def _mf(x, Id, grp, self, display, probOccur): """cross-validation multifeatures """ # Unpack arguments : y = self._y cvOut = defCv(y, **self._cvOut).cvr clfOut = defClf(y, **self._clfOut) # Repetitions loop : idxCvOut, da = [], [] for k, i in enumerate(cvOut): predCv, yTestCv = [], [] for train_index, test_index in i.split(x, y): # Get training and testing sets: xTrain, xTest, yTrain, yTest = x[train_index, :], x[ test_index, :], y[train_index], y[test_index] # Define the classification object : clfObj = classify(yTrain, clf=defClf(yTrain, **self._clfIn), cvtype=defCv(yTrain, **self._cvIn)) # Get the MF model: MFmeth, MFstr = Id2methods(Id, yTrain, clfObj, p=self._p, display=display, direction=self._direction, nbest=self._nbest, stat=self._stat, n_perm=self._n_perm) # Apply the MF model: xCv, idxCvIn, grpIn, MFstrCascade = applyMethods( MFmeth, MFstr, xTrain, grp) # Select the xTest features: xTest = xTest[:, idxCvIn] # Classify: if xCv.size: predCv.extend(, yTrain).predict(xTest)) else: predCv.extend(n.array([None] * len(test_index))) # Keep info: idxCvOut.extend(idxCvIn), yTestCv.extend(yTest) # Get the decoding accuracy : da.append(100 * sum([ 1 if predCv[k] == yTestCv[k] else 0 for k in range(0, len(predCv)) ]) / len(predCv)) prob = occurProba(idxCvOut, list(range(x.shape[1])), kind=probOccur) return da, prob, MFstrCascade
def __init__(self, y, Id='0', p=0.05, n_perm=200, stat='bino', threshold=None, nbest=10, direction='forward', occurence='i%', clfIn={'clf': 'lda'}, clfOut={'clf': 'lda'}, cvIn={'cvtype': 'skfold', 'n_folds': 10, 'rep': 1}, cvOut={'cvtype': 'skfold', 'n_folds': 10, 'rep': 10}): self._Id = Id self._stat = stat self._y = np.ravel(y) if threshold is not None: p = bino_da2p(y, threshold) self._p = p self._nbest = nbest self._n_perm = n_perm self._direction = direction self._threshold = threshold self._occurence = occurence self._clfIn = clfIn self._clfOut = clfOut self._cvIn = cvIn self._cvOut = cvOut self.setup = {'Id': Id, 'p': p, 'n_perm': n_perm, 'stat': stat, 'nbest': nbest, 'threshold': threshold, 'direction': direction, 'occurence': occurence, 'clfIn': defClf(y, **clfIn).lgStr, 'clfOut': defClf(y, **clfOut).lgStr, 'cvIn': defCv(y, **cvIn).lgStr, 'cvOut': defCv(y, **cvOut).lgStr}
def _mf(x, Id, grp, self, display, probOccur): """cross-validation multifeatures """ # Unpack arguments : y = self._y cvOut = defCv(y, **self._cvOut).cvr clfOut = defClf(y, **self._clfOut) # Repetitions loop : idxCvOut, da = [], [] for k, i in enumerate(cvOut): predCv, yTestCv = [], [] for train_index, test_index in i: # Get training and testing sets: xTrain, xTest, yTrain, yTest = x[train_index, :], x[ test_index, :], y[train_index], y[test_index] # Define the classification object : clfObj = classify(yTrain, clf=defClf(yTrain, **self._clfIn), cvtype=defCv(yTrain, **self._cvIn)) # Get the MF model: MFmeth, MFstr = Id2methods(Id, yTrain, clfObj, p=self._p, display=display, direction=self._direction, nbest=self._nbest, stat=self._stat, n_perm=self._n_perm) # Apply the MF model: xCv, idxCvIn, grpIn, MFstrCascade = applyMethods( MFmeth, MFstr, xTrain, grp) # Select the xTest features: xTest = xTest[:, idxCvIn] # Classify: if xCv.size: predCv.extend(, yTrain).predict(xTest)) else: predCv.extend(n.array([None] * len(test_index))) # Keep info: idxCvOut.extend(idxCvIn), yTestCv.extend(yTest) # Get the decoding accuracy : da.append(100 * sum([1 if predCv[k] == yTestCv[k] else 0 for k in range(0, len(predCv)) ]) / len(predCv)) prob = occurProba(idxCvOut, list(range(x.shape[1])), kind=probOccur) return da, prob, MFstrCascade
def __init__(self, y, Id='0', p=0.05, n_perm=200, stat='bino', threshold=None, nbest=10, direction='forward', occurence='i%', clfIn={'clf': 'lda'}, clfOut={'clf': 'lda'}, cvIn={ 'cvtype': 'skfold', 'n_folds': 10, 'rep': 1 }, cvOut={ 'cvtype': 'skfold', 'n_folds': 10, 'rep': 10 }): self._Id = Id self._stat = stat self._y = np.ravel(y) if threshold is not None: p = bino_da2p(y, threshold) self._p = p self._nbest = nbest self._n_perm = n_perm self._direction = direction self._threshold = threshold self._occurence = occurence self._clfIn = clfIn self._clfOut = clfOut self._cvIn = cvIn self._cvOut = cvOut self.setup = { 'Id': Id, 'p': p, 'n_perm': n_perm, 'stat': stat, 'nbest': nbest, 'threshold': threshold, 'direction': direction, 'occurence': occurence, 'clfIn': defClf(y, **clfIn).lgStr, 'clfOut': defClf(y, **clfOut).lgStr, 'cvIn': defCv(y, **cvIn).lgStr, 'cvOut': defCv(y, **cvOut).lgStr }