예제 #1
    def pre_build_hook(self, player, builddata):
        item, metadata, x, y, z, face = builddata

        if item.slot != blocks["chest"].slot:
            returnValue((True, builddata, False))

        x, y, z = adjust_coords_for_face((x, y, z), face)
        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(x, z)

        # chest orientation according to players position
        if face == "-y" or face == "+y":
            orientation = ('+x', '+z', '-x', '-z')[((int(player.location.yaw) \
                                                - 45 + 360) % 360) / 90]
            orientation = face

        # Chests have some restrictions on building:
        # you cannot connect more than two chests. (notchian)
        ccs = chestsAround(self.factory, (x, y, z))
        ccn = len(ccs)
        if ccn > 1:
            # cannot build three or more connected chests
            returnValue((False, builddata, True))

        chunk = yield self.factory.world.request_chunk(bigx, bigz)

        if ccn == 0:
            metadata = blocks["chest"].orientation(orientation)
        elif ccn == 1:
            # check gonna-be-connected chest is not connected already
            n = len(chestsAround(self.factory, ccs[0]))
            if n != 0:
                returnValue((False, builddata, True))

            # align both blocks correctly (since 1.8)
            # get second block
            x2, y2, z2 = ccs[0]
            bigx2, smallx2, bigz2, smallz2 = split_coords(x2, z2)
            # new chests orientation axis according to blocks position
            pair = x - x2, z - z2
            ornt = {(0, 1): "x", (0, -1): "x", (1, 0): "z", (-1, 0): "z"}[pair]
            # if player is faced another direction, fix it
            if orientation[1] != ornt:
                # same sign with proper orientation
                # XXX Probably notchian logic is different here
                #     but this one works well enough
                orientation = orientation[0] + ornt
            metadata = blocks["chest"].orientation(orientation)
            # update second block's metadata
            if bigx == bigx2 and bigz == bigz2:
                # both blocks are in same chunk
                chunk2 = chunk
                chunk2 = yield self.factory.world.request_chunk(bigx2, bigz2)
            chunk2.set_metadata((smallx2, y2, smallz2), metadata)

        # Not much to do, just tell the chunk about this tile.
        chunk.tiles[smallx, y, smallz] = ChestTile(smallx, y, smallz)
        builddata = builddata._replace(metadata=metadata)
        returnValue((True, builddata, False))
예제 #2
    def open_hook(self, player, container, block):
        The ``player`` is a Player's protocol
        The ``container`` is a 0x64 message
        The ``block`` is a block we trying to open
        :returns: None or window object
        if block != blocks["chest"].slot:

        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(container.x, container.z)
        chunk = yield self.factory.world.request_chunk(bigx, bigz)

        chests_around = chestsAround(self.factory,
                                     (container.x, container.y, container.z))
        chests_around_num = len(chests_around)

        if chests_around_num == 0:  # small chest
            chest = self.get_chest_tile(chunk, (smallx, container.y, smallz))
            if chest is None:
            coords = bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz, container.y
            window = ChestWindow(player.wid, player.player.inventory,
                                 chest.inventory, coords)
        elif chests_around_num == 1:  # large chest
            # process second chest coordinates
            x2, y2, z2 = chests_around[0]
            bigx2, smallx2, bigz2, smallz2 = split_coords(x2, z2)
            if bigx == bigx2 and bigz == bigz2:
                # both chest blocks are in same chunk
                chunk2 = chunk
                chunk2 = yield self.factory.world.request_chunk(bigx2, bigz2)

            chest1 = self.get_chest_tile(chunk, (smallx, container.y, smallz))
            chest2 = self.get_chest_tile(chunk2,
                                         (smallx2, container.y, smallz2))
            if chest1 is None or chest2 is None:
            c1 = bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz, container.y
            c2 = bigx2, smallx2, bigz2, smallz2, container.y
            # We shall properly order chest inventories
            if c1 < c2:
                window = LargeChestWindow(player.wid, player.player.inventory,
                                          chest1.inventory, chest2.inventory,
                window = LargeChestWindow(player.wid, player.player.inventory,
                                          chest2.inventory, chest1.inventory,
            log.msg("Chest at (%d, %d, %d) have three chests connected" %
                    (container.x, container.y, container.z))

예제 #3
    def open_hook(self, player, container, block):
        The ``player`` is a Player's protocol
        The ``container`` is a 0x64 message
        The ``block`` is a block we trying to open
        :returns: None or window object
        if block != blocks["chest"].slot:

        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(container.x, container.z)
        chunk = yield self.factory.world.request_chunk(bigx, bigz)

        chests_around = chestsAround(self.factory,
                (container.x, container.y, container.z))
        chests_around_num = len(chests_around)

        if chests_around_num == 0: # small chest
            chest = self.get_chest_tile(chunk, (smallx, container.y, smallz))
            if chest is None:
            coords = bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz, container.y
            window = ChestWindow(player.wid, player.player.inventory,
                                 chest.inventory, coords)
        elif chests_around_num == 1: # large chest
            # process second chest coordinates
            x2, y2, z2 = chests_around[0]
            bigx2, smallx2, bigz2, smallz2 = split_coords(x2, z2)
            if bigx == bigx2 and bigz == bigz2:
                # both chest blocks are in same chunk
                chunk2 = chunk
                chunk2 = yield self.factory.world.request_chunk(bigx2, bigz2)

            chest1 = self.get_chest_tile(chunk, (smallx, container.y, smallz))
            chest2 = self.get_chest_tile(chunk2, (smallx2, container.y, smallz2))
            if chest1 is None or chest2 is None:
            c1 = bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz, container.y
            c2 = bigx2, smallx2, bigz2, smallz2, container.y
            # We shall properly order chest inventories
            if c1 < c2:
                window = LargeChestWindow(player.wid, player.player.inventory,
                        chest1.inventory, chest2.inventory, c1)
                window = LargeChestWindow(player.wid, player.player.inventory,
                        chest2.inventory, chest1.inventory, c2)
            log.msg("Chest at (%d, %d, %d) have three chests connected" %
                    (container.x, container.y, container.z))

예제 #4
    def pre_build_hook(self, player, builddata):
        item, metadata, x, y, z, face = builddata

        if item.slot == items["sign"].slot:
            # Buildin' a sign, puttin' it on a wall...
            builddata = builddata._replace(block=blocks["wall-sign"])

            # Offset coords according to face.
            if face == "-x":
                builddata = builddata._replace(metadata=0x4)
                x -= 1
            elif face == "+x":
                builddata = builddata._replace(metadata=0x5)
                x += 1
            elif face == "-y":
                # Ceiling Sign is watching you read.
                returnValue((False, builddata))
            elif face == "+y":
                # Put +Y signs on signposts. We're fancy that way. Also,
                # calculate the proper orientation based on player
                # orientation.
                # 180 degrees around to orient the signs correctly, and then
                # 23 degrees to get the sign to midpoint correctly.
                metadata = ((player.location.yaw + 180) * 16 // 360) % 0xf
                builddata = builddata._replace(block=blocks["signpost"],
                y += 1
            elif face == "-z":
                builddata = builddata._replace(metadata=0x2)
                z -= 1
            elif face == "+z":
                builddata = builddata._replace(metadata=0x3)
                z += 1

            bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(x, z)

            # Let's build a sign!
            chunk = yield factory.world.request_chunk(bigx, bigz)
            s = Sign(smallx, y, smallz)
            chunk.tiles[smallx, y, smallz] = s

        elif item.slot == blocks["chest"].slot:
            x, y, z = adjust_coords_for_face((x, y, z), face)

            bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(x, z)

           # Not much to do, just tell the chunk about this chest.
            chunk = yield factory.world.request_chunk(bigx, bigz)
            c = Chest(smallx, y, smallz)
            chunk.tiles[smallx, y, smallz] = c

        returnValue((True, builddata))
예제 #5
파일: beta.py 프로젝트: EntityReborn/bravo
    def update_chunks(self):
        x, chaff, z, chaff = split_coords(self.location.x, self.location.z)

        new = set((i + x, j + z) for i, j in circle)
        old = set(self.chunks.iterkeys())
        added = new - old
        discarded = old - new

        # Perhaps some explanation is in order.
        # The cooperate() function iterates over the iterable it is fed,
        # without tying up the reactor, by yielding after each iteration. The
        # inner part of the generator expression generates all of the chunks
        # around the currently needed chunk, and it sorts them by distance to
        # the current chunk. The end result is that we load chunks one-by-one,
        # nearest to furthest, without stalling other clients.
        if self.chunk_tasks:
            for task in self.chunk_tasks:
                except (TaskDone, TaskFailed):

        self.chunk_tasks = [cooperate(task) for task in
                self.enable_chunk(i, j) for i, j in
                sorted(added, key=lambda t: (t[0] - x)**2 + (t[1] - z)**2)
            (self.disable_chunk(i, j) for i, j in discarded)
예제 #6
파일: beta.py 프로젝트: EntityReborn/bravo
    def position_changed(self):
        x, chaff, z, chaff = split_coords(self.location.x, self.location.z)

        # Inform everybody of our new location.
        packet = make_packet("teleport",
            x=self.location.x * 32,
            y=self.location.y * 32,
            z=self.location.z * 32,
            yaw=int(self.location.theta * 255 / (2 * pi)) % 256,
            pitch=int(self.location.phi * 255 / (2 * pi)) % 256,
        self.factory.broadcast_for_others(packet, self)


        for entity in self.entities_near(2):
            if entity.name != "Item":

            if self.player.inventory.add(entity.item, entity.quantity):
                packet = make_packet("collect", eid=entity.eid,

                packet = make_packet("destroy", eid=entity.eid)

                packet = self.player.inventory.save_to_packet()

예제 #7
파일: beta.py 프로젝트: EntityReborn/bravo
    def entities_near(self, radius):
        Obtain the entities within a radius of this player.

        Radius is measured in blocks.

        chunk_radius = int(radius // 16 + 1)
        chunkx, chaff, chunkz, chaff = split_coords(self.location.x,

        minx = chunkx - chunk_radius
        maxx = chunkx + chunk_radius + 1
        minz = chunkz - chunk_radius
        maxz = chunkz + chunk_radius + 1

        for x, z in product(xrange(minx, maxx), xrange(minz, maxz)):
            if (x, z) not in self.chunks:
            chunk = self.chunks[x, z]

            yieldables = [entity for entity in chunk.entities
                if self.location.distance(entity.location) <= radius]
            for i in yieldables:
                yield i
예제 #8
파일: beta.py 프로젝트: EntityReborn/bravo
    def sign(self, container):
        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(container.x, container.z)

            chunk = self.chunks[bigx, bigz]
        except KeyError:
            self.error("Couldn't handle sign in chunk (%d, %d)!" % (bigx, bigz))

        if (smallx, container.y, smallz) in chunk.tiles:
            new = False
            s = chunk.tiles[smallx, container.y, smallz]
            new = True
            s = Sign(smallx, container.y, smallz)
            chunk.tiles[smallx, container.y, smallz] = s

        s.text1 = container.line1
        s.text2 = container.line2
        s.text3 = container.line3
        s.text4 = container.line4

        chunk.dirty = True

        # The best part of a sign isn't making one, it's showing everybody
        # else on the server that you did.
        packet = make_packet("sign", container)
        self.factory.broadcast_for_chunk(packet, bigx, bigz)

        # Run sign hooks.
        for hook in self.sign_hooks:
            hook.sign_hook(self.factory, chunk, container.x, container.y,
                container.z, [s.text1, s.text2, s.text3, s.text4], new)
예제 #9
    def open_or_close(self, world, point):
        Toggle the state of the door : open it if it was closed, close it if it was open.
        x, y, z = point[0], point[1], point[2]

        bigx, x, bigz, z = split_coords(x, z)
        d = world.request_chunk(bigx, bigz)

        def cb(chunk):
            block = chunk.get_block((x, y, z))
            if block not in Door.doors: # already removed
            metadata = chunk.get_metadata((x, y, z))
            chunk.set_metadata((x, y, z), metadata ^ DOOR_IS_SWUNG)

            # Finding out which block is the door's top block.
            if (metadata & DOOR_TOP_BLOCK) != 0:
                other_y = y - 1
                other_y = y + 1

            other_block = chunk.get_block((x, other_y, z))
            if other_block in Door.doors:
                metadata = chunk.get_metadata((x, other_y, z))
                chunk.set_metadata((x, other_y, z), metadata ^ DOOR_IS_SWUNG)

            # Flush changed chunk
예제 #10
    def entities_near(self, radius):
        Obtain the entities within a radius of this player.

        Radius is measured in blocks.

        chunk_radius = int(radius // 16 + 1)
        chunkx, chaff, chunkz, chaff = split_coords(self.location.pos.x,

        minx = chunkx - chunk_radius
        maxx = chunkx + chunk_radius + 1
        minz = chunkz - chunk_radius
        maxz = chunkz + chunk_radius + 1

        for x, z in product(xrange(minx, maxx), xrange(minz, maxz)):
            if (x, z) not in self.chunks:
            chunk = self.chunks[x, z]

            yieldables = [
                entity for entity in chunk.entities
                if self.location.distance(entity.location) <= (radius * 32)
            for i in yieldables:
                yield i
예제 #11
    def open_or_close(self, world, point):
        Toggle the state of the door : open it if it was closed, close it if it was open.
        x, y, z = point[0], point[1], point[2]

        bigx, x, bigz, z = split_coords(x, z)
        d = world.request_chunk(bigx, bigz)

        def cb(chunk):
            block = chunk.get_block((x, y, z))
            if block not in Door.doors:  # already removed
            metadata = chunk.get_metadata((x, y, z))
            chunk.set_metadata((x, y, z), metadata ^ DOOR_IS_SWUNG)

            # Finding out which block is the door's top block.
            if (metadata & DOOR_TOP_BLOCK) != 0:
                other_y = y - 1
                other_y = y + 1

            other_block = chunk.get_block((x, other_y, z))
            if other_block in Door.doors:
                metadata = chunk.get_metadata((x, other_y, z))
                chunk.set_metadata((x, other_y, z), metadata ^ DOOR_IS_SWUNG)

            # Flush changed chunk
예제 #12
파일: beta.py 프로젝트: EntityReborn/bravo
    def send_initial_chunk_and_location(self):
        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(self.location.x,

        # Spawn the 25 chunks in a square around the spawn, *before* spawning
        # the player. Otherwise, there's a funky Beta 1.2 bug which causes the
        # player to not be able to move.
        d = cooperate(
            self.enable_chunk(i, j)
            for i, j in product(
                xrange(bigx - 3, bigx + 3),
                xrange(bigz - 3, bigz + 3)

        # Don't dare send more chunks beyond the initial one until we've
        # spawned.
        d.addCallback(lambda none: self.update_location())
        d.addCallback(lambda none: self.position_changed())

        # Send the MOTD.
        if self.motd:
            packet = make_packet("chat",
                message=self.motd.replace("<tagline>", get_motd()))
            d.addCallback(lambda none: self.transport.write(packet))

        # Finally, start the secondary chunk loop.
        d.addCallback(lambda none: self.update_chunks())
예제 #13
    def update_chunks(self):
        x, y, z = self.location.pos.to_block()
        x, chaff, z, chaff = split_coords(x, z)

        new = set((i + x, j + z) for i, j in circle)
        old = set(self.chunks.iterkeys())
        added = new - old
        discarded = old - new

        # Perhaps some explanation is in order.
        # The cooperate() function iterates over the iterable it is fed,
        # without tying up the reactor, by yielding after each iteration. The
        # inner part of the generator expression generates all of the chunks
        # around the currently needed chunk, and it sorts them by distance to
        # the current chunk. The end result is that we load chunks one-by-one,
        # nearest to furthest, without stalling other clients.
        if self.chunk_tasks:
            for task in self.chunk_tasks:
                except (TaskDone, TaskFailed):

        self.chunk_tasks = [
                self.enable_chunk(i, j) for i, j in sorted(
                    added, key=lambda t: (t[0] - x)**2 + (t[1] - z)**2)),
            cooperate(self.disable_chunk(i, j) for i, j in discarded)
예제 #14
    def sign(self, container):
        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(container.x, container.z)

            chunk = self.chunks[bigx, bigz]
        except KeyError:
            self.error("Couldn't handle sign in chunk (%d, %d)!" %
                       (bigx, bigz))

        if (smallx, container.y, smallz) in chunk.tiles:
            new = False
            s = chunk.tiles[smallx, container.y, smallz]
            new = True
            s = Sign(smallx, container.y, smallz)
            chunk.tiles[smallx, container.y, smallz] = s

        s.text1 = container.line1
        s.text2 = container.line2
        s.text3 = container.line3
        s.text4 = container.line4

        chunk.dirty = True

        # The best part of a sign isn't making one, it's showing everybody
        # else on the server that you did.
        packet = make_packet("sign", container)
        self.factory.broadcast_for_chunk(packet, bigx, bigz)

        # Run sign hooks.
        for hook in self.sign_hooks:
            hook.sign_hook(self.factory, chunk, container.x, container.y,
                           container.z, [s.text1, s.text2, s.text3, s.text4],
예제 #15
파일: beta.py 프로젝트: mkaay/bravo
    def build(self, container):
        if container.x == -1 and container.z == -1 and container.y == 255:
            # Lala-land build packet. Discard it for now.

        # Is the target being selected?
        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(container.x, container.z)
            chunk = self.chunks[bigx, bigz]
        except KeyError:
            self.error("Couldn't select in chunk (%d, %d)!" % (bigx, bigz))

        if chunk.get_block((smallx, container.y, smallz)) == blocks["workbench"].slot:
            i = Workbench()
            sync_inventories(self.player.inventory, i)
            self.windows[self.wid] = i
            packet = make_packet("window-open", wid=self.wid, type="workbench", title="Hurp", slots=2)
            self.wid += 1

        # Ignore clients that think -1 is placeable.
        if container.primary == -1:

        # Special case when face is "noop": Update the status of the currently
        # held block rather than placing a new block.
        if container.face == "noop":

        if container.primary in blocks:
            block = blocks[container.primary]
        elif container.primary in items:
            block = items[container.primary]
            log.err("Ignoring request to place unknown block %d" % container.primary)

        # it's the top of the world, you can't build here
        if container.y == 127 and container.face == "+y":

        # Run pre-build hooks. These hooks are able to interrupt the build
        # process.
        builddata = BuildData(block, 0x0, container.x, container.y, container.z, container.face)

        for hook in self.pre_build_hooks:
            cont, builddata = yield maybeDeferred(hook.pre_build_hook, self.player, builddata)
            if not cont:

        # Run the build.
            builddata = self.prepare_build(builddata)
            yield maybeDeferred(self.run_build, builddata)
        except BuildError, e:
            print e
예제 #16
파일: entity.py 프로젝트: Krenair/bravo
 def run(self):
     Starts a mob's loop process
     xcoord, chaff, zcoord, chaff = split_coords(self.location.x,
     self.chunk_coords = (xcoord,1, zcoord) # XXX The one is redundant, fix it
     self.loop = LoopingCall(self.update)
예제 #17
파일: beta.py 프로젝트: mkaay/bravo
    def update_location(self):
        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(self.location.x, self.location.z)

        chunk = self.chunks[bigx, bigz]

        height = chunk.height_at(smallx, smallz) + 2
        self.location.y = height

        packet = self.location.save_to_packet()
예제 #18
파일: world.py 프로젝트: driax/bravo
    def decorated(self, coords, *args, **kwargs):
        x, y, z = coords

        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(x, z)
        d = self.request_chunk(bigx, bigz)

        def cb(chunk):
            return f(self, chunk, (smallx, y, smallz), *args, **kwargs)
        return d
예제 #19
 def test_split_coords(self):
     cases = {
         (0, 0): (0, 0, 0, 0),
         (1, 1): (0, 1, 0, 1),
         (16, 16): (1, 0, 1, 0),
         (-1, -1): (-1, 15, -1, 15),
         (-16, -16): (-1, 0, -1, 0),
     for case in cases:
         self.assertEqual(split_coords(*case), cases[case])
예제 #20
    def decorated(self, coords, *args, **kwargs):
        x, y, z = coords

        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(x, z)
        d = self.request_chunk(bigx, bigz)

        def cb(chunk):
            return f(self, chunk, (smallx, y, smallz), *args, **kwargs)

        return d
예제 #21
파일: world.py 프로젝트: RyanED/bravo
    def decorated(self, coords, *args, **kwargs):
        x, y, z = coords

        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(x, z)
        if (bigx, bigz) in self.chunk_cache:
            chunk = self.chunk_cache[bigx, bigz]
        elif (bigx, bigz) in self.dirty_chunk_cache:
            chunk = self.dirty_chunk_cache[bigx, bigz]
            raise ChunkNotLoaded("Chunk (%d, %d) isn't loaded")

        return f(self, chunk, (smallx, y, smallz), *args, **kwargs)
예제 #22
    def open_or_close(self, coords):
        x, y, z = coords
        bigx, x, bigz, z = split_coords(x, z)
        d = self.factory.world.request_chunk(bigx, bigz)

        def cb(chunk):
            block = chunk.get_block((x, y, z))
            if block != blocks["trapdoor"].slot:  # already removed
            metadata = chunk.get_metadata((x, y, z))
            chunk.set_metadata((x, y, z), metadata ^ DOOR_IS_SWUNG)
예제 #23
    def open_or_close(self, coords):
        x, y, z = coords
        bigx, x, bigz, z = split_coords(x, z)
        d = self.factory.world.request_chunk(bigx, bigz)

        def cb(chunk):
            block = chunk.get_block((x, y, z))
            if block != blocks["trapdoor"].slot: # already removed
            metadata = chunk.get_metadata((x, y, z))
            chunk.set_metadata((x, y, z), metadata ^ DOOR_IS_SWUNG)
예제 #24
    def decorated(self, coords, *args, **kwargs):
        x, y, z = coords

        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(x, z)
        bigcoords = bigx, bigz
        if bigcoords in self.chunk_cache:
            chunk = self.chunk_cache[bigcoords]
        elif bigcoords in self.dirty_chunk_cache:
            chunk = self.dirty_chunk_cache[bigcoords]
            raise ChunkNotLoaded("Chunk (%d, %d) isn't loaded" % bigcoords)

        return f(self, chunk, (smallx, y, smallz), *args, **kwargs)
예제 #25
    def send_initial_chunk_and_location(self):
        Send the initial chunks and location.

        This method sends more than one chunk; since Beta 1.2, it must send
        nearly fifty chunks before the location can be safely sent.

        # Disable located hooks. We'll re-enable them at the end.
        self.state = STATE_AUTHENTICATED

        log.msg("Initial, position %d, %d, %d" % self.location.pos)
        x, y, z = self.location.pos.to_block()
        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(x, z)

        # Spawn the 49 chunks in a square around the spawn, *before* spawning
        # the player. Otherwise, there's a funky Beta 1.2 bug which causes the
        # player to not be able to move.
        d = gatherResults([
            self.enable_chunk(i, j)
            for i, j in product(xrange(bigx - 3, bigx +
                                       3), xrange(bigz - 3, bigz + 3))

        # What to do if we can't load a given chunk? Just kick 'em.
        d.addErrback(lambda fail: self.error("Couldn't load a chunk... :c"))

        # Don't dare send more chunks beyond the initial one until we've
        # spawned. Once we've spawned, set our status to LOCATED and then
        # update_location() will work.
        def located(none):
            self.state = STATE_LOCATED
            # Ensure that we're above-ground.

        d.addCallback(lambda none: self.update_location())
        d.addCallback(lambda none: self.position_changed())

        # Send the MOTD.
        if self.motd:

            def motd(none):
                                      "<tagline>", get_motd()))

        # Finally, start the secondary chunk loop.
        d.addCallback(lambda none: self.update_chunks())
예제 #26
파일: world.py 프로젝트: tazjel/bravo
    def decorated(self, coords, *args, **kwargs):
        x, y, z = coords

        # Fail early if Y is OOB.
        if not 0 <= y < CHUNK_HEIGHT:
            raise ImpossibleCoordinates("Y value %d is impossible" % y)

        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(x, z)
        d = self.request_chunk(bigx, bigz)

        def cb(chunk):
            return f(self, chunk, (smallx, y, smallz), *args, **kwargs)

        return d
예제 #27
파일: protocol.py 프로젝트: JDShu/bravo
    def send_initial_chunk_and_location(self):
        Send the initial chunks and location.

        This method sends more than one chunk; since Beta 1.2, it must send
        nearly fifty chunks before the location can be safely sent.

        # Disable located hooks. We'll re-enable them at the end.
        self.state = STATE_AUTHENTICATED

        log.msg("Initial, position %d, %d, %d" % self.location.pos)
        x, y, z = self.location.pos.to_block()
        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(x, z)

        # Spawn the 49 chunks in a square around the spawn, *before* spawning
        # the player. Otherwise, there's a funky Beta 1.2 bug which causes the
        # player to not be able to move.
        d = gatherResults([self.enable_chunk(i, j)
            for i, j in product(
                xrange(bigx - 3, bigx + 3),
                xrange(bigz - 3, bigz + 3)

        # What to do if we can't load a given chunk? Just kick 'em.
        d.addErrback(lambda fail: self.error("Couldn't load a chunk... :c"))

        # Don't dare send more chunks beyond the initial one until we've
        # spawned. Once we've spawned, set our status to LOCATED and then
        # update_location() will work.
        def located(none):
            self.state = STATE_LOCATED
            # Ensure that we're above-ground.
        d.addCallback(lambda none: self.update_location())
        d.addCallback(lambda none: self.position_changed())

        # Send the MOTD.
        if self.motd:
            def motd(none):
                    message=self.motd.replace("<tagline>", get_motd()))

        # Finally, start the secondary chunk loop.
        d.addCallback(lambda none: self.update_chunks())
예제 #28
    def send_initial_chunk_and_location(self):
        Send the initial chunks and location.

        This method sends more than one chunk; since Beta 1.2, it must send
        nearly fifty chunks before the location can be safely sent.

        # Disable located hooks. We'll re-enable them at the end.
        self.state = STATE_AUTHENTICATED

        log.msg("Initial, position %d, %d, %d" % self.location.pos)
        x, y, z = self.location.pos.to_block()
        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(x, z)

        # Send the chunk that the player will stand on. The other chunks are
        # not so important. There *used* to be a bug, circa Beta 1.2, that
        # required lots of surrounding geometry to be present, but that's been
        # fixed.
        d = self.enable_chunk(bigx, bigz)

        # What to do if we can't load a given chunk? Just kick 'em.
        d.addErrback(lambda fail: self.error("Couldn't load a chunk... :c"))

        # Don't dare send more chunks beyond the initial one until we've
        # spawned. Once we've spawned, set our status to LOCATED and then
        # update_location() will work.
        def located(none):
            self.state = STATE_LOCATED
            # Ensure that we're above-ground.
            # XXX for now, drop down from way up high down onto the ground.
            # ascend() is busted, I think, and there's no good way to get up
            # this high.
            self.location.pos = self.location.pos._replace(y=250 * 32)
        d.addCallback(lambda none: self.update_location())
        d.addCallback(lambda none: self.position_changed())

        # Send the MOTD.
        if self.motd:
            def motd(none):
                    message=self.motd.replace("<tagline>", get_motd()))

        # Finally, start the secondary chunk loop.
        d.addCallback(lambda none: self.update_chunks())
예제 #29
파일: world.py 프로젝트: alucas/bravo
    def decorated(self, coords, *args, **kwargs):
        x, y, z = coords

        # Fail early if Y is OOB.
        if not 0 <= y < CHUNK_HEIGHT:
            raise ImpossibleCoordinates("Y value %d is impossible" % y)

        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(x, z)
        bigcoords = bigx, bigz

        chunk = self._cache.get(bigcoords)

        if chunk is None:
            raise ChunkNotLoaded("Chunk (%d, %d) isn't loaded" % bigcoords)

        return f(self, chunk, (smallx, y, smallz), *args, **kwargs)
예제 #30
    def play_notes(self, notes):
        Play some music.

        Send a sequence of notes to the player. ``notes`` is a finite iterable
        of pairs of instruments and pitches.

        There is no way to time notes; if staggered playback is desired (and
        it usually is!), then ``play_notes()`` should be called repeatedly at
        the appropriate times.

        This method turns the block beneath the player into a note block,
        plays the requested notes through it, then turns it back into the
        original block, all without actually modifying the chunk.

        x, y, z = self.location.pos.to_block()

        if y:
            y -= 1

        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(x, z)

        if (bigx, bigz) not in self.chunks:

        block = self.chunks[bigx, bigz].get_block((smallx, y, smallz))
        meta = self.chunks[bigx, bigz].get_metadata((smallx, y, smallz))


        for instrument, pitch in notes:

        self.write_packet("block", x=x, y=y, z=z, type=block, meta=meta)
예제 #31
파일: build_hooks.py 프로젝트: tazjel/bravo
    def pre_build_hook(self, player, builddata):
        item, metadata, x, y, z, face = builddata

        if item.slot != items["sign"].slot:
            returnValue((True, builddata, False))

        # Buildin' a sign, puttin' it on a wall...
        builddata = builddata._replace(block=blocks["wall-sign"])

        # Offset coords according to face.
        if face == "-x":
            builddata = builddata._replace(metadata=0x4)
            x -= 1
        elif face == "+x":
            builddata = builddata._replace(metadata=0x5)
            x += 1
        elif face == "-y":
            # Ceiling Sign is watching you read.
            returnValue((False, builddata, False))
        elif face == "+y":
            # Put +Y signs on signposts. We're fancy that way. Also,
            # calculate the proper orientation based on player
            # orientation.
            # 180 degrees around to orient the signs correctly, and then
            # 23 degrees to get the sign to midpoint correctly.
            yaw = player.location.ori.to_degs()[0]
            metadata = ((yaw + 180) * 16 // 360) % 0xf
            builddata = builddata._replace(block=blocks["signpost"],
            y += 1
        elif face == "-z":
            builddata = builddata._replace(metadata=0x2)
            z -= 1
        elif face == "+z":
            builddata = builddata._replace(metadata=0x3)
            z += 1

        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(x, z)

        # Let's build a sign!
        chunk = yield self.factory.world.request_chunk(bigx, bigz)
        s = SignTile(smallx, y, smallz)
        chunk.tiles[smallx, y, smallz] = s

        returnValue((True, builddata, False))
예제 #32
    def ascend(self, count):
        Ascend to the next XZ-plane.

        ``count`` is the number of ascensions to perform, and may be zero in
        order to force this player to not be standing inside a block.

        :returns: bool of whether the ascension was successful

        This client must be located for this method to have any effect.

        if self.state != STATE_LOCATED:
            return False

        x, y, z = self.location.pos.to_block()

        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(x, z)

        chunk = self.chunks[bigx, bigz]
        column = [chunk.get_block((smallx, i, smallz))
                  for i in range(CHUNK_HEIGHT)]

        # Special case: Ascend at most once, if the current spot isn't good.
        if count == 0:
            if (not column[y]) or column[y + 1] or column[y + 2]:
                # Yeah, we're gonna need to move.
                count += 1
                # Nope, we're fine where we are.
                return True

        for i in xrange(y, 255):
            # Find the next spot above us which has a platform and two empty
            # blocks of air.
            if column[i] and (not column[i + 1]) and not column[i + 2]:
                count -= 1
                if not count:
            return False

        self.location.pos = self.location.pos._replace(y=i * 32)
        return True
예제 #33
    def update_chunks(self):
        # Don't send chunks unless we're located.
        if self.state != STATE_LOCATED:

        x, y, z = self.location.pos.to_block()
        x, chaff, z, chaff = split_coords(x, z)

        # These numbers come from a couple spots, including minecraftwiki, but
        # I verified them experimentally using torches and pillars to mark
        # distances on each setting. ~ C.
        distances = {
            "tiny": 2,
            "short": 4,
            "far": 16,

        radius = distances.get(self.settings.distance, 8)

        new = set(circling(x, z, radius))
        old = set(self.chunks.iterkeys())
        added = new - old
        discarded = old - new

        # Perhaps some explanation is in order.
        # The cooperate() function iterates over the iterable it is fed,
        # without tying up the reactor, by yielding after each iteration. The
        # inner part of the generator expression generates all of the chunks
        # around the currently needed chunk, and it sorts them by distance to
        # the current chunk. The end result is that we load chunks one-by-one,
        # nearest to furthest, without stalling other clients.
        if self.chunk_tasks:
            for task in self.chunk_tasks:
                except (TaskDone, TaskFailed):

        to_enable = sorted_by_distance(added, x, z)

        self.chunk_tasks = [
            cooperate(self.enable_chunk(i, j) for i, j in to_enable),
            cooperate(self.disable_chunk(i, j) for i, j in discarded),
예제 #34
파일: protocol.py 프로젝트: mythmon/bravo
    def ascend(self, count):
        Ascend to the next XZ-plane.

        ``count`` is the number of ascensions to perform, and may be zero in
        order to force this player to not be standing inside a block.

        :returns: bool of whether the ascension was successful

        This client must be located for this method to have any effect.

        if self.state != STATE_LOCATED:
            return False

        x, y, z = self.location.pos.to_block()

        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(x, z)

        chunk = self.chunks[bigx, bigz]
        column = [chunk.get_block((smallx, i, smallz))
                  for i in range(CHUNK_HEIGHT)]

        # Special case: Ascend at most once, if the current spot isn't good.
        if count == 0:
            if (not column[y]) or column[y + 1] or column[y + 2]:
                # Yeah, we're gonna need to move.
                count += 1
                # Nope, we're fine where we are.
                return True

        for i in xrange(y, 255):
            # Find the next spot above us which has a platform and two empty
            # blocks of air.
            if column[i] and (not column[i + 1]) and not column[i + 2]:
                count -= 1
                if not count:
            return False

        self.location.pos = self.location.pos._replace(y=i * 32)
        return True
예제 #35
    def send_initial_chunk_and_location(self):
        Send the initial chunks and location.

        This method sends more than one chunk; since Beta 1.2, it must send
        nearly fifty chunks before the location can be safely sent.

        # Disable located hooks. We'll re-enable them at the end.
        self.state = STATE_AUTHENTICATED

        log.msg("Initial, position %d, %d, %d" % self.location.pos)
        x, y, z = self.location.pos.to_block()
        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(x, z)

        # Send the chunk that the player will stand on. The other chunks are
        # not so important. There *used* to be a bug, circa Beta 1.2, that
        # required lots of surrounding geometry to be present, but that's been
        # fixed.
        d = self.enable_chunk(bigx, bigz)

        # What to do if we can't load a given chunk? Just kick 'em.
        d.addErrback(lambda fail: self.error("Couldn't load a chunk... :c"))

        # Don't dare send more chunks beyond the initial one until we've
        # spawned. Once we've spawned, set our status to LOCATED and then
        # update_location() will work.
        def located(none):
            self.state = STATE_LOCATED
            # Ensure that we're above-ground.
        d.addCallback(lambda none: self.update_location())
        d.addCallback(lambda none: self.position_changed())

        # Send the MOTD.
        if self.motd:
            def motd(none):
                self.send_chat(self.motd.replace("<tagline>", get_motd()))

        # Finally, start the secondary chunk loop.
        d.addCallback(lambda none: self.update_chunks())
예제 #36
파일: beta.py 프로젝트: gwylim/bravo
    def update_entities(self):
        Update all entities covered by this factory.

        # XXX this method could cause chunks to be generated :c

        points = set()

        for player in self.protocols.itervalues():
            x = player.location.x
            z = player.location.z
            bigx, chaff, bigz, chaff = split_coords(x, z)
            new = set((i + bigx, j + bigz) for i, j in circle)

        for x, y in points:
            d = self.world.request_chunk(x, y)
            d.addCallback(lambda chunk: chunk.update_entities(self))
예제 #37
    def pre_build_hook(self, player, builddata):
        item, metadata, x, y, z, face = builddata

        if item.slot != blocks["furnace"].slot:
            returnValue((True, builddata, False))

        x, y, z = adjust_coords_for_face((x, y, z), face)
        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(x, z)

        # the furnace cannot be oriented up or down
        if face == "-y" or face == "+y":
            orientation = ('+x', '+z', '-x', '-z')[((int(player.location.yaw) \
                                                - 45 + 360) % 360) / 90]
            metadata = blocks["furnace"].orientation(orientation)
            builddata = builddata._replace(metadata=metadata)

        # Not much to do, just tell the chunk about this tile.
        chunk = yield self.factory.world.request_chunk(bigx, bigz)
        chunk.tiles[smallx, y, smallz] = FurnaceTile(smallx, y, smallz)
        returnValue((True, builddata, False))
예제 #38
    def pre_build_hook(self, player, builddata):
        item, metadata, x, y, z, face = builddata

        if item.slot != blocks["furnace"].slot:
            returnValue((True, builddata, False))

        x, y, z = adjust_coords_for_face((x, y, z), face)
        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(x, z)

        # the furnace cannot be oriented up or down
        if face == "-y" or face == "+y":
            orientation = ('+x', '+z', '-x', '-z')[((int(player.location.yaw) \
                                                - 45 + 360) % 360) / 90]
            metadata = blocks["furnace"].orientation(orientation)
            builddata = builddata._replace(metadata=metadata)

        # Not much to do, just tell the chunk about this tile.
        chunk = yield self.factory.world.request_chunk(bigx, bigz)
        chunk.tiles[smallx, y, smallz] = FurnaceTile(smallx, y, smallz)
        returnValue((True, builddata, False))
예제 #39
파일: window_hooks.py 프로젝트: JDShu/bravo
    def open_hook(self, player, container, block):
        The ``player`` is a Player's protocol
        The ``container`` is a 0x64 message
        The ``block`` is a block we trying to open
        :returns: None or window object
        if block not in (blocks["furnace"].slot, blocks["burning-furnace"].slot):

        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(container.x, container.z)
        chunk = yield factory.world.request_chunk(bigx, bigz)

        furnace = self.get_furnace_tile(chunk, (smallx, container.y, smallz))
        if furnace is None:

        coords = bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz, container.y
        window = FurnaceWindow(player.wid, player.player.inventory,
                               furnace.inventory, coords)
예제 #40
파일: warp.py 프로젝트: MartysTardis/bravo
    def chat_command(self, username, parameters):
        protocol = self.factory.protocols[username]
        l = protocol.player.location

        x, y, z = l.pos.to_block()
        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(x, z)

        chunk = self.factory.world.sync_request_chunk((x, y, z))
        column = [chunk.get_block((smallx, i, smallz)) for i in range(256)]

        # Find the next spot below us which has a platform and two empty
        # blocks of air.
        while y > 0:
            y -= 1
            if column[y] and not column[y + 1] and not column[y + 2]:
            return ("Couldn't find anywhere to descend!",)

        l.pos = l.pos._replace(y=y)
        return ("Descended!",)
예제 #41
    def open_hook(self, player, container, block):
        The ``player`` is a Player's protocol
        The ``container`` is a 0x64 message
        The ``block`` is a block we trying to open
        :returns: None or window object
        if block not in (blocks["furnace"].slot, blocks["burning-furnace"].slot):

        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(container.x, container.z)
        chunk = yield self.factory.world.request_chunk(bigx, bigz)

        furnace = self.get_furnace_tile(chunk, (smallx, container.y, smallz))
        if furnace is None:

        coords = bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz, container.y
        window = FurnaceWindow(player.wid, player.player.inventory,
                               furnace.inventory, coords)
예제 #42
    def chat_command(self, username, parameters):
        protocol = factory.protocols[username]
        l = protocol.player.location

        x, y, z = l.pos.to_block()
        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(x, z)

        chunk = factory.world.sync_request_chunk((x, y, z))
        column = chunk.get_column(smallx, smallz)

        # Find the next spot below us which has a platform and two empty
        # blocks of air.
        while y > 0:
            y -= 1
            if column[y] and not column[y + 1] and not column[y + 2]:
            return ("Couldn't find anywhere to descend!", )

        l.pos = l.pos._replace(y=y)
        return ("Descended!", )
예제 #43
파일: warp.py 프로젝트: RyanED/bravo
    def chat_command(self, username, parameters):
        protocol = factory.protocols[username]
        x = protocol.player.location.x
        z = protocol.player.location.z
        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(x, z)

        chunk = yield factory.world.request_chunk(bigx, bigz)
        column = chunk.get_column(smallx, smallz)

        y = protocol.player.location.y

        # Find the next spot below us which has a platform and two empty
        # blocks of air.
        while y > 0:
            y -= 1
            if column[y] and not column[y + 1] and not column[y + 2]:
            returnValue(("Couldn't find anywhere to descend!",))

        protocol.player.location.y = y
예제 #44
파일: protocol.py 프로젝트: squiddy/bravo
    def play_notes(self, notes):
        Play some music.

        Send a sequence of notes to the player. ``notes`` is a finite iterable
        of pairs of instruments and pitches.

        There is no way to time notes; if staggered playback is desired (and
        it usually is!), then ``play_notes()`` should be called repeatedly at
        the appropriate times.

        This method turns the block beneath the player into a note block,
        plays the requested notes through it, then turns it back into the
        original block, all without actually modifying the chunk.

        x, y, z = self.location.x, self.location.y, self.location.z

        if y:
            y -= 1

        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(x, z)

        if (bigx, bigz) not in self.chunks:

        block = self.chunks[bigx, bigz].get_block((smallx, y, smallz))
        meta = self.chunks[bigx, bigz].get_metadata((smallx, y, smallz))

        self.write_packet("block", x=x, y=y, z=z,
                          type=blocks["note-block"].slot, meta=0)

        for (instrument, pitch) in notes:
            self.write_packet("note", x=x, y=y, z=z, pitch=pitch,

        self.write_packet("block", x=x, y=y, z=z, type=block, meta=meta)
예제 #45
파일: beta.py 프로젝트: EntityReborn/bravo
    def build(self, container):
        if container.x == -1 and container.z == -1 and container.y == 255:
            # Lala-land build packet. Discard it for now.

        # Is the target being selected?
        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(container.x, container.z)
            chunk = self.chunks[bigx, bigz]
        except KeyError:
            self.error("Couldn't select in chunk (%d, %d)!" % (bigx, bigz))

        if (chunk.get_block((smallx, container.y, smallz)) ==
            i = Workbench()
            sync_inventories(self.player.inventory, i)
            self.windows[self.wid] = i
            packet = make_packet("window-open", wid=self.wid, type="workbench",
                title="Hurp", slots=2)
            self.wid += 1

        # Ignore clients that think -1 is placeable.
        if container.primary == -1:

        # Special case when face is "noop": Update the status of the currently
        # held block rather than placing a new block.
        if container.face == "noop":

        if container.primary in blocks:
            block = blocks[container.primary]
        elif container.primary in items:
            block = items[container.primary]
            log.err("Ignoring request to place unknown block %d" %

        # it's the top of the world, you can't build here
        if container.y == 127 and container.face == '+y':

        # Run pre-build hooks. These hooks are able to interrupt the build
        # process.
        builddata = BuildData(block, 0x0, container.x, container.y,
            container.z, container.face)

        for hook in self.pre_build_hooks:
            cont, builddata = yield maybeDeferred(hook.pre_build_hook,
                self.player, builddata)
            if not cont:

        # Run the build.
            yield maybeDeferred(self.run_build, builddata)
        except BuildError:

        newblock = builddata.block.slot
        coords = builddata.x, builddata.y, builddata.z

        # Run post-build hooks. These are merely callbacks which cannot
        # interfere with the build process, largely because the build process
        # already happened.
        for hook in self.post_build_hooks:
            yield maybeDeferred(hook.post_build_hook, self.player, coords,

        # Feed automatons.
        for automaton in self.factory.automatons:
            if newblock in automaton.blocks:
                automaton.feed((builddata.x, builddata.y, builddata.z))

        # Re-send inventory.
        # XXX this could be optimized if/when inventories track damage.
        packet = self.player.inventory.save_to_packet()

        # Flush damaged chunks.
        for chunk in self.chunks.itervalues():
예제 #46
파일: beta.py 프로젝트: EntityReborn/bravo
    def digging(self, container):
        if container.x == -1 and container.z == -1 and container.y == 255:
            # Lala-land dig packet. Discard it for now.

        # Player drops currently holding item/block.
        if (container.state == "dropped" and container.face == "-y" and
            container.x == 0 and container.y == 0 and container.z == 0):
            i = self.player.inventory
            holding = i.holdables[self.player.equipped]
            if holding:
                primary, secondary, count = holding
                if i.consume((primary, secondary), self.player.equipped):
                    dest = self.location.in_front_of(2)
                    dest.y += 1
                    coords = (int(dest.x * 32) + 16, int(dest.y * 32) + 16,
                        int(dest.z * 32) + 16)
                    self.factory.give(coords, (primary, secondary), 1)

                    # Re-send inventory.
                    packet = self.player.inventory.save_to_packet()

                    # If no items in this slot are left, this player isn't
                    # holding an item anymore.
                    if i.holdables[self.player.equipped] is None:
                        packet = make_packet("entity-equipment",
                        self.factory.broadcast_for_others(packet, self)

        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(container.x, container.z)
        coords = smallx, container.y, smallz

            chunk = self.chunks[bigx, bigz]
        except KeyError:
            self.error("Couldn't dig in chunk (%d, %d)!" % (bigx, bigz))

        block = chunk.get_block((smallx, container.y, smallz))

        if container.state == "started":
            tool = self.player.inventory.holdables[self.player.equipped]
            # Check to see whether we should break this block.
            if self.dig_policy.is_1ko(block, tool):
                self.run_dig_hooks(chunk, coords, blocks[block])
                # Set up a timer for breaking the block later.
                dtime = time() + self.dig_policy.dig_time(block, tool)
                self.last_dig = coords, block, dtime
        elif container.state == "stopped":
            # The client thinks it has broken a block. We shall see.
            if not self.last_dig:

            oldcoords, oldblock, dtime = self.last_dig
            if oldcoords != coords or oldblock != block:
                # Nope!
                self.last_dig = None

            dtime -= time()

            # When enough time has elapsed, run the dig hooks.
            d = deferLater(reactor, max(dtime, 0), self.run_dig_hooks, chunk,
                           coords, blocks[block])
            d.addCallback(lambda none: setattr(self, "last_dig", None))
예제 #47
파일: redstone.py 프로젝트: mkaay/bravo
 def setMetadata(self, coords, meta):
     factory.world.set_metadata(coords, meta)
     bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(coords[0], coords[2])
     self.touchedChunks.add( (bigx, bigz) )
예제 #48
 def post_build_hook(self, player, coords, block):
     bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(coords[0], coords[2])
     chunk = yield factory.world.request_chunk(bigx, bigz)
     self.dig_hook(chunk, smallx, coords[1], smallz, block)
예제 #49
    def pre_build_hook(self, player, builddata):
        item, metadata, x, y, z, face = builddata

        if item.slot != blocks["chest"].slot:
            returnValue((True, builddata, False))

        x, y, z = adjust_coords_for_face((x, y, z), face)
        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(x, z)

        # chest orientation according to players position
        if face == "-y" or face == "+y":
            orientation = ('+x', '+z', '-x', '-z')[((int(player.location.yaw) \
                                                - 45 + 360) % 360) / 90]
            orientation = face

        # Chests have some restrictions on building:
        # you cannot connect more than two chests. (notchian)
        ccs = chestsAround(self.factory, (x, y, z))
        ccn = len(ccs)
        if ccn > 1:
            # cannot build three or more connected chests
            returnValue((False, builddata, True))

        chunk = yield self.factory.world.request_chunk(bigx, bigz)

        if ccn == 0:
            metadata = blocks["chest"].orientation(orientation)
        elif ccn == 1:
            # check gonna-be-connected chest is not connected already
            n = len(chestsAround(self.factory, ccs[0]))
            if n != 0:
                returnValue((False, builddata, True))

            # align both blocks correctly (since 1.8)
            # get second block
            x2, y2, z2 = ccs[0]
            bigx2, smallx2, bigz2, smallz2 = split_coords(x2, z2)
            # new chests orientation axis according to blocks position
            pair = x - x2, z - z2
            ornt = {(0, 1): "x", (0, -1): "x",
                    (1, 0): "z", (-1, 0): "z"}[pair]
            # if player is faced another direction, fix it
            if orientation[1] != ornt:
                # same sign with proper orientation
                # XXX Probably notchian logic is different here
                #     but this one works well enough
                orientation = orientation[0] + ornt
            metadata = blocks["chest"].orientation(orientation)
            # update second block's metadata
            if bigx == bigx2 and bigz == bigz2:
                # both blocks are in same chunk
                chunk2 = chunk
                chunk2 = yield self.factory.world.request_chunk(bigx2, bigz2)
            chunk2.set_metadata((smallx2, y2, smallz2), metadata)

        # Not much to do, just tell the chunk about this tile.
        chunk.tiles[smallx, y, smallz] = ChestTile(smallx, y, smallz)
        builddata = builddata._replace(metadata=metadata)
        returnValue((True, builddata, False))
예제 #50
    def digging(self, container):
        if container.x == -1 and container.z == -1 and container.y == 255:
            # Lala-land dig packet. Discard it for now.

        # Player drops currently holding item/block.
        if (container.state == "dropped" and container.face == "-y"
                and container.x == 0 and container.y == 0
                and container.z == 0):
            i = self.player.inventory
            holding = i.holdables[self.player.equipped]
            if holding:
                primary, secondary, count = holding
                if i.consume((primary, secondary), self.player.equipped):
                    dest = self.location.in_front_of(2)
                    coords = dest.pos._replace(y=dest.pos.y + 1)
                    self.factory.give(coords, (primary, secondary), 1)

                    # Re-send inventory.
                    packet = self.inventory.save_to_packet()

                    # If no items in this slot are left, this player isn't
                    # holding an item anymore.
                    if i.holdables[self.player.equipped] is None:
                        packet = make_packet("entity-equipment",
                        self.factory.broadcast_for_others(packet, self)

        if container.state == "shooting":

        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(container.x, container.z)
        coords = smallx, container.y, smallz

            chunk = self.chunks[bigx, bigz]
        except KeyError:
            self.error("Couldn't dig in chunk (%d, %d)!" % (bigx, bigz))

        block = chunk.get_block((smallx, container.y, smallz))

        if container.state == "started":
            # Run pre dig hooks
            for hook in self.pre_dig_hooks:
                cancel = yield maybeDeferred(
                    hook.pre_dig_hook, self.player,
                    (container.x, container.y, container.z), block)
                if cancel:

            tool = self.player.inventory.holdables[self.player.equipped]
            # Check to see whether we should break this block.
            if self.dig_policy.is_1ko(block, tool):
                self.run_dig_hooks(chunk, coords, blocks[block])
                # Set up a timer for breaking the block later.
                dtime = time() + self.dig_policy.dig_time(block, tool)
                self.last_dig = coords, block, dtime
        elif container.state == "stopped":
            # The client thinks it has broken a block. We shall see.
            if not self.last_dig:

            oldcoords, oldblock, dtime = self.last_dig
            if oldcoords != coords or oldblock != block:
                # Nope!
                self.last_dig = None

            dtime -= time()

            # When enough time has elapsed, run the dig hooks.
            d = deferLater(reactor, max(dtime, 0), self.run_dig_hooks, chunk,
                           coords, blocks[block])
            d.addCallback(lambda none: setattr(self, "last_dig", None))
예제 #51
    def build(self, container):
        if container.x == -1 and container.z == -1 and container.y == 255:
            # Lala-land build packet. Discard it for now.

        # Is the target being selected?
        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(container.x, container.z)
            chunk = self.chunks[bigx, bigz]
        except KeyError:
            self.error("Couldn't select in chunk (%d, %d)!" % (bigx, bigz))

        # Try to open it first
        for hook in self.open_hooks:
            window = yield maybeDeferred(
                hook.open_hook, self, container,
                chunk.get_block((smallx, container.y, smallz)))
            if window:
                packet = window.save_to_packet()
                # window opened

        # Ignore clients that think -1 is placeable.
        if container.primary == -1:

        # Special case when face is "noop": Update the status of the currently
        # held block rather than placing a new block.
        if container.face == "noop":

        if container.primary in blocks:
            block = blocks[container.primary]
        elif container.primary in items:
            block = items[container.primary]
            log.err("Ignoring request to place unknown block %d" %

        # it's the top of the world, you can't build here
        if container.y == 127 and container.face == '+y':

        # Run pre-build hooks. These hooks are able to interrupt the build
        # process.
        builddata = BuildData(block, 0x0, container.x, container.y,
                              container.z, container.face)

        for hook in self.pre_build_hooks:
            cont, builddata, cancel = yield maybeDeferred(
                hook.pre_build_hook, self.player, builddata)
            if cancel:
                # Flush damaged chunks.
                for chunk in self.chunks.itervalues():
            if not cont:

        # Run the build.
            yield maybeDeferred(self.run_build, builddata)
        except BuildError:

        newblock = builddata.block.slot
        coords = adjust_coords_for_face(
            (builddata.x, builddata.y, builddata.z), builddata.face)

        # Run post-build hooks. These are merely callbacks which cannot
        # interfere with the build process, largely because the build process
        # already happened.
        for hook in self.post_build_hooks:
            yield maybeDeferred(hook.post_build_hook, self.player, coords,

        # Feed automatons.
        for automaton in self.factory.automatons:
            if newblock in automaton.blocks:

        # Re-send inventory.
        # XXX this could be optimized if/when inventories track damage.
        packet = self.inventory.save_to_packet()

        # Flush damaged chunks.
        for chunk in self.chunks.itervalues():
예제 #52
    def build(self, container):
        Handle a build packet.

        Several things must happen. First, the packet's contents need to be
        examined to ensure that the packet is valid. A check is done to see if
        the packet is opening a windowed object. If not, then a build is

        # Is the target within our purview? We don't do a very strict
        # containment check, but we *do* require that the chunk be loaded.
        bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(container.x, container.z)
            chunk = self.chunks[bigx, bigz]
        except KeyError:
            self.error("Couldn't select in chunk (%d, %d)!" % (bigx, bigz))

        target = blocks[chunk.get_block((smallx, container.y, smallz))]

        # Attempt to open a window.
        from bravo.policy.windows import window_for_block
        window = window_for_block(target)
        if window is not None:
            # We have a window!
            self.windows[self.wid] = window
            identifier, title, slots = window.open()
            self.write_packet("window-open", wid=self.wid, type=identifier,
                              title=title, slots=slots)
            self.wid += 1

        # Try to open it first
        for hook in self.open_hooks:
            window = yield maybeDeferred(hook.open_hook, self, container,
                           chunk.get_block((smallx, container.y, smallz)))
            if window:
                self.write_packet("window-open", wid=window.wid,
                    type=window.identifier, title=window.title,
                packet = window.save_to_packet()
                # window opened

        # Ignore clients that think -1 is placeable.
        if container.primary == -1:

        # Special case when face is "noop": Update the status of the currently
        # held block rather than placing a new block.
        if container.face == "noop":

        # If the target block is vanishable, then adjust our aim accordingly.
        if target.vanishes:
            container.face = "+y"
            container.y -= 1

        if container.primary in blocks:
            block = blocks[container.primary]
        elif container.primary in items:
            block = items[container.primary]
            log.err("Ignoring request to place unknown block 0x%x" %

        # Run pre-build hooks. These hooks are able to interrupt the build
        # process.
        builddata = BuildData(block, 0x0, container.x, container.y,
            container.z, container.face)

        for hook in self.pre_build_hooks:
            cont, builddata, cancel = yield maybeDeferred(hook.pre_build_hook,
                self.player, builddata)
            if cancel:
                # Flush damaged chunks.
                for chunk in self.chunks.itervalues():
            if not cont:

        # Run the build.
            yield maybeDeferred(self.run_build, builddata)
        except BuildError:

        newblock = builddata.block.slot
        coords = adjust_coords_for_face(
            (builddata.x, builddata.y, builddata.z), builddata.face)

        # Run post-build hooks. These are merely callbacks which cannot
        # interfere with the build process, largely because the build process
        # already happened.
        for hook in self.post_build_hooks:
            yield maybeDeferred(hook.post_build_hook, self.player, coords,

        # Feed automatons.
        for automaton in self.factory.automatons:
            if newblock in automaton.blocks:

        # Re-send inventory.
        # XXX this could be optimized if/when inventories track damage.
        packet = self.inventory.save_to_packet()

        # Flush damaged chunks.
        for chunk in self.chunks.itervalues():
예제 #53
 def post_build_hook(self, player, coords, block):
     bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(coords[0], coords[2])
     chunk = yield factory.world.request_chunk(bigx, bigz)
     self.dig_hook(chunk, smallx, coords[1], smallz, block)