예제 #1
def torus(name=None, **kwargs):
    Make a torus in the x-y plane
    torus('mytorus', u=6, v=32, r=1, t=0.3)
        u = number of subdivisions in a saggital section (small circle)
        v = number of subdivisions in the horizontal section (big circle)
        r = radius of the doughnut
        t = thickness (radius)
        th = degrees to rotate the small circle
    names, kwargs = utils.clean_names(name, kwargs, {'msh_name':'torus', 'obj_name':'torus', 'priority_msh':'current', 'priority_obj':'new'})

    kwargs_def = {'n_u':16, 'r_u':0.3, 'n_v':32, 'r_v':1, 'theta_offset_deg':'auto'}
    kwargs_alias = {'n_u':['n_u', 'u'], 'r_u':['r_u', 't', 'thickness'], 'n_v':['n_v', 'v'], 'r_v':['r_v', 'r'], 'theta_offset_deg':['theta_offset_deg', 'th', 'offset', 'th_off_deg', 'th_u']}
    kwargs, _ = pn.clean_kwargs(kwargs, kwargs_def, kwargs_alias)
    a = turtle.Draw(**names)
    start = a.ngon(n=kwargs['n_u'], r=kwargs['r_u'], th_off_deg=kwargs['theta_offset_deg'])
    bmesh.ops.rotate(a.bm, verts=start.v, cent=(0, 0, 0), matrix=mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(np.radians(90.0), 3, 'Y'))
    for vert in start.v:
        vert.co += mathutils.Vector((0., -kwargs['r_v'], 0.))
    end = a.spin(angle=2*np.pi-2*np.pi/kwargs['n_v'], steps=kwargs['n_v']-1, axis='z', cent=(0., 0., 0.))
    a.join(start.e + end.e)
    tor = +a
    return tor
예제 #2
def draw_spring():
    """Illustrates how to skin a curve using the Draw class."""
    θ = np.radians(np.arange(0, 360 * 6 + 40, 40))
    z1 = np.sin(θ)
    y1 = np.cos(θ)
    x1 = θ / 2

    spine = np.array(
        [np.array((tx, ty, tz)) for tx, ty, tz in zip(x1, y1, z1)])
    a = turtle.Draw('testskin')
    a.skin(spine, n=4, r=0.3)
    return +a
예제 #3
def draw_basic():
    """Draw a loopy thing."""
    a = turtle.Draw('link')
    bmesh.ops.create_circle(a.bm, radius=0.2, segments=6)
    for vert in a.bm.verts[:]:
        vert.co += mathutils.Vector((0., -1., 0))
    a.spin(angle=np.pi, steps=3, axis='x', cent=(0., 0., 0.))
    for i in range(5):
               axis=(1., 1.0 - 2.0 * (i % 2), 0),
               cent=(2 * i + 1.0, 0., 0))
    return +a
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, name=None, x=0, y=0, z=0, **kwargs):
        names, kwargs = utils.clean_names(name, kwargs, {'msh_name':'tube_msh', 'obj_name':'tube_obj', 'priority_obj':'new', 'priority_msh':'new'})
        kwargs_ngon, _ = pn.clean_kwargs(kwargs, {'n':6, 'r':0.3, 'theta_offset_deg':-1}, {'n':['segments', 'seg', 'u', 'n'], 'r':['radius', 'r'], 'theta_offset_deg':['theta_offset_deg', 'th', 'offset', 'th_off_deg']})
        spine = np.array([np.array((tx, ty, tz)) for tx, ty, tz in zip(x, y, z)])
        normals = np.vstack((spine[1, :] - spine[0, :], spine[2:, :] - spine[:-2, :], spine[-1, :] - spine[-2, :]))

        a = turtle.Draw(**names)
        a.skin(spine, **kwargs_ngon)
        a_exp = a.export()
        this_obj = +a
        super().__init__(this_obj.name, this_obj.data)

        self.xsec = self.XSec(self, normals, a_exp)
예제 #5
def draw_link(n_u=6, n_v=16, l=1, r_v=1, r_u=0.2):
    """Draw one link of the chain. Same as the example in bmesh.ops page"""
    a = turtle.Draw('link')
    u_start = a.ngon(n=n_u, r=r_u)
    for vert in u_start.v:
        vert.co += mathutils.Vector((0., -r_v, 0))
    u_end = a.spin(angle=np.pi, steps=n_v, axis='x', cent=(0., 0., 0.))

    n_start = a.extrude(u_end.e)
    for vert in n_start.v:
        vert.co += mathutils.Vector((0, 0, l))

    n_end = a.spin(angle=np.pi, steps=n_v, axis='x', cent=(0., 0., l))
    a.join(u_start.e + n_end.e)
    return +a
예제 #6
def draw_atom():
    """Electron clouds-like structure."""
    a = turtle.Draw('cloud', coll_name='atom')
    a.ngon(n=2, r=0.1)
    for vert in a.bm.verts[:]:
        vert.co += mathutils.Vector((0., -1., 0))
    a.spin(angle=np.pi, steps=24, axis='x', cent=(0., 0., 0.))
    a.spin(angle=2 * np.pi,
           cent=(0., 0., 0.),
    cloud = +a
    cloud.scale((1, 0.6, 1))
    nucleus = new.sphere('nucleus', r=0.2, coll_name='atom')
    return (nucleus, cloud)