def test_new_gen(self): #OK nb_ped = 1 nb_people = [50] nb_Gen_Max = [4] nb_Gen_Min = [math.ceil(x/2) for x in nb_Gen_Max] cl = 3 ped1 = Pedigree() ped1.load("../data/ped/senegal2013.ped") bn_sen = pview.ped_to_bn_compact(ped1,0.05) print('clique sen',pview.max_clique_size(bn_sen)) print('uho', ped1.all_consanguineous_ped(cl)) for p, g_max, g_min in zip(nb_people, nb_Gen_Max, nb_Gen_Min): for nb in range(nb_ped): nbChild = random.randint(4, 8) g = random.randint(g_min, g_max) ped = Pedigree() ped.gen_ped(nb, p, g, nbChild, cl) # print('-------------------------') # print(ped) print('-------------------------') print('Consanguin',ped.all_consanguineous_ped(cl)) bn = pview.ped_to_bn_compact(ped,0.05) print('clique',pview.max_clique_size(bn)) print('-------------------------'), f'../pedigree_{p}_{g}_{nbChild}_{cl-1}_G{nb}') pview.graph(ped, f'../generate_graph_{p}_{g}_{nbChild}_{cl-1}_G{nb}', False)
def test_bn_compact(self): ped = Pedigree() ped.load('../cplex/samples/pedigree_50_7_4_4_G8.ped') bn_no = pview.ped_to_bn(ped, 0.05) bn_compact = pview.ped_to_bn_compact() ie_no = pview.gum.LazyPropagation(bn_no) ie_compact = pview.gum.LazyPropagation(bn_compact)
def test_clique_csg(self): nb_ped = 50 nb_people = [1900] nb_Gen_Max = [5] nb_Gen_Min = [5] cl = 3 min_clique = 100 max_clique = 0 mean_clique = 0 min_csg = 100 max_csg = 0 mean_csg = 0 ped1 = Pedigree() ped1.load("../data/ped/senegal2013.ped") bn_sen = pview.ped_to_bn_compact(ped1, 0.05) print('clique sen', pview.max_clique_size(bn_sen)) print('csg', len(ped1.all_consanguineous_ped(5))) for p, g_max, g_min in zip(nb_people, nb_Gen_Max, nb_Gen_Min): for nb in range(nb_ped): nbChild = random.randint(6, 12) g = random.randint(g_min, g_max) ped = Pedigree() ped.gen_ped(nb, p, g, nbChild, cl, 0.03) bn = pview.ped_to_bn_compact(ped, 0.05) clique = pview.max_clique_size(bn) csg = len(ped.all_consanguineous_ped(g)) if clique > max_clique: max_clique = clique if clique < min_clique: min_clique = clique mean_clique += clique if csg > max_csg: max_csg = csg if csg < min_csg: min_csg = csg mean_csg += csg print(max_clique, min_clique, mean_clique / nb_ped) print(max_csg, min_csg, mean_csg / nb_ped)
mean_gen_is = [] errorValues_is = [] max_is = [] min_is = [] mean_gen_diff = [] errorValues_diff = [] max_diff = [] min_diff = [] w = 0 sen = Pedigree() sen.load('../data/ped/senegal2013.ped') len_sen = len(sen) bn_sen = pview.ped_to_bn_compact(sen, f) ie = pview.gum.ImportanceSampling(bn_sen) ie.setMaxTime(200) ie.setEpsilon(5e-4) t1 = process_time() ie.makeInference() t2 = process_time() time_sen_compact = t2 - t1 for p, g_max, g_min in zip(nb_people, nb_Gen_Max, nb_Gen_Min): tab_lis = np.zeros(nb_ped) tab_diff = np.zeros(nb_ped) for nb in range(nb_ped): nbChild = random.randint(6, 12) g = random.randint(g_min, g_max) ped = Pedigree()
w = 0 file = open('ttbn_1e4', 'w') for p, g_max, g_min in zip(nb_people, nb_Gen_Max, nb_Gen_Min): tab_diff = np.zeros(nb_ped) for nb in range(nb_ped): y = 0 nbChild = random.randint(6, 12) g = random.randint(g_min, g_max) ped = Pedigree() ped.gen_ped(nb, p, g, nbChild, cl, 0.03) ped, f'../cplex/samples/TTBN/pedigree_{p}_{g}_{nbChild}_{cl}_G{nb}') bn_compact = pview.ped_to_bn_compact(ped, f) pview.save_bn( bn_compact, f'../cplex/bn/TTBN/bn_compact_{p}_{g}_{nbChild}_{cl}_G{nb}') # bn1 = pview.gum.BayesNet() # bn1.loadBIF(f'../cplex/bn/TTBN/bn_compact_{p}_{g}_{nbChild}_{cl}_G{nb}.bif') # ie1 = ttgum.ShaferShenoyTensorTrain(bn1, precision=1e-2, info=False) # marginalesSSTT, tempsSSTT, nb_param_SSTT = ie1.makeInference() marginalesSSTT = ttbn.ttbn_posterior( f'../cplex/bn/TTBN/bn_compact_{p}_{g}_{nbChild}_{cl}_G{nb}.bif')[0] # bn2 = pview.gum.BayesNet() # bn2.loadBIF(f'../cplex/bn/TTBN/bn_compact_{p}_{g}_{nbChild}_{cl}_G{nb}.bif') # ie2 = pview.gum.LazyPropagation(bn2) ie2 = laz.lazyPosterior(
def main(args=None): """ [--ped pedfile: format famid, id, patid (0 for founder), matid (0 for founder), gender (1 male, 2 female) [--ev evidencefile]: format famid, id, ev00, ev10 (1 paternal), ev01 (1 maternal), ev11 [--famID Input the famID] [--freq minorallelefreq (default: freq=0.01)] [--targets list_of_ind (default: all)] [--size] size of the rendered graph [--bndot dotfile] export the BN into a dot file [--peddot dotfile] export the pedigree into a dot file [--audit textfile] introspect pedigree into a text file [--verbose] display error/warning messages in stderr [--mode] decide which version between normal, compact and multi version of a BN [--thetha] format [probability, probability, ...] [--centimorgans] format [distance, distance, ...] [--inference ] Decide which inference use, LazyPropagation or LoobyBeliefPropagation [--complete Bool] Decice which version between complete and compact for the audit file [--out outfile] export probabilities into a out file [--name_gen] format [str ,str ,str ...] """ parser = OptionParser(version="%prog 0.1", usage="usage: %prog [options] pedfile") parser.add_option("", "--ev", dest="evfile", help="Specification of the profile", metavar="FILE") parser.add_option("", "--freq", dest="f", help="minor allel freq (gamma)", type="float", default=0.01) parser.add_option("", "--famID", dest='famID', help="Input the famID") parser.add_option( "", "--targets", dest="targets", help="Specification of a list of targets (comma separated)") parser.add_option("", "--bndot", dest="bndotfile", help="Export the BN into a dot file", metavar="FILE") parser.add_option("", "--peddot", dest="peddotfile", help="Export the pedigree into a dot file", metavar="FILE") parser.add_option("", "--audit", dest="auditfile", help="Export some stats on pedigree in a text file", metavar="FILE") parser.add_option("", "--verbose", dest="verbose", help="messages while processing", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_option("", "--bn", dest="bnfile", help="Export the BN into a BIF file", metavar="FILE") parser.add_option( "", "--mode", dest="mode", help="Choose the type of the generate bn, compact, no compact or multi", default='compact') parser.add_option( "", "--theta", dest="theta", type="string", help="Input a probability's distribution, shape: float;float; ...") parser.add_option( "", "--centimorgans", dest="centimorgans", type="string", help= "Input the distance between genes in centimorgans, shape: float;float; ..." ) parser.add_option("", "--inference", dest="inference", help="Choose between LP and LBP", default='LP') parser.add_option( "", "--complete", dest="complete", help="Decide if the audit is a complete version or a compact version") parser.add_option("", "--out", dest="out", help="Export the evidence into a out file", metavar="FILE") parser.add_option("", "--size", dest="size", help="Choose the size of the rendered graph", type="int", default=100) parser.add_option("", "--name_gen", dest="name_gen", type="string", help="Input the gene's name, shape: str;str; ...") if args is None: (options, arguments) = parser.parse_args() else: (options, arguments) = parser.parse_args(args) if len(arguments) != 2: # si on n'a pas mis de pedfile ou on en a mis trop parser.parse_args(["--help"]) else: # on retrouve toutes les valeurs dans options (principalement) # options.peddotfile contient le nom du fichier # options.verbose contient True or False # etc. print("=" * 40) print(f"arguments: {arguments}") print("=" * 40) print(f"options: {options}") print("=" * 40) print("\n\n") pedfile = arguments[1] print(f"working on file : {pedfile}") current_ped = ped.Pedigree() current_ped.load(str(pedfile)) if options.famID: famID = options.famID else: list_famID = current_ped.get_domain() if len(list_famID) == 1: famID = list_famID.pop() else: return "missing famID" name_gen = None if options.name_gen: name_gen = options.name_gen.split(';') print(name_gen) if options.mode == 'compact': bn = pview.ped_to_bn_compact(current_ped, options.f) if options.verbose: pview.gnb.showBN(bn, options.size) elif options.mode == 'no_compact': bn = pview.ped_to_bn(current_ped, options.f) if options.verbose: pview.gnb.showBN(bn, options.size) elif options.mode == 'multi': if options.theta: distance = options.theta.split(';') nb_gen = len(distance) + 1 for i in range(len(distance)): distance[i] = float(distance[i]) bn = pview.bn_multi_pb(current_ped, options.f, nb_gen, distance, name_gen) if options.verbose: pview.gnb.showBN(bn, options.size) elif options.centimorgans: centimorgans = options.centimorgans.split(';') nb_gen = len(centimorgans) for i in range(len(centimorgans)): centimorgans[i] = float(centimorgans[i]) bn = pview.bn_multi_morgans(current_ped, options.f, nb_gen, centimorgans, name_gen) if options.verbose: pview.gnb.showBN(bn, options.size) else: return "missing theta or centimorgan argument, cannot use the multi mode" if options.bnfile: bn.saveBIF(options.bndotfile) pview.gum.availableBNExts() pview.gum.saveBN(bn, options.bndotfile) if options.verbose: print('bndotfile saved in ' + options.bndotfile) if options.bndotfile: pview.save_dot(bn, options.bndotfile) if options.verbose: print('bn saved in ' + options.bndotfile) if options.peddotfile: if (len(current_ped)) > 1000: pview.graph(current_ped, options.peddotfile, True) else: pview.graph(current_ped, options.peddotfile, False) if options.verbose: print("graph save in " + options.peddotfile) if options.auditfile: if options.complete == str(False): print('false') current_ped.pedigree_overview_file(options.auditfile, False) else: current_ped.pedigree_overview_file(options.auditfile, True) if options.verbose: print('audit file ' + options.auditfile + ' created') if options.targets: if options.evfile: if options.mode == 'multi': evidence = pview.load_evidence_multi(options.evfile, famID) else: evidence = pview.load_evidence(options.evfile, famID) if options.verbose: print(f"{options.evfile} loaded") if options.inference == 'LBP': ie = pview.gum.LoopyBeliefPropagation(bn) else: ie = pview.gum.LazyPropagation(bn) ie.setEvidence(evidence) ie.makeInference() for i in current_ped.get_pedigree().keys(): if i in options.targets: print(ie.posterior(f"X{i}")) pview.create_out(options.out, current_ped, ie) else: if options.inference == 'LBP': ie = pview.gum.LoopyBeliefPropagation(bn) else: ie = pview.gum.LazyPropagation(bn) ie.makeInference() for i in current_ped.get_pedigree().keys(): if i in options.targets: print(ie.posterior(f"X{i}")) pview.create_out(options.out, current_ped, ie) else: if options.evfile: if options.mode == 'multi': evidence = pview.load_evidence_multi(options.evfile, famID) else: evidence = pview.load_evidence(options.evfile, famID) if options.verbose: print(f"{options.evfile} loaded") if options.inference == 'LBP': ie = pview.gum.LoopyBeliefPropagation(bn) else: ie = pview.gum.LazyPropagation(bn) ie.setEvidence(evidence) ie.makeInference() if options.mode == 'multi': pview.create_out_multi(options.out, current_ped, ie, nb_gen, name_gen) else: pview.create_out(options.out, current_ped, ie) else: if options.inference == 'LBP': ie = pview.gum.LoopyBeliefPropagation(bn) else: ie = pview.gum.LazyPropagation(bn) ie.makeInference() if options.mode == 'multi': pview.create_out_multi(options.out, current_ped, ie, nb_gen, name_gen) else: pview.create_out(options.out, current_ped, ie)