def test_reset(self): a = Attr("myattr") self.assert_condition_expression_build(a.eq("foo"), "#n0 = :v0", {"#n0": "myattr"}, {":v0": "foo"}) self.assert_condition_expression_build(a.eq("foo"), "#n1 = :v1", {"#n1": "myattr"}, {":v1": "foo"}) self.builder.reset() self.assert_condition_expression_build(a.eq("foo"), "#n0 = :v0", {"#n0": "myattr"}, {":v0": "foo"})
def test_build_or(self): a = Attr("myattr") a2 = Attr("myattr2") self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.eq("foo") | a2.eq("bar"), "(#n0 = :v0 OR #n1 = :v1)", {"#n0": "myattr", "#n1": "myattr2"}, {":v0": "foo", ":v1": "bar"}, )
def test_reset(self): a = Attr('myattr') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.eq('foo'), '#n0 = :v0', {'#n0': 'myattr'}, {':v0': 'foo'}) self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.eq('foo'), '#n1 = :v1', {'#n1': 'myattr'}, {':v1': 'foo'}) self.builder.reset() self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.eq('foo'), '#n0 = :v0', {'#n0': 'myattr'}, {':v0': 'foo'})
class TestA(TestK): def setUp(self): self.attr = Attr("mykey") self.attr2 = Attr("myotherkey") self.value = "foo" self.value2 = "foo2" def test_ne(self): self.assertEqual(, NotEquals(self.attr, self.value)) def test_is_in(self): self.assertEqual(self.attr.is_in([self.value]), In(self.attr, [self.value])) def test_exists(self): self.assertEqual(self.attr.exists(), AttributeExists(self.attr)) def test_not_exists(self): self.assertEqual(self.attr.not_exists(), AttributeNotExists(self.attr)) def test_contains(self): self.assertEqual(self.attr.contains(self.value), Contains(self.attr, self.value)) def test_size(self): self.assertEqual(self.attr.size(), Size(self.attr)) def test_attribute_type(self): self.assertEqual(self.attr.attribute_type(self.value), AttributeType(self.attr, self.value))
def test_build_double_nested_and_or(self): a = Attr('myattr') a2 = Attr('myattr2') self.assert_condition_expression_build( (a.eq('foo') & a2.eq('foo2')) | (a.eq('bar') & a2.eq('bar2')), '((#n0 = :v0 AND #n1 = :v1) OR (#n2 = :v2 AND #n3 = :v3))', {'#n0': 'myattr', '#n1': 'myattr2', '#n2': 'myattr', '#n3': 'myattr2'}, {':v0': 'foo', ':v1': 'foo2', ':v2': 'bar', ':v3': 'bar2'})
def test_build_double_nested_and_or(self): a = Attr("myattr") a2 = Attr("myattr2") self.assert_condition_expression_build( (a.eq("foo") & a2.eq("foo2")) | (a.eq("bar") & a2.eq("bar2")), "((#n0 = :v0 AND #n1 = :v1) OR (#n2 = :v2 AND #n3 = :v3))", {"#n0": "myattr", "#n1": "myattr2", "#n2": "myattr", "#n3": "myattr2"}, {":v0": "foo", ":v1": "foo2", ":v2": "bar", ":v3": "bar2"}, )
def test_build_attr_list(self): a = Attr("MyList[0]") self.assert_condition_expression_build(a.eq("foo"), "#n0[0] = :v0", {"#n0": "MyList"}, {":v0": "foo"})
def grab_jobs(): table = dynamodb.Table('jobs') response = table.scan(FilterExpression=Attr('company').eq("ObjectRocket")) return response['Items']
def test_build_attr_map(self): a = Attr('MyMap.MyKey') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.eq('foo'), '#n0.#n1 = :v0', {'#n0': 'MyMap', '#n1': 'MyKey'}, {':v0': 'foo'})
def test_build_or(self): a = Attr('myattr') a2 = Attr('myattr2') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.eq('foo') | a2.eq('bar'), '(#n0 = :v0 OR #n1 = :v1)', {'#n0': 'myattr', '#n1': 'myattr2'}, {':v0': 'foo', ':v1': 'bar'})
def test_build_contains(self): a = Attr('myattr') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.contains('foo'), 'contains(#n0, :v0)', {'#n0': 'myattr'}, {':v0': 'foo'})
def test_build_expression_between(self): a = Attr('myattr') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.between('foo', 'foo2'), '#n0 BETWEEN :v0 AND :v1', {'#n0': 'myattr'}, {':v0': 'foo', ':v1': 'foo2'})
def setUp(self): self.attr = Attr('mykey') self.attr2 = Attr('myotherkey') self.value = 'foo' self.value2 = 'foo2'
def hasItem(code,name): global dynamodb table = dynamodb.Table('Item') response = table.scan(FilterExpression=Key('code').eq(code)&Attr('item').contains(name)) return response['Items']>0
def getDynamoDBProduct(category): global dynamodb table = dynamodb.Table('product') response = table.scan(FilterExpression = Attr('category_id').eq(category)) return response['Items']
def get_purchase_orders_by_order_date_range(self, min_order_date, max_order_date=None, supplier_id=None, distributors=[]): obj_type = 'purchase-orders' min_order_date = maya.parse(min_order_date.split('T')[0]).epoch if max_order_date: max_order_date = maya.parse(max_order_date.split('T')[0]).epoch if supplier_id: if max_order_date: query = { 'KeyConditionExpression': Key('supplier_id').eq(supplier_id) & Key('obj_type').eq(obj_type), 'FilterExpression': Attr('latest').eq(True) & Attr('active').eq(True) & Attr('order_date').between(min_order_date, max_order_date), 'IndexName': 'by_supplier_id_and_obj_type' } else: query = { 'KeyConditionExpression': Key('supplier_id').eq(supplier_id) & Key('obj_type').eq(obj_type), 'FilterExpression': Attr('latest').eq(True) & Attr('active').eq(True) & Attr('order_date').gt(min_order_date), 'IndexName': 'by_supplier_id_and_obj_type' } response = self._storage.get_items(query) response_items = response['Items'] else: response_items = [] for distributor in distributors: if max_order_date: query = { 'KeyConditionExpression': Key('distributor_id').eq(distributor) & Key('obj_type').eq(obj_type), 'FilterExpression': Attr('latest').eq(True) & Attr('active').eq(True) & Attr('order_date').between( min_order_date, max_order_date), 'IndexName': 'by_distributor_id_and_obj_type' } else: query = { 'KeyConditionExpression': Key('distributor_id').eq(distributor) & Key('obj_type').eq(obj_type), 'FilterExpression': Attr('latest').eq(True) & Attr('active').eq(True) & Attr('order_date').gt(min_order_date), 'IndexName': 'by_distributor_id_and_obj_type' } response = self._storage.get_items(query) response_items.extend(response['Items']) if supplier_id: print("supplier:{}".format(response_items)) else: print("distributor:{}".format(response_items)) purchase_orders_obj = [] for item in response_items: # The 4 lines below can be uncommented if we move # from ALL to KEYS_ONLY for the table # entity_id = item['EntityID'] # purchase_order = self._storage.get(table, entity_id) # purchase_order = clean(purchase_order) purchase_order = json_util.loads(clean(item)) purchase_order['order_date'] = maya.to_iso8601( datetime.utcfromtimestamp( purchase_order['order_date'])).split('T')[0] if "pack_date" in purchase_order: purchase_order['pack_date'] = maya.to_iso8601( datetime.utcfromtimestamp( purchase_order['pack_date'])).split('T')[0] if "ship_date" in purchase_order: purchase_order['ship_date'] = maya.to_iso8601( datetime.utcfromtimestamp( purchase_order['ship_date'])).split('T')[0] purchase_orders_obj.append(purchase_order) return purchase_orders_obj
def lambda_handler(event, context): # TODO implement queryStringParameters = event['queryStringParameters'] #get company id Student_ID = int(queryStringParameters['sid']) student_skills = [] matched_placements = [] ####### Gather student skills ###### table = dynamodb.Table('Skills') #scan for given student id response = table.scan(FilterExpression=Attr('Student_ID').eq(Student_ID)) if response['Count'] == 0: return { "statusCode": 500, 'body': json.dumps('Internal server error- No item found in Skills table *-*') } else: for item in response['Items']: student_skills.append(item['skills']) ############Scan all jobs ################ table = dynamodb.Table('Jobs') response = table.scan() if response['Count'] == 0: return { "statusCode": 500, 'body': json.dumps('Internal server error- There is no placement to show *-*') } else: for item in response['Items']: Placement_ID = int(item['ID']) Company_ID = int(item['Company_ID']) #######For every placement, collect their skills ####### job_skills = [] table = dynamodb.Table('Skills_jobs') db_response = table.scan(FilterExpression=Attr('Jobs_Company_ID').eq(Company_ID)&Attr('Jobs_ID').eq(Placement_ID)) for attribute in db_response['Items']: job_skills.append(attribute['name']) #we got skills for that placement percentage_of_matching = matching(student_skills, job_skills) ##### if percentage is high ################ if percentage_of_matching > 30: matched_placements.append((Company_ID, Placement_ID, percentage_of_matching)) ###sort placements based on their matching rate matched_placements = sorted(matched_placements, key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True) ##we got ids for matching placements ##get all placements http = urllib3.PoolManager() placements = [] for item in matched_placements: cid = item[0] pid = item[1] url = "{}&pid={}".format(cid, pid) r = http.request('GET', url) data ='utf-8') data = json.loads(data) placements.append(data) responseBody = {} responseBody['placements'] = placements return { 'statusCode': 200, 'body': json.dumps(responseBody) }
def lambda_handler(event, context): msgBody = json.loads(event['Records'][0]['Sns']['Message']) if not ('visitor_id' in msgBody): return { 'statusCode': 400, 'body': "The input event must have a visitor_id" } visitor_id = msgBody['visitor_id'] if not ('experience_id' in msgBody): return { 'statusCode': 400, 'body': "The input event must have a experience_id" } experience_id = msgBody['experience_id'] dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb', aws_access_key_id=ACCESS_KEY, aws_secret_access_key=SECRET_KEY, aws_session_token=SESSION_TOKEN) visitorEventTable = dynamodb.Table('fssi2019-dynamodb-visitor_event_ts') occupancyTable = dynamodb.Table('fssi2019-dynamodb-occupancy') # Get all events with the visitor_id. # Note: Scan reads all records from DynamoDB. Maybe set up a secondary index. visitorEvents = visitorEventTable.scan( FilterExpression=Attr('visitor_id').eq(visitor_id)) # Get the visitor event with the latest timestamp. latestEvent = None for e in visitorEvents['Items']: if latestEvent == None or e['timestamp'] > latestEvent['timestamp']: latestEvent = e print("Debug: latestEvent: " + str(latestEvent)) messageExit = None # Figure out whether the event means that the visitor is entering the experience. if latestEvent == None: isEntering = True elif latestEvent['experience_id'] == experience_id: if latestEvent['event'] == 'exit': # Re-entering this experience. isEntering = True else: # Now exiting. isEntering = False else: # The latest event was for a different experience. We have to be # entering this experience. isEntering = True if latestEvent['event'] != 'exit': # The visitor must have exited the other experience without scanning. # Add an exit event for the other experience and remove from occupancy. visitorEventTable.put_item( Item={ 'timestamp': Decimal(time.time()), 'visitor_id': visitor_id, 'experience_id': latestEvent['experience_id'], 'event': 'exit', 'confidence': Decimal(1.0) }) messageExit = { "defualt": { "event": "exit", "experience_id": latestEvent['experience_id'], "visitor_id": visitor_id } } occupancyResponse = occupancyTable.get_item( Key={'id': latestEvent['experience_id']}) if 'Item' in occupancyResponse: occupancy = occupancyResponse['Item']['occupancy'] occupancy.discard(visitor_id) if len(occupancy) == 0: # The empty set is not allowed, so remove the entry. occupancyTable.delete_item( Key={'id': latestEvent['experience_id']}) else: occupancyTable.put_item(Item={ 'id': latestEvent['experience_id'], 'occupancy': occupancy }) # Add a new visitor event. visitorEventTable.put_item( Item={ 'timestamp': Decimal(time.time()), 'visitor_id': visitor_id, 'experience_id': experience_id, 'event': 'entry' if isEntering else 'exit', 'confidence': Decimal(1.0) }) mySnsClient = boto3.client('sns') if isEntering: message = { "defualt": { "event": "entry", "experience_id": experience_id, "visitor_id": visitor_id } } else: message = message = { "defualt": { "event": "exit", "experience_id": experience_id, "visitor_id": visitor_id } } response = mySnsClient.publish( TopicArn= 'arn:aws:sns:us-west-1:756428767688:fssi2019-sns-visitor-event', Message=json.dumps(message)) if messageExit is not None: response = mySnsClient.publish( TopicArn= 'arn:aws:sns:us-west-1:756428767688:fssi2019-sns-visitor-event', Message=json.dumps(messageExit)) # Update the occupancy table for the experience based on isEntering. occupancyResponse = occupancyTable.get_item(Key={'id': experience_id}) if 'Item' in occupancyResponse: occupancy = occupancyResponse['Item']['occupancy'] if isEntering: occupancy.add(visitor_id) else: occupancy.discard(visitor_id) if len(occupancy) == 0: # The empty set is not allowed, so remove the entry. occupancyTable.delete_item(Key={'id': experience_id}) else: occupancyTable.put_item(Item={ 'id': experience_id, 'occupancy': occupancy }) else: # The is no entry for the experience_id. Create it if is entering. if isEntering: occupancyTable.put_item(Item={ 'id': experience_id, 'occupancy': set([visitor_id]) }) return {'statusCode': 200, 'body': json.dumps({'event': event})}
table = dynamodb.Table('WorldPlayers') try: response = table.get_item(Attr={'MatchID': 749, 'Player Name': nombre}) except ClientError as e: print(e.response['Error']['Message']) else: return response['Item'] dynamodb = None if not dynamodb: dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb', endpoint_url="http://localhost:8000") table = dynamodb.Table('WorldMatches') responseMatch = table.scan(FilterExpression=Attr('Stage').eq("Final") & (Attr('Home Team Name').eq("Argentina") | Attr('Away Team Name').eq("Argentina"))) datos = responseMatch['Items'] tablePlayers = dynamodb.Table('WorldPlayersFinal') responsePlayers = tablePlayers.scan( FilterExpression=Attr('Team Initials').eq("ARG")) datosPlayers = responsePlayers['Items'] for i in datosPlayers: print(i['Player Name'])
def list_job_events_handler(event, context): # Input parsing job_id = event["pathParameters"]["job_id"] qs = event.get("queryStringParameters") mvqs = event.get("multiValueQueryStringParameters") if not qs: qs = {} mvqs = {} page_size = int(qs.get("page_size", 20)) start_at = qs.get("start_at", "0") # Check the job exists job = table.get_item(Key={ "Id": job_id, "Sk": job_id, }).get("Item") if not job: return {"statusCode": 404} watermark_boundary_mu = (job.get("JobFinishTime", utc_timestamp()) + 1) * 1000 # Check the watermark is not "future" if int(start_at.split("#")[0]) > watermark_boundary_mu: raise ValueError( "Watermark {} is out of bounds for this job".format(start_at)) # Apply filters filter_expression = Attr("Type").eq("JobEvent") user_filters = mvqs.get("filter", []) for f in user_filters: k, v = f.split("=") filter_expression = filter_expression & Attr(k).begins_with(v) # Because result may contain both JobEvent and Job items, we request max page_size+1 items then apply the type # filter as FilterExpression. We then limit the list size to the requested page size in case the number of # items after filtering is still page_size+1 i.e. the Job item wasn't on the page. items = [] query_start_key = str(start_at) last_evaluated = None last_query_size = 0 while len(items) < page_size: resp = table.query( KeyConditionExpression=Key("Id").eq(job_id), ScanIndexForward=True, FilterExpression=filter_expression, Limit=100 if len(user_filters) else page_size + 1, ExclusiveStartKey={ "Id": job_id, "Sk": query_start_key }, ) results = resp.get("Items", []) last_query_size = len(results) items.extend(results[:page_size - len(items)]) query_start_key = resp.get("LastEvaluatedKey", {}).get("Sk") if not query_start_key: break last_evaluated = query_start_key next_start = _get_watermark(items, start_at, page_size, job["JobStatus"], last_evaluated, last_query_size) resp = { k: v for k, v in { "JobEvents": items, "NextStart": next_start }.items() if v is not None } return {"statusCode": 200, "body": json.dumps(resp, cls=DecimalEncoder)}
def setUp(self): self.attr = Attr("mykey") self.attr2 = Attr("myotherkey") self.value = "foo" self.value2 = "foo2"
def get_grant(code_key, code): user = USERS_TABLE.scan( FilterExpression=Attr(code_key).eq(code)).get('Items') if user: return user[0]
def test_build_expression_lte(self): a1 = Attr('myattr') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a1.lte('foo'), '#n0 <= :v0', {'#n0': 'myattr'}, {':v0': 'foo'})
def get_token_by_access_id(oa_access_token): user = USERS_TABLE.scan( FilterExpression=Attr('query_token').eq(oa_access_token) | Attr('stream_token').eq(oa_access_token)).get('Items') if user: return user[0]
def test_build_expression_in(self): a = Attr('myattr') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.is_in([1, 2, 3]), '#n0 IN (:v0, :v1, :v2)', {'#n0': 'myattr'}, {':v0': 1, ':v1': 2, ':v2': 3})
def query_items(self, query=None, only_fields_with_values=True): filter_expression = None if query and len(query) > 1: for field, value in iteritems(query): if isinstance( value, dict) and 'condition' in value and 'value' in value: condition = value['condition'] value = value['value'] else: condition = 'eq' if not value and only_fields_with_values: continue if condition == 'eq': filter_expression &= Attr(field).eq(value) if condition == 'ne': filter_expression &= Attr(field).ne(value) if condition == 'lt': filter_expression &= Attr(field).lt(value) if condition == 'lte': filter_expression &= Attr(field).lte(value) if condition == 'gt': filter_expression &= Attr(field).gt(value) if condition == 'gte': filter_expression &= Attr(field).gte(value) if condition == 'begins_with': filter_expression &= Attr(field).begins_with(value) if condition == 'between': filter_expression &= Attr(field).between(value) if condition == 'ne': filter_expression &= Attr(field).ne(value) if condition == 'is_in': filter_expression &= Attr(field).is_in(value) if condition == 'contains': filter_expression &= Attr(field).contains(value) else: raise Exception( 'Invalid filter condition: {0}'.format(condition)) if filter_expression: response = self.table.scan(FilterExpression=filter_expression) else: response = self.table.scan() if response and 'Items' in response: return response['Items'] else: return None
def test_build_size_with_other_conditons(self): a = Attr('myattr') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.size().eq(5), 'size(#n0) = :v0', {'#n0': 'myattr'}, {':v0': 5})
def customer_dashboard(customer_username, customer_id, cid): #if the user tries to access someone elses dashboard if cid != customer_id: error = "Unable to look at another customer's dashboard, please sign in if you haven't done so already" flash(u'Unable to access dashboard, please login to your account', 'error') return redirect(url_for('login')) #Tables to be used customer_table = dynamodb.Table('customer') restaurant_table = dynamodb.Table('restaurant') order_table = dynamodb.Table('order') #Query the customers data and remove the password before passing to client side customer_data = customer_table.query( KeyConditionExpression=Key('customer_id').eq(customer_id)) customer_data['Items'][0]['password'] = None # Search filter for the start time and end time if request.method == 'POST': order_date = request.form['order_date'] if request.form[ 'order_date'] else None order_time = request.form['order_time'] if request.form[ 'order_time'] else None end_date = request.form['end_date'] if request.form[ 'end_date'] else None end_time = request.form['end_time'] if request.form[ 'end_time'] else None # If the user inputs an order_date and end_date if order_date and end_date: order_date_time = "" end_date_time = "" if order_time: order_date_time = "%s, %s" % (order_date, order_time) else: order_date_time = "%s, %s" % (order_date, "00:00:00") if end_time: end_date_time = "%s, %s" % (end_date, end_time) else: end_date_time = "%s, %s" % (end_date, "00:00:00") # Scan the order table for a complete list of orders that are between the end_date_time and order_date_time order_data = order_table.scan( FilterExpression=Key('customer_id').eq(customer_id) & Attr('order_time').between(order_date_time, end_date_time)) restaurant_id = "" # Get the name of the restaurant for every order that is pulled in the order_data for item in order_data['Items']: for key, value in item.items(): if key == "restaurant_id": restaurant_id = value restaurant_data = restaurant_table.query( KeyConditionExpression=Key('restaurant_id').eq( restaurant_id)) item['restaurant_name'] = restaurant_data['Items'][0][ 'restaurant_name'] return render_template('customer_dashboard.html', customer_username=customer_username, customer_id=customer_id, customer_info=customer_data, orders=order_data) # If the user inputs an order_date and not an end_date elif order_date and not end_date: order_date_time = "" if order_time: order_date_time = "%s, %s" % (order_date, order_time) else: order_date_time = "%s, %s" % (order_date, "00:00:00") # Scan the order table for a complete list of orders that are after the order_date_time order_data = order_table.scan( FilterExpression=Attr('customer_id').eq(customer_id) & Attr('order_time').gte(order_date_time)) restaurant_id = "" # Get the name of the restaurant for every order that is pulled in the order_data for item in order_data['Items']: for key, value in item.items(): if key == "restaurant_id": restaurant_id = value restaurant_data = restaurant_table.query( KeyConditionExpression=Key('restaurant_id').eq( restaurant_id)) item['restaurant_name'] = restaurant_data['Items'][0][ 'restaurant_name'] return render_template('customer_dashboard.html', customer_username=customer_username, customer_id=customer_id, customer_info=customer_data, orders=order_data) # If the user inputs not an order_date and an end_date elif not order_date and end_date: end_date_time = "" if end_time: end_date_time = "%s, %s" % (end_date, end_time) else: end_date_time = "%s, %s" % (end_date, "00:00:00") # Scan the order table for a complete list of orders that are before the end_date_time order_data = order_table.scan( FilterExpression=Attr('customer_id').eq(customer_id) & Attr('order_time').lte(end_date_time)) restaurant_id = "" # Get the name of the restaurant for every order that is pulled in the order_data for item in order_data['Items']: for key, value in item.items(): if key == "restaurant_id": restaurant_id = value restaurant_data = restaurant_table.query( KeyConditionExpression=Key('restaurant_id').eq( restaurant_id)) item['restaurant_name'] = restaurant_data['Items'][0][ 'restaurant_name'] return render_template('customer_dashboard.html', customer_username=customer_username, customer_id=customer_id, customer_info=customer_data, orders=order_data) # if there is no order_date or end_date else: # Scan the order table for a complete list of orders for a customer order_data = order_table.scan( FilterExpression=Attr('customer_id').eq(customer_id)) restaurant_id = "" # Get the name of the restaurant for every order that is pulled in the order_data for item in order_data['Items']: for key, value in item.items(): if key == "restaurant_id": restaurant_id = value restaurant_data = restaurant_table.query( KeyConditionExpression=Key('restaurant_id').eq( restaurant_id)) item['restaurant_name'] = restaurant_data['Items'][0][ 'restaurant_name'] return render_template('customer_dashboard.html', customer_username=customer_username, customer_id=customer_id, customer_info=customer_data, orders=order_data) # if there is no order_date or end_date else: # Scan the order table for a complete list of orders for a customer order_data = order_table.scan( FilterExpression=Attr('customer_id').eq(customer_id)) restaurant_id = "" # Get the name of the restaurant for every order that is pulled in the order_data for item in order_data['Items']: for key, value in item.items(): if key == "restaurant_id": restaurant_id = value restaurant_data = restaurant_table.query( KeyConditionExpression=Key('restaurant_id').eq( restaurant_id)) item['restaurant_name'] = restaurant_data['Items'][0][ 'restaurant_name'] return render_template('customer_dashboard.html', customer_username=customer_username, customer_id=customer_id, customer_info=customer_data, orders=order_data)
def test_build_attribute_with_attr_value(self): a = Attr('myattr') value = Attr('myreference') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.eq(value), '#n0 = #n1', {'#n0': 'myattr', '#n1': 'myreference'}, {})
def lambda_handler(event, context): #parse body of request body requestBody = event['body'] requestBody = json.loads(requestBody) ### FOR JOB TABLE ### Company_ID = requestBody['Company_ID'] #Company_name = requestBody['Company_name'] title = requestBody['title'] description = requestBody['description'] category = requestBody['category'] contact_info = requestBody['contact_info'] department_name = requestBody['department_name'] degree = requestBody['degree'] #experience = requestBody['experience'] location = requestBody['location'] salaries = requestBody['salaries'] ### FOR SKILLS TABLE ### skills = requestBody['skills'] ### FOR BENEFITS TABLE ### benefits = requestBody['benefits'] ### FOR CERTIFICATES TABLE ### certificates = requestBody['certificates'] ################### GET COMPANY NAME ########################## table = dynamodb.Table('Company') response = table.scan(FilterExpression=Attr('ID').eq(Company_ID)) if response['Count'] == 0: return { "statusCode": 500, "body": json.dumps( "Internal Server Error - No matching company name for given company id *-*" ) } else: Company_name = response['Items'][0]['name'] #################### ADD PLACEMENT ########################## table = dynamodb.Table('Jobs') response = table.scan() if response['Count'] == 0: #no item in Jobs table Jobs_ID = 0 else: #there are items in table #find max id and increase by 1 data = response['Items'] x = [] for item in data: x.append(item['ID']) Jobs_ID = max(x) + 1 # ID assigned # ### add the new item ### try: print("Adding new item") db_response = table.put_item( Item={ 'ID': Jobs_ID, 'Company_ID': Company_ID, 'Company_name': Company_name, 'description': description, 'category': category, 'contact_info': contact_info, 'department_name': department_name, 'degree': degree, 'location': location, 'job_creation_timestamp': int(time.time()), 'salaries': salaries, 'title': title, 'location': location }) # TODO: write code... except ClientError as e: print(e.response['Error']['Message']) return { 'statusCode': 500, 'body': json.dumps("Internal Server Error *-*") } ####################### ADD SKILLS ################################## table = dynamodb.Table('Skills_jobs') ### FIND ID ### for skill in skills: response = table.scan() if response['Count'] == 0: #no item in Jobs table ID = 0 else: #there are items in table #find max id and increase by 1 data = response['Items'] x = [] for item in data: x.append(item['ID']) ID = max(x) + 1 # ID assigned # ### add the new item ### try: print("Adding new item") db_response = table.put_item( Item={ 'ID': ID, 'Jobs_ID': Jobs_ID, 'Jobs_Company_ID': Company_ID, 'name': skill }) # TODO: write code... except ClientError as e: print(e.response['Error']['Message']) return { 'statusCode': 500, 'body': json.dumps("Internal Server Error *-*") } ############### ADD BENEFITS #################################### table = dynamodb.Table('Benefits') for benefit in benefits: response = table.scan() if response['Count'] == 0: #no item in Jobs table ID = 0 else: #there are items in table #find max id and increase by 1 data = response['Items'] x = [] for item in data: x.append(item['ID']) ID = max(x) + 1 # ID assigned # ### add the new item ### try: print("Adding new item") db_response = table.put_item( Item={ 'ID': ID, 'Jobs_ID': Jobs_ID, 'Jobs_Company_ID': Company_ID, 'name': benefit }) # TODO: write code... except ClientError as e: print(e.response['Error']['Message']) return { 'statusCode': 500, 'body': json.dumps("Internal Server Error *-*") } ################ ADD CERTIFICATES ################################## if not certificates: return { "statusCode": 200, "body": json.dumps({"Placement_ID": int(Jobs_ID)}) } else: table = dynamodb.Table('Certificates_job') for certificate in certificates: response = table.scan() if response['Count'] == 0: #no item in Jobs table ID = 0 else: #there are items in table #find max id and increase by 1 data = response['Items'] x = [] for item in data: x.append(item['ID']) ID = max(x) + 1 # ID assigned # ### add the new item ### try: print("Adding new item") db_response = table.put_item( Item={ 'ID': ID, 'Jobs_ID': Jobs_ID, 'Jobs_Company_ID': Company_ID, 'name': certificate }) # TODO: write code... except ClientError as e: print(e.response['Error']['Message']) return { 'statusCode': 500, 'body': json.dumps("Internal Server Error *-*") } ### EVERYTHING IS OK #### return { "statusCode": 200, "body": json.dumps({"Placement_ID": int(Jobs_ID)}) }
def test_build_nested_attr_map_list(self): a = Attr('MyMap.MyList[2].MyElement') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.eq('foo'), '#n0.#n1[2].#n2 = :v0', {'#n0': 'MyMap', '#n1': 'MyList', '#n2': 'MyElement'}, {':v0': 'foo'})
def read_items(table): items = table.scan(FilterExpression=Attr('Id').gte(0)) return items['Items']
def test_build_attr_map(self): a = Attr("MyMap.MyKey") self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.eq("foo"), "#n0.#n1 = :v0", {"#n0": "MyMap", "#n1": "MyKey"}, {":v0": "foo"} )
def live_test(self) -> None: """Upload an EICAR test file to BinaryAlert which should trigger a YARA match alert. Raises: TestFailureError: If the live test failed (YARA match not found). """ bucket_name = self._config.binaryalert_s3_bucket_name test_filename = 'eicar_test_{}.txt'.format(uuid.uuid4()) s3_identifier = 'S3:{}:{}'.format(bucket_name, test_filename) print('Uploading EICAR test file {}...'.format(s3_identifier)) bucket = boto3.resource('s3').Bucket(bucket_name) bucket.put_object(Body=EICAR_STRING.encode('UTF-8'), Key=test_filename, Metadata={'filepath': test_filename}) table_name = '{}_binaryalert_matches'.format(self._config.name_prefix) print('EICAR test file uploaded! Connecting to table DynamoDB:{}...'. format(table_name)) table = boto3.resource('dynamodb').Table(table_name) eicar_sha256 = hashlib.sha256(EICAR_STRING.encode('UTF-8')).hexdigest() dynamo_record_found = False for attempt in range(1, 11): time.sleep(5) print( '\t[{}/10] Querying DynamoDB table for the expected YARA match entry...' .format(attempt)) items = table.query( Select='ALL_ATTRIBUTES', Limit=1, ConsistentRead=True, ScanIndexForward= False, # Sort by AnalyzerVersion descending (e.g. newest first). KeyConditionExpression=Key('SHA256').eq(eicar_sha256), FilterExpression=Attr('S3Objects').contains( s3_identifier)).get('Items') if items: print( '\nSUCCESS: Expected DynamoDB entry for the EICAR file was found!\n' ) dynamo_record_found = True pprint.pprint(items[0]) print('\nRemoving DynamoDB EICAR entry...') lambda_version = items[0]['AnalyzerVersion'] table.delete_item(Key={ 'SHA256': eicar_sha256, 'AnalyzerVersion': lambda_version }) break elif attempt == 10: print( '\nFAIL: Expected DynamoDB entry for the EICAR file was *not* found!\n' ) print('Removing EICAR test file from S3...') bucket.delete_objects(Delete={'Objects': [{'Key': test_filename}]}) if dynamo_record_found: print( '\nLive test succeeded! Verify the alert was sent to your SNS subscription(s).' ) else: raise TestFailureError( '\nLive test failed! See' )
def test_build_nested_attr_map_list(self): a = Attr("MyMap.MyList[2].MyElement") self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.eq("foo"), "#n0.#n1[2].#n2 = :v0", {"#n0": "MyMap", "#n1": "MyList", "#n2": "MyElement"}, {":v0": "foo"} )
def update_board_contents_handler(event, context): # verify claims claims = verify_jwt(event, context) if not claims: return Status.forbidden dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb') user_boards_table = dynamodb.Table('user_boards') board_cards_table = dynamodb.Table('board_cards') board_id = json.loads(event.get("body")).get('board_id') user_id = claims['username'] board_contents = json.loads(event.get("body")).get('board_contents') # dump board document to string for storage if board_contents.get('columns'): board_contents['columns'] = json.dumps(board_contents.get('columns')) # check that user owns the board response = user_boards_table.get_item(Key={ 'user_id': user_id, 'board_id': board_id }) item = response.get('Item') if not item: raise Exception # update board contents board_cards_table.update_item( Key={'board_id': board_id}, UpdateExpression='SET board_contents = :board_contents', ExpressionAttributeValues={':board_contents': board_contents}) # set updated_at attribute of board for user who made the update user_boards_table.update_item( Key={ 'user_id': user_id, 'board_id': board_id }, UpdateExpression='SET updated_at = :updated_at', ExpressionAttributeValues={':updated_at': str(time.time())}) name_changed = False if board_contents.get('name') != item.get('board_name'): name_changed = True # load board document from string if board_contents.get('columns'): board_contents['columns'] = json.loads(board_contents.get('columns')) # get all board owners response = user_boards_table.scan( FilterExpression=Attr('board_id').eq(board_id)) items = response['Items'] for owner in items: curr_user_id = owner.get('user_id') # if name changed update board for each user if name_changed: user_boards_table.update_item( Key={ 'user_id': curr_user_id, 'board_id': board_id }, UpdateExpression='SET board_name = :board_name', ExpressionAttributeValues={ ':board_name': board_contents.get('name') }) # push new board contents to user if they are connected connection_id, callback_url = get_connection_info(curr_user_id) if connection_id: send_to_connection(Response.update_board_contents_response, {'board_contents': board_contents}, connection_id, callback_url) return Status.OK
def archive_restore(): config = configparser.ConfigParser()'configini.ini') aws_config = config['AWS'] ## Connect to SQS and get the message queue try: sqs = boto3.resource('sqs', region_name=aws_config['AWS_REGION_NAME']) huangxy_queue = sqs.get_queue_by_name( QueueName=aws_config['AWS_SQS_ARCHIVE_RETRIEVE']) except Exception as e: raise e return # Poll the message queue in a loop while True: # Attempt to read a message from the queue response = huangxy_queue.receive_messages(WaitTimeSeconds=20) # If message read, extract job parameters from the message body as before if response: print('Get response successfully.') try: msg = json.loads(json.loads(response[0].body)['Message']) retrieve_id = msg['JobId'] archive_id = msg['ArchiveId'] except Exception as e: raise e return try: client_glacier = boto3.client( 'glacier', region_name=aws_config['AWS_REGION_NAME']) glacier_job_output = client_glacier.get_job_output( vaultName=aws_config['AWS_GLACIER_VAULT'], jobId=retrieve_id) print('Get job out of glacier successfully.') except Exception as e: raise e return # archive_id is not a key, so I can only use table scan to get the s3_result_key and job_id. try: dynamodb = boto3.resource( 'dynamodb', region_name=aws_config['AWS_REGION_NAME']) annotation_table = dynamodb.Table( aws_config['AWS_DYNAMODB_ANNOTATIONS_TABLE']) res = annotation_table.scan( FilterExpression=Attr('archive_id').eq(archive_id)) if not res['Items']: response[0].delete() print('No annotation.') else: s3_result_key = str(res['Items'][0]['s3_key_result_file']) job_id = res['Items'][0]['job_id'] except Exception as e: raise e return # put job to s3 again try: client_s3 = boto3.client( 's3', region_name=aws_config['AWS_REGION_NAME'], config=Config(signature_version='s3v4')) # Response Syntax # { # 'DeleteMarker': True|False, # 'VersionId': 'string', # 'RequestCharged': 'requester' # } s3_upload_response = client_s3.put_object( Body=glacier_job_output['body'].read(), Bucket=aws_config['AWS_S3_RESULTS_BUCKET'], Key=s3_result_key) print('Upload to S3 successfully.') except Exception as e: raise e return # update database. try: annotation_table.update_item( Key={'job_id': job_id}, AttributeUpdates={'archive_id': { 'Action': 'DELETE' }}) print('Update database successfully.') except Exception as e: raise e return # After all done, delete SQS response[0].delete() print('Delete SQS successfully.') else: print('There is no response.')
def query_items(self, query=None, only_fields_with_values=True, query_chunk_limit=-1): """ gets items from database (this actually does scan, not query. See query_raw() for true query) :param query: :param only_fields_with_values: :param query_chunk_limit: not an absolute count, but a threshold where we stop fetching more chunks (if negative then no limit, but will read all chunks) :return: """ filter_expression = None if query and len(query) >= 1: for field, value in iteritems(query): value2 = None if isinstance(value, dict) and 'condition' in value and 'value' in value: condition_str = value['condition'] value = value['value'] if condition_str == "between": value, value2 = value["value"], value["value2"] else: condition_str = 'eq' if not value and only_fields_with_values: continue if condition_str == 'eq': condition = Attr(field).eq(value) elif condition_str == 'ne': condition = Attr(field).ne(value) elif condition_str == 'lt': condition = Attr(field).lt(value) elif condition_str == 'lte': condition = Attr(field).lte(value) elif condition_str == 'gt': condition = Attr(field).gt(value) elif condition_str == 'gte': condition = Attr(field).gte(value) elif condition_str == 'begins_with': condition = Attr(field).begins_with(value) elif condition_str == 'between': condition = Attr(field).between(value, value2) elif condition_str == 'is_in': condition = Attr(field).is_in(value) elif condition_str == 'contains': condition = Attr(field).contains(value) else: raise Exception('Invalid filter condition: {0}'.format(condition_str)) if filter_expression is None: filter_expression = condition else: filter_expression &= condition if filter_expression is not None: response = self.table.scan( FilterExpression=filter_expression ) else: response = self.table.scan() if not response or not('Items' in response): return None # finished if there is no more data to read if not('LastEvaluatedKey' in response): return response['Items'] items = response['Items'] # read chunks until end or threshold is reached while 'LastEvaluatedKey' in response: if filter_expression is not None: response = self.table.scan( FilterExpression=filter_expression, ExclusiveStartKey=response['LastEvaluatedKey'] ) else: response = self.table.scan(ExclusiveStartKey=response['LastEvaluatedKey']) if response and ('Items' in response): items += response['Items'] item_count = len(items) if (query_chunk_limit >= 0) and (item_count >= query_chunk_limit): break return items
class TestA(TestK): def setUp(self): self.attr = Attr('mykey') self.attr2 = Attr('myotherkey') self.value = 'foo' self.value2 = 'foo2' def test_ne(self): self.assertEqual(, NotEquals(self.attr, self.value)) def test_is_in(self): self.assertEqual(self.attr.is_in([self.value]), In(self.attr, [self.value])) def test_exists(self): self.assertEqual(self.attr.exists(), AttributeExists(self.attr)) def test_not_exists(self): self.assertEqual(self.attr.not_exists(), AttributeNotExists(self.attr)) def test_contains(self): self.assertEqual(self.attr.contains(self.value), Contains(self.attr, self.value)) def test_size(self): self.assertEqual(self.attr.size(), Size(self.attr)) def test_attribute_type(self): self.assertEqual(self.attr.attribute_type(self.value), AttributeType(self.attr, self.value)) def test_ne_equality(self): attr_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.attr) comp = comp2 = self.assertEqual(comp, comp2) def test_is_in_equality(self): attr_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.attr) comp = self.attr.is_in([self.value]) comp2 = attr_copy.is_in([self.value]) self.assertEqual(comp, comp2) def test_exists_equality(self): attr_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.attr) comp = self.attr.exists() comp2 = attr_copy.exists() self.assertEqual(comp, comp2) def test_not_exists_equality(self): attr_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.attr) comp = self.attr.not_exists() comp2 = attr_copy.not_exists() self.assertEqual(comp, comp2) def test_contains_equality(self): attr_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.attr) comp = self.attr.contains(self.value) comp2 = attr_copy.contains(self.value) self.assertEqual(comp, comp2) def test_size_equality(self): attr_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.attr) comp = self.attr.size() comp2 = attr_copy.size() self.assertEqual(comp, comp2) def test_attribute_type_equality(self): attr_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.attr) comp = self.attr.attribute_type(self.value) comp2 = attr_copy.attribute_type(self.value) self.assertEqual(comp, comp2)
table = dynamodb.Table('users') #myclient.connect() while continue_reading: # Scan for cards time.sleep(1) (status, TagType) = TAGRead.MFRC522_Request(TAGRead.PICC_REQIDL) # If a card is found if status == TAGRead.MI_OK: print("Card detected") # Get the UID of the card (status, uid) = TAGRead.MFRC522_Anticoll() # If we have the UID, continue if status == TAGRead.MI_OK: RFID_value = "Card read uid: " + str(uid[0]) + str(uid[1]) + str( uid[2]) + str(uid[3]) # response = table.query( # KeyConditionExpression=Key('RFID_value').eq(RFID_value) # ) response = table.scan( FilterExpression=Attr('RFID_value').lt(RFID_value)) items = response['Items'] print(items) # myclient.publish("harry_policy_new",rfid_value, 0) # print("MQTT Client connection success!") # Print UID print("Card read UID: %s,%s,%s,%s" % (uid[0], uid[1], uid[2], uid[3]))
def lambda_handler(event, context): # TODO implement print(event) matchid = event['MatchId'] print(type(matchid)) dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb') match_table = dynamodb.Table('dr11-publicmatch') matchResponse = match_table.scan( FilterExpression=Attr('MatchId').eq(int(matchid))) print(matchResponse) team1_list = list(matchResponse['Items'][0]['Team1 Players']) for i in range(len(team1_list)): team1_list[i] = int(team1_list[i]) team2_list = list(matchResponse['Items'][0]['Team2 Players']) for i in range(len(team2_list)): team2_list[i] = int(team2_list[i]) print(team1_list) print(team2_list) Cricket_Player_table = dynamodb.Table('dr11-playerdata') playersResponse = Cricket_Player_table.scan( FilterExpression=(Attr('playerid').eq(team1_list[0]) | Attr('playerid').eq(team1_list[1]) | Attr('playerid').eq(team1_list[2]) | Attr('playerid').eq(team1_list[3]) | Attr('playerid').eq(team1_list[4]) | Attr('playerid').eq(team1_list[5]) | Attr('playerid').eq(team1_list[6]) | Attr('playerid').eq(team1_list[7]) | Attr('playerid').eq(team1_list[8]) | Attr('playerid').eq(team1_list[9]) | Attr('playerid').eq(team1_list[10]) | Attr('playerid').eq(team2_list[0]) | Attr('playerid').eq(team2_list[1]) | Attr('playerid').eq(team2_list[2]) | Attr('playerid').eq(team2_list[3]) | Attr('playerid').eq(team2_list[4]) | Attr('playerid').eq(team2_list[5]) | Attr('playerid').eq(team2_list[6]) | Attr('playerid').eq(team2_list[7]) | Attr('playerid').eq(team2_list[8]) | Attr('playerid').eq(team2_list[9]) | Attr('playerid').eq(team2_list[10]))) print('**********') print(playersResponse) #print(scanExpression) return { 'statusCode': 200, 'headers': { "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*", # Required for CORS support to work "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials": True # Required for cookies, authorization headers with HTTPS }, 'body': json.dumps(playersResponse['Items']) #'body': json.dumps('Hello from Lambda!') }
mail.send(msg) dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb', region_name='us-east-1') table = dynamodb.Table('Events') event_response = table.query( IndexName='item_type_index', KeyConditionExpression=Key('item_type').eq('host')) current_timestamp = int(time.time()) if len(event_response['Items']) != 0: for i in event_response['Items']: if current_timestamp < int( i["start_time"]) < current_timestamp + 60 * 60: host_response = table.query( KeyConditionExpression=Key('username').eq(i["username"]), FilterExpression=Attr('item_type').eq('account')) recipients = [] print(host_response) for host in host_response['Items']: recipients.append(host['email']) group_response = table.query( IndexName='item_type_index', KeyConditionExpression=Key('item_type').eq('participant') & Key('start_time').eq(i["start_time"])) for participant in group_response['Items']: participant_response = table.query( KeyConditionExpression=Key('username').eq( participant["username"]), FilterExpression=Attr('item_type').eq('account'))
def test_build_expression_begins_with(self): a = Attr('myattr') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.begins_with('foo'), 'begins_with(#n0, :v0)', {'#n0': 'myattr'}, {':v0': 'foo'})
def get_medicine(table_name, user_id): table = dynamodb.Table(table_name) response = table.scan( FilterExpression=Attr('user_id').eq(user_id) ) return response["Items"]
def test_build_expression_ne(self): a = Attr('myattr') self.assert_condition_expression_build('foo'), '#n0 <> :v0', {'#n0': 'myattr'}, {':v0': 'foo'})
def map_ids_to_card_name(card_ids): table = boto3.resource('dynamodb').Table('PayWise_Cards') response = table.scan(FilterExpression=Attr('card_id').is_in(card_ids), ProjectionExpression='card_name,card_img,card_url') return response['Items']
def test_build_expression_not_exists(self): a = Attr('myattr') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.not_exists(), 'attribute_not_exists(#n0)', {'#n0': 'myattr'}, {})
import boto3 from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key, Attr AWS_KEY = "<enter-here>" AWS_SECRET = "<enter-here>" REGION = "us-east-1" dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb', aws_access_key_id=AWS_KEY, aws_secret_access_key=AWS_SECRET, region_name=REGION) table = dynamodb.Table('SensorData') response = table.scan( FilterExpression=Key('Timestamp').gt('2017-05-24 14:41:35')) items = response['Items'] print(items) response = table.scan(FilterExpression=Attr('Temperature').gt(80)) items = response['Items'] print(items)
def test_build_size(self): a = Attr('myattr') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.size(), 'size(#n0)', {'#n0': 'myattr'}, {})
def scan_dynamo(table_name, attribute, value_to_equal): response = dynamodb.Table(table_name).scan( FilterExpression=Attr(attribute).eq(value_to_equal)) return response
def test_build_attribute_type(self): a = Attr('myattr') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.attribute_type('foo'), 'attribute_type(#n0, :v0)', {'#n0': 'myattr'}, {':v0': 'foo'})
def update_faculty_demo_chart(dept): resp = table.query( KeyConditionExpression='PK = :pk AND SK BETWEEN :lower AND :upper', ExpressionAttributeValues={ ':pk': f'DEPT#{dept}', ':lower': 'DATA#FACULTY_DATA#2005', ':upper': f'DATA#FACULTY_DATA#{int(MAX_FISCAL_YEAR) + 1}$', }, FilterExpression=Attr('ten_stat').eq('Tenured') | Attr('ten_stat').eq('NTBOT'), ProjectionExpression='fte, ten_stat, percent_fem, percent_urm', ScanIndexForward=True, ) data = resp['Items'] chart_data = [] x_axis = make_academic_year_range(0, MAX_YEAR_ID) # Construct charts without a loop to preserve y values for further calculation y_axis_bar_t = [ item.get('fte') for item in data if item.get('ten_stat') == 'Tenured' ] chart_data.append( go.Bar( name='Tenured', x=x_axis, y=y_axis_bar_t, text=[f' {round(float(i))} ' for i in y_axis_bar_t ], # pad with spaces to prevent labels from rotating textposition='inside', hovertext=[f'Tenured: {i}' for i in y_axis_bar_t], hoverinfo='text', marker=dict( color=faculty_colors.get('Tenured'), line=dict(color='floralwhite', width=1), ))) y_axis_bar_nt = [ item.get('fte') for item in data if item.get('ten_stat') == 'NTBOT' ] chart_data.append( go.Bar( name='NTBOT', x=x_axis, y=y_axis_bar_nt, text=[f' {round(float(i))} ' for i in y_axis_bar_nt ], # pad with spaces to prevent labels from rotating textposition='inside', hovertext=[f'NTBOT: {i}' for i in y_axis_bar_nt], hoverinfo='text', marker=dict( color=faculty_colors.get('NTBOT'), line=dict(color='floralwhite', width=1), ))) # LINE PLOTS y_axis_line_t = [ round(float(item.get('percent_fem')) * 100) if item.get('percent_fem') is not None else None for item in data if item.get('ten_stat') == 'Tenured' ] hover_labels = [ f'{i}%' if i is not None else None for i in y_axis_line_t ] text_labels = make_text_labels(hover_labels) chart_data.append( go.Scatter(name='% Tenured Female', x=x_axis, y=y_axis_line_t, mode='lines+markers+text', text=text_labels, textposition='top center', textfont=dict(color=colors.get('orange2'), ), hovertext=hover_labels, hoverinfo='text', marker=dict(color=colors.get('orange2'), ), yaxis='y2')) y_axis_line_nt = [ round(float(item.get('percent_fem')) * 100) if item.get('percent_fem') is not None else None for item in data if item.get('ten_stat') == 'NTBOT' ] hover_labels = [ f'{i}%' if i is not None else None for i in y_axis_line_nt ] text_labels = make_text_labels(hover_labels) chart_data.append( go.Scatter(name='% NTBOT Female', x=x_axis, y=y_axis_line_nt, mode='lines+markers+text', text=text_labels, textposition='top center', textfont=dict(color=colors.get('red1'), ), hovertext=hover_labels, hoverinfo='text', marker=dict(color=colors.get('red1'), ), yaxis='y2')) # URM line calculation # (Tenured FTE * Tenured % URM + NTBOT FTE * NTBOT% URM) / (Tenured FTE + NTBOT FTE) urm_t = [ float(item.get('percent_urm')) if item.get('percent_urm') is not None else None for item in data if item.get('ten_stat') == 'Tenured' ] urm_nt = [ float(item.get('percent_urm')) if item.get('percent_urm') is not None else None for item in data if item.get('ten_stat') == 'NTBOT' ] y_axis_line_urm = [] for t_fte, nt_fte, t_urm, nt_urm in zip(y_axis_bar_t, y_axis_bar_nt, urm_t, urm_nt): calc = None if t_urm is not None and nt_urm is not None: calc = (float(t_fte) * t_urm + float(nt_fte) * nt_urm) / ( float(t_fte) + float(nt_fte)) elif t_urm is not None and nt_urm is None: calc = (float(t_fte) * t_urm + float(nt_fte) * 0) / (float(t_fte) + float(nt_fte)) elif nt_urm is not None and t_urm is None: calc = (float(t_fte) * 0 + float(nt_fte) * nt_urm) / ( float(t_fte) + float(nt_fte)) if calc is None: y_axis_line_urm.append(None) else: y_axis_line_urm.append(round(calc * 100)) hover_labels = [ f'{i}%' if i is not None else None for i in y_axis_line_urm ] text_labels = make_text_labels(hover_labels) chart_data.append( go.Scatter(name='% NTBOT and Tenured URM', x=x_axis, y=y_axis_line_urm, mode='lines+markers+text', text=text_labels, textposition='top center', textfont=dict(color=colors.get('teal1'), ), hovertext=hover_labels, hoverinfo='text', marker=dict(color=colors.get('teal1'), ), yaxis='y2')) chart_layout = go.Layout( barmode='stack', xaxis=axes(), yaxis=axes(title='FTE', ), yaxis2=axes( title='% FTE', overlaying='y', side='right', rangemode='tozero', showgrid=False, ), legend={ 'traceorder': 'normal', 'x': 1.05 }, # By default x is 1.02 which will make it overlap with the 2nd y-axis margin=margin(), ) return {'data': chart_data, 'layout': chart_layout}
def test_build_not(self): a = Attr('myattr') self.assert_condition_expression_build( ~a.eq('foo'), '(NOT #n0 = :v0)', {'#n0': 'myattr'}, {':v0': 'foo'})
def get_recent_signups(): current_epoch_in_seconds = int(time.time()) search_filter = Attr('expire_on').gt(current_epoch_in_seconds) return table.scan(FilterExpression=search_filter, Limit=3)['Items']
def test_build_with_is_key_condition_throws_error(self): a = Attr('myattr') with self.assertRaises(DynamoDBNeedsKeyConditionError): self.builder.build_expression(a.eq('foo'), is_key_condition=True)
def scan_database(service, service_two, service_three, gender, age, location): # set age and gender to match value in database if (age.lower() == 'adult'): age = 'Adult' else: age = 'Minor (Under 18)' if (gender.lower() == 'male'): gender = 'Male' else: gender = 'Female' # set location to match value in database if any(state['abbreviation'] == location.lower() for state in state_data): location = location.upper() elif any(state['name'] == location.lower() for state in state_data): match = next(d for d in state_data if d['name'] == location.lower()) location = match['abbreviation'].upper() # set services to match value in database if any(s['id'] == service for s in service_data): match = next(d for d in service_data if d['id'] == service) service = match['name'].lower() if any(s['id'] == service_two for s in service_data): match = next(d for d in service_data if d['id'] == service_two) service_two = match['name'].lower() if any(s['id'] == service_three for s in service_data): match = next(d for d in service_data if d['id'] == service_three) service_three = match['name'].lower() # scan database if service_two is None and service_three is None: response = table.scan( FilterExpression=Attr('populationsDetail').contains( 'Sex Trafficking') & Attr('servicesDetail').contains(format_services(service)) & Attr('populationsDetail').contains(gender) & Attr('populationsDetail').contains(age) & Attr('state').eq(location)) elif service_three is None: response = table.scan( FilterExpression=Attr('populationsDetail').contains( 'Sex Trafficking') & Attr('servicesDetail').contains(format_services(service)) & Attr('servicesDetail').contains(format_services(service_two)) & Attr('populationsDetail').contains(gender) & Attr('populationsDetail').contains(age) & Attr('state').eq(location)) else: response = table.scan( FilterExpression=Attr('populationsDetail').contains( 'Sex Trafficking') & Attr('servicesDetail').contains(format_services(service)) & Attr('servicesDetail').contains(format_services(service_two)) & Attr('servicesDetail').contains(format_services(service_three)) & Attr('populationsDetail').contains(gender) & Attr('populationsDetail').contains(age) & Attr('state').eq(location)) items = response['Items'] #print (json.dumps(items, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) return items
def test_build_attr_list(self): a = Attr('MyList[0]') self.assert_condition_expression_build( a.eq('foo'), '#n0[0] = :v0', {'#n0': 'MyList'}, {':v0': 'foo'})
def test_build_attribute_with_attr_value(self): a = Attr("myattr") value = Attr("myreference") self.assert_condition_expression_build(a.eq(value), "#n0 = #n1", {"#n0": "myattr", "#n1": "myreference"}, {})
def lambda_handler(event, context): """Starting Handler""" params = parse_qs(event['body']) token = params['token'][0] if token != EXPECTED_TOKEN: LOGGER.error("Request token (%s) does not match expected", token) return respond(Exception('Invalid request token')) user = params['user_name'][0] #command = params['command'][0] #channel = params['channel_name'][0] command_text = params['text'][0] arg = command_text.split(' ') helpmsg = DEPLOY_HELP + DESCRIBECLUSTERS_HELP + LIST_HELP + TASKS_HELP + CREATESERVICE_HELP deployusers = RESOURCE_DYN.Table(DEPLOYUSERS_TABLE) if arg[0] == "ping": return ping(arg[1], user) elif arg[0] == "hi": return respondchannel(None, "Hi %s!" % (user)) elif arg[0] == "describe": if arg[1] == "cluster": return describeclusters() if arg[1] == "config": appname = arg[2] + '-' + SHORT_ENV return describeappconfig(appname) elif arg[0] == "list": if arg[1] == "instances": return listinstances() elif arg[1] == "clusters": return listclusters() elif arg[1] == "services": return listservices() elif arg[0] == "task": getdeployusers = deployusers.scan( Select="ALL_ATTRIBUTES", FilterExpression=Attr('username').eq(user)) if not getdeployusers['Items']: return respondchannel( None, 'You have no permission to perform this task, %s' % (user)) else: if arg[1] == "register": appname = arg[2] + '-' + SHORT_ENV return taskregister(appname, arg[3]) elif arg[1] == "update": appname = arg[2] + '-' + SHORT_ENV return taskupdate(appname, arg[3]) elif arg[0] == "deploy": print '*** User starting deploy: ' + user getdeployusers = deployusers.scan( Select="ALL_ATTRIBUTES", FilterExpression=Attr('username').eq(user)) if not getdeployusers['Items']: print '*** You have no permission to deploy, %s' % (user) return respondchannel( None, 'You have no permission to deploy, %s' % (user)) else: if arg[1] == "backend": appname = arg[2] + '-' + SHORT_ENV return deploybackend(user, appname, arg[3]) if arg[1] == "dashboard": print '*** Starting Deploy \n ' return deployfrontend(user, arg[2], FRONT_BUCKET, DASHBOARD_RELEASES_BUCKET, arg[1]) if arg[1] == "rider": return deployfrontend(user, arg[2], RIDER_BUCKET, RIDER_RELEASES_BUCKET, arg[1]) elif arg[0] == "create": print '*** User starting deploy: ' + user getdeployusers = deployusers.scan( Select="ALL_ATTRIBUTES", FilterExpression=Attr('username').eq(user)) if not getdeployusers['Items']: print '*** You have no permission to deploy, %s' % (user) return respondchannel( None, 'You have no permission to deploy, %s' % (user)) else: if arg[1] == "service": appname = arg[2] + '-' + SHORT_ENV return createservice(user, appname, arg[3]) elif arg[0] == "help": topmsg = "Always use `/luke` or `luke_staging` before every command\n\n See reference:\n\n" return respondchannel(None, helpmsg, topmsg) else: return respondchannel(None, helpmsg, "*UNRECOGNIZED COMMAND*\n\n See reference:")
def lambda_handler(event, context):"Event: " + json.dumps(event)) if event['httpMethod'] == "GET": idGateway = event['pathParameters']['gateway'] try: table = dynamodb.Table('iot_scanner') response = table.scan( FilterExpression=Attr('idGateway').eq(idGateway) & Attr('eventTime').eq(int(event['queryStringParameters']['last_update'])) ) items = list() for i in response['Items']: i['eventTime'] = int(i['eventTime']) for tracking in i['tracking']: for key, value in tracking['info'].items(): if isinstance(value, decimal.Decimal): tracking['info'][key] = float(value) items.append(i) statusCode = 200 mensaje = items except Exception as e:"Error: " + str(e)) statusCode = 500 mensaje = "Bad request." if event['httpMethod'] == "POST": try: params = json.loads(event['body']) if not isinstance(event['body'], dict) else event['body'] table = dynamodb.Table('iot_scanner')"Params: " + json.dumps(event['body'])) trackingLst = list() for info in params['beaconScan']: trackingLst.append(info) dbItem = { "_id": uuid.uuid4().hex, "idGateway": event['pathParameters']['gateway'], "eventTime": params['eventTime'], "tracking": trackingLst } table.put_item( Item = dbItem ) statusCode = 200 mensaje = "Success." except Exception as e:"Error: " + str(e)) statusCode = 500 mensaje = "Bad request." content = { "requestDate": datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S'), "mensaje": mensaje } return { "isBase64Encoded": False, "statusCode": statusCode, "body": json.dumps(content), "headers": { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'charset': 'utf8', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*' } }