예제 #1
파일: bot.py 프로젝트: sobolews/BillsPC
class Bot(WebSocketClient):
    Encapsulates a user's connection to the Pokemon Showdown server.

    The Bot's responsibilities are:
    - Triage messages from the server and delegate to the appropriate room handler or ignore them
    - Create and delete rooms/handlers as needed
    - Handle 'challstr' messages to complete the login process

    TODO: allow simultaneous rooms? for chatbotting this is necessary, however the AI for battling
    is very CPU intensive; even one battle will pin resources so simultaneous battles is low

    def __init__(
        self, username=None, password=None, accept_challenges=False, show_calcs=False, ai_strategy=None, *args, **kwargs
        super(Bot, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.username = (username or raw_input("Showdown username: "******"utf-8").encode("ascii", "ignore")
        self.password = password or getpass.getpass()
        self.challenging = None
        self.accept_challenges = accept_challenges
        self.ai_strategy = ai_strategy
        self.show_calcs = show_calcs
        self.latest_request = None
        self.battleclient = None
        self.battleroom = None
        self.logged_in = False

    def battle_in_progress(self):
        return self.battleclient is not None and self.battleclient.win is None

    def start(self, interactive=True):
        self.logged_in = False
        if not interactive:
            self.run_forever()  # block until connection closes
            self.logged_in = False
        while not self.logged_in:

    def opened(self):
        log.i("Connected to %s" % self.url)

    def send(self, msg, _=False):
        super(Bot, self).send(msg)

    def received_message(self, msg_block):
        Showdown sometimes sends multiple newline-separated messages in a single websocket message,
        so split them and process each one. 0-1 character messages can be ignored.
        msg_block = unicode(msg_block).encode("ascii", "ignore")
        log.i(received("\n".join((msg_block, "-" * 60))))
        msg_block = msg_block.splitlines()

        battleroom = self.battleroom
        if msg_block[0].startswith(">battle"):
            if battleroom != msg_block[0][1:]:  # Instantiate new battle room
                if msg_block[1] == "|init|battle":
                    self.battleroom = msg_block[0][1:]
                    self.battleclient = BattleClient(
                        self.username, self.battleroom, self.send, self.show_calcs, self.ai_strategy
                    self.latest_request = None
                    self.challenging = None
                    log.i("Battle message received for an inactive room:\n%s", msg_block)
            elif battleroom == msg_block[0][1:] and (
                msg_block[1].startswith("|expire") or msg_block[1].startswith("|deinit")
                self.battleroom = None
                self.battleclient = None
                self.send("|/leave %s" % battleroom)

        # Save the most recent "request object"; use it to build team if client hasn't done so.
        # Set .request on the battleclient, because it occasionally needs to peek at the request
        # that it will process following this block
        if len(msg_block) > 1 and msg_block[1].startswith("|request|"):
            self.latest_request = self.battleclient.request = json.loads(msg_block[1].split("|")[2])
            if self.battleclient.my_side is None:

        for msg in msg_block:
            except Exception:
                log.exception("Exception processing msg: %s", msg)

        # Process the request after the next message is sent (the server always sends it one message
        # before I want to use it).
        if self.latest_request is not None and msg_block[0].startswith(">battle"):
            self.latest_request = None

    def process_message(self, msg):
        if msg.startswith(">") or len(msg) < 2:

        msg = msg.split("|")
        msg_type = msg[0]
        if msg_type == "":
            msg_type = msg[0]

        if msg_type in self.IGNORE_MSGS:

        if msg_type in self.BATTLE_MSGS or msg_type.startswith("-"):
            return self.battleclient.handle(msg_type, msg)

        if msg_type in self.BOT_MSGS:
            return getattr(self, "handle_%s" % msg_type)(msg)

        log.e("Unhandled msg:\n%s", msg)

    BOT_MSGS = {"challstr", "updatechallenges", "popup"}



    def handle_challstr(self, msg):
        url = "%s/action.php" % LOGIN_SERVER_URL
        values = {
            "act": "login",
            "name": self.username,
            "pass": self.password,
            "challengekeyid": msg[1],
            "challenge": msg[2],

        r = requests.post(url, data=values)
        response = json.loads(r.text[1:])  # for reasons, the JSON response starts with a ']'

        self.send("|/trn %s,0,%s" % (self.username, response["assertion"]))
        self.logged_in = True

    def handle_updatechallenges(self, msg):
        challenges = json.loads(msg[1])
        challengeTo, challengesFrom = challenges["challengeTo"], challenges["challengesFrom"]
        if challengeTo:
            log.i("Challenging %s to %s", challengeTo["to"], challengeTo["format"])
            self.challenging = challengeTo["to"]
            self.challenging = None

        if challengesFrom and self.accept_challenges and not self.battle_in_progress:
            challenger = challengesFrom.keys()[0]
            self.send("|/utm null")
            self.send("|/accept %s" % challenger)
            log.i("Accepted challenge from %s", challenger)

    def send_challenge(self, opponent, cancel=False):
        if cancel:
            self.cancel_challenge(self.challenging or opponent)
        if not self.challenging:
            self.send("|/challenge %s, randombattle" % opponent)
            self.challenging = opponent

    def cancel_challenge(self, opponent):
        self.send("|/cancelchallenge %s" % opponent)

    def handle_popup(self, msg):
        log.i("Popup: %s", msg[1])