def read_results(runs): results, models = [], [] for run in runs: res, pr, mod = bread.read_pickles(run, model_file=run.replace('_mcmc','_model')) results.append(res) models.append(mod) return results, models
'dust2': ["Cassisi et al. (2008)"]} real_cal="results/ggc_ngc1851_1432787257_mcmc" real_uncal="results/ggc_ngc1851_uncal_tightprior_1433448554_mcmc" real_cal = "results/real_specphot_otherjitter.NGC1851.calTrue_5699610_1441238007_mcmc" real_uncal = "results/real_specphot_otherjitter.NGC1851.calFalse_5699625_1441238175_mcmc" real_cal = "results/real_specphot_mtrim_llnoise_v2.NGC1851.calTrue_5912384_1445132251_mcmc" real_uncal = "results/real_specphot_mtrim_llnoise_v2.NGC1851.calFalse_5912391_1445132211_mcmc" real_phot = "results/real_photonly.NGC1851.calTrue_1441258499_mcmc" resfiles = [real_cal, real_uncal]#, real_phot] clr = ['green', 'orange', 'red'] results = [bread.read_pickles(rfile, model_file=rfile.replace('mcmc','model'))[0] for rfile in resfiles] obsdat = results[0]['obs'] showpars = np.array(['mass', 'tage', 'zmet', 'dust2']) parlims = np.array([[0.4, 4], [5, 11], [-1.3, -0.75], [0, 0.5]]) parlims = np.array(4 * [[None, None]]) npar = len(showpars) fig = pl.figure() gs = gridspec.GridSpec(npar, npar) for i, p1 in enumerate(showpars): dax = pl.subplot(gs[i,i])
if __name__ == "__main__": bcolor='green' if len(sys.argv) > 1: resfile=sys.argv[1] try: bcolor = sys.argv[2] except: pass else: resfile = 'results/ggc_mock.u0.t1.0_z0.0_a0.5_1426268715_mcmc' model_file = resfile.replace('_mcmc','_model') pcolor='orange' nsample = 10 res, pr, mod = bread.read_pickles(resfile, model_file=model_file) obsdat = res['obs'] # Get samples and component spectra fsamples = np.random.uniform(0,1,nsample) thetas, start, samples = theta_samples(res, samples=fsamples, start=0.75, thin=1) fwave, _, _, fspecvecs = comp_samples_fullspec(thetas, mod, obsdat, sps=sps, gp=None) mwave, mospec, mounc, specvecs = comp_samples(thetas, mod, obsdat, sps=sps, gp=gp) pwave, mosed, mosed_unc, pvecs = comp_samples_phot(thetas, mod, obsdat, sps=sps) # Get truth spectrum and sed # THERE IS NO TRUTH # Get calibration vector
results, models = read_results(runs) noiseless_run = 'results/ggc_mock_specphot_linear.u0.t12.0_z0.0_a0.5_5313542_1432675345_mcmc' bcolor = 'maroon' if as_hist: hfig, haxes = pl.subplots(2,2) for j, (res, mod) in enumerate(zip(results, models)): samples, pord = hist_samples(res, mod, pnames, thin=thin, start=sfraction) for i, (ax, name) in enumerate(zip(haxes.flatten(), pnames)): ax.hist(samples[:,i], bins=kwargs.get("bins", 50), histtype="stepfilled", color=kwargs.get("color", bcolor), alpha=kwargs.get("alpha",0.3)) res, pr, mod = bread.read_pickles(noiseless_run, model_file=noiseless_run.replace('_mcmc','_model')) samples, pord = hist_samples(res, mod, pnames, thin=thin, start=sfraction) truths = [res['obs']['mock_params'][k] for k in pord] for i, (ax, name) in enumerate(zip(haxes.flatten(), pnames)): ax.hist(samples[:,i], bins=kwargs.get("bins", 50), histtype="stepfilled", color=bcolor, alpha=kwargs.get("alpha",0.3)) ax.axvline(truths[i], color=kwargs.get('truth_color','k'), label='Mock Truth') ax.set_xlabel(name, fontsize=8) ax.set_yticklabels([]) pl.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=8)
resfile = sys.argv[1] try: basecolor = sys.argv[2] except: pass try: suptitle = sys.argv[3] except: pass else: resfile = 'results/ggc_mock_photonly.c0.t9.0_z0.0_a0.5_1430274922_mcmc' model_file = resfile.replace('_mcmc', '_model') pointcolor = 'orange' nsample = 10 res, pr, mod = bread.read_pickles(resfile, model_file=model_file) obsdat = res['obs'] # Get samples and component spectra fsamples = np.random.uniform(0, 1, nsample) thetas, start, samples = theta_samples(res, samples=fsamples, start=0.75, thin=1) fwave, mospec, mounc, specvecs = comp_samples_fullspec(thetas, mod, obsdat, sps=sps, gp=None) pwave, mosed, mosed_unc, pvecs = comp_samples_phot(thetas, mod,
if len(sys.argv) > 1: resfile=sys.argv[1] else: resfile = 'results/ggc_mock.u0.t1.0_z0.0_a0.5_1426268715_mcmc' model_file = resfile.replace('_mcmc','_model') showpars_phys = ['mass', 'tage', 'zmet', 'dust2', 'zred', 'sigma_smooth'] showpars_cal = ['poly_coeffs_1', 'poly_coeffs_2', 'spec_norm', 'low_level_amplitude', 'gp_length', 'gp_amplitude', 'gp_jitter', 'gp_jitter_add', 'phot_jitter'] showpars_pc = ['mass', 'tage', 'dust2', 'zmet', 'gp_length' 'spec_norm', 'poly_coeffs_1', 'poly_coeffs_2'] result, pr, model = bread.read_pickles(resfile, model_file=model_file) ns = result['chain'].shape[0] * result['chain'].shape[1] start = int(result['chain'].shape[1]*0.75) start = 0 thin = 20 #sys.exit() try: efig = bread.param_evol(result, showpars=showpars_phys+showpars_cal) efig.savefig(resfile.replace('_mcmc','.pevol.pdf')) pl.close(efig) except(IndexError): print('not enough parameters to show in pevol plot') try: tfig = bread.subtriangle(result, showpars=showpars_phys, start=start, thin=thin)
# rdir+'b192-g242.020.nocal_1405677518.sampler01'] #res = [rdir+'b192-g242.225.cal_1407376313.sampler01'] #res = [rdir+'b192-g242.225.cal_1407608570.sampler01'] #res = [rdir+'b192-g242.225.cal_1409443437.sampler01'] res = [#rdir+'b192-g242.225.cal_1407608570.sampler01'] #rdir+'b192-g242.225.cal_1409443437.sampler01'] #rdir+'b192-g242.225.cal_1409477803.sampler01', #rdir+'b192-g242.225.cal_1409534549.sampler01', rdir+'b192-g242.225.cal_1412345250.sampler01'] inlog = True name = ['B192 cal.', 'B192 no cal.'] for i,r in enumerate(res): sf, mf = r+'_mcmc', r+'_model' result, pr, model = diagnostics.read_pickles(sf, model_file = mf) result['model'] = model #best = np.argmin([ for p in powell_guesses]) #result['optimizer_results'] = pr[best] of = result['run_params']['outfile'].split('/')[-1] of = of.replace('.','_') ns = result['chain'].shape[0] * result['chain'].shape[1] sample = [int(s * ns) for s in samples] gfig = gp_figure(result, samples=sample, inlog=inlog) gfig.axes[0].set_yscale('log') gfig.savefig('gp_figure.png') sfig = spec_figure(result, samples=sample, linewidth = 0.5, xlim = (3650, 7300),
if len(sys.argv) > 1: specphot = sys.argv[1] try: bcolor = sys.argv[2] except: pass try: suptitle = sys.argv[3] except: suptitle = '' else: specphot = 'results/ggc_mock_specphot_linear.u0.t9.0_z0.0_a0.5_5280432_1431898211_mcmc' resfiles = [specphot] clr = [bcolor] results = [ bread.read_pickles(rfile, model_file=rfile.replace('mcmc', 'model'))[0] for rfile in resfiles ] obsdat = results[0]['obs'] showpars = np.array([ 'dust2', 'gp_jitter', 'gp_length', 'gp_amplitude', 'spec_norm', 'poly_coeffs_1', 'poly_coeffs_2' ]) parlims = np.array([[0.0, 1.5], [None, None], [100, 1000], [0, 0.5], [-1, 1], [-10, 10], [-10, 10]]) npar = len(showpars) fig = pl.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(npar, npar) for i, p1 in enumerate(showpars):
sps.params['logzsol'] = 0.0 else: # we are using MILES with better optical resolution sps.params['sigma_smooth'] = 0.0 halpha = (w > 6556) & (w < 6573) sps.params['zmet'] = 4 sps.params['logzsol'] = 0.0 ns = 40 Cha = np.zeros(ns) gtage = np.random.uniform(7.0, 14.0, ns) gtau = np.random.uniform(0.1, 10.0, ns) mcmc_filename = os.getenv('APPS')+'/prospector_alpha/results/dtau_intmet/dtau_intmet_0181_15268_1424608305_mcmc' model_filename = os.getenv('APPS')+'/prospector_alpha/results/dtau_intmet/dtau_intmet_0181_15268_1424608305_model' sample_results, powell_results, model = read_results.read_pickles(mcmc_filename, model_file=model_filename,inmod=None) # set redshift sample_results['model'].params['zred'] = np.atleast_1d(0.00) #params = sample_results['model'].params #print 1/0 #for kk,nn in params.iteritems(): # if kk in sps.params.all_params: # if kk == 'zmet': # vv = np.abs(nn - (np.arange( len(sps.zlegend))+1)).argmin()+1 # else: # vv = nn.copy() # sps.params[kk] = vv #get the spectrum with neb for a variety of neb parameters, compute line luminosity