예제 #1
def _coords_match(elements, dim, match_values=False):
    first_coords = [(key, tuple(value)) if match_values else key
                    for _, key, value in walk_coords(elements[0][dim])]
    other_coords = [[(key, tuple(value)) if match_values else key
                     for _, key, value in walk_coords(element[dim])]
                    for element in elements[1:]]
    return all(tuple(first_coords) == tuple(coords) for coords in other_coords)
예제 #2
 def _package(self, layer_activations, stimuli_paths):
     shapes = [a.shape for a in layer_activations.values()]
     self._logger.debug('Activations shapes: {}'.format(shapes))
     self._logger.debug("Packaging individual layers")
     layer_assemblies = [self._package_layer(single_layer_activations, layer=layer, stimuli_paths=stimuli_paths) for
                         layer, single_layer_activations in tqdm(layer_activations.items(), desc='layer packaging')]
     # merge manually instead of using merge_data_arrays since `xarray.merge` is very slow with these large arrays
     # complication: (non)neuroid_coords are taken from the structure of layer_assemblies[0] i.e. the 1st assembly;
     # using these names/keys for all assemblies results in KeyError if the first layer contains flatten_coord_names
     # (see _package_layer) not present in later layers, e.g. first layer = conv, later layer = transformer layer
     self._logger.debug("Merging layer assemblies")
     model_assembly = np.concatenate([a.values for a in layer_assemblies],
     nonneuroid_coords = {coord: (dims, values) for coord, dims, values in walk_coords(layer_assemblies[0])
                          if set(dims) != {'neuroid'}}
     neuroid_coords = {coord: [dims, values] for coord, dims, values in walk_coords(layer_assemblies[0])
                       if set(dims) == {'neuroid'}}
     for layer_assembly in layer_assemblies[1:]:
         for coord in neuroid_coords:
             neuroid_coords[coord][1] = np.concatenate((neuroid_coords[coord][1], layer_assembly[coord].values))
         assert layer_assemblies[0].dims == layer_assembly.dims
         for dim in set(layer_assembly.dims) - {'neuroid'}:
             for coord in layer_assembly[dim].coords:
                 assert (layer_assembly[coord].values == nonneuroid_coords[coord][1]).all()
     neuroid_coords = {coord: (dims_values[0], dims_values[1])  # re-package as tuple instead of list for xarray
                       for coord, dims_values in neuroid_coords.items()}
     model_assembly = type(layer_assemblies[0])(model_assembly, coords={**nonneuroid_coords, **neuroid_coords},
     return model_assembly
예제 #3
 def __call__(self, model_activations, target_rdm):
     model_activations = align(model_activations, target_rdm, on='stimulus_sentence')
     model_rdm = self._rdm(model_activations)
     values = model_rdm.values
     if np.isnan(values.flatten()).any():
         warnings.warn(f"{np.isnan(values.flatten()).sum()} nan values found in model rdm - setting to 0")
         values[np.isnan(values)] = 0
         model_rdm = type(model_rdm)(values, coords={coord: (dims, vals) for coord, dims, vals in
                                                     walk_coords(model_rdm)}, dims=model_rdm.dims)
     leave_one_out = self.LeaveOneOutWrapper(self._similarity)
     # multi-dimensional coords with repeated dimensions not yet supported in CrossValidation
     drop_coords = [coord for coord, dims, value in walk_coords(target_rdm) if dims == ('stimulus', 'stimulus')]
     target_rdm = target_rdm.drop(drop_coords)
     return self._cross_validation(model_rdm, target_rdm, apply=leave_one_out)
예제 #4
 def _package(self, layer_activations, stimuli_paths):
     shapes = [a.shape for a in layer_activations.values()]
     self._logger.debug('Activations shapes: {}'.format(shapes))
     self._logger.debug("Packaging individual layers")
     layer_assemblies = [
         for layer, single_layer_activations in tqdm(
             layer_activations.items(), desc='layer packaging')
     # merge manually instead of using merge_data_arrays since `xarray.merge` is very slow with these large arrays
     self._logger.debug("Merging layer assemblies")
     model_assembly = np.concatenate(
         [a.values for a in layer_assemblies],
     nonneuroid_coords = {
         coord: (dims, values)
         for coord, dims, values in walk_coords(layer_assemblies[0])
         if set(dims) != {'neuroid'}
     neuroid_coords = {
         coord: [dims, values]
         for coord, dims, values in walk_coords(layer_assemblies[0])
         if set(dims) == {'neuroid'}
     for layer_assembly in layer_assemblies[1:]:
         for coord in neuroid_coords:
             neuroid_coords[coord][1] = np.concatenate(
                 (neuroid_coords[coord][1], layer_assembly[coord].values))
         assert layer_assemblies[0].dims == layer_assembly.dims
         for dim in set(layer_assembly.dims) - {'neuroid'}:
             for coord in layer_assembly[dim].coords:
                 assert (layer_assembly[coord].values ==
     neuroid_coords = {
         coord: (dims_values[0], dims_values[1]
                 )  # re-package as tuple instead of list for xarray
         for coord, dims_values in neuroid_coords.items()
     model_assembly = type(layer_assemblies[0])(
     return model_assembly
예제 #5
 def __call__(self, prediction, target):
     # align
     prediction = prediction.sortby(
         [self._correlation_coord, self._neuroid_coord])
     target = target.sortby([self._correlation_coord, self._neuroid_coord])
     assert np.array(prediction[self._correlation_coord].values == target[
     assert np.array(prediction[self._neuroid_coord].values == target[
     # compute correlation per neuroid
     neuroid_dims = target[self._neuroid_coord].dims
     assert len(neuroid_dims) == 1
     correlations = []
     for i, coord_value in enumerate(target[self._neuroid_coord].values):
         target_neuroids = target.isel(**{
             neuroid_dims[0]: i
         })  # `isel` is about 10x faster than `sel`
         prediction_neuroids = prediction.isel(**{neuroid_dims[0]: i})
         r, p = self._correlation(target_neuroids, prediction_neuroids)
     # package
     result = Score(correlations,
                        coord: (dims, values)
                        for coord, dims, values in walk_coords(target)
                        if dims == neuroid_dims
     return result
예제 #6
 def predict_proba(self, X):
     import tensorflow as tf
     assert len(X.shape) == 2, "expected 2-dimensional input"
     if self._zscore_feats:
         scaled_X = self._scaler.transform(X)
         scaled_X = X
     with self._graph.as_default():
         preds = []
         for batch in self._iterate_minibatches(
                 scaled_X, batchsize=self._eval_batch_size, shuffle=False):
             feed_dict = {
                 self._input_placeholder: batch,
                 self._fc_keep_prob: 1.0
             softmax = self._sess.run([tf.nn.softmax(self._predictions)],
         proba = np.concatenate(preds, axis=0)
     # we take only the 0th dimension because the 1st dimension is just the features
     X_coords = {
         coord: (dims, value)
         for coord, dims, value in walk_coords(X)
         if array_is_element(dims, X.dims[0])
     proba = BehavioralAssembly(proba,
                                dims=[X.dims[0], 'choice'])
     return proba
예제 #7
    def build_response_matrix_from_responses(self, responses):
        num_choices = [(image_id, choice) for image_id, choice in zip(responses['image_id'].values, responses.values)]
        num_choices = Counter(num_choices)
        num_objects = [[(image_id, sample_obj), (image_id, dist_obj)] for image_id, sample_obj, dist_obj in zip(
            responses['image_id'].values, responses['sample_obj'].values, responses['dist_obj'].values)]
        num_objects = Counter(itertools.chain(*num_objects))

        choices = np.unique(responses)
        image_ids, indices = np.unique(responses['image_id'], return_index=True)
        truths = responses['truth'].values[indices]
        image_dim = responses['image_id'].dims
        coords = {**{coord: (dims, value) for coord, dims, value in walk_coords(responses)},
                  **{'choice': ('choice', choices)}}
        coords = {coord: (dims, value if dims != image_dim else value[indices])  # align image_dim coords with indices
                  for coord, (dims, value) in coords.items()}
        response_matrix = np.zeros((len(image_ids), len(choices)))
        for (image_index, image_id), (choice_index, choice) in itertools.product(
                enumerate(image_ids), enumerate(choices)):
            if truths[image_index] == choice:  # object == choice, ignore
                p = np.nan
                # divide by number of times where object was one of the two choices (target or distractor)
                p = (num_choices[(image_id, choice)] / num_objects[(image_id, choice)]) \
                    if num_objects[(image_id, choice)] > 0 else np.nan
            response_matrix[image_index, choice_index] = p
        response_matrix = DataAssembly(response_matrix, coords=coords, dims=responses.dims + ('choice',))
        return response_matrix
예제 #8
파일: fmri.py 프로젝트: jaffourt/neural-nlp
 def _dim_coord_values(assembly):
     dim_coord_values = defaultdict(dict)
     for coord, dims, values in walk_coords(assembly):
         assert len(dims) == 1
         dim = dims[0]
         dim_coord_values[dim][coord] = values.tolist()
     return dim_coord_values
예제 #9
 def from_paths(self, *args, **kwargs):
     raw_activations = super(TemporalExtractor, self).from_paths(*args, **kwargs)
     # introduce time dimension
     regions = defaultdict(list)
     for layer in set(raw_activations['layer'].values):
         match = re.match(r'(([^-]*)\..*|logits|avgpool)-t([0-9]+)', layer)
         region, timestep = match.group(2) if match.group(2) else match.group(1), match.group(3)
         stripped_layer = match.group(1)
         regions[region].append((layer, stripped_layer, timestep))
     activations = {}
     for region, time_layers in regions.items():
         for (full_layer, stripped_layer, timestep) in time_layers:
             region_time_activations = raw_activations.sel(layer=full_layer)
             region_time_activations['layer'] = 'neuroid', [stripped_layer] * len(region_time_activations['neuroid'])
             activations[(region, timestep)] = region_time_activations
     for key, key_activations in activations.items():
         region, timestep = key
         key_activations['region'] = 'neuroid', [region] * len(key_activations['neuroid'])
         activations[key] = NeuroidAssembly([key_activations.values], coords={
             **{coord: (dims, values) for coord, dims, values in walk_coords(activations[key])
                if coord != 'neuroid_id'},  # otherwise, neuroid dim will be as large as before with nans
             **{'time_step': [int(timestep)]}
         }, dims=['time_step'] + list(key_activations.dims))
     activations = list(activations.values())
     activations = merge_data_arrays(activations)
     # rebuild neuroid_id without timestep
     neuroid_id = [".".join([f"{value}" for value in values]) for values in zip(*[
         activations[coord].values for coord in ['model', 'region', 'neuroid_num']])]
     activations['neuroid_id'] = 'neuroid', neuroid_id
     return activations
예제 #10
    def _package_prediction(self, predicted_values, source):
        coords = {
            coord: (dims, values)
            for coord, dims, values in walk_coords(source)
            if not array_is_element(dims, self._neuroid_dim)
        # re-package neuroid coords
        dims = source.dims
        # if there is only one neuroid coordinate, it would get discarded and the dimension would be used as coordinate.
        # to avoid this, we can build the assembly first and then stack on the neuroid dimension.
        neuroid_level_dim = None
        if len(
        ) == 1:  # extract single key: https://stackoverflow.com/a/20145927/2225200
            (neuroid_level_dim, _), = self._target_neuroid_values.items()
            dims = [
                dim if dim != self._neuroid_dim else neuroid_level_dim
                for dim in dims
        for target_coord, target_value in self._target_neuroid_values.items():
            # this might overwrite values which is okay
            coords[target_coord] = (neuroid_level_dim
                                    or self._neuroid_dim), target_value
        prediction = NeuroidAssembly(predicted_values,
        if neuroid_level_dim:
            prediction = prediction.stack(
                **{self._neuroid_dim: [neuroid_level_dim]})

        return prediction
예제 #11
def get_modified_coords(assembly, modifier=lambda name, dims, values: (name, (dims, values))):
    coords = {}
    for name, dims, values in walk_coords(assembly):
        name_dims_vals = modifier(name, dims, values)
        if name_dims_vals is not None:
            name, (dims, vals) = name_dims_vals
            coords[name] = dims, vals
    return coords
예제 #12
 def avg_repr(assembly):
     presentation_coords = [
         coord for coord, dims, values in walk_coords(assembly)
         if array_is_element(dims, 'presentation') and coord != 'repetition'
     assembly = assembly.multi_groupby(presentation_coords).mean(
         dim='presentation', skipna=True)
     return assembly
예제 #13
 def average_repetition(self, assembly):
     attrs = assembly.attrs  # workaround to keeping attrs
     presentation_coords = [coord for coord, dims, values in walk_coords(assembly)
                            if array_is_element(dims, 'presentation')]
     presentation_coords = set(presentation_coords) - {'repetition_id', 'id'}
     assembly = assembly.multi_groupby(presentation_coords).mean(dim='presentation', skipna=True)
     assembly.attrs = attrs
     return assembly
예제 #14
 def _average_repetitions(self, assembly):
     repetition_dims = assembly[self._split_coord].dims
     nonrepetition_coords = [
         coord for coord, dims, values in walk_coords(assembly)
         if dims == repetition_dims and coord != self._split_coord
     average = assembly.multi_groupby(nonrepetition_coords).mean(
     return average
예제 #15
 def multishape_preserved_sort(self, assembly):
     comparison_dims = assembly[self._comparison_coord].dims
     assert set(assembly.dims) == set(comparison_dims), "multi-dimensional case not implemented"
     indices = np.argsort(assembly[self._comparison_coord].values)
     assembly = type(assembly)(assembly.values[np.ix_(indices, indices)],
                               coords={coord: (dims, values[indices] if dims == comparison_dims else values)
                                       for coord, dims, values in walk_coords(assembly)},
     return assembly
예제 #16
 def look_at_cached(self, model_identifier, stimuli_identifier, stimuli):
     responses = self.activations_model(stimuli,
     # map time
     regions = set(responses['region'].values)
     if len(regions) > 1:
         raise NotImplementedError(
             "cannot handle more than one simultaneous region")
     region = list(regions)[0]
     time_bins = [
         if timestep in self.time_mapping[region] else (None, None)
         for timestep in responses['time_step'].values
     responses['time_bin_start'] = 'time_step', [
         time_bin[0] for time_bin in time_bins
     responses['time_bin_end'] = 'time_step', [
         time_bin[1] for time_bin in time_bins
     responses = NeuroidAssembly(responses.rename({'time_step':
     responses = responses[{
         'time_bin': [
             not np.isnan(time_start)
             for time_start in responses['time_bin_start']
     # select time
     time_responses = []
     for time_bin in tqdm(self.recording_time_bins,
                          desc='CORnet-time to recording time'):
         time_bin = time_bin if not isinstance(
             time_bin, np.ndarray) else time_bin.tolist()
         time_bin_start, time_bin_end = time_bin
         nearest_start = find_nearest(responses['time_bin_start'].values,
         bin_responses = responses.sel(time_bin_start=nearest_start)
         bin_responses = NeuroidAssembly(
                     coord: (dims, values)
                     for coord, dims, values in walk_coords(bin_responses) if coord not in [
                         'time_bin_level_0', 'time_bin_end'
                     'time_bin_start': ('time_bin', [time_bin_start]),
                     'time_bin_end': ('time_bin', [time_bin_end])
     responses = merge_data_arrays(time_responses)
     return responses
예제 #17
 def __call__(self, source, target):
     scaled_values = scale(target, copy=True)
     target = target.__class__(
             coord: (dims, value)
             for coord, dims, value in walk_coords(target)
     return self.cross_regressed_correlation(source, target)
예제 #18
def average_trials(assembly):
    non_repetition_coords = [
        coord for coord, dim, values in walk_coords(assembly['presentation'])
        if array_is_element(dim, 'presentation') and coord != 'repetition'
    grouped = assembly.multi_groupby(non_repetition_coords)
    if np.issubdtype(assembly.dtype, np.number):
        return grouped.mean('presentation')
    else:  # for non-numbers take majority
        return grouped.max('presentation')
def _strip_presentation_coords(assembly):
    presentation_columns = [
        coord for coord, dim, values in walk_coords(assembly['presentation'])
    stimulus_set_columns = assembly.stimulus_set.columns
    redundant_coords = set(presentation_columns).intersection(
        set(stimulus_set_columns)) - {'image_id'}
    assembly = DataArray(assembly)
    assembly = assembly.reset_index('presentation')
    assembly = assembly.drop(redundant_coords)
    return assembly
예제 #20
 def predict_proba(self, X):
     assert len(X.shape) == 2, "expected 2-dimensional input"
     scaled_X = self._scaler.transform(X)
     proba = self._classifier.predict_proba(scaled_X)
     # we take only the 0th dimension because the 1st dimension is just the features
     X_coords = {coord: (dims, value) for coord, dims, value in walk_coords(X)
                 if array_is_element(dims, X.dims[0])}
     proba = BehavioralAssembly(proba,
                                coords={**X_coords, **{'choice': list(self._label_mapping.values())}},
                                dims=[X.dims[0], 'choice'])
     return proba
예제 #21
    def fit(self, source, target):
        source, target = self._align(source), self._align(target)
        source, target = source.sortby(self._stimulus_coord), target.sortby(

        self._regression.fit(source, target)

        self._target_neuroid_values = {}
        for name, dims, values in walk_coords(target):
            if self._neuroid_dim in dims:
                assert array_is_element(dims, self._neuroid_dim)
                self._target_neuroid_values[name] = values
예제 #22
def fix_timebin_naming(assembly):
    renames coordinate time_bin_level_0 to time_bin_start and time_bin_level_1 to time_bin_end
    to work around bug introduced in xarray 0.16.2 (and still present in 0.17.0).
    # jjpr had found that xarray 0.16.2 introduced a bug where xarray.core.alignment._get_joiner assumes Index when the
    # object is a MultiIndex.
    # xarray.rename for some reason does not work for some reason, it cannot find the coords
    rename = dict(time_bin_level_0='time_bin_start', time_bin_level_1='time_bin_end')
    assembly = type(assembly)(assembly.values, coords={
        rename[coord] if coord in rename else coord: (dims, values)
        for coord, dims, values in walk_coords(assembly)}, dims=assembly.dims)
    return assembly
예제 #23
 def look_at(self, stimuli, number_of_trials=1):
     if self.current_task is BrainModel.Task.passive:
     logits = self.activations_model(stimuli, layers=['logits'])
     assert len(logits['neuroid']) == 1000
     logits = logits.transpose('presentation', 'neuroid')
     prediction_indices = logits.values.argmax(axis=1)
     with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'imagenet_classes.txt')) as f:
         synsets = f.read().splitlines()
     prediction_synsets = [synsets[index] for index in prediction_indices]
     return BehavioralAssembly([prediction_synsets], coords={
         **{coord: (dims, values) for coord, dims, values in walk_coords(logits['presentation'])},
         **{'synset': ('presentation', prediction_synsets), 'logit': ('presentation', prediction_indices)}},
                               dims=['choice', 'presentation'])
예제 #24
def manual_merge(*elements, on='neuroid'):
    dims = elements[0].dims
    assert all(element.dims == dims for element in elements[1:])
    merge_index = dims.index(on)
    # the coordinates in the merge index should have the same keys
    assert _coords_match(
        elements, dim=on, match_values=False
    ), f"coords in {[element[on] for element in elements]} do not match"
    # all other dimensions, their coordinates and values should already align
    for dim in set(dims) - {on}:
        assert _coords_match(
            elements, dim=dim, match_values=True
        ), f"coords in {[element[dim] for element in elements]} do not match"
    # merge values without meta
    merged_values = np.concatenate([element.values for element in elements],
    # piece together with meta
    result = type(
              coord: (dims, values)
              for coord, dims, values in walk_coords(elements[0]) if not array_is_element(
                  dims, on)
              coord: (dims,
                          element[coord].values for element in elements
              for coord, dims, _ in walk_coords(elements[0]) if array_is_element(
                  dims, on)
    return result
예제 #25
 def _package_prediction(self, predicted_values, source):
     coords = {
         coord: (dims, values)
         for coord, dims, values in walk_coords(source)
         if not array_is_element(dims, self._neuroid_dim)
     # re-package neuroid coords
     dims = source.dims
     for target_coord, target_value in self._target_neuroid_values.items():
         # this might overwrite values which is okay
         coords[target_coord] = self._neuroid_dim, target_value
     prediction = NeuroidAssembly(predicted_values,
     return prediction
예제 #26
 def aggregate(cls, values):
     center = values.mean('split')
     error = standard_error_of_the_mean(values, 'split')
     return Score(
         [center, error],
                 'aggregation': ['center', 'error']
                 coord: (dims, values)
                 for coord, dims, values in walk_coords(center)
         dims=('aggregation', ) + center.dims)
예제 #27
def cross_correlation(prediction, target, cross, correlation):
    assert (prediction[cross] == target[cross]).all()
    scores = []
    coords = [coord for coord, dims, values in walk_coords(target[cross])]
    for cross_value in target[cross].values:
        _prediction = prediction.sel(**{cross: cross_value})
        _target = target.sel(**{cross: cross_value})
        score = correlation(_prediction, _target)
        for coord, coord_value in zip(coords, cross_value):
            score = score.expand_dims(coord)
            score[coord] = [coord_value]
        score = score.stack(**{cross: coords})
    score = merge_data_arrays(scores)
    score = apply_aggregate(lambda score: score.mean(cross), score)
    return score
예제 #28
def build_assembly(assembly, coord_list=['ty', 'tz']):
    values = np.stack(
            [getattr(assembly, coord).values for coord in coord_list], 
    coords = {
            'neuroid_id': ('neuroid', list(range(len(coord_list)))),
            'neuroid_meaning': ('neuroid', coord_list)}
    for coord, dims, value in walk_coords(assembly):
        if len(dims) == 0:
        if dims[0] == 'presentation':
            coords[coord] = ('presentation', value)
    new_assembly = NeuroidAssembly(
            dims=['presentation', 'neuroid'])
    new_assembly.attrs['stimulus_set'] = assembly.stimulus_set
    return new_assembly
예제 #29
 def average_subregions(self, bold_shift, assembly):
     attrs = assembly.attrs
     del assembly['threshold']
     # group by stimuli, fROI, subject after one another.
     # this gets rid of adjacent coords unfortunately, but we accept that for now.
     averaged_assembly = assembly.groupby('stimulus_id').apply(
         lambda stimulus_group: stimulus_group.groupby('fROI_area').apply(
             lambda fROI_group: fROI_group.groupby('subject_UID').mean()
     averaged_assembly = averaged_assembly.stack(presentation=['stimulus_id'], neuroid=['fROI_area', 'subject_UID'])
     # copy presentation coords back since those are needed for e.g. metric stratification
     order = [averaged_assembly['stimulus_id'].values.tolist().index(stimulus_id)
              for stimulus_id in assembly['stimulus_id'].values]
     for copy_coord, dims, copy_value in walk_coords(assembly):
         if not array_is_element(dims, 'presentation') or hasattr(averaged_assembly, copy_coord):
         averaged_assembly[copy_coord] = dims, copy_value[order]
     averaged_assembly.attrs = attrs
     averaged_assembly['neuroid_id'] = 'neuroid', [".".join([str(value) for value in values]) for values in zip(*[
         averaged_assembly[coord].values for coord in ['subject_UID', 'fROI_area']])]
     return averaged_assembly
예제 #30
def build_cate_assembly(assembly):
    category_names = assembly.category_name.values
    unique_cate_names = np.unique(category_names)
    # Tricky solution for some weird requirements later
    new_category_names = [
            [curr_name, curr_name] \
            for curr_name in category_names]
    coords = {
            'neuroid_id': ('neuroid', [0, 1]),
            'neuroid_meaning': ('neuroid', ['category', 'category'])}
    for coord, dims, value in walk_coords(assembly):
        if len(dims) == 0:
        if dims[0] == 'presentation':
            coords[coord] = ('presentation', value)
    new_assembly = NeuroidAssembly(
            dims=['presentation', 'neuroid'])
    new_assembly.attrs['stimulus_set'] = assembly.stimulus_set
    return new_assembly