def check_player(): global admins self.is_vip = self.is_admin = self.is_host = False self.player = None host = get_account_string(arg=bsInternal._getAccountDisplayString(True)) if gSettingsEnabled: hosts = bs.get_setting("hosts", []) if host not in hosts: hosts.append(host) bs.set_setting("hosts", hosts) else: hosts = [] if len(roster) > 0: account = None for i in roster: if i['clientID'] == clientID: account = i['displayString'].decode('utf-8') break if account is not None: if account in vips: self.is_vip = True if account in admins: self.is_vip = self.is_admin = True if account == host or (account != host and account in hosts): self.is_host = self.is_admin = self.is_vip = True for i in a.players: if i.exists(): id = i.getInputDevice().getClientID() if id == clientID: self.player = i else: self.is_host = self.is_admin = self.is_vip = True if len(a.players) > 0: self.player = a.players[0]
def onTransitionIn(self): bs.Activity.onTransitionIn(self) global gDidInitialTransition random.seed(123) try: import install except ImportError: pass else: # check needed methods if hasattr(bs, "get_setting") and hasattr(install, "update_modpack"): if bs.get_setting("auto-update", False): install.update_modpack(True) self._logoNode = None self._customLogoTexName = None self._wordActors = [] env = bs.getEnvironment() vrMode = bs.getEnvironment()['vrMode'] if not bs.getEnvironment().get('toolbarTest', True): self.myName = bs.NodeActor( bs.newNode( 'text', attrs={ 'vAttach': 'bottom', 'hAlign': 'center', 'color': (1, 1, 1, 1) if vrMode else (1, 1, 1, 1), 'flatness': 1.0, 'shadow': 1.0 if vrMode else 0.5, 'scale': (0.65 if (env['interfaceType'] == 'small' or vrMode) else 0.7), # FIXME need a node attr for this 'position': (0, 25), 'vrDepth': -10, 'text': u'\xa9 2019 Eric Froemling' })) fullScreen = bsInternal._getSetting("TV Border") if env['interfaceType'] != 'small' or env['vrMode']: if fullScreen: position = (0, -10) else: position = (-425, 10) else: if fullScreen: position = (0, -10) else: position = (-425, 35) self.moderName = bs.NodeActor( bs.newNode( 'text', attrs={ 'vAttach': 'bottom', 'hAlign': 'center', 'color': (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8) if vrMode else (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8), 'flatness': 1.0, 'shadow': 1.0 if vrMode else 0.5, 'scale': (0.55 if (env['interfaceType'] == 'small' or vrMode) else 0.7), # FIXME need a node attr for this 'position': position, 'vrDepth': -10, 'text': u'\xa9 ModPack is created by Daniil Rakhov' })) self._hostIsNavigatingText = bs.NodeActor( bs.newNode('text', attrs={ 'text': bs.Lstr(resource='hostIsNavigatingMenusText', subs=[ ('${HOST}', bsInternal._getAccountDisplayString()) ]), 'clientOnly': True, 'position': (0, -200), 'flatness': 1.0, 'hAlign': 'center' })) if not gDidInitialTransition: if hasattr(self, 'myName'): bs.animate(self.myName.node, 'opacity', {2300: 0, 3000: 1.0}) if hasattr(self, 'moderName'): bs.animate(self.moderName.node, 'opacity', { 2300: 0, 3300: 1.0 }) # FIXME - shouldn't be doing things conditionally based on whether # the host is vr mode or not (clients may not be or vice versa) # - any differences need to happen at the engine level # so everyone sees things in their own optimal way vrMode = env['vrMode'] interfaceType = env['interfaceType'] # in cases where we're doing lots of dev work lets # always show the build number forceShowBuildNumber = True if not bs.getEnvironment().get('toolbarTest', True): text = "BROODYs WORLD" try: from multiversion import get_version except ImportError: path = os.path.join(env["userScriptsDirectory"], "about_modpack.json") if os.path.exists(path): try: data = json.load(open(path)) except Exception: pass else: text += " v." + str( data.get("version", { "v": "???" }).get("v")) else: text += " v." + str(get_version()) if env['debugBuild'] or env['testBuild']: if env['debugBuild']: text += " [debug]" else: text += " [test]" if forceShowBuildNumber: text = "based on " + str(env['version']) + "\n" + text self.version = bs.NodeActor( bs.newNode('text', attrs={ 'vAttach': 'bottom', 'hAttach': 'right', 'hAlign': 'right', 'flatness': 1.0, 'vrDepth': -10, 'shadow': 0.5, 'color': (0.5, 0.6, 0.5, 0.7), 'scale': 0.7 if (interfaceType == 'small' or vrMode) else 0.85, 'position': (-260, 10) if vrMode else (-10, 30), 'text': text })) if not gDidInitialTransition: bs.animate(self.version.node, 'opacity', { 0: 0, 3000: 0, 4000: 1.0 }) # throw in beta info.. self.betaInfo = self.betaInfo2 = None if env['testBuild'] and not env['kioskMode']: self.betaInfo = bs.NodeActor( bs.newNode('text', attrs={ 'vAttach': 'center', 'hAlign': 'center', 'color': (1, 1, 1, 1), 'shadow': 0.5, 'flatness': 0.5, 'scale': 1, 'vrDepth': -60, 'position': (230, 125) if env['kioskMode'] else (230, 35), 'text': bs.Lstr(resource="testBuildText") })) if not gDidInitialTransition: bs.animate(self.betaInfo.node, 'opacity', {1300: 0, 1800: 1.0}) model = bs.getModel('thePadLevel') treesModel = bs.getModel('trees') bottomModel = bs.getModel('thePadLevelBottom') borModel = bs.getCollideModel('thePadLevelCollide') testColorTexture = bs.getTexture('thePadLevelColor') treesTexture = bs.getTexture('treesColor') bgTex = bs.getTexture('alwaysLandBGColor') bgModel = bs.getModel('alwaysLandBG') vrBottomFillModel = bs.getModel('thePadVRFillBottom') vrTopFillModel = bs.getModel('thePadVRFillTop') bsGlobals = bs.getSharedObject('globals') bsGlobals.cameraMode = 'rotate' bsGlobals.tint = (1.1, 1.1, 1.0) self.bottom = bs.NodeActor( bs.newNode('terrain', attrs={ 'model': bottomModel, 'lighting': False, 'reflection': 'soft', 'reflectionScale': [0.45], 'colorTexture': testColorTexture })) self.node = bs.newNode('terrain', delegate=self, attrs={ 'collideModel': borModel, 'model': model, 'colorTexture': testColorTexture, 'materials': [bs.getSharedObject('footingMaterial')] }) self.vrBottomFill = bs.NodeActor( bs.newNode('terrain', attrs={ 'model': vrBottomFillModel, 'lighting': False, 'vrOnly': True, 'colorTexture': testColorTexture })) self.vrTopFill = bs.NodeActor( bs.newNode('terrain', attrs={ 'model': vrTopFillModel, 'vrOnly': True, 'lighting': False, 'colorTexture': bgTex })) self.terrain = bs.NodeActor( bs.newNode('terrain', attrs={ 'model': model, 'colorTexture': testColorTexture, 'reflection': 'soft', 'reflectionScale': [0.3] })) self.trees = bs.NodeActor( bs.newNode('terrain', attrs={ 'model': treesModel, 'lighting': False, 'reflection': 'char', 'reflectionScale': [0.1], 'colorTexture': treesTexture })) = bs.NodeActor( bs.newNode('terrain', attrs={ 'model': bgModel, 'color': (0.92, 0.91, 0.9), 'lighting': False, 'background': True, 'colorTexture': bgTex })) textOffsetV = 0 self._ts = 0.86 self._language = None self._updateTimer = bs.Timer(2000, bs.Call(self._update, False), repeat=True) self._update(True) bs.gameTimer(55000, bs.Call(self.fireworks)) bsUtils.animateArray(bs.getSharedObject("globals"), "tint", 3, {0:(1.1,1.1,1.0), 7500:(1.25, 1.21, 1.075), 30000:(1.25, 1.21, 1.075), \ 57500:(1.1, 0.86, 0.74), 67500:(1.1, 0.86, 0.74), \ 90000:(0, 0.27, 0.51), 120000:(0, 0.27, 0.51), 142500:(1.3, 1.06, 1.02), \ 157500:(1.3, 1.06, 1.02), 180000:(1.3, 1.25, 1.2), 195500:(1.3, 1.25, 1.2), \ 220000:(1.1,1.1,1.0)}) bsInternal._addCleanFrameCallback(bs.WeakCall(self._startPreloads)) random.seed() class News(object): def __init__(self, activity): self._valid = True self._messageDuration = 10000 self._messageSpacing = 2000 self._text = None self._activity = weakref.ref(activity) self._fetchTimer = bs.Timer(1000, bs.WeakCall(self._tryFetchingNews), repeat=True) self._tryFetchingNews() def _tryFetchingNews(self): if bsInternal._getAccountState() == 'SIGNED_IN': self._fetchNews() self._fetchTimer = None def _fetchNews(self): try: launchCount = bs.getConfig()['launchCount'] except Exception: launchCount = None global gLastNewsFetchTime gLastNewsFetchTime = time.time() # UPDATE - we now just pull news from MRVs news = bsInternal._getAccountMiscReadVal('n', None) if news is not None: self._gotNews(news) def _changePhrase(self): global gLastNewsFetchTime if time.time() - gLastNewsFetchTime > 100.0: self._fetchNews() self._text = None else: if self._text is not None: if len(self._phrases) == 0: for p in self._usedPhrases: self._phrases.insert(0, p) val = self._phrases.pop() if val == '__ACH__': vr = bs.getEnvironment()['vrMode'] bsUtils.Text( bs.Lstr(resource='nextAchievementsText'), color=(1,1,1,1) if vr else (0.95,0.9,1,0.4), hostOnly=True, maxWidth=200, position=(-300, -35), hAlign='right', transition='fadeIn', scale=0.9 if vr else 0.7, flatness=1.0 if vr else 0.6, shadow=1.0 if vr else 0.5, hAttach="center", vAttach="top", transitionDelay=1000, transitionOutDelay=self._messageDuration)\ .autoRetain() import bsAchievement achs = [ a for a in bsAchievement.gAchievements if not a.isComplete() ] if len(achs) > 0: a = achs.pop( random.randrange(min(4, len(achs)))) a.createDisplay(-180, -35, 1000, outDelay=self._messageDuration, style='news') if len(achs) > 0: a = achs.pop( random.randrange(min(8, len(achs)))) a.createDisplay(180, -35, 1250, outDelay=self._messageDuration, style='news') else: s = self._messageSpacing keys = { s: 0, s + 1000: 1.0, s + self._messageDuration - 1000: 1.0, s + self._messageDuration: 0.0 } bs.animate(self._text.node, "opacity", dict([[k, v] for k, v in keys.items()])) self._text.node.text = val def _gotNews(self, news): # run this stuff in the context of our activity since we need # to make nodes and stuff.. should fix the serverGet call so it activity = self._activity() if activity is None or activity.isFinalized(): return with bs.Context(activity): self._phrases = [] # show upcoming achievements in non-vr versions # (currently too hard to read in vr) self._usedPhrases = ( ['__ACH__'] if not bs.getEnvironment()['vrMode'] else []) + [s for s in news.split('<br>\n') if s != ''] self._phraseChangeTimer = bs.Timer( self._messageDuration + self._messageSpacing, bs.WeakCall(self._changePhrase), repeat=True) sc = 1.2 if ( bs.getEnvironment()['interfaceType'] == 'small' or bs.getEnvironment()['vrMode']) else 0.8 self._text = bs.NodeActor( bs.newNode( 'text', attrs={ 'vAttach': 'top', 'hAttach': 'center', 'hAlign': 'center', 'vrDepth': -20, 'shadow': 1.0 if bs.getEnvironment()['vrMode'] else 0.4, 'flatness': 0.8, 'vAlign': 'top', 'color': ((1, 1, 1, 1) if bs.getEnvironment()['vrMode'] else (0.7, 0.65, 0.75, 1.0)), 'scale': sc, 'maxWidth': 900.0 / sc, 'position': (0, -10) })) self._changePhrase() if not env['kioskMode'] and not env.get('toolbarTest', True): self._news = News(self) # bring up the last place we were, or start at the main menu otherwise with bs.Context('UI'): try: mainWindow = bsUI.gMainWindow except Exception: mainWindow = None # when coming back from a kiosk-mode game, jump to # the kiosk start screen.. if bsUtils.gRunningKioskModeGame: if bs.getEnvironment()['kioskMode']: bsUI.uiGlobals['mainMenuWindow'] = \ bsUI.KioskWindow().getRootWidget() # ..or in normal cases go back to the main menu else: if mainWindow == 'Gather': bsUI.uiGlobals['mainMenuWindow'] = \ bsUI.GatherWindow(transition=None).getRootWidget() elif mainWindow == 'Watch': bsUI.uiGlobals['mainMenuWindow'] = \ bsUI.WatchWindow(transition=None).getRootWidget() elif mainWindow == 'Team Game Select': bsUI.uiGlobals['mainMenuWindow'] = \ bsUI.TeamsWindow(sessionType=bs.TeamsSession, transition=None).getRootWidget() elif mainWindow == 'Free-for-All Game Select': bsUI.uiGlobals['mainMenuWindow'] = \ bsUI.TeamsWindow(sessionType=bs.FreeForAllSession, transition=None).getRootWidget() elif mainWindow == 'Coop Select': bsUI.uiGlobals['mainMenuWindow'] = \ bsUI.CoopWindow(transition=None).getRootWidget() else: bsUI.uiGlobals['mainMenuWindow'] = \ bsUI.MainMenuWindow(transition=None).getRootWidget() # attempt to show any pending offers immediately. # If that doesn't work, try again in a few seconds # (we may not have heard back from the server) # ..if that doesn't work they'll just have to wait # until the next opportunity. if not bsUI._showOffer(): def tryAgain(): if not bsUI._showOffer(): # try one last time.. bs.realTimer(2000, bsUI._showOffer) bs.realTimer(2000, tryAgain) gDidInitialTransition = True
def onTransitionIn(self): import bsInternal bs.Activity.onTransitionIn(self) global gDidInitialTransition random.seed(123) self._logoNode = None self._customLogoTexName = None self._wordActors = [] env = bs.getEnvironment() # FIXME - shouldn't be doing things conditionally based on whether the host is vr mode or not # (clients may not be or vice versa) - any differences need to happen at the engine level # so everyone sees things in their own optimal way vrMode = bs.getEnvironment()['vrMode'] if not bs.getEnvironment().get('toolbarTest',True): self.myName = bs.NodeActor(bs.newNode('text', attrs={'vAttach':'bottom', 'hAlign':'center', 'color':(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0) if vrMode else (0.5,0.6,0.5,0.6), 'flatness':1.0, 'shadow':1.0 if vrMode else 0.5, 'scale':0.9 if (env['interfaceType'] == 'small' or vrMode) else 0.7, # FIXME need a node attr for this (smallDeviceExtraScale or something) 'position':(0,10), 'vrDepth':-10, 'text':u'\xa9 2016 Eric Froemling'})) # throw up some text that only clients can see so they know that the host is navigating menus # while they're just staring at an empty-ish screen.. self._hostIsNavigatingText = bs.NodeActor(bs.newNode('text', attrs={'text':bs.Lstr(resource='hostIsNavigatingMenusText',subs=[('${HOST}',bsInternal._getAccountDisplayString())]), 'clientOnly':True, 'position':(0,-200), 'flatness':1.0, 'hAlign':'center'})) # print 'TEXT IS',self._hostIsNavigatingText.node.text if not gDidInitialTransition and hasattr(self,'myName'): bs.animate(self.myName.node,'opacity',{2300:0,3000:1.0}) # TEMP - test hindi if False: # bs.screenMessage("TESTING: "+'TST: "deivit \xf0\x9f\x90\xa2"') self.tTest = bs.NodeActor(bs.newNode('text', attrs={'vAttach':'center', 'hAlign':'left', 'color':(1,1,1,1), 'shadow':1.0, 'flatness':0.0, 'scale':1, 'position':(-500,-40), 'text':('\xe0\xa4\x9c\xe0\xa4\xbf\xe0\xa4\xb8 \xe0\xa4\xad\xe0\xa5\x80 \xe0\xa4\x9a\xe0\xa5\x80\xe0\xa5\x9b \xe0\xa4\x95\xe0\xa5\x8b \xe0\xa4\x9b\xe0\xa5\x81\xe0\xa4\x8f\xe0\xa4\x81\xe0\xa4\x97\xe0\xa5\x87 \xe0\xa4\x89\xe0\xa4\xb8\xe0\xa4\xb8\xe0\xa5\x87 \xe0\xa4\x9a\xe0\xa4\xbf\xe0\xa4\xaa\xe0\xa4\x95\n\xe0\xa4\x9c\xe0\xa4\xbe\xe0\xa4\xaf\xe0\xa5\x87\xe0\xa4\x82\xe0\xa4\x97\xe0\xa5\x87 .. \xe0\xa4\x87\xe0\xa4\xb8\xe0\xa4\x95\xe0\xa4\xbe \xe0\xa4\xae\xe0\xa5\x9b\xe0\xa4\xbe \xe0\xa4\xb2\xe0\xa5\x87\xe0\xa4\x82 !')})) # TEMP - test emoji if False: # bs.screenMessage("TESTING: "+'TST: "deivit \xf0\x9f\x90\xa2"') self.tTest = bs.NodeActor(bs.newNode('text', attrs={'vAttach':'center', 'hAlign':'left', 'color':(1,1,1,1), 'shadow':1.0, 'flatness':1.0, 'scale':1, 'position':(-500,-40), 'text':('TST: "deivit \xf0\x9f\x90\xa2"')})) #'text':('TST: "deivit \xf0\x9f\x90\xa2"')})) if False: # bs.screenMessage("TESTING: "+'TST: "deivit \xf0\x9f\x90\xa2"') self.tTest = bs.NodeActor(bs.newNode('text', attrs={'vAttach':'center', 'hAlign':'left', 'color':(1,1,1,1), 'shadow':1.0, 'flatness':0.0, 'scale':1, 'position':(-500,0), #'text':u' \u3147\u3147 \uad8c\ucc2c\uadfc \uae40\uc6d0\uc7ac\n \ub10c \uc804\uac10\ud638\nlll\u0935\u093f\u0936\u0947\u0937 \u0927\u0928\u094d\u092f\u0935\u093e\u0926:\n'})) 'text':u' \u3147\u3147 \uad8c\ucc2c\uadfc \uae40\uc6d0\uc7ac\n \ub10c \uc804\uac10\ud638\nlll\u0935\u093f\u0936\u0947\u0937 \u0927\u0928\u094d\u092f\u0935\u093e\u0926:\n'})) # TEMP - test chinese stuff if False: self.tTest = bs.NodeActor(bs.newNode('text', attrs={'vAttach':'center', 'hAlign':'center', 'color':(1,1,1,1), 'shadow':1.0, 'flatness':0.0, 'scale':1, 'position':(-400,-40), 'text':('TST: "\xe8\x8e\xb7\xe5\x8f\x96\xe6\x9b\xb4\xe5\xa4\x9a\xe5\x9b\xbe\xe6\xa0\x87"\n' '\xe6\x88\x90\xe5\xb0\xb1\xe4\xb8\xad| foo\n' '\xe8\xb4\xa6\xe6\x88\xb7 \xe7\x99\xbb\xe9\x99\x86foo\n' 'end"\xe8\x8e\xb7\xe5\x8f\x96\xe6\x9b\xb4\xe5\xa4\x9a\xe5\x9b\xbe\xe6\xa0\x87"\n' 'end"\xe8\x8e\xb7\xe5\x8f\x96\xe6\x9b\xb4\xe5\xa4\x9a\xe5\x9b\xbe\xe6\xa0\x87"\n' 'end2"\xe8\x8e\xb7\xe5\x8f\x96\xe6\x9b\xb4\xe5\xa4\x9a\xe5\x9b\xbe\xe6\xa0\x87"\n' )})) # FIXME - shouldn't be doing things conditionally based on whether the host is vr mode or not # (clients may not be or vice versa) - any differences need to happen at the engine level # so everyone sees things in their own optimal way vrMode = env['vrMode'] interfaceType = env['interfaceType'] # in cases where we're doing lots of dev work lets always show the build number forceShowBuildNumber = False if not bs.getEnvironment().get('toolbarTest',True): if env['debugBuild'] or env['testBuild'] or forceShowBuildNumber: if env['debugBuild']: #text = bs.Lstr(value='${V} (${B}) (${D})',subs=[('${V}',env['version']),('${B}',str(env['buildNumber'])),('${D}',{'resource':'debugText'})]) text = bs.Lstr(value='${V} (${B}) (${D})',subs=[('${V}',env['version']),('${B}',str(env['buildNumber'])),('${D}',bs.Lstr(resource='debugText'))]) else: # text = bs.Lstr(value='${V} (${B})',subs=[('${V}',env['version']),('${B}',str(env['buildNumber']))]) text = bs.Lstr(value='${V} (${B})',subs=[('${V}',env['version']),('${B}',str(env['buildNumber']))]) else: text = bs.Lstr(value='${V}',subs=[('${V}',env['version'])]) self.version = bs.NodeActor(bs.newNode('text', attrs={'vAttach':'bottom', 'hAttach':'right', 'hAlign':'right', 'flatness':1.0, 'vrDepth':-10, 'shadow':1.0 if vrMode else 0.5, 'color':(1,1,1,1) if vrMode else (0.5,0.6,0.5,0.7), 'scale':0.9 if (interfaceType == 'small' or vrMode) else 0.7, 'position':(-260,10) if vrMode else (-10,10), 'text':text })) if not gDidInitialTransition: bs.animate(self.version.node,'opacity',{2300:0,3000:1.0}) # throw in beta info.. self.betaInfo = self.betaInfo2 = None if env['testBuild'] and not env['kioskMode']: self.betaInfo = bs.NodeActor(bs.newNode('text', attrs={'vAttach':'center', 'hAlign':'center', 'color':(1,1,1,1), 'shadow':0.5, 'flatness':0.5, 'scale':1, 'vrDepth':-60, 'position':(230,125) if env['kioskMode'] else (230,35), 'text':bs.Lstr(resource='testBuildText') })) if not gDidInitialTransition: bs.animate(self.betaInfo.node,'opacity',{1300:0,1800:1.0}) # if not gDidInitialTransition and not env['kioskMode'] and bs.getLanguage() == 'English': # self.betaInfo2 = bs.NodeActor(bs.newNode('text', # attrs={'vAttach':'center', # 'hAlign':'left', # 'color':(1,1,1,1), # 'shadow':0.5, # 'flatness':0.5, # 'scale':0.6, # 'position':(177,15), # 'text':('Thanks for helping test the game!\n' # +('Note that some features such as GameCenter\n' # 'will not function in this build.\n' if 'Mac' in bs.getEnvironment()['userAgentString'] else '') # +'Please email any bugs or other feedback to\n' # '[email protected] or just post it on the\n' # 'BombSquad facebook page.\n' # 'Enjoy!\n' # '-eric')})) # if not gDidInitialTransition: # bs.animate(self.betaInfo2.node,'opacity',{2300:0,3000:1.0,10000:1.0,11000:0.0}) model = bs.getModel('thePadLevel') treesModel = bs.getModel('trees') bottomModel = bs.getModel('thePadLevelBottom') testColorTexture = bs.getTexture('thePadLevelColor') treesTexture = bs.getTexture('treesColor') bgTex = bs.getTexture('menuBG') bgModel = bs.getModel('thePadBG') # (load these last since most platforms don't use them..) vrBottomFillModel = bs.getModel('thePadVRFillBottom') vrTopFillModel = bs.getModel('thePadVRFillTop') bsGlobals = bs.getSharedObject('globals') bsGlobals.cameraMode = 'rotate' if False: node = bs.newNode('timeDisplay', attrs={'timeMin':2000, 'timeMax':10000, 'showSubSeconds':True}) self._fooText = bs.NodeActor(bs.newNode('text', attrs={'position':(0,-220), 'flatness':1.0, 'hAlign':'center'})) bsGlobals.connectAttr('gameTime',node,'time2') node.connectAttr('output',self._fooText.node,'text') tint = (1.14,1.1,1.0) bsGlobals.tint = tint bsGlobals.ambientColor = (1.06,1.04,1.03) bsGlobals.vignetteOuter = (0.45,0.55,0.54) bsGlobals.vignetteInner = (0.99,0.98,0.98) self.bottom = bs.NodeActor(bs.newNode('terrain', attrs={'model':bottomModel, 'lighting':False, 'reflection':'soft', 'reflectionScale':[0.45], 'colorTexture':testColorTexture})) self.vrBottomFill = bs.NodeActor(bs.newNode('terrain', attrs={'model':vrBottomFillModel, 'lighting':False, 'vrOnly':True, 'colorTexture':testColorTexture})) self.vrTopFill = bs.NodeActor(bs.newNode('terrain', attrs={'model':vrTopFillModel, 'vrOnly':True, 'lighting':False, 'colorTexture':bgTex})) self.terrain = bs.NodeActor(bs.newNode('terrain', attrs={'model':model, 'colorTexture':testColorTexture, 'reflection':'soft', 'reflectionScale':[0.3]})) self.trees = bs.NodeActor(bs.newNode('terrain', attrs={'model':treesModel, 'lighting':False, 'reflection':'char', 'reflectionScale':[0.1], 'colorTexture':treesTexture})) = bs.NodeActor(bs.newNode('terrain', attrs={'model':bgModel, 'color':(0.92,0.91,0.9), 'lighting':False, 'background':True, 'colorTexture':bgTex})) textOffsetV = 0 self._ts = 0.86 self._language = None self._updateTimer = bs.Timer(1000, self._update, repeat=True) self._update() # hopefully this won't hitch but lets space these out anyway.. bsInternal._addCleanFrameCallback(bs.WeakCall(self._startPreloads)) random.seed() # on the main menu, also show our news.. class News(object): def __init__(self,activity): self._valid = True self._messageDuration = 10000 self._messageSpacing = 2000 self._text = None self._activity = weakref.ref(activity) # if we're signed in, fetch news immediately.. otherwise wait until we are signed in self._fetchTimer = bs.Timer(1000,bs.WeakCall(self._tryFetchingNews),repeat=True) self._tryFetchingNews() # we now want to wait until we're signed in before fetching news def _tryFetchingNews(self): if bsInternal._getAccountState() == 'SIGNED_IN': self._fetchNews() self._fetchTimer = None def _fetchNews(self): try: launchCount = bs.getConfig()['launchCount'] except Exception: launchCount = None global gLastNewsFetchTime gLastNewsFetchTime = time.time() #bsUtils.serverGet('bsNews',{'v':'2','lc':launchCount,'b':bs.getEnvironment()['buildNumber'],'t':int(gLastNewsFetchTime-gStartTime)},bs.WeakCall(self._gotNews)) env = bs.getEnvironment() bsInternal._newsQuery(args={'v':2,'lc':launchCount,'t':int(gLastNewsFetchTime-gStartTime),'p':env['platform'],'sp':env['subplatform']},callback=bs.WeakCall(self._gotNews)) def _changePhrase(self): global gLastNewsFetchTime # if our news is way out of date, lets re-request it.. otherwise, rotate our phrase if time.time()-gLastNewsFetchTime > 600.0: self._fetchNews() self._text = None else: if self._text is not None: if len(self._phrases) == 0: for p in self._usedPhrases: self._phrases.insert(0,p) val = self._phrases.pop() if val == '__ACH__': vr = bs.getEnvironment()['vrMode'] bsUtils.Text(bs.Lstr(resource='nextAchievementsText'), color=(1,1,1,1) if vr else (0.95,0.9,1,0.4), hostOnly=True, maxWidth=200, position=(-300, -35), hAlign='right', transition='fadeIn', scale=0.9 if vr else 0.7, flatness=1.0 if vr else 0.6, shadow=1.0 if vr else 0.5, hAttach="center", vAttach="top", transitionDelay=1000, transitionOutDelay=self._messageDuration).autoRetain() import bsAchievement achs = [a for a in bsAchievement.gAchievements if not a.isComplete()] if len(achs) > 0: a = achs.pop(random.randrange(min(4,len(achs)))) a.createDisplay(-180,-35,1000,outDelay=self._messageDuration,style='news') if len(achs) > 0: a = achs.pop(random.randrange(min(8,len(achs)))) a.createDisplay(180,-35,1250,outDelay=self._messageDuration,style='news') else: s = self._messageSpacing keys = {s:0,s+1000:1.0,s+self._messageDuration-1000:1.0,s+self._messageDuration:0.0} bs.animate(self._text.node,"opacity",dict([[k,v] for k,v in keys.items()])) self._text.node.text = val def _gotNews(self,data): # run this stuff in the context of our activity since we need to make nodes and stuff.. # we should fix the serverGet call so it activity = self._activity() if activity is None or activity.isFinalized(): return with bs.Context(activity): if data is None: return news = str(data['news']) #news = data['news'] # throw out a subtle notice if a new version is available try: env = bs.getEnvironment() # on test builds, report newer test-build availability if env['testBuild']: if 'latestTestBuild' in data and 'latestTestVersion' in data and data['latestTestBuild'] > env['buildNumber']: def foo(): bs.screenMessage(bs.Lstr(resource='newTestBuildAvailableText',subs=[('${VERSION}',str(data['latestTestVersion'])), ('${BUILD}',str(data['latestTestBuild'])), ('${ADDRESS}','')]),(0.7,1,0)) bs.playSound(bs.getSound('ding')) bs.gameTimer(2000,foo) elif 'latestVersion' in data: # strip off any 'b1' type stuff rawVersion = env['version'].split('b')[0] ourVersion = [int(n) for n in rawVersion.split('.')] while len(ourVersion) < 3: ourVersion.append(0) newestVersion = [int(n) for n in data['latestVersion'].split('.')] while len(newestVersion) < 3: newestVersion.append(0) if newestVersion > ourVersion: def foo(): bs.screenMessage(bs.Lstr(resource='newVersionAvailableText',subs=[('${VERSION}',data['latestVersion']), ('${APP_NAME}',bs.Lstr(resource='titleText'))]),(0.7,1,0)) bs.playSound(bs.getSound('ding')) bs.gameTimer(2000,foo) except Exception,e: print 'Exception comparing versions:',e # our news data now starts with 'BSNews:' so we can filter out # result that arent actually coming in from our server # (such as wireless access point setup pages) if not news.startswith("BSNews:"): return news = news[7:] # if news == '' or not self._valid: return self._phrases = [] # show upcoming achievements in non-vr versions # (currently too hard to read in vr) self._usedPhrases = (['__ACH__'] if not bs.getEnvironment()['vrMode'] else []) + [s for s in news.split('<br>\r\n') if s != ''] self._phraseChangeTimer = bs.Timer(self._messageDuration+self._messageSpacing,bs.WeakCall(self._changePhrase),repeat=True) sc = 1.2 if (bs.getEnvironment()['interfaceType'] == 'small' or bs.getEnvironment()['vrMode']) else 0.8 self._text = bs.NodeActor(bs.newNode('text', attrs={'vAttach':'top', 'hAttach':'center', 'hAlign':'center', 'vrDepth':-20, 'shadow':1.0 if bs.getEnvironment()['vrMode'] else 0.4, 'flatness':0.8, 'vAlign':'top', 'color':(1,1,1,1) if bs.getEnvironment()['vrMode'] else (0.7,0.65,0.75,1.0), 'scale':sc, 'maxWidth':900.0/sc, 'position':(0,-10)})) self._changePhrase()
def onTransitionIn(self): import bsInternal bs.Activity.onTransitionIn(self) global gDidInitialTransition random.seed(123) self._logoNode = None self._customLogoTexName = None self._wordActors = [] env = bs.getEnvironment() # FIXME - shouldn't be doing things conditionally based on whether # the host is vr mode or not (clients may not be or vice versa) - # any differences need to happen at the engine level # so everyone sees things in their own optimal way vrMode = bs.getEnvironment()['vrMode'] if not bs.getEnvironment().get('toolbarTest', True): self.myName = bs.NodeActor( bs.newNode( 'text', attrs={ 'vAttach': 'bottom', 'hAlign': 'center', 'color': (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) if vrMode else (0.5, 0.6, 0.5, 0.6), 'flatness': 1.0, 'shadow': 1.0 if vrMode else 0.5, 'scale': (0.9 if (env['interfaceType'] == 'small' or vrMode) else 0.7), # FIXME need a node attr for this 'position': (0, 10), 'vrDepth': -10, 'text': u'\xa9 2018 Eric Froemling' })) # throw up some text that only clients can see so they know that the # host is navigating menus while they're just staring at an # empty-ish screen.. self._hostIsNavigatingText = bs.NodeActor( bs.newNode('text', attrs={ 'text': bs.Lstr(resource='hostIsNavigatingMenusText', subs=[ ('${HOST}', bsInternal._getAccountDisplayString()) ]), 'clientOnly': True, 'position': (0, -200), 'flatness': 1.0, 'hAlign': 'center' })) if not gDidInitialTransition and hasattr(self, 'myName'): bs.animate(self.myName.node, 'opacity', {2300: 0, 3000: 1.0}) # TEMP - testing hindi text if False: # bs.screenMessage("TESTING: "+'TST: "deivit \xf0\x9f\x90\xa2"') self.tTest = bs.NodeActor( bs.newNode( 'text', attrs={ 'vAttach': 'center', 'hAlign': 'left', 'color': (1, 1, 1, 1), 'shadow': 1.0, 'flatness': 0.0, 'scale': 1, 'position': (-500, -40), 'text': ('\xe0\xa4\x9c\xe0\xa4\xbf\xe0\xa4\xb8 \xe0\xa4\xad' '\xe0\xa5\x80 \xe0\xa4\x9a\xe0\xa5\x80\xe0\xa5\x9b ' '\xe0\xa4\x95\xe0\xa5\x8b \xe0\xa4\x9b\xe0\xa5\x81' '\xe0\xa4\x8f\xe0\xa4\x81\xe0\xa4\x97\xe0\xa5\x87 ' '\xe0\xa4\x89\xe0\xa4\xb8\xe0\xa4\xb8\xe0\xa5\x87 ' '\xe0\xa4\x9a\xe0\xa4\xbf\xe0\xa4\xaa\xe0\xa4\x95' '\n\xe0\xa4\x9c\xe0\xa4\xbe\xe0\xa4\xaf\xe0\xa5\x87' '\xe0\xa4\x82\xe0\xa4\x97\xe0\xa5\x87 .. \xe0\xa4' '\x87\xe0\xa4\xb8\xe0\xa4\x95\xe0\xa4\xbe \xe0\xa4' '\xae\xe0\xa5\x9b\xe0\xa4\xbe \xe0\xa4\xb2\xe0\xa5' '\x87\xe0\xa4\x82 !') })) # TEMP - test emoji if False: # bs.screenMessage("TESTING: "+'TST: "deivit \xf0\x9f\x90\xa2"') self.tTest = bs.NodeActor( bs.newNode('text', attrs={ 'vAttach': 'center', 'hAlign': 'left', 'color': (1, 1, 1, 1), 'shadow': 1.0, 'flatness': 1.0, 'scale': 1, 'position': (-500, -40), 'text': ('TST: "deivit \xf0\x9f\x90\xa2"') })) # TEMP - testing something; forgot what if False: # bs.screenMessage("TESTING: "+'TST: "deivit \xf0\x9f\x90\xa2"') self.tTest = bs.NodeActor( bs.newNode( 'text', attrs={ 'vAttach': 'center', 'hAlign': 'left', 'color': (1, 1, 1, 1), 'shadow': 1.0, 'flatness': 0.0, 'scale': 1, 'position': (-500, 0), 'text': u(' \u3147\u3147 ' ' \uad8c\ucc2c\uadfc ' ' \uae40\uc6d0\uc7ac\n ' ' \ub10c ' ' \uc804\uac10\ud638\nlll\u0935\u093f\u0936\u0947' '\u0937 \u0927\u0928\u094d\u092f\u0935\u093e' '\u0926:\n') })) self.tTest = bs.NodeActor( bs.newNode('text', attrs={ 'vAttach': 'center', 'hAlign': 'left', 'color': (0, 8, 0, 1), 'shadow': 1.0, 'flatness': 1.0, 'scale': 3, 'position': (0, -30), 'text': ('EVOLVED') })) if False: self.tTest = bs.NodeActor( bs.newNode( 'text', attrs={ 'vAttach': 'center', 'hAlign': 'center', 'color': (1, 1, 1, 1), 'shadow': 1.0, 'flatness': 0.0, 'scale': 1, 'position': (-400, -40), 'text': ('TST: "\xe8\x8e\xb7\xe5\x8f\x96\xe6\x9b\xb4\xe5\xa4' '\x9a\xe5\x9b\xbe\xe6\xa0\x87"\n\xe6\x88\x90\xe5' '\xb0\xb1\xe4\xb8\xad| foo\n\xe8\xb4\xa6' '\xe6\x88\xb7 \xe7\x99\xbb\xe9\x99\x86foo\nend"' '\xe8\x8e\xb7\xe5\x8f\x96\xe6\x9b\xb4\xe5\xa4\x9a' '\xe5\x9b\xbe\xe6\xa0\x87"\nend"\xe8\x8e\xb7\xe5' '\x8f\x96\xe6\x9b\xb4\xe5\xa4\x9a\xe5\x9b\xbe\xe6' '\xa0\x87"\nend2"\xe8\x8e\xb7\xe5\x8f\x96\xe6\x9b' '\xb4\xe5\xa4\x9a\xe5\x9b\xbe\xe6\xa0\x87"\n') })) # FIXME - shouldn't be doing things conditionally based on whether # the host is vr mode or not (clients may not be or vice versa) # - any differences need to happen at the engine level # so everyone sees things in their own optimal way vrMode = env['vrMode'] interfaceType = env['interfaceType'] # in cases where we're doing lots of dev work lets # always show the build number forceShowBuildNumber = False if not bs.getEnvironment().get('toolbarTest', True): if env['debugBuild'] or env['testBuild'] or forceShowBuildNumber: if env['debugBuild']: text = bs.Lstr(value='${V} (${B}) (${D})', subs=[('${V}', env['version']), ('${B}', str(env['buildNumber'])), ('${D}', bs.Lstr(resource='debugText'))]) else: text = bs.Lstr(value='${V} (${B})', subs=[('${V}', env['version']), ('${B}', str(env['buildNumber']))]) else: text = bs.Lstr(value='${V}', subs=[('${V}', env['version'])]) self.version = bs.NodeActor( bs.newNode('text', attrs={ 'vAttach': 'bottom', 'hAttach': 'right', 'hAlign': 'right', 'flatness': 1.0, 'vrDepth': -10, 'shadow': 1.0 if vrMode else 0.5, 'color': (1, 1, 1, 1) if vrMode else (0.5, 0.6, 0.5, 0.7), 'scale': 0.9 if (interfaceType == 'small' or vrMode) else 0.7, 'position': (-260, 10) if vrMode else (-10, 10), 'text': text })) if not gDidInitialTransition: bs.animate(self.version.node, 'opacity', {2300: 0, 3000: 1.0}) # throw in beta info.. self.betaInfo = self.betaInfo2 = None if env['testBuild'] and not env['kioskMode']: self.betaInfo = bs.NodeActor( bs.newNode('text', attrs={ 'vAttach': 'center', 'hAlign': 'center', 'color': (1, 1, 1, 1), 'shadow': 0.5, 'flatness': 0.5, 'scale': 1, 'vrDepth': -60, 'position': (230, 125) if env['kioskMode'] else (230, 35), 'text': bs.Lstr(resource='testBuildText') })) if not gDidInitialTransition: bs.animate(self.betaInfo.node, 'opacity', {1300: 0, 1800: 1.0}) model = bs.getModel('bridgitLevelTop') treesModel = bs.getModel('trees') bottomModel = bs.getModel('bridgitLevelBottom') testColorTexture = bs.getTexture('bridgitLevelColor') treesTexture = bs.getTexture('bombColorIce') bgTex = bs.getTexture('natureBackgroundColor') bgModel = bs.getModel('natureBackground') bgCollide = bs.getCollideModel('natureBackgroundCollide') # (load these last since most platforms don't use them..) vrBottomFillModel = bs.getModel('thePadVRFillBottom') vrTopFillModel = bs.getModel('thePadVRFillTop') bsGlobals = bs.getSharedObject('globals') if False: node = bs.newNode('timeDisplay', attrs={ 'timeMin': 2000, 'timeMax': 10000, 'showSubSeconds': True }) self._fooText = bs.NodeActor( bs.newNode('text', attrs={ 'position': (0, -220), 'flatness': 1.0, 'hAlign': 'center' })) bsGlobals.connectAttr('gameTime', node, 'time2') node.connectAttr('output', self._fooText.node, 'text') tint = (1.14, 1.1, 1.0) bsGlobals.tint = tint bsGlobals.ambientColor = (1.06, 1.04, 1.03) bsGlobals.vignetteOuter = (0.45, 0.55, 0.54) bsGlobals.vignetteInner = (0.99, 0.98, 0.98) #self.bottom = bs.NodeActor(bs.newNode('terrain', attrs={ # 'model':bottomModel, # 'lighting':False, # 'reflection':'soft', # 'reflectionScale':[0.45], # 'colorTexture':testColorTexture})) self.vrBottomFill = bs.NodeActor( bs.newNode('terrain', attrs={ 'model': vrBottomFillModel, 'lighting': False, 'vrOnly': True, 'colorTexture': testColorTexture })) self.vrTopFill = bs.NodeActor( bs.newNode('terrain', attrs={ 'model': vrTopFillModel, 'vrOnly': True, 'lighting': False, 'colorTexture': bgTex })) #self.terrain = bs.NodeActor(bs.newNode('terrain', attrs={ # 'model':model, # 'colorTexture':testColorTexture, # 'reflection':'soft', # 'reflectionScale':[0.3]})) self.trees = bs.NodeActor( bs.newNode('terrain', attrs={ 'model': treesModel, 'lighting': True, 'reflection': 'char', 'reflectionScale': [0.1], 'colorTexture': treesTexture })) = bs.NodeActor( bs.newNode('terrain', attrs={ 'model': bgModel, 'color': (0.92, 0.91, 0.9), 'lighting': False, 'background': True, 'colorTexture': bgTex, 'collideModel': bgCollide, 'materials': [bs.getSharedObject('footingMaterial')] })) def _spawnBall(): bs.Something( (10, random.randint(-2, 8), random.randint(-5, 5)), (-20, random.randint(-2, 2), 0), (True, int(((random.randint(1, 8) / 4) * 1000)))).autoRetain() self.timer = bs.Timer(1000, bs.Call(_spawnBall), repeat=True) textOffsetV = 0 self._ts = 0.86 self._language = None self._updateTimer = bs.Timer(1000, self._update, repeat=True) self._update() # hopefully this won't hitch but lets space these out anyway.. bsInternal._addCleanFrameCallback(bs.WeakCall(self._startPreloads)) random.seed() # on the main menu, also show our news.. class News(object): def __init__(self, activity): self._valid = True self._messageDuration = 10000 self._messageSpacing = 2000 self._text = None self._activity = weakref.ref(activity) # if we're signed in, fetch news immediately.. # otherwise wait until we are signed in self._fetchTimer = bs.Timer(1000, bs.WeakCall(self._tryFetchingNews), repeat=True) self._tryFetchingNews() # we now want to wait until we're signed in before fetching news def _tryFetchingNews(self): if bsInternal._getAccountState() == 'SIGNED_IN': self._fetchNews() self._fetchTimer = None def _fetchNews(self): try: launchCount = bs.getConfig()['launchCount'] except Exception: launchCount = None global gLastNewsFetchTime gLastNewsFetchTime = time.time() # UPDATE - we now just pull news from MRVs news = bsInternal._getAccountMiscReadVal('n', None) if news is not None: self._gotNews(news) def _changePhrase(self): global gLastNewsFetchTime # if our news is way out of date, lets re-request it.. # otherwise, rotate our phrase if time.time() - gLastNewsFetchTime > 600.0: self._fetchNews() self._text = None else: if self._text is not None: if len(self._phrases) == 0: for p in self._usedPhrases: self._phrases.insert(0, p) val = self._phrases.pop() if val == '__ACH__': vr = bs.getEnvironment()['vrMode'] bsUtils.Text( bs.Lstr(resource='nextAchievementsText'), color=(1,1,1,1) if vr else (0.95,0.9,1,0.4), hostOnly=True, maxWidth=200, position=(-300, -35), hAlign='right', transition='fadeIn', scale=0.9 if vr else 0.7, flatness=1.0 if vr else 0.6, shadow=1.0 if vr else 0.5, hAttach="center", vAttach="top", transitionDelay=1000, transitionOutDelay=self._messageDuration)\ .autoRetain() import bsAchievement achs = [ a for a in bsAchievement.gAchievements if not a.isComplete() ] if len(achs) > 0: a = achs.pop( random.randrange(min(4, len(achs)))) a.createDisplay(-180, -35, 1000, outDelay=self._messageDuration, style='news') if len(achs) > 0: a = achs.pop( random.randrange(min(8, len(achs)))) a.createDisplay(180, -35, 1250, outDelay=self._messageDuration, style='news') else: s = self._messageSpacing keys = { s: 0, s + 1000: 1.0, s + self._messageDuration - 1000: 1.0, s + self._messageDuration: 0.0 } bs.animate(self._text.node, "opacity", dict([[k, v] for k, v in keys.items()])) self._text.node.text = val def _gotNews(self, news): # run this stuff in the context of our activity since we need # to make nodes and stuff.. should fix the serverGet call so it activity = self._activity() if activity is None or activity.isFinalized(): return with bs.Context(activity): self._phrases = [] # show upcoming achievements in non-vr versions # (currently too hard to read in vr) self._usedPhrases = ( ['__ACH__'] if not bs.getEnvironment()['vrMode'] else []) + [s for s in news.split('<br>\n') if s != ''] self._phraseChangeTimer = bs.Timer( self._messageDuration + self._messageSpacing, bs.WeakCall(self._changePhrase), repeat=True) sc = 1.2 if ( bs.getEnvironment()['interfaceType'] == 'small' or bs.getEnvironment()['vrMode']) else 0.8 self._text = bs.NodeActor( bs.newNode( 'text', attrs={ 'vAttach': 'top', 'hAttach': 'center', 'hAlign': 'center', 'vrDepth': -20, 'shadow': 1.0 if bs.getEnvironment()['vrMode'] else 0.4, 'flatness': 0.8, 'vAlign': 'top', 'color': ((1, 1, 1, 1) if bs.getEnvironment()['vrMode'] else (0.7, 0.65, 0.75, 1.0)), 'scale': sc, 'maxWidth': 900.0 / sc, 'position': (0, -10) })) self._changePhrase() if not env['kioskMode'] and not env.get('toolbarTest', True): self._news = News(self) # bring up the last place we were, or start at the main menu otherwise with bs.Context('UI'): try: mainWindow = bsUI.gMainWindow except Exception: mainWindow = None # when coming back from a kiosk-mode game, jump to # the kiosk start screen.. if bsUtils.gRunningKioskModeGame: if bs.getEnvironment()['kioskMode']: bsUI.uiGlobals['mainMenuWindow'] = \ bsUI.KioskWindow().getRootWidget() # ..or in normal cases go back to the main menu else: if mainWindow == 'Gather': bsUI.uiGlobals['mainMenuWindow'] = \ bsUI.GatherWindow(transition=None).getRootWidget() elif mainWindow == 'Watch': bsUI.uiGlobals['mainMenuWindow'] = \ bsUI.WatchWindow(transition=None).getRootWidget() elif mainWindow == 'Team Game Select': bsUI.uiGlobals['mainMenuWindow'] = \ bsUI.TeamsWindow(sessionType=bs.TeamsSession, transition=None).getRootWidget() elif mainWindow == 'Free-for-All Game Select': bsUI.uiGlobals['mainMenuWindow'] = \ bsUI.TeamsWindow(sessionType=bs.FreeForAllSession, transition=None).getRootWidget() elif mainWindow == 'Coop Select': bsUI.uiGlobals['mainMenuWindow'] = \ bsUI.CoopWindow(transition=None).getRootWidget() else: bsUI.uiGlobals['mainMenuWindow'] = \ bsUI.MainMenuWindow(transition=None).getRootWidget() # attempt to show any pending offers immediately. # If that doesn't work, try again in a few seconds # (we may not have heard back from the server) # ..if that doesn't work they'll just have to wait # until the next opportunity. if not bsUI._showOffer(): def tryAgain(): if not bsUI._showOffer(): # try one last time.. bs.realTimer(2000, bsUI._showOffer) bs.realTimer(2000, tryAgain) gDidInitialTransition = True
def preload(self): for profile in bs.getConfig()['Player Profiles'].keys(): self.commands.append(profile + ':') self.commands.append(bsInternal._getAccountDisplayString() + ':') self.commands.append(bsInternal._getAccountName() + ':')