예제 #1
def show(image, file):
    """Show all services of a specific type.

    Use the --image flag to filter."""
    services = utils.list_services(image, file)
    click.echo('\n'.join(services), nl=bool(services))
예제 #2
def test_list_services():
    services = utils.list_services(
    assert services == ['spark-one']
예제 #3
def log(add_compose, add_system, upload):
    """Generate and share log file for bug reports.

    This command generates a comprehensive report on current system state and logs.
    When reporting bugs, a termbin blink to the output is often the first thing asked for.

    For best results, run when the services are still active.
    Service logs are discarded after `brewblox-ctl down`.

    Care is taken to prevent accidental leaks of confidential information.
    Only known variables are read from .env,
    and the `--no-add-compose` flag allows skipping compose configuration.
    The latter is useful if the configuration contains passwords or tokens.

    To review or edit the output, use the `--no-upload` flag.
    The output will include instructions on how to manually upload the file.

        - Create ./brewblox.log file.
        - Append Brewblox .env variables.
        - Append software version info.
        - Append service logs.
        - Append content of docker-compose.yml (optional).
        - Append content of docker-compose.shared.yml (optional).
        - Append blocks from Spark services.
        - Append system diagnostics.
        - Upload file to termbin.com for shareable link (optional).
    sudo = utils.optsudo()

    # Create log
    utils.info(f"Log file: {path.abspath('./brewblox.log')}")

    # Add .env values
    utils.info('Writing Brewblox .env values...')
    for key in ENV_KEYS:
        append(f'echo "{key}={utils.getenv(key)}"')

    # Add version info
    utils.info('Writing software version info...')
    append('uname -a')
    append(f'{const.PY} --version')
    append(f'{sudo}docker --version')
    append(f'{sudo}docker-compose --version')

    # Add active containers
    utils.info('Writing active containers...')
    append(f'{sudo}docker-compose ps -a')

    # Add service logs
        config_names = list(utils.read_compose()['services'].keys())
        shared_names = list(utils.read_shared_compose()['services'].keys())
        names = [n for n in config_names if n not in shared_names] + shared_names
        for name in names:
            utils.info(f'Writing {name} service logs...')
            header(f'Service: {name}')
            append(f'{sudo}docker-compose logs --timestamps --no-color --tail 200 {name}')
    except Exception as ex:
        append('echo ' + shlex.quote(type(ex).__name__ + ': ' + str(ex)))

    # Add compose config
    if add_compose:
        utils.info('Writing docker-compose configuration...')
        append('cat docker-compose.yml')
        append('cat docker-compose.shared.yml')
        utils.info('Skipping docker-compose configuration...')

    # Add blocks
    host_url = utils.host_url()
    services = utils.list_services('brewblox/brewblox-devcon-spark')
    for svc in services:
        utils.info(f'Writing {svc} blocks...')
        header(f'Blocks: {svc}')
        append(f'{const.CLI} http post --pretty {host_url}/{svc}/blocks/all/read')

    # Add system diagnostics
    if add_system:
        utils.info('Writing system diagnostics...')
        header('docker info')
        append(f'{sudo}docker info')
        header('disk usage')
        append('df -hl')
        append('column -t /proc/net/dev')
        append('sudo tail -n 500 /var/log/syslog')
        append('dmesg -T')
        utils.info('Skipping system diagnostics...')

    # Upload
    if upload:
        utils.info('Uploading brewblox.log to termbin.com...')
        sh('cat brewblox.log | nc termbin.com 9999')
        utils.info('Skipping upload. If you want to manually upload the log, run: ' +
                   click.style('cat brewblox.log | nc termbin.com 9999', fg='green'))
예제 #4
def log(add_compose, upload):
    """Generate and share log file for bug reports.

    This command generates a comprehensive report on current system state and logs.
    When reporting bugs, a termbin blink to the output is often the first thing asked for.

    For best results, run when the services are still active.
    Service logs are discarded after `brewblox-ctl down`.

    Care is taken to prevent accidental leaks of confidential information.
    Only known variables are read from .env,
    and the `--no-add-compose` flag allows skipping compose configuration.
    The latter is useful if the configuration contains passwords or tokens.

    To review or edit the output, use the `--no-upload` flag.
    The output will include instructions on how to manually upload the file.

        - Create ./brewblox.log file.
        - Append Brewblox .env variables.
        - Append service logs.
        - Append content of docker-compose.yml (optional).
        - Append content of docker-compose.shared.yml (optional).
        - Append blocks from Spark services.
        - Upload file to termbin.com for shareable link (optional).
    sudo = utils.optsudo()

    # Create log
    utils.info('Log file: {}'.format(path.abspath('./brewblox.log')))
    sh('echo "BREWBLOX DIAGNOSTIC DUMP" > brewblox.log')
    sh('date >> brewblox.log')

    # Add .env values
    utils.info('Writing Brewblox .env values...')
    sh('echo "==============VARS==============" >> brewblox.log')
    sh('echo "$(uname -a)" >> brewblox.log')
    sh('echo "$({}docker --version)" >> brewblox.log'.format(sudo))
    sh('echo "$({}docker-compose --version)" >> brewblox.log'.format(sudo))
    sh('echo "{}={}" >> brewblox.log'.format(key, utils.getenv(key)) for key in ENV_KEYS)

    # Add service logs
    utils.info('Writing service logs...')
    sh('echo "==============LOGS==============" >> brewblox.log')
        config_names = list(utils.read_compose()['services'].keys())
        shared_names = list(utils.read_shared_compose()['services'].keys())
        names = [n for n in config_names if n not in shared_names] + shared_names
        raw_cmd = '{}docker-compose logs --timestamps --no-color --tail 200 {} >> brewblox.log; ' + \
            "echo '\\n' >> brewblox.log"
        sh(raw_cmd.format(sudo, name) for name in names)
    except Exception as ex:
        sh('echo {} >> brewblox.log'.format(shlex.quote(type(ex).__name__ + ': ' + str(ex))))

    # Add compose config
    if add_compose:
        utils.info('Writing docker-compose configuration...')
        sh('echo "==============COMPOSE==============" >> brewblox.log')
        sh('cat docker-compose.yml >> brewblox.log')
        sh('echo "==============SHARED===============" >> brewblox.log')
        sh('cat docker-compose.shared.yml >> brewblox.log')
        utils.info('Skipping docker-compose configuration...')

    # Add blocks
    utils.info('Writing Spark blocks...')
    sh('echo "==============BLOCKS==============" >> brewblox.log')
    host_url = utils.host_url()
    services = utils.list_services('brewblox/brewblox-devcon-spark')
    query = '{} http get --pretty {}/{}/objects >> brewblox.log || echo "{} not found" >> brewblox.log'
    sh(query.format(const.CLI, host_url, svc, svc) for svc in services)

    # Upload
    if upload:
        utils.info('Uploading brewblox.log to termbin.com...')
        sh('cat brewblox.log | nc termbin.com 9999')
        utils.info('Skipping upload. If you want to manually upload the log, run: ' +
                   click.style('cat brewblox.log | nc termbin.com 9999', fg='green'))