예제 #1
def get_type_info(spec: Spec, schema: Dict[str, Any], config: Config
                  ) -> TypeInfo:
    Get the type of a schema within a Swagger spec.
    :param spec: Bravado-core spec object
    :param schema: Schema dict
    :return: A TypeInfo for the schema.
    schema = spec.deref(schema)
    schema_type = get_type_from_schema(spec, schema)
    if schema_type == "array":
        type_info = _get_array_type_info(spec, schema, config)
    elif schema_type == "object":
        type_info = _get_object_type_info(spec, schema, config)
    elif schema_type in SWAGGER_PRIMITIVE_TYPES:
        type_info = _get_primitive_type_info(spec, schema, config)
    elif schema_type == "file":
        type_info = TypeInfo("typing.Any")
    elif schema_type is None:
        type_info = TypeInfo("typing.Any")
        warnings.warn(f"Unknown schema type: {schema_type!r}")
        type_info = TypeInfo("typing.Any")

    if schema.get("x-nullable", False):
        type_info = _wrap(type_info, "typing.Optional[{}]")

    return type_info
예제 #2
def _get_unmarshaling_method(swagger_spec, object_schema, is_nullable=True):
    # type: (Spec, JSONDict, bool) -> UnmarshalingMethod
    Determine the method needed to unmarshal values of a defined object_schema
    The returned method will accept a single positional parameter that represent the value
    to be unmarshaled.

    :param swagger_spec: Spec object
    :param object_schema: Schema of the object type
    # TODO: remove is_nullable support once https://github.com/Yelp/bravado-core/issues/335 is addressed
    :param is_nullable: Flag set to `True` if the current schema is nullable.
                        The flag will be set to `True` if the schema is not required or `x-nullable`
                        attribute is set to true by the "parent" schema
    object_schema = swagger_spec.deref(object_schema)
    null_decorator = _handle_null_value(
    object_type = get_type_from_schema(swagger_spec, object_schema)

    if object_type == 'array':
        return null_decorator(
            _unmarshaling_method_array(swagger_spec, object_schema))
    elif object_type == 'file':
        # TODO: Type file is not a valid type. It is present to support parameter unmarshaling (move to bravado_core.param)  # noqa: E501
        return null_decorator(
            _unmarshaling_method_file(swagger_spec, object_schema))
    elif object_type == 'object':
        return null_decorator(
            _unmarshaling_method_object(swagger_spec, object_schema))
    elif object_type in SWAGGER_PRIMITIVES:
        return null_decorator(
            _unmarshaling_method_primitive_type(swagger_spec, object_schema))
    elif object_type is None:
        return _no_op_unmarshaling
        return partial(
예제 #3
def _marshaling_method_primitive_type(swagger_spec, object_schema):
    # type: (Spec, JSONDict) -> MarshalingMethod
    Determine the marshaling method needed for a schema of a primitive type.

    The method will be responsible for the identification of the eventual :class:`bravado_core.formatter.SwaggerFormat`
    transformation to apply.

    :param swagger_spec: Spec object
    :param object_schema: Schema of the primitive type
    format_name = schema.get_format(swagger_spec, object_schema)
    swagger_format = swagger_spec.get_format(
        format_name) if format_name is not None else None
    if swagger_format is not None:
        return partial(
            get_type_from_schema(swagger_spec, object_schema),
        return _no_op_marshaling
예제 #4
def _get_marshaling_method(swagger_spec, object_schema, required=False):
    # type: (Spec, JSONDict, bool) -> MarshalingMethod
    Determine the method needed to marshal values of a defined object_schema
    The returned method will accept a single positional parameter that represent the value
    to be marshaled.

    :type swagger_spec: :class:`bravado_core.spec.Spec`
    :type object_schema: dict
    object_schema = swagger_spec.deref(object_schema)
    null_decorator = _handle_null_value(
        is_nullable=not required,
    object_type = get_type_from_schema(swagger_spec, object_schema)

    if object_type == 'array':
        return null_decorator(
            _marshaling_method_array(swagger_spec, object_schema))
    elif object_type == 'file':
        return null_decorator(
            _marshaling_method_file(swagger_spec, object_schema))
    elif object_type == 'object':
        return null_decorator(
            _marshaling_method_object(swagger_spec, object_schema))
    elif object_type in SWAGGER_PRIMITIVES:
        return null_decorator(
            _marshaling_method_primitive_type(swagger_spec, object_schema))
    elif object_type is None:
        return _no_op_marshaling
        return partial(