_R_m2c']).dot( im_gt['cam_t_m2c'])
def get_dataset(cfg,dataset,train=True,incl_param=False,eval=False,eval_model=False): #return serialized datset information bop_dir = cfg['dataset_dir'] if eval_model: postfix_model = '_eval' else: postfix_model = '' if(dataset=='lmo'): bop_dataset_dir = os.path.join(bop_dir,"lmo") test_dir = bop_dataset_dir+"/test" train_dir = bop_dataset_dir+"/train" model_dir = bop_dataset_dir+"/models"+postfix_model model_scale=0.001 elif(dataset=='ruapc'): bop_dataset_dir = os.path.join(bop_dir,"ruapc") test_dir = bop_dataset_dir+"/test" train_dir = bop_dataset_dir+"/train" model_dir = bop_dataset_dir+"/models"+postfix_model model_scale=0.001 elif(dataset=='hb'): bop_dataset_dir = os.path.join(bop_dir,"hb") test_dir = bop_dataset_dir+"/test" train_dir = bop_dataset_dir+"/train" model_dir = bop_dataset_dir+"/models"+postfix_model model_scale=0.0001 elif(dataset=='icbin'): bop_dataset_dir = os.path.join(bop_dir,"icbin") test_dir = bop_dataset_dir+"/test" train_dir = bop_dataset_dir+"/train" model_dir = bop_dataset_dir+"/models"+postfix_model model_scale=0.001 elif(dataset=='itodd'): bop_dataset_dir = os.path.join(bop_dir,"itodd") test_dir = bop_dataset_dir+"/test" train_dir = bop_dataset_dir+"/train" model_dir = bop_dataset_dir+"/models"+postfix_model model_scale=0.001 elif(dataset=='tudl'): bop_dataset_dir = os.path.join(bop_dir,"tudl") test_dir = bop_dataset_dir+"/test" train_dir = bop_dataset_dir+"/train_real" model_dir = bop_dataset_dir+"/models"+postfix_model model_scale=0.001 elif(dataset=='tless'): bop_dataset_dir = os.path.join(bop_dir,"tless") test_dir = bop_dataset_dir+"/test_primesense" train_dir = bop_dataset_dir+"/train_primesense" if not(train) and not(eval_model): model_dir = bop_dataset_dir+"/models_reconst" #use this only for vis elif eval_model: model_dir = bop_dataset_dir+"/models_eval" else: model_dir = bop_dataset_dir+"/models_cad" model_scale=0.001 elif(dataset=='ycbv'): bop_dataset_dir = os.path.join(bop_dir,"ycbv") test_dir = bop_dataset_dir+"/test" train_dir = bop_dataset_dir+"/train" model_dir = bop_dataset_dir+"/models"+postfix_model model_scale=0.001 elif(dataset=='lm'): bop_dataset_dir = os.path.join(bop_dir,"lm") test_dir = bop_dataset_dir+"/test" train_dir = bop_dataset_dir+"/train" model_dir = bop_dataset_dir+"/models"+postfix_model model_dir = "/home/kiru/media/hdd_linux/PoseDataset/hinterstoisser/model_eval" model_scale=0.001 model_info = inout.load_json(os.path.join(model_dir,"models_info.json")) if(dataset=='ycbv'): cam_param_global = inout.load_cam_params(os.path.join(bop_dataset_dir,"camera_uw.json")) else: cam_param_global = inout.load_cam_params(os.path.join(bop_dataset_dir,"camera.json")) im_size=np.array(cam_param_global['im_size'])[::-1] model_plys=[] rgb_files=[] depth_files=[] mask_files=[] gts=[] params=[] model_ids = [] for model_id in model_info.keys(): ply_fn = os.path.join(model_dir,"obj_{:06d}.ply".format(int(model_id))) if(os.path.exists(ply_fn)): model_ids.append(int(model_id)) #add model id only if the model.ply file exists model_ids = np.sort(np.array(model_ids)) for model_id in model_ids: ply_fn = os.path.join(model_dir,"obj_{:06d}.ply".format(int(model_id))) model_plys.append(ply_fn) print(model_id,ply_fn) print("if models are not fully listed above, please make sure there are ply files available") if(train): target_dir =train_dir if(os.path.exists(target_dir)): for dir in os.listdir(target_dir): #loop over a seqeunce current_dir = target_dir+"/"+dir if os.path.exists(os.path.join(current_dir,"scene_camera.json")): scene_params = inout.load_scene_camera(os.path.join(current_dir,"scene_camera.json")) scene_gt_fn = os.path.join(current_dir,"scene_gt.json") has_gt=False if os.path.exists(scene_gt_fn): scene_gts = inout.load_scene_gt(scene_gt_fn) has_gt=True for img_id in sorted(scene_params.keys()): im_id = int(img_id) if(dataset=="itodd" and not(train)): rgb_fn = os.path.join(current_dir+"/gray","{:06d}.tif".format(im_id)) else: rgb_fn = os.path.join(current_dir+"/rgb","{:06d}.png".format(im_id)) depth_fn = os.path.join(current_dir+"/depth","{:06d}.png".format(im_id)) if(train): if(dataset=='hb' or dataset=='itodd' or dataset=='ycbv'): mask_fn = os.path.join(current_dir+"/mask","{:06d}.png".format(im_id)) else: mask_fn = os.path.join(current_dir+"/mask","{:06d}_000000.png".format(im_id)) mask_files.append(mask_fn) rgb_files.append(rgb_fn) depth_files.append(depth_fn) if(has_gt):gts.append(scene_gts[im_id]) params.append(scene_params[im_id]) else: target_dir =test_dir if(incl_param): return bop_dataset_dir,target_dir,model_plys,model_info,model_ids,rgb_files,depth_files,mask_files,gts,cam_param_global,params else: return bop_dataset_dir,target_dir,model_plys,model_info,model_ids,rgb_files,depth_files,mask_files,gts,cam_param_global
model_type) dp_camera = dataset_params.get_camera_params(p['datasets_path'], p['dataset']) K = dp_camera['K'] fx, fy, cx, cy = K[0, 0], K[1, 1], K[0, 2], K[1, 2] # Create a renderer. width, height = dp_camera['im_size'] ren = renderer.create_renderer(width, height, p['renderer_type'], mode='rgb', shading='flat') # Load meta info about the models (including symmetries). models_info = inout.load_json(dp_model['models_info_path'], keys_to_int=True) for obj_id in dp_model['obj_ids']: # Load object model. misc.log('Loading 3D model of object {}...'.format(obj_id)) model_path = dp_model['model_tpath'].format(obj_id=obj_id) ren.add_object(obj_id, model_path) poses = misc.get_symmetry_transformations(models_info[obj_id], p['max_sym_disc_step']) for pose_id, pose in enumerate(poses): for view_id, view in enumerate(p['views']):
def run(self): bop_dataset_path = self.config.get_string("bop_dataset_path") scene_id = self.config.get_int("scene_id") split = self.config.get_string("split", "test") model_type = self.config.get_string("model_type", "") mm2m = 0.001 if self.config.get_bool("mm2m") else 1 datasets_path = os.path.dirname(bop_dataset_path) dataset = os.path.basename(bop_dataset_path) print("bob: {}, dataset_path: {}".format(bop_dataset_path, datasets_path)) print("dataset: {}".format(dataset)) model_p = dataset_params.get_model_params( datasets_path, dataset, model_type=model_type if model_type else None) camera_p = dataset_params.get_camera_params(datasets_path, dataset) try: split_p = dataset_params.get_split_params(datasets_path, dataset, split=split) except ValueError: raise Exception( "Wrong path or {} split does not exist in {}.".format( split, dataset)) sc_gt = inout.load_scene_gt( split_p['scene_gt_tpath'].format(**{'scene_id': scene_id})) sc_camera = inout.load_json( split_p['scene_camera_tpath'].format(**{'scene_id': scene_id})) bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x = self.config.get_int( "resolution_x", split_p['im_size'][0]) bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y = self.config.get_int( "resolution_y", split_p['im_size'][1]) #bpy.context.scene.render.pixel_aspect_x = self.config.get_float("pixel_aspect_x", 1) #split_p['im_size'][0] / split_p['im_size'][1]) cm = CameraModule(self.config) for i, (cam_id, insts) in enumerate(sc_gt.items()): cam_K = np.array(sc_camera[str(cam_id)]['cam_K']).reshape(3, 3) cam_H_m2c_ref = np.eye(4) cam_H_m2c_ref[:3, :3] = np.array(insts[0]['cam_R_m2c']).reshape( 3, 3) cam_H_m2c_ref[:3, 3] = np.array( insts[0]['cam_t_m2c']).reshape(3) * mm2m if i == 0: # define world = first camera cam_H_m2w_ref = cam_H_m2c_ref.copy() for inst in insts: bpy.ops.import_mesh.ply( filepath=model_p['model_tpath'].format( **{'obj_id': inst['obj_id']})) cam_H_m2c = np.eye(4) cam_H_m2c[:3, :3] = np.array(inst['cam_R_m2c']).reshape( 3, 3) cam_H_m2c[:3, 3] = np.array( inst['cam_t_m2c']).reshape(3) * mm2m # world = camera @ i=0 cam_H_m2w = cam_H_m2c print('-----------------------------') print("Model: {}".format(cam_H_m2w)) print('-----------------------------') cur_obj = bpy.context.selected_objects[-1] cur_obj.matrix_world = Matrix(cam_H_m2w) cur_obj.scale = Vector((mm2m, mm2m, mm2m)) mat = self._load_materials(cur_obj) self._link_col_node(mat) cam_H_c2w =, np.linalg.inv(cam_H_m2c_ref)) print('-----------------------------') print("Cam: {}".format(cam_H_c2w)) print('-----------------------------') config = {"location": [0, 0, 0], "rotation": list([0, 0, 0])} cm._add_cam_pose(Config(config), Matrix(cam_H_c2w), cam_K)
def run(self): """ Load BOP data """ datasets_path = os.path.dirname(self.bop_dataset_path) dataset = os.path.basename(self.bop_dataset_path) print("bob: {}, dataset_path: {}".format(self.bop_dataset_path, datasets_path)) print("dataset: {}".format(dataset)) try: from bop_toolkit_lib import dataset_params, inout except ImportError as error: print( 'ERROR: Please download the bop_toolkit package and add it to sys_paths in config!' ) print('') raise error model_p = dataset_params.get_model_params( datasets_path, dataset, model_type=self.model_type if self.model_type else None) cam_p = dataset_params.get_camera_params( datasets_path, dataset, cam_type=self.cam_type if self.cam_type else None) try: split_p = dataset_params.get_split_params(datasets_path, dataset, split=self.split) except ValueError: raise Exception( "Wrong path or {} split does not exist in {}.".format( self.split, dataset))["category_id"] = 0 bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x = cam_p['im_size'][0] bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y = cam_p['im_size'][1] loaded_objects = [] # only load all/selected objects here, use other modules for setting poses # e.g. camera.CameraSampler / object.ObjectPoseSampler if self.scene_id == -1: # TLESS exception because images are cropped if self.bop_dataset_name in ['tless']: cam_p['K'][0, 2] = split_p['im_size'][0] / 2 cam_p['K'][1, 2] = split_p['im_size'][1] / 2 # set camera intrinsics CameraUtility.set_intrinsics_from_K_matrix(cam_p['K'], split_p['im_size'][0], split_p['im_size'][1]) obj_ids = self.obj_ids if self.obj_ids else model_p['obj_ids'] # if sampling is enabled if self.sample_objects: loaded_ids = {} loaded_amount = 0 if self.obj_instances_limit != -1 and len( obj_ids ) * self.obj_instances_limit < self.num_of_objs_to_sample: raise RuntimeError( "{}'s {} split contains {} objects, {} object where requested to sample with " "an instances limit of {}. Raise the limit amount or decrease the requested " "amount of objects.".format(self.bop_dataset_path, self.split, len(obj_ids), self.num_of_objs_to_sample, self.obj_instances_limit)) while loaded_amount != self.num_of_objs_to_sample: random_id = choice(obj_ids) if random_id not in loaded_ids.keys(): loaded_ids.update({random_id: 0}) # if there is no limit or if there is one, but it is not reached for this particular object if self.obj_instances_limit == -1 or loaded_ids[ random_id] < self.obj_instances_limit: cur_obj = self._load_mesh(random_id, model_p, scale=self.scale) loaded_ids[random_id] += 1 loaded_amount += 1 loaded_objects.append(cur_obj) else: print( "ID {} was loaded {} times with limit of {}. Total loaded amount {} while {} are " "being requested".format( random_id, loaded_ids[random_id], self.obj_instances_limit, loaded_amount, self.num_of_objs_to_sample)) else: for obj_id in obj_ids: cur_obj = self._load_mesh(obj_id, model_p, scale=self.scale) loaded_objects.append(cur_obj) self._set_properties(loaded_objects) # replicate scene: load scene objects, object poses, camera intrinsics and camera poses else: sc_gt = inout.load_scene_gt(split_p['scene_gt_tpath'].format( **{'scene_id': self.scene_id})) sc_camera = inout.load_json(split_p['scene_camera_tpath'].format( **{'scene_id': self.scene_id})) for i, (cam_id, insts) in enumerate(sc_gt.items()): cam_K, cam_H_m2c_ref = self._get_ref_cam_extrinsics_intrinsics( sc_camera, cam_id, insts, self.scale) if i == 0: # define world = first camera cam_H_m2w_ref = cam_H_m2c_ref.copy() cur_objs = [] # load scene objects and set their poses for inst in insts: cur_objs.append( self._load_mesh(inst['obj_id'], model_p, scale=self.scale)) self.set_object_pose(cur_objs[-1], inst, self.scale) cam_H_c2w = self._compute_camera_to_world_trafo( cam_H_m2w_ref, cam_H_m2c_ref) # set camera intrinsics CameraUtility.set_intrinsics_from_K_matrix( cam_K, split_p['im_size'][0], split_p['im_size'][1]) # set camera extrinsics as next frame frame_id = CameraUtility.add_camera_pose(cam_H_c2w) # Add key frame for camera shift, as it changes from frame to frame in the tless replication cam = cam.keyframe_insert(data_path='shift_x', frame=frame_id) cam.keyframe_insert(data_path='shift_y', frame=frame_id) # Copy object poses to key frame (to be sure) for cur_obj in cur_objs: self._insert_key_frames(cur_obj, frame_id) # move the origin of the object to the world origin and on top of the X-Y plane # makes it easier to place them later on, this does not change the `.location` # This is only useful if the BOP objects are not used in a pose estimation scenario. move_to_origin = self.config.get_bool("move_origin_to_x_y_plane", False) if move_to_origin: LoaderInterface.move_obj_origin_to_bottom_mean_point( loaded_objects)
else: new_data = data, new_data) augment_inplane = 30 if len(sys.argv) < 3: print( "rendering 3d coordinate images using a converted ply file, format of 6D pose challange( can be used" ) print( "python3 tools/ [cfg_fn] [dataset_name]" ) else: cfg_fn = sys.argv[1] #"cfg/cfg_bop2019.json" cfg = inout.load_json(cfg_fn) dataset = sys.argv[2] bop_dir,source_dir,model_plys,model_info,model_ids,rgb_files,\ depth_files,mask_files,gts,cam_param_global,scene_cam =\ bop_io.get_dataset(cfg,dataset,incl_param=True) xyz_target_dir = bop_dir + "/train_xyz" im_width, im_height = cam_param_global['im_size'] cam_K = cam_param_global['K'] #check if the image dimension is the same rgb_fn = rgb_files[0] img_temp = inout.load_im(rgb_fn) if (img_temp.shape[0] != im_height or img_temp.shape[1] != im_width): print("the size of training images is different from test images") im_height = img_temp.shape[0]
def run(self): bop_dataset_path = self.config.get_string("bop_dataset_path") scene_id = self.config.get_int("scene_id", -1) obj_ids = self.config.get_list("obj_ids", []) split = self.config.get_string("split", "test") model_type = self.config.get_string("model_type", "") cam_type = self.config.get_string("cam_type", "") mm2m = 0.001 if self.config.get_bool("mm2m", False) else 1 datasets_path = os.path.dirname(bop_dataset_path) dataset = os.path.basename(bop_dataset_path) print("bob: {}, dataset_path: {}".format(bop_dataset_path, datasets_path)) print("dataset: {}".format(dataset)) try: from bop_toolkit_lib import dataset_params, inout except ImportError as error: print( 'ERROR: Please download the bop_toolkit package and add it to sys_paths in config!' ) print('') raise error model_p = dataset_params.get_model_params( datasets_path, dataset, model_type=model_type if model_type else None) cam_p = dataset_params.get_camera_params( datasets_path, dataset, cam_type=cam_type if cam_type else None)["Scene"]["num_labels"] = len(model_p['obj_ids']) try: split_p = dataset_params.get_split_params(datasets_path, dataset, split=split) except ValueError: raise Exception( "Wrong path or {} split does not exist in {}.".format( split, dataset))["category_id"] = 0 bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x = self.config.get_int( "resolution_x", split_p['im_size'][0]) bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y = self.config.get_int( "resolution_y", split_p['im_size'][1]) # Collect camera and camera object cam_ob = cam = cam['loaded_resolution'] = bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x, bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y cam['loaded_intrinsics'] = cam_p[ 'K'] # load default intrinsics from camera.json #only load all/selected objects here, use other modules for setting poses, e.g. camera.CameraSampler / object.ObjectPoseSampler if scene_id == -1: obj_ids = obj_ids if obj_ids else model_p['obj_ids'] for obj_id in obj_ids: self._load_mesh(obj_id, model_p, mm2m=mm2m) # replicate scene: load scene objects, object poses, camera intrinsics and camera poses else: sc_gt = inout.load_scene_gt( split_p['scene_gt_tpath'].format(**{'scene_id': scene_id})) sc_camera = inout.load_json( split_p['scene_camera_tpath'].format(**{'scene_id': scene_id})) cm = CameraModule(self.config) for i, (cam_id, insts) in enumerate(sc_gt.items()): cam_K = np.array(sc_camera[str(cam_id)]['cam_K']).reshape(3, 3) cam_H_m2c_ref = np.eye(4) cam_H_m2c_ref[:3, :3] = np.array( insts[0]['cam_R_m2c']).reshape(3, 3) cam_H_m2c_ref[:3, 3] = np.array( insts[0]['cam_t_m2c']).reshape(3) * mm2m if i == 0: # define world = first camera cam_H_m2w_ref = cam_H_m2c_ref.copy() for inst in insts: cur_obj = self._load_mesh(inst['obj_id'], model_p, mm2m=mm2m) cam_H_m2c = np.eye(4) cam_H_m2c[:3, :3] = np.array( inst['cam_R_m2c']).reshape(3, 3) cam_H_m2c[:3, 3] = np.array( inst['cam_t_m2c']).reshape(3) * mm2m # world = camera @ i=0 cam_H_m2w = cam_H_m2c print('-----------------------------') print("Model: {}".format(cam_H_m2w)) print('-----------------------------') cur_obj.matrix_world = Matrix(cam_H_m2w) cam_H_c2w =, np.linalg.inv(cam_H_m2c_ref)) print('-----------------------------') print("Cam: {}".format(cam_H_c2w)) print('-----------------------------') config = {"location": [0, 0, 0], "rotation": list([0, 0, 0])} cm._add_cam_pose(Config(config), Matrix(cam_H_c2w), cam_K)
def main(_): tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO) # Load the list examples. examples_path = os.path.join(config.TF_DATA_PATH, 'example_lists', FLAGS.examples_filename) 'Loading a list of examples from: {}'.format(examples_path)) examples_list = tfrecord.load_example_list(examples_path) # Load dataset parameters. dp_split = dataset_params.get_split_params(config.BOP_PATH, FLAGS.dataset, FLAGS.split, FLAGS.split_type) # Pre-load camera parameters and ground-truth annotations. scene_gt = {} scene_gt_info = {} scene_camera = {} scene_ids = set([e['scene_id'] for e in examples_list]) for scene_id in scene_ids: scene_camera[scene_id] = inout.load_scene_camera( dp_split['scene_camera_tpath'].format(scene_id=scene_id)) if FLAGS.add_gt: scene_gt[scene_id] = inout.load_scene_gt( dp_split['scene_gt_tpath'].format(scene_id=scene_id)) scene_gt_info[scene_id] = inout.load_json( dp_split['scene_gt_info_tpath'].format(scene_id=scene_id), keys_to_int=True) # Check the name of the file with examples. examples_end = '_examples.txt' if not FLAGS.examples_filename.endswith(examples_end): raise ValueError( 'Name of the file with examples must end with {}.'.format( examples_end)) # Prepare writer of the TFRecord file. output_name = FLAGS.examples_filename.split(examples_end)[0] output_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.output_dir, output_name + '.tfrecord') writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(output_path)'File to be created: {}'.format(output_path)) # Optionally shuffle the examples. if FLAGS.shuffle: random.shuffle(examples_list) # Write the examples to the TFRecord file. w_start_t = time.time() create_tf_example_partial = partial(create_tf_example, dp_split=dp_split, scene_camera=scene_camera, scene_gt=scene_gt, scene_gt_info=scene_gt_info) for example_id, example in enumerate(examples_list): if example_id % 50 == 0:'Processing example {}/{}'.format( example_id + 1, len(examples_list))) tf_example, _ = create_tf_example_partial(example) writer.write(tf_example) # Close the writer. writer.close() w_total_t = time.time() - w_start_t'Writing took {} s.'.format(w_total_t))
pose_est_method = m3_args.get('methods', 'object_pose_estimator') pose_refiner_method = m3_args.get('methods', 'object_pose_refiner') mask_inf_time = m3_args.getfloat('mask_rcnn', 'inference_time') mask_base = m3_args.get('mask_rcnn', 'path_to_masks') shift_depth = (-1, -4) if dataset_name == 'tless' else (0, 0) # if detector_method: # from retinanet_detector import RetinaNetDetector # detector = m3vision.get_detector(detector_method, m3_config_path) # detector = RetinaNetDetector('/net/rmc-lx0314/home_local/sund_ma/tmp/resnet50_csv_27_frozen2.h5', m3_config_path) dp_split = dataset_params.get_split_params(datasets_path, dataset_name, split, split_type=split_type) targets = inout.load_json( os.path.join(dp_split['base_path'], 'test_targets_bop19.json')) if pose_est_method: # mp_pose_estimator = AePoseEstimator(os.path.join(workspace_path,'cfg_m3vision/test_config.cfg')) mp_pose_estimator = MPPoseEstimator(m3_config_path) if pose_refiner_method: pose_refiner = m3vision.get_pose_refiner(pose_refiner_method, m3_config_path) if dataset_name == 'ycbv': for m in list(pose_refiner.models.values()): for mp in m['pts']: mp[0] *= 1000 mp[1] *= 1000 mp[2] *= 1000
os.path.join(config.output_path, 'vis_est_poses'), # Path templates for output images. 'vis_rgb_tpath': os.path.join('{vis_path}', '{result_name}', '{scene_id:06d}', '{vis_name}.jpg'), 'vis_depth_diff_tpath': os.path.join('{vis_path}', '{result_name}', '{scene_id:06d}', '{vis_name}_depth_diff.jpg'), } ################################################################################ # Load colors. colors_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(visualization.__file__), 'colors.json') colors = inout.load_json(colors_path) for result_fname in p['result_filenames']: misc.log('Processing: ' + result_fname) # Parse info about the method and the dataset from the filename. result_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(result_fname))[0] result_info = result_name.split('_') method = result_info[0] dataset_info = result_info[1].split('-') dataset = dataset_info[0] split = dataset_info[1] split_type = dataset_info[2] if len(dataset_info) > 2 else None # Load dataset parameters. dp_split = dataset_params.get_split_params(p['datasets_path'], dataset,
score_sign = misc.get_score_signature( p['correct_th'][err_type], p['visib_gt_min']) misc.log('Calculating score - error: {}, method: {}, dataset: {}.'.format( err_type, method, dataset)) # Load dataset parameters. dp_split = dataset_params.get_split_params( p['datasets_path'], dataset, split, split_type) model_type = 'eval' dp_model = dataset_params.get_model_params( p['datasets_path'], dataset, model_type) # Load info about the object models. models_info = inout.load_json(dp_model['models_info_path'], keys_to_int=True) # Load the estimation targets to consider. targets = inout.load_json( os.path.join(dp_split['base_path'], p['targets_filename'])) scene_im_ids = {} # Organize the targets by scene, image and object. misc.log('Organizing estimation targets...') targets_org = {} for target in targets: targets_org.setdefault(target['scene_id'], {}).setdefault( target['im_id'], {})[target['obj_id']] = target # Go through the test scenes and match estimated poses to GT poses. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def run(self): """ Load BOP data """ datasets_path = os.path.dirname(self.bop_dataset_path) dataset = os.path.basename(self.bop_dataset_path) print("bob: {}, dataset_path: {}".format(self.bop_dataset_path, datasets_path)) print("dataset: {}".format(dataset)) try: from bop_toolkit_lib import dataset_params, inout except ImportError as error: print( 'ERROR: Please download the bop_toolkit package and add it to sys_paths in config!' ) print('') raise error model_p = dataset_params.get_model_params( datasets_path, dataset, model_type=self.model_type if self.model_type else None) cam_p = dataset_params.get_camera_params( datasets_path, dataset, cam_type=self.cam_type if self.cam_type else None)["Scene"]["num_labels"] = len(model_p['obj_ids']) try: split_p = dataset_params.get_split_params(datasets_path, dataset, split=self.split) except ValueError: raise Exception( "Wrong path or {} split does not exist in {}.".format( self.split, dataset))["category_id"] = 0 bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x = split_p['im_size'][0] bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y = split_p['im_size'][1] # Collect camera and camera object cam_ob = cam = cam['loaded_resolution'] = split_p['im_size'][0], split_p['im_size'][1] # load default intrinsics from camera.json cam['loaded_intrinsics'] = cam_p['K'] config = Config({}) camera_module = CameraModule(config) camera_module._set_cam_intrinsics(cam, config) loaded_objects = [] # only load all/selected objects here, use other modules for setting poses # e.g. camera.CameraSampler / object.ObjectPoseSampler if self.scene_id == -1: obj_ids = self.obj_ids if self.obj_ids else model_p['obj_ids'] # if sampling is enabled if self.sample_objects: loaded_ids = {} loaded_amount = 0 if self.obj_instances_limit != -1 and len( obj_ids ) * self.obj_instances_limit < self.num_of_objs_to_sample: raise RuntimeError( "{}'s {} split contains {} objects, {} object where requested to sample with " "an instances limit of {}. Raise the limit amount or decrease the requested " "amount of objects.".format(self.bop_dataset_path, self.split, len(obj_ids), self.num_of_objs_to_sample, self.obj_instances_limit)) while loaded_amount != self.num_of_objs_to_sample: random_id = choice(obj_ids) if random_id not in loaded_ids.keys(): loaded_ids.update({random_id: 0}) # if there is no limit or if there is one, but it is not reached for this particular object if self.obj_instances_limit == -1 or loaded_ids[ random_id] < self.obj_instances_limit: cur_obj = self._load_mesh(random_id, model_p, scale=self.scale) loaded_ids[random_id] += 1 loaded_amount += 1 loaded_objects.append(cur_obj) else: print( "ID {} was loaded {} times with limit of {}. Total loaded amount {} while {} are " "being requested".format( random_id, loaded_ids[random_id], self.obj_instances_limit, loaded_amount, self.num_of_objs_to_sample)) else: for obj_id in obj_ids: cur_obj = self._load_mesh(obj_id, model_p, scale=self.scale) loaded_objects.append(cur_obj) self._set_properties(loaded_objects) # replicate scene: load scene objects, object poses, camera intrinsics and camera poses else: sc_gt = inout.load_scene_gt(split_p['scene_gt_tpath'].format( **{'scene_id': self.scene_id})) sc_camera = inout.load_json(split_p['scene_camera_tpath'].format( **{'scene_id': self.scene_id})) for i, (cam_id, insts) in enumerate(sc_gt.items()): cam_K, cam_H_m2c_ref = self._get_ref_cam_extrinsics_intrinsics( sc_camera, cam_id, insts, self.scale) if i == 0: # define world = first camera cam_H_m2w_ref = cam_H_m2c_ref.copy() cur_objs = [] # load scene objects and set their poses for inst in insts: cur_objs.append( self._load_mesh(inst['obj_id'], model_p, scale=self.scale)) self.set_object_pose(cur_objs[-1], inst, self.scale) cam_H_c2w = self._compute_camera_to_world_trafo( cam_H_m2w_ref, cam_H_m2c_ref) #set camera intrinsics and extrinsics config = Config({ "cam2world_matrix": list(cam_H_c2w.flatten()), "cam_K": list(cam_K.flatten()) }) camera_module._set_cam_intrinsics(cam, config) camera_module._set_cam_extrinsics(cam_ob, config) # Store new cam pose as next frame frame_id = bpy.context.scene.frame_end # Copy object poses to next key frame (to be sure) for cur_obj in cur_objs: self._insert_key_frames(cur_obj, frame_id) camera_module._insert_key_frames(cam, cam_ob, frame_id) bpy.context.scene.frame_end = frame_id + 1
def load(bop_dataset_path: str, temp_dir: str, sys_paths: list, model_type: str = "", cam_type: str = "", split: str = "test", scene_id: int = -1, obj_ids: list = [], sample_objects: bool = False, num_of_objs_to_sample: int = None, obj_instances_limit: int = -1, move_origin_to_x_y_plane: bool = False, source_frame: list = ["X", "-Y", "-Z"], mm2m: bool = False) -> List[MeshObject]: """ Loads the 3D models of any BOP dataset and allows replicating BOP scenes - Interfaces with the bob_toolkit, allows loading of train, val and test splits - Relative camera poses are loaded/computed with respect to a reference model - Sets real camera intrinsics :param bop_dataset_path: Full path to a specific bop dataset e.g. /home/user/bop/tless. :param temp_dir: A temp directory which is used for writing the temporary .ply file. :param sys_paths: System paths to append. :param model_type: Optionally, specify type of BOP model. Available: [reconst, cad or eval]. :param cam_type: Camera type. If not defined, dataset-specific default camera type is used. :param split: Optionally, test or val split depending on BOP dataset. :param scene_id: Optionally, specify BOP dataset scene to synthetically replicate. Default: -1 (no scene is replicated, only BOP Objects are loaded). :param obj_ids: List of object ids to load. Default: [] (all objects from the given BOP dataset if scene_id is not specified). :param sample_objects: Toggles object sampling from the specified dataset. :param num_of_objs_to_sample: Amount of objects to sample from the specified dataset. If this amount is bigger than the dataset actually contains, then all objects will be loaded. :param obj_instances_limit: Limits the amount of object copies when sampling. Default: -1 (no limit). :param move_origin_to_x_y_plane: Move center of the object to the lower side of the object, this will not work when used in combination with pose estimation tasks! This is designed for the use-case where BOP objects are used as filler objects in the background. :param source_frame: Can be used if the given positions and rotations are specified in frames different from the blender frame. Has to be a list of three strings. Example: ['X', '-Z', 'Y']: Point (1,2,3) will be transformed to (1, -3, 2). Available: ['X', 'Y', 'Z', '-X', '-Y', '-Z']. :param mm2m: Specify whether to convert poses and models to meters. :return: The list of loaded mesh objects. """ for sys_path in sys_paths: if 'bop_toolkit' in sys_path: sys.path.append(sys_path) scale = 0.001 if mm2m else 1 bop_dataset_name = os.path.basename(bop_dataset_path) has_external_texture = bop_dataset_name in ["ycbv", "ruapc"] if obj_ids or sample_objects: allow_duplication = True else: allow_duplication = False datasets_path = os.path.dirname(bop_dataset_path) dataset = os.path.basename(bop_dataset_path) print("bob: {}, dataset_path: {}".format(bop_dataset_path, datasets_path)) print("dataset: {}".format(dataset)) try: from bop_toolkit_lib import dataset_params, inout except ImportError as error: print( 'ERROR: Please download the bop_toolkit package and add it to sys_paths in config!' ) print('') raise error model_p = dataset_params.get_model_params( datasets_path, dataset, model_type=model_type if model_type else None) cam_p = dataset_params.get_camera_params( datasets_path, dataset, cam_type=cam_type if cam_type else None) try: split_p = dataset_params.get_split_params(datasets_path, dataset, split=split) except ValueError: raise Exception( "Wrong path or {} split does not exist in {}.".format( split, dataset))["category_id"] = 0 bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x = cam_p['im_size'][0] bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y = cam_p['im_size'][1] loaded_objects = [] # only load all/selected objects here, use other modules for setting poses # e.g. camera.CameraSampler / object.ObjectPoseSampler if scene_id == -1: # TLESS exception because images are cropped if bop_dataset_name in ['tless']: cam_p['K'][0, 2] = split_p['im_size'][0] / 2 cam_p['K'][1, 2] = split_p['im_size'][1] / 2 # set camera intrinsics CameraUtility.set_intrinsics_from_K_matrix(cam_p['K'], split_p['im_size'][0], split_p['im_size'][1]) obj_ids = obj_ids if obj_ids else model_p['obj_ids'] # if sampling is enabled if sample_objects: loaded_ids = {} loaded_amount = 0 if obj_instances_limit != -1 and len( obj_ids) * obj_instances_limit < num_of_objs_to_sample: raise RuntimeError( "{}'s {} split contains {} objects, {} object where requested to sample with " "an instances limit of {}. Raise the limit amount or decrease the requested " "amount of objects.".format(bop_dataset_path, split, len(obj_ids), num_of_objs_to_sample, obj_instances_limit)) while loaded_amount != num_of_objs_to_sample: random_id = choice(obj_ids) if random_id not in loaded_ids.keys(): loaded_ids.update({random_id: 0}) # if there is no limit or if there is one, but it is not reached for this particular object if obj_instances_limit == -1 or loaded_ids[ random_id] < obj_instances_limit: cur_obj = BopLoader._load_mesh(random_id, model_p, bop_dataset_name, has_external_texture, temp_dir, allow_duplication, scale) loaded_ids[random_id] += 1 loaded_amount += 1 loaded_objects.append(cur_obj) else: print( "ID {} was loaded {} times with limit of {}. Total loaded amount {} while {} are " "being requested".format(random_id, loaded_ids[random_id], obj_instances_limit, loaded_amount, num_of_objs_to_sample)) else: for obj_id in obj_ids: cur_obj = BopLoader._load_mesh(obj_id, model_p, bop_dataset_name, has_external_texture, temp_dir, allow_duplication, scale) loaded_objects.append(cur_obj) # replicate scene: load scene objects, object poses, camera intrinsics and camera poses else: sc_gt = inout.load_scene_gt( split_p['scene_gt_tpath'].format(**{'scene_id': scene_id})) sc_camera = inout.load_json( split_p['scene_camera_tpath'].format(**{'scene_id': scene_id})) for i, (cam_id, insts) in enumerate(sc_gt.items()): cam_K, cam_H_m2c_ref = BopLoader._get_ref_cam_extrinsics_intrinsics( sc_camera, cam_id, insts, scale) if i == 0: # define world = first camera cam_H_m2w_ref = cam_H_m2c_ref.copy() cur_objs = [] # load scene objects and set their poses for inst in insts: cur_objs.append( BopLoader._load_mesh(inst['obj_id'], model_p, bop_dataset_name, has_external_texture, temp_dir, allow_duplication, scale)) BopLoader.set_object_pose(cur_objs[-1], inst, scale) cam_H_c2w = BopLoader._compute_camera_to_world_trafo( cam_H_m2w_ref, cam_H_m2c_ref, source_frame) # set camera intrinsics CameraUtility.set_intrinsics_from_K_matrix( cam_K, split_p['im_size'][0], split_p['im_size'][1]) # set camera extrinsics as next frame frame_id = CameraUtility.add_camera_pose(cam_H_c2w) # Add key frame for camera shift, as it changes from frame to frame in the tless replication cam = cam.keyframe_insert(data_path='shift_x', frame=frame_id) cam.keyframe_insert(data_path='shift_y', frame=frame_id) # Copy object poses to key frame (to be sure) for cur_obj in cur_objs: BopLoader._insert_key_frames(cur_obj, frame_id) # move the origin of the object to the world origin and on top of the X-Y plane # makes it easier to place them later on, this does not change the `.location` # This is only useful if the BOP objects are not used in a pose estimation scenario. if move_origin_to_x_y_plane: for obj in loaded_objects: obj.move_origin_to_bottom_mean_point() return loaded_objects
def preprocess_data(): # Create directory Path(f'{SAVE_DIR}/image').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) Path(f'{SAVE_DIR}/model').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Parse metadata and load information of images with the target object img_info = [] if not IS_TARGET: for sc_id in range(*SCENE_ID_RANGE): assert Path(f'{DATASET_DIR}/{sc_id:06d}/scene_gt.json').is_file() scene_gt = io.load_scene_gt( f'{DATASET_DIR}/{sc_id:06d}/scene_gt.json') assert Path( f'{DATASET_DIR}/{sc_id:06d}/scene_camera.json').is_file() scene_cam = io.load_scene_camera( f'{DATASET_DIR}/{sc_id:06d}/scene_camera.json') for (im_id, im_gt), im_cam in zip(scene_gt.items(), scene_cam.values()): for gt_id, gt in enumerate(im_gt): if int(gt['obj_id']) == OBJ_ID: assert Path( f'{DATASET_DIR}/{sc_id:06d}/depth/{im_id:06d}.png' ).is_file() depth_path = f'{DATASET_DIR}/{sc_id:06d}/depth/{im_id:06d}.png' assert Path( f'{DATASET_DIR}/{sc_id:06d}/mask_visib/{im_id:06d}_{gt_id:06d}.png' ).is_file() mask_path = f'{DATASET_DIR}/{sc_id:06d}/mask_visib/{im_id:06d}_{gt_id:06d}.png' save_name = f'{sc_id:06d}_{im_id:06d}_{gt_id:06d}' img_info.append( [depth_path, mask_path, im_cam, gt, save_name]) else: targets = io.load_json( f'{Path(DATASET_DIR).parent}/test_targets_bop19.json') for target in targets: if int(target['obj_id']) == OBJ_ID: sc_id = target['scene_id'] assert Path( f'{DATASET_DIR}/{sc_id:06d}/scene_gt.json').is_file() scene_gt = io.load_scene_gt( f'{DATASET_DIR}/{sc_id:06d}/scene_gt.json') assert Path( f'{DATASET_DIR}/{sc_id:06d}/scene_camera.json').is_file() scene_cam = io.load_scene_camera( f'{DATASET_DIR}/{sc_id:06d}/scene_camera.json') im_id = int(target['im_id']) im_gt, im_cam = scene_gt[im_id], scene_cam[im_id] for gt_id, gt in enumerate(im_gt): if int(gt['obj_id']) == OBJ_ID: assert Path( f'{DATASET_DIR}/{sc_id:06d}/depth/{im_id:06d}.png' ).is_file() depth_path = f'{DATASET_DIR}/{sc_id:06d}/depth/{im_id:06d}.png' assert Path( f'{DATASET_DIR}/{sc_id:06d}/mask_visib/{im_id:06d}_{gt_id:06d}.png' ).is_file() mask_path = f'{DATASET_DIR}/{sc_id:06d}/mask_visib/{im_id:06d}_{gt_id:06d}.png' save_name = f'{sc_id:06d}_{im_id:06d}_{gt_id:06d}' img_info.append( [depth_path, mask_path, im_cam, gt, save_name]) # Read model point cloud model_file = f'{Path(DATASET_DIR).parent}/models/obj_{OBJ_ID:06d}.ply' assert Path(model_file).is_file() model_pcd = read_point_cloud(model_file).voxel_down_sample(VOXEL_SIZE) md_pcd_pts = np.asarray(model_pcd.points) # Create point cloud from image information t1 = time() with get_context('spawn').Pool(8) as pool: jobs = [ pool.apply_async(create_patch_pair, (*info, md_pcd_pts)) for info in img_info ] df = pd.DataFrame([j.get() for j in jobs]).dropna(axis=0) if Path(f'{SAVE_DIR}/labels.csv').is_file(): old_df = pd.read_csv(f'{SAVE_DIR}/labels.csv', header=None) df = pd.concat([old_df, df]) df.to_csv(f'{SAVE_DIR}/labels.csv', header=['filename', 'num_patches'], index=False) t2 = time() print( f'Created patch_pairs from {len(df)} images. Time elapsed: {t2 - t1 :.3f}' )
def run(self): """ Load BOP data """ bop_dataset_path = self.config.get_string("bop_dataset_path") scene_id = self.config.get_int("scene_id", -1) obj_ids = self.config.get_list("obj_ids", []) split = self.config.get_string("split", "test") model_type = self.config.get_string("model_type", "") cam_type = self.config.get_string("cam_type", "") scale = 0.001 if self.config.get_bool("mm2m", False) else 1 datasets_path = os.path.dirname(bop_dataset_path) dataset = os.path.basename(bop_dataset_path) print("bob: {}, dataset_path: {}".format(bop_dataset_path, datasets_path)) print("dataset: {}".format(dataset)) try: from bop_toolkit_lib import dataset_params, inout except ImportError as error: print( 'ERROR: Please download the bop_toolkit package and add it to sys_paths in config!' ) print('') raise error model_p = dataset_params.get_model_params( datasets_path, dataset, model_type=model_type if model_type else None) cam_p = dataset_params.get_camera_params( datasets_path, dataset, cam_type=cam_type if cam_type else None)["Scene"]["num_labels"] = len(model_p['obj_ids']) try: split_p = dataset_params.get_split_params(datasets_path, dataset, split=split) except ValueError: raise Exception( "Wrong path or {} split does not exist in {}.".format( split, dataset))["category_id"] = 0 bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x = self.config.get_int( "resolution_x", split_p['im_size'][0]) bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y = self.config.get_int( "resolution_y", split_p['im_size'][1]) # Collect camera and camera object cam_ob = cam = cam['loaded_resolution'] = bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x, bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y cam['loaded_intrinsics'] = cam_p[ 'K'] # load default intrinsics from camera.json config = Config({}) camera_module = CameraModule(config) camera_module._set_cam_intrinsics(cam, config) #only load all/selected objects here, use other modules for setting poses, e.g. camera.CameraSampler / object.ObjectPoseSampler if scene_id == -1: obj_ids = obj_ids if obj_ids else model_p['obj_ids'] for obj_id in obj_ids: self._load_mesh(obj_id, model_p, scale=scale) # replicate scene: load scene objects, object poses, camera intrinsics and camera poses else: sc_gt = inout.load_scene_gt( split_p['scene_gt_tpath'].format(**{'scene_id': scene_id})) sc_camera = inout.load_json( split_p['scene_camera_tpath'].format(**{'scene_id': scene_id})) for i, (cam_id, insts) in enumerate(sc_gt.items()): cam_K, cam_H_m2c_ref = self._get_ref_cam_extrinsics_intrinsics( sc_camera, cam_id, insts, scale) if i == 0: # define world = first camera cam_H_m2w_ref = cam_H_m2c_ref.copy() # load scene objects for inst in insts: cur_obj = self._load_mesh(inst['obj_id'], model_p) self.set_object_pose(cur_obj, inst, scale) cam_H_c2w = self._compute_camera_to_world_trafo( cam_H_m2w_ref, cam_H_m2c_ref) #set camera intrinsics and extrinsics config = Config({ "cam2world_matrix": list(cam_H_c2w.flatten()), "camK": list(cam_K.flatten()) }) camera_module._set_cam_intrinsics(cam, config) camera_module._set_cam_extrinsics(cam_ob, config) # Store new cam pose as next frame frame_id = bpy.context.scene.frame_end camera_module._insert_key_frames(cam, cam_ob, frame_id) bpy.context.scene.frame_end = frame_id + 1
} ################################################################################ # Load dataset parameters. dp_split = dataset_params.get_split_params(p['datasets_path'], p['dataset'], p['dataset_split'], p['dataset_split_type']) model_type = 'eval' # None = default. dp_model = dataset_params.get_model_params(p['datasets_path'], p['dataset'], model_type) # Load colors. colors_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(visualization.__file__), 'colors.json') colors = inout.load_json(colors_path) # Subset of images for which the ground-truth poses will be rendered. if p['targets_filename'] is not None: targets = inout.load_json( os.path.join(dp_split['base_path'], p['targets_filename'])) scene_im_ids = {} for target in targets: scene_im_ids.setdefault(target['scene_id'], set()).add(target['im_id']) else: scene_im_ids = None # List of considered scenes. scene_ids_curr = dp_split['scene_ids'] if p['scene_ids']: scene_ids_curr = set(scene_ids_curr).intersection(p['scene_ids'])
error['type'], ','.join(map(str, correct_th)))] misc.log('Running: ' + ' '.join(calc_scores_cmd)) if != 0: raise RuntimeError('Calculation of scores failed.') # Path to file with calculated scores. score_sign = misc.get_score_signature(correct_th, p['visib_gt_min']) scores_filename = 'scores_{}.json'.format(score_sign) scores_path = os.path.join( p['eval_path'], result_name, error_sign, scores_filename) # Load the scores. misc.log('Loading calculated scores from: {}'.format(scores_path)) scores = inout.load_json(scores_path) recalls.append(scores['recall']) average_recalls[error['type']] = np.mean(recalls) misc.log('Recall scores: {}'.format(' '.join(map(str, recalls)))) misc.log('Average recall: {}'.format(average_recalls[error['type']])) time_total = time.time() - time_start misc.log('Evaluation of {} took {}s.'.format(result_filename, time_total)) # Calculate the final scores. final_scores = {} for error in p['errors']: final_scores['bop19_average_recall_{}'.format(error['type'])] =\ average_recalls[error['type']]
return x_abs, y_abs, z_abs, x_ct, y_ct, z_ct def rmfield(a, *fieldnames_to_remove): return a[[ name for name in a.dtype.names if name not in fieldnames_to_remove ]] if (len(sys.argv) < 2): print( "python3 tools/ [cfg_fn] [dataset_name]" ) cfg_fn = sys.argv[1] cfg = inout.load_json(cfg_fn) dataset = sys.argv[2] bop_dir, source_dir, model_plys, model_info, model_ids, rgb_files, depth_files, mask_files, gts, cam_param_global = bop_io.get_dataset( cfg, dataset) if not (os.path.exists(bop_dir + "/models_xyz/")): os.makedirs(bop_dir + "/models_xyz/") norm_factor = bop_dir + "/models_xyz/" + "norm_factor.json" param = {} for m_id, model_ply in enumerate(model_plys): model_id = model_ids[m_id] m_info = model_info['{}'.format(model_id)] keys = m_info.keys() sym_continous = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
model_type = 'eval' dp_model = dataset_params.get_model_params(p['datasets_path'], dataset, model_type) # Load object models. models = {} if p['error_type'] in ['ad', 'add', 'adi', 'mssd', 'mspd', 'proj']: misc.log('Loading object models...') for obj_id in dp_model['obj_ids']: models[obj_id] = inout.load_ply( dp_model['model_tpath'].format(obj_id=obj_id)) # Load models info. models_info = None if p['error_type'] in ['ad', 'add', 'adi', 'vsd', 'mssd', 'mspd', 'cus']: models_info = inout.load_json(dp_model['models_info_path'], keys_to_int=True) # Get sets of symmetry transformations for the object models. models_sym = None if p['error_type'] in ['mssd', 'mspd']: models_sym = {} for obj_id in dp_model['obj_ids']: models_sym[obj_id] = misc.get_symmetry_transformations( models_info[obj_id], p['max_sym_disc_step']) # Initialize a renderer. ren = None if p['error_type'] in ['vsd', 'cus']: misc.log('Initializing renderer...') width, height = dp_split['im_size'] ren = renderer.create_renderer(width,
def _derive_bop_results(self, out_dir, result_name, grasp_only, logger): """Derives BOP results. Args: out_dir: Path to the output directory. result_name: BOP result name. Should be the name of a folder under out_dir that contains output from BOP evaluation. grasp_only: Whether to derive results on grasped objects only. logger: Logger. Returns: A dictionary holding the results. """ if grasp_only: set_str = 'grasp only' else: set_str = 'all''Deriving results for *{}*'.format(set_str)) average_recalls = {} average_recalls_obj = defaultdict(lambda: {}) for error in self._p['errors']: error_dir_paths = {} if error['type'] == 'vsd': for vsd_tau in error['vsd_taus']: error_sign = misc.get_error_signature( error['type'], error['n_top'], vsd_delta=error['vsd_delta'], vsd_tau=vsd_tau) error_dir_paths[error_sign] = os.path.join( result_name, error_sign) else: error_sign = misc.get_error_signature(error['type'], error['n_top']) error_dir_paths[error_sign] = os.path.join( result_name, error_sign) recalls = [] recalls_obj = defaultdict(lambda: []) for error_sign, error_dir_path in error_dir_paths.items(): for correct_th in error['correct_th']: score_sign = misc.get_score_signature( correct_th, self._p['visib_gt_min']) matches_filename = "matches_{}.json".format(score_sign) matches_path = os.path.join(out_dir, error_dir_path, matches_filename) matches = inout.load_json(matches_path) if grasp_only: matches = [ m for m in matches if m['obj_id'] == self._grasp_id[m['scene_id']][m['im_id']] ] scores = score.calc_localization_scores(self._scene_ids, self._obj_ids, matches, error['n_top'], do_print=False) recalls.append(scores['recall']) for i, r in scores['obj_recalls'].items(): recalls_obj[i].append(r) average_recalls[error['type']] = np.mean(recalls) for i, r in recalls_obj.items(): average_recalls_obj[i][error['type']] = np.mean(r) results = {i: r * 100 for i, r in average_recalls.items()} results['mean'] = np.mean( [results['vsd'], results['mssd'], results['mspd']]) keys, values = tuple(zip(*results.items())) table = tabulate( [values], headers=keys, tablefmt='pipe', floatfmt='.3f', stralign='center', numalign='center', )'Evaluation results for *{}*: \n'.format(set_str) + table) results_per_object = {} for i, v in average_recalls_obj.items(): res = {k: r * 100 for k, r in v.items()} res['mean'] = np.mean([res['vsd'], res['mssd'], res['mspd']]) results_per_object[self._dataset.ycb_classes[i]] = res n_cols = 5 results_tuple = [(k, v['vsd'], v['mssd'], v['mspd'], v['mean']) for k, v in results_per_object.items()] results_flatten = list(itertools.chain(*results_tuple)) results_2d = itertools.zip_longest( *[results_flatten[i::n_cols] for i in range(n_cols)]) table = tabulate( results_2d, tablefmt='pipe', floatfmt='.3f', headers=['object', 'vsd', 'mssd', 'mspd', 'mean'] * (n_cols // 5), numalign='right', )'Per-object scores for *{}*: \n'.format(set_str) + table) results['per_obj'] = results_per_object return results