예제 #1
def irods_cache_save(f, path, *dest):
    cache_filename = os.path.join(IRODS_CACHE, path[1:])
    with open(cache_filename, 'wb') as fw:
        copyfile(f, fw, *dest)

    return cache_filename
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, server_url):
        super(featuresController, self).__init__(server_url)
        self.baseurl = server_url

        log.debug('importing features')
        self.docs = FeatureDoc()
예제 #3
def setUp():
    global results_location
    global store_local_location
    global file1_location
    global filename1
    global bqsession
    global FeatureResource

    config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
    root = config.get('Host', 'root') or 'localhost:8080'
    user = config.get('Host', 'user') or 'test'
    pwd = config.get('Host', 'password') or 'test'
    results_location = config.get('Store', 'results_location') or 'Results'

    store_location = config.get('Store', 'location') or None
    if store_location is None: raise NameError('Requre a store location to run test properly')

    store_local_location = config.get('Store', 'local_location') or 'SampleData'
    filename1 = config.get('Store','filename1') or None
    if filename1 is None: raise NameError('Requre an image to run test properly')
    file1_location = fetch_file(filename1, store_location, store_local_location)

    FeatureResource = namedtuple('FeatureResource',['image','mask','gobject'])
    FeatureResource.__new__.__defaults__ = (None, None, None)
    #start session
    bqsession = BQSession().init_local(user, pwd, bisque_root=root, create_mex=False)
예제 #4
    def preview(self, model_uniq, args):
        class_id = int(args.get('class', -1))
        sample_id = int(args.get('sample', -1))
        log.debug('Preview model %s, class_id %s, sample_id %s', model_uniq,
                  class_id, sample_id)

        # if class_id < 0:
        #     response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml'
        #     return '<model />'

        # if sample_id < 0:
        #     response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml'
        #     return '<class />'

        # if asking for a sample from a specific class
        if class_id >= 0 and sample_id >= 0:
            # load thumbnail for requested class and sample_id
            model = self.get_model(model_uniq)
            path = os.path.join(model.path, 'class_{0:05d}'.format(class_id))
            thumbnail = os.path.join(path,
            if not os.path.exists(thumbnail):
                model.cache_sample_preview(class_id, sample_id, thumbnail)
                # if asking for a model's thumbnail
        elif class_id < 0 or sample_id < 0:
            model = self.get_model(model_uniq)
            thumbnail = '%s/thumbnail.svg' % model.path

        return forward(
            ).cache_control(max_age=60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 6))  # 6 weeks
예제 #5
    def push(self, fp, storeurl, uniq=None):
        "Push a local file (file pointer)  to the store"

        log.debug('local.push: url=%s', storeurl)
        origpath = localpath = url2localpath(storeurl)
        fpath,ext = os.path.splitext(origpath)
        _mkdir (os.path.dirname(localpath))
        uniq = uniq or make_uniq_code()
        for x in xrange(len(uniq)-7):
        #for x in range(100):
            if not os.path.exists (localpath):
                log.debug('local.write: %s -> %s' , tounicode(storeurl), tounicode(localpath))
                #patch for no copy file uploads - check for regular file or file like object
                    move_file (fp, localpath)
                except OSError as e:
                    if not os.path.exists (localpath):
                        log.exception ("Problem moving file to%s ", localpath)
                        log.error ("Problem moving file, but it seems to be there.. check permissions on store")

                #log.debug ("local.push: top = %s  path= %s",self.top_path, localpath )
                ident = localpath[len(self.top_path):]
                #if ident[0] == '/':
                #    ident = ident[1:]
                ident = localpath2url(ident)
                log.info('local push  blob_id: %s -> %s',  tounicode(ident), tounicode(localpath))
                return ident, localpath
            localpath = "%s-%s%s" % (fpath , uniq[3:7+x] , ext)
            #localpath = "%s-%04d%s" % (fpath , x , ext)
            log.warn ("local.write: File exists... trying %s", tounicode(localpath))
        raise DuplicateFile(localpath)
예제 #6
    def classify(self, image, model, args):
        ''' segment image produicing a semantic mask
        num_points = int(args.get('points', 10))
        border = int(args.get('border', 0))
        my_goodness = float(args.get('goodness', model.minimum_goodness*100))/100.0
        my_accuracy = float(args.get('accuracy', model.minimum_accuracy*100))
        my_confidence = float(args.get('confidence', 0))

        # color output mode
        color_mode = args.get('colors', 'ids')
        if color_mode not in self.color_modes:
            raise ConnoisseurException(responses.BAD_REQUEST, 'Requested color mode "%s" is not supported'%color_mode)

        # compute output file name and test cached result
        workdir = args['_workdir']
        _mkdir (workdir)
        filename = '%s_%s_conf%.2f_a%s_c%s_n%s_b%s.png'%(image.uniq, color_mode, my_goodness, my_accuracy, my_confidence, num_points, border)
        output_file = os.path.join(workdir, filename)

        with Locks(None, output_file, failonexist=True) as l:
            if l.locked: # the file is not being currently written by another process
                self.do_classify(image, model, args, output_file, color_mode)

        # return results
        if os.path.exists(output_file):
            with Locks(output_file):

        return DataToken(data=output_file, mime='image/png', name='Segments', filename=filename)
예제 #7
 def __init__(self, feature):
     self.feature = feature
     self.table_plan = []
     self.table_parameters = []
         self.TablePlan('values', self.feature.cached_columns(),
예제 #8
 def fetch_file(self, filename):
     url = posixpath.join(url_image_store, filename).encode('utf-8')
     path = os.path.join(local_store_images, filename)
     if not os.path.exists(path):
         urllib.urlretrieve(url, path)
     return path
예제 #9
 def get_sample_preview_paths(self, template_path, template_filename, num_per_class=10):
     paths = {}
     for orig_id,c in self.classes_model_by_original_id.iteritems():
         path = template_path.format(orig_id)
         _mkdir (path)
         class_id = c['id']
         for i in range(num_per_class):
             filename = template_filename.format(i)
             paths['{0}.{1}'.format(class_id,i)] = os.path.join(path, filename)
     return paths
예제 #10
def irods_cache_save(f, path, cache, *dest):
    cache_filename = os.path.join(cache, path[1:])
    with Locks(None, cache_filename, failonexist=True) as l:
        if l.locked:
            with open(cache_filename, 'wb') as fw:
                copyfile(f, fw, *dest)

    with Locks(cache_filename):
        return cache_filename
예제 #11
def stores(config):
    samples = config.store.samples_url
    inputs = config.store.input_dir
    results = config.store.results_dir

    files = []
    for name in [x.strip() for x in config.store.files.split()]:
        print "Fetching", name
        files.append(LocalFile(name, fetch_file(name, samples, inputs)))

    return Bunch(samples=samples, inputs=inputs, results=results, files=files)
예제 #12
    def format(self, token, args):
        """ converts table to HDF5 """

        # GobsTable = np.dtype([
        #     ('gobject',    tables.StringCol(10)),
        #     ('type',       tables.StringCol(50)),
        #     ('vertices',   tables.VLArray()),

        #     Col.from_atom(atom, pos=None)

        #     ('accuracy',   tables.Float32Col()),
        #     ('goodness',   tables.Float32Col()),
        #     ('confidence', tables.Float32Col()),
        # ])

        data = {
            'gobject': [],
            'type': [],
            'vertices': [],
            'accuracy': [],
            'goodness': [],
            'confidence': [],
            #'color': [],

        for i, r in enumerate(token.data):
            m_g, m_a, m_c = compute_measures (r)
            data['vertices'].append([ (v[1],v[0]) for v in r['vertex'] ])

        df = pd.DataFrame(data)

        workdir = args['_workdir']
        _mkdir (workdir)

        filename = '%s_%s.h5'%(token.name, args['_filename'])
        output_file = os.path.join(workdir, filename)

        with Locks(None, output_file, failonexist=True) as l:
            if l.locked: # the file is not being currently written by another process
                df.to_hdf(output_file, 'table', append=False)

        # return results
        if os.path.exists(output_file):
            with Locks(output_file):

        return token.setFile(path=output_file, mime=self.mime_type, filename=filename)
예제 #13
def fetch_file(filename, url, dir):
        @param filename: name of the file fetching from the store
        @param url: url of the store
        @param dir: the directory the file will be placed in
        @return the local path to the file
    url = posixpath.join(url, filename)
    path = os.path.join(dir, filename)
    if not os.path.exists(path):
        urllib.urlretrieve(url, path)
    return path
예제 #14
    def __init__(self, server_url):
        super(ImageServiceController, self).__init__(server_url)
        workdir = config.get('bisque.image_service.work_dir',
        rundir = config.get('bisque.paths.run', os.getcwd())

        log.info('ROOT=%s work=%s run = ', config.get('bisque.root'), workdir)

        self.user_map = {}
        # users = data_service.query('user', wpublic=1)
        # for u in users.xpath('user'):
        #     self.user_map[u.get('uri')] = u.get('name')

        self.srv = ImageServer(work_dir=workdir, run_dir=rundir)
예제 #15
def irods_fetch_file_IGET(url, **kw):
    ic = IrodsConnection(url, **kw)
    log.debug("irods-path %s" % ic.path)
    localname = irods_cache_fetch(ic.path)
    if localname is None:
        with ic:
            log.debug("irods_fetching %s -> %s", url, ic.path)
            localname = irods_cache_name(ic.path)
            log.info('irods %s', ['iget', ic.path, localname])
            retcode = subprocess.call(['iget', ic.path, localname])
            if retcode:
                raise IrodsError("can't read from %s  %s %s error (%s)" %
                                 (url, ic.path, localname, retcode))
    return localname
예제 #16
    def ensureWorkPath(self, path, image_id, user_name, series=0):
        """path may be a workdir path OR an original image path to transformed into
        a workdir path
        # change ./imagedir to ./workdir if needed
        path = os.path.realpath(path)
        workpath = os.path.realpath(self.workdir)
        if image_id and not path.startswith (workpath):
            path = self.initialWorkPath(image_id, user_name, series=series)

        # keep paths relative to running dir to reduce file name size
            path = os.path.relpath(path, self.rundir)
        except ValueError:

        # make sure that the path directory exists
        _mkdir( os.path.dirname(path) )
        return path
예제 #17
    def savefile(self, **kw):
        log.info("savefile request " + str(tg.request))
        username = get_username()
        # check the user identity here and return 401 if fails
        if anonymous():
            response.status_int = 401
            log.debug('Access denied')
            return 'Access denied'

        # if requested test for uploaded
        hashes_str = kw.pop('hashes', None)
        if hashes_str != None:
            all_hashes = [fhash.strip() for fhash in hashes_str.split(',')]
            #for fhash in hashes_str.split(','):
            #    all_hashes.append( fhash )
            #found_hashes = blob_service.files_exist(all_hashes) TODO
            found_hashes = []
            found_html = ",".join([str(h) for h in found_hashes])
            return "Found: " + found_html

        # here user is authenticated - upload
        if not 'upload' in kw:
            response.status_int = 501
            return "No file to be uploaded..."
        upload = kw['upload']
        uploadroot = config.get('bisque.image_service.upload_dir',
        upload_dir = uploadroot + '/' + str(username)
        if not upload.filename:
            return 'No file sent...'
        #patch for no copy file uploads - check for regular file or file like object
        uploadpath = upload_dir + '/' + upload.filename
        #KGK: note upload.file.name is not available for some uploads (attached files)
        #abs_path_src = os.path.abspath(upload.file.name)
        #if os.path.isfile(abs_path_src):
        #    shutil.move(abs_path_src, uploadpath)
        with open(uploadpath, 'wb') as trg:
            shutil.copyfileobj(upload.file, trg)

        return 'Upload done for: ' + upload.filename
예제 #18
    def __init__(self, server_url):
        super(ConnoisseurController, self).__init__(server_url)
        self.basepath = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(
        self.workdir = config.get('bisque.connoisseur.models',
        #_mkdir (self.workdir)

        self.path_models = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'models')
        self.path_templates = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'templates')
        self.path_images = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'images')

        self.adapters_gobs = PluginManager(
            'adapters_gobs', os.path.join(self.basepath, 'adapters_gobs'),
        self.adapters_pixels = PluginManager(
            'adapters_pixels', os.path.join(self.basepath, 'adapters_pixels'),

        # frameworks available in the system
        self.frameworks = PluginManager(
            'frameworks', os.path.join(self.basepath, 'frameworks'),

        # classifiers available to the system, requested with method argument
        self.classifiers = PluginManager(
            'classifiers', os.path.join(self.basepath, 'classifiers'),

        # importers are matched by their input mime and output mime
        self.importers = PluginManager(
            'importers', os.path.join(self.basepath, 'importers'),
        self.importers_by_mime = {
            '%s;%s' % (e.mime_input, e.mime_type): e
            for k, e in self.importers.plugins.iteritems()
        #log.debug('Importers: %s', self.importers_by_mime)

        # exporters are matched by their input mime and output mime
        self.exporters = PluginManager(
            'exporters', os.path.join(self.basepath, 'exporters'),
        self.exporters_by_mime = {
            '%s;%s' % (e.mime_input, e.mime_type): e
            for k, e in self.exporters.plugins.iteritems()
        #log.debug('Exporters: %s', self.exporters_by_mime)

        # loaded models hashed by their ID
        self.models_loaded_max = 10
        self.models = {}

        log.info('Connoisseur service started, using temp space at: %s' %
예제 #19
def s3_cache_save(f, bucket, key, cache, creds):
    cache_filename = os.path.join(cache, key)

    #patch for no copy file uploads - check for regular file or file like object
    abs_path_src = os.path.abspath(f.name)
    if os.path.isfile(abs_path_src):
        #f.close() #patch to make file move possible on windows
        #shutil.move(abs_path_src, cache_filename)
        copy_link (abs_path_src, cache_filename)
        with open(cache_filename, 'wb') as fw:
            shutil.copyfileobj(f, fw)

    if s3q:
        s3q.enqueue (s3_upload  , bucket, key, cache_filename, creds, timeout="6h")
        s3_upload( bucket, key, cache_filename, creds)

    # file_size = os.path.getsize(cache_filename)
    # if file_size < 60 * 1e6:
    #     log.debug ("PUSH normal")
    #     k = Key(bucket)
    #     k.key = key
    #     k.set_contents_from_filename(cache_filename)
    # else:
    #     log.debug ("PUSH multi")
    #     chunk_size = 52428800 #50MB
    #     chunk_count = int(math.ceil(file_size / float(chunk_size)))
    #     mp = bucket.initiate_multipart_upload(key)
    #     for i in range(chunk_count):
    #         offset = chunk_size * i
    #         bytes = min(chunk_size, file_size - offset)
    #         with FileChunkIO(cache_filename, 'r', offset=offset, bytes=bytes) as fp:
    #             mp.upload_part_from_file(fp, part_num=i + 1)
    #     mp.complete_upload()

    return cache_filename
예제 #20
def s3_cache_fetch(bucket, key, cache, creds, blocking):

    cache_filename = os.path.join(cache, key)
    if os.path.exists(cache_filename):
        return cache_filename
    if s3q and not blocking:
        log.debug ("Queuing download of %s", cache_filename)
        job = s3q.enqueue(s3_download, bucket, key, cache_filename, creds, blocking, timeout="6h")
        for ix in range (5):
            if job.result == None:
                return job.result # cache_filename
        # jobs wait has time out.
        log.debug ("download timedout")
        raise FileLocked
        cache_filename = s3_download( bucket, key, cache_filename, creds, blocking)
        if cache_filename is None and not blocking:
            raise FileLocked

    return cache_filename
예제 #21
    def start_nounicode_win(ifnm, command):
        if isascii(ifnm):
            return command, None
        ext = os.path.splitext(ifnm)[1]
        uniq = hashlib.md5('%s%s'%(ifnm.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace'),datetime.datetime.now())).hexdigest()

        # preserve drive letter to create hard link on the same drive
        # dima: os.path.join does not join drive letters correctly
        tmp_path = os.path.splitdrive(ifnm)[0]
        if tmp_path != '':
            tmp_path = '%s\\temp'%tmp_path
        tmp = str(os.path.join(tmp_path, 'bq_temp_%s%s'%(uniq, ext)))

        log.debug('start_nounicode_win hardlink: [%s] -> [%s]', ifnm, tmp)
            hardlink(ifnm, tmp)
        except OSError:
            log.debug('Failed creating a hard link: %s', tmp)
            return command, None
        command = [tmp if x==ifnm else x for x in command]
        log.debug('Created a new command: %s', command)
        return command, tmp
예제 #22
    def create(self, args):
        ''' GET /connoisseur/create/template:CaffeNet[/name:SeaCreatures][/dataset:UUID]
        template = args.get('template')
        dataset = args.get('dataset')
        name = args.get('name')
        log.debug('Create model from: %s', template)

        tmpls = self.get_templates()
        if template not in tmpls:
            raise ConnoisseurException(
                'Requested template "%s" not found' % template)
        path_template = tmpls[template]
        model = etree.fromstring(self.get_template(template))

        if name is not None:
            model.set('name', name)

        if dataset is not None:
            t = model.find('tag[@name="training_set"]')
            if t is not None:
                t.set('value', '%s' % dataset)

        # next post the model document and get its UUID
        model = data_service.new_resource(resource=model)

        # finally copy all of the template files over to model storage
        uniq = model.get('resource_uniq')
        path_model = os.path.join(self.path_models, uniq)
        log.debug('Creating model in: %s', path_model)
        self.copy_dir(path_template, path_model)

        response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml'
        return etree.tostring(model)
예제 #23
def image2numpy(uri, **kw):
        Converts image url to numpy array.
        For bisque image_service it changes the format
        to ome-tiff and reads in the tiff with pylibtiff
        If the uri does not return a tiff file
        and then the pillow reader is used instead.

        @param: takes in an image_url
        @param: query parameters added to only image service urls

        @return numpy image
    o = urlparse.urlsplit(uri)

    if 'image_service' in o.path:
        #finds image resource though local image service
        if kw:
            uri = BQServer().prepare_url(uri, **kw)
        uri = BQServer().prepare_url(uri, format='OME-BigTIFF')
        log.debug("Image Service uri: %s" % uri)
        image_path = image_service.local_file(uri)
        log.debug("Image Service path: %s" % image_path)
        if image_path is None:
            log.debug('Not found in image_service internally: %s' % uri)
            return convert_image2numpy(image_path)

    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=FEATURES_TEMP_DIR, prefix='image', delete=False) as f:
        content = fetch_resource(uri)

    im = convert_image2numpy(f.name)
    return im
예제 #24
def setup_simple_feature_test(ns):
        Setup feature requests test
    config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
    root = config.get('Host', 'root') or DEFAULT_ROOT
    user = config.get('Host', 'user') or DEFAULT_USER
    pwd = config.get('Host', 'password') or DEFAULT_PASSWORD
    results_location = config.get('Store', 'results_dir') or DEFAULT_RESULTS_DIR
    store_location = config.get('Store', 'location') or None
    store_local_location = config.get('Store', 'local_dir') or DEFAULT_LOCAL_DIR
    temp_store = config.get('Store', 'temp_dir') or DEFAULT_TEMPORARY_DIR
    test_image = config.get('SimpleTest', 'test_image') or None
    feature_response_results = config.get('SimpleTest', 'feature_response') or DEFAULT_FEATURE_RESPONSE_HDF5
    feature_past_response_results = config.get('SimpleTest','feature_sample') or DEFAULT_FEATURE_SAMPLE_HDF5

    if store_location is None: raise NameError('Requre a store location to run test properly')
    if test_image is None: raise NameError('Requre an image to run test properly')


    results_table_path = os.path.join(results_location, feature_response_results)
    if os.path.exists(results_table_path):

    test_image_location = fetch_file(test_image, store_location, store_local_location)

    #initalize session
    session = BQSession().init_local(user, pwd, bisque_root=root)

    #set to namespace
    ns.root = root
    ns.store_location = store_location
    ns.session = session
    ns.results_location = results_location
    ns.store_local_location = store_local_location
    ns.test_image_location = test_image_location
    ns.feature_response_results = feature_response_results
    ns.feature_past_response_results = feature_past_response_results
    ns.test_image = test_image
    ns.temp_store = temp_store
예제 #25
def chk_cache(cache):
    if not os.path.exists(cache):
예제 #26
    def action(self, token, arg):
        '''arg = l,tnx,tny,tsz'''
        if not token.isFile():
            raise ImageServiceException(400, 'Tile: input is not an image...' )
        level=0; tnx=0; tny=0; tsz=512;
        vs = arg.split(',', 4)
        if len(vs)>0 and vs[0].isdigit(): level = int(vs[0])
        if len(vs)>1 and vs[1].isdigit(): tnx = int(vs[1])
        if len(vs)>2 and vs[2].isdigit(): tny = int(vs[2])
        if len(vs)>3 and vs[3].isdigit(): tsz = int(vs[3])
        log.debug( 'Tile: l:%d, tnx:%d, tny:%d, tsz:%d' % (level, tnx, tny, tsz) )

        # if input image is smaller than the requested tile size
        dims = token.dims or {}
        width = dims.get('image_num_x', 0)
        height = dims.get('image_num_y', 0)
        if width<=tsz and height<=tsz:
            log.debug('Image is smaller than requested tile size, passing the whole image...')
            return token

        # construct a sliced filename
        ifname    = token.first_input_file()
        base_name = '%s.tiles'%(token.data)
        _mkdir( base_name )
        ofname    = os.path.join(base_name, '%s_%.3d_%.3d_%.3d' % (tsz, level, tnx, tny))
        hist_name = os.path.join(base_name, '%s_histogram'%(tsz))

        # if input image does not contain tile pyramid, create one and pass it along
        if dims.get('image_num_resolution_levels', 0)<2 or dims.get('tile_num_x', 0)<1:
            pyramid = '%s.pyramid.tif'%(token.data)
            command = token.drainQueue()
            if not os.path.exists(pyramid):
                #command.extend(['-ohst', hist_name])
                command.extend(['-options', 'compression lzw tiles %s pyramid subdirs'%default_tile_size])
                log.debug('Generate tiled pyramid %s: from %s to %s with %s', token.resource_id, ifname, pyramid, command )
                r = self.server.imageconvert(token, ifname, pyramid, fmt=default_format, extra=command)
                if r is None:
                    raise ImageServiceException(500, 'Tile: could not generate pyramidal file' )
            # ensure the file was created
            with Locks(pyramid, failonread=(not block_tile_reads)) as l:
                if l.locked is False: # dima: never wait, respond immediately
                    fff = (width*height) / (10000*10000)
                    raise ImageServiceFuture((15*fff,30*fff))

            # compute the number of pyramidal levels
            # sz = max(width, height)
            # num_levels = math.ceil(math.log(sz, 2)) - math.ceil(math.log(min_level_size, 2)) + 1
            # scales = [1/float(pow(2,i)) for i in range(0, num_levels)]
            # info = {
            #     'image_num_resolution_levels': num_levels,
            #     'image_resolution_level_scales': ',',join([str(i) for i in scales]),
            #     'tile_num_x': default_tile_size,
            #     'tile_num_y': default_tile_size,
            #     'converter': ConverterImgcnv.name,
            # }

            # load the number of pyramidal levels from the file
            info2 = self.server.getImageInfo(filename=pyramid)
            info = {
                'image_num_resolution_levels': info2.get('image_num_resolution_levels'),
                'image_resolution_level_scales': info2.get('image_resolution_level_scales'),
                'tile_num_x': info2.get('tile_num_x'),
                'tile_num_y': info2.get('tile_num_y'),
                'converter': info2.get('converter'),
            log.debug('Updating original input to pyramidal version %s: %s -> %s', token.resource_id, ifname, pyramid )
            token.setImage(ofname, fmt=default_format, dims=info, input=pyramid)
            ifname = pyramid

        # compute output tile size
        dims = token.dims or {}
        x = tnx * tsz
        y = tny * tsz
        if x>=width or y>=height:
            raise ImageServiceException(400, 'Tile: tile position outside of the image: %s,%s'%(tnx, tny))

        # the new tile service does not change the number of z points in the image and if contains all z will perform the operation
        info = {
            'image_num_x': tsz if width-x >= tsz else width-x,
            'image_num_y': tsz if height-y >= tsz else height-y,
            #'image_num_z': 1,
            #'image_num_t': 1,

        #log.debug('Inside pyramid dims: %s', dims)
        #log.debug('Inside pyramid input: %s', token.first_input_file() )
        #log.debug('Inside pyramid data: %s', token.data )

        # extract individual tile from pyramidal tiled image
        if dims.get('image_num_resolution_levels', 0)>1 and dims.get('tile_num_x', 0)>0:
            # dima: maybe better to test converter, if imgcnv then enqueue, otherwise proceed with the converter path
            if dims.get('converter', '') == ConverterImgcnv.name:
                c = self.server.converters[ConverterImgcnv.name]
                r = c.tile(token, ofname, level, tnx, tny, tsz)
                if r is not None:
                    if not os.path.exists(hist_name):
                        # write the histogram file is missing
                        c.writeHistogram(token, ofnm=hist_name)
                # if decoder returned a list of operations for imgcnv to enqueue
                if isinstance(r, list):
                    #r.extend([ '-ihst', hist_name])
                    token.histogram = hist_name
                    return self.server.enqueue(token, 'tile', ofname, fmt=default_format, command=r, dims=info)

            # try other decoders to read tiles
            ofname = '%s.tif'%ofname
            if os.path.exists(ofname):
                return token.setImage(ofname, fmt=default_format, dims=info, hist=hist_name, input=ofname)
                r = None
                for n,c in self.server.converters.iteritems():
                    if n == ConverterImgcnv.name: continue
                    if callable( getattr(c, "tile", None) ):
                        r = c.tile(token, ofname, level, tnx, tny, tsz)
                        if r is not None:
                            if not os.path.exists(hist_name):
                                # write the histogram file if missing
                                c.writeHistogram(token, ofnm=hist_name)
                            return token.setImage(ofname, fmt=default_format, dims=info, hist=hist_name, input=ofname)

        raise ImageServiceException(500, 'Tile could not be extracted')
예제 #27
def s3_fetch_file(bucket, key, cache, creds, blocking):
    if not os.path.exists(cache):
        _mkdir (cache)
    localname = s3_cache_fetch(bucket, key, cache=cache,creds=creds, blocking=blocking)
    return localname
예제 #28
def irods_cache_name(path):
    cache_filename = os.path.join(IRODS_CACHE, path[1:])
    return cache_filename
예제 #29
 def set_path(self, path):
     self.path = path
     self.filename = os.path.basename(self.path)
     return self
예제 #30
def chk_cache():
    if not os.path.exists(IRODS_CACHE):