def dumpUnhandledAuthPacket(received): """Dump unhandled authorization packet . Unhandled authorization packet is that one which was not passed to packet processing (working) threads because acct packet queue was full. Input: (packet) authorization packet Output: none """ doIt = radParsedConfig['BEHAVIOR'].get('dump_unh_auth', False) if getbool(doIt): filePath = "%s/%s/auth_unhandled/%s" % (getLogDir(), received['Client-IP-Address'][0], getFileName()) dumpPacket(received, filePath, PACKET_TYPE_AUTH)
def dumpFailedAuthPacket(received): """Dump authorization packet which failed in some way. 'Failed' means that there was error in processing packet in any of authorization or authentication modules. Input: (packet) authorization packet Output: none """ doIt = radParsedConfig['BEHAVIOR'].get('dump_failed_auth', True) if getbool(doIt): filePath = "%s/%s/auth_failed/%s" % (getLogDir(), received['Client-IP-Address'][0], getFileName()) dumpPacket(received, filePath, PACKET_TYPE_AUTH)
def dumpUnhandledAcctPacket(received): """Dump unhandled accounting packet . Unhandled accounting packet is that one which was not passed to packet processing (working) threads because acct packet queue was full. Input: (packet) accounting packet Output: none """ doIt = radParsedConfig['BEHAVIOR'].get('dump_unh_acct', True) if getbool(doIt): filePath = "%s/%s/acct_unhandled/%s" % (getLogDir(), received['Client-IP-Address'][0], getFileName()) dumpPacket(received, filePath, PACKET_TYPE_ACCT) else: info('WARNING: Logging unhandled accounting packets DISABLED!')
def dumpFailedAcctPacket(received): """Dump accounting packet which failed in some way. 'Failed' means that there was error in processing packet in any of accounting modules. Input: (packet) accounting packet Output: none """ doIt = radParsedConfig['BEHAVIOR'].get('dump_failed_acct', True) if getbool(doIt): filePath = "%s/%s/acct_failed/%s" % (getLogDir(), received['Client-IP-Address'][0], getFileName()) dumpPacket(received, filePath, PACKET_TYPE_ACCT) else: info('WARNING: Logging failed accounting packets DISABLED!')