def RTdeconv(data, om0, h, G, dt,corners=4, baselinelen=60., taperlen= 10.\ , fmin = 0.001, fmax = 0.005 ): ''' Using the coef. of one station computes the displacement trace. :param data: Raw data to be deconvoluted. :param om0: Natural frequency. :param h: damping constant. :param s: sensitivity of the seismometer. :param dt: sampling rate (sec). :param corners : order of the Butterworth filter to be applied. :param baselinelen: time (in Sec) to consider to define the baseline. :param taperlen: Percentage of the trace to be tapered at the beginning. :param (fmin, fmax): Corner frequencies of the Butterworth filter to be applied. :return: Time serie with the deconvoluted displacement trace. ''' baseline = np.mean(data[:int(baselinelen / dt)]) nwin = int(10. * len(data) / 100.) if len(data) < 2 * nwin: nwin = len(data) data -= baseline taper = 0.5 * (1. - np.cos(np.pi * np.linspace(0., 1., nwin))) data[:nwin] *= taper #data[-nwin:]*= taper[::-1] datap1 = data[1:] datap2 = data[2:] ## Acceleration + double integration c0 = 1. / G / dt c1 = -2. * (1. + h * om0 * dt) / G / dt c2 = (1. + 2. * h * om0 * dt + dt * dt * om0 * om0) / G / dt accel = np.zeros(len(data)) aux = c2 * datap2 + c1 * datap1[:-1] + c0 * data[:-2] accel[2:] = np.cumsum(aux) accel = bp.bandpassfilter(accel, len(accel), dt, corners, 1, fmin, fmax) vel = np.zeros(len(data)) vel[1:] = 0.5 * dt * np.cumsum(accel[:-1] + accel[1:]) dis = np.zeros(len(data)) dis[1:] = 0.5 * dt * np.cumsum(vel[:-1] + vel[1:]) return dis
def RTdeconv(data, om0, h, G, dt,corners=4, baselinelen=60., taperlen= 10.\ , fmin = 0.001, fmax = 0.005 ): ''' Using the coef. of one station computes the displacement trace. Input: data: Raw data to be deconvoluted om0, h, G: Natural frequency, damping constant, sensitivity of the seismometer dt : sampling rate (sec) corners : order of the Butterworth filter to be applied. baselinelen : time (in Sec ) to consider to define the baseline. taperlen: Percentage of the trace to be tapered at the beginning. fmin, fmax: Corner frequencies of the Butterworth filter to be applied. Output Time serie with the deconvoluted displacement trace ''' baseline = np.mean(data[:int(baselinelen/dt)]) nwin = int(10.*len(data)/100.) if len(data) < 2*nwin: nwin = len(data) data -= baseline taper = 0.5*(1.-np.cos(np.pi*np.linspace(0.,1.,nwin))) data[:nwin]*= taper #data[-nwin:]*= taper[::-1] datap1 = data[1:] datap2 = data[2:] ## Acceleration + double integration c0 = 1./G/dt c1 = -2.*(1. + h*om0*dt)/G/dt c2 = (1. + 2.*h*om0*dt + dt*dt*om0*om0)/G/dt accel = np.zeros(len(data)) aux = c2*datap2 + c1*datap1[:-1] + c0*data[:-2] accel[2:] = np.cumsum(aux) accel = bp.bandpassfilter(accel,len(accel),dt ,corners , 1 , fmin,fmax) vel = np.zeros(len(data)) vel[1:] = 0.5*dt*np.cumsum(accel[:-1]+accel[1:]) dis = np.zeros(len(data)) dis[1:] = 0.5*dt*np.cumsum(vel[:-1]+vel[1:]) return dis
def main(argv=sys.argv): #Earth's parameters #~ beta = 4.e3 #m/s #~ rho = 3.e3 #kg/m^3 #~ mu = rho*beta*beta PLotSt = ["IU.TRQA.00.LHZ", "IU.LVC.00.LHZ", "II.NNA.00.LHZ", "IU.RAR.00.LHZ"] #PlotSubf = [143, 133, 123, 113, 103, 93, # 83, 73, 63, 53] PlotSubf = [6,3] #Set rup_vel = 0 to have a point source solution RupVel = 2.1 #Chilean eq from Lay et al t_h = 10. # Half duration for each sf noiselevel = 0.0# L1 norm level of noise mu =40e9 #W-Phase filter corners = 4. fmin = 0.001 fmax = 0.005 ### Data from Chilean 2010 EQ (Same as W phase inv.) strike = 18. dip = 18. rake = 104. # 109. rakeA = rake + 45. rakeB = rake - 45. ### Fault's grid parameters nsx = 21 #Number of sf along strike nsy = 11 #Number of sf along dip flen = 600. #Fault's longitude [km] along strike fwid = 300. #Fault's longitude [km] along dip direc = 0 #Directivity 0 = bilateral Min_h = 10. #Min depth of the fault ### Derivated parameters: nsf = nsx*nsy sflen = flen/float(nsx) sfwid = fwid/float(nsy) swp = [1, 0, 2] # useful to swap (lat,lon, depth) mindist = flen*fwid # minimun dist to the hypcen (initializing) ###Chessboard #weight = np.load("RealSol.npy") weight = np.zeros(nsf) weight[::2] = 1 #weight[::2] = 1 #~ weight[10]=15 #~ weight[5001]=10 #~ weight[3201]=2 ## Setting dirs and reading files. GFdir = "/home/roberto/data/GFS/" workdir = os.path.abspath(".")+"/" datadir = workdir + "DATA/" tracesfilename = workdir + "goodtraces.dat" tracesdir = workdir + "WPtraces/" try: reqfilename = glob.glob(workdir + '*.syn.req')[0] except IndexError: print "There is not *.syn.req file in the dir" sys.exit() basename = reqfilename.split("/")[-1][:-4] if not os.path.exists(tracesfilename): print tracesfilename, "does not exist." exit() if not os.path.exists(datadir): os.makedirs(datadir) if not os.path.exists(tracesdir): os.makedirs(tracesdir) tracesfile = open(tracesfilename) reqfile = open(reqfilename) trlist = readtraces(tracesfile) eqdata = readreq(reqfile) tracesfile.close() reqfile.close() ####Hypocentre from ### cmteplat = -35.91#-35.85#-36.03#-35.83 cmteplon = -72.73#-72.72#-72.83# -72.67 cmtepdepth= 35. eq_hyp = (cmteplat,cmteplon,cmtepdepth) ############ # Defining the sf system grid, sblt = fault_grid('CL-2010',cmteplat,cmteplon, cmtepdepth, direc, Min_h, strike, dip, rake, flen,fwid ,nsx,nsy, Verbose=False,ffi_io=True,gmt_io=True) print ('CL-2010',cmteplat,cmteplon, cmtepdepth, direc, Min_h, strike, dip, rake, flen,fwid ,nsx,nsy) print grid[0][1] #sys.exit() #This calculation is inside of the loop #~ NP = [strike, dip, rake] #~ M = np.array(NodalPlanetoMT(NP)) #~ Mp = np.sum(M**2)/np.sqrt(2) ############################################################################# ######Determining the sf closest to the hypocentre: min_Dist_hyp_subf = flen *fwid for subf in range(nsf): sblat = grid[subf][1] sblon = grid[subf][0] sbdepth = grid[subf][2] sf_hyp = (sblat,sblon, sbdepth) Dist_hyp_subf = hypo2dist(eq_hyp,sf_hyp) if Dist_hyp_subf < min_Dist_hyp_subf: min_Dist_hyp_subf = Dist_hyp_subf min_sb_hyp = sf_hyp hyp_subf = subf ####Determining trimming times: test_tr = read(GFdir + "H003.5/PP/GF.0001.SY.LHZ.SAC")[0] t0 = test_tr.stats.starttime TrimmingTimes = {} # Min. Distace from the fault to each station. A =0 for trid in trlist: metafile = workdir + "DATA/" + "META." + trid + ".xml" META = DU.getMetadataFromXML(metafile)[trid] stlat = META['latitude'] stlon = META['longitude'] dist = locations2degrees(min_sb_hyp[0],min_sb_hyp[1],\ stlat,stlon) parrivaltime = getTravelTimes(dist,min_sb_hyp[2])[0]['time'] ta = t0 + parrivaltime tb = ta + round(15.*dist) TrimmingTimes[trid] = (ta, tb) ########################### DIST = [] # Ordering the stations in terms of distance for trid in trlist: metafile = workdir + "DATA/" + "META." + trid + ".xml" META = DU.getMetadataFromXML(metafile)[trid] lat = META['latitude'] lon = META['longitude'] trdist = locations2degrees(cmteplat, cmteplon,lat,lon) DIST.append(trdist) DistIndex = lstargsort(DIST) trlist = [trlist[i] for i in DistIndex] stdistribution = StDistandAzi(trlist, eq_hyp , workdir + "DATA/") StDistributionPlot(stdistribution) #exit() #Main loop for subf in range(nsf): print subf sflat = grid[subf][1] sflon = grid[subf][0] sfdepth = grid[subf][2] #~ strike = grid[subf][3] #+ 360. #~ dip = grid[subf][4] #~ rake = grid[subf][5] # NP = [strike, dip, rake] NPA = [strike, dip, rakeA] NPB = [strike, dip, rakeB] M = np.array(NodalPlanetoMT(NP)) MA = np.array(NodalPlanetoMT(NPA)) MB = np.array(NodalPlanetoMT(NPB)) #Time delay is calculated as the time in which #the rupture reach the subfault sf_hyp = (sflat, sflon, sfdepth) Dist_ep_subf = hypo2dist(eq_hyp,sf_hyp) if Dist_ep_subf < mindist: mindist = Dist_ep_subf minsubf = subf if RupVel == 0: t_d = eqdata['time_shift'] else: t_d = round(Dist_ep_subf/RupVel) #-59. print sflat, sflon, sfdepth # Looking for the best depth dir: depth = [] depthdir = [] for file in os.listdir(GFdir): if file[-2:] == ".5": depthdir.append(file) depth.append(float(file[1:-2])) BestDirIndex = np.argsort(abs(sfdepth\ - np.array(depth)))[0] hdir = GFdir + depthdir[BestDirIndex] + "/" ### SYN = np.array([]) SYNA = np.array([]) SYNB = np.array([]) for trid in trlist: metafile = workdir + "DATA/" + "META." + trid + ".xml" META = DU.getMetadataFromXML(metafile)[trid] lat = META['latitude'] lon = META['longitude'] #Subfault loop #GFs Selection: ##Change to folloing loop dist = locations2degrees(sflat,sflon,lat,lon) azi = -np.pi/180.*gps2DistAzimuth(lat,lon, sflat,sflon)[2] trPPsy, trRRsy, trRTsy, trTTsy = \ GFSelectZ(hdir,dist) trROT = MTrotationZ(azi, trPPsy, trRRsy, trRTsy, trTTsy) orig = trROT[0].stats.starttime dt = trROT[0] trianglen = 2.*int(t_h/dt)-1. FirstValid = int(trianglen/2.) + 1 # to delete window = triang(trianglen) window /= np.sum(window) #window = np.array([1.]) parrivaltime = getTravelTimes(dist,sfdepth)[0]['time'] t1 = TrimmingTimes[trid][0] - t_d t2 = TrimmingTimes[trid][1] - t_d for trR in trROT: *= 10.**-21 ## To get M in Nm -=[0] AUX1 = len(trR) = convolve(,window,mode='valid') AUX2 = len(trR) mean = np.mean(np.hstack(([0]*np.ones(FirstValid),\[:60./*1.-FirstValid+1]))) #mean = np.mean([:60]) -= mean = bp.bandpassfilter(,len(trR),,\ corners , 1 , fmin, fmax) t_l = dt*0.5*(AUX1 - AUX2) trR.trim(t1-t_l,t2-t_l, pad=True,[0]) #We lost t_h due to the convolution #~ for trR in trROT: #~ *= 10.**-23 ## To get M in Nm #~ -=[0] #~ = convolve(,window,mode='same') #~ #mean = np.mean(np.hstack(([0]*np.ones(FirstValid),\ #~[:60./*1.-FirstValid+1]))) #~ mean = np.mean([:60]) #~ -= mean #~ = bp.bandpassfilter(,len(trR),,\ #~ corners , 1 , fmin, fmax) #~ trR.trim(t1,t2,pad=True,[0]) trROT = np.array(trROT) syn =,M) synA =,MA) synB =,MB) SYN = np.append(SYN,syn) SYNA = np.append(SYNA,synA) SYNB = np.append(SYNB,synB) print np.shape(A), np.shape(np.array([SYN])) if subf == 0: A = np.array([SYN]) AA = np.array([SYNA]) AB = np.array([SYNB]) else: A = np.append(A,np.array([SYN]),0) AA = np.append(AA,np.array([SYNA]),0) AB = np.append(AB,np.array([SYNB]),0) AC = np.vstack((AA,AB)) print np.shape(AC) print np.shape(weight) B =,weight) stsyn = Stream() n = 0 Ntraces= {} for trid in trlist: spid = trid.split(".") print trid NMIN = 1. + (TrimmingTimes[trid][1] - TrimmingTimes[trid][0]) / dt Ntraces[trid] = (n,NMIN + n) trsyn = Trace(B[n:NMIN+n]) n += NMIN = spid[0] trsyn.stats.station = spid[1] trsyn.stats.location = spid[2] = spid[3] trsyn = AddNoise(trsyn,level = noiselevel) #trsyn.stats.starttime = stsyn.append(trsyn) stsyn.write(workdir+"WPtraces/" + basename + ".decov.trim.mseed", format="MSEED") ##################################################### # Plotting: ##################################################### #we are going to reflect the y axis later, so: print minsubf hypsbloc = [minsubf / nsy , -(minsubf % nsy) - 2] #Creating the strike and dip axis: StrikeAx= np.linspace(0,flen,nsx+1) DipAx= np.linspace(0,fwid,nsy+1) DepthAx = DipAx*np.sin(np.pi/180.*dip) + Min_h hlstrike = StrikeAx[hypsbloc[0]] + sflen*0.5 hldip = DipAx[hypsbloc[1]] + sfwid*0.5 hldepth = DepthAx[hypsbloc[1]] + sfwid*0.5*np.sin(np.pi/180.*dip) StrikeAx = StrikeAx - hlstrike DipAx = DipAx - hldip XX, YY = np.meshgrid(StrikeAx, DepthAx) XX, ZZ = np.meshgrid(StrikeAx, DipAx ) sbarea = sflen*sfwid SLIPS = weight.reshape(nsx,nsy).T#[::-1,:] SLIPS /= mu*1.e6*sbarea ######Plot:##################### plt.figure() ax = host_subplot(111) im = ax.pcolor(XX, YY, SLIPS, cmap="jet") ax.set_ylabel('Depth [km]') ax.set_ylim(DepthAx[-1],DepthAx[0]) # Creating a twin plot ax2 = ax.twinx() #im2 = ax2.pcolor(XX, ZZ, SLIPS[::-1,:], cmap="Greys") im2 = ax2.pcolor(XX, ZZ, SLIPS[::-1,:], cmap="jet") ax2.set_ylabel('Distance along the dip [km]') ax2.set_xlabel('Distance along the strike [km]') ax2.set_ylim(DipAx[0],DipAx[-1]) ax2.set_xlim(StrikeAx[0],StrikeAx[-1]) ax.axis["bottom"].major_ticklabels.set_visible(False) ax2.axis["bottom"].major_ticklabels.set_visible(False) ax2.axis["top"].set_visible(True) ax2.axis["top"].label.set_visible(True) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("bottom", size="5%", pad=0.1) cb = plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax, orientation="horizontal") cb.set_label("Slip [m]") ax2.plot([0], [0], '*', ms=225./(nsy+4)) ax2.set_xticks(ax2.get_xticks()[1:-1]) #ax.set_yticks(ax.get_yticks()[1:]) #ax2.set_yticks(ax2.get_yticks()[:-1]) #########Plotting the selected traces: nsp = len(PLotSt) * len(PlotSubf) plt.figure(figsize=(13,11)) plt.title("Synthetics for rake = " + str(round(rake))) mindis = [] maxdis = [] for i, trid in enumerate(PLotSt): x = np.arange(0,Ntraces[trid][1]-Ntraces[trid][0], dt) for j, subf in enumerate(PlotSubf): y = A[subf, Ntraces[trid][0]:Ntraces[trid][1]] if j == 0: yy = y else: yy = np.vstack((yy,y)) maxdis.append(np.max(yy)) mindis.append(np.min(yy)) for i, trid in enumerate(PLotSt): x = np.arange(0,Ntraces[trid][1]-Ntraces[trid][0], dt) for j, subf in enumerate(PlotSubf): y = A[subf, Ntraces[trid][0]:Ntraces[trid][1]] plt.subplot2grid((len(PlotSubf), len(PLotSt)), (j, i)) plt.plot(x,y, linewidth=2.5) if j == 0: plt.title(trid) fig = plt.gca() fig.axes.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) fig.set_ylabel(str(subf),rotation=0) fig.set_xlim((x[0],x[-1])) fig.set_ylim((mindis[i],maxdis[i])) if subf != PlotSubf[-1]: fig.axes.get_xaxis().set_ticks([])
def main(argv=sys.argv): #Earth's parameters #~ beta = 4.e3 #m/s #~ rho = 3.e3 #kg/m^3 #~ mu = rho*beta*beta PLotSt = [ "IU.TRQA.00.LHZ", "IU.LVC.00.LHZ", "II.NNA.00.LHZ", "IU.RAR.00.LHZ" ] #PlotSubf = [143, 133, 123, 113, 103, 93, # 83, 73, 63, 53] PlotSubf = [6, 3] #Set rup_vel = 0 to have a point source solution RupVel = 2.1 #Chilean eq from Lay et al t_h = 10. # Half duration for each sf noiselevel = 0.0 # L1 norm level of noise mu = 40e9 #W-Phase filter corners = 4. fmin = 0.001 fmax = 0.005 ### Data from Chilean 2010 EQ (Same as W phase inv.) strike = 18. dip = 18. rake = 104. # 109. rakeA = rake + 45. rakeB = rake - 45. ### Fault's grid parameters nsx = 21 #Number of sf along strike nsy = 11 #Number of sf along dip flen = 600. #Fault's longitude [km] along strike fwid = 300. #Fault's longitude [km] along dip direc = 0 #Directivity 0 = bilateral Min_h = 10. #Min depth of the fault ### Derivated parameters: nsf = nsx * nsy sflen = flen / float(nsx) sfwid = fwid / float(nsy) swp = [1, 0, 2] # useful to swap (lat,lon, depth) mindist = flen * fwid # minimun dist to the hypcen (initializing) ###Chessboard #weight = np.load("RealSol.npy") weight = np.zeros(nsf) weight[::2] = 1 #weight[::2] = 1 #~ weight[10]=15 #~ weight[5001]=10 #~ weight[3201]=2 ## Setting dirs and reading files. GFdir = "/home/roberto/data/GFS/" workdir = os.path.abspath(".") + "/" datadir = workdir + "DATA/" tracesfilename = workdir + "goodtraces.dat" tracesdir = workdir + "WPtraces/" try: reqfilename = glob.glob(workdir + '*.syn.req')[0] except IndexError: print "There is not *.syn.req file in the dir" sys.exit() basename = reqfilename.split("/")[-1][:-4] if not os.path.exists(tracesfilename): print tracesfilename, "does not exist." exit() if not os.path.exists(datadir): os.makedirs(datadir) if not os.path.exists(tracesdir): os.makedirs(tracesdir) tracesfile = open(tracesfilename) reqfile = open(reqfilename) trlist = readtraces(tracesfile) eqdata = readreq(reqfile) tracesfile.close() reqfile.close() ####Hypocentre from ### cmteplat = -35.91 #-35.85#-36.03#-35.83 cmteplon = -72.73 #-72.72#-72.83# -72.67 cmtepdepth = 35. eq_hyp = (cmteplat, cmteplon, cmtepdepth) ############ # Defining the sf system grid, sblt = fault_grid('CL-2010', cmteplat, cmteplon, cmtepdepth, direc, Min_h, strike, dip, rake, flen, fwid, nsx, nsy, Verbose=False, ffi_io=True, gmt_io=True) print('CL-2010', cmteplat, cmteplon, cmtepdepth, direc, Min_h, strike, dip, rake, flen, fwid, nsx, nsy) print grid[0][1] #sys.exit() #This calculation is inside of the loop #~ NP = [strike, dip, rake] #~ M = np.array(NodalPlanetoMT(NP)) #~ Mp = np.sum(M**2)/np.sqrt(2) ############################################################################# ######Determining the sf closest to the hypocentre: min_Dist_hyp_subf = flen * fwid for subf in range(nsf): sblat = grid[subf][1] sblon = grid[subf][0] sbdepth = grid[subf][2] sf_hyp = (sblat, sblon, sbdepth) Dist_hyp_subf = hypo2dist(eq_hyp, sf_hyp) if Dist_hyp_subf < min_Dist_hyp_subf: min_Dist_hyp_subf = Dist_hyp_subf min_sb_hyp = sf_hyp hyp_subf = subf ####Determining trimming times: test_tr = read(GFdir + "H003.5/PP/GF.0001.SY.LHZ.SAC")[0] t0 = test_tr.stats.starttime TrimmingTimes = {} # Min. Distace from the fault to each station. A = 0 for trid in trlist: metafile = workdir + "DATA/" + "META." + trid + ".xml" META = DU.getMetadataFromXML(metafile)[trid] stlat = META['latitude'] stlon = META['longitude'] dist = locations2degrees(min_sb_hyp[0],min_sb_hyp[1],\ stlat,stlon) parrivaltime = getTravelTimes(dist, min_sb_hyp[2])[0]['time'] ta = t0 + parrivaltime tb = ta + round(15. * dist) TrimmingTimes[trid] = (ta, tb) ########################### DIST = [] # Ordering the stations in terms of distance for trid in trlist: metafile = workdir + "DATA/" + "META." + trid + ".xml" META = DU.getMetadataFromXML(metafile)[trid] lat = META['latitude'] lon = META['longitude'] trdist = locations2degrees(cmteplat, cmteplon, lat, lon) DIST.append(trdist) DistIndex = lstargsort(DIST) trlist = [trlist[i] for i in DistIndex] stdistribution = StDistandAzi(trlist, eq_hyp, workdir + "DATA/") StDistributionPlot(stdistribution) #exit() #Main loop for subf in range(nsf): print subf sflat = grid[subf][1] sflon = grid[subf][0] sfdepth = grid[subf][2] #~ strike = grid[subf][3] #+ 360. #~ dip = grid[subf][4] #~ rake = grid[subf][5] # NP = [strike, dip, rake] NPA = [strike, dip, rakeA] NPB = [strike, dip, rakeB] M = np.array(NodalPlanetoMT(NP)) MA = np.array(NodalPlanetoMT(NPA)) MB = np.array(NodalPlanetoMT(NPB)) #Time delay is calculated as the time in which #the rupture reach the subfault sf_hyp = (sflat, sflon, sfdepth) Dist_ep_subf = hypo2dist(eq_hyp, sf_hyp) if Dist_ep_subf < mindist: mindist = Dist_ep_subf minsubf = subf if RupVel == 0: t_d = eqdata['time_shift'] else: t_d = round(Dist_ep_subf / RupVel) #-59. print sflat, sflon, sfdepth # Looking for the best depth dir: depth = [] depthdir = [] for file in os.listdir(GFdir): if file[-2:] == ".5": depthdir.append(file) depth.append(float(file[1:-2])) BestDirIndex = np.argsort(abs(sfdepth\ - np.array(depth)))[0] hdir = GFdir + depthdir[BestDirIndex] + "/" ### SYN = np.array([]) SYNA = np.array([]) SYNB = np.array([]) for trid in trlist: metafile = workdir + "DATA/" + "META." + trid + ".xml" META = DU.getMetadataFromXML(metafile)[trid] lat = META['latitude'] lon = META['longitude'] #Subfault loop #GFs Selection: ##Change to folloing loop dist = locations2degrees(sflat, sflon, lat, lon) azi = -np.pi / 180. * gps2DistAzimuth(lat, lon, sflat, sflon)[2] trPPsy, trRRsy, trRTsy, trTTsy = \ GFSelectZ(hdir,dist) trROT = MTrotationZ(azi, trPPsy, trRRsy, trRTsy, trTTsy) orig = trROT[0].stats.starttime dt = trROT[0] trianglen = 2. * int(t_h / dt) - 1. FirstValid = int(trianglen / 2.) + 1 # to delete window = triang(trianglen) window /= np.sum(window) #window = np.array([1.]) parrivaltime = getTravelTimes(dist, sfdepth)[0]['time'] t1 = TrimmingTimes[trid][0] - t_d t2 = TrimmingTimes[trid][1] - t_d for trR in trROT: *= 10.**-21 ## To get M in Nm -=[0] AUX1 = len(trR) = convolve(, window, mode='valid') AUX2 = len(trR) mean = np.mean(np.hstack(([0]*np.ones(FirstValid),\[:60./*1.-FirstValid+1]))) #mean = np.mean([:60]) -= mean = bp.bandpassfilter(,len(trR),,\ corners , 1 , fmin, fmax) t_l = dt * 0.5 * (AUX1 - AUX2) trR.trim(t1 - t_l, t2 - t_l, pad=True,[0] ) #We lost t_h due to the convolution #~ for trR in trROT: #~ *= 10.**-23 ## To get M in Nm #~ -=[0] #~ = convolve(,window,mode='same') #~ #mean = np.mean(np.hstack(([0]*np.ones(FirstValid),\ #~[:60./*1.-FirstValid+1]))) #~ mean = np.mean([:60]) #~ -= mean #~ = bp.bandpassfilter(,len(trR),,\ #~ corners , 1 , fmin, fmax) #~ trR.trim(t1,t2,pad=True,[0]) trROT = np.array(trROT) syn =, M) synA =, MA) synB =, MB) SYN = np.append(SYN, syn) SYNA = np.append(SYNA, synA) SYNB = np.append(SYNB, synB) print np.shape(A), np.shape(np.array([SYN])) if subf == 0: A = np.array([SYN]) AA = np.array([SYNA]) AB = np.array([SYNB]) else: A = np.append(A, np.array([SYN]), 0) AA = np.append(AA, np.array([SYNA]), 0) AB = np.append(AB, np.array([SYNB]), 0) AC = np.vstack((AA, AB)) print np.shape(AC) print np.shape(weight) B =, weight) stsyn = Stream() n = 0 Ntraces = {} for trid in trlist: spid = trid.split(".") print trid NMIN = 1. + (TrimmingTimes[trid][1] - TrimmingTimes[trid][0]) / dt Ntraces[trid] = (n, NMIN + n) trsyn = Trace(B[n:NMIN + n]) n += NMIN = spid[0] trsyn.stats.station = spid[1] trsyn.stats.location = spid[2] = spid[3] trsyn = AddNoise(trsyn, level=noiselevel) #trsyn.stats.starttime = stsyn.append(trsyn) stsyn.write(workdir + "WPtraces/" + basename + ".decov.trim.mseed", format="MSEED") ##################################################### # Plotting: ##################################################### #we are going to reflect the y axis later, so: print minsubf hypsbloc = [minsubf / nsy, -(minsubf % nsy) - 2] #Creating the strike and dip axis: StrikeAx = np.linspace(0, flen, nsx + 1) DipAx = np.linspace(0, fwid, nsy + 1) DepthAx = DipAx * np.sin(np.pi / 180. * dip) + Min_h hlstrike = StrikeAx[hypsbloc[0]] + sflen * 0.5 hldip = DipAx[hypsbloc[1]] + sfwid * 0.5 hldepth = DepthAx[hypsbloc[1]] + sfwid * 0.5 * np.sin(np.pi / 180. * dip) StrikeAx = StrikeAx - hlstrike DipAx = DipAx - hldip XX, YY = np.meshgrid(StrikeAx, DepthAx) XX, ZZ = np.meshgrid(StrikeAx, DipAx) sbarea = sflen * sfwid SLIPS = weight.reshape(nsx, nsy).T #[::-1,:] SLIPS /= mu * 1.e6 * sbarea ######Plot:##################### plt.figure() ax = host_subplot(111) im = ax.pcolor(XX, YY, SLIPS, cmap="jet") ax.set_ylabel('Depth [km]') ax.set_ylim(DepthAx[-1], DepthAx[0]) # Creating a twin plot ax2 = ax.twinx() #im2 = ax2.pcolor(XX, ZZ, SLIPS[::-1,:], cmap="Greys") im2 = ax2.pcolor(XX, ZZ, SLIPS[::-1, :], cmap="jet") ax2.set_ylabel('Distance along the dip [km]') ax2.set_xlabel('Distance along the strike [km]') ax2.set_ylim(DipAx[0], DipAx[-1]) ax2.set_xlim(StrikeAx[0], StrikeAx[-1]) ax.axis["bottom"].major_ticklabels.set_visible(False) ax2.axis["bottom"].major_ticklabels.set_visible(False) ax2.axis["top"].set_visible(True) ax2.axis["top"].label.set_visible(True) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("bottom", size="5%", pad=0.1) cb = plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax, orientation="horizontal") cb.set_label("Slip [m]") ax2.plot([0], [0], '*', ms=225. / (nsy + 4)) ax2.set_xticks(ax2.get_xticks()[1:-1]) #ax.set_yticks(ax.get_yticks()[1:]) #ax2.set_yticks(ax2.get_yticks()[:-1]) #########Plotting the selected traces: nsp = len(PLotSt) * len(PlotSubf) plt.figure(figsize=(13, 11)) plt.title("Synthetics for rake = " + str(round(rake))) mindis = [] maxdis = [] for i, trid in enumerate(PLotSt): x = np.arange(0, Ntraces[trid][1] - Ntraces[trid][0], dt) for j, subf in enumerate(PlotSubf): y = A[subf, Ntraces[trid][0]:Ntraces[trid][1]] if j == 0: yy = y else: yy = np.vstack((yy, y)) maxdis.append(np.max(yy)) mindis.append(np.min(yy)) for i, trid in enumerate(PLotSt): x = np.arange(0, Ntraces[trid][1] - Ntraces[trid][0], dt) for j, subf in enumerate(PlotSubf): y = A[subf, Ntraces[trid][0]:Ntraces[trid][1]] plt.subplot2grid((len(PlotSubf), len(PLotSt)), (j, i)) plt.plot(x, y, linewidth=2.5) if j == 0: plt.title(trid) fig = plt.gca() fig.axes.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) fig.set_ylabel(str(subf), rotation=0) fig.set_xlim((x[0], x[-1])) fig.set_ylim((mindis[i], maxdis[i])) if subf != PlotSubf[-1]: fig.axes.get_xaxis().set_ticks([])
def main(argv=sys.argv): global eplat, eplon, epdepth, orig GFdir = "/home/roberto/data/GFS/" beta = 4.e3 #m/s rho = 3.e3 #kg/m^3 mu = rho*beta*beta mu =40e9 Lbdm0min = 1e-26*np.array([125.]) Lbdsmooth = 1e-26*np.array([100.]) #~ Lbdm0min = 1e-26*np.linspace(60.,500,40) #~ Lbdsmooth = 1e-26*np.linspace(60.,500,40)#*0.5 corners = 4. fmin = 0.001 fmax = 0.005 ### Data from Chilean 2010 EQ (Same as W phase inv.) strike = 18. dip = 18. rake = 104. # 109. #rake = 45. rakeA = rake + 45. rakeB = rake - 45. #################### nsx = 21 nsy = 11 Min_h = 10. flen = 600. #Fault's longitude [km] along strike fwid = 300. #Fault's longitude [km] along dip sflen = flen/float(nsx) sfwid = fwid/float(nsy) swp = [1, 0, 2] nsf = nsx*nsy ################### t_h = 10. MISFIT = np.array([]) #RUPVEL = np.arange(1.0, 5.0, 0.05) RupVel = 2.1 # Best fit #RupVel = 2.25 #From Lay et al. #for RupVel in RUPVEL: print "****************************" print RupVel print "****************************" NP = [strike, dip, rake] NPA = [strike, dip, rakeA] NPB = [strike, dip, rakeB] M = np.array(NodalPlanetoMT(NP)) MA = np.array(NodalPlanetoMT(NPA)) MB = np.array(NodalPlanetoMT(NPB)) Mp = np.sum(M**2)/np.sqrt(2) ############# #Loading req file and EQparameters parameters={} with open(argv[1],'r') as file: for line in file: line = line.split() key = line[0] val = line[1:] parameters[key] = val #~ cmteplat = float(parameters['eplat'][0]) #~ cmteplon = float(parameters['eplon'][0]) #~ cmtepdepth=float(parameters['epdepth'][0]) orig = UTCDateTime(parameters['origin_time'][0]) ####Hypocentre from ### cmteplat = -35.91#-35.85#-36.03#-35.83 cmteplon = -72.73#-72.72#-72.83# -72.67 cmtepdepth= 35. eq_hyp = (cmteplat,cmteplon,cmtepdepth) ############ grid, sblt = fault_grid('CL-2010',cmteplat,cmteplon,cmtepdepth,0, Min_h,\ strike, dip, rake, flen, fwid, nsx, nsy, Verbose=False, ffi_io=True, gmt_io=True) print ('CL-2010',cmteplat,cmteplon,cmtepdepth,0, Min_h,\ strike, dip, rake, flen, fwid, nsx, nsy,\ ) print grid[0][1] #sys.exit() ############# #Loading files and setting dirs: inputfile = os.path.abspath(argv[1]) if not os.path.exists(inputfile): print inputfile, "does not exist."; exit() workdir = "/".join(inputfile.split("/")[:-1]) basename = inputfile.split("/")[-1][:-4] if workdir[-1] != "/": workdir += "/" try : os.mkdir(workdir+"WPinv") except OSError: pass#print "Directory WPtraces already exists. Skipping" trfile = open(workdir+"goodtraces.dat") trlist = [] #Loading Good traces files: while 1: line = trfile.readline().rstrip('\r\n') if not line: break trlist.append(line.split()[0]) trfile.close() ############# # Reading traces: st = read(workdir+"WPtraces/" + basename + ".decov.trim.mseed") ############################################################################# ######Determining the sf closest to the hypocentre: min_Dist_hyp_subf = flen *fwid for subf in range(nsf): sblat = grid[subf][1] sblon = grid[subf][0] sbdepth = grid[subf][2] sf_hyp = (sblat,sblon, sbdepth) Dist_hyp_subf = hypo2dist(eq_hyp,sf_hyp) if Dist_hyp_subf < min_Dist_hyp_subf: min_Dist_hyp_subf = Dist_hyp_subf min_sb_hyp = sf_hyp hyp_subf = subf print hyp_subf, min_sb_hyp, min_Dist_hyp_subf ####Determining trimming times: test_tr = read(GFdir + "H003.5/PP/GF.0001.SY.LHZ.SAC")[0] t0 = test_tr.stats.starttime TrimmingTimes = {} # Min. Distace from the fault to each station. A =0 for trid in trlist: tr =[0] metafile = workdir + "DATA/" + "META." + + ".xml" META = DU.getMetadataFromXML(metafile)[] stlat = META['latitude'] stlon = META['longitude'] dist = locations2degrees(min_sb_hyp[0],min_sb_hyp[1],\ stlat,stlon) parrivaltime = getTravelTimes(dist,min_sb_hyp[2])[0]['time'] ta = t0 + parrivaltime tb = ta + round(15.*dist) TrimmingTimes[trid] = (ta, tb) ############################################################################## ##### DIST = [] # Ordering the stations in terms of distance for trid in trlist: metafile = workdir + "DATA/" + "META." + trid + ".xml" META = DU.getMetadataFromXML(metafile)[trid] lat = META['latitude'] lon = META['longitude'] trdist = locations2degrees(cmteplat,cmteplon,lat,lon) DIST.append(trdist) DistIndex = lstargsort(DIST) if len(argv) == 3: trlist = [argv[2]] OneStation = True else: trlist = [trlist[i] for i in DistIndex] OneStation = False ##### client = Client() ObservedDisp = np.array([]) gridlat = [] gridlon = [] griddepth = [] sbarea = [] mindist = flen*fwid # min distance hyp-subfault ##########Loop for each subfault for subf in range(nsf): print "**********" print subf eplat = grid[subf][1] eplon = grid[subf][0] epdepth = grid[subf][2] ## Storing the subfault's location centered in the hypcenter gridlat.append(eplat-cmteplat) gridlon.append(eplon-cmteplon) griddepth.append(epdepth) strike = grid[subf][3] #+ 360. dip = grid[subf][4] rake = grid[subf][5] # NP = [strike, dip, rake] M = np.array(NodalPlanetoMT(NP)) #Calculating the time dalay: sf_hyp = (eplat,eplon, epdepth) Dist_ep_subf = hypo2dist(eq_hyp,sf_hyp) t_d = round(Dist_ep_subf/RupVel) #-59. print eplat,eplon, epdepth #t_d = 0. # Determining depth dir: depth = [] depthdir = [] for file in os.listdir(GFdir): if file[-2:] == ".5": depthdir.append(file) depth.append(float(file[1:-2])) BestDirIndex = np.argsort(abs(epdepth-np.array(depth)))[0] hdir = GFdir + depthdir[BestDirIndex] + "/" # hdir is the absolute path to the closest deepth. SYN = np.array([]) SYNA = np.array([]) SYNB = np.array([]) #Main loop : for trid in trlist: tr =[0] metafile = workdir + "DATA/" + "META." + + ".xml" META = DU.getMetadataFromXML(metafile)[] lat = META['latitude'] lon = META['longitude'] trPPsy, trRRsy, trRTsy, trTTsy = \ GFSelectZ(lat,lon,hdir) = azi = -np.pi/180.*gps2DistAzimuth(lat,lon,\ eplat,eplon)[2] trROT = MTrotationZ(azi, trPPsy, trRRsy, trRTsy, trTTsy) #Triangle dt = trROT[0] trianglen = 2.*t_h/dt-1. window = triang(trianglen) window /= np.sum(window) #window = np.array([1.]) FirstValid = int(trianglen/2.) + 1 dist = locations2degrees(eplat,eplon,lat,lon) parrivaltime = getTravelTimes(dist,epdepth)[0]['time'] t1 = TrimmingTimes[trid][0] - t_d t2 = TrimmingTimes[trid][1] - t_d #~ t1 = trROT[0].stats.starttime + parrivaltime- t_d #~ t2 = t1+ round(MinDist[]*15. ) N = len(trROT[0]) for trR in trROT: *= 10.**-21 ## To get M in Nm -=[0] AUX1 = len(trR) = convolve(,window,mode='valid') AUX2 = len(trR) mean = np.mean(np.hstack(([0]*np.ones(FirstValid),\[:60./*1.-FirstValid+1]))) #mean = np.mean([:60]) -= mean = bp.bandpassfilter(,len(trR), trR.stats. delta, corners , 1 , fmin, fmax) t_l = dt*0.5*(AUX1 - AUX2) trR.trim(t1-t_l,t2-t_l, pad=True,[0]) #We lost t_h due to the convolution #~ for trR in trROT: #~ *= 10.**-23 ## To get M in Nm #~ -=[0] #~ = convolve(,window,mode='same') #~ # mean = np.mean(np.hstack(([0]*np.ones(FirstValid),\ #~ #[:60./*1.-FirstValid+1]))) #~ mean = np.mean([:60]) #~ -= mean #~ = bp.bandpassfilter(,len(trR),,\ #~ corners ,1 , fmin, fmax) #~ trR.trim(t1,t2,pad=True,[0]) nmin = min(len(,len(trROT[0].data)) =[:nmin] for trR in trROT: =[:nmin] ############# trROT = np.array(trROT) syn =,M) synA =,MA) synB =,MB) SYN = np.append(SYN,syn) SYNA = np.append(SYNA,synA) SYNB = np.append(SYNB,synB) if subf == 0 : ObservedDisp = np.append(ObservedDisp,,0) sbarea.append(grid[subf][6]) print np.shape(A), np.shape(np.array([SYN])) if subf == 0: A = np.array([SYN]) AA = np.array([SYNA]) AB = np.array([SYNB]) else: A = np.append(A,np.array([SYN]),0) AA = np.append(AA,np.array([SYNA]),0) AB = np.append(AB,np.array([SYNB]),0) #Full matrix with the two rake's component AC = np.vstack((AA,AB)) #MISFIT = np.array([]) ########## Stabilizing the solution: #### Moment minimization: #~ constraintD = np.zeros(nsf) #~ ObservedDispcons = np.append(ObservedDisp,constraintD) #~ for lbd in Lbd: #~ constraintF = lbd*np.eye(nsf,nsf) #~ Acons = np.append(A,constraintF,1) #~ print np.shape(Acons.T), np.shape(ObservedDispcons) #~ R = nnls(Acons.T,ObservedDispcons) #~ M = R[0] #~ #M = np.zeros(nsf) #~ #M[::2] = 1 #~ fit =,M) #~ misfit = 100.*np.sum(np.abs(fit-ObservedDisp))\ #~ /np.sum(np.abs(ObservedDisp)) #~ MISFIT = np.append(MISFIT,misfit) #~ plt.figure() #~ plt.plot(Lbd,MISFIT) #~ ########################################### #~ ### Smoothing: #~ constraintF_base = SmoothMatrix(nsx,nsy) #~ constraintD = np.zeros(np.shape(constraintF_base)[0]) #~ ObservedDispcons = np.append(ObservedDisp,constraintD) #~ for lbd in Lbd: #~ constraintF = lbd*constraintF_base #~ Acons = np.append(A,constraintF.T,1) #~ #print np.shape(Acons.T), np.shape(ObservedDispcons) #~ R = nnls(Acons.T,ObservedDispcons) #~ M = R[0] #~ fit =,M) #~ misfit = 100.*np.sum(np.abs(fit-ObservedDisp))\ #~ /np.sum(np.abs(ObservedDisp)) #~ print lbd, misfit #~ MISFIT = np.append(MISFIT,misfit) #~ ########################################### ########################################### #~ ##### Moment Minimization (including rake projections): #~ constraintD = np.zeros(2*nsf) #~ ObservedDispcons = np.append(ObservedDisp,constraintD) #~ for lbd in Lbd: #~ constraintF = lbd*np.eye(2*nsf,2*nsf) #~ ACcons = np.append(AC,constraintF,1) #~ print np.shape(ACcons.T), np.shape(ObservedDispcons) #~ R = nnls(ACcons.T,ObservedDispcons) #~ M = R[0] #~ fit =,M) #~ misfit = 100.*np.sum(np.abs(fit-ObservedDisp))\ #~ /np.sum(np.abs(ObservedDisp)) #~ MISFIT = np.append(MISFIT,misfit) #~ M = np.sqrt(M[:nsf]**2+M[nsf:]**2) ############################################## ### Smoothing (including rake projections): #~ constraintF_base = SmoothMatrix(nsx,nsy) #~ Nbase = np.shape(constraintF_base)[0] #~ constraintD = np.zeros(2*Nbase) #~ constraintF_base_big = np.zeros((2*Nbase, 2*nsf)) #~ constraintF_base_big[:Nbase,:nsf]= constraintF_base #~ constraintF_base_big[Nbase:,nsf:]= constraintF_base #~ ObservedDispcons = np.append(ObservedDisp,constraintD) #~ for lbd in Lbd: #~ constraintF = lbd*constraintF_base_big #~ ACcons = np.append(AC,constraintF.T,1) #~ #print np.shape(Acons.T), np.shape(ObservedDispcons) #~ R = nnls(ACcons.T,ObservedDispcons) #~ M = R[0] #~ fit =,M) #~ misfit = 100.*np.sum(np.abs(fit-ObservedDisp))\ #~ /np.sum(np.abs(ObservedDisp)) #~ print lbd, misfit #~ MISFIT = np.append(MISFIT,misfit) #~ M = np.sqrt(M[:nsf]**2+M[nsf:]**2) ########################################### #~ ##### Moment Minimization and Smoothing #~ #### (including rake projections): #~ mom0 = [] #~ constraintF_base = SmoothMatrix(nsx,nsy) #~ Nbase = np.shape(constraintF_base)[0] #~ constraintDsmoo = np.zeros(2*Nbase) #~ constraintDmin = np.zeros(2*nsf) #~ constraintF_base_big = np.zeros((2*Nbase, 2*nsf)) #~ constraintF_base_big[:Nbase,:nsf]= constraintF_base #~ constraintF_base_big[Nbase:,nsf:]= constraintF_base #~ ObservedDispcons = np.concatenate((ObservedDisp, #~ constraintDmin, #~ constraintDsmoo )) #~ for lbdm0 in Lbdm0min: #~ constraintFmin = lbdm0*np.eye(2*nsf,2*nsf) #~ for lbdsm in Lbdsmooth: #~ constraintFsmoo = lbdsm*constraintF_base_big #~ ACcons = np.hstack((AC, constraintFmin, constraintFsmoo.T)) #~ print lbdm0, lbdsm #~ R = nnls(ACcons.T,ObservedDispcons) #~ M = R[0] #~ fit =,M) #~ misfit = 100.*np.sum(np.abs(fit-ObservedDisp))\ #~ /np.sum(np.abs(ObservedDisp)) #~ MISFIT = np.append(MISFIT,misfit) #~ MA = M[:nsf] #~ MB = M[nsf:] #~ M = np.sqrt(MA**2+MB**2) #~ mom0.append(np.sum(M)) ############################################## # Rotation to the rake's conventional angle: #MB, MA = Rot2D(MB,MA,-rakeB) print np.shape(M), np.shape(A.T) R = nnls(A.T,ObservedDisp) M = R[0] #~ M = np.zeros(nsf) #~ M[::2] = 1 fit =,M) MA = M MB = M"RealSol", M) nm0 = np.size(Lbdm0min) nsmth = np.size(Lbdsmooth) #~ plt.figure() #~ plt.pcolor(1./Lbdsmooth, 1./Lbdm0min,MISFIT.reshape(nm0,nsmth)) #~ plt.xlabel(r'$1/ \lambda_{2}$', fontsize = 24) #~ plt.ylabel(r'$1/ \lambda_{1}$',fontsize = 24 ) #~ plt.ylim((1./Lbdm0min).min(),(1./Lbdm0min).max() ) #~ plt.ylim((1./Lbdsmooth).min(),(1./Lbdsmooth).max() ) #~ cbar = plt.colorbar() #~ cbar.set_label("Misfit %") #~ print np.shape(Lbdm0min), np.shape(mom0) #~ plt.figure() #~ CS = plt.contour(1./Lbdsmooth, 1./Lbdm0min,MISFIT.reshape(nm0,nsmth) ) #~ plt.xlabel(r'$1/ \lambda_{2}$', fontsize = 24) #~ plt.ylabel(r'$1/ \lambda_{1}$',fontsize = 24 ) #~ plt.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10) #~ plt.title('Misfit') #~ plt.figure() #~ plt.plot(1./Lbdm0min,MISFIT) #~ plt.xlabel(r'$1/ \lambda_{2}$', fontsize = 24) #~ plt.ylabel("Misfit %") #~ plt.figure() #~ plt.plot(Lbdm0min,mom0) #~ plt.ylabel(r'$M_0\, [Nm]$', fontsize = 24) #~ plt.xlabel(r'$\lambda_{M0}$', fontsize = 24) misfit = 100.*np.sum(np.abs(fit-ObservedDisp))/np.sum(np.abs(ObservedDisp)) print "Residual: ", 1000.*R[1] print misfit #SLIP = M*Mp/mu/(1.e6*np.array(sbarea)) sbarea = sflen*sfwid SLIP = M/(mu*1.e6*sbarea) SLIP = SLIP.reshape(nsx,nsy).T[::-1] moment = M.reshape(nsx,nsy).T[::-1] plt.figure(figsize = (13,5)) plt.plot(fit,'b' ,label="Fit") plt.plot(ObservedDisp,'r',label="Observed") plt.xlabel("Time [s]") plt.ylabel("Displacement [m]") plt.legend() np.set_printoptions(linewidth=1000,precision=3) print "***********" print sbarea print SLIP print np.mean(SLIP) print "Moment:" print np.sum(M) ### SLIPS Distribution (as the synthetics) : SLIPS = M.reshape(nsx,nsy).T SLIPS /= mu*1.e6*sbarea #~ #########Ploting slip distribution: #~ #we are going to reflect the y axis later, so: hypsbloc = [hyp_subf / nsy , -(hyp_subf % nsy) - 2] #Creating the strike and dip axis: StrikeAx= np.linspace(0,flen,nsx+1) DipAx= np.linspace(0,fwid,nsy+1) DepthAx = DipAx*np.sin(np.pi/180.*dip) + Min_h print DepthAx hlstrike = StrikeAx[hypsbloc[0]] + sflen*0.5 #we are going to reflect the axis later, so: hldip = DipAx[hypsbloc[1]] + sfwid*0.5 hldepth = DepthAx[hypsbloc[1]] + sfwid*0.5*np.sin(np.pi/180.*dip) StrikeAx = StrikeAx - hlstrike DipAx = DipAx - hldip XX, YY = np.meshgrid(StrikeAx, DepthAx) XX, ZZ = np.meshgrid(StrikeAx, DipAx ) ######Plot: (Old colormap: "gist_rainbow_r") plt.figure(figsize = (13,6)) ax = host_subplot(111) im = ax.pcolor(XX, YY, SLIPS, cmap="jet") ax.set_ylabel('Depth [km]') ax.set_ylim(DepthAx[-1],DepthAx[0]) # Creating a twin plot ax2 = ax.twinx() im2 = ax2.pcolor(XX, ZZ, SLIPS[::-1,:], cmap="jet") ax2.set_ylabel('Distance along the dip [km]') ax2.set_xlabel('Distance along the strike [km]') ax2.set_ylim(DipAx[0],DipAx[-1]) ax2.set_xlim(StrikeAx[0],StrikeAx[-1]) ax.axis["bottom"].major_ticklabels.set_visible(False) ax2.axis["bottom"].major_ticklabels.set_visible(False) ax2.axis["top"].set_visible(True) ax2.axis["top"].label.set_visible(True) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("bottom", size="5%", pad=0.1) cb = plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax, orientation="horizontal") cb.set_label("Slip [m]") ax2.plot([0], [0], '*', ms=225./(nsy+4)) ax2.set_xticks(ax2.get_xticks()[1:-1]) #~ ### Rake plot: plt.figure(figsize = (13,6)) fig = host_subplot(111) XXq, ZZq = np.meshgrid(StrikeAx[:-1]+sflen, DipAx[:-1]+sfwid ) Q = plt.quiver(XXq,ZZq, MB.reshape(nsx,nsy).T[::-1,:]/(mu*1.e6*sbarea), MA.reshape(nsx,nsy).T[::-1,:]/(mu*1.e6*sbarea), SLIPS[::-1,:], units='xy',scale = 0.5 , linewidths=(2,), edgecolors=('k'), headaxislength=5 ) fig.set_ylim([ZZq.min()-80,ZZq.max()+80]) fig.set_xlim([XXq.min()-20, XXq.max()+20 ]) fig.set_ylabel('Distance along dip [km]') fig.set_xlabel('Distance along the strike [km]') fig2 = fig.twinx() fig2.set_xlabel('Distance along the strike [km]') fig.axis["bottom"].major_ticklabels.set_visible(False) fig.axis["bottom"].label.set_visible(False) fig2.axis["top"].set_visible(True) fig2.axis["top"].label.set_visible(True) fig2.axis["right"].major_ticklabels.set_visible(False) divider = make_axes_locatable(fig) cax = divider.append_axes("bottom", size="5%", pad=0.1) cb = plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax, orientation="horizontal") cb.set_label("Slip [m]") ############# #~ print np.shape(MISFIT), np.shape(RUPVEL) #~ plt.figure() #~ plt.plot(RUPVEL,MISFIT) #~ plt.xlabel("Rupture Velocity [km/s]") #~ plt.ylabel("Misfit %") #~ print np.shape(MB.reshape(nsx,nsy).T) print np.shape(ZZ)