class ConnectionSniffer(Supervisor): """ Multiple channels connection sniffing supervisor. This supervisor drive the sniffing interface to sniff for new BLE connections, and allows to jam and hijack them on the fly. """ STATE_IDLE = 0 STATE_SYNCING = 1 STATE_FOLLOWING = 2 STATE_HIJACKING = 3 STATE_HIJACKED = 4 def __init__(self, bd_address='ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff', devices=None): super().__init__() self.interface = MultiSnifferInterface(3, devices=devices) self.bd_address = bd_address self.sniff() # Retrieve the user session try: self.session = BtlejackSession.get_instance() except BtlejackSessionError as session_error: # something went wrong, wont keep the session self.session = None def sniff(self): """ Start sniffing for new connections. """ self.interface.sniff_connection( self.bd_address ) self.state = self.STATE_SYNCING self.access_address = None self.sent_packet = False def jam(self): """ Enable jamming. """ if self.state == self.STATE_FOLLOWING: self.interface.enable_jamming(True) def hijack(self): """ Enable hijacking """ if self.state == self.STATE_FOLLOWING: self.state = self.STATE_HIJACKING self.interface.enable_hijacking(True) def process_packets(self): packets = self.interface.read_packet() if len(packets) > 0: for pkt in packets: pkt = PacketRegistry.decode(pkt) self.on_packet_received(pkt) def on_packet_received(self, packet): """ Packet handler. """ if isinstance(packet, VerbosePacket) or isinstance(packet, DebugPacket): super().on_packet_received(packet) elif isinstance(packet, ConnectionLostNotification): self.on_connection_lost() else: if self.state == self.STATE_SYNCING: if isinstance(packet, ConnectionRequestNotification): # Rebuild connection packet class rawpacket: def __init__(self, payload): = payload pkt = bytes([0]*10) +bytes([0x05, 0x22]) + packet.inita + packet.adva+packet.payload self.access_address = 0x8e89bed6 self.on_ll_packet(rawpacket(pkt)) # Save connection parameters if self.session is not None: self.session.add_connection( packet.access_address, { 'crcinit': packet.crc_init } ) self.access_address = packet.access_address self.on_connection( packet.inita, packet.adva, packet.crc_init, packet.hop_interval, packet.hop_increment, packet.channel_map, packet.timeout ) self.state = self.STATE_FOLLOWING elif self.state == self.STATE_FOLLOWING: self.on_ll_packet(packet) elif self.state == self.STATE_HIJACKING: if isinstance(packet, HijackStatusNotification): if packet.status: self.state = self.STATE_HIJACKED self.on_hijacking_success() else: self.state = self.STATE_IDLE self.on_hijacking_failed() elif self.state == self.STATE_HIJACKED: if isinstance(packet, SendPacketResponse): self.sent_packet = False else: self.on_ll_packet(packet) def on_connection(self, inita, adva, crc_init, interval, increment, channel_map): print('Got connection !') def on_ll_packet(self, packet): """ A BLE LL packet has been captured. """ print(packet) def on_hijacking_success(self): """ Hijacking was successful, hijacker now owns this connection. """ pass def on_hijacking_failed(self): """ Could not hijack this connection. """ pass def on_connection_lost(self): """ Connection has been lost. """ pass def send_packet(self, packet): """ Send a BLE LL packet. """ self.packet_sent = self.interface.send_packet(packet)
class ConnectionRecovery(Supervisor): """ Existing connection recovery supervisor. This supervisor drives the sniffing interface to recover an existing connection parameters, and then allows to jam and hijack on the fly. """ STATE_IDLE = 0 STATE_RECOVER_CRC = 1 STATE_RECOVER_CHM = 2 STATE_RECOVER_HOPINTER = 3 STATE_RECOVER_HOPINC = 4 STATE_FOLLOWING = 5 STATE_HIJACKING = 6 STATE_HIJACKED = 7 STATE_RECOVER_CCHM = 8 def __init__(self, access_address, channel_map=None, hop_interval=None, crc=None, devices=None, baudrate=115200, timeout=0): super().__init__() # Retrieve the user session try: self.session = BtlejackSession.get_instance() except BtlejackSessionError as session_error: # something went wrong, wont keep the session self.session = None if devices is not None: self.interface = MultiSnifferInterface(len(devices), baudrate, devices) else: self.interface = MultiSnifferInterface(999) self.state = self.STATE_RECOVER_CRC self.chm_provided = (channel_map is not None) self.crc_provide = (crc is not None) self.hop_provided = (hop_interval is not None) self.access_address = access_address self.hop_interval = hop_interval self.chm = channel_map self.packet_sent = False self.crc = crc self.cchm_notifications = 0 self.cchm = 0 self.timeout = timeout # Launch recovery based on the provided informations. if self.crc is not None: # Save CRC in session if possible if self.session is not None: self.session.add_connection( self.access_address, {'crcinit': self.crc} ) if self.chm is not None: self.state = self.STATE_RECOVER_HOPINTER self.interface.recover_hop(access_address, self.crc, self.chm) else: self.state = self.STATE_RECOVER_CCHM self.interface.recover_chm(access_address, self.crc, self.timeout) else: self.state = self.STATE_RECOVER_CRC self.interface.recover_crcinit(access_address) def jam(self): """ Enable jamming. """ if self.state == self.STATE_FOLLOWING: self.interface.enable_jamming(True) def hijack(self): """ Enable hijacking """ if self.state == self.STATE_FOLLOWING: self.state = self.STATE_HIJACKING self.interface.enable_hijacking(True) def on_packet_received(self, packet): """ Packet handler. """ #print(packet) if isinstance(packet, VerbosePacket) or isinstance(packet, DebugPacket): super().on_packet_received(packet) elif isinstance(packet, ConnectionLostNotification): self.on_connection_lost() else: if self.state == self.STATE_RECOVER_CRC: if isinstance(packet, CrcNotification): # Forward CRC self.on_crc(packet.crc) self.crc = packet.crc # Save CRC in session if possible if self.session is not None: self.session.add_connection( self.access_address, {'crcinit': self.crc} ) # If channel map is provided if self.chm_provided: #self.on_chm(self.chm) self.state = self.STATE_RECOVER_HOPINTER else: # We are going to recover the channel map # but in a collaborative way if we have # many interfaces available. if self.interface.get_nb_interfaces() >= 1: # If more than one interface, it is more # efficient to do a collaborative chm recovery self.state = self.STATE_RECOVER_CCHM # we reset all the interfaces self.interface.reset() self.cchm_notifications = 0 self.cchm = 0 # and ask for a collaborative channel mapping self.interface.recover_chm( self.access_address, self.crc, self.timeout ) else: # otherwise, we continue with the 'normal' way self.state = self.STATE_RECOVER_CHM elif self.state == self.STATE_RECOVER_CHM: if isinstance(packet, ChannelMapNotification): self.on_chm(packet.channel_map) if self.hop_provided: self.state = self.STATE_RECOVER_HOPINC else: self.state = self.STATE_RECOVER_HOPINTER elif self.state == self.STATE_RECOVER_CCHM: if isinstance(packet, ChannelMapNotification): # we expect to get as many chm notification as interfaces self.cchm |= packet.channel_map self.cchm_notifications += 1 if self.cchm_notifications == self.interface.get_nb_interfaces(): self.state = self.STATE_RECOVER_HOPINTER self.on_chm(self.cchm) elif self.state == self.STATE_RECOVER_HOPINTER: if isinstance(packet, HopIntervalNotification): # Save CHM too in session if possible self.on_hopinterval(packet.interval) self.state = self.STATE_RECOVER_HOPINC elif self.state == self.STATE_RECOVER_HOPINC: if isinstance(packet, HopIncrementNotification): self.state = self.STATE_FOLLOWING self.on_hopincrement(packet.increment) elif self.state == self.STATE_FOLLOWING: self.on_ll_packet(packet) elif self.state == self.STATE_HIJACKING: if isinstance(packet, HijackStatusNotification): if packet.status: self.state = self.STATE_HIJACKED self.on_hijacking_success() else: self.state = self.STATE_IDLE self.on_hijacking_failed() elif self.state == self.STATE_HIJACKED: if isinstance(packet, SendPacketResponse): self.sent_packet = False else: self.on_ll_packet(packet) def on_crc(self, crc): """ Connection CRC has been recovered. """ print('CRC: %06x' % crc) def on_chm(self, chm): """ Channel map has been recovered. """ print('sup:on_chm') print('CHM: %010x' % chm) self.state = self.STATE_RECOVER_HOPINTER self.chm = chm self.recover_hop( self.access_address, self.crc, self.chm ) def on_hopinterval(self, interval): """ Hop interval has been recovered. """ print('Interval: %d' % interval) def on_hopincrement(self, increment): """ Hop increment has been recovered. """ print('Increment: %d' % increment) def on_ll_packet(self, packet): """ A BLE LL packet has been captured. """ print(packet) def on_hijacking_success(self): """ Hijacking was successful, hijacker now owns this connection. """ pass def on_hijacking_failed(self): """ Could not hijack this connection. """ pass def on_connection_lost(self): """ Connection has been lost. """ pass def send_packet(self, packet): """ Send a BLE LL packet. """ self.packet_sent = self.interface.send_packet(packet)