예제 #1
    def __init__(self, db, table, mtgox_cli, max_hours_ago=4, verbose=1):
        self.verbose = verbose

        self.db = db
        self.table = table
        self.cursor = db.cursor()
        self.mtgox = mtgox_cli
                on_event=('connected', 'partial_download'))
        self.mtgox.evt.listen('trade_fetch', self.on_trade_fetch)
        self.cursor.execute("""SELECT tid FROM [%s]
                ORDER BY tid DESC LIMIT 1""" % self.table)
        res = self.cursor.fetchone()
        self.prev_last = None

        # Did we request to load data and it did not finish yet ?
        self._pending = False

        self.last_tid = 0 if res is None else res[0]
        if max_hours_ago is not None:
            self.last_tid = max(self.last_tid, mtgox.calc_tid(max_hours_ago))
        # Otherwise, if self.last_tid == 0 then be ready to download the
        # entire trade history!

        if verbose:
예제 #2
def trades_from_db(db, hours_ago=Decimal('1.0'), raw_tid=None, rounding=True,
    if raw_tid is not None:
        since = raw_tid
        since = mtgox.calc_tid(hours_ago)
        if rounding:
            # Round to start on some exact minute.
            tstruct = list(time.gmtime(since/1e6))
            tstruct[5] = 0 # 0 seconds
            tstruct[4] = 0 # 0 minutes
            since = int(calendar.timegm(tstruct) * 1e6)

    return db.execute("""SELECT tid, timestamp, price, amount FROM [%s]
            WHERE tid > ? ORDER BY tid ASC""" % table, (since, )), since / 1e6