def __init__(self, wrapper): self.logger = wrapper.logger self.wrapper = wrapper self.audio_lengths = {} self.messageHooks = { Command(re.compile('^!join .*'), JoinVoice('!join',self), "join", "Usage: !join <channel name>\n\tUse this command to make the bot join a voice channel. Example: !join General"), Command(re.compile('^!play .*'), PlaySound('!play',self, wrapper, 0.2), "play", "Usage: !play <sound name>\n\tEntertain your friend by playing a cool sound. For a list of available sounds see !list. Example !play titanic"), Command(re.compile('^!list'), ListVoice('!play',self), "list", "Usage: !list\n\tList the available sounds to play."), Command(re.compile('^!cost (.*)'), ListDuration('!cost',self), "cost", "Usage: !cost <sound name>\n\tCheck how much lil bitch points it will cost to play this sound.") }
def __init__(self, wrapper): self.wrapper = wrapper self.logger = wrapper.logger self.messageHooks = { Command( re.compile('^!legion$'), Countdown(self), "legion", "Usage: !legion\n\tDisplays a countdown to the launch of the Legion WoW expansion!" ) }
def __init__(self, wrapper): self.logger = wrapper.logger self.messageHooks = { Command( re.compile('^!hello$'), StringReply('Hello {}'), "hello", "Usage: !hello\n\tUse this whenever you are feeling lonely!"), Command( re.compile('^!source$'), StringReply( 'My source is located at' ), "source", "Usage: !source\n\tA link to the bots github"), Command( re.compile('^!guild$'), StringReply( 'The guild website is' ), "guild", "Usage: !guild\n\tOur guilds website!") }
def __init__(self, wrapper): self.logger = wrapper.logger self.messageHooks = { Command( re.compile('^!chuck$'), RandomJoke("", ['value', 'joke']), "chuck", "Usage: !chuck\n\tAre you bored? Use this command and you will be unbored by our expert entertainer system!" ) # re.compile('^!joke$'): model.RandomJoke("",['joke']), }
def __init__(self, wrapper): self.logger = wrapper.logger self.database = cymysql.connect(host='', port=3306, user='******', passwd='lilbitch', db='fishing') self.messageHooks = { Command(re.compile('!lastfish', flags=re.IGNORECASE), LastFish(self)) }
def __init__(self, wrapper): self.admins = wrapper.config['admins'] self.bitchCounter = self.messageHooks = { Command(re.compile('.*lil.*bitch.*', flags=re.IGNORECASE), UserIncrement(self.bitchCounter)), Command(re.compile('.*who.*lil.*bitch.*', flags=re.IGNORECASE), ReplyTop(self.bitchCounter)), Command(re.compile('^!top$'), ListTop(self.bitchCounter, 3), "top", "Usage: !top\n\tDisplay a list of the best lil bitches!"), Command(re.compile('^am i a lil bitch.*$', flags=re.IGNORECASE), ListBitch(self.bitchCounter)), Command( re.compile('^!drawTop$', flags=re.IGNORECASE), DrawTop(, 3, wrapper), "drawTop", "Usage: !drawTop\n\tDisplay the best lil bitches in style!"), Command( re.compile('^!give (.*) (.*)'), Grant(, self), "give", "Usage: !give <username> <points>\n\tGive or subtract lil bitch points, admin-only" ) } self.lastSpendTime = {}
def __init__(self, wrapper): self.admins = wrapper.config['admins'] self.logger = wrapper.logger self.messageHooks = { Command( re.compile('^!kick .*$'), Kick(self), "kick", "Usage: !kick <username>\n\tKick somebody from the discord, admin-only" ), Command( re.compile('^!reload .*$'), ReloadModule(self, wrapper), "reload", "Usage: !reload <module>\n\tReloads a bot module, admin-only"), Command(re.compile('^!restart$'), Restart(self), "reload", "Usage: !restart\n\tRestarts the bot, admin-only"), Command( re.compile('^!nick .* .*$'), Nickname(self, wrapper), "nick", "Usage: !nick <name> <nickname>\n\tChanges the nickname of somebody, admin-only" ), Command( re.compile('^!help$'), Help(self, wrapper), "help", "Usage: !help <?command>\n\tDisplays helpful information about the bot or a command" ), Command(re.compile('^!help (.*)$'), HelpCommand(self, wrapper)) }
def __init__(self, wrapper): self.logger = wrapper.logger self.messageHooks = { Command(re.compile('^.save ((.*)-)?(.*)$', flags=re.IGNORECASE), Save(wrapper.database), "save", "Usage: !save <name>-<anything>\n\tMake the bot remember anything for later use to later recall it (see recall command). Save your favourite link or quote!"), Command(re.compile('^.recall( (.*))?$', flags=re.IGNORECASE), Recall(wrapper.database), "recall", "Usage: !recall <?name>\n\tMake the bot recall a random memory (name optional), or tell it what to remember. See save command.") }