예제 #1
    def __init__(self, sf, npts, nbins=18, pha_f=[2, 4], pha_meth='hilbert',
                 pha_cycle=3, amp_f=[60, 200], amp_meth='hilbert', amp_cycle=6,
                 window=None, width=None, step=None, time=None,
        # Check pha and amp methods:
        _checkref('pha_meth', pha_meth, ['hilbert', 'hilbert1', 'hilbert2'])
        _checkref('amp_meth', amp_meth, ['hilbert', 'hilbert1', 'hilbert2'])

        # Check the type of f:
        if (len(pha_f) == 4) and isinstance(pha_f[0], (int, float)):
            pha_f = binarize(
                pha_f[0], pha_f[1], pha_f[2], pha_f[3], kind='list')
        if (len(amp_f) == 4) and isinstance(amp_f[0], (int, float)):
            amp_f = binarize(
                amp_f[0], amp_f[1], amp_f[2], amp_f[3], kind='list')
        self.xvec = []
        # Binarize phase vector :
        self._binsize = 360 / nbins
        self._phabin = np.arange(0, 360, self._binsize)
        self.phabin = np.concatenate((self._phabin[:, np.newaxis],
                                      self._phabin[:, np.newaxis]+self._binsize), axis=1)

        # Initialize coupling:
        _coupling.__init__(self, pha_f, 'phase', pha_meth, pha_cycle,
                           amp_f, 'amplitude', amp_meth, amp_cycle,
                           sf, npts, window, width, step, time, **kwargs)
        self._nbins = nbins
예제 #2
 def __init__(self, sf, npts, f=(2, 200, 10, 5), baseline=(1, 2), norm=0,
              method='hilbert1', window=None, width=None, step=None,
              time=None, **kwargs):
     _checkref('method', method, ['hilbert', 'hilbert1', 'hilbert2',
     _spectral.__init__(self, sf, npts, 'power', f, baseline, norm,
                        method, window, width, step, None, time,
                        True, **kwargs)
예제 #3
 def __init__(self, sf, npts, f=[60, 200], baseline=(1, 2), norm=0,
              method='hilbert1', window=None, width=None, step=None,
              split=None, time=None, **kwargs):
     _checkref('method', method, ['hilbert', 'hilbert1', 'hilbert2',
     _spectral.__init__(self, sf, npts, 'amplitude', f, baseline, norm,
                        method, window, width, step, split, time,
                        False, **kwargs)
예제 #4
 def __init__(self,
              f=[60, 200],
     _checkref('method', method, ['hilbert', 'hilbert1', 'hilbert2'])
     _spectral.__init__(self, sf, npts, 'phase', f, None, 0, method, window,
                        width, step, None, time, False, **kwargs)
예제 #5
 def __init__(self,
              f=(2, 200, 10, 5),
              baseline=(1, 2),
     _checkref('method', method,
               ['hilbert', 'hilbert1', 'hilbert2', 'wavelet'])
     _spectral.__init__(self, sf, npts, 'power', f, baseline, norm, method,
                        window, width, step, None, time, True, **kwargs)
예제 #6
 def __init__(self,
              f=[60, 200],
     _checkref('method', method,
               ['hilbert', 'hilbert1', 'hilbert2', 'wavelet'])
     _spectral.__init__(self, sf, npts, 'power', f, baseline, norm, method,
                        window, width, step, split, time, False, **kwargs)
예제 #7
    def __init__(self, sf, npts, pha_f=[2, 4], pha_meth='hilbert',
                 pha_cycle=3, amp_f=[60, 200], amp_meth='hilbert', amp_cycle=6,
                 window=None, step=None, width=None, time=None, **kwargs):
        # Check pha and amp methods:
        _checkref('pha_meth', pha_meth, ['hilbert', 'hilbert1', 'hilbert2'])
        _checkref('amp_meth', amp_meth, ['hilbert', 'hilbert1', 'hilbert2'])

        # Check the type of f:
        if (len(pha_f) == 4) and isinstance(pha_f[0], (int, float)):
            pha_f = binarize(
                pha_f[0], pha_f[1], pha_f[2], pha_f[3], kind='list')
        if (len(amp_f) == 4) and isinstance(amp_f[0], (int, float)):
            amp_f = binarize(
                amp_f[0], amp_f[1], amp_f[2], amp_f[3], kind='list')

        # Initialize cfc :
        _coupling.__init__(self, pha_f, 'phase', pha_meth, pha_cycle,
                           amp_f, 'amplitude', amp_meth, amp_cycle,
                           sf, npts, window, width, step, time, **kwargs)
예제 #8
    def __init__(self, sf, npts, Id='113', pha_f=[2, 4], pha_meth='hilbert',
                 pha_cycle=3, amp_f=[60, 200], amp_meth='hilbert', amp_cycle=6,
                 nbins=18, window=None, width=None, step=None, time=None,
        # Check pha and amp methods:
        _checkref('pha_meth', pha_meth, ['hilbert', 'hilbert1', 'hilbert2'])
        _checkref('amp_meth', amp_meth, ['hilbert', 'hilbert1', 'hilbert2'])

        # Check the type of f:
        if (len(pha_f) == 4) and isinstance(pha_f[0], (int, float)):
            pha_f = binarize(
                pha_f[0], pha_f[1], pha_f[2], pha_f[3], kind='list')
        if (len(amp_f) == 4) and isinstance(amp_f[0], (int, float)):
            amp_f = binarize(
                amp_f[0], amp_f[1], amp_f[2], amp_f[3], kind='list')
        self.xvec = []

        # Initalize pac object :
        self.Id = Id
        me = Id[0]
        # Manage settings :
        #   1 - Choose if we extract phase or amplitude :
        #       - Methods using phase // amplitude :
        if me in ['1', '2', '3', '5', '6']:
            pha_kind, amp_kind = 'phase', 'amplitude'
        #       - Methods using phase // phase :
        elif me in ['4']:
            pha_kind, amp_kind = 'phase', 'amplitude'
        #   2 - Specific case of Ozkurt :
        if me == '5':
            Id = '500'
        # Initialize cfc :
        _coupling.__init__(self, pha_f, pha_kind, pha_meth, pha_cycle,
                           amp_f, amp_kind, amp_meth, amp_cycle,
                           sf, npts, window, width, step, time, **kwargs)
        # Get pac model :
        _, _, _, ModelStr, SurStr, NormStr = CfcSettings(Id, nbins)
        self.model = ['Method : '+ModelStr, 'Surrogates : '+SurStr,
                      'Normalization : '+NormStr]
        self._nbins = nbins
예제 #9
    def __init__(self, sf, npts, f=[2, 4], method='hilbert', cycle=3,
                 sample=None, time=None, **kwargs):
        # Check pha and amp methods:
        _checkref('pha_meth', method, ['hilbert', 'hilbert1', 'hilbert2'])

        # Check the type of f:
        if (len(f) == 4) and isinstance(f[0], (int, float)):
            f = binarize(f[0], f[1], f[2], f[3], kind='list')

        # Initialize PLV :
        _coupling.__init__(self, f, 'phase', method, cycle,
                           f, 'phase', method, cycle,
                           sf, npts, None, None, None, time, **kwargs)
        if time is None:
            time = np.arange(npts)
            time = time

        if sample is None:
            sample = slice(npts)
        self._sample = sample
        self.time = time[sample]
        del self.amp
예제 #10
 def __init__(self, sf, npts, f=[60, 200], method='hilbert', window=None,
              width=None, step=None, time=None, **kwargs):
     _checkref('method', method, ['hilbert', 'hilbert1', 'hilbert2'])
     _spectral.__init__(self, sf, npts, 'phase', f, None, 0, method,
                        window, width, step, None, time, False, **kwargs)
예제 #11
    def get(self, x, statmeth=None, tail=2, maxstat=-1, metric='m_center',
            n_perm=200, n_jobs=-1):
        """Get the spectral informations of the signal x.

            x: array
                Data. x should have a shape of
                (n_electrodes x n_pts x n_trials)

            n_perm: integer, optional, [def: 200]
                Number of permutations for assessing statistical significiancy.

        statmeth: string, optional, [def: None]
            Method to evaluate the statistical significiancy. To get p-values,
            the program will compare real values with a defined baseline. As a
            consequence, the 'norm' parameter should not be equal to zero.

                - None: no statistical evaluation
                - 'permutation': randomly shuffle real data with baseline.Control the number of permutations with the n_perm parameter. For example, if n_perm = 1000, this mean that minimum p-valueswill be 0.001.
                - 'wilcoxon': Wilcoxon signed-rank test
                - 'kruskal': Kruskal-Wallis H-test

        tail: int, optional, [def: 1]
            For the permutation method, get p-values from one or two tails of
            the distribution.

        maxtstat: integer, optional, [def -1]
            Correct p-values with maximum statistique. maxstat correspond to
            the dimension of perm for correction. Use -1 to correct through all
            dimensions. Otherwise, use d1, d2, ... or dn to correct through a
            specific dimension.

        n_perm: integer, optional, [def: 200]
            Number of permutations for assessing statistical significiancy.

            xF: array
                The un/normalized feature of x, with a shape of
                (n_frequency x n_electrodes x n_window x n_trials)
        # Get variables :
        self._statmeth = statmeth
        self._n_perm = n_perm
        self._2t = tail
        self._mxst = maxstat
        self._metric = metric
        # Check input size :
        if len(x.shape) == 2:
            x = x[np.newaxis, ...]
        if x.shape[1] != self._npts:
            raise ValueError('The second dimension must be '+str(self._npts))
        nfeat = x.shape[0]
        # Check statistical method :
        _checkref('statmeth', statmeth, ['permutation', 'wilcoxon', 'kruskal'])
        # run feature computation:
        data = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(
            delayed(_get)(x[k, ...], self) for k in range(nfeat))
        # xF, pvalues = zip(*data)
        # Re-organize data :
        xF = np.swapaxes(np.array(data), 0, 1)
        # Remove last dimension (for TF):
        if self._meanT:
            xF = xF[..., 0]

        return xF  # , np.swapaxes(np.array(pvalues), 0, 1)
예제 #12
    def get(self,
        """Get the spectral informations of the signal x.

            x: array
                Data. x should have a shape of
                (n_electrodes x n_pts x n_trials)

            n_perm: integer, optional, [def: 200]
                Number of permutations for assessing statistical significiancy.

        statmeth: string, optional, [def: None]
            Method to evaluate the statistical significiancy. To get p-values,
            the program will compare real values with a defined baseline. As a
            consequence, the 'norm' parameter should not be equal to zero.

                - None: no statistical evaluation
                - 'permutation': randomly shuffle real data with baseline.Control the number of permutations with the n_perm parameter. For example, if n_perm = 1000, this mean that minimum p-valueswill be 0.001.
                - 'wilcoxon': Wilcoxon signed-rank test
                - 'kruskal': Kruskal-Wallis H-test

        tail: int, optional, [def: 1]
            For the permutation method, get p-values from one or two tails of
            the distribution.

        maxtstat: integer, optional, [def -1]
            Correct p-values with maximum statistique. maxstat correspond to
            the dimension of perm for correction. Use -1 to correct through all
            dimensions. Otherwise, use d1, d2, ... or dn to correct through a
            specific dimension.

        n_perm: integer, optional, [def: 200]
            Number of permutations for assessing statistical significiancy.

            xF: array
                The un/normalized feature of x, with a shape of
                (n_frequency x n_electrodes x n_window x n_trials)
        # Get variables :
        self._statmeth = statmeth
        self._n_perm = n_perm
        self._2t = tail
        self._mxst = maxstat
        self._metric = metric
        # Check input size :
        if len(x.shape) == 2:
            x = x[np.newaxis, ...]
        if x.shape[1] != self._npts:
            raise ValueError('The second dimension must be ' + str(self._npts))
        nfeat = x.shape[0]
        # Check statistical method :
        _checkref('statmeth', statmeth, ['permutation', 'wilcoxon', 'kruskal'])
        # run feature computation:
        data = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(delayed(_get)(x[k, ...], self)
                                       for k in range(nfeat))
        # xF, pvalues = zip(*data)
        # Re-organize data :
        xF = np.swapaxes(np.array(data), 0, 1)
        # Remove last dimension (for TF):
        if self._meanT:
            xF = xF[..., 0]

        return xF  # , np.swapaxes(np.array(pvalues), 0, 1)
예제 #13
    def get(self,
        """Get the spectral feature of the signal x.

            x: array
                Data with a shape of (n_electrodes x n_pts x n_trials)

            statmeth: string, optional, [def: None]
                Method to evaluate the statistical significiancy. To get p-values,
                the program will compare real values with a defined baseline. As a
                consequence, the 'norm' and 'baseline' parameter should not be None.

                - 'permutation': randomly shuffle real data with baseline.Control the number of permutations with the n_perm parameter. For example, if n_perm = 1000, this mean that minimum p-valueswill be 0.001.
                - 'wilcoxon': Wilcoxon signed-rank test
                - 'kruskal': Kruskal-Wallis H-test

            n_perm: integer, optional, [def: 200]
                Number of permutations for assessing statistical significiancy.

            tail: int, optional, [def: 2]
                For the permutation method, get p-values from one or two tails of
                the distribution. Use -1 for testing A<B, 1 for A>B and 2 for A~=B.

            metric: string/function type, optional, [def: 'm_center']
                Use diffrent metrics to normalize data and permutations by the
                defined baseline. Use:

                - None: compare directly values without transformation
                - 'm_center': (A-B)/mean(B) transformation
                - 'm_zscore': (A-B)/std(B) transformation
                - 'm_minus': (A-B) transformation
                - function: user defined function [def myfcn(A, B): return array_like]

            maxstat: bool, optional, [def: False]
                Correct p-values with maximum statistique. If maxstat is True,
                the correction will be applied only trhough frequencies.

            n_jobs: integer, optional, [def: -1]
                Control the number of jobs to extract features. If
                n_jobs = -1, all the jobs are used.

            xF: array
                The un/normalized feature of x, with a shape of
                (n_frequency x n_electrodes x n_window x n_trials)

            pvalues: array
                p-values with a shape of (n_frequency x n_electrodes x n_window)
        # Get variables :
        self._statmeth = statmeth
        self._n_perm = n_perm
        self._2t = tail
        self._mxst = maxstat
        self._metric = metric

        # Check input size :
        if len(x.shape) == 2:
            x = x[np.newaxis, ...]
        if x.shape[1] != self._npts:
            raise ValueError('The second dimension must be ' + str(self._npts))
        nfeat = x.shape[0]
        warnmsg = 'You define a normalization but no baseline has been' + \
                  ' specified. Normalization will be ignore'
        if (self._norm is not None) and (self._baseline is None):
            self._norm = None

        # Check statistical method :
        if statmeth is not None:
            _checkref('statmeth', statmeth,
                      ['permutation', 'wilcoxon', 'kruskal'])

        # run feature computation:
        data = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(delayed(_get)(x[k, ...], self)
                                       for k in range(nfeat))
        xF, pvalues = zip(*data)

        # Re-organize data :
        xF = np.swapaxes(np.array(xF), 0, 1)
        if pvalues[0] is not None:
            pvalues = np.swapaxes(np.array(pvalues), 0, 1)
            pvalues = None

        # Remove last dimension (for TF):
        if self._meanT:
            xF = xF[..., 0]

        return xF, pvalues
예제 #14
    def get(self, x, statmeth=None, tail=2, n_perm=200, metric='m_center',
            maxstat=False, n_jobs=-1):
        """Get the spectral feature of the signal x.

            x: array
                Data with a shape of (n_electrodes x n_pts x n_trials)

            statmeth: string, optional, [def: None]
                Method to evaluate the statistical significiancy. To get p-values,
                the program will compare real values with a defined baseline. As a
                consequence, the 'norm' and 'baseline' parameter should not be None.

                - 'permutation': randomly shuffle real data with baseline.Control the number of permutations with the n_perm parameter. For example, if n_perm = 1000, this mean that minimum p-valueswill be 0.001.
                - 'wilcoxon': Wilcoxon signed-rank test
                - 'kruskal': Kruskal-Wallis H-test

            n_perm: integer, optional, [def: 200]
                Number of permutations for assessing statistical significiancy.

            tail: int, optional, [def: 2]
                For the permutation method, get p-values from one or two tails of
                the distribution. Use -1 for testing A<B, 1 for A>B and 2 for A~=B.

            metric: string/function type, optional, [def: 'm_center']
                Use diffrent metrics to normalize data and permutations by the
                defined baseline. Use:

                - None: compare directly values without transformation
                - 'm_center': (A-B)/mean(B) transformation
                - 'm_zscore': (A-B)/std(B) transformation
                - 'm_minus': (A-B) transformation
                - function: user defined function [def myfcn(A, B): return array_like]

            maxstat: bool, optional, [def: False]
                Correct p-values with maximum statistique. If maxstat is True,
                the correction will be applied only trhough frequencies.

            n_jobs: integer, optional, [def: -1]
                Control the number of jobs to extract features. If
                n_jobs = -1, all the jobs are used.

            xF: array
                The un/normalized feature of x, with a shape of
                (n_frequency x n_electrodes x n_window x n_trials)

            pvalues: array
                p-values with a shape of (n_frequency x n_electrodes x n_window)
        # Get variables :
        self._statmeth = statmeth
        self._n_perm = n_perm
        self._2t = tail
        self._mxst = maxstat
        self._metric = metric

        # Check input size :
        if len(x.shape) == 2:
            x = x[np.newaxis, ...]
        if x.shape[1] != self._npts:
            raise ValueError('The second dimension must be '+str(self._npts))
        nfeat = x.shape[0]
        warnmsg = 'You define a normalization but no baseline has been' + \
                  ' specified. Normalization will be ignore'
        if (self._norm is not None) and (self._baseline is None):
            self._norm = None

        # Check statistical method :
        if statmeth is not None:
            _checkref('statmeth', statmeth, ['permutation', 'wilcoxon', 'kruskal'])

        # run feature computation:
        data = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(
            delayed(_get)(x[k, ...], self) for k in range(nfeat))
        xF, pvalues = zip(*data)

        # Re-organize data :
        xF = np.swapaxes(np.array(xF), 0, 1)
        if pvalues[0] is not None:
            pvalues = np.swapaxes(np.array(pvalues), 0, 1)
            pvalues = None

        # Remove last dimension (for TF):
        if self._meanT:
            xF = xF[..., 0]

        return xF, pvalues