print "--------------------" except: pass # print 'The assignment is already rejected' # print "--------------------" # print 'count', count #mtc.disable_hit(hit.HITId) # print "HIT", hit.HITId, "disabled." # reverse a rejection by HIT ID if False: assignments = mtc.get_assignments("3WYZV0QBFJON6RY9UPLT3NS7P10BXM") count = 0 for assignment in assignments: try: mtc.approve_rejected_assignment(assignment.AssignmentId) print "Worker %s is re-approved" % assignment.WorkerId code = code_gen(assignment.WorkerId) print "The confirm code created:", code f.write(assignment.WorkerId) f.write('\t') f.write(code) f.write('\n') batch_finished_pre = get_batch_finished_pre( assignment.WorkerId, worker_code) if assignment.WorkerId not in worker_code: worker_code[assignment.WorkerId] = code else: worker_code[assignment.WorkerId].append(code)
except: pass # print 'The assignment is already rejected' # print "--------------------" # print 'count', count #mtc.disable_hit(hit.HITId) # print "HIT", hit.HITId, "disabled." # reverse a rejection by HIT ID if False: assignments = mtc.get_assignments("3WYZV0QBFJON6RY9UPLT3NS7P10BXM") count = 0 for assignment in assignments: try: mtc.approve_rejected_assignment(assignment.AssignmentId) print "Worker %s is re-approved" % assignment.WorkerId code = code_gen(assignment.WorkerId) print "The confirm code created:", code f.write(assignment.WorkerId) f.write('\t') f.write(code) f.write('\n') batch_finished_pre = get_batch_finished_pre(assignment.WorkerId, worker_code) if assignment.WorkerId not in worker_code: worker_code[assignment.WorkerId] = code else: worker_code[assignment.WorkerId].append(code) batch_finished = get_batch_finished(code)
class MTurk(object): def __init__(self, app=None): = '' self.secret_key = None self.access_id = None = app if app is not None: self.init_app(app) def init_app(self, app): app.config.setdefault('MTURK_SECRET_KEY', None) app.config.setdefault('MTURK_ACCESS_ID', None) app.config.setdefault('MTURK_SANDBOX', True) self.update_credentials(app.config['MTURK_ACCESS_ID'], app.config['MTURK_SECRET_KEY']) self.is_sandbox = app.config['MTURK_SANDBOX'] self.valid_login = self.verify_aws_login() def update_credentials(self, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key): self.aws_access_key_id = aws_access_key_id self.aws_secret_access_key = aws_secret_access_key def verify_aws_login(self): if ((self.aws_secret_access_key is None) or (self.aws_access_key_id is None)): logging.warning('No AWS keys found in app configuration') else: host = '' params = dict(aws_access_key_id=self.aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=self.aws_secret_access_key, host=host) self.mtc = MTurkConnection(**params) try: self.mtc.get_account_balance() except MTurkRequestError as e: return dict(success=False, message=e.error_message) else: return True def connect_to_turk(self): if not self.valid_login: logging.warning( 'Sorry, unable to connect to Amazon Mechanical Turk. Please check your credentials' ) return False if self.is_sandbox: host = '' else: host = '' mturkparams = dict(aws_access_key_id=self.aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=self.aws_secret_access_key, host=host) self.mtc = MTurkConnection(**mturkparams) return True def get_account_balance(self): if not self.connect_to_turk(): return dict(success=False, message='Could not connect to AWS') try: balance = self.mtc.get_account_balance() except MTurkRequestError as e: return dict(success=False, message=e.error_message) else: return balance def get_reviewable_hits(self): if not self.connect_to_turk(): return dict(success=False, message='Could not connect to AWS') try: hits = self.mtc.get_all_hits() except MTurkRequestError as e: return dict(success=False, message=e.error_message) reviewable_hits = [ hit for hit in hits if hit.HITStatus == "Reviewable" or hit.HITStatus == "Reviewing" ] hits_data = [ MTurkHIT({ 'hitid': hit.HITId, 'title': hit.Title, 'status': hit.HITStatus, 'max_assignments': hit.MaxAssignments, 'number_assignments_completed': hit.NumberOfAssignmentsCompleted, 'number_assignments_pending': hit.NumberOfAssignmentsPending, 'number_assignments_available': hit.NumberOfAssignmentsAvailable, 'creation_time': hit.CreationTime, 'expiration': hit.Expiration }) for hit in reviewable_hits ] return hits_data def get_all_hits(self): """ Get all HITs """ if not self.connect_to_turk(): return False try: hits = self.mtc.get_all_hits() except MTurkRequestError as e: return dict(success=False, message=e.error_message) hits_data = [ MTurkHIT({ 'hitid': hit.HITId, 'title': hit.Title, 'status': hit.HITStatus, 'max_assignments': hit.MaxAssignments, 'number_assignments_completed': hit.NumberOfAssignmentsCompleted, 'number_assignments_pending': hit.NumberOfAssignmentsPending, 'number_assignments_available': hit.NumberOfAssignmentsAvailable, 'creation_time': hit.CreationTime, 'expiration': hit.Expiration, }) for hit in hits ] return hits_data def get_active_hits(self): """ Get active HITs """ if not self.connect_to_turk(): return dict(success=False, message='Could not connect to AWS') # hits = self.mtc.search_hits() try: hits = self.mtc.get_all_hits() except MTurkRequestError as e: return dict(success=False, message=e.error_message) active_hits = [hit for hit in hits if not hit.expired] hits_data = [ MTurkHIT({ 'hitid': hit.HITId, 'title': hit.Title, 'status': hit.HITStatus, 'max_assignments': hit.MaxAssignments, 'number_assignments_completed': hit.NumberOfAssignmentsCompleted, 'number_assignments_pending': hit.NumberOfAssignmentsPending, 'number_assignments_available': hit.NumberOfAssignmentsAvailable, 'creation_time': hit.CreationTime, 'expiration': hit.Expiration, }) for hit in active_hits ] return hits_data def get_hit(self, hit_id, response_groups=None): if not self.connect_to_turk(): return dict(success=False, message='Could not connect to AWS') try: hit = self.mtc.get_hit(hit_id, response_groups)[0] except MTurkRequestError as e: return False return hit def get_workers(self, assignment_status=None): """ Get workers """ if not self.connect_to_turk(): return dict(success=False, message='Could not connect to AWS') try: hits = self.mtc.search_hits(sort_direction='Descending', page_size=20) except MTurkRequestError as e: return False hit_ids = [hit.HITId for hit in hits] workers_nested = [ self.mtc.get_assignments(hit_id, status=assignment_status, sort_by='SubmitTime', page_size=100) for hit_id in hit_ids ] workers = [val for subl in workers_nested for val in subl] # Flatten nested lists worker_data = [{ 'hitId': worker.HITId, 'assignmentId': worker.AssignmentId, 'workerId': worker.WorkerId, 'submit_time': worker.SubmitTime, 'accept_time': worker.AcceptTime, 'status': worker.AssignmentStatus, 'completion_code': worker.answers[0][0].fields[0] } for worker in workers] return worker_data def bonus_worker(self, assignment_id, amount, reason=""): """ Bonus worker """ if not self.connect_to_turk(): return dict(success=False, message='Could not connect to AWS') try: bonus = MTurkConnection.get_price_as_price(amount) assignment = self.mtc.get_assignment(assignment_id)[0] worker_id = assignment.WorkerId self.mtc.grant_bonus(worker_id, assignment_id, bonus, reason) return True except MTurkRequestError as e: return dict(success=False, message=e.error_message) def approve_worker(self, assignment_id, feedback=None): """ Approve worker """ if not self.connect_to_turk(): return dict(success=False, message='Could not connect to AWS') try: self.mtc.approve_assignment(assignment_id, feedback=feedback) return True except MTurkRequestError as e: return False def reject_worker(self, assignment_id): """ Reject worker """ if not self.connect_to_turk(): return dict(success=False, message='Could not connect to AWS') try: self.mtc.reject_assignment(assignment_id, feedback=None) return True except MTurkRequestError as e: return dict(success=False, message=e.error_message) def unreject_worker(self, assignment_id): """ Unreject worker """ if not self.connect_to_turk(): return dict(success=False, message='Could not connect to AWS') try: self.mtc.approve_rejected_assignment(assignment_id) return True except MTurkRequestError as e: return dict(success=False, message=e.error_message) def assign_qualification(self, qualification_type_id, worker_id, value=1, send_notification=True): if not self.connect_to_turk(): return dict(success=False, message='Could not connect to AWS') try: self.mtc.assign_qualification(qualification_type_id, worker_id, value, send_notification) return True except MTurkRequestError as e: return dict(success=False, message=e.error_message) def revoke_qualification(self, subject_id, qualification_type_id, reason=None): if not self.connect_to_turk(): return False try: self.mtc.revoke_qualification(subject_id, qualification_type_id, reason) return True except MTurkRequestError as e: return dict(success=False, message=e.error_message) def notify_worker(self, worker_id, subject, message_text): if not self.connect_to_turk(): return False try: self.mtc.notify_workers(worker_id, subject, message_text) return True except MTurkRequestError as e: return dict(success=False, message=e.error_message) def list_workers_with_qualification(self, qualification_type_id): if not self.connect_to_turk(): return False try: workers = self.mtc.get_all_qualifications_for_qual_type( qualification_type_id) except MTurkRequestError as e: return dict(success=False, message=e.error_message) workers = [w.SubjectId for w in workers] return workers
class TurkerResults: # TODO: this should be moved to DB def get_tasklet_from_hit(self, hitid): self.cur.execute(""" select task_id from tasklet_session_log where assignment_id not like 'picked_%%' and worker_id not like 'internal_%%' and hit_id = %s; """,[hitid]) return self.cur.fetchall() def get_tasklet_kw(self, tid): self.cur.execute(""" select keywords from tasklets where = %s """, [tid]) return self.cur.fetchone()[0] def __init__(self): self.config = HaCRSUtil.get_config('../config.ini') HOST = self.config.get('mturk','host') AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = self.config.get('mturk', 'access_key_id') AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = self.config.get('mturk', 'secret_access_key') self.MTconnection = MTurkConnection(aws_access_key_id=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, aws_secret_access_key=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, host=HOST) self.db = HaCRSDB() self.con, self.cur = HaCRSUtil.get_db(self.config) = HaCRSTurker() def assignment_payout(self, assignments, amount): paysum = 0 for assignment in assignments: if assignment.AssignmentStatus == 'Approved': paysum += amount else: pdb.set_trace() pass return paysum def get_paid_bonus(self, bonuses, assignmentid, workerid): for bonus in bonuses: if bonus['aid'] == assignmentid and bonus['wid'] == workerid : return bonus['price'] return 0 def get_all_hits(self): all_hits = [hit for hit in self.MTconnection.get_all_hits()] totassignments = 0 maxtotalspent = 0 for hit in all_hits: assignments = self.MTconnection.get_assignments(hit.HITId) assignmentpay = self.assignment_payout(assignments, float(hit.Amount)) maxtotalspent += assignmentpay #print "{} - {} - {} - Expired: {} Keywords: {} #Assignments: {}".format(hit.CreationTime, hit.HITStatus, hit.HITReviewStatus, hit.expired, hit.Keywords, len(assignments)) totassignments += len(assignments) #print '' #print "Total: #HIT: {}, #Assignments: {} TotalMaxSpent: {}".format(len(all_hits), totassignments, maxtotalspent) def log_worker(self, worker_base, worker_bonus, worker_solves, difficulty_solves, assignment, bonuses, hit): wid = assignment.WorkerId if wid not in worker_base.keys(): worker_base[wid] = 0.0 worker_solves[wid] = {} wbonus = self.get_paid_bonus(bonuses, assignment.AssignmentId, wid) worker_base[wid] += float(hit.Amount) if wbonus > 0: if wid not in worker_bonus.keys(): worker_bonus[wid] = 0.0 worker_bonus[wid] += wbonus if hit.Keywords not in worker_solves[wid].keys(): worker_solves[wid][hit.Keywords] = 0 worker_solves[wid][hit.Keywords] += 1 if hit.Keywords not in difficulty_solves.keys(): difficulty_solves[hit.Keywords] = 0 difficulty_solves[hit.Keywords] += 1 def get_all_spendings_by_worker(self): all_hits = [hit for hit in self.MTconnection.get_all_hits()] maxtotalspent = 0 bonuses = json.load(open('bonus_paid.json')) worker_base = {} worker_bonus = {} worker_solves = {} difficulty_solves = {} for hit in all_hits: assignments = self.MTconnection.get_assignments(hit.HITId) for assignment in assignments: if assignment.AssignmentStatus == 'Approved': self.log_worker(worker_base, worker_bonus, worker_solves, difficulty_solves, assignment, bonuses, hit) #print "Worker Base:" #print json.dumps(worker_base, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ') ) #print "Worker Bonus:" #print json.dumps(worker_bonus, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ') ) #print "Worker Solves:" #print json.dumps(worker_solves, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ') ) #print "By Difficulty:" #print json.dumps(difficulty_solves, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ') ) return def test_seek_tasklet(self, tid, program ): fseek = '{}/{}/{}-seek.json'.format(self.config.get('general', 'resultsfolder'), program, tid) if os.path.exists(fseek): return json.load(open(fseek))['triggered'] else: return None def approve_reject(self, taskid_earnings): global EXPERIMENT_START all_hits = [hit for hit in self.MTconnection.get_all_hits()] worker_solvecount = {} worker_solvedifficulty = {} solved = 0 tasklet_hit_done = set() empty = { 'easy': 0, 'medium': 0, 'hard': 0, 'very_hard': 0, 'priority': 0 } for hit in all_hits: if not hit.CreationTime.startswith(EXPERIMENT_START): #print 'old hit!' continue if hit.NumberOfAssignmentsCompleted == 0: continue tasklet_ids = self.get_tasklet_from_hit(hit.HITId) if len(tasklet_ids) == 0: continue for line in tasklet_ids: tid = str(line[0]) tasklet = self.db.get_full_tasklet(tid) assignments = self.MTconnection.get_assignments(hit.HITId) for assignment in assignments: if assignment.WorkerId not in worker_solvecount.keys(): worker_solvecount[assignment.WorkerId] = 0 worker_solvedifficulty[assignment.WorkerId] = copy.deepcopy(empty) if tasklet['type'] != 'SEED': assert False, 'Wrong tasklet type!' #print 'hit: {} {}'.format(hit.HITStatus, hit.HITReviewStatus) if assignment.AssignmentStatus == 'Approved': tkey = "{}/{}/{}".format(hit.HITId, assignment.AssignmentId, assignment.WorkerId) if not tkey in tasklet_hit_done: worker_solvedifficulty[assignment.WorkerId][tasklet['keywords']] += 1 tasklet_hit_done.add(tkey) #print 'Approved: {}'.format(tkey) if hit.HITReviewStatus == 'NotReviewed': if not assignment.AssignmentStatus == 'Submitted': solved += 1 continue try: money = taskid_earnings[tid][assignment.WorkerId] except Exception as e: #print '{} error'.format(tasklet['type']) continue if money['payout'] < money['amount']: pass #print 'Possible reject: {}'.format(money['payout']) # TODO - uncomment this to actually reject a task #self.MTconnection.reject_assignment(assignment.AssignmentId) if money['payout'] >= money['amount']: self.MTconnection.approve_assignment(assignment.AssignmentId, feedback = "Thanks for participating, more similar tasks coming soon") pass else: #print 'else: {}'.format(hit.HITReviewStatus) pass worker_solvecount[assignment.WorkerId]+= float(hit.Amount) #pprint (sorted(worker_solvecount.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))) #print "worker_solvecount" #print json.dumps(worker_solvecount, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ') ) #print "worker_solvedifficulty" #print json.dumps(worker_solvedifficulty, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ') ) #print "Solved: {}, total payout: {}".format(solved, sum(worker_solvecount.values())) def split_composite_key(self, k): # "{}-{}-{}-{}".format(taskid, hitid, assignmentid, workerid) tid = k[:36] hitid, aid, workerid = k[37:].split('-') assert len(hitid) == 30 assert len(aid) == 30 assert len(workerid) in [11, 12, 13, 14] return {'tid': tid, 'hitid': hitid, 'aid': aid, 'workerid': workerid} def get_seed_stats(self, seed_taskletid_solved): global EXPERIMENT_START unique_seed_workers = set() worker_payouts_base = {} worker_payouts_bonus = {} worker_payouts_combined = {} worker_solves = {} tasklet_solved = set() total_payout_base = 0 total_payout_bonus = 0 tasklet_difficulty = {} program_solves = {} for program in json.load(open(self.config.get('general', 'programsjson'))): prog_maxcoverage[program] = 0 if program not in program_solves: program_solves[program] = 0 program = None total_payout = 0 for tasklet in self.db.get_seed_tasklets(): if not str(tasklet['timestamp']).startswith(EXPERIMENT_START): continue if tasklet['program'] in ['seed_training', 'A_Game_of_Chance']: continue if tasklet['id'] in seed_taskletid_solved.keys(): program_solves[tasklet['program']] += 1 for jfile in glob.glob('{}/{}/{}*/*.json'.format(self.config.get('general', 'resultsfolder'), tasklet['program'], str(tasklet['id']))): try: metadata = self.split_composite_key(jfile.split(os.path.sep)[jfile.split(os.path.sep).index('result.json')-1]) # fake keys except Exception as e: continue # that's us if metadata['workerid'] == 'A2PRAI0ABXN99X': continue results = json.loads(open(jfile).readlines()[-1]) tasklet = self.db.get_full_tasklet(metadata['tid']) payout = HaCRSUtil.get_current_payout(tasklet['payout_arr'], results['new_transitions']) prog_maxcoverage[tasklet['program']] = max(prog_maxcoverage[tasklet['program']], results['coverage']) if payout > 0: if metadata['workerid'] not in worker_solves.keys(): worker_solves[metadata['workerid']] = 0 worker_solves[metadata['workerid']] += 1 unique_seed_workers.add(metadata['workerid']) if tasklet['keywords'] not in tasklet_difficulty: tasklet_difficulty[tasklet['keywords']] = 0 tasklet_difficulty[tasklet['keywords']] += 1 tasklet_solved.add(tasklet['id']) if metadata['workerid'] not in worker_payouts_base.keys(): worker_payouts_base[metadata['workerid']] = [] worker_payouts_bonus[metadata['workerid']] = [] worker_payouts_combined[metadata['workerid']] = [] worker_payouts_base[metadata['workerid']].append(tasklet['amount']) total_payout_base += tasklet['amount'] if payout > tasklet['amount']: total_payout_bonus += round(payout - tasklet['amount'], 2) worker_payouts_bonus[metadata['workerid']].append(round(payout - tasklet['amount'], 2)) total_payout_bonus += round(payout - tasklet['amount'], 2) worker_payouts_combined[metadata['workerid']].append(round(payout, 2)) total_payout += payout pass #print 'Total seed BASE payment: $ {}'.format(total_payout_base) #print 'Total seed BONUS payment: $ {}'.format(total_payout_bonus) #print 'Workers solving at least one SEED Task: {}'.format(len(unique_seed_workers)) #print 'Number of solved SEED tasks: {}'.format(len(tasklet_solved)) #print 'Number of tasklets by difficulty: {}'.format(tasklet_difficulty) #print 'Busiest worker: {} solves'.format(max(worker_solves.values())) #print 'Average worker throughput: {} solves'.format(round(sum(worker_solves.values()) / float(len(worker_solves.values())), 2)) pdb.set_trace() def get_solve_ratio(self): global EXPERIMENT_START prog_maxcoverage = {} taskid_earnings = {} total_payout_with_bonus = 0 goalreached = 0 goalnotreached = 0 for program in json.load(open(self.config.get('general', 'programsjson'))): prog_maxcoverage[program] = 0 program = None seed_taskletid_solved = {} empty = { 'easy': 0, 'medium': 0, 'hard': 0, 'very_hard': 0, 'priority': 0 } for tasklet in self.db.get_seed_tasklets() + self.db.get_seek_tasklets(): if not str(tasklet['timestamp']).startswith(EXPERIMENT_START): continue for jfile in glob.glob('{}/{}/{}*/*.json'.format(self.config.get('general', 'resultsfolder'), tasklet['program'], str(tasklet['id']))): try: metadata = self.split_composite_key(jfile.split(os.path.sep)[jfile.split(os.path.sep).index('result.json')-1]) # fake keys except Exception as e: #print e continue # that's us if metadata['workerid'] == 'A2PRAI0ABXN99X': continue results = json.loads(open(jfile).readlines()[-1]) tasklet = self.db.get_full_tasklet(metadata['tid']) if tasklet == None: #print "No tasklet for program {}".format(tasklet['program']) continue if tasklet['type'] == 'SEED': payout = HaCRSUtil.get_current_payout(tasklet['payout_arr'], results['new_transitions']) prog_maxcoverage[tasklet['program']] = max(prog_maxcoverage[tasklet['program']], results['coverage']) elif tasklet['type'] == 'SEEK': payout = tasklet['amount'] elif tasklet['type'] == 'DRILL': payout = tasklet['amount'] total_payout_with_bonus += payout # over-achieved if tasklet['amount'] <= payout: goalreached += 1 elif tasklet['amount'] > payout: goalnotreached += 1 if tasklet['amount'] <= payout and tasklet['type'] == 'SEED': hitinfos = self.db.get_hit_for_tasklet(tasklet['id']) for hit in hitinfos: assignment = if assignment and assignment.WorkerId in ['A10O5YR01H865K', 'A1HRHFU7KTS0KW', 'A1PUHCEBSOWETV']: pass seed_taskletid_solved[tasklet['id']] = True if metadata['tid'] not in taskid_earnings.keys(): taskid_earnings[metadata['tid']] = {} if metadata['workerid'] not in taskid_earnings[metadata['tid']].keys(): taskid_earnings[metadata['tid']][metadata['workerid']] = {} taskid_earnings[metadata['tid']][metadata['workerid']] = {'payout': payout, 'amount': tasklet['amount']} #print "Goal reached: {}, Goal not reached: {}". format(goalreached, goalnotreached) #print "taskid_earnings" pprint(taskid_earnings) return taskid_earnings, prog_maxcoverage, seed_taskletid_solved def log_bonus(self, tid, wid, aid, price): self.bonuses.append({'tid': tid, 'wid': wid, 'aid': aid, 'price': price}) json.dump(self.bonuses, open('bonus_paid.json', 'w'), sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ') ) def do_pay_bonus(self, tid, wid, aid, price): assert len(tid) > 5, 'tasklet id mismatch' reason = "We issued a bonus for reaching a stretch goal of our task - Thanks!" assert price < 5 self.log_bonus(tid, wid, aid, price) try: self.MTconnection.grant_bonus(wid, aid, Price(price), reason) return True except Exception as e: #print "Not issued for whatever reason: {}".format(e) return False def bonus_paid_before(self, tid, wid, aid): for bonus in self.bonuses: if bonus['tid'] == tid and bonus['aid'] == aid and bonus['wid'] == wid: return True return False def check_bonus(self, taskid_earnings): self.bonuses = json.load(open('bonus_paid.json')) total_bonus_issued = 0 worker_bonus = {} for program in json.load(open(self.config.get('general', 'programsjson'))): for jfile in glob.glob('{}/{}/*/result.json'.format(self.config.get('general', 'resultsfolder'), program)): try: xkey = jfile.split(os.path.sep)[jfile.split(os.path.sep).index('result.json')-1] if xkey.endswith('-OLD') or xkey.endswith('-internal_zardus'): continue metadata = self.split_composite_key(xkey) except Exception as e: #pdb.set_trace() #print 'Skipping {}'.format(e) continue if metadata['workerid'] == 'A2PRAI0ABXN99X': continue results = json.loads(open(jfile).readlines()[-1]) tasklet = self.db.get_full_tasklet(metadata['tid']) try: money = taskid_earnings[str(tasklet['id'])][metadata['workerid']] except Exception as e: continue if tasklet['type'] != 'SEED': #print "We only pay a bonus for SEEDing" continue if money['payout'] > money['amount']: bonus = round(money['payout'] - money['amount'], 2) if metadata['workerid'] not in worker_bonus: worker_bonus[metadata['workerid']] = 0 worker_bonus[metadata['workerid']] += round( worker_bonus[metadata['workerid']] + bonus, 2) if self.bonus_paid_before(str(tasklet['id']), metadata['workerid'], metadata['aid']): #print 'paid before - skip' pass else: pass #print 'Bonus payout: {}'.format(bonus) # TODO... #if self.do_pay_bonus(str(tasklet['id']), metadata['workerid'], metadata['aid'], bonus): # total_bonus_issued += bonus #print 'worker_bonus' #print json.dumps(worker_bonus, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ') ) #print "Issued {} in bonuses".format(total_bonus_issued) def show_medium_hard(self, taskid_earnings): for tasklet in taskid_earnings: #tasklet = self.db.get_full_tasklet(tasklet) kw = self.get_tasklet_kw(tasklet) kwkey = ['easy', 'medium', 'hard', 'very_hard', 'priority'].index(kw) if len(filter(lambda x: x['payout'] >= x['amount'], taskid_earnings[tasklet].values())) > 0: pass #print '{} [{}] {}: {}'.format(self.db.get_tasklet_program(tasklet), kwkey, kw, tasklet) sys.exit(1) def approve_single(self, hitid): xhit = self.MTconnection.get_hit(hitid) assignments = self.MTconnection.get_assignments(xhit[0].HITId) #print 'Verify data before proceeding' pdb.set_trace() rc = self.MTconnection.approve_rejected_assignment(assignments[0].AssignmentId, feedback = "Thanks for participating, more similar tasks coming soon") def trace_hit(self, hitid): xhit = self.MTconnection.get_hit(hitid) pdb.set_trace() pass