def change_emoji(self, message): model = Model() emoji = message.text[0] group_id = self.change_emoji_cash[:0] + self.change_emoji_cash[0 + 1:] user_id = model.get_user([0][0] model.update_emoji(group_id, user_id, emoji), 'u change emoji on ' + emoji)
def print_all(self, response, group_id, tg_id): ''' this function was made 2 arrange all information got from vk group send it 2 users tg chat ''' m = Model() user_id = m.get_user(tg_id)[0][0] name = m.get_emoji_n_name(group_id, user_id)[0].replace('&', ' and ') emoji = m.get_emoji_n_name(group_id, user_id)[1] time = response[1] text = response[3] if response[4] != []: first_attachment = response[4][0] else: first_attachment = ' ' # if post dont have any attachment we write empty string value = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time) time = value.strftime('%d-%m %H:%M') result = emoji + name + '\n' + str(time) + '\n\n' + str( text) + '\n ' + first_attachment print(result) url = Configuration.URL + 'sendmessage?chat_id={}&text={}'.format( tg_id, result) requests.get(url) iteration = 1 if len( response[4] ) > 1: # this block work then post have 2 or more attachments and send it in new message, because if we have lone link telegram for attachment in range(1, len(response[4])): iteration += 1 post_part = Configuration.URL + 'sendmessage?chat_id={}&text={}'.format( tg_id, str(iteration) + '. ' + response[4][attachment]) requests.get(post_part)
def search_result(self, message): # making result and return parsed groups data try: m = Model() response = Search(message) server_response = response.search_response()[0] if server_response == 200: group_name = response.search_response()[1] group_photo = response.search_response()[2] group_id = response.search_response()[3] is_closed = response.search_response()[4] tg_id = user_id = m.get_user(tg_id)[0][0] Configuration.search_cash['group_name'] = group_name Configuration.search_cash['group_id'] = group_id Configuration.search_cash['user_id'] = user_id Configuration.search_cash['emoji'] = '.' print(Configuration.search_cash) if is_closed == 0: answer = 'эта та группа что вы искали? \n \n' + group_name + '\n' + group_photo self.search_get_buttons(message, answer, group_id) else: answer = 'Sorry this croup is closed, u cant sub it \n \n' + group_name + '\n' + group_photo, answer) elif server_response == 404: answer = '404 not found', answer) except Exception: print('searching error')
def reg_user(self, message): m = Model() users = m.get_all_users() is_exist = False for user in users: if user[0] == print(1) is_exist = True if not is_exist: telegram_id = name = message.from_user.first_name token = Configuration.vk_parsing_Token m.set_user(telegram_id, name, token)
def get_group_feed(self, call, group, amount=10): m = Model() s = Scanner() groups = m.get_sub_list( print(groups) try: gr = groups[groups.index((group, ))] response = s.parsing_group(gr, amount) try: for post in response: self.print_all(post, group, except Exception:, 'It was last post in this group') except Exception:, 'Sorry u dont sub this group ')
def search_get_buttons(self, message, answer, group_id): group_is_exist = 0 markup = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=2) button1 = types.InlineKeyboardButton('Subscribe', callback_data='subscribe') button2 = types.InlineKeyboardButton('Unsubscribe', callback_data='unsubscribe') m = Model() tg_id = subs_list = m.get_sub_list(tg_id) for group_num in range(0, len(subs_list)): if subs_list[group_num][0] == group_id: group_is_exist = 1 if group_is_exist == 0: markup.add(button1), answer, reply_markup=markup) else: markup.add(button2), answer + '\n U already subscribed', reply_markup=markup)
def get_sublist(self, message): '''this func gonna work after "My Subs" command user get full list of groups he subscribed he can get more group options if he choose one of them ''' sub_list = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=2) model = Model() count = 0 tg_id = groups = model.get_sub_list( for group in groups: count += 1 # counter which count number of group user_id = model.get_user([0][ 0] # next function require user's, so we get it fron db emoji = model.get_emoji_n_name(group[0], user_id)[1] # we get emoji & group_name = model.get_emoji_n_name( group[0], user_id )[0] # & group name from data base. We need them to form message 4 user button_text = str(count) + '. ' + emoji + ' ' + group_name group_btn = types.InlineKeyboardButton(button_text, callback_data='!' + group[0]) sub_list.add(group_btn), 'u subscribe on {} groups'.format(count), reply_markup=sub_list)
def subscribing(self, group_id, group_name, emoji, User_id, tg_id): m = Model() sub_list = m.get_sub_list(tg_id) for group in sub_list: for group in sub_list: if group[0] == group_id: break else: continue m.add_group(group_id, group_name, emoji, User_id) m.update_amount(1, User_id)
def scanning(self): while True: m = Model() users_list = m.get_all_users() for user in users_list: # waiting 4 user tg_id = user[0] subs_list = m.get_sub_list(tg_id) print(subs_list) if m.get_user(tg_id)[0][5] == 0: continue if subs_list != []: for iteration in range( 0, len(subs_list)): # waiting 4 all group if m.get_user(tg_id)[0][5] == 0: break m.set_isSearching(tg_id, 1) time.sleep(Configuration.timeout) if m.get_user(tg_id)[0][5] == 0: break s = Scanner() response = s.parsing_response( subs_list[iteration][0]) # waiting server response last_bup_time = m.get_last_pub_time( subs_list[iteration][0], tg_id)[0][0] print('request was made' + ' ' + str(iteration) + ' ' + str(tg_id)) if response[1] > last_bup_time and response[2] != 1: self.print_all(response, subs_list[iteration][0], tg_id) # waiting 4 print all m.update_last_pub_time(response[1], subs_list[iteration][0], tg_id) else: url = Configuration.URL + 'sendmessage?chat_id={}&text={}'.format( tg_id, 'Sorry u dont subscribed on any group \n write /info 2 know how 2 do it' ) requests.get(url) m.set_isSearching(tg_id, 0)
def unsubscribing(self, group_id, User_id): m = Model() m.delete_group(group_id, User_id) m.update_amount(-1, User_id)
def search_request(message): # try: if message.text =='/start': # keyboard markup = types.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(resize_keyboard=True) go_btn = types.KeyboardButton('Go') search_btn = types.KeyboardButton('Search') sub_list_btn = types.KeyboardButton('My Subs') markup.add(go_btn, search_btn, sub_list_btn) bot.reply_to(message, "Hello user\n welcome to my bot \n if u dont now how 2 use it write /info command ", reply_markup=markup) display.reg_user(message) if message.text == 'Search': bot.reply_to(message, "Write id of group u want 2 find") # answer on ur /search command bot.register_next_step_handler(message, display.search_result) # waiting 4 user's response if message.text == 'Break': m = Model() m.set_isSearching(, 0) markup = types.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(resize_keyboard=True) go_btn = types.KeyboardButton('Go') search_btn = types.KeyboardButton('Search') sub_list_btn = types.KeyboardButton('My Subs') markup.add(go_btn, search_btn, sub_list_btn) bot.reply_to(message, 'ok', reply_markup=markup) if message.text == 'Go': markup = types.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(resize_keyboard=True) break_btn = types.KeyboardButton('Break') search_btn = types.KeyboardButton('Search') sub_list_btn = types.KeyboardButton('My Subs') m = Model() if m.get_user([0][5] != 1: markup.add(search_btn, sub_list_btn, break_btn) bot.reply_to(message, 'Let\'s go', reply_markup=markup) m.set_isSearching(, 1) if message.text == 'My Subs': display.get_sublist(message) if message.text == 'Info': bot.reply_to(message, if message.text == 'Hi' : bot.reply_to(message, 'Hi ' + message.from_user.first_name, ) if message.text == '/': if == Configuration.Admin: print('app is running') display.scanning() print(message)
import time import telebot from bot_core.Config import Configuration from bot_core.messages_dispaly import Display from bot_core.model import Model from telebot import types bot = telebot.TeleBot(Configuration.TOKEN) # Telegram bot token display = Display() model = Model() # COMMANDS LIST @bot.message_handler(content_types=['text']) def search_request(message): # try: if message.text =='/start': # keyboard markup = types.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(resize_keyboard=True) go_btn = types.KeyboardButton('Go') search_btn = types.KeyboardButton('Search') sub_list_btn = types.KeyboardButton('My Subs') markup.add(go_btn, search_btn, sub_list_btn) bot.reply_to(message, "Hello user\n welcome to my bot \n if u dont now how 2 use it write /info command ", reply_markup=markup) display.reg_user(message)