import os import sys os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'botbot.settings' from botbot.apps.bots.models import Channel from botbot.apps.kudos import utils django_channel = Channel.objects.filter(name='#django')[0] result = utils.parse_logs(django_channel.log_set.all(), stdout=sys.stderr) print('People thanked') for person in result['kudos']: print('{nick} ({count}, {first} - {recent})'.format(**person)) print('Thank you messages: {kudos_given} ({appreciation:.2%} of all ' 'messages)'.format(appreciation=result['kudos_given'] / float(result['message_count'] or 1), **result)) print('People thanked: {}'.format(len(result['kudos']))) print('Unattributed: {unattributed}'.format(**result))
import os import sys os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'botbot.settings' from botbot.apps.bots.models import Channel from botbot.apps.kudos import utils django_channel = Channel.objects.filter(name='#django')[0] result = utils.parse_logs(django_channel.log_set.all(), stdout=sys.stderr) print('People thanked') for person in result['kudos']: print('{nick} ({count}, {first} - {recent})'.format(**person)) print( 'Thank you messages: {kudos_given} ({appreciation:.2%} of all ' 'messages)'.format( appreciation=result['kudos_given']/float(result['message_count'] or 1), **result)) print('People thanked: {}'.format(len(result['kudos']))) print('Unattributed: {unattributed}'.format(**result))
def handle(self, *args, **options): qs = Channel.objects.all() if args: qs = qs.filter(name__in=args) if (not options.get('all') and not args) or not qs: raise CommandError('No channels to parse') verbosity = int(options['verbosity']) if verbosity > 1: parse_stdout = self.stdout else: parse_stdout = None for channel in qs: if verbosity: self.stdout.write('Processing {}...'.format(channel)) self.stdout.flush() qs = channel.log_set.all() if options['force']: self.stdout.write('(removing any kudos and doing full check)') self.stdout.flush() channel.kudos_set.all().delete() try: channel.kudostotal.delete() except models.KudosTotal.DoesNotExist: pass else: # Look up kudos for this channel, find max(recent), and limit # queryset to after that. recent = channel.kudos_set.aggregate(Max('recent')).values()[0] if recent: qs = qs.filter(timestamp__gt=recent) if verbosity: self.stdout.write('(found existing kudos, updating)') self.stdout.flush() else: if verbosity: self.stdout.write( '(no existing kudos found, full check)') self.stdout.flush() result = utils.parse_logs(qs, parse_stdout) if verbosity: self.stdout.write('Recording results...') self.stdout.flush() for person in result['kudos']: kudos, created = models.Kudos.objects.get_or_create( nick=person['nick'], channel=channel, defaults={ 'first': person['first'], 'recent': person['recent'], 'count': person['count'], }) if not created: # if kudos.recent > person['first']: # kudos.first = person['first'] # kudos.count = person['count'] # else: kudos.count += person['count'] kudos.recent = person['recent'] kudos_total, created = ( models.KudosTotal.objects.get_or_create( channel=channel, defaults={ 'kudos_given': result['kudos_given'], 'message_count': result['message_count'], })) if not created: kudos_total.kudos_given += result['kudos_given'] kudos_total.message_count += result['message_count'] if verbosity: self.stdout.write('Done!')
def handle(self, *args, **options): qs = Channel.objects.all() if args: qs = qs.filter(name__in=args) if (not options.get('all') and not args) or not qs: raise CommandError('No channels to parse') verbosity = int(options['verbosity']) if verbosity > 1: parse_stdout = self.stdout else: parse_stdout = None for channel in qs: if verbosity: self.stdout.write('Processing {}...'.format(channel)) self.stdout.flush() qs = channel.log_set.all() if options['force']: self.stdout.write('(removing any kudos and doing full check)') self.stdout.flush() channel.kudos_set.all().delete() try: channel.kudostotal.delete() except models.KudosTotal.DoesNotExist: pass else: # Look up kudos for this channel, find max(recent), and limit # queryset to after that. recent = channel.kudos_set.aggregate(Max('recent')).values()[0] if recent: qs = qs.filter(timestamp__gt=recent) if verbosity: self.stdout.write('(found existing kudos, updating)') self.stdout.flush() else: if verbosity: self.stdout.write( '(no existing kudos found, full check)') self.stdout.flush() result = utils.parse_logs(qs, parse_stdout) if verbosity: self.stdout.write('Recording results...') self.stdout.flush() for person in result['kudos']: kudos, created = models.Kudos.objects.get_or_create( nick=person['nick'], channel=channel, defaults={ 'first': person['first'], 'recent': person['recent'], 'count': person['count'], }) if not created: # if kudos.recent > person['first']: # kudos.first = person['first'] # kudos.count = person['count'] # else: kudos.count += person['count'] kudos.recent = person['recent'] kudos_total, created = (models.KudosTotal.objects.get_or_create( channel=channel, defaults={ 'kudos_given': result['kudos_given'], 'message_count': result['message_count'], })) if not created: kudos_total.kudos_given += result['kudos_given'] kudos_total.message_count += result['message_count'] if verbosity: self.stdout.write('Done!')