def create_search(self): = 'none' dtop.clear() doutput.clear() # document.title = f'{self.release} Search' dtop <= SPAN(f'{self.release}') dtop <= SPAN(A('Index', href='#')) # dsearch = DIV() doutput <= dsearch = '20px' chars = sorted({item[0].upper() for item in self.udf_list}) div = DIV() = '10px' dsearch <= div for c in chars: span = SPAN(c) = 'blue' = 'underline' = '2px 5px 10px 5px' = 'pointer' span.onclick = self.click_one div <= span # input = INPUT(type="text") input.title = 'Search' = '40ch' = '10px' dsearch <= input input.bind('input', self.input_change) # dsearch <= DIV(id='searchresult')
def render(self): return group(DIV(Class="card shadow-sm", style={"margin": "20px"}), [ group(DIV(Class="card-header"), [ H3(f"Title: {self.title}", style={"font-weight": "bolder"}), ]), H5(f"Description: {self.description}", Class="card-body") ])
def header(): """ Footer que será usado em todas as páginas. A implementação desse header está baseada na implementação do terminal CSS Foi feita uma cópia do header princial e resontruíuda em bryhton. link: """ div_container = DIV(Class='container') terminal_nav = DIV(Class='terminal-nav') header = DIV(Class='terminal-logo', id='header') terminal_menu = NAV(Class='terminal-menu') logo = DIV(Class='logo terminal-prompt') link_logo = A('Olar Jovis :)', Class='no-style') link_logo.href = '/' ul = UL() youtube = nav_element('Youtube', '') apoiase = nav_element('', '') curso = nav_element('Curso', '') cdc = nav_element( 'CDC', '', # NOQA ) logo <= link_logo header <= logo ul <= youtube + apoiase + curso + cdc terminal_menu <= ul terminal_nav <= header terminal_nav <= terminal_menu div_container <= terminal_nav document['header'] <= div_container
def menu(): div = DIV(Class="menu") ul = UL() li_inicio = LI(A('Início', href="index.html")) li_curriculo = LI(A('Currículo', href="curriculo.html")) li_sobre = LI(A('Sobre', href="sobre.html")) a_utilidades = A('Utilidades', href="utilidades.html", Class="dropbtn") li_utilidades = LI(Class="dropdown") li_utilidades <= a_utilidades div_utilidades = DIV(Class="dropdown-content") div_utilidades <= A('Sites Úteis', href="sites.html") + A( 'Dicas Úteis', href="dicas.html") + A( 'Códigos Úteis', href="codigos.html") + A( 'Livros Úteis', href="livros.html") + A( 'Programas Úteis', href="programas.html") + A( 'Frases Úteis', href="frases.html") + A( 'Materiais Úteis', href="materiais.html") li_utilidades <= div_utilidades li_python = LI(A('Python', href="python.html")) li_jquery = LI(A('JQuery', href="jquery.html")) li_contato = LI(A('Contato', href="contato.html")) ul <= li_inicio + li_curriculo + li_sobre + li_utilidades + li_python + li_jquery + li_contato div <= ul return div
def appendCommentToDom(author, when, content): length = len(cell6.get(selector='.comment')) colour = '' if length % 2 == 0 else ' callout' #colour = '' panel = DIV() panel.class_name = 'panel comment' + colour panel <= B('{0} dnia {1}'.format(author, when)) panel <= P(content) cell6 <= panel
def __init__(self): DIV.__init__(self) #, style={'max-width':'90px'}) selTable = TABLE() self <= selTable self.inText = INPUT(Class="form-control") self.inText.bind('keyup',self.entrou) selTable<=TR(TD(P("Busca: ")+self.inText)) #,name="intext")) self.sel = SELECT(size=8,Class='form-control') # style={'max_width':'90px'}) self.sel.bind('input',self.selec) selTable<=TR(TD(self.sel)) = 'none' self.nutTab = MostraNut() self <= self.nutTab
def create_moving_piece(origin_id): origin = get_square(origin_id) x = 4 if int(origin_id) % 8 == 0 else 3 # Idk why, but it fixes things. y = 2 if int(origin_id) < 8 else 1 piece_div = DIV(id='moving-piece', style={ 'left': f'{origin.x + x}px', 'top': f'{origin.y + y}px', 'z-index': -1, }) piece_div.innerHTML = origin.innerHTML document <= piece_div
def barra_lateral(): barraLateral = DIV(Class="barra-lateral") espacamento = DIV(Class="espacamento") mais = H1("Mais") palavra = P( "Se algum de vocês tem falta de sabedoria, peça-a a Deus, que a todos dá livremente, de boa vontade; e lhe será concedida. - Tiago 1:5" ) img = IMG(src="img/psg7.jpg") espacamento <= mais espacamento <= palavra espacamento <= img barraLateral <= espacamento return barraLateral
def cabecalho(): div = DIV(Class="cabecalho") logo = DIV(Class="logo-cabecalho") logo <= A("Meu Blog", href="index.html") pesquisa = DIV(Class="pesquisa") pesquisa <= INPUT(type="text") pesquisa <= INPUT(type="submit", value="Pesquisar") div <= logo div <= pesquisa return div
def __init__(self): DIV.__init__(self) #, style={'max-width':'90px'}) selTable = TABLE() self <= selTable self.inText = INPUT(Class="form-control") self.inText.bind('keyup', self.entrou) selTable <= TR(TD(P("Busca: ") + self.inText)) #,name="intext")) self.sel = SELECT(size=8, Class='form-control') # style={'max_width':'90px'}) self.sel.bind('input', self.selec) selTable <= TR(TD(self.sel)) = 'none' self.nutTab = MostraNut() self <= self.nutTab
def homePage(): return group( DIV(Class= "container d-flex flex-column justify-content-center align-items-center", style={"height": "100vh"}), [ H1("Breact: A python framework for single page webapps", Class="text-center"), P(''' This app was coded in python in Breact. Look in the inspector, and you will see <br> <code><script src="text/python" > </code> ''', Class="text-center"), # P(''' # Breact is similar to react, # with components and state. The main difference, however, is that # Breact doesn't have a virtual dom; instead, each stateful element # (element that uses setState) is assigned a unique id and is retrieved # and changed when necessary. Breact is very lightweight- the main base # class file is at around 40 lines of code; but that's just because some parts of react; # lifecycle methods, or stateful functional components, haven't been implemented yet. # ''', Class="text-center"), H3("Sample Apps:"), Link("/todo").render( BUTTON("Simple Todolist", Class="btn btn-primary m-2")), Link('/quiz').render( BUTTON("Small Quiz", Class="btn btn-primary m-2")), Link('/playground').render( BUTTON("A Little Playground", Class="btn btn-primary m-2")), Link('/router-playground').render( BUTTON("Router Playground", Class="btn btn-warning m-2")) ])
def render(self): return group( DIV(Class= "container d-flex flex-column justify-content-center align-items-center", style={"height": "100vh"}), [Quiz().render()]) # document <= Main().render()
def toast(event): new = DIV(event.path[2].id + " / " + event.path[1].id, Class='toast') document['desenv'] <= new def hidden(): = 'none' timer.set_timeout(hidden, 3000)
def handle_msg_process_mgr_closed(msg): """<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">...</div>""" ctn = doc['ctn_alerts'] # TODO - Fix the dismiss button: #<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span></button> new_div = DIV("Process manager closed", Class="alert alert-danger alert-dismissible", role="alert") ctn <= new_div
def update(self, one_state_change=False): if self.state["question"] >= len(QUIZ_CONTENT): print("Reached!") app = group(DIV(Class="m-3"), [ H1(f"Correct: {self.state['correct']}"), H1(f"Wrong: {self.state['wrong']}"), reset := BUTTON( "reset", Class="btn btn-danger") ]) @bind(reset, "click")
def append_to_chat_area(data, is_mine=False): chat_area = document['chat-area'] time_as_str = str( separator = " | " if not is_mine: main_msg_css_class = 'text-left alert alert-primary' message = time_as_str + separator + data else: main_msg_css_class = 'text-right alert alert-dark' message = data + separator + time_as_str chat_area <= DIV(message, Class=main_msg_css_class) send_button.scrollIntoView()
def render(self): txt = TxtManager() todo = List() app = group( DIV(Class="container d-flex flex-column justify-content-center"), group(DIV(Class="container-sm m-3"), [ DIV(style={"margin": "10px"}), txt.render(), H1("Todo List With Breact"), DIV(style={"margin": "10px"}), todo.render(), group(DIV(Class="row"), [ group(DIV(Class="col-sm form-group"), [ LABEL("Enter Title", to="inputt", Class="form-label"), title := INPUT( id="inputt", type="text", Class="form-control"), ]), description := group(DIV(Class="col-sm form-group"), [ LABEL("Enter Description", to="inputts", Class="form-label"), TEXTAREA( id="inputts", type="text", Class="form-control") ]), ]), btn := BUTTON("Submit please", Class="btn btn-primary m-2"), DIV(style={"margin": "40px"}) ])) @bind(title, "keyup") def updateTitle(e): txt.setState({"title":}) @bind(description, "keyup") def updateDesc(e): txt.setState({"description":}) @bind(btn, "click") def submit(e): submission = { "title": txt.state["title"], "description": txt.state["description"] } todo.state["items"].append(submission) todo.setState({"items": todo.state["items"]}) return app # document["root"] <= Main().render()
def create_table(name): global ie_desc_array ie_desc_array = [] # m = name_msg_map[name] document.title = f'{g.release}: {} {}' document['title'] <= document.title # button = BUTTON('show IE description') document['top'] <= button button.bind('click', toggle_ie_desc) # document['top'] <= SPAN(' ') document['top'] <= A('Index', href='') document['output'] <= PRE( + ' ' + + '\n' + m.definition, Class='definition') table = TABLE(id='msgtable') document['output'] <= table for r, row in enumerate(m.aoa): tr = TR(Class=f'r{r}') table <= tr for c, v in enumerate(row): title = '' if r == 0 and c in (2, 3, 4, 5): title, v = v, '' elif c == 2: lst = v.replace('\n', ' ').split(' ') lst2 = [ie for ieid, ie in id_ie_map.items() if ieid in lst] if len(lst2) == 1: ie = lst2[0] title = f'{} {}\n{ie.definition}' v = A(f'{}', href=f'#ie{}') ie_desc_array.append(title) elif r != 0 and c == 6: if v: v = DIV(v) + DIV('', Class='iedescdiv', needsep='y') else: v = DIV('', Class='iedescdiv', needsep='n') tr <= TD(v, title=title, Class=f'c{c}')
def handle_msg_cfg_process_mgr_details(msg): global code_blks print("Setting process mgr") print(msg) process_mgr_name = msg['name'] doc["procmgrdropbox"].text = process_mgr_name # Clear out the old contents from process_container: ctn = doc['ctn_process'] code_blks = {} ctn.clear() for process in msg['processes']: process_name = process['name'] process_id = process['id'] heading = DIV("[%s] %s (%d)" % (process_mgr_name, process_name, process_id), Class="panel-heading") contents = "" #H2(process_name) new_div = DIV(heading + DIV(contents, Class="panel-body"), Class="panel panel-default") ctn <= new_div for output_pipe in process['outpipes'].values(): print("output_pipe", output_pipe) nCode = CODE("XX", id="jlk") container = DIV(DIV(nCode, style={ 'overflow': 'scroll', 'height': '150px' }), Class='container') new_div <= H3(output_pipe, ) new_div <= container code_blks[(process_id, output_pipe)] = nCode
def _create_input( name, type, label='', Class='', text='', value='', required=False, ): """ Cria um input completo. Baseados nas implementações do CSS, insere uma div `form-group` um input e um label Args: ---- name: id do input type: tipo do input label: texto do label Class: classe CSS text: texto do componente value: valur do componente required: input validator required Retorna uma div do grupo com o elemto inserido na div. Example: ------- >>> _create_input('nome', 'text', 'Seu nome') <div class="form-group"> <label for="nome"> Seu nome </label> <input id="nome", type="text"> </div> """ d = DIV(Class='form-group') d <= LABEL(f'{label}: ' if label else '', For=name, id=f'l{name}') d <= INPUT( text, id=name, name=name, type=type, Class=Class, value=value, required=required, ) return d
def update(self, one_state_change=False): def func(item): return ListItemWidget(item["title"], item["description"]).render() return group( DIV( Class="bg-primary", style={ "height": "400px", "overflowY": "scroll", "margin-bottom": "50px", # "background-color": "#AABBFF", "border-radius": "5px" }), [func(item) for item in self.state["items"]])
def addColours(task, task_div): colour_container = DIV() colour_container.class_name = 'colour_container' task_div.append(colour_container) colours = task.get('colours', []) for colour_nr in colours: colour_div = DIV() colour_div.class_name = 'label-colour' + colour_nr colour_container.append(colour_div)
def showartis(ev): if 'vertical-menu' in doc: del doc['vertical-menu'] doc.unbind('mouseclick', custom_menu) ev.stopPropagation() # Set up artifact select arti = DIV(Id='vertical-menu', Class='vertical-menu') for art in artifacts: temp = DIV(strings[art], Id=art,["data-id"], Class='vertical-menu menu-item') temp.bind('click', custom_menu) arti <= temp = ev.y arti.left = ev.x doc <= arti doc.bind('click', custom_menu)
def on_complete(response): data = loads(response.text) container = DIV() container <= H2('Organizacje') form = FORM(method='POST', action='#') #input0 = INPUT(name='id', type='hidden', value=task_details['id'], id='id_field') #form <= input0 row1 = DIV() row1.class_name = 'row' cell11 = DIV() cell11.class_name = 'large-12 columns' label11 = LABEL('Nazwa') input11 = INPUT(placeholder='Nazwa organizacji', type='text', value='', name='name', id='org_name_field') label11 <= input11 cell11 <= label11 row1 <= cell11 row2 = DIV() row2.class_name = 'row' cell2 = DIV() cell2.class_name = 'large-12 columns' label2 = LABEL('Tablice') input2 = SELECT(name='boards', id='org_boards', multiple=True) for board in data['boards']: input2 <= OPTION(board[0], value=getApiLink('boards', board[1])) label2 <= input2 cell2 <= label2 row2 <= cell2 row3 = DIV() row3.class_name = 'row' cell3 = DIV() cell3.class_name = 'large-12 columns' label3 = LABEL('Użytkownicy') input3 = SELECT(name='users', id='org_users', multiple=True) for user in data['users']: input3 <= OPTION(user[0], value=getApiLink('users', user[1])) label3 <= input3 cell3 <= label3 row3 <= cell3 row4 = DIV() row4.class_name = 'row' cell4 = DIV() cell4.class_name = 'large-12 columns' submit_btn = A('Zapisz', type='submit', href='#') submit_btn.class_name = 'button tiny' cell4 <= submit_btn row4 <= cell4 form <= row1 form <= row2 form <= row3 form <= row4 container <= form def on_submit(event): event.preventDefault() name = document['org_name_field'].value boards = [o.value for o in input2 if hasattr(o, 'selected') and o.selected] users = [o.value for o in input3 if hasattr(o, 'selected') and o.selected] owner = getApiLink('users', document['body'].__getattribute__('data-userid')) if name and boards and users: data = { 'name': name, 'boards': boards, 'users': users, 'owner': owner } def on_complete(response): if response.status == 201: hide_modal() else: alert(response.text) req2 = ajax.ajax() req2.bind('complete', on_complete)'POST', '/api/organizations/?format=json', True) req2.set_header('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') req2.set_header('X-CSRFToken', document.get(name='csrfmiddlewaretoken')[0].value) req2.send(data) submit_btn.bind('click', on_submit) show_modal(container)
def init_characters(): t = TABLE(Class='body') t <= COLGROUP( COL() + COL() + COL(Class='left_border') + COL(Class='left_dotted') + COL(Class='left_border') + COL(Class='left_dotted') + COL(Class='left_border') + COL(Class='left_dotted') + COL(Class='left_border') + COL(Class='left_dotted') + COL(Class='left_border') + COL(Class='left_dotted') + COL(Class='left_dotted') + COL(Class='left_border') + COL(Class='left_dotted') + COL(Class='left_dotted') ) t <= TR( TH(strings["character"], colspan=2) + TH(strings["level"], colspan=2) + TH(strings["normal"], colspan=2) + TH(strings["skill"], colspan=2) + TH(strings["burst"], colspan=2) + TH(strings["weapon"], colspan=3) + TH(strings["artifacts"], colspan=3) ) t <= TR( TH() + TH(strings["name"]) + TH(strings["now"]) + TH(strings["goal"]) + TH(strings["now"]) + TH(strings["goal"]) + TH(strings["now"]) + TH(strings["goal"]) + TH(strings["now"]) + TH(strings["goal"]) + TH() + TH(strings["now"]) + TH(strings["goal"]) + TH(strings["click_to_remove"], colspan=3) ) for char in sorted(characters): if char == 'traveler': continue # set up level select lvlc = SELECT(Id=f"level_c-{char}", Class=f"{char} save") lvlt = SELECT(Id=f"level_t-{char}", Class=f"{char} save") for lvl in [lvlc, lvlt]: for c, val in [(0, "1"), (1, "20"), (11, "20 A"), (2, "40"), (12, "40 A"), (3, "50"), (13, "50 A"), (4, "60"), (14, "60 A"), (5, "70"), (15, "70 A"), (6, "80"), (16, "80 A"), (7, "90")]: lvl <= OPTION(f"{val}", value=c) # Set up talent select t1c = SELECT(Id=f"talent_1_c-{char}", Class=f"{char} save") t1t = SELECT(Id=f"talent_1_t-{char}", Class=f"{char} save") t2c = SELECT(Id=f"talent_2_c-{char}", Class=f"{char} save") t2t = SELECT(Id=f"talent_2_t-{char}", Class=f"{char} save") t3c = SELECT(Id=f"talent_3_c-{char}", Class=f"{char} save") t3t = SELECT(Id=f"talent_3_t-{char}", Class=f"{char} save") for st in [t1t, t1c, t2t, t2c, t3t, t3c]: for cost in costs['talent']: st <= OPTION(cost) # Set up weapon select ws = SELECT(Id=f"weapon-{char}", data_id=f"select-{char}", Class=f'weapon {char} save') ws <= OPTION('--', value='--') sort_dict_wep = {} for item in weapons[characters[char]['weapon']]: if weapons[characters[char]['weapon']][item]['wam'] != 'unk': sort_dict_wep[strings[item]] = item else: if f"missing-{item}" not in doc: doc['missing'] <= LI(strings[item], Id=f"missing-{item}") for k in sorted(sort_dict_wep): ws <= OPTION(k, value=sort_dict_wep[k]) wlvlc = SELECT(Id=f"weapon_c-{char}", Class=f"{char} save") wlvlt = SELECT(Id=f"weapon_t-{char}", Class=f"{char} save") for lvl in [wlvlc, wlvlt]: for c, val in [(0, "1"), (1, "20"), (11, "20 A"), (2, "40"), (12, "40 A"), (3, "50"), (13, "50 A"), (4, "60"), (14, "60 A"), (5, "70"), (15, "70 A"), (6, "80"), (16, "80 A"), (7, "90")]: lvl <= OPTION(f"{val}", value=c) # Create table row for character t <= TR( TD(INPUT(Id=f"check-{char}", type='checkbox', data_id=f"check-{char}", Class='char_select save')) + TD(IMG(src=f"img/{char}.png", alt=strings[char], title=strings[char], loading="lazy")) + TD(lvlc) + TD(lvlt) + TD(t1c) + TD(t1t) + TD(t2c) + TD(t2t) + TD(t3c) + TD(t3t) + TD(ws) + TD(wlvlc) + TD(wlvlt) + TD(INPUT(Id=f"use_arti-{char}", type='checkbox', Class='save', checked='checked')) + TD(BUTTON(strings["add"], Class='arti_list text_button', data_id=f"arti-{char}")) + TD(DIV(Id=f"arti-{char}", Class=f'arti_span')) , data_id=f"check-{char}", Class='unchecked', data_color=characters[char]['element'], data_weapon=characters[char]['weapon'] ) # set up traveler base row # set up level select char = 'traveler' lvlc = SELECT(Id=f"level_c-{char}", Class=f"{char} save") lvlt = SELECT(Id=f"level_t-{char}", Class=f"{char} save") for lvl in [lvlc, lvlt]: for c, val in [(0, "1"), (1, "20"), (11, "20 A"), (2, "40"), (12, "40 A"), (3, "50"), (13, "50 A"), (4, "60"), (14, "60 A"), (5, "70"), (15, "70 A"), (6, "80"), (16, "80 A"), (7, "90")]: lvl <= OPTION(f"{val}", value=c) # Set up weapon select ws = SELECT(Id=f"weapon-{char}", data_id=f"select-{char}", Class=f'weapon {char} save') ws <= OPTION('--', value='--') sort_dict_wep = {} for item in weapons[characters[char]['weapon']]: if weapons[characters[char]['weapon']][item]['wam'] != 'unk': sort_dict_wep[strings[item]] = item else: if f"missing-{item}" not in doc: doc['missing'] <= LI(strings[item], Id=f"missing-{item}") for k in sorted(sort_dict_wep): ws <= OPTION(k, value=sort_dict_wep[k]) wlvlc = SELECT(Id=f"weapon_c-{char}", Class=f"{char} save") wlvlt = SELECT(Id=f"weapon_t-{char}", Class=f"{char} save") for lvl in [wlvlc, wlvlt]: for c, val in [(0, "1"), (1, "20"), (11, "20 A"), (2, "40"), (12, "40 A"), (3, "50"), (13, "50 A"), (4, "60"), (14, "60 A"), (5, "70"), (15, "70 A"), (6, "80"), (16, "80 A"), (7, "90")]: lvl <= OPTION(f"{val}", value=c) # Create table row for character t <= TR( TD(INPUT(Id=f"check-{char}", type='checkbox', data_id=f"check-{char}", Class='char_select save')) + TD(IMG(src=f"img/{char}.png", alt=strings[char], title=strings[char], loading="lazy")) + TD(lvlc) + TD(lvlt) + TD() + TD() + TD() + TD() + TD() + TD() + TD(ws) + TD(wlvlc) + TD(wlvlt) + TD(INPUT(Id=f"use_arti-{char}", type='checkbox', Class='save', checked='checked')) + TD(BUTTON(strings["add"], Class='arti_list text_button', data_id=f"arti-{char}")) + TD(DIV(Id=f"arti-{char}", Class=f'arti_span')) , data_id=f"check-{char}", Class='unchecked', data_color='multi', data_weapon=characters[char]['weapon'] ) # set up traveler anemo/geo row for char in sorted(traveler_talent): ele = char.split('_')[1] # Set up talent select t1c = SELECT(Id=f"talent_1_c-{char}", Class=f"{char} save") t1t = SELECT(Id=f"talent_1_t-{char}", Class=f"{char} save") t2c = SELECT(Id=f"talent_2_c-{char}", Class=f"{char} save") t2t = SELECT(Id=f"talent_2_t-{char}", Class=f"{char} save") t3c = SELECT(Id=f"talent_3_c-{char}", Class=f"{char} save") t3t = SELECT(Id=f"talent_3_t-{char}", Class=f"{char} save") for st in [t1t, t1c, t2t, t2c, t3t, t3c]: for cost in costs['talent']: st <= OPTION(cost) # Create table row for character t <= TR( TD(INPUT(Id=f"check-{char}", type='checkbox', data_id=f"check-{char}", Class='char_select save')) + TD(IMG(src=f"img/{char}.png", alt=strings['traveler'], title=strings['traveler'], loading="lazy")) + TD() + TD() + TD(t1c) + TD(t1t) + TD(t2c) + TD(t2t) + TD(t3c) + TD(t3t) + TD() + TD() + TD() + TD() + TD() + TD() , data_id=f"check-{char}", Class='unchecked', data_color=ele, data_weapon=characters['traveler']['weapon'] ) doc['character_list'] <= t
agente_jogador.adquirirPercepcao(gerarCampoVisao(jogo.tabuleiro)) acao = agente_jogador.escolherProximaAcao() if acao is not None: jogo.registrarProximaAcao(acao[0], acao[1]) jogo.validarEstado() jogo.atualizarEstado() else: alert("fim") caf(id) def animate(i): global id id = raf(animate) jogador_agente() document['tabelajogo'] <= gerarCampoVisao(jogo.tabuleiro) jogo = construir_jogo() #linha toast document <= DIV('', Class='desenv', id='desenv') #linha jogo agente_jogador = agente() document['tabelajogo'] <= gerarCampoVisao(jogo.tabuleiro) document['btn-animate'].bind('click', animate)
def animated_move(timestamp, x_dir, y_dir, step, max_step, castle_dir): moving_piece.left += int(x_dir) += int(y_dir) if step < max_step: timer.request_animation_frame(lambda timestamp: animated_move( timestamp, x_dir, y_dir, step + 1, max_step, castle_dir)) else: if castle_dir != 0: destiny.innerHTML = '' put_piece_in_square(str(int(origin_id + 2 * castle_dir)), 'king', team_str) put_piece_in_square(str(int(origin_id) + castle_dir), 'rook', team_str) t_value = 0 if team_str == 'WHITE' else 1 C.has_king_moved[t_value] = True C.has_rook_moved[t_value][int(not dx == 0)] = True else: global can_move, turn destiny.innerHTML = moving_piece_img if promotion == True and turn == PieceTeam.WHITE: # Display menu for options can_move = False selection_box = DIV(id='piece-select') for name in (PieceName.QUEEN, PieceName.ROOK, PieceName.BISHOP, PieceName.KNIGHT): container = DIV( Class="container", onclick= f'promote_pawn({dx}, {dy}, "{name}", "{team_str}");' ) container <= IMG( src= f'static/pieces/{team_str.lower()}_{}.png' ) selection_box <= container offset_x = (moving_piece.clientWidth // 2) - (52 * 2) offset_y = -50 if team_str == 'WHITE' else moving_piece.clientWidth = str(moving_piece.left + offset_x) + 'px' = str( + offset_y) + 'px' document <= selection_box elif promotion == True and turn == PieceTeam.BLACK: piece = choice(['ROOK', 'BISHOP', 'KNIGHT']) C.replace_piece(dx, dy, eval('PieceName.' + piece), put_piece_in_square(destiny_id, piece, piece_columns = { PieceTeam.WHITE: document['rpieces'], PieceTeam.BLACK: document['lpieces'], } if destiny_name != None and castle_dir == 0: piece_columns[destiny_team] <= IMG( src= f'static/pieces/{}_{}.png' ) if not promotion: turn = PieceTeam.BLACK if turn == PieceTeam.WHITE else PieceTeam.WHITE can_move = turn == PieceTeam.WHITE and not promotion del document['moving-piece'] display_message()
t_row <= t_td if not (c % width): if lookup[c]: t_row <= TD(colspan=lookup[c], Class='notvis') t_own <= t_row t_row = TR(Class='tr_odd' if row % 2 else 'tr_even') row += 1 c = 0 elif c % width < width: t_row <= TD() if c % width: if lookup[c]: t_row <= TD(colspan=lookup[c], Class='notvis') t_own <= t_row doc['inventory'] <= t_own b_reset = BUTTON(strings["reset_all_data"], Id='reset_all') doc["reset"] <= b_reset b_reset = BUTTON(strings["reset_character"], Id='reset_character') doc["reset"] <= b_reset b_reset = BUTTON(strings["reset_inventory"], Id='reset_inventory') doc["reset"] <= b_reset init_page() doc['loading'] <= DIV(Id='prerendered')
def correctWrong(): if "prev" in self.state: if self.state["prev"] == True: return H3("Your answer is correct", Class="text-success") return H3("Your answer was wrong", Class="text-danger") return DIV()
def usersLoaded(req): users = loads(req.text) container = DIV() container <= H2('Edycja zadania') form = FORM(method='PATCH', action='#') input0 = INPUT(name='id', type='hidden', value=task_details['id'], id='id_field') form <= input0 row1 = DIV() row1.class_name = 'row' cell11 = DIV() cell11.class_name = 'large-6 columns' label11 = LABEL('Nazwa') input11 = INPUT(placeholder='Nazwa zadania', type='text', value=task_details['name'], name='name', id='name_field') label11 <= input11 cell11 <= label11 error_panel1 = DIV(id='name_error') error_panel1.class_name = 'panel error' cell11 <= error_panel1 row1 <= cell11 row2 = DIV() row2.class_name = 'row' cell2 = DIV() cell2.class_name = 'large-6 columns' label2 = LABEL('Opis') input2 = INPUT(placeholder='Opis zadania', name='description', id='description_field', type='text') input2.value = task_details['description'] label2 <= input2 cell2 <= label2 row2 <= cell2 cell3 = DIV() cell3.class_name = 'large-6 columns' label3 = LABEL('Przypisane do') input3 = SELECT(name='assignee', id='assignee_field') input3 <= OPTION('---', value=None) for user in users: input3 <= OPTION(user['username'], value=getApiLink('users', user['id'])) input3.value = task_details['assignee'] label3 <= input3 cell3 <= label3 row1 <= cell3 cell7 = DIV() cell7.class_name = 'large-6 columns' label7 = LABEL('Termin wykonania') input7 = INPUT(name='deadline', id='deadline_field', placeholder='yyyy-mm-dd', type='text') input7.value = task_details['deadline'] if task_details['deadline'] else '' label7 <= input7 cell7 <= label7 error_panel7 = DIV(id='deadline_error') error_panel7.class_name = 'panel error' cell7 <= error_panel7 row2 <= cell7 row3 = DIV() row3.class_name = 'row' cell33 = DIV() cell33.class_name = 'large-6 columns' label33 = LABEL('Trudność') input33 = SELECT(name='difficulty', id='difficulty_field') input33 <= OPTION('---', value='None') input33 <= OPTION('łatwe', value='easy') input33 <= OPTION('średnie', value='intermediate') input33 <= OPTION('trudne', value='hard') if task_details['difficulty'] and task_details['difficulty'] in ('easy', 'intermediate', 'hard'): input33.value = task_details['difficulty'] label33 <= input33 cell33 <= label33 cell34 = DIV() cell34.class_name = 'large-6 columns' label34 = LABEL('') label34 <= BR() input34 = BUTTON('Archiwizuj', id='archive_task', data_task_id=task_details['id']) input34.class_name = 'button tiny' label34 <= input34 cell34 <= label34 row3 <= cell33 row3 <= cell34 input34.bind('click', archiveTask) row6 = DIV() row6.class_name = 'row' cell6 = DIV() cell6.class_name = 'large-12 columns' = 'comments-container' cell6 <= H4('Komentarze') def appendCommentToDom(author, when, content): length = len(cell6.get(selector='.comment')) colour = '' if length % 2 == 0 else ' callout' #colour = '' panel = DIV() panel.class_name = 'panel comment' + colour panel <= B('{0} dnia {1}'.format(author, when)) panel <= P(content) cell6 <= panel if len(task_details['comments']) == 0: panel = DIV() panel.class_name = 'panel' panel <= P('No comments') cell6 <= panel else: i = 0 for comment in task_details['comments']: author = [user['username'] for user in users if getApiLink('users', user['id']) == comment['author']].pop() when = comment['created_at'] content = comment['content'] appendCommentToDom(author, when, content) row6 <= cell6 row5 = DIV() row5.class_name = 'row' cell5 = DIV() cell5.class_name = 'large-12 columns' label5 = LABEL('Skomentuj') input5 = TEXTAREA(placeholder='Treść komentarza', name='comment', id='comment_field') label5 <= input5 cell5 <= label5 comment_btn = A('Dodaj komentarz', href='#') comment_btn.class_name = 'button tiny' cell5 <= comment_btn row5 <= cell5 def addComment(event): event.preventDefault() content = document['comment_field'].value author = document['body'].__getattribute__('data-username') author_id = document['body'].__getattribute__('data-userid') when = window.Date() if content: appendCommentToDom(author, when, content) data = { 'author': getApiLink('users', author_id), 'content': content, 'task': getApiLink('tasks', task_details['id']) } a2 = ajax.ajax()'POST', '/api/comments2/?format=json') a2.set_header('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') a2.set_header('X-CSRFToken', document.get(name='csrfmiddlewaretoken')[0].value) a2.send(data) document['comment_field'].value = '' comment_btn.bind('click', addComment) row4 = DIV() row4.class_name = 'row' cell4 = DIV() cell4.class_name = 'large-12 columns' submit_btn = A('Zapisz zmiany', type='submit', href='#') submit_btn.class_name = 'button tiny' cell4 <= submit_btn row4 <= cell4 form <= row1 form <= row2 form <= row3 form <= row4 form <= row6 form <= row5 container <= form for i in range(1, 6): colour_name = 'colour{0}'.format(i) if str(i) in task_details['colours']: document[colour_name].class_name = 'colour-btn checked' else: document[colour_name].class_name = 'colour-btn' #/api/tasks/ def on_submit(event): assignee = None if document['assignee_field'].value == 'None' \ else document['assignee_field'].value deadline = '' if document['deadline_field'].value == '' \ else document['deadline_field'].value + 'T01:01' difficulty = None if document['difficulty_field'].value == '---' \ or document['difficulty_field'].value not in ('easy', 'intermediate', 'hard') \ else document['difficulty_field'].value colours = [] for checked_colour in document.get(selector='a.colour-btn.checked'): colours.append([-1]) data = { 'id': document['id_field'].value, 'name': document['name_field'].value, 'description': document['description_field'].value, 'assignee': assignee, 'deadline': deadline, 'difficulty': difficulty, 'colours': ','.join(colours) } def taskUpdated(req): data = loads(req.text) if 'id' in data: # zapisalo sie poprawnie document['task_' + str(data['id'])].clear() data['colours'] = data['colours'].split(',') if data['colours'] else [] addColours(data, document['task_' + str(data['id'])]) document['task_' + str(data['id'])] <= H3(data['name'], **{'data-task-id': data['id']}) hide_modal() else: for field, errors in data.items(): error_field_name = field + '_error' for error in errors: document[error_field_name] <= error for error_field in document.get(selector='.panel.error'): error_field.clear() a = ajax.ajax()'PATCH', '/api/tasks/' + str(data['id']) + '/?format=json') a.bind('complete', taskUpdated) a.set_header('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') a.set_header('X-CSRFToken', document.get(name='csrfmiddlewaretoken')[0].value) a.send(data) return False submit_btn.bind('click', on_submit) show_modal(container)
def on_complete(req): response = loads(req.text) if response['success']: for l in response['lists']: column = DIV() column.class_name = 'large-3 columns listsColumns' tasks_container = DIV(id='tasks_for_list_' + str(l['id']), data_list_id=l['id']) tasks_container.class_name = 'tasksContainer' column <= tasks_container header = H4(l['name']) archive_icon = SPAN() archive_icon.class_name = 'fi-trash size-24 archive_list_icon' archive_icon.bind('click', archiveList) header <= archive_icon tasks_container <= header new_task_input_params = {'placeholder': 'Nowe zadanie', 'class': 'newTaskInput', 'type': 'text', 'data-lists-id': l['id']} new_task_input = INPUT(**new_task_input_params) tasks_container <= new_task_input def drag_over(ev): ev.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move' ev.preventDefault() def on_drop(ev): ev.preventDefault() task_element_id = ev.dataTransfer.getData('text') element = document[task_element_id] task_id = task_element_id.split('_')[-1] target = if not hasattr(, 'class_name') or != 'tasksContainer': if == 'taskDiv' or == 'newTaskInput': target = elif == 'task_name_header': target = elif == 'newTaskInput': target = else: return dragee_pos = ev.clientY positions_elements = {dragee_pos: element} new_elements_positions = [dragee_pos] for el in target.get(selector='.taskDiv'): pos = if != dragee_pos else - 1 positions_elements[pos] = el new_elements_positions.append(pos) new_elements_positions.sort() tasks_positions = {} for i, pos in enumerate(new_elements_positions, 1): el = positions_elements[pos] target <= el tasks_positions[el.__getattribute__('data-task-id')] = i def set_new_positions(ev): a = ajax.ajax()'POST', '/update_tasks_positions', True) a.set_header('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') a.set_header('X-CSRFToken', document.get(name='csrfmiddlewaretoken')[0].value) a.send({'updates': dumps(tasks_positions)}) a = ajax.ajax()'PATCH', getApiLink('tasks', task_id) + '?format=json') a.bind('complete', set_new_positions) a.set_header('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') a.set_header('X-CSRFToken', document.get(name='csrfmiddlewaretoken')[0].value) a.send({'id': task_id, 'board_list': getApiLink('boardlists', target.data_list_id)}) tasks_container.bind('dragover', drag_over) tasks_container.bind('drop', on_drop) def addColours(task, task_div): colour_container = DIV() colour_container.class_name = 'colour_container' task_div.append(colour_container) colours = task.get('colours', []) for colour_nr in colours: colour_div = DIV() colour_div.class_name = 'label-colour' + colour_nr colour_container.append(colour_div) def appendTask(task, container): task_div_params = {'class': 'taskDiv', 'data-task-id': task['id'], 'id': 'task_' + str(task['id']), 'draggable': True} task_div = DIV(**task_div_params) task_name = H3(task['name'], **{'data-task-id': task['id']}) task_name.class_name = 'task_name_header' addColours(task, task_div) task_div <= task_name container <= task_div def drag_start(ev): ev.dataTransfer.setData('text', ev.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move' task_div.bind('dragstart', drag_start) def taskDetails(event): #Uwaga na niedziedziczone atrybuty przy dziedziczonych eventach! task_id ='data-task-id') def taskDetailsLoaded(req): task_details = loads(req.text) def usersLoaded(req): users = loads(req.text) container = DIV() container <= H2('Edycja zadania') form = FORM(method='PATCH', action='#') input0 = INPUT(name='id', type='hidden', value=task_details['id'], id='id_field') form <= input0 row1 = DIV() row1.class_name = 'row' cell11 = DIV() cell11.class_name = 'large-6 columns' label11 = LABEL('Nazwa') input11 = INPUT(placeholder='Nazwa zadania', type='text', value=task_details['name'], name='name', id='name_field') label11 <= input11 cell11 <= label11 error_panel1 = DIV(id='name_error') error_panel1.class_name = 'panel error' cell11 <= error_panel1 row1 <= cell11 row2 = DIV() row2.class_name = 'row' cell2 = DIV() cell2.class_name = 'large-6 columns' label2 = LABEL('Opis') input2 = INPUT(placeholder='Opis zadania', name='description', id='description_field', type='text') input2.value = task_details['description'] label2 <= input2 cell2 <= label2 row2 <= cell2 cell3 = DIV() cell3.class_name = 'large-6 columns' label3 = LABEL('Przypisane do') input3 = SELECT(name='assignee', id='assignee_field') input3 <= OPTION('---', value=None) for user in users: input3 <= OPTION(user['username'], value=getApiLink('users', user['id'])) input3.value = task_details['assignee'] label3 <= input3 cell3 <= label3 row1 <= cell3 cell7 = DIV() cell7.class_name = 'large-6 columns' label7 = LABEL('Termin wykonania') input7 = INPUT(name='deadline', id='deadline_field', placeholder='yyyy-mm-dd', type='text') input7.value = task_details['deadline'] if task_details['deadline'] else '' label7 <= input7 cell7 <= label7 error_panel7 = DIV(id='deadline_error') error_panel7.class_name = 'panel error' cell7 <= error_panel7 row2 <= cell7 row3 = DIV() row3.class_name = 'row' cell33 = DIV() cell33.class_name = 'large-6 columns' label33 = LABEL('Trudność') input33 = SELECT(name='difficulty', id='difficulty_field') input33 <= OPTION('---', value='None') input33 <= OPTION('łatwe', value='easy') input33 <= OPTION('średnie', value='intermediate') input33 <= OPTION('trudne', value='hard') if task_details['difficulty'] and task_details['difficulty'] in ('easy', 'intermediate', 'hard'): input33.value = task_details['difficulty'] label33 <= input33 cell33 <= label33 cell34 = DIV() cell34.class_name = 'large-6 columns' label34 = LABEL('') label34 <= BR() input34 = BUTTON('Archiwizuj', id='archive_task', data_task_id=task_details['id']) input34.class_name = 'button tiny' label34 <= input34 cell34 <= label34 row3 <= cell33 row3 <= cell34 input34.bind('click', archiveTask) row6 = DIV() row6.class_name = 'row' cell6 = DIV() cell6.class_name = 'large-12 columns' = 'comments-container' cell6 <= H4('Komentarze') def appendCommentToDom(author, when, content): length = len(cell6.get(selector='.comment')) colour = '' if length % 2 == 0 else ' callout' #colour = '' panel = DIV() panel.class_name = 'panel comment' + colour panel <= B('{0} dnia {1}'.format(author, when)) panel <= P(content) cell6 <= panel if len(task_details['comments']) == 0: panel = DIV() panel.class_name = 'panel' panel <= P('No comments') cell6 <= panel else: i = 0 for comment in task_details['comments']: author = [user['username'] for user in users if getApiLink('users', user['id']) == comment['author']].pop() when = comment['created_at'] content = comment['content'] appendCommentToDom(author, when, content) row6 <= cell6 row5 = DIV() row5.class_name = 'row' cell5 = DIV() cell5.class_name = 'large-12 columns' label5 = LABEL('Skomentuj') input5 = TEXTAREA(placeholder='Treść komentarza', name='comment', id='comment_field') label5 <= input5 cell5 <= label5 comment_btn = A('Dodaj komentarz', href='#') comment_btn.class_name = 'button tiny' cell5 <= comment_btn row5 <= cell5 def addComment(event): event.preventDefault() content = document['comment_field'].value author = document['body'].__getattribute__('data-username') author_id = document['body'].__getattribute__('data-userid') when = window.Date() if content: appendCommentToDom(author, when, content) data = { 'author': getApiLink('users', author_id), 'content': content, 'task': getApiLink('tasks', task_details['id']) } a2 = ajax.ajax()'POST', '/api/comments2/?format=json') a2.set_header('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') a2.set_header('X-CSRFToken', document.get(name='csrfmiddlewaretoken')[0].value) a2.send(data) document['comment_field'].value = '' comment_btn.bind('click', addComment) row4 = DIV() row4.class_name = 'row' cell4 = DIV() cell4.class_name = 'large-12 columns' submit_btn = A('Zapisz zmiany', type='submit', href='#') submit_btn.class_name = 'button tiny' cell4 <= submit_btn row4 <= cell4 form <= row1 form <= row2 form <= row3 form <= row4 form <= row6 form <= row5 container <= form for i in range(1, 6): colour_name = 'colour{0}'.format(i) if str(i) in task_details['colours']: document[colour_name].class_name = 'colour-btn checked' else: document[colour_name].class_name = 'colour-btn' #/api/tasks/ def on_submit(event): assignee = None if document['assignee_field'].value == 'None' \ else document['assignee_field'].value deadline = '' if document['deadline_field'].value == '' \ else document['deadline_field'].value + 'T01:01' difficulty = None if document['difficulty_field'].value == '---' \ or document['difficulty_field'].value not in ('easy', 'intermediate', 'hard') \ else document['difficulty_field'].value colours = [] for checked_colour in document.get(selector='a.colour-btn.checked'): colours.append([-1]) data = { 'id': document['id_field'].value, 'name': document['name_field'].value, 'description': document['description_field'].value, 'assignee': assignee, 'deadline': deadline, 'difficulty': difficulty, 'colours': ','.join(colours) } def taskUpdated(req): data = loads(req.text) if 'id' in data: # zapisalo sie poprawnie document['task_' + str(data['id'])].clear() data['colours'] = data['colours'].split(',') if data['colours'] else [] addColours(data, document['task_' + str(data['id'])]) document['task_' + str(data['id'])] <= H3(data['name'], **{'data-task-id': data['id']}) hide_modal() else: for field, errors in data.items(): error_field_name = field + '_error' for error in errors: document[error_field_name] <= error for error_field in document.get(selector='.panel.error'): error_field.clear() a = ajax.ajax()'PATCH', '/api/tasks/' + str(data['id']) + '/?format=json') a.bind('complete', taskUpdated) a.set_header('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') a.set_header('X-CSRFToken', document.get(name='csrfmiddlewaretoken')[0].value) a.send(data) return False submit_btn.bind('click', on_submit) show_modal(container) req = ajax.ajax()'GET', '/api/users/?format=json', True) req.bind('complete', usersLoaded) req.send() req = ajax.ajax()'GET', '/api/tasks/' + task_id + '/?format=json', True) req.bind('complete', taskDetailsLoaded) req.send() task_div.bind('click', taskDetails) l['tasks'].sort(key=itemgetter('order_in_list', 'id')) for task in l['tasks']: appendTask(task, tasks_container) document['listContainer'] <= column def saveTask(event): value = lists_id ='data-lists-id') if value: def task_add_callback(req): if req.status == 201: new_task = loads(req.text) boards_id = new_task['board_list'].split('/')[-2] container = document['tasks_for_list_' + str(boards_id)] appendTask(new_task, container) = '' else: alert('Dodanie zadania nie powiodło się') req = ajax.ajax() req.bind('complete', task_add_callback)'POST', '/tasks/?format=json', True) req.set_header('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') req.set_header('X-CSRFToken', document.get(name='csrfmiddlewaretoken')[0].value) req.send({'lists_id': lists_id, 'description': '', 'name': value, 'comments': None}) new_task_input.bind('blur', saveTask) column = DIV() column.class_name = 'large-3 columns listsColumns' new_input = INPUT(id='newColumnInput', placeholder='Nowa lista', type='text') column <= new_input document['listContainer'] <= column new_input.bind('blur', saveNewList) #console.log(document.get(selector='.newTaskInput')[0].focus()) else: alert('Pobranie list nie powiodło się')
def update(self, one_state_change=False): return DIV()
return app elementOn = QUIZ_CONTENT[self.state["question"]] options = elementOn['options'] question = elementOn['question'] ans = elementOn['answer'] def correctWrong(): if "prev" in self.state: if self.state["prev"] == True: return H3("Your answer is correct", Class="text-success") return H3("Your answer was wrong", Class="text-danger") return DIV() app = group(DIV(Class="container", style={"minWidth": "60vw"}), [ H1(question + ":"), correctWrong(), group(DIV(Class="container"), [ group(DIV(Class="row"), [ option1 := BUTTON(options[0], Class="col-sm btn btn-danger m-2"), option2 := BUTTON(options[1], Class="col-sm btn btn-info m-2"), ]), group(DIV(Class="row"), [ option3 := BUTTON(options[2], Class="col-sm btn btn-warning m-2"), option4 := BUTTON(options[3], Class="col-sm btn btn-success m-2"), ])
########################################################################################################################################## from browser import document, window, load from browser.html import TABLE, TR, TD, SPAN, DIV, A, B, H3, SELECT, OPTION, BR, HR, INPUT, TH, BUTTON import ready col_flag = 0 col_level = 1 col_ie = 2 col_desc = 6 dtop = document['top'] doutput = document['output'] document.body <= DIV(id='dindex') dindex = document['dindex'] def load_json(): stem = get_stem() json = f'{stem}.json' with open(json, encoding='utf-8') as f: s = o = window.JSON.parse(s) return o def get_stem(): return window.location.pathname.split('/')[-1].replace('.html', '') def get_protocol_name(): stem = get_stem() d = {
def update_character(): char_tracker = {} for val in grind_table_state['total']: grind_table_state['total'][val] = 0 for char in grind_table_state['checked']: update_per_character(char, char_tracker) # Get a list of all chosen artifacts so we know what to farm for elt in doc.get(selector=f'.saved_arti'): char ='-')[1] if char in grind_table_state['checked'] and char in grind_table_state[ 'arti_check']: add_value_set(char_tracker,'-')[-1],'-')[1]) # adjust xp totals to units of their base type. grind_table_state['total']['mora'] += grind_table_state['total'][ 'xp'] // 5 + grind_table_state['total']['wep_xp'] // 10 grind_table_state['total']['xp'] = round( grind_table_state['total']['xp'] / 20000, 2) grind_table_state['total']['wep_xp'] = round( grind_table_state['total']['wep_xp'] / 10000, 2) # Build up and display farm table data = { 'any': { 0: {}, 20: {}, 40: {}, 60: {} }, 'mon': {}, 'tue': {}, 'wed': {}, 'thu': {}, 'fri': {}, 'sat': {}, 'sun': {}, } resin = { 'stormterror': 60, 'wolf_of_the_north': 60, 'golden_house': 60, 'azhdaha': 60, '60_boss': 60, '40_boss': 40, 'anemo_hypostasis': 40, 'cryo_regisvine': 40, 'cryo_hypostasis': 40, 'electro_hypostasis': 40, 'geo_hypostasis': 40, 'oceanid': 40, 'pyro_regisvine': 40, 'primo_geovishap': 40, 'maguu_kenki': 40, 'pyro_hypostasis': 40, 'perpetual_mechanical_array': 40, 'clear_pool_and_mountain_cavern': 20, 'domain_of_guyun': 20, 'hidden_palace_of_zhou_formula': 20, 'midsummer_courtyard': 20, 'valley_of_remembrance': 20, 'peak_of_vindagnyr': 20, 'court_of_flowing_sand': 20, 'violet_court': 20, 'momiji_dyed_court': 20, 'ridge_watch': 20, 'xp_leyline': 20, 'mora_leyline': 20 } arti_keys = [('arti', x) for x in char_tracker if x not in ingame_order] for section, item in [('base', 'xp'), ('base', 'wep_xp'), ('base', 'mora')] + ingame_order + arti_keys: if item in char_tracker: for day in farming_data[item]['when']: for loc in farming_data[item]['where']: if day == 'any': cost = 0 if loc not in resin else resin[loc] if loc not in data[day][cost]: data[day][cost][loc] = [] data[day][cost][loc].append(item) else: if loc not in data[day]: data[day][loc] = [] data[day][loc].append(item) d = SECTION(Class='grind') for day in ['mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun']: d <= H2([strings[day]]) t = TABLE(TR( TH(strings["location"]) + TH(strings["item_s"]) + TH(strings["character_s"])), Class='borders body') empty = True for loc in sorted(data[day]): char_set = set() item_set = {} for x in data[day][loc]: if isinstance(strings[x], str) and grind_table_state['total'][ x] - grind_table_state['user'][x] > 0: char_set.update(char_tracker[x]) item_set[x] = { 'text': strings[x], 'count': readable_number(grind_table_state['total'][x] - grind_table_state['user'][x]) } else: for i in range(len(strings[x])): if grind_table_state['total'][ f"{x}_{i}"] - grind_table_state['user'][ f"{x}_{i}"] > 0: char_set.update(char_tracker[x]) item_set[f"{x}_{i}"] = { 'text': strings[x][i], 'count': readable_number( grind_table_state['total'][f"{x}_{i}"] - grind_table_state['user'][f"{x}_{i}"]) } if item_set: empty = False v = (DIV(IMG(src=f"img/{x}.png", alt=item_set[x]['text'], title=item_set[x]['text'], loading="lazy") + DIV(item_set[x]['count'], Class='bottom-right'), Class='container') for x in item_set) c = (IMG(src=f"img/{x}.png", alt=strings[x], title=strings[x], loading="lazy") for x in sorted(char_set)) t <= TR(TD(strings[loc], Class="location") + TD(v) + TD(c)) if empty: t <= TR( TD(strings['nothing'], Class="location") + TD(strings['nothing']) + TD(strings['nothing'])) d <= t if any([data['any'][x] for x in [0, 20, 40, 60]]): d <= H2([strings['any']]) for cost in [0, 20, 40, 60]: if data['any'][cost]: d <= H3(f"{cost} {strings['resin']}") t = TABLE(TR( TH(strings["location"]) + TH(strings["item_s"]) + TH(strings["character_s"])), Class='borders body') for loc in sorted(data['any'][cost]): char_set = set() item_set = {} for x in data['any'][cost][loc]: if isinstance(strings[x], str): if x in grind_table_state['total']: if 'xp' == x: val = int(grind_table_state['total'][x] - grind_table_state['user'][x] - grind_table_state['user'] [f"{x}_sub_1"] / 4 - grind_table_state['user'] [f"{x}_sub_0"] / 20 + .5) elif 'wep_xp' == x: val = int(grind_table_state['total'][x] - grind_table_state['user'][x] - grind_table_state['user'] [f"{x}_sub_1"] / 5 - grind_table_state['user'] [f"{x}_sub_0"] / 25 + .5) else: val = grind_table_state['total'][ x] - grind_table_state['user'][x] if val > 0: if x in ['xp', 'wep_xp', 'mora' ] and len(char_tracker[x]) > 5: char_set.add('many') else: char_set.update(char_tracker[x]) item_set[x] = { 'text': strings[x], 'count': readable_number(val) } else: char_set.update(char_tracker[x]) item_set[x] = {'text': strings[x], 'count': ''} else: for i in range(len(strings[x])): if grind_table_state['total'][ f"{x}_{i}"] - grind_table_state[ 'user'][f"{x}_{i}"] > 0: char_set.update(char_tracker[x]) item_set[f"{x}_{i}"] = { 'text': strings[x][i], 'count': readable_number( grind_table_state['total'] [f"{x}_{i}"] - grind_table_state['user'] [f"{x}_{i}"]) } if item_set: v = (DIV( IMG(src=f"img/{x}.png", alt=item_set[x]['text'], title=item_set[x]['text'], loading="lazy") + DIV(item_set[x]['count'], Class='bottom-right'), Class='container') for x in item_set) c = (IMG(src=f"img/{x}.png", alt=strings[x], title=strings[x], loading="lazy") for x in sorted(char_set)) t <= TR( TD(strings[loc], Class="location") + TD(v) + TD(c)) d <= t doc['daily'].text = '' doc['daily'] <= d
def result(): result_fildset = FIELDSET(Class='result') result_fildset <= LEGEND('Resultado') result_fildset <= DIV(id='result') document['grid'] <= result_fildset
def __init__(self): DIV.__init__(self, Class="modal fade")