예제 #1
def read_urgencies(file, testing, unstable):
	urgency = {}

	f = open(file)
	line = f.readline()
	while line:
		l = string.split(line)
		if len(l) == 3:
			uo = urgency.get(l[0], defaulturgency)
			mo = mindays.get(uo, mindays[defaulturgency])
			mn = mindays.get(l[2], mindays[defaulturgency])
			if mo <= mn: 
				line = f.readline()

			tsrcv = testing.get_version(l[0])
			if tsrcv and britney.versioncmp(tsrcv, l[1]) >= 0:
				line = f.readline()
			usrcv = unstable.get_version(l[0])
			if not usrcv or britney.versioncmp(usrcv, l[1]) < 0:
				line = f.readline()
			urgency[l[0]] = l[2]

		line = f.readline()
	return urgency
예제 #2
def read_urgencies(file, testing, unstable):
    urgency = {}

    f = open(file)
    line = f.readline()
    while line:
        l = string.split(line)
        if len(l) == 3:
            uo = urgency.get(l[0], defaulturgency)
            mo = mindays.get(uo, mindays[defaulturgency])
            mn = mindays.get(l[2], mindays[defaulturgency])
            if mo <= mn:
                line = f.readline()

            tsrcv = testing.get_version(l[0])
            if tsrcv and britney.versioncmp(tsrcv, l[1]) >= 0:
                line = f.readline()
            usrcv = unstable.get_version(l[0])
            if not usrcv or britney.versioncmp(usrcv, l[1]) < 0:
                line = f.readline()

            urgency[l[0]] = l[2]

        line = f.readline()
    return urgency
예제 #3
def maxver(pkg, source, pkgs):
	maxver = source.get_version(pkg)
	for arch in arches:
		pkgv = pkgs[arch].get_version(pkg)
		if pkgv == None: continue
		if maxver == None or britney.versioncmp(pkgv, maxver) > 0:
			maxver = pkgv
	return maxver
예제 #4
def maxver(pkg, source, pkgs):
    maxver = source.get_version(pkg)
    for arch in arches:
        pkgv = pkgs[arch].get_version(pkg)
        if pkgv == None: continue
        if maxver == None or britney.versioncmp(pkgv, maxver) > 0:
            maxver = pkgv
    return maxver
예제 #5
def should_upgrade_src(src, suite, orig, origpkgs, new, newpkgs, approvals, 
	srcv = new.get_version(src)

	if orig.is_present(src):
		tsrcv = orig.get_version(src)
		if britney.versioncmp(srcv, tsrcv) == 0:
			# Candidate for binnmus only	
			return 0
		tsrcv = None

	updatecand = 1

	ref = src
	if suite: ref = ref + "_tpu"

	exc = Excuse(ref)
	exc.set_vers(tsrcv, srcv)
	m = new.get_field(src, "Maintainer")
	if m: exc.set_maint(string.strip(m))
	s = new.get_field(src, "Section")
	if s: exc.set_section(string.strip(s))

	if tsrcv and britney.versioncmp(srcv, tsrcv) < 0:
		# Version in unstable is older!
		exc.addhtml("ALERT: %s is newer in testing (%s %s)" % (src, tsrcv, srcv))
		return 0

	if unstable.is_fake(src):
		exc.addhtml("%s source package doesn't exist" % (src))
		updatecand = 0

	urgency = unstableurg.get(src, defaulturgency)

        if hints["remove"].has_key(src):
                if (tsrcv and same_source(tsrcv, hints["remove"][src][0])) or \
		  same_source(srcv, hints["remove"][src][0]):
                        exc.addhtml("Removal request by %s" %
                        exc.addhtml("Trying to remove package, not update it")
			updatecand = 0

	if src in allowremovepkgs:
		exc.addhtml("Trying to remove package, not update it")
		updatecand = 0

	if src in donttouch:
		exc.addhtml("Not touching package")
		updatecand = 0

	if suite == None:
		if not unstabledates.has_key(src):
			unstabledates[src] = (srcv, datenow)
		elif not same_source(unstabledates[src][0], srcv):
			unstabledates[src] = (srcv, datenow)

		daysold = datenow - unstabledates[src][1]
		mymindays = mindays[urgency]
		if src in frozen: 
			exc.addhtml("Package is in freeze, doubling delay")
			mymindays = mymindays * 2
		exc.setdaysold(daysold, mymindays)
		if daysold < mymindays:
			updatecand = 0

	pkgs = { src: ["source"] }
	anybins = 0
	for arch in arches:
		oodbins = {}
		for pkg in new.binaries(src,arch):
			anybins = 1
			if not pkgs.has_key(pkg): pkgs[pkg] = []

			pkgsv = newpkgs[arch].get_sourcever(pkg)
			if not same_source(srcv, pkgsv):
				if not oodbins.has_key(pkgsv):
					oodbins[pkgsv] = []

			if newpkgs[arch].isnt_arch_all(pkg) or \
			  arch in nobreakarchallarches:
				excuse_unsat_deps(pkg, arch, 
					origpkgs[arch], newpkgs[arch], exc)

		if oodbins:
			oodtxt = ""
			for v in oodbins.keys():
				if oodtxt: oodtxt = oodtxt + "; "
				oodtxt = oodtxt + "%s (from <a href=\"http://buildd.debian.org/build.php?arch=%s&pkg=%s&ver=%s\" target=\"_blank\">%s</a>)" % \
					(string.join(oodbins[v], ", "), arch, src, v, v)
			text = "out of date on <a href=\"http://buildd.debian.org/build.php?arch=%s&pkg=%s&ver=%s\" target=\"_blank\">%s</a>: %s" % (arch, src, srcv, arch, oodtxt)

			if arch in fuckedarches:
				text = text + " (but %s isn't keeping up," % \
					(arch) + " so nevermind)"
				updatecand = 0

			if datenow != unstabledates[src][1]:

	if not anybins:
		exc.addhtml("%s has no binaries on any arch" % src)
		updatecand = 0

	if suite == None:
		for pkg in pkgs.keys():
			if not testingbugs.has_key(pkg): testingbugs[pkg] = 0
			if not unstablebugs.has_key(pkg): unstablebugs[pkg] = 0

			if unstablebugs[pkg] > testingbugs[pkg]:
				exc.addhtml("%s (%s) is <a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?which=pkg&data=%s&sev-inc=critical&sev-inc=grave&sev-inc=serious\" target=\"_blank\">buggy</a>! (%d > %d)" % \
					(pkg, string.join(pkgs[pkg], ", "), pkg,
					unstablebugs[pkg], testingbugs[pkg]))
				updatecand = 0
			elif unstablebugs[pkg] > 0:
				exc.addhtml("%s (%s) is (less) <a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?which=pkg&data=%s&sev-inc=critical&sev-inc=grave&sev-inc=serious\" target=\"_blank\">buggy</a>! (%d <= %d)" % \
					(pkg, string.join(pkgs[pkg], ", "), pkg,
					unstablebugs[pkg], testingbugs[pkg]))

	if suite == None:
		if not updatecand and src in dosrcanyway:
			exc.addhtml("Should ignore, but considering anyway")
			updatecand = 1

	if approvals:
		if approvals.has_key("%s_%s" % (src, srcv)):
			exc.addhtml("Approved by %s" % 
			              approvals["%s_%s" % (src, srcv)])
			exc.addhtml("NEEDS APPROVAL BY RM")
			updatecand = 0

	if updatecand:
		exc.addhtml("Valid candidate")
		exc.addhtml("Not considered")


	return updatecand
예제 #6
def should_upgrade_srcarch(src, arch, suite, tsrcv, orig, opkgsa, new, npkgsa, excs):
	# binnmu this arch?
	anywrongver = 0
	anyworthdoing = 0

	ref = "%s/%s" % (src, arch)
	if suite: ref = ref + "_%s" % (suite)

	e = Excuse(ref)
	e.set_vers(tsrcv, tsrcv)
	m = new.get_field(src, "Maintainer")
	if m: e.set_maint(string.strip(m))
	s = new.get_field(src, "Section")
	if s: e.set_section(string.strip(s))

	if ref in donttouch:
		e.addhtml("Not touching package")
		e.addhtml("Not considered")
		return 0

	if hints["remove"].has_key(src):
		if same_source(tsrcv, hints["remove"][src][0]):
			e.addhtml("Removal request by %s" %
			e.addhtml("Trying to remove package, not update it")
			e.addhtml("Not considered")
			return 0

	if src in allowremovepkgs:
		e.addhtml("Trying to remove package, not update it")
		e.addhtml("Not considered")
		return 0

	for pkg in new.binaries(src, arch):
		pkgv = npkgsa.get_version(pkg)
		pkgsv = npkgsa.get_sourcever(pkg)

		if npkgsa.is_arch_all(pkg):
			e.addhtml("Ignoring %s %s (from %s) as it is arch: all"
				% (pkg, pkgv, pkgsv))

		if not same_source(tsrcv, pkgsv):
			anywrongver = 1
			e.addhtml("From wrong source: %s %s (%s not %s)" % (
				pkg, pkgv, pkgsv, tsrcv))

		if not opkgsa.is_present(pkg):
			e.addhtml("New binary: %s (%s)" % (pkg, pkgv))
			anyworthdoing = 1

		tpkgv = opkgsa.get_version(pkg)
		if britney.versioncmp(tpkgv, pkgv) > 0:
			anywrongver = 1
			e.addhtml("Not downgrading: %s (%s to %s)" % (
				pkg, tpkgv, pkgv))
		elif britney.versioncmp(tpkgv, pkgv) < 0:
			e.addhtml("Updated binary: %s (%s to %s)" % (
				pkg, tpkgv, pkgv))
			anyworthdoing = 1

	if not anywrongver and (anyworthdoing or not new.is_fake(src)):
		srcv = new.get_version(src)
		ssrc = same_source(tsrcv, srcv)
		for pkg in orig.binaries(src, arch):
			if opkgsa.is_arch_all(pkg):
				e.addhtml("Ignoring removal of %s as it is arch: all"
					% (pkg))
			if not npkgsa.is_present(pkg):
				tpkgv = opkgsa.get_version(pkg)
				e.addhtml("Removed binary: %s %s" % (
					pkg, tpkgv))
				if ssrc: anyworthdoing = 1

	if not anywrongver and anyworthdoing:
		e.addhtml("Valid candidate")
		return 1
		if anyworthdoing:
			e.addhtml("Not considered")
		return 0	
예제 #7
for pkg in testingbugs.keys() + unstablebugs.keys():
	if not testingbugs.has_key(pkg): testingbugs[pkg] = 0
	if not unstablebugs.has_key(pkg): unstablebugs[pkg] = 0

	maxvert = maxver(pkg, testing, testingpkgs)
	if maxvert == None: 
		testingbugs[pkg] = 0

	if testingbugs[pkg] == unstablebugs[pkg]: continue
	maxveru = maxver(pkg, unstable, unstablepkgs)
	if maxveru == None: 
	if britney.versioncmp(maxvert, maxveru) >= 0:
		testingbugs[pkg] = unstablebugs[pkg]

datenow = int(((time.time() / (60*60)) - 15) / 24);

# Next, work out which packages are candidates to be changed.

upgrademe = []
excuses = []

# Packages to be removed
for src in testing.sources:
	if should_remove_source(src, testing, unstable,  excuses):
		upgrademe.append("-" + src)

# Packages to be upgraded from unstable:
예제 #8
		return 0

noutdate = {}
for arch in testing.arches:
	cnt = bizcnt = 0
	for pkg in testingpkgs[arch].packages:
		pkgv = testingpkgs[arch].get_version(pkg)
		pkgsv = testingpkgs[arch].get_sourcever(pkg)
		src = testingpkgs[arch].get_source(pkg)
		srcv = testing.get_version(src)

		if not same_source(srcv, pkgsv):
			myarch = arch
			realarch = testingpkgs[arch].get_field(pkg, "Architecture")
			if realarch and re.match(r'^all', realarch):
				myarch = myarch + '/all'

			if britney.versioncmp(srcv, pkgsv) < 0:
				bizcnt = bizcnt + 1
				print "%s %s %s(%s) %s from %s ***" % \
					(src, srcv, pkg, myarch, pkgv, pkgsv)
				print "%s %s %s(%s) %s from %s" % \
					(src, srcv, pkg, myarch, pkgv, pkgsv)
			cnt = cnt + 1
	noutdate[arch] = (cnt, bizcnt)

print "Columns: number-out-of-date, number-newer-than-source, arch"
for arch in testing.arches:
	print "%8d %4d %s" % (noutdate[arch] + (arch,))
예제 #9
def should_upgrade_src(src, suite, orig, origpkgs, new, newpkgs, approvals,
    srcv = new.get_version(src)

    if orig.is_present(src):
        tsrcv = orig.get_version(src)
        if britney.versioncmp(srcv, tsrcv) == 0:
            # Candidate for binnmus only
            return 0
        tsrcv = None

    updatecand = 1

    ref = src
    if suite: ref = ref + "_tpu"

    exc = Excuse(ref)
    exc.set_vers(tsrcv, srcv)
    m = new.get_field(src, "Maintainer")
    if m: exc.set_maint(string.strip(m))
    s = new.get_field(src, "Section")
    if s: exc.set_section(string.strip(s))

    if tsrcv and britney.versioncmp(srcv, tsrcv) < 0:
        # Version in unstable is older!
        exc.addhtml("ALERT: %s is newer in testing (%s %s)" %
                    (src, tsrcv, srcv))
        return 0

    if unstable.is_fake(src):
        exc.addhtml("%s source package doesn't exist" % (src))
        updatecand = 0

    urgency = unstableurg.get(src, defaulturgency)

    if hints["remove"].has_key(src):
        if (tsrcv and same_source(tsrcv, hints["remove"][src][0])) or \
same_source(srcv, hints["remove"][src][0]):
            exc.addhtml("Removal request by %s" % (hints["remove"][src][1]))
            exc.addhtml("Trying to remove package, not update it")
            updatecand = 0

    if src in allowremovepkgs:
        exc.addhtml("Trying to remove package, not update it")
        updatecand = 0

    if src in donttouch:
        exc.addhtml("Not touching package")
        updatecand = 0

    if suite == None:
        if not unstabledates.has_key(src):
            unstabledates[src] = (srcv, datenow)
        elif not same_source(unstabledates[src][0], srcv):
            unstabledates[src] = (srcv, datenow)

        daysold = datenow - unstabledates[src][1]
        mymindays = mindays[urgency]
        if src in frozen:
            exc.addhtml("Package is in freeze, doubling delay")
            mymindays = mymindays * 2
        exc.setdaysold(daysold, mymindays)
        if daysold < mymindays:
            updatecand = 0

    pkgs = {src: ["source"]}
    anybins = 0
    for arch in arches:
        oodbins = {}
        for pkg in new.binaries(src, arch):
            anybins = 1
            if not pkgs.has_key(pkg): pkgs[pkg] = []

            pkgsv = newpkgs[arch].get_sourcever(pkg)
            if not same_source(srcv, pkgsv):
                if not oodbins.has_key(pkgsv):
                    oodbins[pkgsv] = []

            if newpkgs[arch].isnt_arch_all(pkg) or \
              arch in nobreakarchallarches:
                excuse_unsat_deps(pkg, arch, origpkgs[arch], newpkgs[arch],

        if oodbins:
            oodtxt = ""
            for v in oodbins.keys():
                if oodtxt: oodtxt = oodtxt + "; "
                oodtxt = oodtxt + "%s (from <a href=\"http://buildd.debian.org/build.php?arch=%s&pkg=%s&ver=%s\" target=\"_blank\">%s</a>)" % \
                 (string.join(oodbins[v], ", "), arch, src, v, v)
            text = "out of date on <a href=\"http://buildd.debian.org/build.php?arch=%s&pkg=%s&ver=%s\" target=\"_blank\">%s</a>: %s" % (
                arch, src, srcv, arch, oodtxt)

            if arch in fuckedarches:
                text = text + " (but %s isn't keeping up," % \
                 (arch) + " so nevermind)"
                updatecand = 0

            if datenow != unstabledates[src][1]:

    if not anybins:
        exc.addhtml("%s has no binaries on any arch" % src)
        updatecand = 0

    if suite == None:
        for pkg in pkgs.keys():
            if not testingbugs.has_key(pkg): testingbugs[pkg] = 0
            if not unstablebugs.has_key(pkg): unstablebugs[pkg] = 0

            if unstablebugs[pkg] > testingbugs[pkg]:
                exc.addhtml("%s (%s) is <a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?which=pkg&data=%s&sev-inc=critical&sev-inc=grave&sev-inc=serious\" target=\"_blank\">buggy</a>! (%d > %d)" % \
                 (pkg, string.join(pkgs[pkg], ", "), pkg,
                 unstablebugs[pkg], testingbugs[pkg]))
                updatecand = 0
            elif unstablebugs[pkg] > 0:
                exc.addhtml("%s (%s) is (less) <a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?which=pkg&data=%s&sev-inc=critical&sev-inc=grave&sev-inc=serious\" target=\"_blank\">buggy</a>! (%d <= %d)" % \
                 (pkg, string.join(pkgs[pkg], ", "), pkg,
                 unstablebugs[pkg], testingbugs[pkg]))

    if suite == None:
        if not updatecand and src in dosrcanyway:
            exc.addhtml("Should ignore, but considering anyway")
            updatecand = 1

    if approvals:
        if approvals.has_key("%s_%s" % (src, srcv)):
            exc.addhtml("Approved by %s" % approvals["%s_%s" % (src, srcv)])
            exc.addhtml("NEEDS APPROVAL BY RM")
            updatecand = 0

    if updatecand:
        exc.addhtml("Valid candidate")
        exc.addhtml("Not considered")


    return updatecand
예제 #10
def should_upgrade_srcarch(src, arch, suite, tsrcv, orig, opkgsa, new, npkgsa,
    # binnmu this arch?
    anywrongver = 0
    anyworthdoing = 0

    ref = "%s/%s" % (src, arch)
    if suite: ref = ref + "_%s" % (suite)

    e = Excuse(ref)
    e.set_vers(tsrcv, tsrcv)
    m = new.get_field(src, "Maintainer")
    if m: e.set_maint(string.strip(m))
    s = new.get_field(src, "Section")
    if s: e.set_section(string.strip(s))

    if ref in donttouch:
        e.addhtml("Not touching package")
        e.addhtml("Not considered")
        return 0

    if hints["remove"].has_key(src):
        if same_source(tsrcv, hints["remove"][src][0]):
            e.addhtml("Removal request by %s" % (hints["remove"][src][1]))
            e.addhtml("Trying to remove package, not update it")
            e.addhtml("Not considered")
            return 0

    if src in allowremovepkgs:
        e.addhtml("Trying to remove package, not update it")
        e.addhtml("Not considered")
        return 0

    for pkg in new.binaries(src, arch):
        pkgv = npkgsa.get_version(pkg)
        pkgsv = npkgsa.get_sourcever(pkg)

        if npkgsa.is_arch_all(pkg):
            e.addhtml("Ignoring %s %s (from %s) as it is arch: all" %
                      (pkg, pkgv, pkgsv))

        if not same_source(tsrcv, pkgsv):
            anywrongver = 1
            e.addhtml("From wrong source: %s %s (%s not %s)" %
                      (pkg, pkgv, pkgsv, tsrcv))

        if not opkgsa.is_present(pkg):
            e.addhtml("New binary: %s (%s)" % (pkg, pkgv))
            anyworthdoing = 1

        tpkgv = opkgsa.get_version(pkg)
        if britney.versioncmp(tpkgv, pkgv) > 0:
            anywrongver = 1
            e.addhtml("Not downgrading: %s (%s to %s)" % (pkg, tpkgv, pkgv))
        elif britney.versioncmp(tpkgv, pkgv) < 0:
            e.addhtml("Updated binary: %s (%s to %s)" % (pkg, tpkgv, pkgv))
            anyworthdoing = 1

    if not anywrongver and (anyworthdoing or not new.is_fake(src)):
        srcv = new.get_version(src)
        ssrc = same_source(tsrcv, srcv)
        for pkg in orig.binaries(src, arch):
            if opkgsa.is_arch_all(pkg):
                e.addhtml("Ignoring removal of %s as it is arch: all" % (pkg))
            if not npkgsa.is_present(pkg):
                tpkgv = opkgsa.get_version(pkg)
                e.addhtml("Removed binary: %s %s" % (pkg, tpkgv))
                if ssrc: anyworthdoing = 1

    if not anywrongver and anyworthdoing:
        e.addhtml("Valid candidate")
        return 1
        if anyworthdoing:
            e.addhtml("Not considered")
        return 0
예제 #11
for pkg in testingbugs.keys() + unstablebugs.keys():
    if not testingbugs.has_key(pkg): testingbugs[pkg] = 0
    if not unstablebugs.has_key(pkg): unstablebugs[pkg] = 0

    maxvert = maxver(pkg, testing, testingpkgs)
    if maxvert == None:
        testingbugs[pkg] = 0

    if testingbugs[pkg] == unstablebugs[pkg]: continue
    maxveru = maxver(pkg, unstable, unstablepkgs)

    if maxveru == None:
    if britney.versioncmp(maxvert, maxveru) >= 0:
        testingbugs[pkg] = unstablebugs[pkg]

datenow = int(((time.time() / (60 * 60)) - 15) / 24)

# Next, work out which packages are candidates to be changed.

upgrademe = []
excuses = []

# Packages to be removed
for src in testing.sources:
    if should_remove_source(src, testing, unstable, excuses):
        upgrademe.append("-" + src)

# Packages to be upgraded from unstable: