예제 #1
파일: geoRef.py 프로젝트: BPascal-91/geoRef
    import bpaTools
except ImportError:
    ### Include local modules/librairies  ##
    import os
    import sys
    module_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    aixmParserLocalSrc  = "../../aixmParser/src/"
    sys.path.append(os.path.join(module_dir, aixmParserLocalSrc))
    import bpaTools

from frenchConfig import *

###  Context applicatif  ####
appName                 = bpaTools.getFileName(__file__)
appPath                 = bpaTools.getFilePath(__file__)
appVersion              = bpaTools.getVersionFile()
appId                   = appName + " v" + appVersion
inpPath                 = appPath + "../input/"
outPath                 = appPath + "../output/"
logFile                 = outPath + "_" + appName + ".log"

def createGeoJsonFile(sFileSrc, sCountryName, sCountryCode, sCountryIsoCode, sCountryDepCode, oArea, iIdx=-1) -> None:
    if iIdx==-1:
        sName = sCountryName
    elif iIdx>-1 and sCountryName=="France":
        sName = oFranceNames.get(str(iIdx), str(iIdx))
        sName = str(iIdx)
예제 #2
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
import bpaTools
import aixmReader

### Context applicatif
__AppName__ = bpaTools.getFileName(__file__)
__AppPath__ = bpaTools.getFilePath(__file__)
__AppVers__ = bpaTools.getVersionFile()
___AppId___ = __AppName__ + " v" + __AppVers__
__OutPath__ = __AppPath__ + "../out/"
__LogFile__ = __OutPath__ + "_" + __AppName__ + ".log"
bpaTools.createFolder(__OutPath__)  #Init dossier de sortie

def syntaxe():
    print("Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) Converter")
        "Call: " + __AppName__ +
        " <[drive:][path]filename> <Format> <Type> [<Type2> ... <TypeN>] [<Option(s)>]"
    print("  <[drive:][path]filename>       AIXM source file")
    print("  <Format> - Output formats:")
    print("    " + aixmReader.CONST.frmtGEOJSON +
          "        GeoJSON for GoogleMap")
    print("    " + aixmReader.CONST.frmtOPENAIR +
          "        OpenAir for aeronautical software")
예제 #3
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import bpaTools
import aixm2json

from shapely.geometry import Point  #Polygon, mapping
from pyproj import Proj, transform

__ClsName__ = bpaTools.getFileName(__file__)

class Aixm2jsonTst:
    def __init__(self, oCtrl):
        bpaTools.initEvent(__file__, oCtrl.oLog)
        self.oCtrl = oCtrl
        self.oAixm2json = aixm2json.Aixm2json4_5(oCtrl)
        self.oCtrl.oLog.info("Tests de génération Geojson", outConsole=True)

    def testAll(self):
        self.oCtrl.oLog.info("Fin des tests", outConsole=True)

    Contrôle d'interprétation des positionnements depuis une source 'aixm'
    def getGroundEstimatedHeight(self, oZone) -> list:
        oCoordinates = self.getCoordinates(oZone)
        if not isinstance(oCoordinates, list):
            #self.oLog.critical("float err: No coordinates found {}".format(oZone))
            return 0, {}

        lon = []
        lat = []
            for o in oCoordinates:
        except Exception as e:
            sHeader = "[" + bpaTools.getFileName(
            ) + "." + self.getGroundEstimatedHeight.__name__ + "()] "
            sMsg = "/!\ Estimated height Error - AreaRef={0}".format(oZone)
            raise Exception(sHeader + sMsg + " / " + str(e))

        #Estimation d'un carré représentatif de la zone
        latMin = min(lat)  #Bottom segment of square
        latMax = max(lat)  #Top segment of square
        lonMin = min(lon)  #Left segment of square
        lonMax = max(lon)  #Right segment of square
        #self.oLog.info("Data: sZoneUId={} - lonMin={} - lonMax={} - latMin={} - latMax={}\nCoordinate={}".format(sZoneUId, lonMin, lonMax, latMin, latMax, oCoordinates), outConsole=False)

        #Définition d'une suite de coordonnées pour représenter la surface de la zone carré
        step = 10
        latSerial = np.linspace(
            latMin, latMax,
            step)  #10 nombres établies entre la valeur mini et maxi
        lonSerial = np.linspace(
            lonMin, lonMax,
            step)  #10 nombres établies entre la valeur mini et maxi
        #self.oLog.info("lonMin={} - lonMax={} - latMin={} - latMax={} \nlonSerial={} \nlatSerial={}".format(lonMin, lonMax, latMin, latMax, lonSerial, latSerial), outConsole=False)

        #Définition d'une ligne (type serpentin) qui parcours la surface de la zone
        line = []
        switch = True
        for latIdx in range(0, step):
            if switch:
                for lonIdx in range(0, step, 1):
                    line.append([latSerial[latIdx], lonSerial[lonIdx]])
                for lonIdx in range(step, 0, -1):
                    line.append([latSerial[latIdx], lonSerial[lonIdx - 1]])
            switch = not switch
        #self.oLog.info("line={}\n".format(line), outConsole=False)

        #Détermination des hauteurs terrain des 100 points (=step*step) qui couvre la zone géographique
        #srtm library documentation - https://pypi.org/project/SRTM.py/
        aElevation = []
        lastElevation = 0
        lCptNullValue = 0
        lCptError = 0
        for o in line:
            #sample: elevation_data.get_elevation(48.694548, 2.333953)
            lElevation = self.elevation_data.get_elevation(o[1], o[0])
            if lElevation == None:
                lCptError += 1
                lElevation = lastElevation

            if lElevation > 0:
                lastElevation = lElevation
            elif lElevation == 0 and lCptNullValue == 0:
                lCptNullValue += 1

        #self.oLog.info("aElevation={}".format(aElevation), outConsole=False)
        if lCptError > 60:
                "{0} errors in call elevation_data.get_elevation() - name={1}".
                format(lCptError, oZone[self.sProp]["name"]))
                "{0} errors in call elevation_data.get_elevation()\nProperties={1}\naElevation{2}"
                .format(lCptError, oZone[self.sProp], aElevation),

        eSortedElevation = sorted(aElevation)

        idxMedium = int(len(eSortedElevation) / 2)
        idxRetain = int(idxMedium + (idxMedium * (2 / 3)))
        lAltMin = eSortedElevation[0]
        lAltMax = eSortedElevation[len(eSortedElevation) - 1]
        lAltMed = eSortedElevation[idxMedium]
        lAltRet = eSortedElevation[
            idxRetain]  #Valeur retenue pour l'estimation globale de la hauteur sol

        #¤Contruction d'une description geoJSON de la ligne de calcul d'élévations
        #self.oLog.info("oZone=\n{}".format(str(oZone).replace(chr(39),chr(34))), outConsole=False)
        geoJSON = []
        prop = {}
        prop.update({"name": "Square line"})
        prop.update({"lAltMin": lAltMin})
        prop.update({"lAltMax": lAltMax})
        prop.update({"lAltMed": lAltMed})
        prop.update({"lAltRet": lAltRet})
        prop.update({"elevationArray": aElevation})
        prop.update({"sortedElevationArray": eSortedElevation})
            "type": "Feature",
            "properties": prop,
            "geometry": {
                "type": "LineString",
                "coordinates": line
        #self.oLog.info("geoJSON=\n{}".format(str(geoJSON).replace(chr(39),chr(34))), outConsole=False)

        return [lAltMin, lAltMed, lAltRet, lAltMax], geoJSON
예제 #5
            oLog.info("{}".format(sMsg), outConsole=True)
            bpaTools.writeTextFile(sOutPath + sOutFile, sAllOpenair)
        ###(end) Phase 2a - Consolidation de tous les parcs dans un unique fichier pour traitement automatisé via poaff

        ###(deb) Phase 2b - Construction de l'aixm et des fichiers assimilés sur la base des parcs consolidés
        sInPath: str = sOutPath
        sOutPath: str = sInPath + "map/"
        makeAllFiles(sInPath, sOutFile, sOutPath, cstPoaffInPath)
        ###(fin) Phase 2b - Construction de l'aixm et des fichiers assimilés sur la base des parcs consolidés

if __name__ == '__main__':
    ### Context applicatif
    callingContext: str = "Paragliding-OpenAir-FrenchFiles"  #Your app calling context
    appName: str = bpaTools.getFileName(__file__)
    appPath: str = bpaTools.getFilePath(__file__)  #or your app path
    appVersion: str = "1.1.2"  #or your app version
    appId: str = appName + " v" + appVersion
    cstPoaffInPath: str = "../../input/"
    cstPoaffOutPath: str = "../../output/"
    logFile: str = cstPoaffOutPath + "_" + appName + ".log"
    sFilterClass: list = None
    sFilterType: list = None
    sFilterName: list = None

    oLog = bpaTools.Logger(appId, logFile)

    mOpenairEpsilonReduce: float = -1
    epsilonReduce: bool = True  #Normaly = True  or False for generate without optimization
예제 #6
    def getGroundEstimatedHeight(self, oZone) -> list:
        oCoordinates = self.getCoordinates(oZone)
        if not isinstance(oCoordinates, list):
            #self.oLog.critical("float err: No coordinates found {}".format(oZone))
            return 0,{}

        lat = []
        lon = []
            for o in oCoordinates:
        except Exception as e:
            sHeader = "[" + bpaTools.getFileName(__file__) + "." + self.getGroundEstimatedHeight.__name__ + "()] "
            sMsg = "/!\ Estimated height Error - AreaRef={0}".format(oZone)
            raise Exception(sHeader + sMsg + " / " + str(e))

        #Estimation d'un carré représentatif de la zone
        latMin = min(lat)   #Bottom segment of square
        latMax = max(lat)   #Top segment of square
        lonMin = min(lon)   #Left segment of square
        lonMax = max(lon)   #Right segment of square
        #self.oLog.info("Data: sZoneUId={} - lonMin={} - lonMax={} - latMin={} - latMax={}\nCoordinate={}".format(sZoneUId, lonMin, lonMax, latMin, latMax, oCoordinates), outConsole=False)

        #Définition d'une suite de coordonnées pour représenter la surface de la zone carré
        step = 10
        latSerial = np.linspace(latMin, latMax, step)   #10 nombres établies entre la valeur mini et maxi
        lonSerial = np.linspace(lonMin, lonMax, step)   #10 nombres établies entre la valeur mini et maxi
        #self.oLog.info("lonMin={} - lonMax={} - latMin={} - latMax={} \nlonSerial={} \nlatSerial={}".format(lonMin, lonMax, latMin, latMax, lonSerial, latSerial), outConsole=False)

        #Définition d'une ligne (type serpentin) qui parcours la surface de la zone
        line = []
        for latIdx in range(0, step):
            if switch:
                for lonIdx in range(0, step, 1):
                    line.append([latSerial[latIdx], lonSerial[lonIdx]])
                for lonIdx in range(step, 0, -1):
                    line.append([latSerial[latIdx], lonSerial[lonIdx-1]])
            switch = not switch
        #self.oLog.info("line={}\n".format(line), outConsole=False)

        #Détermination des hauteurs terrain des 100 points (=step*step) qui couvre la zone géographique
        aElevation:list = []
        aRet:list = []
        lastElevation = 0
        lCptNullValue = 0
        lCptError = 0
        for o in line:
            #lElevation:float = self.getElevation(o[1], o[0])                   #for map
            lElevation:float = self.elevation_data.get_elevation(o[1], o[0])    #operational
            if lElevation==None:
                lCptError += 1
                lElevation = lastElevation
            elif lElevation>0:
                lastElevation = lElevation
            elif lElevation==0 and lCptNullValue==0:
                lCptNullValue += 1

        #self.oLog.info("aElevation={}".format(aElevation), outConsole=False)
        #if lCptError > 90:
        #     #print("{0} errors in call elevation_data.get_elevation() - name={1}".format(lCptError, oZone[self.sProp]["nameV"]))
        #     self.oLog.warning("{0} errors in call elevation_data.get_elevation()\nProperties={1}\naElevation={2}".format(lCptError, oZone[self.sProp], aElevation), outConsole=False)

        if not aElevation:
            #Tableau vide ! --> '100 errors in call elevation_data.get_elevation()'
            sMsg:str = "{0} errors in call elevation_data.get_elevation() --> Properties={1}".format(lCptError, oZone[self.sProp])
            sMsg += "\n(debug) --> Area coordinates={0}".format(line)
            self.oLog.error(sMsg, outConsole=False)
            aRet = defEstimHeight
            eSortedElevation = sorted(aElevation)
            idxMedium = int(len(eSortedElevation)/2)
            idxRetain = int(idxMedium+(idxMedium*(2/3)))
            lAltMin = eSortedElevation[0]
            lAltMax = eSortedElevation[-1]
            lAltMed = eSortedElevation[idxMedium]
            lAltRet = eSortedElevation[idxRetain]          #Valeur retenue pour l'estimation globale de la hauteur sol
            aRet = [lAltMin,lAltMed,lAltRet,lAltMax]

        geoJSON = []
        prop = {}
        prop.update({"nameV":"Square line"})
        geoJSON.append({"type":"Feature", "properties":prop, "geometry":{"type":"LineString", "coordinates":line}})
        return aRet, geoJSON