예제 #1
	def lxml_soup(self, string):
		'Safe processing of any tag soup (which is a norm on the internets).'
		from lxml.html import fromstring as lxml_fromstring
		from lxml.etree import (
			XMLSyntaxError as lxml_SyntaxError,
			ParserError as lxml_ParserError )
		try: doc = lxml_fromstring(force_unicode(string))
		except (lxml_SyntaxError, lxml_ParserError): # last resort for "tag soup"
			from lxml.html.soupparser import fromstring as soup
			doc = soup(force_unicode(string))
		return doc
	def dispatch(self, msg):
		match = self.regex.search(msg)
		if not match:
			log.debug('Failed to match snort rule-sid in msg: {!r}'.format(msg))
			return msg
		sid = match.group('sid')

		if self.gid_ignore:
			try: gid = match.group('gid')
			except IndexError: pass
				if gid in self.gid_ignore: return msg

		ts = time()
		if self.sid_db_ts < ts - self.conf.sid_db_mtime_check_interval:
			if not os.path.exists(self.conf.paths.sid_db)\
					or max(0, *( os.stat(p).st_mtime
						for p in [self.conf.paths.sid_src, self.conf.paths.refs]
						if os.path.exists(p) )) > os.stat(self.conf.paths.sid_db).st_mtime:
			self.sid_db = anydbm.open(self.conf.paths.sid_db)

		try: ref = force_unicode(self.sid_db[force_bytes(sid)])
		except KeyError:
			log.info('Failed to find refs for sid: {!r} (msg: {!r})'.format(sid, msg))
		else: msg += u'\n  refs: {}'.format(ref)
		return msg
예제 #3
	def shorten(self, url):
		url = force_bytes(url)
		if len(url) >= self.conf.length_min:
			try: func = getattr(self, 'shorten_{}'.format(self.conf.api.type))
			except AttributeError:
				raise ValueError('URL shortener "{}" is not supported')
			url = yield defer.maybeDeferred(func, url, self.conf.api.parameters)
		defer.returnValue(force_unicode(re.sub(r'^(?i)(https?|spdy)://', '', url)))
	def __init__(self, *argz, **kwz):
		super(AtomOStatusLink, self).__init__(*argz, **kwz)

		# Pre-process warning templates
		if self.conf.warn and self.conf.warn.has_keys:
			if isinstance(self.conf.warn.has_keys, types.StringTypes):
				self.conf.warn.has_keys = [self.conf.warn.has_keys]
			warn_list = list()
			for tpl in self.conf.warn.has_keys:
				if not (tpl.startswith('{') and tpl.endswith('}')):
					tpl = '{{{}}}'.format(tpl)
			self.conf.warn.has_keys = warn_list
			self.conf.warn.template = force_unicode(self.conf.warn.template)
		else: self.conf.warn = None
	def dispatch(self, msg):
		# Generate message id
		convo_id = 'none?'
		for link in msg.data.post.links:
			if link.rel == 'ostatus:conversation':
				convo_id = hashlib.sha1(link.href)\
					.digest().encode('base64').replace('/', '-')[:self.conf.id_length]
		# Pick template
		atype, tpl = 'other', self.conf.template.other
		msg_obj_type = msg.data.post['activity_object-type']
		if self.conf.skip.poll_response\
			and re.search(r'/poll-response$', msg_obj_type): return
		for k, obj_type in [('note', r'/note$'), ('comment', r'/comment$')]:
			if not re.search(obj_type, msg_obj_type): continue
			atype, tpl = k, self.conf.template[k]
		# Check for RTs
		if self.conf.skip.rts:
			try: msg_base = msg.data.post.content[0].value
			except self._lookup_error: pass
				if atype == 'other' and msg_base.startswith('RT @'): return
		# Format
		res = [force_unicode(tpl).format(msg=msg, id=convo_id)]

		# Add warnings, if necessary
		if self.conf.warn:
			msg_data = msg.data._asdict()
			for tpl in self.conf.warn.has_keys:
				try: val = tpl.format(**msg_data)
				except self._lookup_error: continue
				val = dict(id=convo_id, key=tpl.strip('{}'), value=val)
				try: val = self.conf.warn.template.format(**val)
				except self._lookup_error as err:
					raise ValueError( 'Failed to format template'
						' {!r} (data: {}): {}'.format(self.conf.warn.template, val, err) )

		return res
예제 #6
	def handle_line(self, line, path):
		log.noise('New line: {!r}'.format(line))
		event = RelayedEvent(force_unicode(line))
		event.data = AttrDict(path=path.path)
		reactor.callLater(0, self.interface.dispatch, event, source=self)
예제 #7
	def dispatch(self, msg):
		if not msg.strip(): return

		## Event lines are cached until EOE msg is encountered
		match = self._re_base.search(msg)
		if not match:
			log.warn('Failed to match audit event spec: {!r}'.format(msg))

		node, ev_id, ev_type, msg = (match.group(k) for k in ['node', 'ev_id', 'type', 'msg'])
		ev_key = node, ev_id

		if ev_key not in self._ev_cache:
			self._ev_cache[ev_key] = defaultdict(list)
			self._ev_cache[ev_key].update(ts=time.time(), node=node, ev_id=ev_id)
		ev = self._ev_cache[ev_key]

		if ev_type != 'EOE': # cache event data
		del self._ev_cache[ev_key]

		## Get "key" value for event, if present
		ev_key = None
		try: syscall, = ev['SYSCALL'] # currently handled events always have it
		except ValueError: pass
			try: ev_key = self.get_msg_val(syscall, 'key', ur'"(?P<val>[^"]+)"')
			except KeyError as err:
				log.noise('Failed to get ev_key from syscall: {}'.format(err))
		if not ev_key:
			log.noise('Unhandled event: {!r}'.format(ev))

		## Processing

		if ev_key in self.conf.events.watches.ev_keys:
			# Extract all necessary attributes
			ev_vals = dict(node=ev['node'], ev_id=ev['ev_id'], key=ev_key)
			for k in it.imap(''.join, it.product(['', 'e', 's', 'fs'], ['uid', 'gid'])):
				ev_vals[k] = self.get_msg_val(syscall, k)
			for k in 'comm', 'exe':
				ev_vals[k] = self.get_msg_val(syscall, k, ur'"(?P<val>[^"]+)"')
			ev_vals['tty'] = self.get_msg_val(syscall, 'tty', '(?P<val>\S+)')
			paths = ev_vals['paths'] = list()
			for msg in ev['PATH']:
				path = self.get_msg_val(msg, 'name', ur'(?P<val>"[^"]+"|\(null\)|[0-9A-F]+)')
				paths.append(dict( path=path,
					inode=self.get_msg_val(msg, 'inode', fallback='nil'),
					dev=self.get_msg_val(msg, 'dev', '(?P<val>[a-f\d]{2}:[a-f\d]{2})', fallback='nil') ))

			# Formatting
			err, tpl = None, force_unicode(self.conf.events.watches.template_path)
			ev_vals['paths'] = list()
			for val in paths:
				try: ev_vals['paths'].append(tpl.format(**val))
				except self._lookup_error as err: break
			if not err:
				ev_vals['paths'] = ', '.join(ev_vals['paths'])
				tpl, val = force_unicode(self.conf.events.watches.template), ev_vals
				try: event = tpl.format(**val)
				except self._lookup_error as err: pass
				event = RelayedEvent(event)
				event.data = ev_vals
				return event
			raise ValueError( 'Failed to format template {!r} (data: {}): {}'.format(tpl, val, err))