예제 #1
def _cfcFiltSuro(xPha, xAmp, surJob, self):
    """SUP: Get the cfc and surrogates

    The function return:
        - The unormalized cfc
        - All the surrogates (for pvalue)
        - The mean of surrogates (for normalization)
        - The deviation of surrogates (for normalization)
    # Check input variables :
    npts, ntrial = xPha.shape
    W = self._window
    nwin = len(W)

    # Get the filter for phase/amplitude properties :
    phaMeth = self._pha.get(self._sf, self._pha.f, self._npts)
    ampMeth = self._amp.get(self._sf, self._amp.f, self._npts)

    # Filt the phase and amplitude :
    xPha = self._pha.apply(xPha, phaMeth)
    xAmp = self._amp.apply(xAmp, ampMeth)

    # Extract phase of amplitude for PLV method:
    if self.Id[0] in ['4']:
        for a in range(xAmp.shape[0]):
            for t in range(xAmp.shape[2]):
                xAmp[a, :, t] = np.angle(hilbert(np.ravel(xAmp[a, :, t])))

    # 2D loop trick :
    claIdx, listWin, listTrial = list2index(nwin, ntrial)

    # Get the unormalized cfc :
    uCfc = [
        _cfcGet(np.squeeze(xPha[:, W[k[0]][0]:W[k[0]][1], k[1]]),
                np.squeeze(xAmp[:, W[k[0]][0]:W[k[0]][1], k[1]]), self.Id,
                self._nbins) for k in claIdx
    uCfc = np.array(groupInList(uCfc, listWin))

    # Run surogates on each window :
    if (self.n_perm != 0) and (self.Id[0] is not '5') and (self.Id[1]
                                                           is not '0'):
        Suro = Parallel(n_jobs=surJob)(
                                      k[0]:k[1], :], xAmp[:,
                                                          k[0]:k[1], :], self.
                                 Id, self.n_perm, self._nbins, self._matricial)
            for k in self._window)
        mSuro = [np.mean(k, 3) for k in Suro]
        stdSuro = [np.std(k, 3) for k in Suro]
        Suro, mSuro, stdSuro = None, None, None

    return uCfc, Suro, mSuro, stdSuro
예제 #2
def _fit(x, y, clf, cv, mf, grp, center, n_jobs):
    """Sub function for fitting
    # Check the inputs size :
    x, y = checkXY(x, y, mf, grp, center)
    rep, nfeat = len(cv), len(x)

    # Tricks : construct a list of tuple containing the index of
    # (repetitions,features) & loop on it. Optimal for parallel computing :
    claIdx, listRep, listFeat = list2index(rep, nfeat)

    # Run the classification :
    cvs = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(
        delayed(_cvscore)(x[k[1]], y, clone(clf), cv[k[0]]) for k in claIdx)
    da, y_true, y_pred = zip(*cvs)

    # Reconstruct elements :
    da = np.array(groupInList(da, listFeat))
    y_true = groupInList(y_true, listFeat)
    y_pred = groupInList(y_pred, listFeat)

    return da, x, y, y_true, y_pred
예제 #3
def _fit(x, y, clf, cv, mf, grp, center, n_jobs):
    """Sub function for fitting
    # Check the inputs size :
    x, y = checkXY(x, y, mf, grp, center)
    rep, nfeat = len(cv), len(x)

    # Tricks : construct a list of tuple containing the index of
    # (repetitions,features) & loop on it. Optimal for parallel computing :
    claIdx, listRep, listFeat = list2index(rep, nfeat)

    # Run the classification :
    cvs = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(delayed(_cvscore)(
        x[k[1]], y, clone(clf), cv[k[0]]) for k in claIdx)
    da, y_true, y_pred = zip(*cvs)

    # Reconstruct elements :
    da = np.array(groupInList(da, listFeat))
    y_true = groupInList(y_true, listFeat)
    y_pred = groupInList(y_pred, listFeat)

    return da, x, y, y_true, y_pred
예제 #4
def _cfcFiltSuro(xPha, xAmp, surJob, self):
    """SUP: Get the cfc and surrogates

    The function return:
        - The unormalized cfc
        - All the surrogates (for pvalue)
        - The mean of surrogates (for normalization)
        - The deviation of surrogates (for normalization)
    # Check input variables :
    npts, ntrial = xPha.shape
    W = self._window
    nwin = len(W)

    # Get the filter for phase/amplitude properties :
    phaMeth = self._pha.get(self._sf, self._pha.f, self._npts)
    ampMeth = self._amp.get(self._sf, self._amp.f, self._npts)

    # Filt the phase and amplitude :
    xPha = self._pha.apply(xPha, phaMeth)
    xAmp = self._amp.apply(xAmp, ampMeth)

    # Extract phase of amplitude for PLV method:
    if self.Id[0] in ['4']:
        for a in range(xAmp.shape[0]):
            for t in range(xAmp.shape[2]):
                xAmp[a, :, t] = np.angle(hilbert(np.ravel(xAmp[a, :, t])))

    # 2D loop trick :
    claIdx, listWin, listTrial = list2index(nwin, ntrial)

    # Get the unormalized cfc :
    uCfc = [_cfcGet(np.squeeze(xPha[:, W[k[0]][0]:W[k[0]][1], k[1]]),
                    np.squeeze(xAmp[:, W[k[0]][0]:W[k[0]][1], k[1]]),
                    self.Id, self._nbins) for k in claIdx]
    uCfc = np.array(groupInList(uCfc, listWin))

    # Run surogates on each window :
    if (self.n_perm != 0) and (self.Id[0] is not '5') and (self.Id[1] is not '0'):
        Suro = Parallel(n_jobs=surJob)(delayed(_cfcGetSuro)(
            xPha[:, k[0]:k[1], :], xAmp[:, k[0]:k[1], :],
            self.Id, self.n_perm, self._nbins, self._matricial) for k in self._window)
        mSuro = [np.mean(k, 3) for k in Suro]
        stdSuro = [np.std(k, 3) for k in Suro]
        Suro, mSuro, stdSuro = None, None, None

    return uCfc, Suro, mSuro, stdSuro