예제 #1
def test_random_mod():
    """ Test the GraphPartition operation that selects random modules to merge
    and split
    XXX not working yet"""

    #nnod_mod, av_degrees, nmods
    networks = [ [4, [2, 3], [2, 4, 6]],
                 [8, [4, 6], [4, 6, 8]] ]

    n_iter = 100
    for nnod_mod, av_degrees, nmods in networks:
        for nmod in nmods:
            nnod = nnod_mod*nmod
            for av_degree in av_degrees:

                g = mod.random_modular_graph(nnod, nmod, av_degree)
                part = dict()
                while (len(part) <= 1) or (len(part) == nnod):
                    part = mod.rand_partition(g)

                graph_partition = mod.GraphPartition(g,part)

                for i in range(n_iter):

                    #check that the partition has > 1 modules
                    true = len(graph_partition)>1

                    #check that the partition has < nnod modules
                    true = len(graph_partition)<nnod
예제 #2
def test_random_mod():
    """ Test the GraphPartition operation that selects random modules to merge
    and split
    XXX not working yet"""

    #nnod_mod, av_degrees, nmods
    networks = [[4, [2, 3], [2, 4, 6]], [8, [4, 6], [4, 6, 8]]]

    n_iter = 100
    for nnod_mod, av_degrees, nmods in networks:
        for nmod in nmods:
            nnod = nnod_mod * nmod
            for av_degree in av_degrees:

                g = mod.random_modular_graph(nnod, nmod, av_degree)
                part = dict()
                while (len(part) <= 1) or (len(part) == nnod):
                    part = mod.rand_partition(g)

                graph_partition = mod.GraphPartition(g, part)

                for i in range(n_iter):

                    #check that the partition has > 1 modules
                    true = len(graph_partition) > 1
                    npt.assert_equal(true, 1)

                    #check that the partition has < nnod modules
                    true = len(graph_partition) < nnod
                    npt.assert_equal(true, 1)
예제 #3
def test_apply_node_move():
    """Test the GraphPartition operation that moves a single node so that it
    returns a change in modularity that reflects the difference between the
    modularity of the new and old parititions"""

    # nnod_mod, av_degrees, nmods
    #networks = [ [3, [2], [2, 3, 4]],
    #             [4, [2, 3], [2, 4, 6]],
    #             [8, [4, 6], [4, 6, 8]] ]
    networks = [ [4, [2, 3], [2, 4, 6]],
                 [8, [4, 6], [4, 6, 8]] ]

    for nnod_mod, av_degrees, nmods in networks:
        for nmod in nmods:
            nnod = nnod_mod*nmod
            for av_degree in av_degrees:
                print nnod_mod,nmod,av_degree
                g = mod.random_modular_graph(nnod, nmod, av_degree)

                #Make a "correct" partition for the graph
                #part = mod.perfect_partition(nmod,nnod/nmod)

                #Make a random partition for the graph
                part_rand = dict()
                while len(part_rand) <= 1: #check if there is only one module
                    part_rand = mod.rand_partition(g)

                #List of modules in the partition

                #Make a graph_partition object
                graph_partition = mod.GraphPartition(g,part_rand)

                #select two modules to change node assignments
                mod_per = np.random.permutation(r_mod)
                m1 = mod_per[0]; m2 = mod_per[1]
                while len(graph_partition.index[m1]) <= 1:
                    mod_per = np.random.permutation(r_mod)
                    m1 = mod_per[0]
                    m2 = mod_per[1]

                #pick a random node to move between modules m1 and m2
                nod_per = np.random.permutation(node_list)
                n = nod_per[0]

                #list of nodes within the original modules (before node move)
                ## n1_init = list(nod_per) #list(graph_partition.index[m1])
                ## n2_init = list(graph_partition.index[m2])
                ## n1_new = copy.deepcopy(n1_init)
                ## n2_new = copy.deepcopy(n2_init)

                # calculate modularity before node move
                mod_init = graph_partition.modularity()

                # move node from m1 to m2
                node_moved_mods,e1,a1,delta_energy_meas,n,m1,m2 = \

                graph_part2 = copy.deepcopy(graph_partition)
                m2_new = graph_part2.apply_node_update(n,m1,m2,node_moved_mods,e1,a1)

                #if the keys get renamed, the m1,m2 numbers are no longer the same

                #test that m2 now contains n
                nt.assert_true(n in graph_part2.index[m2_new])
                #if n not in graph_part2.index[m2_new]:
                #    1/0

                # recalculate modularity after splitting
                mod_new = graph_part2.modularity()

                # difference between new and old modularity
                delta_energy_true = -(mod_new - mod_init)
                #print delta_energy_meas,delta_energy_true

                # Test that the measured change in energy is equal to the true
                # change in energy calculated in the node_update function
예제 #4
def test_apply_module_split():
    """Test the GraphPartition operation that splits modules so that it returns
    a change in modularity that reflects the difference between the modularity
    of the new and old parititions.
    Also test that the module that was split now contains the correct nodes,
    the correct modularity update, the correct energy,and that no empty modules
    result from it."""

    # nnod_mod, av_degrees, nmods
    networks = [ [3, [2], [2, 3, 4]],
                 [4, [2, 3], [2, 4, 6]],
                 [8, [4, 6], [4, 6, 8]] ]

    for nnod_mod, av_degrees, nmods in networks:
        for nmod in nmods:
            nnod = nnod_mod*nmod
            for av_degree in av_degrees:

                g = mod.random_modular_graph(nnod, nmod, av_degree)

                # Make a "correct" partition for the graph
                ## part = mod.perfect_partition(nmod,nnod/nmod)

                # Make a random partition for the graph
                part_rand = mod.rand_partition(g, nnod/2)

                #List of modules in the partition that have two or more nodes
                r_mod = []
                for m, nodes in part_rand.iteritems():
                    if len(nodes)>2:

                # Note: The above can be written in this more compact, if
                # slightly less intuitively clear, list comprehension:
                # r_mod = [ m for m, nodes in part_rand.iteritems() if
                #          len(nodes)>2 ]

                #Module that we are splitting
                for m in r_mod:

                    graph_partition = mod.GraphPartition(g,part_rand)

                    #index of nodes within the original module (before split)
                    n_init = list(graph_partition.index[m])

                    #calculate modularity before splitting
                    mod_init = graph_partition.modularity()

                    # assign nodes to two groups
                    n1_orig,n2_orig = graph_partition.determine_node_split(m)

                    # make sure neither of these is empty
                    nt.assert_true(len(n1_orig)>= 1)
                    nt.assert_true(len(n2_orig)>= 1)

                    #make sure that there are no common nodes between the two
                    node_intersection = set.intersection(n1_orig,n2_orig)

                    #make sure that sum of the two node sets equals the
                    #original set
                    node_union = set.union(n1_orig,n2_orig)

                    # split modules
                    split_modules,e1,a1,delta_energy_meas,type,m,n1,n2 = \

                    #note: n1 and n2 are output from this function (as well as
                    #inputs) because the function is called from within another
                    #(rand_mod) def but then output to the simulated script, so
                    #the node split needs to be passed along.

                    #as a simple confirmation, can make sure they match

                    #split_moduels should be a dictionary with two modules
                    #(0,1) that contain the node sets n1 and n2 respectively.
                    #test this.

                    #make a new graph partition equal to the old one and apply
                    #the module split to it (graph_part2)
                    graph_part2 = copy.deepcopy(graph_partition)

                    #make a third graph partition using only the original graph
                    #and the partition from graph_part2
                    graph_part3 = mod.GraphPartition(g,graph_part2.index)

                    #index of nodes within the modules after splitting
                    n1_new = list(graph_part2.index[m])
                    n2_new = list(graph_part2.index[len(graph_part2)-1])
                    n_all = n1_new + n2_new

                    # recalculate modularity after splitting
                    mod_new = graph_part2.modularity()
                    mod_new_3 = graph_part3.modularity()

                    # difference between new and old modularity
                    delta_energy_true = -(mod_new - mod_init)

                    # Test that the measured change in energy by splitting a
                    # module is equal to the function output from module_split

                    # Test that the nodes in the split modules are equal to the
                    # original nodes of the module
                    nt.assert_equal(sorted(list(n1)), sorted(n1_new))
                    nt.assert_equal(sorted(list(n2)), sorted(n2_new))

                    # Test that the initial list of nodes in the module are
                    # equal to the nodes in m1 and m2 (split modules)

                    # Test that the computed modularity found when
                    # apply_module_split is used is equal to the modularity you
                    # would find if using that partition and that graph

                    # Check that there are no empty modules in the final
                    # partition
                    for m in graph_part2.index:
                        nt.assert_true(len(graph_part2.index[m]) > 0)
예제 #5
def test_apply_module_merge():
    """Test the GraphPartition operation that merges modules so that it returns
    a change in modularity that reflects the difference between the modularity
    of the new and old parititions"""

    # nnod_mod, av_degrees, nmods
    networks = [ [3, [2], [3, 4]],
                 [4, [2, 3], [2, 4, 6]],
                 [8, [4, 6], [4, 6, 8]] ]

    for nnod_mod, av_degrees, nmods in networks:
        for nmod in nmods:
            nnod = nnod_mod*nmod
            for av_degree in av_degrees:

                g = mod.random_modular_graph(nnod, nmod, av_degree)

                #Make a "correct" partition for the graph
                part = mod.perfect_partition(nmod,nnod/nmod)

                #Make a random partition for the graph
                part_rand = dict()
                while len(part_rand) <= 1: #check if there is only one module
                    part_rand = mod.rand_partition(g)

                #List of modules in the partition

                #Loop through pairs of modules
                for i in range(1): # DB: why is this necessary?
                    #select two modules to merge
                    mod_per = np.random.permutation(r_mod)
                    m1 = mod_per[0]; m2 = mod_per[1]

                    #make a graph partition object
                    graph_partition = mod.GraphPartition(g,part)

                    #index of nodes within the original module (before merge)
                    n1_init = list(graph_partition.index[m1])
                    n2_init = list(graph_partition.index[m2])
                    n_all_init = n1_init+n2_init

                    #calculate modularity before merging
                    mod_init = graph_partition.modularity()

                    #merge modules
                    merge_module,e1,a1,delta_energy_meas,type,m1,m2,m2 = \

                    graph_part2 = copy.deepcopy(graph_partition)
                    #index of nodes within the modules after merging
                    n_all = list(graph_part2.index[min(m1,m2)])

                    # recalculate modularity after splitting
                    mod_new = graph_part2.modularity()

                    # difference between new and old modularity
                    delta_energy_true = -(mod_new - mod_init)

                    # Test the measured difference in energy against the
                    # function that calculates the difference in energy
                    # Check that the list of nodes in the two original modules
                    # is equal to the list of nodes in the merged module
                    npt.assert_equal(n_all_init, n_all)

                    # Test that the keys are equivalent after merging modules

                    # Test that the values in the mod_e and mod_a matrices for
                    # the merged module are correct.
예제 #6
def test_apply_node_move():
    """Test the GraphPartition operation that moves a single node so that it
    returns a change in modularity that reflects the difference between the
    modularity of the new and old parititions"""

    # nnod_mod, av_degrees, nmods
    #networks = [ [3, [2], [2, 3, 4]],
    #             [4, [2, 3], [2, 4, 6]],
    #             [8, [4, 6], [4, 6, 8]] ]
    networks = [[4, [2, 3], [2, 4, 6]], [8, [4, 6], [4, 6, 8]]]

    for nnod_mod, av_degrees, nmods in networks:
        for nmod in nmods:
            nnod = nnod_mod * nmod
            for av_degree in av_degrees:
                print nnod_mod, nmod, av_degree
                g = mod.random_modular_graph(nnod, nmod, av_degree)

                #Make a "correct" partition for the graph
                #part = mod.perfect_partition(nmod,nnod/nmod)

                #Make a random partition for the graph
                part_rand = dict()
                while len(part_rand) <= 1:  #check if there is only one module
                    part_rand = mod.rand_partition(g)

                #List of modules in the partition
                r_mod = range(len(part_rand))

                #Make a graph_partition object
                graph_partition = mod.GraphPartition(g, part_rand)

                #select two modules to change node assignments
                mod_per = np.random.permutation(r_mod)
                m1 = mod_per[0]
                m2 = mod_per[1]
                while len(graph_partition.index[m1]) <= 1:
                    mod_per = np.random.permutation(r_mod)
                    m1 = mod_per[0]
                    m2 = mod_per[1]

                #pick a random node to move between modules m1 and m2
                node_list = list(graph_partition.index[m1])
                nod_per = np.random.permutation(node_list)
                n = nod_per[0]

                #list of nodes within the original modules (before node move)
                ## n1_init = list(nod_per) #list(graph_partition.index[m1])
                ## n2_init = list(graph_partition.index[m2])
                ## n1_new = copy.deepcopy(n1_init)
                ## n2_new = copy.deepcopy(n2_init)

                # calculate modularity before node move
                mod_init = graph_partition.modularity()

                # move node from m1 to m2
                node_moved_mods,e1,a1,delta_energy_meas,n,m1,m2 = \

                graph_part2 = copy.deepcopy(graph_partition)
                m2_new = graph_part2.apply_node_update(n, m1, m2,
                                                       node_moved_mods, e1, a1)

                #if the keys get renamed, the m1,m2 numbers are no longer the same

                #test that m2 now contains n
                nt.assert_true(n in graph_part2.index[m2_new])
                #if n not in graph_part2.index[m2_new]:
                #    1/0

                # recalculate modularity after splitting
                mod_new = graph_part2.modularity()

                # difference between new and old modularity
                delta_energy_true = -(mod_new - mod_init)
                #print delta_energy_meas,delta_energy_true

                # Test that the measured change in energy is equal to the true
                # change in energy calculated in the node_update function
                npt.assert_almost_equal(delta_energy_meas, delta_energy_true)
예제 #7
def test_apply_module_split():
    """Test the GraphPartition operation that splits modules so that it returns
    a change in modularity that reflects the difference between the modularity
    of the new and old parititions.
    Also test that the module that was split now contains the correct nodes,
    the correct modularity update, the correct energy,and that no empty modules
    result from it."""

    # nnod_mod, av_degrees, nmods
    networks = [[3, [2], [2, 3, 4]], [4, [2, 3], [2, 4, 6]],
                [8, [4, 6], [4, 6, 8]]]

    for nnod_mod, av_degrees, nmods in networks:
        for nmod in nmods:
            nnod = nnod_mod * nmod
            for av_degree in av_degrees:

                g = mod.random_modular_graph(nnod, nmod, av_degree)

                # Make a "correct" partition for the graph
                ## part = mod.perfect_partition(nmod,nnod/nmod)

                # Make a random partition for the graph
                part_rand = mod.rand_partition(g, nnod / 2)

                #List of modules in the partition that have two or more nodes
                r_mod = []
                for m, nodes in part_rand.iteritems():
                    if len(nodes) > 2:

                # Note: The above can be written in this more compact, if
                # slightly less intuitively clear, list comprehension:
                # r_mod = [ m for m, nodes in part_rand.iteritems() if
                #          len(nodes)>2 ]

                #Module that we are splitting
                for m in r_mod:

                    graph_partition = mod.GraphPartition(g, part_rand)

                    #index of nodes within the original module (before split)
                    n_init = list(graph_partition.index[m])

                    #calculate modularity before splitting
                    mod_init = graph_partition.modularity()

                    # assign nodes to two groups
                    n1_orig, n2_orig = graph_partition.determine_node_split(m)

                    # make sure neither of these is empty
                    nt.assert_true(len(n1_orig) >= 1)
                    nt.assert_true(len(n2_orig) >= 1)

                    #make sure that there are no common nodes between the two
                    node_intersection = set.intersection(n1_orig, n2_orig)
                    nt.assert_equal(node_intersection, set([]))

                    #make sure that sum of the two node sets equals the
                    #original set
                    node_union = set.union(n1_orig, n2_orig)

                    # split modules
                    split_modules,e1,a1,delta_energy_meas,type,m,n1,n2 = \

                    #note: n1 and n2 are output from this function (as well as
                    #inputs) because the function is called from within another
                    #(rand_mod) def but then output to the simulated script, so
                    #the node split needs to be passed along.

                    #as a simple confirmation, can make sure they match
                    npt.assert_equal(n1_orig, n1)
                    npt.assert_equal(n2_orig, n2)

                    #split_moduels should be a dictionary with two modules
                    #(0,1) that contain the node sets n1 and n2 respectively.
                    #test this.
                    npt.assert_equal(split_modules[0], n1)
                    npt.assert_equal(split_modules[1], n2)

                    #make a new graph partition equal to the old one and apply
                    #the module split to it (graph_part2)
                    graph_part2 = copy.deepcopy(graph_partition)
                    graph_part2.apply_module_split(m, n1, n2, split_modules,
                                                   e1, a1)

                    #make a third graph partition using only the original graph
                    #and the partition from graph_part2
                    graph_part3 = mod.GraphPartition(g, graph_part2.index)

                    #index of nodes within the modules after splitting
                    n1_new = list(graph_part2.index[m])
                    n2_new = list(graph_part2.index[len(graph_part2) - 1])
                    n_all = n1_new + n2_new

                    # recalculate modularity after splitting
                    mod_new = graph_part2.modularity()
                    mod_new_3 = graph_part3.modularity()

                    # difference between new and old modularity
                    delta_energy_true = -(mod_new - mod_init)

                    # Test that the measured change in energy by splitting a
                    # module is equal to the function output from module_split

                    # Test that the nodes in the split modules are equal to the
                    # original nodes of the module
                    nt.assert_equal(sorted(list(n1)), sorted(n1_new))
                    nt.assert_equal(sorted(list(n2)), sorted(n2_new))

                    # Test that the initial list of nodes in the module are
                    # equal to the nodes in m1 and m2 (split modules)
                    npt.assert_equal(n_init, n_all)

                    # Test that the computed modularity found when
                    # apply_module_split is used is equal to the modularity you
                    # would find if using that partition and that graph
                    npt.assert_almost_equal(mod_new, mod_new_3)

                    # Check that there are no empty modules in the final
                    # partition
                    for m in graph_part2.index:
                        nt.assert_true(len(graph_part2.index[m]) > 0)
예제 #8
def test_apply_module_merge():
    """Test the GraphPartition operation that merges modules so that it returns
    a change in modularity that reflects the difference between the modularity
    of the new and old parititions"""

    # nnod_mod, av_degrees, nmods
    networks = [[3, [2], [3, 4]], [4, [2, 3], [2, 4, 6]],
                [8, [4, 6], [4, 6, 8]]]

    for nnod_mod, av_degrees, nmods in networks:
        for nmod in nmods:
            nnod = nnod_mod * nmod
            for av_degree in av_degrees:

                g = mod.random_modular_graph(nnod, nmod, av_degree)

                #Make a "correct" partition for the graph
                part = mod.perfect_partition(nmod, nnod / nmod)

                #Make a random partition for the graph
                part_rand = dict()
                while len(part_rand) <= 1:  #check if there is only one module
                    part_rand = mod.rand_partition(g)

                #List of modules in the partition
                r_mod = range(len(part))

                #Loop through pairs of modules
                for i in range(1):  # DB: why is this necessary?
                    #select two modules to merge
                    mod_per = np.random.permutation(r_mod)
                    m1 = mod_per[0]
                    m2 = mod_per[1]

                    #make a graph partition object
                    graph_partition = mod.GraphPartition(g, part)

                    #index of nodes within the original module (before merge)
                    n1_init = list(graph_partition.index[m1])
                    n2_init = list(graph_partition.index[m2])
                    n_all_init = n1_init + n2_init

                    #calculate modularity before merging
                    mod_init = graph_partition.modularity()

                    #merge modules
                    merge_module,e1,a1,delta_energy_meas,type,m1,m2,m2 = \

                    graph_part2 = copy.deepcopy(graph_partition)
                    graph_part2.apply_module_merge(m1, m2, merge_module, e1,
                    #index of nodes within the modules after merging
                    n_all = list(graph_part2.index[min(m1, m2)])

                    # recalculate modularity after splitting
                    mod_new = graph_part2.modularity()

                    # difference between new and old modularity
                    delta_energy_true = -(mod_new - mod_init)

                    # Test the measured difference in energy against the
                    # function that calculates the difference in energy
                    # Check that the list of nodes in the two original modules
                    # is equal to the list of nodes in the merged module
                    npt.assert_equal(n_all_init, n_all)

                    # Test that the keys are equivalent after merging modules

                    # Test that the values in the mod_e and mod_a matrices for
                    # the merged module are correct.
                    npt.assert_equal(graph_part2.mod_e[min(m1, m2)], e1)
                    npt.assert_equal(graph_part2.mod_a[min(m1, m2)], a1)