예제 #1
    def test_regex(self):
        for regex_instance in (
                re.compile("a*b", re.IGNORECASE),
                Regex("a*b", re.IGNORECASE)):
            res = self.round_tripped({"r": regex_instance})["r"]

            self.assertEqual("a*b", res.pattern)
            res = self.round_tripped({"r": Regex("a*b", re.IGNORECASE)})["r"]
            self.assertEqual("a*b", res.pattern)
            self.assertEqual(re.IGNORECASE, res.flags)

        unicode_options = re.I | re.M | re.S | re.U | re.X
        regex = re.compile("a*b", unicode_options)
        res = self.round_tripped({"r": regex})["r"]
        self.assertEqual(unicode_options, res.flags)

        # Some tools may not add $options if no flags are set.
        res = bsonjs_loads('{"r": {"$regex": "a*b"}}')['r']
        self.assertEqual(0, res.flags)

            Regex(".*", "ilm"),
                '{"r": {"$regex": ".*", "$options": "ilm"}}')['r'])

        # Order should be $regex then $options
            '{ "regex" : { "$regex" : ".*", "$options" : "mx" } }',
            bsonjs_dumps({"regex": Regex(".*", re.M | re.X)}))

            '{ "regex" : { "$regex" : ".*", "$options" : "mx" } }',
            bsonjs_dumps({"regex": re.compile(b".*", re.M | re.X)}))
예제 #2
    def test_regex(self):
        for regex_instance in (re.compile("a*b", re.IGNORECASE),
                               Regex("a*b", re.IGNORECASE)):
            res = self.round_tripped({"r": regex_instance})["r"]

            self.assertEqual("a*b", res.pattern)
            res = self.round_tripped({"r": Regex("a*b", re.IGNORECASE)})["r"]
            self.assertEqual("a*b", res.pattern)
            self.assertEqual(re.IGNORECASE, res.flags)

        unicode_options = re.I | re.M | re.S | re.U | re.X
        regex = re.compile("a*b", unicode_options)
        res = self.round_tripped({"r": regex})["r"]
        self.assertEqual(unicode_options, res.flags)

        # Some tools may not add $options if no flags are set.
        # https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/CDRIVER-3773
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, bsonjs_loads, '{"r": {"$regex": '

            Regex(".*", "ilm"),
            bsonjs_loads('{"r": {"$regex": ".*", "$options": "ilm"}}')['r'])

        # Order should be $regex then $options
            '{ "regex" : { "$regex" : ".*", "$options" : "mx" } }',
            bsonjs_dumps({"regex": Regex(".*", re.M | re.X)}))

            '{ "regex" : { "$regex" : ".*", "$options" : "mx" } }',
            bsonjs_dumps({"regex": re.compile(b".*", re.M | re.X)}))
    def test_regex(self):
        for regex_instance in (
                re.compile("a*b", re.IGNORECASE),
                Regex("a*b", re.IGNORECASE)):
            res = self.round_tripped({"r": regex_instance})["r"]

            self.assertEqual("a*b", res.pattern)
            res = self.round_tripped({"r": Regex("a*b", re.IGNORECASE)})["r"]
            self.assertEqual("a*b", res.pattern)
            self.assertEqual(re.IGNORECASE, res.flags)

        unicode_options = re.I|re.M|re.S|re.U|re.X
        regex = re.compile("a*b", unicode_options)
        res = self.round_tripped({"r": regex})["r"]
        self.assertEqual(unicode_options, res.flags)

        # Some tools may not add $options if no flags are set.
        res = json_util.loads('{"r": {"$regex": "a*b"}}')['r']
        self.assertEqual(0, res.flags)

            Regex('.*', 'ilm'),
                '{"r": {"$regex": ".*", "$options": "ilm"}}')['r'])

        # Check order.
            '{"$regex": ".*", "$options": "mx"}',
            json_util.dumps(Regex('.*', re.M | re.X)))

            '{"$regex": ".*", "$options": "mx"}',
            json_util.dumps(re.compile(b'.*', re.M | re.X)))
예제 #4
def test_sort_12(monty_sort, mongo_sort):
    docs = [{"a": Regex("^a")}, {"a": Regex("^b")}]
    sort = [("a", -1)]

    monty_c = monty_sort(docs, sort)
    mongo_c = mongo_sort(docs, sort)

    for i in range(len(docs)):
        assert next(mongo_c)["_id"] == next(monty_c)["_id"]
예제 #5
def test_qop_nin_10(monty_find, mongo_find):
    docs = [
            "a": [Regex("*")]
    spec = {"a": {"$nin": [[Regex("*")]]}}

    monty_c = monty_find(docs, spec)
    mongo_c = mongo_find(docs, spec)

    assert mongo_c.count() == 0
    assert monty_c.count() == mongo_c.count()
예제 #6
def test_qop_lt_28(monty_find, mongo_find):
    regex_0 = Regex("^0")
    regex_a = Regex("^a")
    docs = [
        {"a": regex_0},
    spec = {"a": {"$lt": regex_a}}

    monty_c = monty_find(docs, spec)

    # Can't have RegEx as arg to predicate
    with pytest.raises(OperationFailure):
예제 #7
def search_artists():
    params = {item[0]: item[1] for item in request.forms.items() if item[1]}
    if int(params.pop('name_search_condition')) and 'name' in params:
        params['name'] = Regex(params['name'])
    if int(params.pop('alias_search_condition')) and 'aliases.name' in params:
        params['aliases.name'] = Regex(params['aliases.name'])
    results = collection.find(params, {
        '_id': 0,
        'name': 1,
        'aliases.name': 1,
        'rating.value': 1
    }).sort([('rating.value', -1)]).limit(50) if params else []
    return results
예제 #8
 def salesReportByCountry(self, year):
     from bson.regex import Regex
     pattern = '^' + str(year)
     regex = Regex(pattern)
     query = dict({'dateOfPurchase': {'$regex': regex}})
     proj = dict({
         'dateOfPurchase': 1,
         'extendedPrice': 1,
         'country': 1,
         '_id': 0
     order = [('country', 1), ('dateOfPurchase', 1)]
     results = {}
     ## put results from generic fetch into nested dictionaries
     for doc in self.genericFetch(query, proj, order):
         country = doc['country']
         dop = doc['dateOfPurchase']
         month = str(dop[5:7])
         if country in results:
             temp = results[country]
             if month in temp:
                 price = temp[month] + doc['extendedPrice']
                 price = doc['extendedPrice']
             temp.update({month: price})
             results.update({country: {month: doc['extendedPrice']}})
     return results
예제 #9
def object_hook(dct, compile_re=True):
    if "$oid" in dct:
        return ObjectId(str(dct["$oid"]))
    if "$ref" in dct:
        return DBRef(dct["$ref"], dct["$id"], dct.get("$db", None))
    if "$date" in dct:
        secs = float(dct["$date"]) / 1000.0
        return EPOCH_AWARE + datetime.timedelta(seconds=secs)
    if "$regex" in dct:
        flags = 0
        # PyMongo always adds $options but some other tools may not.
        for opt in dct.get("$options", ""):
            flags |= _RE_OPT_TABLE.get(opt, 0)

        if compile_re:
            return re.compile(dct["$regex"], flags)
            return Regex(dct["$regex"], flags)
    if "$minKey" in dct:
        return MinKey()
    if "$maxKey" in dct:
        return MaxKey()
    if "$binary" in dct:
        if isinstance(dct["$type"], int):
            dct["$type"] = "%02x" % dct["$type"]
        subtype = int(dct["$type"], 16)
        if subtype >= 0xffffff80:  # Handle mongoexport values
            subtype = int(dct["$type"][6:], 16)
        return Binary(base64.b64decode(dct["$binary"].encode()), subtype)
    if "$code" in dct:
        return Code(dct["$code"], dct.get("$scope"))
    if bson.has_uuid() and "$uuid" in dct:
        return bson.uuid.UUID(dct["$uuid"])
    return dct
예제 #10
def search(prefix: str, mongo_client: MongoClient, collection_name: str) -> Cursor:
    if mongo_client is not None:
        regex: Regex = Regex('^{}'.format(prefix))
        return mongo_client[DB_NAME][collection_name].find({DATA_FIELD: {"$regex" : regex}}, {DATA_FIELD: 1, ID_FIELD: 0})
        raise IOError("Failed to connect to the DB.")
예제 #11
def object_hook(dct, json_options=DEFAULT_JSON_OPTIONS):
    if "$oid" in dct:
        return ObjectId(str(dct["$oid"]))
    if "$ref" in dct:
        return DBRef(dct["$ref"], dct["$id"], dct.get("$db", None))
    if "$date" in dct:
        return _get_date(dct, json_options)
    if "$regex" in dct:
        flags = 0
        # PyMongo always adds $options but some other tools may not.
        for opt in dct.get("$options", ""):
            flags |= _RE_OPT_TABLE.get(opt, 0)
        return Regex(dct["$regex"], flags)
    if "$minKey" in dct:
        return MinKey()
    if "$maxKey" in dct:
        return MaxKey()
    if "$binary" in dct:
        return _get_binary(dct, json_options)
    if "$code" in dct:
        return Code(dct["$code"], dct.get("$scope"))
    if "$uuid" in dct:
        return uuid.UUID(dct["$uuid"])
    if "$undefined" in dct:
        return None
    if "$numberLong" in dct:
        return Int64(dct["$numberLong"])
    if "$timestamp" in dct:
        tsp = dct["$timestamp"]
        return Timestamp(tsp["t"], tsp["i"])
    if "$numberDecimal" in dct:
        return Decimal128(dct["$numberDecimal"])
    return dct
예제 #12
    async def test_command_with_regex(self, test_db):
        await test_db.test.insert_one({'r': re.compile('.*')})
        await test_db.test.insert_one({'r': Regex('.*')})

        result = await test_db.command('aggregate', 'test', pipeline=[])
        for doc in result['result']:
            assert isinstance(doc['r'], Regex)
예제 #13
def test_validate_regex_valid_regex():
    class MyModel(Model):
        field: Regex

    regex = Regex("^.*$")
    instance = MyModel(field=regex)
    assert isinstance(instance.field, Regex)
    assert instance.field == regex
예제 #14
파일: argument.py 프로젝트: SD2E/dc-cli
 def query_nlike(self, value):
     if isinstance(value, list):
         value = value[0]
     return MongoQuery(
         {self.field: {
             '$not': Regex('.*' + value + '.*', 'i')
예제 #15
파일: argument.py 프로젝트: SD2E/dc-cli
 def query_nend(self, value):
     if isinstance(value, list):
         value = value[0]
     return MongoQuery(
         {self.field: {
             '$not': Regex('*.' + value + '$', 'i')
예제 #16
파일: argument.py 프로젝트: SD2E/dc-cli
 def query_nstart(self, value):
     if isinstance(value, list):
         value = value[0]
     return MongoQuery(
         {self.field: {
             '$not': Regex('^' + value + '.*', 'i')
예제 #17
파일: main.py 프로젝트: dakaii/crawl-news
def bbc_articles():

    # TODO consider adding more query parameters
    title = request.args.get('title', '')
    tag = request.args.get('tag', '')
    scraped_date = get_scraped_date(request)

    items = collection.find({
        "$and": [{
            'title': Regex(title)
        }, {
            'tag': Regex(tag)
        }, {
            'scraped_date': scraped_date
    return dumps(items)
예제 #18
def _get_regex(
    data: Any, view: Any, position: int, dummy0: Any, opts: CodecOptions, dummy1: Any
) -> Tuple[Regex, int]:
    """Decode a BSON regex to bson.regex.Regex or a python pattern object."""
    pattern, position = _get_c_string(data, view, position, opts)
    bson_flags, position = _get_c_string(data, view, position, opts)
    bson_re = Regex(pattern, bson_flags)
    return bson_re, position
예제 #19
def _get_regex(data, position, as_class, tz_aware, uuid_subtype, compile_re):
    pattern, position = _get_c_string(data, position)
    bson_flags, position = _get_c_string(data, position)
    bson_re = Regex(pattern, bson_flags)
    if compile_re:
        return bson_re.try_compile(), position
        return bson_re, position
예제 #20
def _parse_canonical_regex(doc):
    """Decode a JSON regex to bson.regex.Regex."""
    regex = doc['$regularExpression']
    if len(doc) != 1:
        raise TypeError('Bad $regularExpression, extra field(s): %s' % (doc, ))
    if len(regex) != 2:
        raise TypeError('Bad $regularExpression must include only "pattern"'
                        'and "options" components: %s' % (doc, ))
    return Regex(regex['pattern'], regex['options'])
    def test_command_with_regex(self):
        db = self.client.pymongo_test
        db.test.insert_one({'r': re.compile('.*')})
        db.test.insert_one({'r': Regex('.*')})

        result = db.command('aggregate', 'test', pipeline=[])
        for doc in result['result']:
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(doc['r'], Regex))
예제 #22
def test_qop_type_11(monty_find, mongo_find):
    docs = [{"a": Regex("^a")}, {"a": re.compile("^a")}]
    spec = {"a": {"$type": 11}}  # regex

    monty_c = monty_find(docs, spec)
    mongo_c = mongo_find(docs, spec)

    assert mongo_c.count() == 2
    assert monty_c.count() == mongo_c.count()
예제 #23
def test_sort_19(monty_sort, mongo_sort):
    docs = [
        {"a": ["x", True]},
        {"a": None},
        {"a": []},
        {"a": [5, []]},
        {"a": {"s": 7}},
        {"a": {"s": [9]}},
        {"a": {"s": 10}},
        {"a": 6},
        {"a": 4},
        {"a": [5, None]},
        {"a": [5, [1]]},
        {"a": [Decimal128("4.5"), Binary(b"0")]},
        {"a": [{"s": 5}, False]},
        {"a": [{"s": 9}]},
        {"a": [True, "y"]},
        {"a": Binary(b"a")},
        {"a": b"bytes"},
        {"a": ["abc"]},
        {"a": "banana"},
        {"a": "appple"},
        {"a": [Regex("^a", "ix")]},
        {"a": Regex("^b")},
        {"a": Code("x", {"m": 0})},
        {"a": Code("y")},
        {"a": Code("y", {})},
        {"a": Code("y", {"m": 0})},
        {"a": MinKey()},
        {"a": MaxKey()},
        {"a": Timestamp(0, 1)},
        {"a": Timestamp(1, 1)},
        {"a": ObjectId(b"000000000000")},
        {"a": ObjectId(b"000000000001")},
        {"a": datetime(1900, 1, 1)},
        {"a": datetime(1900, 1, 2)},
    sort = [("a", 1)]

    monty_c = monty_sort(docs, sort)
    mongo_c = mongo_sort(docs, sort)

    for i in range(len(docs)):
        assert next(mongo_c)["_id"] == next(monty_c)["_id"]
예제 #24
def _parse_legacy_regex(doc):
    pattern = doc["$regex"]
    # Check if this is the $regex query operator.
    if isinstance(pattern, Regex):
        return doc
    flags = 0
    # PyMongo always adds $options but some other tools may not.
    for opt in doc.get("$options", ""):
        flags |= _RE_OPT_TABLE.get(opt, 0)
    return Regex(pattern, flags)
예제 #25
def test_validate_pattern_valid_bson_regex():
    class MyModel(Model):
        field: Pattern

    value = Regex("^.*$", flags="im")
    flags_int_value = re.compile("", flags=re.I | re.M).flags
    instance = MyModel(field=value)
    assert isinstance(instance.field, Pattern)
    assert instance.field.pattern == value.pattern
    assert instance.field.flags == flags_int_value
예제 #26
def object_hook(dct, compile_re=True):
    if "$oid" in dct:
        return ObjectId(str(dct["$oid"]))
    if "$numberLong" in dct:
        return int(dct["$numberLong"])
    if "$decimal" in dct:
        v = str(dct["$decimal"])
        if "$precision" in dct:
            precision = dct["$precision"][0]
            scale = dct["$precision"][1]
            d = Decimal(v, precision, scale)
            d = Decimal(v)
        return d
    if "$ref" in dct:
        return DBRef(dct["$ref"], dct["$id"], dct.get("$db", None))
    if "$date" in dct:
            secs = float(dct["$date"]) / 1000.0
            return EPOCH_AWARE + datetime.timedelta(seconds=secs)
        except ValueError:
            return datetime.datetime.strptime(dct["$date"], "%Y-%m-%d")
    if "$timestamp" in dct:
            ms = long_type(dct["$timestamp"])
            return Timestamp(ms / 1000, ms % 1000 * 1000)
        except ValueError:
            dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(dct["$timestamp"],
            secs = long_type(time.mktime(dt.timetuple()))
            return Timestamp(secs, dt.microsecond)
    if "$regex" in dct:
        flags = 0
        # PyMongo always adds $options but some other tools may not.
        for opt in dct.get("$options", ""):
            flags |= _RE_OPT_TABLE.get(opt, 0)

        if compile_re:
            return re.compile(dct["$regex"], flags)
            return Regex(dct["$regex"], flags)
    if "$minKey" in dct:
        return MinKey()
    if "$maxKey" in dct:
        return MaxKey()
    if "$binary" in dct:
        if isinstance(dct["$type"], int):
            dct["$type"] = "%d" % dct["$type"]
        subtype = int(dct["$type"])
        return Binary(base64.b64decode(dct["$binary"].encode()), subtype)
    if "$code" in dct:
        return Code(dct["$code"], dct.get("$scope"))
    if bson.has_uuid() and "$uuid" in dct:
        return bson.uuid.UUID(dct["$uuid"])
    return dct
def test_qop_regex_9(monty_find, mongo_find):
    docs = [
        {"a": "apple"}
    spec = {"a": Regex("^a")}

    monty_c = monty_find(docs, spec)
    mongo_c = mongo_find(docs, spec)

    assert mongo_c.count() == 1
    assert monty_c.count() == mongo_c.count()
예제 #28
def test_qop_nin_12(monty_find, mongo_find):
    docs = [
            "a": "apple"
    spec = {"a": {"$nin": [Regex("*")]}}

    monty_c = monty_find(docs, spec)

    # Regular expression is invalid
    with pytest.raises(OperationFailure):
예제 #29
def _parse_canonical_regex(doc):
    """Decode a JSON regex to bson.regex.Regex."""
    regex = doc['$regularExpression']
    if len(doc) != 1:
        raise TypeError('Bad $regularExpression, extra field(s): %s' % (doc,))
    if len(regex) != 2:
        raise TypeError('Bad $regularExpression must include only "pattern"'
                        'and "options" components: %s' % (doc,))
    opts = regex['options']
    if not isinstance(opts, str):
        raise TypeError('Bad $regularExpression options, options must be '
                        'string, was type %s' % (type(opts)))
    return Regex(regex['pattern'], opts)
예제 #30
def test_qop_not_4(monty_find, mongo_find):
    docs = [
            "a": "apple"
    spec = {"a": {"$not": Regex("^a")}}

    monty_c = monty_find(docs, spec)
    mongo_c = mongo_find(docs, spec)

    assert mongo_c.count() == 0
    assert monty_c.count() == mongo_c.count()