def to_xml(self, f=None): """Get this domain as an XML DOM Document :param f: Optional File to dump directly to :type f: File or Stream :return: File object where the XML has been dumped to :rtype: file """ if not f: from tempfile import TemporaryFile f = TemporaryFile() print('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>', file=f) print('<Domain id="%s">' %, file=f) for item in self: print('\t<Item id="%s">' %, file=f) for k in item: print('\t\t<attribute id="%s">' % k, file=f) values = item[k] if not isinstance(values, list): values = [values] for value in values: print('\t\t\t<value><![CDATA[', end=' ', file=f) if isinstance(value, six.text_type): value = value.encode('utf-8', 'replace') else: value = six.text_type(value, errors='replace').encode( 'utf-8', 'replace') f.write(value) print(']]></value>', file=f) print('\t\t</attribute>', file=f) print('\t</Item>', file=f) print('</Domain>', file=f) f.flush() return f
def marshal_object(self, obj, doc=None): if not doc: doc = self.new_doc() if not doc: doc = self.doc obj_node = doc.createElement('object') if obj_node.setAttribute('id', obj_node.setAttribute( 'class', '%s.%s' % (obj.__class__.__module__, obj.__class__.__name__)) root = doc.documentElement root.appendChild(obj_node) for property in prop_node = doc.createElement('property') prop_node.setAttribute('name', prop_node.setAttribute('type', property.type_name) value = property.get_value_for_datastore(obj) if value is not None: value = self.encode_value(property, value) if isinstance(value, list): self.save_list(doc, value, prop_node) elif isinstance(value, Node): prop_node.appendChild(value) else: text_node = doc.createTextNode( six.text_type(value).encode("ascii", "ignore")) prop_node.appendChild(text_node) obj_node.appendChild(prop_node) return doc
def to_xml(self, f=None): """Get this domain as an XML DOM Document :param f: Optional File to dump directly to :type f: File or Stream :return: File object where the XML has been dumped to :rtype: file """ if not f: from tempfile import TemporaryFile f = TemporaryFile() print('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>', file=f) print('<Domain id="%s">' %, file=f) for item in self: print('\t<Item id="%s">' %, file=f) for k in item: print('\t\t<attribute id="%s">' % k, file=f) values = item[k] if not isinstance(values, list): values = [values] for value in values: print('\t\t\t<value><![CDATA[', end=' ', file=f) if isinstance(value, six.text_type): value = value.encode('utf-8', 'replace') else: value = six.text_type(value, errors='replace').encode('utf-8', 'replace') f.write(value) print(']]></value>', file=f) print('\t\t</attribute>', file=f) print('\t</Item>', file=f) print('</Domain>', file=f) f.flush() return f
def marshal_object(self, obj, doc=None): if not doc: doc = self.new_doc() if not doc: doc = self.doc obj_node = doc.createElement('object') if obj_node.setAttribute('id', obj_node.setAttribute('class', '%s.%s' % (obj.__class__.__module__, obj.__class__.__name__)) root = doc.documentElement root.appendChild(obj_node) for property in prop_node = doc.createElement('property') prop_node.setAttribute('name', prop_node.setAttribute('type', property.type_name) value = property.get_value_for_datastore(obj) if value is not None: value = self.encode_value(property, value) if isinstance(value, list): self.save_list(doc, value, prop_node) elif isinstance(value, Node): prop_node.appendChild(value) else: text_node = doc.createTextNode(six.text_type(value).encode("ascii", "ignore")) prop_node.appendChild(text_node) obj_node.appendChild(prop_node) return doc
def test_create_health_check_failure_threshold(self): hc_params = self.health_check_params(failure_threshold=1) hc = HealthCheck(**hc_params) result = self.conn.create_health_check(hc) hc_config = (result[u'CreateHealthCheckResponse'] [u'HealthCheck'][u'HealthCheckConfig']) self.assertEquals(hc_config[u'FailureThreshold'], six.text_type(hc_params['failure_threshold'])) self.conn.delete_health_check(result['CreateHealthCheckResponse']['HealthCheck']['Id'])
def test_create_health_check_request_interval(self): hc_params = self.health_check_params(request_interval=10) hc = HealthCheck(**hc_params) result = self.conn.create_health_check(hc) hc_config = (result[u'CreateHealthCheckResponse'] [u'HealthCheck'][u'HealthCheckConfig']) self.assertEquals(hc_config[u'RequestInterval'], six.text_type(hc_params['request_interval'])) self.conn.delete_health_check(result['CreateHealthCheckResponse']['HealthCheck']['Id'])
def get_utf8_value(value): if not six.PY2 and isinstance(value, bytes): return value if not isinstance(value, six.string_types): value = six.text_type(value) if isinstance(value, six.text_type): value = value.encode('utf-8') return value
def test_sign_canned_policy_unicode(self): """ Test signing the canned policy from amazon's cloudfront documentation. """ expected = ("Nql641NHEUkUaXQHZINK1FZ~SYeUSoBJMxjdgqrzIdzV2gyEXPDN" "v0pYdWJkflDKJ3xIu7lbwRpSkG98NBlgPi4ZJpRRnVX4kXAJK6td" "Nx6FucDB7OVqzcxkxHsGFd8VCG1BkC-Afh9~lOCMIYHIaiOB6~5j" "t9w2EOwi6sIIqrg_") unicode_policy = six.text_type(self.canned_policy) sig = self.dist._sign_string(unicode_policy, private_key_string=self.pk_str) encoded_sig = self.dist._url_base64_encode(sig) self.assertEqual(expected, encoded_sig)
def encode_string(self, value): """Convert ASCII, Latin-1 or UTF-8 to pure Unicode""" if not isinstance(value, str): return value try: return six.text_type(value, 'utf-8') except: # really, this should throw an exception. # in the interest of not breaking current # systems, however: arr = [] for ch in value: arr.append(six.unichr(ord(ch))) return u"".join(arr)
def __str__(self): return six.text_type(self).encode('utf-8')