예제 #1
    def run(self):
#        self.display.string += 'File' + '\n'
        f = DataFile()
        varlist = f.list()
        self.display.string += 'Variables in file :' + '\t' + 'No. of Dims.' + '\n'
        for i in varlist:
            self.display.string += str(i)+ '\t' + str(f.ndims(i))+ '\n'
예제 #2
def split(nxpe, nype, path="data", output="./", informat="nc", outformat=None):
    """Split restart files across NXPE x NYPE processors.

    Returns True on success

    if outformat == None:
        outformat = informat

    mxg = 2
    myg = 2
    npes = nxpe * nype

    if npes <= 0:
        print "ERROR: Negative or zero number of processors"
        return False
    if path == output:
        print "ERROR: Can't overwrite restart files"
        return False

    file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart.*."+informat))
    nfiles = len(file_list)

    if nfiles == 0:
        print "ERROR: No restart files found"
        return False

    # Read old processor layout
    f = DataFile(os.path.join(path, file_list[0]))

    # Get list of variables
    var_list = f.list()
    if len(var_list) == 0:
        print "ERROR: No data found"
        return False
    old_npes = f.read('NPES')
    old_nxpe = f.read('NXPE')

    if nfiles != old_npes:
        print "WARNING: Number of restart files inconsistent with NPES"
        print "Setting nfiles = " + str(old_npes)
        nfiles = old_npes

    if old_npes % old_nxpe != 0:
        print "ERROR: Old NPES is not a multiple of old NXPE"
        return False

    old_nype = old_npes / old_nxpe

    if nype % old_nype != 0:
        print "SORRY: New nype must be a multiple of old nype"
        return False

    if nxpe % old_nxpe != 0:
        print "SORRY: New nxpe must be a multiple of old nxpe"
        return False

    # Get dimension sizes

    old_mxsub = 0
    old_mysub = 0
    mz = 0
    for v in var_list:
        if f.ndims(v) == 3:
            s = f.size(v)
            old_mxsub = s[0] - 2*mxg
            old_mysub = s[1] - 2*myg
            mz = s[2]

    # Calculate total size of the grid
    nx = old_mxsub * old_nxpe
    ny = old_mysub * old_nype
    print "Grid sizes: ", nx, ny, mz
    # Create the new restart files
    for mype in range(npes):
        # Calculate X and Y processor numbers
        pex = mype % nxpe
        pey = int(mype / nxpe)

        old_pex = int(pex / xs)
        old_pey = int(pey / ys)

        old_x = pex % xs
        old_y = pey % ys

        # Old restart file number
        old_mype = old_nxpe * old_pey + old_pex

        # Calculate indices in old restart file
        xmin = old_x*mxsub
        xmax = xmin + mxsub - 1 + 2*mxg
        ymin = old_y*mysub
        ymax = ymin + mysub - 1 + 2*myg

        print "New: "+str(mype)+" ("+str(pex)+", "+str(pey)+")"
        print " =>  "+str(old_mype)+" ("+str(old_pex)+", "+str(old_pey)+") : ("+str(old_x)+", "+str(old_y)+")"
예제 #3
def resizeY(newy, path="data", output=".", informat="nc", outformat=None,myg=2):
    Resize all the restart files in Y

    if outformat == None:
        outformat = informat

    file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart.*."+informat))
    nfiles = len(file_list)
    if nfiles == 0:
        print("ERROR: No restart files found")
        return False
    for i in range(nfiles):
        # Open each data file
        infname  = os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart."+str(i)+"."+informat)
        outfname = os.path.join(output, "BOUT.restart."+str(i)+"."+outformat)

        print("Processing %s -> %s", infname, outfname)
        infile = DataFile(infname)
        outfile = DataFile(outfname, create=True)

        # Copy basic information
        for var in ["hist_hi", "NPES", "NXPE", "tt"]:
            data = infile.read(var)
                # Convert to scalar if necessary
                data = data[0]
            outfile.write(var, data)
        # Get a list of variables
        varnames = infile.list()
        for var in varnames:
            if infile.ndims(var) == 3:
                # Could be an evolving variable [x,y,z]
                print(" -> " + var)
                # Read variable from input
                indata = infile.read(var)
                nx,ny,nz = indata.shape
                # y coordinate in input and output data
                iny = (arange(ny) - myg + 0.5) / (ny - 2*myg)
                outy = (arange(newy) - myg + 0.5) / (newy - 2*myg)
                outdata = zeros([nx, newy, nz])
                for x in range(nx):
                    for z in range(nz):
                        f = interp1d(iny, indata[x,:,z], bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0)
                        outdata[x,:,z] = f(outy)
                outfile.write(var, outdata)
예제 #4
def redistribute(npes, path="data", nxpe=None, output=".", informat=None, outformat=None, mxg=2, myg=2):
    """Resize restart files across NPES processors.

    Does not check if new processor arrangement is compatible with the branch cuts. In this respect restart.split is safer. However, BOUT++ checks the topology during initialisation anyway so this is not too serious.

    npes : int
        number of processors for the new restart files
    path : string, optional
        location of old restart files
    nxpe : int, optional
        number of processors to use in the x-direction (determines split: npes = nxpe * nype). Default is None which uses the same algorithm as BoutMesh (but without topology information) to determine a suitable value for nxpe.
    output : string, optional
        location to save new restart files
    informat : string, optional
        specify file format of old restart files (must be a suffix understood by DataFile, e.g. 'nc'). Default uses the format of the first 'BOUT.restart.*' file listed by glob.glob.
    outformat : string, optional
        specify file format of new restart files (must be a suffix understood by DataFile, e.g. 'nc'). Default is to use the same as informat.

    True on success

    if npes <= 0:
        print("ERROR: Negative or zero number of processors")
        return False

    if path == output:
        print("ERROR: Can't overwrite restart files")
        return False

    if informat == None:
        file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart.*"))
        file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart.*."+informat))

    nfiles = len(file_list)

    # Read old processor layout
    f = DataFile(file_list[0])

    # Get list of variables
    var_list = f.list()
    if len(var_list) == 0:
        print("ERROR: No data found")
        return False

    old_npes = f.read('NPES')
    old_nxpe = f.read('NXPE')
    old_nype = int(old_npes/old_nxpe)

    if nfiles != old_npes:
        print("WARNING: Number of restart files inconsistent with NPES")
        print("Setting nfiles = " + str(old_npes))
        nfiles = old_npes

    if nfiles == 0:
        print("ERROR: No restart files found")
        return False

    informat = file_list[0].split(".")[-1]
    if outformat == None:
        outformat = informat

    old_mxsub = 0
    old_mysub = 0
    mz = 0

    for v in var_list:
        if f.ndims(v) == 3:
            s = f.size(v)
            old_mxsub = s[0] - 2*mxg
            if old_mxsub < 0:
                if s[0] == 1:
                    old_mxsub = 1
                    mxg = 0
                elif s[0] == 3:
                    old_mxsub = 1
                    mxg = 1
                    print("Number of x points is wrong?")
                    return False

            old_mysub = s[1] - 2*myg
            if old_mysub < 0:
                if s[1] == 1:
                    old_mysub = 1
                    myg = 0
                elif s[1] == 3:
                    old_mysub = 1
                    myg = 1
                    print("Number of y points is wrong?")
                    return False

            mz = s[2]

    # Calculate total size of the grid
    nx = old_mxsub * old_nxpe
    ny = old_mysub * old_nype
    print("Grid sizes: ", nx, ny, mz)

    if nxpe == None: # Copy algorithm from BoutMesh for selecting nxpe
        ideal = sqrt(float(nx) * float(npes) / float(ny)) # Results in square domain

        for i in range(1,npes+1):
            if npes%i == 0 and nx%i == 0 and int(nx/i) >= mxg and ny%(npes/i) == 0:
                # Found an acceptable value
                # Warning: does not check branch cuts!

                if nxpe==None or abs(ideal - i) < abs(ideal - nxpe):
                    nxpe = i # Keep value nearest to the ideal

        if nxpe == None:
            print("ERROR: could not find a valid value for nxpe")
            return False

    nype = int(npes/nxpe)

    outfile_list = []
    for i in range(npes):
        outpath = os.path.join(output, "BOUT.restart."+str(i)+"."+outformat)
        outfile_list.append(DataFile(outpath, write=True, create=True))
    infile_list = []
    for i in range(old_npes):
        inpath = os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart."+str(i)+"."+outformat)

    old_mxsub = int(nx/old_nxpe)
    old_mysub = int(ny/old_nype)
    mxsub = int(nx/nxpe)
    mysub = int(ny/nype)
    for v in var_list:
          ndims = f.ndims(v)

          #collect data
          if ndims == 0:
              data = f.read(v)
          elif ndims == 2:
              data = numpy.zeros( (nx+2*mxg,ny+2*nyg) )
              for i in range(old_npes):
                  ix = i%old_nxpe
                  iy = int(i/old_nxpe)
                  ixstart = mxg
                  if ix == 0:
                      ixstart = 0
                  ixend = -mxg
                  if ix == old_nxpe-1:
                      ixend = 0
                  iystart = myg
                  if iy == 0:
                      iystart = 0
                  iyend = -myg
                  if iy == old_nype-1:
                      iyend = 0
                  data[ix*old_mxsub+ixstart:(ix+1)*old_mxsub+2*mxg+ixend, iy*old_mysub+iystart:(iy+1)*old_mysub+2*myg+iyend] = infile_list[i].read(v)[ixstart:old_mxsub+2*mxg+ixend, iystart:old_mysub+2*myg+iyend]
          elif ndims == 3:
              data = numpy.zeros( (nx+2*mxg,ny+2*myg,mz) )
              for i in range(old_npes):
                  ix = i%old_nxpe
                  iy = int(i/old_nxpe)
                  ixstart = mxg
                  if ix == 0:
                      ixstart = 0
                  ixend = -mxg
                  if ix == old_nxpe-1:
                      ixend = 0
                  iystart = myg
                  if iy == 0:
                      iystart = 0
                  iyend = -myg
                  if iy == old_nype-1:
                      iyend = 0
                  data[ix*old_mxsub+ixstart:(ix+1)*old_mxsub+2*mxg+ixend, iy*old_mysub+iystart:(iy+1)*old_mysub+2*myg+iyend, :] = infile_list[i].read(v)[ixstart:old_mxsub+2*mxg+ixend, iystart:old_mysub+2*myg+iyend, :]
              print("ERROR: variable found with unexpected number of dimensions,",ndims,v)
              return False

          # write data
          for i in range(npes):
              ix = i%nxpe
              iy = int(i/nxpe)
              outfile = outfile_list[i]
              if v == "NPES":
              elif v == "NXPE":
              elif ndims == 0:
                  # scalar
              elif ndims == 2:
                  # Field2D
                  outfile.write(v,data[ix*mxsub:(ix+1)*mxsub+2*mxg, iy*mysub:(iy+1)*mysub+2*myg])
              elif ndims == 3:
                  # Field3D
                  outfile.write(v,data[ix*mxsub:(ix+1)*mxsub+2*mxg, iy*mysub:(iy+1)*mysub+2*myg, :])
                  print("ERROR: variable found with unexpected number of dimensions,",f.ndims(v))

    for infile in infile_list:
    for outfile in outfile_list:

    return True
예제 #5
def create(averagelast=1, final=-1, path="data", output="./", informat="nc", outformat=None):
    Create restart files from data (dmp) files.


    averagelast   Number of time points to average over.
                  Default is 1 i.e. just take last time-point

    final         The last time point to use. Default is last (-1)

    path          Path to the input data files

    output        Path where the output restart files should go

    informat      Format of the input data files

    outformat     Format of the output restart files


    if outformat == None:
        outformat = informat

    file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.dmp.*."+informat))
    nfiles = len(file_list)

    print(("Number of data files: ", nfiles))

    for i in range(nfiles):
        # Open each data file
        infname  = os.path.join(path, "BOUT.dmp."+str(i)+"."+informat)
        outfname = os.path.join(output, "BOUT.restart."+str(i)+"."+outformat)

        print((infname, " -> ", outfname))

        infile = DataFile(infname)
        outfile = DataFile(outfname, create=True)

        # Get the data always needed in restart files
        hist_hi = infile.read("iteration")
        print(("hist_hi = ", hist_hi))
        outfile.write("hist_hi", hist_hi)

        t_array = infile.read("t_array")
        tt = t_array[final]
        print(("tt = ", tt))
        outfile.write("tt", tt)

        NXPE = infile.read("NXPE")
        NYPE = infile.read("NYPE")
        NPES = NXPE * NYPE
        print(("NPES = ", NPES, " NXPE = ", NXPE))
        outfile.write("NPES", NPES)
        outfile.write("NXPE", NXPE)

        # Get a list of variables
        varnames = infile.list()

        for var in varnames:
            if infile.ndims(var) == 4:
                # Could be an evolving variable

                print((" -> ", var))

                data = infile.read(var)

                if averagelast == 1:
                    slice = data[final,:,:,:]
                    slice = mean(data[(final - averagelast):final,:,:,:], axis=0)


                outfile.write(var, slice)

예제 #6
def create(averagelast=1,
    Create restart files from data (dmp) files.


    averagelast   Number of time points to average over.
                  Default is 1 i.e. just take last time-point

    final         The last time point to use. Default is last (-1)

    path          Path to the input data files

    output        Path where the output restart files should go

    informat      Format of the input data files

    outformat     Format of the output restart files

    if outformat == None:
        outformat = informat

    file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.dmp.*." + informat))
    nfiles = len(file_list)

    print "Number of data files: ", nfiles

    for i in range(nfiles):
        # Open each data file
        infname = os.path.join(path, "BOUT.dmp." + str(i) + "." + informat)
        outfname = os.path.join(output,
                                "BOUT.restart." + str(i) + "." + outformat)

        print infname, " -> ", outfname

        infile = DataFile(infname)
        outfile = DataFile(outfname, create=True)

        # Get the data always needed in restart files
        hist_hi = infile.read("iteration")
        print "hist_hi = ", hist_hi
        outfile.write("hist_hi", hist_hi)

        t_array = infile.read("t_array")
        tt = t_array[final]
        print "tt = ", tt
        outfile.write("tt", tt)

        NXPE = infile.read("NXPE")
        NYPE = infile.read("NYPE")
        NPES = NXPE * NYPE
        print "NPES = ", NPES, " NXPE = ", NXPE
        outfile.write("NPES", NPES)
        outfile.write("NXPE", NXPE)

        # Get a list of variables
        varnames = infile.list()

        for var in varnames:
            if infile.ndims(var) == 4:
                # Could be an evolving variable

                print " -> ", var

                data = infile.read(var)

                if averagelast == 1:
                    slice = data[final, :, :, :]
                    slice = mean(data[(final - averagelast):final, :, :, :],

                print slice.shape

                outfile.write(var, slice)

예제 #7
def resizeY(newy, path="data", output=".", informat="nc", outformat=None,myg=2):
    Resize all the restart files in Y

    if outformat == None:
        outformat = informat

    file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart.*."+informat))
    nfiles = len(file_list)
    if nfiles == 0:
        print("ERROR: No restart files found")
        return False
    for i in range(nfiles):
        # Open each data file
        infname  = os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart."+str(i)+"."+informat)
        outfname = os.path.join(output, "BOUT.restart."+str(i)+"."+outformat)

        print("Processing %s -> %s", infname, outfname)
        infile = DataFile(infname)
        outfile = DataFile(outfname, create=True)

        # Copy basic information
        for var in ["hist_hi", "NPES", "NXPE", "tt"]:
            data = infile.read(var)
                # Convert to scalar if necessary
                data = data[0]
            outfile.write(var, data)
        # Get a list of variables
        varnames = infile.list()
        for var in varnames:
            if infile.ndims(var) == 3:
                # Could be an evolving variable [x,y,z]
                print(" -> " + var)
                # Read variable from input
                indata = infile.read(var)
                nx,ny,nz = indata.shape
                # y coordinate in input and output data
                iny = (arange(ny) - myg + 0.5) / (ny - 2*myg)
                outy = (arange(newy) - myg + 0.5) / (newy - 2*myg)
                outdata = zeros([nx, newy, nz])
                for x in range(nx):
                    for z in range(nz):
                        f = interp1d(iny, indata[x,:,z], bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0)
                        outdata[x,:,z] = f(outy)
                outfile.write(var, outdata)
예제 #8
def redistribute(npes, path="data", nxpe=None, output=".", informat=None, outformat=None, mxg=2, myg=2):
    """Resize restart files across NPES processors.

    Does not check if new processor arrangement is compatible with the branch cuts. In this respect restart.split is safer. However, BOUT++ checks the topology during initialisation anyway so this is not too serious.

    npes : int
        number of processors for the new restart files
    path : string, optional
        location of old restart files
    nxpe : int, optional
        number of processors to use in the x-direction (determines split: npes = nxpe * nype). Default is None which uses the same algorithm as BoutMesh (but without topology information) to determine a suitable value for nxpe.
    output : string, optional
        location to save new restart files
    informat : string, optional
        specify file format of old restart files (must be a suffix understood by DataFile, e.g. 'nc'). Default uses the format of the first 'BOUT.restart.*' file listed by glob.glob.
    outformat : string, optional
        specify file format of new restart files (must be a suffix understood by DataFile, e.g. 'nc'). Default is to use the same as informat.

    True on success

    if npes <= 0:
        print("ERROR: Negative or zero number of processors")
        return False

    if path == output:
        print("ERROR: Can't overwrite restart files")
        return False

    if informat == None:
        file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart.*"))
        file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart.*."+informat))

    nfiles = len(file_list)

    # Read old processor layout
    f = DataFile(file_list[0])

    # Get list of variables
    var_list = f.list()
    if len(var_list) == 0:
        print("ERROR: No data found")
        return False

    old_npes = f.read('NPES')
    old_nxpe = f.read('NXPE')
    old_nype = int(old_npes/old_nxpe)

    if nfiles != old_npes:
        print("WARNING: Number of restart files inconsistent with NPES")
        print("Setting nfiles = " + str(old_npes))
        nfiles = old_npes

    if nfiles == 0:
        print("ERROR: No restart files found")
        return False

    informat = file_list[0].split(".")[-1]
    if outformat == None:
        outformat = informat

    old_mxsub = 0
    old_mysub = 0
    mz = 0

    for v in var_list:
        if f.ndims(v) == 3:
            s = f.size(v)
            old_mxsub = s[0] - 2*mxg
            if old_mxsub < 0:
                if s[0] == 1:
                    old_mxsub = 1
                    mxg = 0
                elif s[0] == 3:
                    old_mxsub = 1
                    mxg = 1
                    print("Number of x points is wrong?")
                    return False

            old_mysub = s[1] - 2*myg
            if old_mysub < 0:
                if s[1] == 1:
                    old_mysub = 1
                    myg = 0
                elif s[1] == 3:
                    old_mysub = 1
                    myg = 1
                    print("Number of y points is wrong?")
                    return False

            mz = s[2]

    # Calculate total size of the grid
    nx = old_mxsub * old_nxpe
    ny = old_mysub * old_nype
    print("Grid sizes: ", nx, ny, mz)

    if nxpe == None: # Copy algorithm from BoutMesh for selecting nxpe
        ideal = sqrt(float(nx) * float(npes) / float(ny)) # Results in square domain

        for i in range(1,npes+1):
            if npes%i == 0 and nx%i == 0 and int(nx/i) >= mxg and ny%(npes/i) == 0:
                # Found an acceptable value
                # Warning: does not check branch cuts!

                if nxpe==None or abs(ideal - i) < abs(ideal - nxpe):
                    nxpe = i # Keep value nearest to the ideal

        if nxpe == None:
            print("ERROR: could not find a valid value for nxpe")
            return False

    nype = int(npes/nxpe)

    outfile_list = []
    for i in range(npes):
        outpath = os.path.join(output, "BOUT.restart."+str(i)+"."+outformat)
        outfile_list.append(DataFile(outpath, write=True, create=True))
    infile_list = []
    for i in range(old_npes):
        inpath = os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart."+str(i)+"."+outformat)

    old_mxsub = int(nx/old_nxpe)
    old_mysub = int(ny/old_nype)
    mxsub = int(nx/nxpe)
    mysub = int(ny/nype)
    for v in var_list:
          ndims = f.ndims(v)

          #collect data
          if ndims == 0:
              data = f.read(v)
          elif ndims == 2:
              data = numpy.zeros( (nx+2*mxg,ny+2*nyg) )
              for i in range(old_npes):
                  ix = i%old_nxpe
                  iy = int(i/old_nxpe)
                  ixstart = mxg
                  if ix == 0:
                      ixstart = 0
                  ixend = -mxg
                  if ix == old_nxpe-1:
                      ixend = 0
                  iystart = myg
                  if iy == 0:
                      iystart = 0
                  iyend = -myg
                  if iy == old_nype-1:
                      iyend = 0
                  data[ix*old_mxsub+ixstart:(ix+1)*old_mxsub+2*mxg+ixend, iy*old_mysub+iystart:(iy+1)*old_mysub+2*myg+iyend] = infile_list[i].read(v)[ixstart:old_mxsub+2*mxg+ixend, iystart:old_mysub+2*myg+iyend]
          elif ndims == 3:
              data = numpy.zeros( (nx+2*mxg,ny+2*myg,mz) )
              for i in range(old_npes):
                  ix = i%old_nxpe
                  iy = int(i/old_nxpe)
                  ixstart = mxg
                  if ix == 0:
                      ixstart = 0
                  ixend = -mxg
                  if ix == old_nxpe-1:
                      ixend = 0
                  iystart = myg
                  if iy == 0:
                      iystart = 0
                  iyend = -myg
                  if iy == old_nype-1:
                      iyend = 0
                  data[ix*old_mxsub+ixstart:(ix+1)*old_mxsub+2*mxg+ixend, iy*old_mysub+iystart:(iy+1)*old_mysub+2*myg+iyend, :] = infile_list[i].read(v)[ixstart:old_mxsub+2*mxg+ixend, iystart:old_mysub+2*myg+iyend, :]
              print("ERROR: variable found with unexpected number of dimensions,",ndims,v)
              return False

          # write data
          for i in range(npes):
              ix = i%nxpe
              iy = int(i/nxpe)
              outfile = outfile_list[i]
              if v == "NPES":
              elif v == "NXPE":
              elif ndims == 0:
                  # scalar
              elif ndims == 2:
                  # Field2D
                  outfile.write(v,data[ix*mxsub:(ix+1)*mxsub+2*mxg, iy*mysub:(iy+1)*mysub+2*myg])
              elif ndims == 3:
                  # Field3D
                  outfile.write(v,data[ix*mxsub:(ix+1)*mxsub+2*mxg, iy*mysub:(iy+1)*mysub+2*myg, :])
                  print("ERROR: variable found with unexpected number of dimensions,",f.ndims(v))

    for infile in infile_list:
    for outfile in outfile_list:

    return True
예제 #9
def slice(infile, outfile, region = None, xind=None, yind=None):
    xind, yind - index ranges. Range includes first point, but not last point
    # Open input and output files
    indf = DataFile(infile)
    outdf = DataFile(outfile, create=True)
    nx = indf["nx"][0]
    ny = indf["ny"][0]

    if region:
        # Select a region of the mesh
        xind = [0, nx]
        if region == 0:
            # Lower inner leg
            yind = [0, indf["jyseps1_1"][0]+1]
        elif region == 1:
            # Inner core
            yind = [indf["jyseps1_1"][0]+1, indf["jyseps2_1"][0]+1]
        elif region == 2:
            # Upper inner leg
            yind = [indf["jyseps2_1"][0]+1, indf["ny_inner"][0]]
        elif region == 3:
            # Upper outer leg
            yind = [indf["ny_inner"][0], indf["jyseps1_2"][0]+1]
        elif region == 4:
            # Outer core
            yind = [indf["jyseps1_2"][0]+1, indf["jyseps2_2"][0]+1]
            # Lower outer leg
            yind = [indf["jyseps2_2"][0]+1, ny]
        # Use indices
        if not xind:
            xind = [0, nx]
        if not yind:
            yind = [0, ny]
    print("Indices: [%d:%d, %d:%d]" % (xind[0], xind[1], yind[0], yind[1]))
    # List of variables requiring special handling
    special = ["nx", "ny", "ny_inner",
               "ixseps1", "ixseps2", 
               "jyseps1_1", "jyseps1_2", "jyseps2_1", "jyseps2_2",
    outdf["nx"] = xind[1] - xind[0]
    outdf["ny"] = yind[1] - yind[0]    
    outdf["ny_inner"] = indf["ny_inner"][0] - yind[0]

    outdf["ixseps1"] = indf["ixseps1"][0]
    outdf["ixseps2"] = indf["ixseps2"][0]
    outdf["jyseps1_1"] = indf["jyseps1_1"][0] - yind[0]
    outdf["jyseps2_1"] = indf["jyseps2_1"][0] - yind[0]
    outdf["jyseps1_2"] = indf["jyseps1_2"][0] - yind[0]
    outdf["jyseps2_2"] = indf["jyseps2_2"][0] - yind[0]

    outdf["ShiftAngle"] = indf["ShiftAngle"][xind[0]:xind[1]]
    # Loop over all variables
    for v in list(indf.keys()):
        if v in special:
            continue # Skip these variables
        ndims = indf.ndims(v)
        if ndims == 0:
            # Copy scalars
            print("Copying variable: " + v)
            outdf[v] = indf[v][0]
        elif ndims == 2:
            # Assume [x,y]
            print("Slicing variable: " + v);
            outdf[v] = indf[v][xind[0]:xind[1], yind[0]:yind[1]]
            # Skip
            print("Skipping variable: " + v)
