예제 #1
 def __init__(self, out_dir):
     self.out_dir = out_dir
     self.pickle_dir = '{}/pickles'.format(out_dir)
     self.fig_dir = '{}/figures'.format(out_dir)
     os.system('mkdir -p {}'.format(self.pickle_dir))
     os.system('mkdir -p {}'.format(self.fig_dir))
     self.dat = DataFile('BOUT.dmp.0.nc')
예제 #2
 def listKeys(self, simIndex=0, simType='1-base'):
     if simType == '1-base':
         os.chdir('{}/{}'.format(self.outDir, simIndex))
         os.chdir('{}/{}/{}'.format(self.outDir, simIndex, simType))
     datFile = DataFile('BOUT.dmp.0.nc')
     self.datFile = datFile
     return datFile.keys()
예제 #3
def file_import(name):
    f = DataFile(name)   # Open file
    varlist = f.list() # Get list of all variables in file
    data = {}          # Create empty dictionary
    for v in varlist:
        data[v] = f.read(v)
    return data
예제 #4
def check_test():

    print("Checking output")

    numFailures = 0
    numTests = 0
        run = BoutOutputs(runOutputDir, info=False, yguards=True)
    except TypeError:
        # Option not implemented in boutdata.data
        run = BoutOutputs(runOutputDir, yguards=True)
    runExpected = DataFile(runExpectedOutput)

    # Get number of guard cells
    m_guards = (run["MXG"], run["MYG"])
    m_guards_expected = (runExpected["MXG"], runExpected["MYG"])

    # Get names of evolving variables, which we will test
        evolvingVariables = run.evolvingVariables()
    except AttributeError:
        # This part should be deleted once BOUT++ repo is updated so that the above works everywhere
        print("Warning: Updated boutdata.data not found")
        from get_evolving_fields import get_evolving_fields
        evolvingVariables = get_evolving_fields(run)

    # Test output
    for name in evolvingVariables:
        if len(run[name].shape) == 1:
            # scalars are diagnostic outputs like wall-time, so not useful to test
        # exclude second x guard cells as they are not used and may not always be set consistently
        data = testfield_slice(run[name], m_guards)
        expectedData = testfield_slice(runExpected.read(name),
        diff_max, norm_max = testfield_max(data, expectedData)
        numTests = numTests + 1
        if diff_max / norm_max > tolerance and diff_max > abs_tolerance:
            numFailures = numFailures + 1
            print("FAILURE: Test of max error " + str(numTests) + " (" + name +
                  ") failed, with diff_max/norm_max=" +
                  str(diff_max / norm_max) + " and diff_max=" + str(diff_max))
            print("Test of max error " + str(numTests) + " (" + name +
                  ") passed, with diff_max/norm_max=" +
                  str(diff_max / norm_max) + " and diff_max=" + str(diff_max))
        diff_mean, norm_mean = testfield_mean(data, expectedData)
        print("Test of mean error " + str(numTests) + " (" + name +
              ") diff_mean/norm_mean=" + str(diff_mean / norm_mean) +
              " and diff_mean=" + str(diff_mean))

        str(numTests - numFailures) + "/" + str(numTests) +
        " tests passed in " + testname)

    return numFailures, numTests
def calc_curvilinear_curvature(fname, field, grid):
    from scipy.signal import savgol_filter

    f = DataFile(str(fname), write=True)
    B = f.read("B")
    dBydz = np.zeros(np.shape(B))
    dBydx = np.zeros(np.shape(B))
    dBxdz = np.zeros(np.shape(B))
    dBzdx = np.zeros(np.shape(B))
    dx = grid.metric()["dx"]
    dz = grid.metric()["dz"]
    g_11 = grid.metric()["g_xx"]
    g_22 = grid.metric()["g_yy"]
    g_33 = grid.metric()["g_zz"]
    g_12 = 0.0
    g_13 = grid.metric()["g_xz"]
    g_23 = 0.0
    J = np.sqrt(g_11 * (g_22 * g_33 - g_23 * g_23) + g_12 *
                (g_13 * g_23 - g_12 * g_33) + g_13 *
                (g_12 * g_23 - g_22 * g_23))
    Bx_smooth = np.zeros(B.shape)
    By_smooth = np.zeros(B.shape)
    Bz_smooth = np.zeros(B.shape)

    for y in np.arange(0, B.shape[1]):
        pol, _ = grid.getPoloidalGrid(y)
        R = pol.R
        Z = pol.Z
        for x in np.arange(0, B.shape[0]):
            Bx_smooth[x, y, :] = savgol_filter(
                field.Bxfunc(R[x, :], y, Z[x, :]),
                np.int(np.ceil(B.shape[-1] / 21) // 2 * 2 + 1), 5)
            By_smooth[x, y, :] = savgol_filter(
                field.Byfunc(R[x, :], y, Z[x, :]),
                np.int(np.ceil(B.shape[-1] / 21) // 2 * 2 + 1), 5)

            dBydz[x, y, :] = calc.deriv(By_smooth[x, y, :]) / dz[x, y, :]
            dBxdz[x, y, :] = calc.deriv(Bx_smooth[x, y, :]) / dz[x, y, :]
        for z in np.arange(0, B.shape[-1]):
            Bz_smooth[:, y, z] = savgol_filter(
                field.Bzfunc(R[:, z], y, Z[:, z]),
                np.int(np.ceil(B.shape[0] / 7) // 2 * 2 + 1), 5)
            dBzdx[:, y, z] = calc.deriv(Bz_smooth[:, y, z]) / dx[:, y, z]
            dBydx[:, y, z] = calc.deriv(By_smooth[:, y, z]) / dx[:, y, z]

    bxcvx = (-1 / J) * (dBydz / B**2.)
    bxcvy = (1 / J) * ((dBxdz - dBzdx) / B**2.)
    bxcvz = (1 / J) * (dBydx / B**2.)

    f.write('bxcvz', bxcvz)
    f.write('bxcvx', bxcvx)
    f.write('bxcvy', bxcvy)
예제 #6
def scalevar(var, factor, path="."):
    Scales a variable by a given factor, modifying
    restart files in place


    var      Name of the variable  (string)
    factor   Factor to multiply    (float)
    path     Path to the restart files


    file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart.*"))
    nfiles = len(file_list)

    print("Number of restart files: %d" % (nfiles, ))
    for file in file_list:
        with DataFile(file, write=True) as d:
            d[var] = d[var] * factor
예제 #7
def scalevar(var, factor, path="."):
    """Scales a variable by a given factor, modifying restart files in

    .. warning:: Modifies restart files in place! This is in contrast
                 to most of the functions in this module!

    var : str
        Name of the variable
    factor : float
        Factor to multiply
    path : str, optional
        Path to the restart files (default: current directory)


    file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart.*"))
    nfiles = len(file_list)

    print("Number of restart files: %d" % (nfiles, ))
    for file in file_list:
        with DataFile(file, write=True) as d:
            d[var] = d[var] * factor
예제 #8
파일: collect.py 프로젝트: wphu/BOUT-dev
def create_cache(path, prefix):
    """Create a list of DataFile objects to be passed repeatedly to

    path : str
        Path to data files
    prefix : str
        File prefix

    namedtuple : (list of str, bool, str, list of :py:obj:`~boututils.datafile.DataFile`)
        The cache of DataFiles in a namedtuple along with the file_list,
        and parallel and suffix attributes


    # define namedtuple to return as the result
    from collections import namedtuple
    datafile_cache_tuple = namedtuple(
        "datafile_cache", ["file_list", "parallel", "suffix", "datafile_list"])

    file_list, parallel, suffix = findFiles(path, prefix)

    cache = []
    for f in file_list:

    return datafile_cache_tuple(file_list=file_list, parallel=parallel, suffix=suffix, datafile_list=cache)
예제 #9
def checkForDifferentLengths(dmpFiles):
    Checks that the length of the variables are the same.

    dmpFiles : iterable
        Iterable containing the paths to the restart files.

    maxDiff : int
        Maximum difference between the time indices
    shortestCommonLen : int
        Shortest common time indices
    print("\nChecking if the output has the same number of outputs")
    curMax = 0
    curMin = float("inf")
    for d in dmpFiles:
        print("\nChecking {}".format(d))
        with DataFile(d) as dmp:
            tLen = len(dmp.read("t_array"))
            curMax = curMax if curMax > tLen else tLen
            curMin = curMin if curMin < tLen else tLen

    maxDiff = curMax - curMin
    shortestCommonLen = curMin

    return maxDiff, shortestCommonLen
예제 #10
def checkForCorruption(restartFiles):
    Check for corruption by checking the field mean.

    WARNING: This is not very water-proof.
             Corruption could in theory still have occured, so use with care.

    restartFiles : iterable
        Iterable containing the paths to the restart files.
    print("\nChecking for corrupted restart files by checking the field mean")
    for r in restartFiles:
        print("\nChecking {}".format(r))
        with DataFile(r) as restart:
            for var in restart.list():
                if restart.ndims(var) == 3:
                    mean = restart.read(var).mean()
                    if np.isclose(mean, 0):
                        message="{} has a zero mean. File could be corrupted.".\
                        raise RuntimeError(message)
                        print("{} PASSED with a mean of {}.".format(var, mean))
예제 #11
파일: gridSizes.py 프로젝트: fossabot/CELMA
def getUniformSpacing(path, coordinate, xguards=False, yguards=False):
    Fastest way to obtain the grid spacing assuming equidistant grid

    path : str
        Path to read from
    coordinate : str
        Coordinate to return size of
    xguards : bool
        If the ghost points in x should be included
    yguards : bool
        If the ghost points in y should be included

    spacing : array-like
        The grid spacing
    with DataFile(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.dmp.0.nc")) as f:
        if coordinate == "x" or coordinate == "y":
            if coordinate == "x":
                # dx
                spacing = f.read("dx")
            elif coordinate == "y":
                # dy
                spacing = f.read("dy")

            shape = spacing.shape
            xSize = shape[0] - 2 * int(f.read("MXG"))
            ySize = shape[1] - 2 * int(f.read("MYG"))
            if not (xguards) and not (yguards):
                spacingEmpty = np.empty((xSize*int(f.read("NXPE")),\
            elif xguards and not (yguards):
                spacingEmpty = np.empty((xSize*int(f.read("NXPE"))+\
            elif not (xguards) and yguards:
                spacingEmpty = np.empty((xSize*int(f.read("NXPE")),\
            elif xguards and yguards:
                spacingEmpty = np.empty((xSize*int(f.read("NXPE"))+\
            spacingEmpty.fill(spacing[0, 0])
            spacing = spacingEmpty
        elif coordinate == "z":
            # dz
            spacing = f.read("dz")
            raise ValueError("Unknown coordinate {}".format(coordinate))

    return spacing
예제 #12
def rmSpuriousTime(newFiles, dmpFiles, shortestCommonLen):
    Will remove the suprious times in the dump files.

    newFiles : iterable
        Iterable containing the paths to the new files to be created.
    dmpFiles : iterable
        Iterable containing the paths to the dump files.
    shortestCommonLen : int
        Shortest common time indices
    for n, d in zip(newFiles, dmpFiles):
        print("\nRemoving spurious time {}".format(d))
        # Open the restart file in read mode and create the restart file
        with DataFile(n, write=True, create=True) as newF,\
             DataFile(d) as dmp:
            # Loop over the variables in the dmp file

            # Put a 4d variable in the front
            theList = dmp.list()
            ind = theList.index("lnN")
            theList[0], theList[ind] = theList[ind], theList[0]
            for var in theList:
                # Read the data
                dData = dmp.read(var)

                # Find 4D variables and time traces
                if dmp.ndims(var) == 4 or dmp.ndims(var) == 1:
                    print("    Using first {} timepoints in {}".\
                            format(shortestCommonLen, var))
                    # Read from restart
                    newData = dData[:shortestCommonLen, ...]
                elif var == "iteration":
                    print("    Fixing 'iteration'")
                    newData = shortestCommonLen - 2
                    print("    Nothing to be done for {}".format(var))
                    newData = dData.copy()

                newF.write(var, newData, info=True)
        print("{} written".format(n))
예제 #13
파일: collect.py 프로젝트: wphu/BOUT-dev
    def getDataFile(i):
        """Get the DataFile from the cache, if present, otherwise open the

        if datafile_cache is not None:
            return datafile_cache.datafile_list[i]
            return DataFile(file_list[i])
예제 #14
def rmLastTime(newFiles, dmpFiles):
    Will remove the last time index in the dump files.

    newFiles : iterable
        Iterable containing the paths to the new files to be created.
    dmpFiles : iterable
        Iterable containing the paths to the dump files.
    maxDiff : int
        Maximum difference between the time indices
    for n, d in zip(newFiles, dmpFiles):
        print("\nRemoving last time point in {}".format(d))
        # Open the restart file in read mode and create the restart file
        with DataFile(n, write=True, create=True) as newF,\
             DataFile(d) as dmp:
            # Loop over the variables in the dmp file

            # Put a 4d variable in the front
            theList = dmp.list()
            ind = theList.index("lnN")
            theList[0], theList[ind] = theList[ind], theList[0]
            for var in theList:
                # Read the data
                dData = dmp.read(var)

                # Find 4D variables and time traces
                if dmp.ndims(var) == 4 or dmp.ndims(var) == 1:
                    print("    Removing last time in " + var)
                    # Read from restart
                    newData = dData[:-1, ...]
                elif var == "iteration":
                    print("    Fixing 'iteration'")
                    newData = dData - 1
                    print("    Nothing to be done for {}".format(var))
                    newData = dData.copy()

                newF.write(var, newData, info=True)
        print("{} written".format(n))
예제 #15
def createNewProfile(baseGrid, newProfile, offset, pedestal):
    os.system("cp {} {}".format(baseGrid, newProfile))
    profile(newProfile, "Te0", 5, 100, hwid=0.1, alpha=0.1)
    profile(newProfile, "Ti0", 5, 100, hwid=0.1, alpha=0.1)
    profile(newProfile, "Ne0", offset, pedestal, hwid=0.1, alpha=0.1)

    with DataFile(newProfile, write=True) as d:
        d["Ni0"] = d["Ne0"]

    print("generated {}".format(newProfile))
예제 #16
def file_import(name):
    """Read all variables from file into a dictionary

    name : str
        Name of file to read

        Dictionary containing all the variables in the file
    f = DataFile(name)   # Open file
    varlist = f.list() # Get list of all variables in file
    data = {}          # Create empty dictionary
    for v in varlist:
        data[v] = f.read(v)
    return data
예제 #17
def file_import(name):
    f = DataFile(name)  # Open file
    varlist = f.list()  # Get list of all variables in file
    data = {}  # Create empty dictionary
    for v in varlist:
        data[v] = f.read(v)
    return data
예제 #18
def attributes(varname, path=".", prefix="BOUT.dmp"):
    """Return a dictionary of variable attributes in an output file

    varname : str
        Name of the variable
    path : str, optional
        Path to data files (default: ".")
    prefix : str, optional
        File prefix (default: "BOUT.dmp")

        A dictionary of attributes of varname
    # Search for BOUT++ dump files in NetCDF format
    file_list, _, _ = findFiles(path, prefix)

    # Read data from the first file
    f = DataFile(file_list[0])

    return f.attributes(varname)
예제 #19
파일: collect.py 프로젝트: wphu/BOUT-dev
def attributes(varname, path=".", prefix="BOUT.dmp"):
    """Return a dictionary of variable attributes in an output file

    varname : str
        Name of the variable
    path : str, optional
        Path to data files (default: ".")
    prefix : str, optional
        File prefix (default: "BOUT.dmp")

        A dictionary of attributes of varname
    # Search for BOUT++ dump files in NetCDF format
    file_list, _, _ = findFiles(path, prefix)

    # Read data from the first file
    f = DataFile(file_list[0])

    return f.attributes(varname)
예제 #20
def profile(filename, name, offset, pedestal, hwid=0.1, alpha=0.1):
    Calculate a radial profile, and add to file
    with DataFile(filename, write=True) as d:
        nx = d["nx"]
        ny = d["ny"]
        x = np.arange(nx)
        ix = d["ixseps1"]

        prof = mtanh_profile(x, ix, hwid * nx, offset, pedestal, alpha)
        prof2d = np.zeros([nx, ny])
        for y in range(ny):
            prof2d[:, y] = prof

        # Handle X-points

        # Lower inner PF region
        j11 = d["jyseps1_1"]
        if j11 >= 0:
            # Reflect around separatrix
            ix = d["ixseps1"]

            for x in range(0, ix):
                prof2d[x, 0:(j11 + 1)] = prof2d[np.clip(2 * ix - x, 0, nx - 1),
                                                0:(j11 + 1)]

        # Lower outer PF region
        j22 = d["jyseps2_2"]
        if j22 < ny - 1:
            ix = d["ixseps1"]
            for x in range(0, ix):
                prof2d[x, (j22 + 1):] = prof2d[np.clip(2 * ix - x, 0, nx - 1),
                                               (j22 + 1):]

        # Upper PF region
        j21 = d["jyseps2_1"]
        j12 = d["jyseps1_2"]

        if j21 != j12:
            ix = d["ixseps2"]
            for x in range(0, ix):
                       (j21 + 1):(j12 +
                                  1)] = prof2d[np.clip(2 * ix - x, 0, nx - 1),
                                               (j21 + 1):(j12 + 1)]

        d.write(name, prof2d)
예제 #21
def addvar(var, value, path="."):
    """Adds a variable with constant value to all restart files.

    .. warning:: Modifies restart files in place! This is in contrast
                 to most of the functions in this module!

    This is useful for restarting simulations whilst turning on new
    equations. By default BOUT++ throws an error if an evolving
    variable is not in the restart file. By setting an option the
    variable can be set to zero. This allows it to start with a
    non-zero value.

    var : str
        The name of the variable to add
    value : float
        Constant value for the variable
    path : str, optional
        Input path to data files (default: current directory)


    file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart.*"))
    nfiles = len(file_list)

    print("Number of restart files: %d" % (nfiles, ))
    # Loop through all the restart files
    for filename in file_list:
        # Open the restart file for writing (modification)
        with DataFile(filename, write=True) as df:
            size = None
            # Find a 3D variable and get its size
            for varname in df.list():
                size = df.size(varname)
                if len(size) == 3:
            if size is None:
                raise Exception("no 3D variables found")

            # Create a new 3D array with input value
            data = np.zeros(size) + value

            # Set the variable in the NetCDF file
            df.write(var, data)
예제 #22
 def collectData(self, quant, simIndex=0, simType='1-base'):
         quant2 = np.squeeze(self.unPickle(quant, simIndex, simType))
         print('{} has not been pickled'.format(quant))
         if simType == '1-base':
             os.chdir('{}/{}'.format(self.outDir, simIndex))
             os.chdir('{}/{}/{}'.format(self.outDir, simIndex, simType))
             quant2 = np.squeeze(collect(quant))
             print('quant in gridFile')
             self.gridFile = fnmatch.filter(next(os.walk('./'))[2],
             grid_dat = DataFile(self.gridFile)
             quant2 = grid_dat[quant]
     return quant2
예제 #23
파일: gridSizes.py 프로젝트: fossabot/CELMA
def getMYG(path):
    Fastest way to obtain MYG

    path : str
        Path to read from

    MYG : int
        Number of ghost points in y
    with DataFile(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.dmp.0.nc")) as f:
        return f.read("MYG")
예제 #24
파일: gridSizes.py 프로젝트: fossabot/CELMA
def getGridSizes(path, coordinate, varName="lnN", includeGhost=False):
    Fastest way to obtain coordinate sizes.

    path : str
        Path to read from
    coordinate : ["x"|"y"|"z"|"t"]
        Coordinate to return size of
    varName : str
        Field to get the size of
    includeGhost : bool
        If the ghost points should be included

    coordinateSize : int
        Size of the desired coordinate
    with DataFile(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.dmp.0.nc")) as f:
        if coordinate == "x":
            # nx
            coordinateSize =\
                    (f.size(varName)[1] - 2*int(f.read("MXG")))*f.read("NXPE")
            if includeGhost:
                coordinateSize += 2 * int(f.read("MXG"))
        elif coordinate == "y":
            # ny
            coordinateSize =\
                    (f.size(varName)[2] - 2*int(f.read("MYG")))*f.read("NYPE")
            if includeGhost:
                coordinateSize += 2 * int(f.read("MYG"))
        elif coordinate == "z":
            # nz
            coordinateSize = (f.size(varName)[3])
        elif coordinate == "z":
            coordinateSize = (f.size(varName)[0])
            raise ValueError("Unknown coordinate {}".format(coordinate))

    return coordinateSize
예제 #25
 def calc_qPar(self, simIndex=0, simType='3-addC'):
     if simType == '1-base':
         os.chdir('{}/{}'.format(self.outDir, simIndex))
         os.chdir('{}/{}/{}'.format(self.outDir, simIndex, simType))
     datFile = DataFile('BOUT.dmp.0.nc')
     Tnorm = float(datFile['Tnorm'])
     Nnorm = float(datFile['Nnorm'])
     gamma_e = 4
     gamma_i = 2.5
     mi = 3.34524e-27  # 2*Mp - deuterium
     e = 1.6e-19
     Te = self.collectData('Telim', simIndex, simType)[-1, :, -1]*Tnorm
     Ti = self.collectData('Tilim', simIndex, simType)[-1, :, -1]*Tnorm
     n = self.collectData('Ne', simIndex, simType)[-1, :, -1]*Nnorm
     Cs = np.sqrt(Te + (5/3)*Ti)*np.sqrt(e/mi)
     q_e = gamma_e * n * e * Te * Cs
     q_i = gamma_i * n * e * Ti * Cs
     return q_e + q_i
예제 #26
파일: collect.py 프로젝트: wphu/BOUT-dev
def dimensions(varname, path=".", prefix="BOUT.dmp"):
    """Return the names of dimensions of a variable in an output file

    varname : str
        Name of the variable
    path : str, optional
        Path to data files (default: ".")
    prefix : str, optional
        File prefix (default: "BOUT.dmp")

    tuple of strs
        The elements of the tuple give the names of corresponding variable

    file_list, _, _ = findFiles(path, prefix)
    return DataFile(file_list[0]).dimensions(varname)
예제 #27
    def __init__(self, path=".", prefix="BOUT.dmp"):
        Initialise BoutOutputs object
        self._path = path
        self._prefix = prefix

        # Label for this data
        self.label = path

        # Check that the path contains some data
        file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, prefix + "*.nc"))
        if len(file_list) == 0:
            raise ValueError("ERROR: No data files found")

        # Available variables
        self.varNames = []

        with DataFile(file_list[0]) as f:
            # Get variable names
            self.varNames = f.keys()
예제 #28
def collectTime(paths, tInd=None):
    Collects the time

    paths : iterable of strings
        What path to use when collecting the variable. Must be in
        ascending temporal order as the variable will be
    tInd : [None|tuple]
        Start and end of the time if not None

    time : 1d-array
        Array of the time at the difference time indices

    # Initialize
    time = None

    for path in paths:
        with DataFile(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.dmp.0.nc")) as f:
            if time is None:
                time = f.read("t_array")
                # Remove first point in time in the current time as this
                # is the same as the last of the previous
                time = np.concatenate((time, f.read("t_array")[1:]), axis=0)

    if tInd is not None:
        # NOTE: +1 since the collect ranges is INCLUSIVE, i.e. not working
        #       like a python slice
        lastT = tInd[1] + 1 if tInd[1] is not None else None
        time = time[tInd[0]:lastT]

    return time
예제 #29
 def gridData(self, simIndex=0):
     os.chdir('{}/{}'.format(self.outDir, simIndex))
     self.gridFile = fnmatch.filter(next(os.walk('./'))[2],
     grid_dat = DataFile(self.gridFile)
     self.grid_dat = grid_dat
     self.j11 = int(grid_dat["jyseps1_1"])
     self.j12 = int(grid_dat["jyseps1_2"])
     self.j21 = int(grid_dat["jyseps2_1"])
     self.j22 = int(grid_dat["jyseps2_2"])
     self.ix1 = int(grid_dat["ixseps1"])
     self.ix2 = int(grid_dat["ixseps2"])
         self.nin = int(grid_dat["ny_inner"])
         self.nin = self.j12
     self.nx = int(grid_dat["nx"])
     self.ny = int(grid_dat["ny"])
     self.R = grid_dat['Rxy']
     self.Z = grid_dat['Zxy']
     R2 = self.R[:, self.j12:self.j22]
     self.outMid_idx = self.j12 + np.where(R2 == np.amax(R2))[1][0]
예제 #30
def checkProfiles(gridFiles=[], densities=[]):
    if len(densities) < 1:
        densities = np.zeros(len(gridFiles))
    grids = []
    ne = []
    te = []
    for i in gridFiles:
        grd = DataFile(i)
        ne.append(grd["Ne0"] * 1e20)

    ix1 = grids[0]["ixseps1"]
    j11 = grids[0]["jyseps1_1"]
    j12 = grids[0]["jyseps1_2"]
    j22 = grids[0]["jyseps2_2"]
    j21 = grids[0]["jyseps2_1"]
    mid = int((j12 + j22) / 2)

    colors = getDistinctColors(len(gridFiles))

    plt.axvline(x=ix1, color="black", linestyle="--")
    for i in range(len(ne)):
        plt.plot(ne[i][:, mid], color=colors[i], label=gridFiles[i])

    plt.axvline(x=ix1, color="black", linestyle="--")
    for i in range(len(te)):
        plt.plot(te[i][:, mid], color=colors[i], label=gridFiles[i])
        plt.axhline(y=te[i][ix1, mid], color=colors[i], linestyle="--")

예제 #31
def addnoise(path=".", var=None, scale=1e-5):
    """Add random noise to restart files

    .. warning:: Modifies restart files in place! This is in contrast
                 to most of the functions in this module!

    path : str, optional
        Path to restart files (default: current directory)
    var : str, optional
        The variable to modify. By default all 3D variables are modified
    scale : float
        Amplitude of the noise. Gaussian noise is used, with zero mean
        and this parameter as the standard deviation

    file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart.*"))
    nfiles = len(file_list)

    print("Number of restart files: %d" % (nfiles, ))

    for file in file_list:
        with DataFile(file, write=True) as d:
            if var is None:
                for v in d.list():
                    if d.ndims(v) == 3:
                        print(" -> " + v)
                        data = d.read(v, asBoutArray=True)
                        data += normal(scale=scale, size=data.shape)
                        d.write(v, data)
                # Modify a single variable
                print(" -> " + var)
                data = d.read(var)
                data += normal(scale=scale, size=data.shape)
                d.write(var, data)
예제 #32
def collectSteadyN(steadyStatePath, yInd):
    Collects n in the steady state.

    steadyStatePath : str
        Path to collect from
    yInd : int
        Index for the parallel coordinate.

    n : array-4d
        The density at the steady state

    # Check last t index
    with DataFile(os.path.join(steadyStatePath, "BOUT.dmp.0.nc")) as f:
        tLast = len(f.read("t_array")) - 1

    # In the steady state, the max gradient in "n" is the same
    # throughout in the domain, so we use yInd=0, zInd=0 in the
    # collect
    lnN = collect("lnN",\
                  path=steadyStatePath   ,\
                  xguards=False          ,\
                  yguards=False          ,\
                  yind   = [yInd, yInd]  ,\
                  zind   = [0   , 0]     ,\
                  tind   = [tLast, tLast],\
    n = calcN(lnN, normalized=True)

    return n
예제 #33
def addnoise(path=".", var=None, scale=1e-5):
    Add random noise to restart files


    path   Path to the restart files
    var    The variable to modify. By default all 3D variables are modified
    scale  Amplitude of the noise. Gaussian noise is used, with zero mean
           and this parameter as the standard deviation

    file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart.*"))
    nfiles = len(file_list)

    print("Number of restart files: %d" % (nfiles, ))

    for file in file_list:
        with DataFile(file, write=True) as d:
            if var is None:
                for v in d.list():
                    if d.ndims(v) == 3:
                        print(" -> " + v)
                        data = d.read(v)
                        data += normal(scale=scale, size=data.shape)
                        d.write(v, data)
                # Modify a single variable
                print(" -> " + var)
                data = d.read(var)
                data += normal(scale=scale, size=data.shape)
                d.write(var, data)
예제 #34
# Only one region
yup_xsplit   = [nx]
ydown_xsplit = [nx]
yup_xin = [0]
yup_xout = [-1]
ydown_xin = [0]
ydown_xout = [-1]
nrad = [nx]
npol = [ny]


print("Writing grid to file "+output)

of = DataFile()
of.open(output, create=True)

of.write("nx", nx)
of.write("ny", ny)

# Topology for original scheme
of.write("ixseps1", ixseps1)
of.write("ixseps2", ixseps2)
of.write("jyseps1_1", jyseps1_1)
of.write("jyseps1_2", jyseps1_2)
of.write("jyseps2_1", jyseps2_1)
of.write("jyseps2_2", jyseps2_2)
of.write("ny_inner", ny_inner)

# Grid spacing
예제 #35
def generate(
    r=0.2,  # Major & minor radius
    dr=0.05,  # Radial width of domain
    Bt=1.0,  # Toroidal magnetic field
    q=5.0,  # Safety factor

    # q = rBt / RBp
    Bp = r * Bt / (R * q)

    # Minor radius as function of x. Choose so boundary
    # is half-way between grid points

    h = dr / (nx - 2.0 * mxg)  # Grid spacing in r
    rminor = linspace(r - 0.5 * dr - (mxg - 0.5) * h, r + 0.5 * dr + (mxg - 0.5) * h, nx)

    # mesh spacing in x and y
    dx = ndarray([nx, ny])
    dx[:, :] = r * Bt * h  # NOTE: dx is toroidal flux

    dy = ndarray([nx, ny])
    dy[:, :] = 2.0 * pi / ny

    # LogB = log(1/(1+r/R cos(theta))) =(approx) -(r/R)*cos(theta)
    logB = zeros([nx, ny, 3])  # (constant, n=1 real, n=1 imag)

    # At y = 0, Rmaj = R + r*cos(theta)
    logB[:, 0, 1] = -(rminor / R)

    # Moving in y, phase shift by (toroidal angle) / q
    for y in range(1, ny):
        dtheta = y * 2.0 * pi / ny / q  # Change in poloidal angle

        logB[:, y, 1] = -(rminor / R) * cos(dtheta)
        logB[:, y, 2] = -(rminor / R) * sin(dtheta)

    # Shift angle from one end of y to the other
    ShiftAngle = ndarray([nx])
    ShiftAngle[:] = 2.0 * pi / q

    Rxy = ndarray([nx, ny])
    Rxy[:, :] = r  # NOTE  : opposite to standard BOUT convention

    Btxy = ndarray([nx, ny])
    Btxy[:, :] = Bp

    Bpxy = ndarray([nx, ny])
    Bpxy[:, :] = Bt

    Bxy = ndarray([nx, ny])
    Bxy[:, :] = sqrt(Bt ** 2 + Bp ** 2)

    hthe = ndarray([nx, ny])
    hthe[:, :] = R

    print("Writing to file '" + file + "'")

    f = DataFile()
    f.open(file, create=True)

    # Mesh size
    f.write("nx", nx)
    f.write("ny", ny)

    # Mesh spacing
    f.write("dx", dx)
    f.write("dy", dy)

    # Metric components
    f.write("Rxy", Rxy)
    f.write("Btxy", Btxy)
    f.write("Bpxy", Bpxy)
    f.write("Bxy", Bxy)
    f.write("hthe", hthe)

    # Shift
    f.write("ShiftAngle", ShiftAngle)

    # Curvature
    f.write("logB", logB)

    # Input parameters
    f.write("R", R)
    f.write("r", r)
    f.write("dr", dr)
    f.write("Bt", Bt)
    f.write("q", q)
    f.write("mxg", mxg)

예제 #36
def slice(infile, outfile, region=None, xind=None, yind=None):
    """Copy an X-Y slice from one DataFile to another

    infile : str
        Name of DataFile to read slice from
    outfile : str
        Name of DataFile to write slice to. File will be created, and
        will be overwritten if it already exists
    region : {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, None}, optional
        Copy a whole region. The available regions are:
            - 0: Lower inner leg
            - 1: Inner core
            - 2: Upper inner leg
            - 3: Upper outer leg
            - 4: Outer core
            - 5: Lower outer leg
    xind, yind : (int, int), optional
        Index ranges for x and y. Range includes first point, but not
        last point

    - Rename to not clobber builtin `slice`
    - Better regions?


    # Open input and output files
    indf = DataFile(infile)
    outdf = DataFile(outfile, create=True)
    nx = indf["nx"][0]
    ny = indf["ny"][0]

    if region:
        # Select a region of the mesh
        xind = [0, nx]
        if region == 0:
            # Lower inner leg
            yind = [0, indf["jyseps1_1"][0]+1]
        elif region == 1:
            # Inner core
            yind = [indf["jyseps1_1"][0]+1, indf["jyseps2_1"][0]+1]
        elif region == 2:
            # Upper inner leg
            yind = [indf["jyseps2_1"][0]+1, indf["ny_inner"][0]]
        elif region == 3:
            # Upper outer leg
            yind = [indf["ny_inner"][0], indf["jyseps1_2"][0]+1]
        elif region == 4:
            # Outer core
            yind = [indf["jyseps1_2"][0]+1, indf["jyseps2_2"][0]+1]
            # Lower outer leg
            yind = [indf["jyseps2_2"][0]+1, ny]
        # Use indices
        if not xind:
            xind = [0, nx]
        if not yind:
            yind = [0, ny]
    print("Indices: [%d:%d, %d:%d]" % (xind[0], xind[1], yind[0], yind[1]))
    # List of variables requiring special handling
    special = ["nx", "ny", "ny_inner",
               "ixseps1", "ixseps2", 
               "jyseps1_1", "jyseps1_2", "jyseps2_1", "jyseps2_2",
    outdf["nx"] = xind[1] - xind[0]
    outdf["ny"] = yind[1] - yind[0]    
    outdf["ny_inner"] = indf["ny_inner"][0] - yind[0]

    outdf["ixseps1"] = indf["ixseps1"][0]
    outdf["ixseps2"] = indf["ixseps2"][0]
    outdf["jyseps1_1"] = indf["jyseps1_1"][0] - yind[0]
    outdf["jyseps2_1"] = indf["jyseps2_1"][0] - yind[0]
    outdf["jyseps1_2"] = indf["jyseps1_2"][0] - yind[0]
    outdf["jyseps2_2"] = indf["jyseps2_2"][0] - yind[0]

    outdf["ShiftAngle"] = indf["ShiftAngle"][xind[0]:xind[1]]
    # Loop over all variables
    for v in list(indf.keys()):
        if v in special:
            continue # Skip these variables
        ndims = indf.ndims(v)
        if ndims == 0:
            # Copy scalars
            print("Copying variable: " + v)
            outdf[v] = indf[v][0]
        elif ndims == 2:
            # Assume [x,y]
            print("Slicing variable: " + v);
            outdf[v] = indf[v][xind[0]:xind[1], yind[0]:yind[1]]
            # Skip
            print("Skipping variable: " + v)

예제 #37
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Generate an input mesh

from boututils.datafile import DataFile # Wrapper around NetCDF4 libraries

nx = 5   # Minimum is 5: 2 boundary, one evolved
ny = 64  # Minimum 5. Should be divisible by number of processors (so powers of 2 nice)

f = DataFile()
f.open("conduct_grid.nc", create=True)

f.write("nx", nx)
f.write("ny", ny)

예제 #38
def collect(varname, xind=None, yind=None, zind=None, tind=None, path=".",yguards=False, xguards=True, info=True,prefix="BOUT.dmp",strict=False):
    """Collect a variable from a set of BOUT++ outputs.

    data = collect(name)

    name   Name of the variable (string)

    Optional arguments:

    xind = [min,max]   Range of X indices to collect
    yind = [min,max]   Range of Y indices to collect
    zind = [min,max]   Range of Z indices to collect
    tind = [min,max]   Range of T indices to collect

    path    = "."          Path to data files
    prefix  = "BOUT.dmp"   File prefix
    yguards = False        Collect Y boundary guard cells?
    xguards = True         Collect X boundary guard cells?
                           (Set to True to be consistent with the
                           definition of nx)
    info    = True         Print information about collect?
    strict  = False        Fail if the exact variable name is not found?

    # Search for BOUT++ dump files in NetCDF format
    file_list_nc = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, prefix+".nc"))
    file_list_h5 = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, prefix+".hdf5"))
    if file_list_nc != [] and file_list_h5 != []:
        raise IOError("Error: Both NetCDF and HDF5 files are present: do not know which to read.")
    elif file_list_h5 != []:
        suffix = ".hdf5"
        file_list = file_list_h5
        suffix = ".nc"
        file_list = file_list_nc
    if file_list != []:
        print("Single (parallel) data file")
        f = DataFile(file_list[0]) # Open the file

        data = f.read(varname)
        return data
    file_list_nc = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, prefix+".*nc"))
    file_list_h5 = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, prefix+".*hdf5"))
    if file_list_nc != [] and file_list_h5 != []:
        raise IOError("Error: Both NetCDF and HDF5 files are present: do not know which to read.")
    elif file_list_h5 != []:
        suffix = ".hdf5"
        file_list = file_list_h5
        suffix = ".nc"
        file_list = file_list_nc
    if file_list == []:
        raise IOError("ERROR: No data files found")

    nfiles = len(file_list)

    # Read data from the first file
    f = DataFile(file_list[0])

        dimens = f.dimensions(varname)
        #ndims = len(dimens)
        ndims = f.ndims(varname)
        if strict:
            # Find the variable
            varname = findVar(varname, f.list())
            dimens = f.dimensions(varname)
            #ndims = len(dimens)
            ndims = f.ndims(varname)
    if ndims < 2:
        # Just read from file
        data = f.read(varname)
        return data

    if ndims > 4:
        raise ValueError("ERROR: Too many dimensions")

    mxsub = f.read("MXSUB")
    if mxsub is None:
        raise ValueError("Missing MXSUB variable")
    mysub = f.read("MYSUB")
    mz    = f.read("MZ")
    myg   = f.read("MYG")
    t_array = f.read("t_array")
    if t_array is None:
        nt = 1
        t_array = np.zeros(1)
        nt = len(t_array)

    if info:
        print("mxsub = %d mysub = %d mz = %d\n" % (mxsub, mysub, mz))

    # Get the version of BOUT++ (should be > 0.6 for NetCDF anyway)
        v = f.read("BOUT_VERSION")

        # 2D decomposition
        nxpe = f.read("NXPE")
        mxg  = f.read("MXG")
        nype = f.read("NYPE")
        npe = nxpe * nype

        if info:
            print("nxpe = %d, nype = %d, npe = %d\n" % (nxpe, nype, npe))
            if npe < nfiles:
                print("WARNING: More files than expected (" + str(npe) + ")")
            elif npe > nfiles:
                print("WARNING: Some files missing. Expected " + str(npe))

        if xguards:
            nx = nxpe * mxsub + 2*mxg
            nx = nxpe * mxsub
    except KeyError:
        print("BOUT++ version : Pre-0.2")
        # Assume number of files is correct
        # No decomposition in X
        nx = mxsub
        mxg = 0
        nxpe = 1
        nype = nfiles

    if yguards:
        ny = mysub * nype + 2*myg
        ny = mysub * nype


    # Check ranges

    def check_range(r, low, up, name="range"):
        r2 = r
        if r != None:
                n = len(r2)
                # No len attribute, so probably a single number
                r2 = [r2,r2]
            if (len(r2) < 1) or (len(r2) > 2):
                print("WARNING: "+name+" must be [min, max]")
                r2 = None
                if len(r2) == 1:
                    r2 = [r2,r2]
                if r2[0] < low:
                    r2[0] = low
                if r2[0] > up:
                    r2[0] = up
                if r2[1] < 0:
                    r2[1] = 0
                if r2[1] > up:
                    r2[1] = up
                if r2[0] > r2[1]:
                    tmp = r2[0]
                    r2[0] = r2[1]
                    r2[1] = tmp
            r2 = [low, up]
        return r2

    xind = check_range(xind, 0, nx-1, "xind")
    yind = check_range(yind, 0, ny-1, "yind")
    zind = check_range(zind, 0, mz-2, "zind")
    tind = check_range(tind, 0, nt-1, "tind")

    xsize = xind[1] - xind[0] + 1
    ysize = yind[1] - yind[0] + 1
    zsize = zind[1] - zind[0] + 1
    tsize = tind[1] - tind[0] + 1

    # Map between dimension names and output size
    sizes = {'x':xsize, 'y':ysize, 'z':zsize, 't':tsize}

    # Create a list with size of each dimension
    ddims = [sizes[d] for d in dimens]

    # Create the data array
    data = np.zeros(ddims)

    for i in range(npe):
        # Get X and Y processor indices
        pe_yind = int(i/nxpe)
        pe_xind = i % nxpe

        inrange = True

        if yguards:
            # Get local ranges
            ymin = yind[0] - pe_yind*mysub
            ymax = yind[1] - pe_yind*mysub

            # Check lower y boundary
            if pe_yind == 0:
                # Keeping inner boundary
                if ymax < 0: inrange = False
                if ymin < 0: ymin = 0
                if ymax < myg: inrange = False
                if ymin < myg: ymin = myg

            # Upper y boundary
            if pe_yind == (nype - 1):
                # Keeping outer boundary
                if ymin >= (mysub + 2*myg): inrange = False
                if ymax > (mysub + 2*myg - 1): ymax = (mysub + 2*myg - 1)
                if ymin >= (mysub + myg): inrange = False
                if ymax >= (mysub + myg): ymax = (mysub+myg-1)

            # Calculate global indices
            ygmin = ymin + pe_yind * mysub
            ygmax = ymax + pe_yind * mysub

            # Get local ranges
            ymin = yind[0] - pe_yind*mysub + myg
            ymax = yind[1] - pe_yind*mysub + myg

            if (ymin >= (mysub + myg)) or (ymax < myg):
                inrange = False # Y out of range

            if ymin < myg:
                ymin = myg
            if ymax >= mysub+myg:
                ymax = myg + mysub - 1

            # Calculate global indices
            ygmin = ymin + pe_yind * mysub - myg
            ygmax = ymax + pe_yind * mysub - myg

        if xguards:
            # Get local ranges
            xmin = xind[0] - pe_xind*mxsub
            xmax = xind[1] - pe_xind*mxsub

            # Check lower x boundary
            if pe_xind == 0:
                # Keeping inner boundary
                if xmax < 0: inrange = False
                if xmin < 0: xmin = 0
                if xmax < mxg: inrange = False
                if xmin < mxg: xmin = mxg

            # Upper x boundary
            if pe_xind == (nxpe - 1):
                # Keeping outer boundary
                if xmin >= (mxsub + 2*mxg): inrange = False
                if xmax > (mxsub + 2*mxg - 1): xmax = (mxsub + 2*mxg - 1)
                if xmin >= (mxsub + mxg): inrange = False
                if xmax >= (mxsub + mxg): xmax = (mxsub+mxg-1)

            # Calculate global indices
            xgmin = xmin + pe_xind * mxsub
            xgmax = xmax + pe_xind * mxsub

            # Get local ranges
            xmin = xind[0] - pe_xind*mxsub + mxg
            xmax = xind[1] - pe_xind*mxsub + mxg

            if (xmin >= (mxsub + mxg)) or (xmax < mxg):
                inrange = False # X out of range

            if xmin < mxg:
                xmin = mxg
            if xmax >= mxsub+mxg:
                xmax = mxg + mxsub - 1

            # Calculate global indices
            xgmin = xmin + pe_xind * mxsub - mxg
            xgmax = xmax + pe_xind * mxsub - mxg

        # Number of local values
        nx_loc = xmax - xmin + 1
        ny_loc = ymax - ymin + 1

        if not inrange:
            continue # Don't need this file
        filename = os.path.join(path, prefix+"." + str(i) + suffix)
        if info:
            sys.stdout.write("\rReading from " + filename + ": [" + \
                                 str(xmin) + "-" + str(xmax) + "][" + \
                                 str(ymin) + "-" + str(ymax) + "] -> [" + \
                                 str(xgmin) + "-" + str(xgmax) + "][" + \
                                 str(ygmin) + "-" + str(ygmax) + "]")

        f = DataFile(filename)

        if ndims == 4:
            d = f.read(varname, ranges=[tind[0],tind[1]+1,
                                        xmin, xmax+1,
                                        ymin, ymax+1,
            data[:, (xgmin-xind[0]):(xgmin-xind[0]+nx_loc), (ygmin-yind[0]):(ygmin-yind[0]+ny_loc), :] = d
        elif ndims == 3:
            # Could be xyz or txy

            if dimens[2] == 'z': # xyz
                d = f.read(varname, ranges=[xmin, xmax+1,
                                            ymin, ymax+1,
                data[(xgmin-xind[0]):(xgmin-xind[0]+nx_loc), (ygmin-yind[0]):(ygmin-yind[0]+ny_loc), :] = d
            else: # txy
                d = f.read(varname, ranges=[tind[0],tind[1]+1,
                                            xmin, xmax+1,
                                            ymin, ymax+1])
                data[:, (xgmin-xind[0]):(xgmin-xind[0]+nx_loc), (ygmin-yind[0]):(ygmin-yind[0]+ny_loc)] = d
        elif ndims == 2:
            # xy
            d = f.read(varname, ranges=[xmin, xmax+1,
                                        ymin, ymax+1])
            data[(xgmin-xind[0]):(xgmin-xind[0]+nx_loc), (ygmin-yind[0]):(ygmin-yind[0]+ny_loc)] = d
        elif ndims == 1:
            if dimens[0] == 't':
                # t
                d = f.read(varname, ranges=[tind[0],tind[1]+1])
                data[:] = d


    # Force the precision of arrays of dimension>1
    if ndims>1:
            data = data.astype(t_array.dtype, copy=False)
        except TypeError:
            data = data.astype(t_array.dtype)

    # Finished looping over all files
    if info:
    return data
예제 #39
def split(nxpe, nype, path="data", output="./", informat="nc", outformat=None, mxg=2, myg=2):
    """Split restart files across NXPE x NYPE processors.

    Returns True on success

    nxpe, nype : int
        The number of processors in x and y
    path : str, optional
        Path to original restart files (default: "data")
    output : str, optional
        Path to write new restart files (default: current directory)
    informat : str, optional
        File extension of original files (default: "nc")
    outformat : str, optional
        File extension of new files (default: use the same as `informat`)
    mxg, myg : int, optional
        The number of guard cells in x and y

    - Replace printing errors with raising `ValueError`
    - Fix undefined variables!
    - Make informat work like `redistribute`


    if outformat is None:
        outformat = informat

    npes = nxpe * nype

    if npes <= 0:
        print("ERROR: Negative or zero number of processors")
        return False

    if path == output:
        print("ERROR: Can't overwrite restart files")
        return False

    file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart.*."+informat))
    nfiles = len(file_list)

    if nfiles == 0:
        print("ERROR: No restart files found")
        return False

    # Read old processor layout
    f = DataFile(os.path.join(path, file_list[0]))
    old_layout = get_processor_layout(f, False)

    if nfiles != old_layout.npes:
        print("WARNING: Number of restart files inconsistent with NPES")
        print("Setting nfiles = " + str(old_npes))
        nfiles = old_layout.npes

    if old_layout.npes % old_layout.nxpe != 0:
        print("ERROR: Old NPES is not a multiple of old NXPE")
        return False

    if nype % old_layout.nype != 0:
        print("SORRY: New nype must be a multiple of old nype")
        return False

    if nxpe % old_layout.nxpe != 0:
        print("SORRY: New nxpe must be a multiple of old nxpe")
        return False

    # Calculate total size of the grid
    nx = old_layout.mxsub * old_layout.nxpe
    ny = old_layout.mysub * old_layout.nype
    print(("Grid sizes: ", nx, ny, mz))

    # Create the new restart files
    for mype in range(npes):
        # Calculate X and Y processor numbers
        pex = mype % nxpe
        pey = int(mype / nxpe)

        old_pex = int(pex / xs)
        old_pey = int(pey / ys)

        old_x = pex % xs
        old_y = pey % ys

        # Old restart file number
        old_mype = old_layout.nxpe * old_pey + old_pex

        # Calculate indices in old restart file
        xmin = old_x*mxsub
        xmax = xmin + mxsub - 1 + 2*mxg
        ymin = old_y*mysub
        ymax = ymin + mysub - 1 + 2*myg

        print("New: "+str(mype)+" ("+str(pex)+", "+str(pey)+")")
        print(" =>  "+str(old_layout.mype)+" ("+str(old_pex)+", " +
              str(old_pey)+") : ("+str(old_x)+", "+str(old_y)+")")
예제 #40
def pol_slice(var3d, gridfile, n=1, zangle=0.0):
    """ data2d = pol_slice(data3d, 'gridfile', n=1, zangle=0.0) """
    n = int(n)
    zangle = float(zangle)

    s = np.shape(var3d)
    if len(s) != 3:
        print("ERROR: pol_slice expects a 3D variable")
        return None

    nx, ny, nz = s

    dz = 2.*np.pi / float(n * (nz-1))

        # Open the grid file
        gf = DataFile(gridfile)

        # Check the grid size is correct
        if gf.read("nx") != nx:
            print("ERROR: Grid X size is different to the variable")
            return None
        if gf.read("ny") != ny:
            print("ERROR: Grid Y size is different to the variable")
            return None

        # Get the toroidal shift
        zShift = gf.read("qinty")

        if zShift != None:
            print("Using qinty as toroidal shift angle")
            zShift = gf.read("zShift")
            if zShift != None:
                print("Using zShift as toroidal shift angle")
                print("ERROR: Neither qinty nor zShift found")
                return None

        print("ERROR: pol_slice couldn't read grid file")
        return None

    var2d = np.zeros([nx, ny])

    # Perform 2D slice
    zind = (zangle - zShift) / dz
    z0f = np.floor(zind)
    z0 = z0f.astype(int)
    p = zind - z0f

    # Make z0 between 0 and (nz-2)
    z0 = ((z0 % (nz-1)) + (nz-1)) % (nz-1)

    # Get z+ and z-
    zp = (z0 + 1) % (nz-1)
    zm = (z0 - 1 + (nz-1)) % (nz-1)

    # There may be some more cunning way to do this indexing
    for x in np.arange(nx):
        for y in np.arange(ny):
            var2d[x,y] = 0.5*p[x,y]*(p[x,y]-1.0) * var3d[x,y,zm[x,y]] + \
                         (1.0 - p[x,y]*p[x,y])   * var3d[x,y,z0[x,y]] + \
                         0.5*p[x,y]*(p[x,y]+1.0) * var3d[x,y,zp[x,y]]

    return var2d
예제 #41
def redistribute(npes, path="data", nxpe=None, output=".", informat=None, outformat=None, mxg=2, myg=2):
    """Resize restart files across NPES processors.

    Does not check if new processor arrangement is compatible with the
    branch cuts. In this respect :py:func:`restart.split` is
    safer. However, BOUT++ checks the topology during initialisation
    anyway so this is not too serious.

    npes : int
        Number of processors for the new restart files
    path : str, optional
        Path to original restart files (default: "data")
    nxpe : int, optional
        Number of processors to use in the x-direction (determines
        split: npes = nxpe * nype). Default is None which uses the
        same algorithm as BoutMesh (but without topology information)
        to determine a suitable value for nxpe.
    output : str, optional
        Location to save new restart files (default: current directory)
    informat : str, optional
        Specify file format of old restart files (must be a suffix
        understood by DataFile, e.g. 'nc'). Default uses the format of
        the first 'BOUT.restart.*' file listed by glob.glob.
    outformat : str, optional
        Specify file format of new restart files (must be a suffix
        understood by DataFile, e.g. 'nc'). Default is to use the same
        as informat.

    True on success

    - Replace printing errors with raising `ValueError`


    if npes <= 0:
        print("ERROR: Negative or zero number of processors")
        return False

    if path == output:
        print("ERROR: Can't overwrite restart files")
        return False

    if informat is None:
        file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart.*"))
        file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart.*."+informat))

    nfiles = len(file_list)

    # Read old processor layout
    f = DataFile(file_list[0])

    # Get list of variables
    var_list = f.list()
    if len(var_list) == 0:
        print("ERROR: No data found")
        return False

    old_processor_layout = get_processor_layout(f, has_t_dimension=False)
    print("Grid sizes: ", old_processor_layout.nx,
          old_processor_layout.ny, old_processor_layout.mz)

    if nfiles != old_processor_layout.npes:
        print("WARNING: Number of restart files inconsistent with NPES")
        print("Setting nfiles = " + str(old_processor_layout.npes))
        nfiles = old_processor_layout.npes

    if nfiles == 0:
        print("ERROR: No restart files found")
        return False

    informat = file_list[0].split(".")[-1]
    if outformat is None:
        outformat = informat

        new_processor_layout = create_processor_layout(
            old_processor_layout, npes, nxpe=nxpe)
    except ValueError as e:
        print("Could not find valid processor split. " + e.what())

    nx = old_processor_layout.nx
    ny = old_processor_layout.ny
    mz = old_processor_layout.mz
    mxg = old_processor_layout.mxg
    myg = old_processor_layout.myg
    old_npes = old_processor_layout.npes
    old_nxpe = old_processor_layout.nxpe
    old_nype = old_processor_layout.nype
    old_mxsub = old_processor_layout.mxsub
    old_mysub = old_processor_layout.mysub

    nxpe = new_processor_layout.nxpe
    nype = new_processor_layout.nype
    mxsub = new_processor_layout.mxsub
    mysub = new_processor_layout.mysub

    outfile_list = []
    for i in range(npes):
        outpath = os.path.join(output, "BOUT.restart."+str(i)+"."+outformat)
        outfile_list.append(DataFile(outpath, write=True, create=True))
    infile_list = []
    for i in range(old_npes):
        inpath = os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart."+str(i)+"."+outformat)

    for v in var_list:
        ndims = f.ndims(v)

        # collect data
        if ndims == 0:
            # scalar
            data = f.read(v)
        elif ndims == 2:
            data = np.zeros((nx+2*mxg, ny+2*myg))
            for i in range(old_npes):
                ix = i % old_nxpe
                iy = int(i/old_nxpe)
                ixstart = mxg
                if ix == 0:
                    ixstart = 0
                ixend = -mxg
                if ix == old_nxpe-1:
                    ixend = 0
                iystart = myg
                if iy == 0:
                    iystart = 0
                iyend = -myg
                if iy == old_nype-1:
                    iyend = 0
                     iy*old_mysub+iystart:(iy+1)*old_mysub+2*myg+iyend] = infile_list[i].read(v)[ixstart:old_mxsub+2*mxg+ixend, iystart:old_mysub+2*myg+iyend]
            data = BoutArray(data, attributes=infile_list[0].attributes(v))
        elif ndims == 3:
            data = np.zeros((nx+2*mxg, ny+2*myg, mz))
            for i in range(old_npes):
                ix = i % old_nxpe
                iy = int(i/old_nxpe)
                ixstart = mxg
                if ix == 0:
                    ixstart = 0
                ixend = -mxg
                if ix == old_nxpe-1:
                    ixend = 0
                iystart = myg
                if iy == 0:
                    iystart = 0
                iyend = -myg
                if iy == old_nype-1:
                    iyend = 0
                data[ix*old_mxsub+ixstart:(ix+1)*old_mxsub+2*mxg+ixend, iy*old_mysub+iystart:(iy+1)*old_mysub+2*myg+iyend,
                     :] = infile_list[i].read(v)[ixstart:old_mxsub+2*mxg+ixend, iystart:old_mysub+2*myg+iyend, :]
            data = BoutArray(data, attributes=infile_list[0].attributes(v))
            print("ERROR: variable found with unexpected number of dimensions,", ndims, v)
            return False

        # write data
        for i in range(npes):
            ix = i % nxpe
            iy = int(i/nxpe)
            outfile = outfile_list[i]
            if v == "NPES":
                outfile.write(v, npes)
            elif v == "NXPE":
                outfile.write(v, nxpe)
            elif v == "NYPE":
                outfile.write(v, nype)
            elif ndims == 0:
                # scalar
                outfile.write(v, data)
            elif ndims == 2:
                # Field2D
                    v, data[ix*mxsub:(ix+1)*mxsub+2*mxg, iy*mysub:(iy+1)*mysub+2*myg])
            elif ndims == 3:
                # Field3D
                    v, data[ix*mxsub:(ix+1)*mxsub+2*mxg, iy*mysub:(iy+1)*mysub+2*myg, :])
                    "ERROR: variable found with unexpected number of dimensions,", f.ndims(v))

    for infile in infile_list:
    for outfile in outfile_list:

    return True
예제 #42
def create(averagelast=1, final=-1, path="data", output="./", informat="nc", outformat=None):
    """Create restart files from data (dmp) files.

    averagelast : int, optional
        Number of time points (counting from `final`, inclusive) to
        average over (default is 1 i.e. just take last time-point)
    final : int, optional
        The last time point to use (default is last, -1)
    path : str, optional
        Path to original restart files (default: "data")
    output : str, optional
        Path to write new restart files (default: current directory)
    informat : str, optional
        File extension of original files (default: "nc")
    outformat : str, optional
        File extension of new files (default: use the same as `informat`)


    if outformat is None:
        outformat = informat

    file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.dmp.*."+informat))
    nfiles = len(file_list)

    print(("Number of data files: ", nfiles))

    for i in range(nfiles):
        # Open each data file
        infname = os.path.join(path, "BOUT.dmp."+str(i)+"."+informat)
        outfname = os.path.join(output, "BOUT.restart."+str(i)+"."+outformat)

        print((infname, " -> ", outfname))

        infile = DataFile(infname)
        outfile = DataFile(outfname, create=True)

        # Get the data always needed in restart files
        hist_hi = infile.read("iteration")
        print(("hist_hi = ", hist_hi))
        outfile.write("hist_hi", hist_hi)

        t_array = infile.read("t_array")
        tt = t_array[final]
        print(("tt = ", tt))
        outfile.write("tt", tt)

        tind = final
        if tind < 0.0:
            tind = len(t_array) + final

        NXPE = infile.read("NXPE")
        NYPE = infile.read("NYPE")
        print(("NXPE = ", NXPE, " NYPE = ", NYPE))
        outfile.write("NXPE", NXPE)
        outfile.write("NYPE", NYPE)

        # Get a list of variables
        varnames = infile.list()

        for var in varnames:
            if infile.ndims(var) == 4:
                # Could be an evolving variable

                print((" -> ", var))

                data = infile.read(var)

                if averagelast == 1:
                    slice = data[final, :, :, :]
                    slice = mean(data[(final - averagelast)
                                 :final, :, :, :], axis=0)


                outfile.write(var, slice)

예제 #43
# Normalisation
Lbar = 1.
Bbar = 1.
J0 = - J0 * shape.Bxy / (MU0 * Lbar)  # Turn into A/m^2
P0 = P0 * Bbar**2 / (2.0*MU0)  # Pascals

shape.add(P0, "pressure")
shape.add(J0, "Jpar0")
shape.add(bxcvz, "bxcvz")

for nx in nxlist:
    # Generate a new mesh file

    filename = "grid%d.nc" % nx

    if isfile(filename):
        print("Grid file '%s' already exists" % filename)
        print("Creating grid file '%s'" % filename)
        f = DataFile(filename, create=True)
        shape.write(nx,nx, f)

    # Generate BOUT.inp file

    directory = "grid%d" % nx
    shell("mkdir " + directory)
    shell("cp data/BOUT.inp "+directory)
    shell("sed -i 's/MZ = 17/MZ = %d/g' %s/BOUT.inp" % (nx, directory))
    shell("sed -i 's/grid = \"grid16.nc\"/grid = \"%s\"/g' %s/BOUT.inp" % (filename, directory))
예제 #44
def resizeY(newy, path="data", output=".", informat="nc", outformat=None, myg=2):
    """Increase the number of Y points in restart files

        * Can't overwrite

    newy : int
        ny for the new file
    path : str, optional
        Path to original restart files (default: "data")
    output : str, optional
        Path to write new restart files (default: current directory)
    informat : str, optional
        File extension of original files (default: "nc")
    outformat : str, optional
        File extension of new files (default: use the same as `informat`)
    myg : int, optional
        Number of ghost points in y (default: 2)

    True on success, else False

    - Replace printing errors with raising `ValueError`
    - Make informat work like `redistribute`


    if outformat is None:
        outformat = informat

    file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart.*."+informat))

    nfiles = len(file_list)

    if nfiles == 0:
        print("ERROR: No restart files found")
        return False

    for i in range(nfiles):
        # Open each data file
        infname = os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart."+str(i)+"."+informat)
        outfname = os.path.join(output, "BOUT.restart."+str(i)+"."+outformat)

        print("Processing %s -> %s" % (infname, outfname))

        infile = DataFile(infname)
        outfile = DataFile(outfname, create=True)

        # Copy basic information
        for var in ["hist_hi", "NXPE", "NYPE", "tt"]:
            data = infile.read(var)
                # Convert to scalar if necessary
                data = data[0]
            outfile.write(var, data)

        # Get a list of variables
        varnames = infile.list()

        for var in varnames:
            if infile.ndims(var) == 3:
                # Could be an evolving variable [x,y,z]

                print(" -> Resizing " + var)

                # Read variable from input
                indata = infile.read(var)

                nx, ny, nz = indata.shape

                # y coordinate in input and output data
                iny = (arange(ny) - myg + 0.5) / (ny - 2*myg)
                outy = (arange(newy) - myg + 0.5) / (newy - 2*myg)

                outdata = zeros([nx, newy, nz])

                for x in range(nx):
                    for z in range(nz):
                        f = interp1d(
                            iny, indata[x, :, z], bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0)
                        outdata[x, :, z] = f(outy)

                outfile.write(var, outdata)
            elif infile.ndims(var) == 2:
                # Assume evolving variable [x,y]
                print(" -> Resizing " + var)

                # Read variable from input
                indata = infile.read(var)

                nx, ny = indata.shape

                # y coordinate in input and output data
                iny = (arange(ny) - myg + 0.5) / (ny - 2*myg)
                outy = (arange(newy) - myg + 0.5) / (newy - 2*myg)

                outdata = zeros([nx, newy])

                for x in range(nx):
                    f = interp1d(iny, indata[x, :],
                                 bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0)
                    outdata[x, :] = f(outy)

                outfile.write(var, outdata)
                # Copy variable
                print(" -> Copying " + var)

                # Read variable from input
                data = infile.read(var)
                    # Convert to scalar if necessary
                    data = data[0]
                outfile.write(var, data)

예제 #45
from past.utils import old_div
from boututils.datafile import DataFile # Wrapper around NetCDF4 libraries
from math import pow
from sys import argv

length = 80. # Length of the domain in m

nx = 5   # Minimum is 5: 2 boundary, one evolved
if len(argv)>1:
  ny = int(argv[1])  # Minimum 5. Should be divisible by number of processors (so powers of 2 nice)
  ny = 256  # Minimum 5. Should be divisible by number of processors (so powers of 2 nice)
#dy = [[1.]*ny]*nx # distance between points in y, in m/g22/lengthunit
g22 = [[pow(old_div(float(ny-1),length),2)]*ny]*nx
g_22 = [[pow(old_div(length,float(ny-1)),2)]*ny]*nx
ixseps1 = -1
ixseps2 = 0

f = DataFile()
f.open("conduct_grid.nc", create=True)

f.write("nx", nx)
f.write("ny", ny)
#f.write("dy", dy)
f.write("g_22", g_22)
f.write("ixseps1", ixseps1)
f.write("ixseps2", ixseps2)

예제 #46
def split(nxpe, nype, path="data", output="./", informat="nc", outformat=None):
    """Split restart files across NXPE x NYPE processors.

    Returns True on success

    if outformat is None:
        outformat = informat

    mxg = 2
    myg = 2

    npes = nxpe * nype

    if npes <= 0:
        print("ERROR: Negative or zero number of processors")
        return False

    if path == output:
        print("ERROR: Can't overwrite restart files")
        return False

    file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart.*." + informat))
    nfiles = len(file_list)

    if nfiles == 0:
        print("ERROR: No restart files found")
        return False

    # Read old processor layout
    f = DataFile(os.path.join(path, file_list[0]))

    # Get list of variables
    var_list = f.list()
    if len(var_list) == 0:
        print("ERROR: No data found")
        return False

    old_npes = f.read("NPES")
    old_nxpe = f.read("NXPE")

    if nfiles != old_npes:
        print("WARNING: Number of restart files inconsistent with NPES")
        print("Setting nfiles = " + str(old_npes))
        nfiles = old_npes

    if old_npes % old_nxpe != 0:
        print("ERROR: Old NPES is not a multiple of old NXPE")
        return False

    old_nype = int(old_npes / old_nxpe)

    if nype % old_nype != 0:
        print("SORRY: New nype must be a multiple of old nype")
        return False

    if nxpe % old_nxpe != 0:
        print("SORRY: New nxpe must be a multiple of old nxpe")
        return False

    # Get dimension sizes

    old_mxsub = 0
    old_mysub = 0
    mz = 0

    for v in var_list:
        if f.ndims(v) == 3:
            s = f.size(v)
            old_mxsub = s[0] - 2 * mxg
            old_mysub = s[1] - 2 * myg
            mz = s[2]


    # Calculate total size of the grid
    nx = old_mxsub * old_nxpe
    ny = old_mysub * old_nype
    print(("Grid sizes: ", nx, ny, mz))

    # Create the new restart files
    for mype in range(npes):
        # Calculate X and Y processor numbers
        pex = mype % nxpe
        pey = int(mype / nxpe)

        old_pex = int(pex / xs)
        old_pey = int(pey / ys)

        old_x = pex % xs
        old_y = pey % ys

        # Old restart file number
        old_mype = old_nxpe * old_pey + old_pex

        # Calculate indices in old restart file
        xmin = old_x * mxsub
        xmax = xmin + mxsub - 1 + 2 * mxg
        ymin = old_y * mysub
        ymax = ymin + mysub - 1 + 2 * myg

        print("New: " + str(mype) + " (" + str(pex) + ", " + str(pey) + ")")
            " =>  "
            + str(old_mype)
            + " ("
            + str(old_pex)
            + ", "
            + str(old_pey)
            + ") : ("
            + str(old_x)
            + ", "
            + str(old_y)
            + ")"
예제 #47
def create(averagelast=1, final=-1, path="data", output="./", informat="nc", outformat=None):
    Create restart files from data (dmp) files.


    averagelast   Number of time points to average over.
                  Default is 1 i.e. just take last time-point

    final         The last time point to use. Default is last (-1)

    path          Path to the input data files

    output        Path where the output restart files should go

    informat      Format of the input data files

    outformat     Format of the output restart files


    if outformat is None:
        outformat = informat

    file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.dmp.*." + informat))
    nfiles = len(file_list)

    print(("Number of data files: ", nfiles))

    for i in range(nfiles):
        # Open each data file
        infname = os.path.join(path, "BOUT.dmp." + str(i) + "." + informat)
        outfname = os.path.join(output, "BOUT.restart." + str(i) + "." + outformat)

        print((infname, " -> ", outfname))

        infile = DataFile(infname)
        outfile = DataFile(outfname, create=True)

        # Get the data always needed in restart files
        hist_hi = infile.read("iteration")
        print(("hist_hi = ", hist_hi))
        outfile.write("hist_hi", hist_hi)

        t_array = infile.read("t_array")
        tt = t_array[final]
        print(("tt = ", tt))
        outfile.write("tt", tt)

        tind = final
        if tind < 0.0:
            tind = len(t_array) + final

        NXPE = infile.read("NXPE")
        NYPE = infile.read("NYPE")
        NPES = NXPE * NYPE
        print(("NPES = ", NPES, " NXPE = ", NXPE))
        outfile.write("NPES", NPES)
        outfile.write("NXPE", NXPE)

        # Get a list of variables
        varnames = infile.list()

        for var in varnames:
            if infile.ndims(var) == 4:
                # Could be an evolving variable

                print((" -> ", var))

                data = infile.read(var)

                if averagelast == 1:
                    slice = data[final, :, :, :]
                    slice = mean(data[(final - averagelast) : final, :, :, :], axis=0)


                outfile.write(var, slice)

예제 #48
def redistribute(npes, path="data", nxpe=None, output=".", informat=None, outformat=None, mxg=2, myg=2):
    """Resize restart files across NPES processors.

    Does not check if new processor arrangement is compatible with the branch cuts. In this respect restart.split is safer. However, BOUT++ checks the topology during initialisation anyway so this is not too serious.

    npes : int
        number of processors for the new restart files
    path : string, optional
        location of old restart files
    nxpe : int, optional
        number of processors to use in the x-direction (determines split: npes = nxpe * nype). Default is None which uses the same algorithm as BoutMesh (but without topology information) to determine a suitable value for nxpe.
    output : string, optional
        location to save new restart files
    informat : string, optional
        specify file format of old restart files (must be a suffix understood by DataFile, e.g. 'nc'). Default uses the format of the first 'BOUT.restart.*' file listed by glob.glob.
    outformat : string, optional
        specify file format of new restart files (must be a suffix understood by DataFile, e.g. 'nc'). Default is to use the same as informat.

    True on success

    if npes <= 0:
        print("ERROR: Negative or zero number of processors")
        return False

    if path == output:
        print("ERROR: Can't overwrite restart files")
        return False

    if informat is None:
        file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart.*"))
        file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart.*." + informat))

    nfiles = len(file_list)

    # Read old processor layout
    f = DataFile(file_list[0])

    # Get list of variables
    var_list = f.list()
    if len(var_list) == 0:
        print("ERROR: No data found")
        return False

    old_npes = f.read("NPES")
    old_nxpe = f.read("NXPE")
    old_nype = int(old_npes / old_nxpe)

    if nfiles != old_npes:
        print("WARNING: Number of restart files inconsistent with NPES")
        print("Setting nfiles = " + str(old_npes))
        nfiles = old_npes

    if nfiles == 0:
        print("ERROR: No restart files found")
        return False

    informat = file_list[0].split(".")[-1]
    if outformat is None:
        outformat = informat

    old_mxsub = 0
    old_mysub = 0
    mz = 0

    for v in var_list:
        if f.ndims(v) == 3:
            s = f.size(v)
            old_mxsub = s[0] - 2 * mxg
            if old_mxsub < 0:
                if s[0] == 1:
                    old_mxsub = 1
                    mxg = 0
                elif s[0] == 3:
                    old_mxsub = 1
                    mxg = 1
                    print("Number of x points is wrong?")
                    return False

            old_mysub = s[1] - 2 * myg
            if old_mysub < 0:
                if s[1] == 1:
                    old_mysub = 1
                    myg = 0
                elif s[1] == 3:
                    old_mysub = 1
                    myg = 1
                    print("Number of y points is wrong?")
                    return False

            mz = s[2]

    # Calculate total size of the grid
    nx = old_mxsub * old_nxpe
    ny = old_mysub * old_nype
    print("Grid sizes: ", nx, ny, mz)

    if nxpe is None:  # Copy algorithm from BoutMesh for selecting nxpe
        ideal = sqrt(float(nx) * float(npes) / float(ny))  # Results in square domain

        for i in range(1, npes + 1):
            if npes % i == 0 and nx % i == 0 and int(nx / i) >= mxg and ny % (npes / i) == 0:
                # Found an acceptable value
                # Warning: does not check branch cuts!

                if nxpe is None or abs(ideal - i) < abs(ideal - nxpe):
                    nxpe = i  # Keep value nearest to the ideal

        if nxpe is None:
            print("ERROR: could not find a valid value for nxpe")
            return False

    nype = int(npes / nxpe)

    outfile_list = []
    for i in range(npes):
        outpath = os.path.join(output, "BOUT.restart." + str(i) + "." + outformat)
        outfile_list.append(DataFile(outpath, write=True, create=True))
    infile_list = []
    for i in range(old_npes):
        inpath = os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart." + str(i) + "." + outformat)

    old_mxsub = int(nx / old_nxpe)
    old_mysub = int(ny / old_nype)
    mxsub = int(nx / nxpe)
    mysub = int(ny / nype)
    for v in var_list:
        ndims = f.ndims(v)

        # collect data
        if ndims == 0:
            # scalar
            data = f.read(v)
        elif ndims == 2:
            data = np.zeros((nx + 2 * mxg, ny + 2 * myg))
            for i in range(old_npes):
                ix = i % old_nxpe
                iy = int(i / old_nxpe)
                ixstart = mxg
                if ix == 0:
                    ixstart = 0
                ixend = -mxg
                if ix == old_nxpe - 1:
                    ixend = 0
                iystart = myg
                if iy == 0:
                    iystart = 0
                iyend = -myg
                if iy == old_nype - 1:
                    iyend = 0
                    ix * old_mxsub + ixstart : (ix + 1) * old_mxsub + 2 * mxg + ixend,
                    iy * old_mysub + iystart : (iy + 1) * old_mysub + 2 * myg + iyend,
                ] = infile_list[i].read(v)[ixstart : old_mxsub + 2 * mxg + ixend, iystart : old_mysub + 2 * myg + iyend]
        elif ndims == 3:
            data = np.zeros((nx + 2 * mxg, ny + 2 * myg, mz))
            for i in range(old_npes):
                ix = i % old_nxpe
                iy = int(i / old_nxpe)
                ixstart = mxg
                if ix == 0:
                    ixstart = 0
                ixend = -mxg
                if ix == old_nxpe - 1:
                    ixend = 0
                iystart = myg
                if iy == 0:
                    iystart = 0
                iyend = -myg
                if iy == old_nype - 1:
                    iyend = 0
                    ix * old_mxsub + ixstart : (ix + 1) * old_mxsub + 2 * mxg + ixend,
                    iy * old_mysub + iystart : (iy + 1) * old_mysub + 2 * myg + iyend,
                ] = infile_list[i].read(v)[
                    ixstart : old_mxsub + 2 * mxg + ixend, iystart : old_mysub + 2 * myg + iyend, :
            print("ERROR: variable found with unexpected number of dimensions,", ndims, v)
            return False

        # write data
        for i in range(npes):
            ix = i % nxpe
            iy = int(i / nxpe)
            outfile = outfile_list[i]
            if v == "NPES":
                outfile.write(v, npes)
            elif v == "NXPE":
                outfile.write(v, nxpe)
            elif ndims == 0:
                # scalar
                outfile.write(v, data)
            elif ndims == 2:
                # Field2D
                outfile.write(v, data[ix * mxsub : (ix + 1) * mxsub + 2 * mxg, iy * mysub : (iy + 1) * mysub + 2 * myg])
            elif ndims == 3:
                # Field3D
                    v, data[ix * mxsub : (ix + 1) * mxsub + 2 * mxg, iy * mysub : (iy + 1) * mysub + 2 * myg, :]
                print("ERROR: variable found with unexpected number of dimensions,", f.ndims(v))

    for infile in infile_list:
    for outfile in outfile_list:

    return True
예제 #49
def resizeY(newy, path="data", output=".", informat="nc", outformat=None, myg=2):
    Resize all the restart files in Y

    if outformat is None:
        outformat = informat

    file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart.*." + informat))

    nfiles = len(file_list)

    if nfiles == 0:
        print("ERROR: No restart files found")
        return False

    for i in range(nfiles):
        # Open each data file
        infname = os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart." + str(i) + "." + informat)
        outfname = os.path.join(output, "BOUT.restart." + str(i) + "." + outformat)

        print("Processing %s -> %s", infname, outfname)

        infile = DataFile(infname)
        outfile = DataFile(outfname, create=True)

        # Copy basic information
        for var in ["hist_hi", "NPES", "NXPE", "tt"]:
            data = infile.read(var)
                # Convert to scalar if necessary
                data = data[0]
            outfile.write(var, data)

        # Get a list of variables
        varnames = infile.list()

        for var in varnames:
            if infile.ndims(var) == 3:
                # Could be an evolving variable [x,y,z]

                print(" -> " + var)

                # Read variable from input
                indata = infile.read(var)

                nx, ny, nz = indata.shape

                # y coordinate in input and output data
                iny = (arange(ny) - myg + 0.5) / (ny - 2 * myg)
                outy = (arange(newy) - myg + 0.5) / (newy - 2 * myg)

                outdata = zeros([nx, newy, nz])

                for x in range(nx):
                    for z in range(nz):
                        f = interp1d(iny, indata[x, :, z], bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0)
                        outdata[x, :, z] = f(outy)

                outfile.write(var, outdata)
예제 #50
파일: griddata.py 프로젝트: brey/BOUT-dev
def slice(infile, outfile, region = None, xind=None, yind=None):
    xind, yind - index ranges. Range includes first point, but not last point
    # Open input and output files
    indf = DataFile(infile)
    outdf = DataFile(outfile, create=True)
    nx = indf["nx"][0]
    ny = indf["ny"][0]

    if region:
        # Select a region of the mesh
        xind = [0, nx]
        if region == 0:
            # Lower inner leg
            yind = [0, indf["jyseps1_1"][0]+1]
        elif region == 1:
            # Inner core
            yind = [indf["jyseps1_1"][0]+1, indf["jyseps2_1"][0]+1]
        elif region == 2:
            # Upper inner leg
            yind = [indf["jyseps2_1"][0]+1, indf["ny_inner"][0]]
        elif region == 3:
            # Upper outer leg
            yind = [indf["ny_inner"][0], indf["jyseps1_2"][0]+1]
        elif region == 4:
            # Outer core
            yind = [indf["jyseps1_2"][0]+1, indf["jyseps2_2"][0]+1]
            # Lower outer leg
            yind = [indf["jyseps2_2"][0]+1, ny]
        # Use indices
        if not xind:
            xind = [0, nx]
        if not yind:
            yind = [0, ny]
    print("Indices: [%d:%d, %d:%d]" % (xind[0], xind[1], yind[0], yind[1]))
    # List of variables requiring special handling
    special = ["nx", "ny", "ny_inner",
               "ixseps1", "ixseps2", 
               "jyseps1_1", "jyseps1_2", "jyseps2_1", "jyseps2_2",
    outdf["nx"] = xind[1] - xind[0]
    outdf["ny"] = yind[1] - yind[0]    
    outdf["ny_inner"] = indf["ny_inner"][0] - yind[0]

    outdf["ixseps1"] = indf["ixseps1"][0]
    outdf["ixseps2"] = indf["ixseps2"][0]
    outdf["jyseps1_1"] = indf["jyseps1_1"][0] - yind[0]
    outdf["jyseps2_1"] = indf["jyseps2_1"][0] - yind[0]
    outdf["jyseps1_2"] = indf["jyseps1_2"][0] - yind[0]
    outdf["jyseps2_2"] = indf["jyseps2_2"][0] - yind[0]

    outdf["ShiftAngle"] = indf["ShiftAngle"][xind[0]:xind[1]]
    # Loop over all variables
    for v in list(indf.keys()):
        if v in special:
            continue # Skip these variables
        ndims = indf.ndims(v)
        if ndims == 0:
            # Copy scalars
            print("Copying variable: " + v)
            outdf[v] = indf[v][0]
        elif ndims == 2:
            # Assume [x,y]
            print("Slicing variable: " + v);
            outdf[v] = indf[v][xind[0]:xind[1], yind[0]:yind[1]]
            # Skip
            print("Skipping variable: " + v)

예제 #51
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Generate an input mesh

from boututils.datafile import DataFile # Wrapper around NetCDF4 libraries

nx = 5   # Minimum is 5: 2 boundary, one evolved
ny = 32  # Minimum 5. Should be divisible by number of processors (so powers of 2 nice)
dy = 1. # distance between points in y, in m/g22/lengthunit
ixseps1 = -1
ixseps2 = -1

f = DataFile()
f.open("test-staggered.nc", create=True)

f.write("nx", nx)
f.write("ny", ny)
f.write("dy", dy)
f.write("ixseps1", ixseps1)
f.write("ixseps2", ixseps2)
